`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`RuS5e”W.White' eta,
`Erika A Gary
`Attorney Docket Number
`"MP3 Players Introduced in the Korean IT Magazines," 1998-1999, pages 1-15.
`MPMan, "MP-F20, Users Guide, Portable MP3 player using the flash memory and a Memory card," [ages 1-16.
`PR NEWSWIRE ASSOCIATION, |NC., "Delphi's Communiport(R) Technology for Tomorrow, Today Demonstrated at D
`Frankfurt Auto Show," September 15, 1999, pages 1-8.
`CRAIN COMMUNIATIONS, |NC., "Products," Agilent Technologies Press Release, February 21, 2000, pages 1-6.
`THE WASHINGTON TIMES, LLC, John Hanan, Dallas Morning News, "Cars add computer, audiovisual gear," January D
`14, 2000, pages 1-3.
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`(Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
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`First Named Inventor
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`Russell W. White, et al.
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`Mark J. Rozman
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