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`cu’ mars; aeunczfi smircfiss, am the fax‘: emsrce
`Semi} :33’ Wm :32‘ mama xriédea ssarces,
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`sigzm re~::i?§3t§sm
`{fliaim 2%} Ths $is"$‘£&§33 chzarastarizad by z:mm‘.:ir:i{:g vfifi: the
`means am ;a:s::§§3§tia::n naazms ire:
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`and ;>en‘m‘mim§ aczzxgisifian in an am:§s‘1‘:sét§‘<:-.*3 ssiasamz from the %:1:‘ss‘::';:::i«:sr: éssési
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`{>13 izaim
`is iii:-:~ systfi-m aharacterized £232‘
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1016

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`é§.=‘}>i§ was {§iS;)§a3<‘i:£§_. and which was §§m<&:;€ g;'a§:%sim§i:¢,
`sysi-gm zmzzmfiéngg
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`'3, am“;
`was zzémzsen zmri atzsred E finfvmi gragaiié-ca§§y.
`ifiiaim §3.1§ ~_:ra;>h§r:-r3i:a§>ia.3..° imaarss 3:12 €§§S ma}; 21 gsasatsis famn §mag:e in time <:<3m..,nui'~er
`sysirm far gresanfing :>§ gra:3h§c ‘faarni §r:§:mr:a§i»:\m mi .§::asiT um sneauss ta r‘<‘2z:e§ve iém
`signai :3? we ‘tar mere s*§tie:2 zmsgrasn sm.m:s>:s, 1% means ‘as chamta §‘.rmr:z ifiié ségszzsi sf
`iwn 93* mars mmiwsci -‘s‘§zi§£§»f§
`aszurazas, amné Esta ziiL:=.;3§;1y‘
`:25-*.-as sigma ms §<‘§s:§&%s)
`sa>t§:‘ce rm ax §;:‘am§1§e:~~x“£is§:Ea.§»< imam, .3‘
`§‘i§§}i‘i3t?§i§iI.§§~i¥¥} :neans fa:
`f’i3£3:‘“ii<:§%.§¢.§ii‘. sguatfi.
`s:m»:i a naaans is affey fine signai 3? the scmmi zmzsnre. <2,v?3§c:'?s s:.§wse {mm we £9?‘ mare
`ssmsxd sgzjrazes, and was
`E6332‘: ziisgyiay §%‘§3€??§.!'i.S
`it) iiiwésxgf :3 iewi. zmii
`the fiisgséay sf 2:. km: iaazeasai
`is the stsumi ¥’B;}i’s}i)13§:1§.'§i}3‘§ :2aaans,{ $3} ezfimsses‘ ‘mm :2
`\ia1sԤ-M53 text seumss. A snezms to afim
`: S2:s§.iz‘t‘3f§ Iris
`5. taxi‘ <:‘is:;‘i:iy ::3‘ea«n§,
`that me
`is":‘fs)r‘s3'§ai§m”§ mag: imtéudss ma in.-m'ss:a.tia'>r; aismfi 3
`fz:.:m%s2:"s*i: { at
`§.a£1Sf§i3f~‘:\-vs) 3:‘ mikrkit fiiiesz mug-'.aa‘: 8*:-=is§'€es,
`~:w~a iii‘
`smmri sassar
`text 3i3i3;“€€2 Cnzvsmsier system eassjigsmd s°.e°§§%3 am a.»:{;::%s§:§m: :s;e9;ns ts améxira the
`ziigitai infcsmatieiz w‘§sia:§z aémuici he ;n‘m:ess+3fi mm a ::e:~r:§e;:t‘ gxsiafia xfmm ax‘: iezwc
`asmaé §.s.:s:a:.£.
`ii: 5:13:22 38$ S is mg: aysfigsm <::?m‘a.£?z2r§§e¢S
`zsss\sm~r§n§.g iéze £i§§:§‘it.a§
`:a32‘si‘:s$:3 was §1:"f§EEi’ 3§£&§€‘t8{§
`£33; fine za:f:s§a;§si§§t:§z means $31 We ::.ysi~:‘-sm a.cczm’£§n;_: iv
`ciaim 13,
`having like
`means xvhésh gkmdwas 11%;: $8338?
`iiiszsiaysxsi an 3 siissiay‘ memes, arm xeasiaifir. was iinkesi ;;s'a;:ie§:::::E§y. and as stmagg imam:
`ta: S;'§£§!‘§2
`»::»§:«§ss<:t iinksai gm;3i§s§s'::a§§y\
`E{3§ai:T§ H1
`ism §‘::rm-zr
`wém ea n~:e,=;‘:ms ‘fie gszarfarm s:3s§<,:s<:$C:c‘-I3 M‘ an Eeim,
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1017

`gmd a_z:‘r£.=.=*=?a,i‘§g m:>sfzs’.u&2s;zt§:.3s‘§ fer an imiez‘ f{caim;iais:::i:e 33?‘ an 9':§5::it:§e:¢ in :1 wsé'ers:
`m:s::a-:‘dmg; its ctiraisx: E,
`.,Ciai7r.<‘: 3:33 '.%“§':e systasxs §i£§‘éi.‘§E!¥' a:;z:§;:>sed wm a. means is Ape3r‘§t};':‘§':'sa§3fi.~.'§ii§‘:s£3 M an mm,
`anti au‘ia<.*€
`{tmzszssmtészaz far ‘tms s>r.a:3»:3~e‘ {§<iem:e E ezn‘.sew§cs,
`anaamfng is -sziainss
`§‘I§3im 3.3} 3:‘; the 4syai:am far (‘$38 :§is;>§a:; 2:»?
`ctmtam aimut %¥2£s mu§t§- <2
`sysfimss in e:2~»*’€.§s'-3%"
`ire Exam me %23=~gm"is:;<i: §i:';¥s: engésm mnziaésism‘ avéfi t?;e:«. »:>e:::s~ S
`aim} ::
`eérwéi azszsniriiris.-ta‘ mm: the s::esma>.§ §s:"G{:§s§SEs:§§
`;):‘€3—€8i~‘«S§§ig wit‘, ‘me:
`n::m‘i::‘a.i §3§’aZ~z‘:%5‘$§.<"3§§ unit am a ai.=is:g3§2::<:' irrzuii maxi
`<;sf§°e2‘ 53:: ‘§is:§< is §:<i:=,rna:% §‘es{v;§rct2s8,
`'§'=§‘.§s gyxiaéaz by wfigish a hmsrtaxt 13:33»: eragiaiz
`.«:%e2araL‘ie:‘i2:e:§ by Eifiififi <:e::st‘i§tute:3
`§§*§i1§f ex
`be grmm is E:
`:i§3_::.§::,3y” »:§rw§§‘ bis)
`i1§3a‘{ ii’ {"§‘a§£}"
`tr}! 3‘.§1:‘% Sim:
`aiésaiay is”? {Tim griyfi arram§.s3::ss2s:§' aiiaui ihe {i!ii§fi*“35{3i3fC8 sm=§
`the Eczm.
`iesasér tum mmisexnts (sf
`{{3ei‘ai*ig:i =i}es::ri;3§:§»:3‘r:
`:1‘? iéae §sw“ent1£z;s3}
`{Fi{s§d :1? me i.::~w3.='«§it§£:§:} Tm irw‘ssnt’:‘ar: yeifiias its the: s;m1i's2i3§‘
`sf {Ewe §r?e:m"r aiizm
`;}s‘s3~g3‘Esm whizzh suffers the service r«~;;§m»'2mi' ‘iii a;m1a§&m»*;'ss"§i
`i?52§$¢E5\'§§i3l§§‘§!' 333333: the nave;
`.sse"s~v s:§3g.:.:“=33i:_h 9'3" afferfng tine §s:f:sn"nat§»3n zzfizmsf eiectrnsxic zvtzmxaesneszi‘
`s3,.r:-mam aamzi
`{A Wier 22:“: and t§:¢:.desT::r§;2ti::v: :3? ‘mix Srwenirianfi ‘§‘Ir§<.-*4 Ejyxiiéin :2? variaua text" criéerria
`far‘ m‘r’e§'§5s§: the infamzamm a.‘w:.:i' t':23e<a3s§ma :~:s":a:+w M22. is ;w:1i§.a§§§s: imiay. %-§cxw§svs2s‘,.
`r;eri.;si§s:a§s egasigmant {;:er$e>§§=.:a§s .1 am: mrixséied, §§';1>ese r2:s'age
`iisxaiim Ea:
`amiss: axmnf. Syshams, sasairs as VCR-€~ iiraafienzark} Mziaés
`21;: the §;:§@—,m‘s3.:§a:m
`§‘{ {mi 832‘ me Santa? :w*»*és:§2a;3~'e§. a‘§‘§e=“ the system :35 file exude ¢§i~§ter§‘a $12: w:‘;§::~a‘1 it
`m3(:¥,:$Sa§’}* tea imsagi ism: MIR ‘£§’§i3 cweraatizna
`;5rim«s:<§ {>33 iiw Ei\i$w5zI3£i:’.3€E§,
`::s:"a:3§:' ta
`a?.:zE3E$.* it is carry east auiamatic s.3.:“0§>,s°’z2§§3Is3ing mf S:‘{1a*>E, Hexwvaer, 21$ gsresamh ms
`:i3t:;3:3§i°. §§3‘te§‘ai<:i§‘$ss£$ iink beivssefi
`am? §‘£2§i§§.E£2 :§‘;a,=:
`affgra fins dwiizas Es: w¥3§s:§‘: ‘me :'aas3'.2s1:'§§a§2§e §§fi;3r:ew=.::z':a§2% wéwlic-%a zmtais it is affereu‘ and a
`12:39; am:
`SJ-:“€3X-‘§€§e(§ wifix stiié mare :‘s€smi)*
`reiafieti ssewétze §-iflfi in§:>r:rsaai§zm
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1018

`3i§3£3§§‘i ms: §::§‘<3:':2m¥:i:m21§ aéyésizwzszz {:32 wiisésséz
`:'2:'§~E:m:*ia *.s»'a:'e stsrisfied i;:§-f{3rze%3:2i§%fl.
`§.}Ei«S.§!»'.’§ am am}: w:rs§3:s§ars*. and ".3§€?€i§"8§3§£} maaas whéticiz
`$—$e:'§ in 3.. cztattiaw
`::i:§»:%x as 339%: +3? ifie Mm‘ <.:za‘z:>a.s3§§3' m‘
`assestssm {ices net égcgpe tsfim: variaus
`ffm §£*of:.>rmai§m: whieth $23.23
`::;sr.Ea.%e<3 hy szffar N“ tiie~;§ sassy awyaaztis an‘ iaaés‘ aw‘
`~:§éa§a;§;'§sm saw} an E:3i'es*;~::ét§%: firzk;
`{§{}£%3_3 ”3’§‘s.»s: syzstms ta? fhss mmgmiter mritaeyia azxffenési by {kits éswessfiisaz eéfera ‘the
`gsarstmaé {t\3§E’3I3i3{i%§‘ $’és‘3i\“.§'t takas msé the ($313133;
`fer :§is;3ia.:,»:.éng the énf«‘.2r.s2m%ér.>:3
`gm armisus ~:§::ss§:3 them we 29:33:39; used kw mam
`aéesiraszir; zzigrxsaé sazzrsax a:r=s<§
`a::":~:§ is aife-mwzé. £§§%t¥:m3gia suazh comgzsster $3*‘S'i‘E.°:‘s3 is fiaaigymi am
`maze? the izwga‘-si;:e-6 scram: ;r:2:m‘:‘i‘ter xiihiztlii’ can set and see a:i§si2mce may msa§::§}v be
`§:‘am?;;>.1>a‘.=:ts3t‘E, this izzxseméesz is set‘ iimimai in ‘she :a.r;::;'::3z‘<::ati{::s and can he a.sma3§y issisafi
`azi}s3&§‘t fiiié mcsmiitos‘ :23‘ 21%? sizes; T§$s*Z5 csmsyzéiass‘ system ~::H§§§s ézwamtisa has the
`%:as<~;‘§wa:'§ $2.36 ‘§§.z:f;z:t§ia:2va§§§":x‘ which
`aésmzire iim es.§zmi.a‘:3s;ir. s:§gr2;a§ sf v3.:‘¥a:~us ciasses
`{re 3': tam {SF mare ssszzrnas wiéia that ca:1§:'ssz§ =_mm:»2ess§szg 229%; sf¢.am;3z§tes° asrstem am
`gzrscasaes the §nfa=s‘mai§:m which
`vméfsh warz=;~ am*.:sm§:ia*::er§. fhézs system iaeiarszsrats
`a*~5a;2m«:iuA-.“.:=‘c‘§ am‘ is
`W 3»: 836?.
`zsigansfi :3? zsascéa Eixfmm aiizm is a:a:.t§:2§r8.»:'i
`{mm an armiag afggszzai 5:" 2:.
`s~ig~:1a§.S:§§r:e axasszgziea 5? ma si§=,m:.i' ssmrxe are {QM
`t§§n3c§' hraadsast semtiiites 83" z~.‘.i:§n=2r siargdarai zmaizw =i‘e§-'~ais§«%n §rzmsm§5sIE23:3 in i:hs.% air.
`:sms§:’3§s‘ ix3§ev%s§tm ?h*an§,rszi§s§e:;, 2ii§§.iia.i aaizie '°£{3§i?°,*‘i:'§?-‘{3§3 iiransméasirm :«§m'§ ziigitai
`23:38:: 231'
`§,€¥i3M}§~”ur§%1erm<2re. maiher ~d§§§§ia§ %r=f:>rmat§‘m: sass has m:we3s~s:d as far gxampés,» 2:
`::s;m :1? aznaiegg Eaéaxrfisézm sigzzsii in {fig widen >::e:mi'a§aea§ it: the émage rear? as a gar: M‘
`vsrrticai i§ism§»:§z3§§ §ni':>..e*v:é.§ {V83}, am? tamer M;:-314:2;
`:3? an ausfiw wzaw-22, Ségétai dates is
`mi {he s;::;s::i{‘z:§ ;1£'s>::es:3et‘ zagsaén éxy t.§;»;;«. caizie inedm, §a::2§i§i*e x;£igiizx§
`:§"§s;».,*=iz:‘;=..i R"€fi§:§§3~( maxi‘;
`him S‘§"is'£i’§31§3‘.*‘i‘5 teiegximusse finés §:';c.§:;r3i§sg:
`irameméssimz, an M1 21%‘; radii:
`é"isx°:egr:m‘:'d sswiats fiigiizai natvszsfk {3:">‘i3§‘£} w€:‘e§ess
`sand 33%, am? a magsxezés:
`fir.>;2;:3.:.. Fasrfimzrmars, 3m:t§§e:‘
`ac<;::§a'a§>§s: fmm
`fiem svh§cA§s és uazszé £3 a. virism cizmidga recsmsr, an
`amiia {IS gwrzagvar, am.
`whm; was .recsm§e:€ §:ef:::e.haad.. am: im‘<.=_rst§aii—rm
`cizangasi mm
`farmaé Mm me t§i§g%%a$ fermm whiszh
`zchzmgezri §m:::~ the mats:
`§isma% Mt-‘mm
`§g§s';a§ afiafcg farmaf, 52* was stayed next, M @228 :r$§gi€s;z§ farsmt
`ts‘a:s5miss§;m_. am?
`czyzszgsasm car: use the §¥*:§{3:‘¥3*..£§i‘§{’:f3
`{¥3{3§5§ ii is tmss affihe is:‘:m§.-*~§a.:3% fiastripiiaa 3? W3 im«'erai§€sr:* anti £333 arivantagaa that
`an awzrage tam? szhmazs
`u"aai;§e azarzséiiétarz $‘»i€I?3
`irrfzsrmaiiam. Esgzezriaiiy fizes camgnzter
`aystsasn <3? ms éswszmtiam ::x;c:u§r:::s ‘§'nf‘s:r:::ai‘$a.r:
`sxmsne‘ :s§e::::~:rsm§:; sigmisy am! m°¥e:.s
`the sm%~§.§s:2s,§§m*; smmsatzisxzrz s‘;if§eai‘=‘§<3:3 s;¥w§‘ae} xvézénéz
`séimwsz ‘$3 i'§:a ’a‘s,:—:*z:s.~s;% w§*;§r.*¥:
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1019

`as: 1m"£§°.>¥‘§£'fe'.£:'§s;§is‘§§§ ea“ {mix §nf:arma.tim“=s is
`s::§'é'a§:3§ far an .as:*civi€:a*
`{'8 :.x ism:
`exaMs:m‘Ess=., ma
`M‘ 2:»:
`i)i‘i3£§..(§£‘.-<“:Sf. teiwiséan Sigmai, §%.
`irsiéss we am-:ik‘.s::§
`graymia aiisgséagr \>¢%:§a:h mus as
`:afi:‘:=:r‘ :‘hesr:~
`are resazvzezi, .i.a\,
`as: 7 §:§~.s ;3r:m+:—s;<s§:s;§ §.£:;ma§ £131?)
`":92: (§§s;3§;:§ with as s;:s‘steem ,=§m‘:§§'ts>s‘ :3e;:<§.. M
`iiésma, it
`ii: is r‘<*§§>£‘8<§i;i{;§‘s¢;§ t:mz>u_a§2 2: <i§;<3:§%a3§ d§s§3§ay is the .:ma§eg Ca3a‘;‘.éi3%‘i'e:‘
`§.3§”8_§§3f‘i%§3' m we syatazzz. ‘.i‘§~::2:‘s§:_%2 :3:2at;1s:'aé, the an wiii <:§m2':§:e.t<s the aamsisétivzsn 9? sigma?
`agmroacis sf
`§§WES‘.‘.‘l§a3;‘3 am’ e~:usi’;s:s:e;s‘t whéizh are used $3: smfier its aéfiar ex sigsm
`vésmiir; as amsis ficaiiy, anti &: Est 3ii.‘<‘3G§“<§§$‘s§§’ ts:
`‘w§'2§::§'s zm
`signai $33‘ the sigzrmi E%i3is§'i?8 rsstzx-zwsxi are .s‘s.<<:ei\r::M:i.
`afi zsaafi is: {}€‘{§i'-3!‘
`ii) :='s:Ee§‘§>§'e,=-ii amii <§‘§$*;§§ax:; E’:
`-cast’: 8? ms a§%gEts:§
`sigmi seuras is aiarmzmésessi 8:: time aiass M aiigfigzaéi §m"‘<:sr:md§zm stitfisiviy. '§‘s‘"m‘ss~:‘e:r;:s, #1
`must ia§>:‘e énte ::.m:si:i:szs'e:§'i::s2 h:sw' ii exiats 2:: the c<m’cs.:<.t f:‘:s¥:: w-§‘:is:§*: ama<%is;r>. is
`£a:ci:§<ie<i in 2: data: sfieams Irmvsr. 2):‘ (mtg
`mes:-Nazism w§si::32 sxzafma-.3 a
`s§g:';a§ maitfz s:s:z3‘3;}i.sim‘ s:y‘si=a3m :~:§mui<§ mi rzhaage. as. stated §:s:e‘.«'§m5s¥);_. ami ii: s§a~:u3‘;:3
`Be‘: Eimifi thés §:wen‘i‘:.i<3:s ‘us me: T??}§¥Ti§ ataszcerrxirzg ffizerefare ‘E fin
`agsiamach sf 3. szignaéa
`z:za«m:c:~§§ca%a:§ s::}m§3ui'er’ syséem whicéx an a:sz§§.a sigrzaé £5 :"e2c:e.=§\§ez§ zmfi
`§§s:;1§a5¥es§ 133‘ cars !'B;3¥‘i’3i'§L=‘{t8 $31.5, ‘ELM varisms mmrtres by mg a.i3‘umiam:a2 (sf
`anfartaénmsessi anti a sa3*;§s;‘fac€'<3§‘3s
`5i§§’n§:§ ::.>z§s5t'. §'%:3w§2sr‘m',
`is 398:‘? (§§§fi:;i:§Lt 331:?‘ main imei‘
`is afzazazase fmm fifee aiiemative wfticiz mnsésis 9? :1 sziass 12% 3:9 ssxi:;%i—m:: ismgram am?
`anti astmsa V’>*‘3‘§§>*:§§ it gees ikrzsaziiy amsiiji asui s:;::i.<:%~z§§»a in $3322 fi£3¥‘§‘€£%§‘.l§1§§i‘z’§$.ii
`es.%te.m;.2t, =.vii‘§as2s€
`:3:§i{§::g in a cwzgiéaatsaa‘ cmsirisaisd, s:::'e;:1% s»is§a=r::*v‘.§{s§§ is gser‘f9r‘m»:2§, it is
`iii} im'e:~;§‘§g:s.i‘e this smsrca, er
`..f'{::z:s*isss~:$ semr;:a§3, €13”
`éifféauii {is a:§san§;:sz: ism) {s’£’§‘is;‘.3'
`if r.e3.z3u.5s'35
`zsmsunt, irg erder its ;3g<ts§rm§na
`raw E'§"$§§‘1E¥‘§§3\*‘鑧'3§{:§3 raw mmesiai
`smfi 321:: me my a sister whesz fiaciimg if
`S533/:$’{§33 mi; iéze <:r.m§ent :>:e;:§' witafa a
`aiiiferenf mmms: {far e;v:a.m;:§a=:, whet: :sw.§§‘<:%:éng :9 as i‘€1:}i'§v3:!E‘§
`tiziém siggmi frism 25 §::§m<§::ésm
`§xme.dcast§r:§; sfigmi e2h*..3, if is necessary ‘£5 §:wssé‘igais3$ msmy‘ the §s2f::~r‘mai:é:>z‘§ §::su:'€;.%35,
`iREA’ 2: ”<.::m%:m‘i gt§§:§~§s
`{i}%Z*{}3E Amtiwzr maiziaem ;?.i'<‘}{§{3'(:£3~£.‘§ its -fins S§e‘$i't?.‘Ii"§ m“ rm: ::aswe§:i§«L=§szaa§ §2£X‘ii¥3‘3E‘.¥§£5 as the
`far {mass aims #9 exam: am: the ;::’=¢:ss;>i' d§r‘€2»':*;§‘€-H35’
`aatsgatirm, aiscm a: Ce£’%a§'5*: s§§:m:£
`maze iaaiism},

`anti ;;2:::-.e;‘més~:g {ms ézetszatéesx ssing
`as‘;e:he.r s§'g«;z§a§ Ewe. M e>::a§rpE‘e in tfisisz
`;>::§z§§e:§ty on %s.=§sev%s§z:>:'.a_. 3231:}: as the
`'F$§§¥‘§$§3E?‘ fer gxamtizzgz
`{$§’{i{5§‘ wmch msrcmss as sm :m‘.§:i£s, er {Em we via? waits
`aéérass §€(3§§¥i&§2.*{$§§i3.§3
`:13 gm? as 2. ;2;:r§' $2‘ £a§evi::§>:m §3r‘<3g'r'm:. R
`aim? w_r§§es: mrwiz ifse §‘i3§‘:3:3§im~§§.:~: snsgmémr,
`ma 3:; ea:r;a}::m=.=;,
`:i.ia.§s; Em i'.°c3e;3ie~a-‘me:
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1020

`xmmimr, ami t3r'cie:"s zigrescéfit;
`am: ‘me e::>swea=:€m‘3©,§ a:3ei':ti§.ng éaw:‘:r'1:c%is ms xzffiét‘
`::r2§:i«§§ i?.E::"<‘i §‘::rme:*;'§san m" 3.53%? §r::§‘a;2rz'r:2<Ji§c3r3 is the @;3e:‘;i§'<3t‘. 33‘ these *e.Je;'§:§ 1.3%}. e3.s§‘a§:'es:3 is
`(3f‘§&3!:’EE{§ iii §::§§msi:;§m?_— aimw, aim! 3 133:8: geeks: simw :§§:s_:13a:;s= Q?‘ {@253 aaitmzssf be <:;&~.-ii
`ems: aynfax 9:‘ this aaiairess, éfaat €$.{’§{§3'€.*.S£% mm
`isagsazmzai iraiss m3::nt:m3art
`picking, am he can §r3‘m.n‘. it mm 2: we-ti} izrtswser, anti saw ::z':~mm:méz:.2zi'e wfifz {fizz
`i§:“{§3‘:'3Ei{"j§?' M the i;w‘eni‘Eez:§ {me 8? mg: advaéntages 9? {iris i§;va.s‘s‘:§:m‘ §:2 iii fése Eflfitefif
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