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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2260


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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2262
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2262


`Seseching PAS
`Pape dof t
`aPetfbloation number:
`fasDate of publication af anpdiicalt
` Re
`ieTjApelication sumber : 04-6205
`{a2ale oUfing 5
`FSNnaventor: Mid MASAHIRG
`erating of s driver ky
`teachinothe|bast anarkiigsnace when plural cardidaie spaces
`SONSUTION: a CCD area sensor 10 tykes the chofograph
`of the prescribed ares Including ihe parking apace. Based or
`the obiginad pisture deta, an HOU t2 for measuring distance
`‘doufates ihe distance to an abject, supplying © as distance
`bey at
`Gate by directions fo an EAU) (4 ior aulamatic sarking contrat,
`The BCU4 cpnverte the distanos dats info an onhagans!
`origin aaddetects the sarking srace,
`performed to evaluate the
`and tegching the parking space i requires no ooniact and
`coardinaie system which tases the COD ares sensar 10 as an
`hen here are plural
`parking apaces, ihe simulation is
`ooniact sossihiily and the number of efeering wheels, selecting
`the minimum number of steoring wheels.
`tipsjAwww?indinnitgo.hvPAUreenipdetall/matnwASATIIMEDASOGI BPSD7P fF hon
`TE et soyco]
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2263
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2263


`UP O84 875978
`oor eho SS
` ey
`fTranalation done]
`tte “Anwwd jndLinpieootsi-bin tranwebcelale huettte AIF Aerwn EL. 208,07 08
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2264
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2264


`it to be carried in a car and ta detect
`fCigin TA sarking seace detection means for
`soeration anans to calculats the
`the parking space of the perimeter of a car, Ans
`imiuction path ta sach parking seace when thers ia two ar giore defected parking
`space, An assessment means to evaluate the existence and the cows ef steering of
`cantact ia the caloulatad Induction path, [ obstruction .°a sel-vehicia and The
`garking auxiliary device characterived by having a selection means by which there are
`get anadstructing and contact and the count ef steering chooses the minimuai
`indeetion path, and an ingiractian means to leach an operator Use elected indactien
`path, baged an sald assessment result,
`iSjaim 2] Sis the parking awelliery device characterized by being a gurking ausilary
`device according to claim }, and aakl assessment means evaluating the existence and
`the cuunt of steering af said cantact based en the amount of steering gaps af an
`operater proger,
`frransiatien done]
`iDetaled Geacription of the Invention)
`{indastrial Asslication} THs invention relates fo precesaing of the distanne data about
`the parking snace obtamedis the CCD area sensor carried jn parking saace detection
`equipment, sspecialiy @ car.
`Maacrintien of the Prior Art] ie a manual transmission car, clutch operative juins
`steering actuation, actuaticn ofan angelurator podal, actuation ofa brake pedal, and 3
`gan, gad vehiste warehousing actuation ofa car turns into very complicated sctuation.
`And jn ease car back empty vehicle warehousing & perfarmed, ky order to carry out
`back viewing, an operater has te parferm ihe abovernuentioned actuation adi an
`unnstural poviiinn, and Rae became actuation ef requiring ekih. On the, gther hand,
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2265
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2265


`suck actuation can he replaced by the routine haced on the locus determina uniquely,
`if the relative pogilion af a Sar and & car iharn is dstermined, Then, such comuicated
`yehicie warehousing actuation is aufomated and the aulomatix parking equipment for
`mitigating an operater’s harden js arepesed,
`OUST With such automatic parking aqulgniant, # ia an important iechnigue how
`agediass t6 say, the ralalive-pasiticn relation befwean a cer and a car barn is
`detected te accuracy, and, for this raasen, the Imoeravement of a ranging sensor, the
`ebiainad Inpprovasient of PrOCeESING af distance data are fried. For exzampis, by
`Japanese Patent Apslication Ne. No. 912389 ( heete I which the aopticast fertive
`patent proposed previously, the indicator with a bar cade ls beforehand installed in the
`four corners of a parking location, and ihe configuration which auides a carina ear
`barn le shown Gy detecting this indicater lacation with s Ber codes by the CCD area
`eager presared in the car back. Moreover, such & esgecial indicator was mot iInstalied,
`ay in order te enable 2 raapense aks te ihe parking apace which cannot be instafiad,
`the applicant for this gatent proposed the configuration which cemputes a parking
`location from change of the vector which detects the incation of Dedieg, such as a car
`Sarn which exists in hwo or more predetermined Bearings by the CCQ area sensor by
`Japanese Patent Agplination Ne. v0.3S09475 [ thros te T further, and makes the
`since the sense of this vector changes rasidhy if becomes posite te detect without
`incation of an adicining body the starting point and a terminal point. In parking space
`depending for a parides location an an indicater.
`{Problenr isd to be Solved by the Inwastion] Hawevardh may aot restict always
`excl valine is shown, buf when the artessity of a gerimeter anviranmast changes with
`environmental variations, for example, the weather, Hme of day, ete. of the pserinster
`of parking space, the case where the anmnunt af contrast of the beady which carriag pul
`image formation t¢ a GGD area senser is sobenough may ayiss, and disnersion may
`produce. the distance data ta the bsdy obtained by the ECO ares sanger eropared ip
`CO ares senses, Thus, i
`the car back fo the distance data detected by the €
`dispersion arises ts the distance data ibelfin detecting & parking beatings baced of
`the variation of the vector mentioned above, fer exaninis, iv order der change afs
`vector ts arise even In places other than 3 parking location amd te detect a parking
`iscation fe accuracy, parking location deleelion miay net be snough [ that spacial
`ptecessiig wil be needed ofc. }
`i005) Then, the aanticant for this patent propesad previously the aquisment which
`Hatects sarking space by Japanese Patent Anplication No No. 73881 [four te |, using
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2266
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2266


`the fesst sqaure method twine.
`'s0g8) That is. fhe felational expression for separating the distance data in whirk the
`irant bordering of parking saace is probably shown with the Jet least equare metiad
`amone the distannea data sbtained by the CCD sanser ets. and other distance data is
`compoted, and an exact frant borderline is campnated by soplying the gad feast square
`method ty Hiese front borderline distance data firter, And tis bka-gart location of
`fram {he relations between thiv front borderline and each
`parking space is datentad
`distance dats.
`(OGO7] Although earking seace ig detectable to accuracy by asing such parking apace
`deiection eguinment, as siown, for example in drawing19 . deseading os lhe situa bien
`of the parhneter of a selfvehicia, bye or more sotectonof the parking apace may be
`carried oul, Generally, an aperator has Be inclination fo atop a aelivehicie in the
`place Near oarking schadule space, whan itis asing lo park a car fram sow Gn. Drawing
`vis the result-of Investinating what sind aflecation fwe er mars operators make step
`a selvehinis tp parkiie space. The drawing Nakamary mark ¢heaws the rear whee!
`shaft center jpeation at Gre tine af parking a car withoul a cul, and the rectangular
`head in drawing showsthe rear wheel shaft center lacation at the time of parkinw a car
`with a cut. in any cage, if turns cut that a salvebicia ie stepped in the dueetion near
`tirget purking sgace.
`fNG08] Therefore, the distance Li to the parking apace detected as performing
`inductan to the parking spice pearsel te a seh-velticle whan twe ar mars detection
`of the parking gnace je carried autwould agree with an operater’s Rope in many cages,
`for examie, © was shown in drawingPi and LS H cosigutes, and the ditection. | ft ie
`small either [should higt euife fo parking space.
`G05) However, fer the eperator whe fs sot skified fy egeration for which a garkine
`auxiliary device is needed, even if guided tp the latest garking space, whan there sead
`to be many stearaman or itis necessary fe need 4 nut or fo once move forward ih an
`initial heli fowation, h amy be difficult fo operate a sel-welicle as instruction, and if
`may baron impeasiiie affer all garking a car H.
`foGi8) This invention is made iv view of the technical problem which the
`above-mentioned conventhinal technique hae, and the object is in offeringthe parking
`auxiliary device which can teach an ooerater tie apeparking space, alse whey two
`ar mere datsnisd parking space exists
`[Means far Selving the ProNem] in order to atinin the abave-mantianed oBfect, s
`parking susilfary devices accardive in claim 7 & parking space detection means for i to
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2267
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2267


`he cared by a car and te detent the parking space of the perimeter of « car An
`operation means fy calculate the. mdeection path ta each parking space when thers is
`two ar siore defected parking space, Ag assessment means To evahiate the existence
`and the coined of atpaving ef contact in the salsulated induction path, | ebstrection2
`selfevebhiche and }f is charscterigad by hawng a selection sieane by which there are
`nota abetruction and conlact and the equnt of steering chaases the minivan
`induc tar path; and an instraoton means fo teach an operates ihe gelected Induction
`ahd asaessment result
`path, based on 8
`[812] Moreover, in order te alisin the above-mentioned ablect,as for sald
`assessment means, a parking auxilary device accerdine ta claim 2 is characterized by
`evaluating the existence and the count of ateeringafecaid contact based en the
`amount oF steering gaps ofan ogeratar preper.
`iFunctien] Thus, when there is Gwe or more parking spare detected by parking space
`detection equipment. the parking auxiliary device of fils Invention carrigs aut
`simulathin of He Induction gath, and evaluated the existance and the count ef
`steering af contact, [ vabicie “obstructions, such as other vehicle, and <salf-] And
`there is cestact. or when thers are many counts of ateering, even Wf fis tie iniest
`narking space, if wil not choose, But there is na contact and fhe count of stearing
`teaches the fewest parking apace.
`(adi 4] Since the thersby easiest path is follewad and 4 is ginded to parking space, #
`alike enables the operator whe fas various operation skH ip park a car certainly.
`igs] Furthermore, the amount of steering gags of an eperater groger is iniveduced
`info the simulation af a comrse suidencs, and a parking auxifary device accerding bs
`cigim @ estimates the existence and the count af siwering af contact by the simulation
`oivtainine tis amount of gags.
`[hots] Assessment which an operates operation skill reflected wil be performed by
`this, and if will be guided to the eptinial parking space fer the operater.
`ifxample} Hereafter, the sullahia example af the parking aualliary device af this
`iaventoen is oxpisined, usite a drawlig,
`TOTS] The configeration of TNS example is shown in Ist examole drawing1 .The OGD
`atea gowaor 10 is formed is dhe car Rack, and @ gredetermined Held including Me
`parking saace which is not Nkistrated ig ohoteed. Tals COO area sensar fe sanstituied
`by carrying out predetermined distance alienatien rotatable at the circumferences af a
`vertical axis, and arranging CUO cameras Wa and 1b of A couple, ag shown li drewinx
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2268
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2268


`2 And the Wage date obisined by the CCD area sensor 10, Le. the image date haved
`on OOD camera Qa and COD camera Ub, is sagged t8 ECUY? for ranging which is
`eamputer for ranging, aad ihe digtance data fron) the comparisen ishasa contrast) of
`both inmaae data te bodies, such as parking ¢epace, are soniguted fu every bearing. The
`camputed disGaice data, ja, the date-of distance Rand Besring theta, R, theta) are
`suwoisd te EOUT4 for autemalic parking control which is a computer far aniumatic
`parking cawtroh Aw grapes of the distance dats @, hated abtakied Gy dodig in this
`way is abewn in drawing&. and the drawing bullet reund Head shows distance data.
`IOIST ECU 14 for sutomalls sarkite control is the confweration of eutnulthig 8
`braking signalio the brake actuatar 28, and making parking space suspending 4 nar,
`while sagelying the steering slgval fer guiding a car to parking space Based an the
`detecting signal gutpatied ta the steering angels senser 18 ar speed senvor 12 fet tram
`the shift postion senaar <0 whils performing srocessing later mentioned to iss
`sistance data (, theta) from ECUYS for ranging and detecting parking space tna
`steering acheter 28.
`idg2hy Hereafter, the parking space detection orecessing performed by EDUT4 for
`automatic parking centre] is explained to a detail. in additign, Japanese Fatent
`Soplicatos No. No. TASS? [four te } anolicant—for-thii~-patent submitind [which was
`mentioned above J serves us a foundation of IMS processing,
`i802)] First, the distance date &, theta) whleh ECU IZ fer rsnging computed based on
`sue by ane GTGT) And tis obtained diatance date &, theta} are changed inte fie xy
`rectangular coordinate aysfem which sets .a Yraxis as the X-axis and a ahall vartical
`fu this X-axis fue the fled angle core of the COG area senser 19 8108-97109). The
`jst isast square method fe agpled, fhe detection distance R excepting distunce date
`with a predetermingd distance of 20m ar mare as ncerrset detection, afer changigg
`into k-y uystem of coardinates (© 104-5 198),
`fSa72] After application af the Tot least square mathed fs completed, # Shits to Gee
`Zug ipast square method anniication processing that a cancrete frank Sarderins
`should be determined as a degrees. That RB, as shown in drawing8. His the
`x-oeerdinate xi of distance dste. The siege comparison with relallonab-expression
`Aylid camputed by the ist feast square methed is gerformed, and it ie xi, The 2nd
`lenst square method fb asgiied ta the distance data cansteflation jacated ina CCD
`ares Sensor side to a point smaller than AyMS, he. relational expression. ff iS carried
`oat by fhe sage processing as the ist leat square methed witsh alse mentioned
`above tive Gud fleas! square method, and Aad B which Guin into sstywé8 ta datance
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2269
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2269


`data i} and yi are coumnutad with the least square methed 8 30}-0993),
`fog23] After the fant borderina ef parking space i computed by the End least aquars
`nrethod, it ahitts to datecNenm processing of a parking inlet-gart iscation mest. This
`parking inlet-wort dataction js camputed based an the distance nf a front bardertine
`am each distance data (i and yf, and the concrete flow shart is shown affer drasing
`MS(eenLeesGOS47 First, aa shown iy drvey!
`.§. the distance 2% of frost borderline s=Ayt8 and
`gach distance data @) is camputed S467) Here, the distance L of e iront horderiine
`and exch distence day is Lodefaxdeltay(ideltax?tieHay?} 85) eacty tram
`geemetric consideration.
`However, althouah # becames delfaxe h-Ayi-8 delta goli-GH8 18 | when an
`applicant for this patent computes fhis distance actually, be has found out that there
`is ae. bie difereagce among delts vin this example, as stentlonsd above, # is suggosad
`that calculation wil detect a sarking inlet port using dea » f easy 7
`iso25] Mewever, by the apuraach of distinguishing Dinarizatinn, Le. @ parking space
`et—port gosition coardinate, and other coordinates, ashy aging a predetermined
`threshold, ff cannot ressend lo dispersinn in distance deta. So, in this exancule, an
`ayplicant for Hie patent detects a parking Inlet-pert location using the bingrization
`and edes detsclion processing which are Indicated by Japanese Faltant Apstication
`No No S4978 [ three to ] propesad oreviowsly 404), That a, initial value ls set te
`wach Varianle as-ieiiawe ©4085) & is ke the Ist continuation count aatherication fag
`sok PQ, the ind contiauation caunt authorigation fag cok <0, fre dat continuation
`counter io T=, fhe gad continuation cearter fo 2=G, the efi edes candidate
`esardinafe wo G)= ff, the right edge candidate swardinafa wn 02°90, the tsi-datectian
`fas fw l=, the right edges counter we I<, Mie gad detection fag fy g=}, and Ihe isk
`edge counter we fs.
`19028) And distance DX Gis opsmaared with the predetermined threshold thi ihds
`exaninie G.Gm) 407) Ip OXG) <EtAL
`a the distance data is data in which a front
`burderiine ig shown, if gets at f& T=ewnnln Q.and fw t=) G48),
`[8027] Moreaver, i hedges whether cokl is 6 (409), cokl bb a fag used ag ft, whan ft
`changes to DXO <Bthi-caiX @) Sahl so that # may mention later. Par this reason.
`certain abnormatities are considered ig have generated fby OXG) «Sthand that caki
`ig not G ghauld not.detect« sieht edge at thie ee, Ba, if 5 referred o ag nak fod and
`fe l=cl when cakl is not Gin BAR,
`{20981 On the other hand, since the last detection resull was nat (i the abeve wrasual
`venditions when owas cek TQ, 8 right edges is detected as follows. First, if ludges
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2270
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2270


`ahetier dt is fw be} S479) wl Is set te 6 aa inital settiqg, aad. in ORG NAL is set by
`1, Thereipre, in S407, data are DEO <eth], and thal Avi
`is din Sal] apeans having
`Setacted Hie Aght edges. Than, ls refarreadtoas varlable wah Gnstavnce data
`nunther} which shews the detection location af a right adge, and cokS=] while being
`referred to ay fw t= 0, Ph & fw d= t
`in Sat? G@ateh
`[2029] Hare, when an alge § detected, (hal i value may be memorized ac an odae
`lgecalion as if is, buf in this exanisis alter detecting &
`tight edec, enly whan the
`following data are not an edge, eliher, thal location js Aidged to be @ right edge, and
`fenerating of an incorrect higing ib cantrolied. Far §8is reagan, His referred is as cok
`is added fo fe3
`fagael Next, cok? fedees whether itis 1] &473h When cok? i}, 1
`($494), when cok? is net 1, thle additien ts net periermed, but © Midiges whether next
`fe? is 2. tie 2 when Wt passes alese this fS4i4 bwlee in succession [ two J Le. whan
`two data Belewa ihreshohd thi continue) So, when fod fs 2, the value of the deht edge
`eandidate coorfinata wn? set io the array variable wad fweo2] whinh shows the right
`adge coordinate specified wilh the right edge counter awe? by abavecmentioned $412
`is memorized. Moreover while reselling variables cal? and foe te 0, Tis added te the
`Fight adee counter we?416], therefore ~~ the case af next sieht edge detectien —~
`wee ~~ ] ~~ they are many numbers. For tls reason, the lacation of the follawing right
`adge can be memorized te as array variable wae. Since the precegsing about = right
`edge wae completed whea the case of fe 2809 and processing ef 8418 were saded in
`S418, f relurns te 3468.
`fog] Ga the other hasd. when if is deed wR OX GORA! in S206 and garking sence
`is detected, a left ailge ig detected as kuows.
`fMISD] First, YoR and wn? are reset to G: amd a fae fwl is sefin } S47), Moreever,
`it judges whether cok? ie 0 S41) coke ie sad to ] when Pf changes to ONG
`MSPSIX© Eth. as mentioned above2 412) For thie reason, @ means that a certais
`abnormalities aenurred that cok? ke not-O when set te OXG) Shh in $407. Then. in
`S474, ahten cok? is mot 6 Bois referred te as cok B= 2 and fy fo
`fGS3) On the other hand, since the last detection result was net in‘the above wnisual
`conditiens when f was cok ¢= 8, a left ede is detected ag follows. First, t judses
`whether itis fw =7 8420) means having recognized the lef edex in fy get, fed is
`reset te 0, fhe value of lip ingutied inin Ihe jeff ediwe candidate coordinaie wold, and
`eok? ie sehte 1 G4edh And since if lodged whether cokd was fT S499) and the ef
`edge was detected when cok] was 1} is agdad to fo? G450) Next, § ludgssowhelher
`fol ib @ G24), and iff is 2, Bee value af the candbiate coordinate wall will be
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2271
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2271


`inputted into the array variable wn) [wel] esectfied by wet. The location of the
`agtacted teft adee is memorizedby this.Woreover, Simms thig ingul was made, wile
`resetting te s fagecok f=} and fe bed, 1] os added te the variable wel which shows Hie
`number of left edaxs Q@428)
`8034] Sach actuation can be rageated about Uie total number i of distances data, and
`only the number which detected the fecation of a Nght adee and a left edee can be
`memorized, Noreover, tic defected sumbear aii ba memorized by wel and wee. Awd
`amarmiment groceasing of these detection edges is performed next &427
`iGG35] That is. as Shown i drawing& wel is first compared with we? 428) In
`we idjed, the number of lett edges means thatis smaller than the suimber af right
`adwes, and Homeane in it thal the parking caane inlet pert has staried Ihe isll end of
`fhe image of fhe OOD ares sensor 10, Fer this
`reasen, the inlet pert concerning the
`teff and of a ccreen can be recegnized by ncertine a left edee im this left and,
`fégae] For this reases, the value af wal UPis changed to te vaiie ofwnl Gt] In
`8499-480, That fe, there is a valia ofpleces as a vakie of wol, ane when this is
`memorized as & valde af wo lll] -wal fo], fds changed ute the value ef wal ft}wel
`fetid by this orocessing. And while asaitning the value of 0 ta wad (9), 1
`is added te
`we} 482) This is inverted, aise when it is Ingerted compulsorily [ one | by Hie and a
`loft acign fa not abis fn be datactad as a value of an array variable whi by 8.
`R87 DOs the other hasdwhen Hi wel Doved In 3429, the ight adge ix missing ar ¥
`means that both ara the same numbers, Then, wel are conmared with weld below
`S423), When it is woed=ecl, both mead the equal thing here, and amendment
`processiie is uiecees ary.
`fHH38) On the other hans, whes the wir? ie smaller than wel sight edges Insertion must
`be amended, Then, }
`is added to we? and
`fercile inseriien of the data aumber ia
`earrind out at the array Gariabte wae fwes] coeriied by this wee 494). The vahie af
`the nicht end of a visual field wilibe inserted by this as a right ede.
`Mosat And wel is again compared with woe afier these amendment pracessings,
`when both values ars nat equal, f means that the reapense of ihe nunibar of edees
`cannet take by amendment, aiffier, and a restart ip carned out acting thal parking
`section detection gods wrong ($429),
`O40] After edges amendment & completed as mantioned above, it shiffs to the
`processing which detects @ final parking apace Injet-pert lacatian, The caumtinats
`detected by old srecesaing is an adge coardinats on either side, Le. the cagrdingie of
`the nearest distance data of a parking inial port. Thes. di needs ie be pracessed for
`sosiguting a true Barking anece infef-port caardinate from the thase-extracted
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2272
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2272


`distance data, and the flaw chart af drawing O showed tis processing, That is, the
`prelective coordinates of the right-and-def edge coordinate to the fronivface
`bordering of parking space first acquired by the gad lsaal square methed application
`in $428 are computed, in drawing9. {GK1 Gland GY] GHexpress the prolective
`coardinates afa sit edge coordinate, and {G2 §)<ani Gy22m express the projective
`coordinates of a right sdre coordinate, And in this examole. Sie witfh of ines of fhe
`core of parking space and garking space is further egetated ae an aesixtant
`garameter for guiding a car ta parking space. Par tis reason, thet aiain coordinate
`GX 0 GY GP and witth-afface w @ are comouted using the parking seace
`inlat-pert coordinate GAY OGY? OQ) esarched for in the shove-mentioned $434,
`iGNS G.asd GY? €H G4an.
`{0041} in this way, although parking space detection is ended as a matter of fact by
`HAvVINg commuted the with offace ef the infet-oort ceertinate of parking space, a
`main caardinate, and parking soace, in ayder fo guide a cary to this detected parking
`egace actually, ibis necessary ta compute the angle af parking space anda car te
`make. Moreover, fis necessary to judge whether i has width of faee wih the sultabla
`width of face ef the parking Space conmpulad by thy abeveoniasiioned processive for a
`car fo parka car actually.
`(a043] Ss, in Mls exaaple, the size Comparison with width-oMace w ® and
`hreadth~-ef-a-carphe ja part for the allowances determinad SUPREeasing the case
`where aluha opens a doer} which were computed le gerformmal $445},“and the
`injet-part coordivata {281 @) GY? GH) with which this condities is filfed, (G¥2 8),
`and GYS Q)ave extracted 448-3449) as on the other hand, garking saace. beige
`undetectable, when not falling this conditien a restart ~~ ar ii ends 449)
`fa043) And the aftitede angle (angie of a car center fiae and ihe froni-face borderline
`af garkive space {4 make) ef a car and parking spacedo make ia computed G440). The
`vacter a showing Hie direction af a car center Sae is a= ix Gent} y foenthh
`However, cent is expressed focusing on ths ranging Neld angie of.a CCD sensor.
`Therefore, {he altitude angis xl is compnted by the formula shown By 8451 and 8482.
`[ead] Thus, when the detected parking spane is E twe or aireU9 ig two or mare} i
`ig {iy example, the eptimal parking space is chasen out af thls, and If teaches an
`ggsrator. That is, G G: @), GX GG) and GY | G) which were detected are
`egnaivered as an inpet’, the inducten path fo this garking space ig caleulated, and the
`existance Sf af contact with the abstruction when. raaning this Induction path G and
`the count tuch ofeteering G} are evaluated. Hi can ask for The simulation fram the
`ohysival relationship af the welicvnawe Induction path computing srethed and. a
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2273
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2273


`gel-wahicle, and distruetiods @lrsardy sarked other vehitial in this exanble, th %
`applicant for this patentis gerfarming simulation waing the modern cantral theory
`arepesed by Japanese Patent Aggiicalion No. No. TH3980 [three to b That i, the
`indbcton path by parking space is calculated sing Hie equation af state &) ef the car
`indicated by Japanese Patent Anmication Ra, No. 199960 EUires te J) and SC O) and
`tuch @ are evaluated about each parking space S459).
`[G45] Ang the contact variable tach G3 fe & hat &. it is paasible te parka car,
`without contacting} and the count $C of stesrisg §) chaeses Ihe minimum parking
`spare S454), snd vaiee instruchon af tre parking actuation i carried aut at an
`eoerater (2455). in. addition, when the selected parking apace is not the latest parking
`spare, H teaches an operator almultanaously also that. Moreover, whatle seceasary i
`just to teach the lates! sarking space, when there & no difference in two or more
`exigtenes and caunts of steering af contact af parking apace,
`[o048] fn the Tst examole of the Pad cxannia above, although simuladen was
`nerfermed from the reistive-poaklon relation between a set-vebinis and parkiis
`ghece, 6) Skee S exanipie,is. further characterized by performing more ¢adable
`sivulation, alge taking an operater’s aueration skil ints consideration.
`fona7] An aperater’s aperatign skHi can be gragoed obisctive fronmy the gap wih the
`tauBht arnounts af central and a actual ogerator’s amounts of contra. Therefere, the
`amaunt of gape af the Instruction amounts ef conirsite last Nme and actual amounts
`af contrel io stured in manary. and if this smiunt of aieering gape ix axpected and
`simulation is performed, in The case of an operater unfamiliar iy operation, the
`pmnacibliity and the count of stearing af contact wil be esteamed and i adi be Taueht
`ta plere positive parking space. The conceptual diagram in conaiverating of the
`amount of steering gaps of simulation & shows in drawing$5. 1 fs a shyaiation lacus
`in case @ drawing solid Ene {s Nie amount zere af steering gaps, and is a-simudation
`focus when « broken line takes the amount of steering gaps inte considerationOnly
`gart with the amount of steering gane wil move in a gigzas direction more sraatiy.
`f0048] The arecessing Row chart af the 2nd example kb shawn in drawing12 theair
`crowing14 . Drawing12 thru/ty drawing34 correspond ta pracessing aat more than
`5450 of the ist example of fre above, and ihe pracessing bsfare S450 is the same as
`that of the Tet sxamole. in addition, although a whals configuration is the sameas hat
`afthe Tet examels almost, in thaos 2 sxamnis, tha amount of steering gags af an
`eperaturs gast is stored in memory, and whanever tis amaunt of steering gays
`parforme parking actuation fke the affer-mentioned, renewal of sequential of if is
`nagried out,
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2274
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 2274


`fadas] GS G@ GR, GX G GL GY (inulation is serfornred using if Gand an operator's
`amadunt ferrer amount! study value STG of steering gags.) after parking space was
`ing 12 GIHI-GS02) Albhough singiationis
`first detected ke the Tet example in driv’
`performed bDesad onan aquatien af state ike the fat exansele, wher tye amount of
`aieering gang & stored i the absolute value, the induction path fram which steering
`shifted te yieht and lefi.te the acquired Induction pati ia computed, and SO GP and
`tuch {} are evaluated ©5093) When the amount of steering gaps Is atored with 4 afer
`the case ofright steering plus atc), the amoant of study gens ie aided to sach right
`atesring of 2 path and ief stearine whiek were obtained, and the path shifted fs
`[oohal And tuch @ hm consheration of tha amount of tearing gaps of an induction
`path judges altogether whether fis 1 GS06], when the path which His not 7
`alfesether, ia. dees not contket exists, SC O) cheoges the minimem earking apace
`further in this tich(@ =0 6 906), and B teaches an operatar (S07). in acdiien, whan
`the fghest parking space is sat chosen, fis the same as tat «fF thea Tet examsie to
`report ihel te an eperatar.

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