`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`135,7 ,
`Russe“W_Wmte’ aim
`Erika Rem
`W004“ " “*3
`“i 3573391 ~ CEAUZ 245
`HEWLETT PACKARD, "HP Jornada 430143059 Palm—Size PC, User‘s Guide," Edition 1, 1999, pages 1-151.
`NEC, "NEC MobilePro 7500, Users Guide,“ 1998, pages 1-83.
`MICROSOFT, "Palm PC User's Guide," Microsoft Windows CE, pages 1-39.
`date unxnown
`PALM PC USER‘S GUIDE "Chapter 6, lniormation Backup and Exchange," pages 69-148 dat 9 Wk DOW“
`Cover Sheet,, 1 page.
`date unknown
`Smart Media Card Slot Diagram, 1 page.
`da L
`1:1 K. rtl 0 w I‘:
`MP M“ F20 L°9°» 1 939°‘
`a it e u Y1 k n ow 1:1
`MPMan, "User's Guide, The portable MP3 player using the flash memory with variety features including the voice
`recording, phonelmemo browsing, etc.," 1997, pages 147.
`Smart Media cam diagram and install instructions, pages 1—4.
`1 .Q“te unknown
`ANAND LAL SHIMPI, Empeg, Ltd., "MP3 meets CarAuclio: Empeg Mark ll in—dash Car MP3 Player," Sepiember 18,
`2000, pages 1-17.
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 201

`R99‘? 3 93 ‘ 5 ’
`( Not for submission under37 CFR 1.99)
`X4 gjf
`*i36'?39i ~ C§A: 645
`pplication Number
`Filing Date
`First Named inventor
`Qtatxier Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`AFF.0o4C”rA 0
`MARK MUELLER, Computing Unplugged Magazine, "Software Review, New software products for the Auto PC,"
`1999-2009, Zatz Publishing, pages 1-4
`MARK MOELLER, Computing Unplugged Magazine, "Auto PC Power, A survey of resources for Auto PC owners,"
`199942009, Zatz Publishing, pages 1-5.
`MARK MUELLER, Computing Unplugged Magazine, "Auto PC Power, A look at the first year of the Auto PC with
`Microsoft," 1999-2009, Zatz Publishing, pages 1-5.
`MARK MUELLER, Computing Unplugged Magazine, "Auto PC Power, Next generation AutoPCs make a big debut at
`1 4MARK»gM€)EtLER',iCorriputing.:l3nplugge$lViaga.flne,,Wmgrammi ._Getting
`Auto PC," 19994009, Zatz Publishing, pages 1-5
`MARK MOELLER, Computing Unplugged Magazlne, "Behind the Scenes, The AutoPC: Vision vs. Reality,"
`1999-2009, Zaiz Publishing, pages 1-7.
`if you wsh to add additional non~patent literature document citation information please click the Add button
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`Réfilp 3.93 ‘ "E
`. goggeilvoq
`motforsubmission under 37 CFR 1.99) gagging
`Attorney Docket‘ Nume
`Application Number
`§Filing Date
`'i'3t'573Q1 ~
`KEVlN SAVETZ, The Washington Posi, "Putting Your MP3 Collection in Drive (Final Ediiion)," August 10, 2001, pages
`Twice, "Study Sees Retail Opportunities For Mobile Multimedia," Volume
`issue 15, June 28, 1999, pages 1-2.
`Japanese Webpage,, 1 page.
`d a t 9 H k U 0 W“
`Japanesewebpage, www - Brochure Free - Microsoft iniernei Explorer 1 page.
`STEPHEN KEMPAINEN, EDN Access For Design, By Design "ln~cer compuilng gels personal," August 17, 1998,
`pages 1-7.
`Japanese Website, MM, http:/mpmania,, 1 page.
`Japanese document regarding MP3, May 1999, 1 page.
`MPll/lan. "The portable MP3 player using the Flash Memory and Memory card - MP-F20," in Japanese, pages 1-34.
`date unknown
`Japanese Website, MM lVlPMANiAcom, hltp:/mpmania, x~y.netlbbslview.php’?id=products&page=‘l&sn1=&divpage, 1

`date unknown
`wv\é, "NiP—F30, User’s Guide," pages 2-47.
`date unxnown
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 203

`iNFORMATiGN olscLosuRE First Name}, ,m,e,,,o,
`Art U ‘t
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Attorney ocket Number A AFF.004CNu5
`VON HERBERT PAULER, Funksohau. “Koplersohulz fur MP3~Audio," 199$ 9 pages total.
`English Summary, "A device for remotely controlling a car device for playing mp3 files is disclos§d....", 1 page.
`date unknown
`FRANKLIN N‘ TESSLER, MACWORLD, "Mobile MAC, Highway Fidelity," June 2004, pages
`‘ BARRY COLLINS The Sunda Times, "High-class high-tech — Buyer‘s guide," 2001, 2 pages tplal.
`e}‘aiiaféi3i§f~*éié 56 time
`JVC, “MD-CD Combination Deck, XU-30'lBl§(, instructions," pages‘l~59.
`1; nj=:;nf_)w1-1
`AMY GILROY, Mobile Elecironios, “DEM lniegrators Embrace iPod's Sucoéss," 1 page.
`date unknown
`JVC, “Portable Minidisc Recorder, Xi\Ii—R700:SL, instructions," pages 1~24.
`13 n
`Rio Car, "Car Toy Sole Retailer For Rio Cari" May 28, 2001, 1 page.
`AMY GlLROY, Twice, "Panasonic Ships First SD MP3," December 4, 2000; 1 page.
`Twice, "PhatNoise Readies MP3,“ November 5, 2001, 1 page.
`EFS_:Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 204

`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Appliction Number
`Filing Date
`Art u ‘t
`GEORGE COLE, Financial Times, "Listen with your eyes: A new music CD format supplies textual infonnafion,"
`October 23, 1997, pages 1~2.
`DANA J. PARKER, Standard Deviations, "CD-TEXTral Read all about itl". October 1996, pages 1-2.
`MOBILE ELECTRONICS, "Down the Road," July 2004, pages 1-2.
`E 5 L» E 'eneewlte,_"7§l§né7Xnnoxi:noesTEefFl€Ke1éase:oflfififa?e:Ada;iteElTfi§fEnaEles;lPf;:;iCon1roI:and“Ele¥hacl?5F?fimjn;§ ;_ 4 "
`Vehicle Sound Systems," July 7, 2004, 2 pages total.
`AMY GILBOY, Mobile Electronics, "Apple's iPod Seen Transforming Car Audio Business," 1 page.
`date unknown
`GREG BORROWMAN, The Sydney Morning Herald, “Philips Releases lls Latest DVD," 1999, 2 pages total.
`J‘/C. "AudioNldeo Control Receiver, RX-668VBK, Instructions," pages 1-43.
`da t E unknovm
`Sony webpages in Japanese, "Portable MD Recorder," October 1997, 5 pages total.
`Sony, ‘Walkman MZ—R50 Recorder," October 1997 7 pages total.
`Sony, "MD Walkman MZ-R55," October 10, 1998, 6 pages total.
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 205

`Application Number
`Filing Date
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
`{E7 33%! V
`5 9g ;, [[.. 99
`Ru3Sa,,WM,hite' em
`Erika A. Gary
`Attorney Docket Number
`y.FF.004c (€515
`DANIEL KUMIN, Stereo Review, "Jukebox Heaven," January 1999, pages 64-71.
`AUDIO, "Anthem Five-Channel Amp,“ July/August 1999, page 15.
`Sony webpages in Japanese, "Portable Mini Disc Player MD Recorder," July 21, ‘I996, pages 1—5.
`Sony, "MD Walkman Operating Instructions - MZ—R4ST," 1996. pages 1434.
`, ___4_.k
`sign}; up waii¢};;3‘6;aEa:sng iiigiiiiéraemg ; irz.i25"
`STEREO REVIEW, "New Products,” June 1998, 1 page.
`FACTNA, Hardware Review, "Lest in the Supermarket," 2009, pages 1-3.
`Sony webpages in Japanese, “Portable Mini Disc Player MD Recorder," October 21, 1999, pages 1-63.
`JAMIE SORCEHER. Stereo Review, "New for the Road," May 1998, 2 pages.
`Sony, "MD Walkman Operating instructions — MZ~R55," 1998, pages 1-42.
`JOHN WHiTTERS, The Advertiser, "Is the cassette doomed?" Juiy 16, 1998, pages 1-2.
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 206

`Application Number
`Filing Date
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Attorney Docket Number
`AFF.004C ll (15
`1 1-96735
`W0 94/1 8763
`Guile, Hubert
`0 wo 98/21672
`lnergy Ohline, inc.
`WO 99115518
`Polash, Peter
`WO 00107849
`Microsoft Corporation
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`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Aplication Number
`Filing Date
`Examiner Name
`rika A. Gary
`Attorney Bucket Number
`AFF.004fl5U_S I
`Kee Kang Choon
`20-1 99720012254
`wo 99/23856
`Mershon, Stuart

`100242563 81
`1999-1 041
`Kim, Joon Sung
`EP 0 982 732 A1
`I 1043356742
`Saehan Information ‘
`Systems mé
`W0 O0/36340
`Kim, Jaehan
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 208

`} V1339!
`Application Numb?‘
`Réfii aie: 70‘ "E
`-I ‘"09
`30’? F’
`mg Date
`Firstamed Inventor RusellW. White. etal.
`Not forsubmiésion under37 CPR 1.99) M Unit
`at” q
`. EM Saw
`Attorney Docket Esumber
`FF.oo4<u:u5 T
`'§3E5733Q1 ~ (EU: 245
`WO 99/12152
`Sony Corporation
`EP 0 920 016 A2
`Sony Corporation
`’ "W-2"!
`EP 0 918 408 A2
`Sony Corporation
`DE 20 2oo4 013 65
`wo 99/35009
`Microsoft Corporation
`. EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 209

`Doc Code: PA"
`D°°ume11t D"*3°“iPtl°“3 P°T”°“ °f A“°"“°3’
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`ovember A 012
`Russell w. White, et al.
`yst and Mth r anig Mdia (As Ane)
`s 2646
`Erie A. Whitn
`AFF.O04C1 ms
`SGNAUR f plicant or Patnt ractitioer
`,.y-g£« , _,e«~/‘
`1 My «":;%’§’/Kw ‘go. » r‘i""“f{/f
`Mark J. Pézman
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`imaging gatiuefing. pregadng, ancjsubmitting ths uo§'r\p¥aK e{1 appiiqatiamormlo the 158910. Umawm van: .de:>endH1g' upop the indwidqat case. Any eargutnenls aim
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`PTO/AIA/96 (O8-12)
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`Underthe Paerwor Reductin Act of 1995, no ersons are reuired to resond to a collection of information unless it disla s avalid OMB control number.
`Appucarwpatem Owner. Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC
`Filed/issue Date: N°V9'“b9' 9- 2012
`Application No./Patent No.: 13/573391
`med. System And Method For Managing Media (As Amended)
`Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC
`(Name of Assigrlee)
`7 a corporation
`(Type of Assignee, e.g., corporation, partnership, university, government agency, etc.)
`states that, for the patent application/patent identified above, it is (choose 9_r_1§_ of options 1, 2, 3 or 4 below):
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`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Reel
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy
`thereof is attached.
`. E A chain of title from the inventorls), of the patent application/patent identified above, to the current assignee as follows:
`1_ From: Russell W. White, Kevin R. lmes
`TO. The Russell White, LLC
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`, Frame 0639
`Real 016870
`TO: Affinity Labs, LLC
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`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 212

`PTO/AIA/96 (08512)
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`3_ From: Affinity Labs, LLC
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`Ree, 020941
`, Fame 0844
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`TO: Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC
`‘ 4_ Fmm: The Russell White} LLC
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Ree, 020963
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`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 213

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
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`Filer Authorized By:
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`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 215

`Russell W. White
`Serial No.:
`November 9, 2012
`System And Method For
`Managing Media (As
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Group Art Unit:
`Erika A. Washington
`Atty. Dkt. No.:
`Attached hereto please find a revised Application Data Sheet containing the following
`new information:
`Applicant Information listing As signee as Applicant
`Please update the record of the above—referenced application to reflect the revised
`information submitted with this Supplemental ADS.
`The Commissioner is authorized to Charge any additional fees or credit any overpayment
`to Deposit Account No. 20-1504.
`Date: May 22, 2013
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Mark J. Rozman/
`Mark J. Rozman
`Registration No. 42,117
`1616 S. Voss Road, Suite 750
`Houston, Texas 77057-2631
`(512) 418-9944 [Phone]
`(713) 468-8883 [Fax]
`Customer No.: 21906
`Date of Deposit: May 22 2013
`I hereby certify under 37 CFR § 1.8 this correspondence is being
`deposited via EFS on the date indicated above.
`[Stephanie Petreas[
`Ste hanie Petreas
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 216

`PTO/AlAI14 (03.13)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. OMB oc51—oo32
`us. Patent and Trademark Office; u.s. DEPARTMENT or COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a coilection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number ‘ AFF.004C11US
`Application Number
`Title of invention
`System And Method For Managing Media (As Amended)
`The application data sheet is part of the provisional or nonprovisional application for which it is being submitted. The following form contains the
`bibliographic data arranged in a format specified by the United States Patent and Trademark Oifice as outlined in 37 CFR 1.76.
`This document may be completed electronically and submitted to the Office in electronic format using the Electronic Filing System (EFS) or the
`document may be printed and included in a paper filed application.
`Secrecy Order 37 CFR 5.2
`Ponionsidrwali of the application associated with this Application Data Sheet may fall under a Secrecy Order pursuant to
`D 37 CFR 52 (Eaper filers only. Applications that fall under Secrecy Order may not be filed electronically.)
`Inventor Information:
`Legal Name
`Prefix Given Name
`Middle Name
`Family Name
`_{ Suffix
`F Residence information (Select One)
`(94 US Residency Q Non Us Residency 0 Active US Military Service
`I StatelProvince i TX
`} Country of Residencé
`Mailing Address of Inventor:
`Address 1
`Address 2
`Postal Code
`Legal Name
`Prefix Given Name
`10904 Doswell Cove
`1 Country i
`i US
`Middle Name
`Family Name
`Residence information “(Select ans) @ US Residency O [ion US Residency 0 Active US Military Service
`StateIProvince i TX
`i Countgy of Residencé ‘ US
`Mailing Address of Inventor:
`Address 1
`7309 Tanaqua Lane
`Address 2
`i StateIProvince
`I Austin
`Tlgostal Code
`inventor Information blocks may be
`inventors Must Be Listed — Additional
`generated within this form by selecting the Add button.
`Correspondence Information:
`Enter either Customer Number or complete the Correspondence Information section below.
`For further information see 37 CFR 'l.33(a).
`EFS Web 2.2.6
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 217

`PTO/AIAI14 (0343)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. OMB 065142032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Title of invention 1 System And Method For Managing Media (As Amended)
`1 An Address is being provided for the correspondence lntormation of this application.
`Customer Number
`Email Address
`Application information:
`Title of the invention
`System And Method For Managing Media (As Amended)
`Attorney Docket Number AFF.OD4C11US
`Small Entity Status Claimed E]
`Application Type
`[ Utility
`Subject Matter
`Total Number of Drawing Sheets (if any)
`“Publication Information:
`Suggested Figure for Publication (if any)
`Request Early Publication (Fee required at time of Request 37 CFR 1.219)
`Request Not to Publish. l hereby request that the attached application not be published under
`35 U.S.C. 122(b) and certify that the invention disclosed in the attached application has not and will not be the
`subject of an application filed in another country, or under a multilateral international agreement, that requires
`publication at eighteen months after filing.
`Representative information:
`Representative information should be provided for all practitioners having a power of attorney in the application. Providing
`this information in the Application Data Sheet does not constitute a power of attorney in the application (see 37 CFR 1.32).
`Either enter Customer Number or complete the Representative Name section below. if both sections are completed the customer
`Number will be used for the Representative information during processing.
`Please Select One:
`Customer Number
`M@ Customer Number
`l Q US Patent Practitioner 0 Limited Recognition (37 CFR 11.9)
`Domestic BenetitINational Stage information:
`This section allows for the applicant to either claim benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119(e)_ 120, 121, or 365(c) or indicate
`National Stage entry from a PCT application. Providing this information in the application data sheet constitutes the
`specific reference required by 35 U.S.C. 119(e) or 120, and 37 CFR 1.78.
`Prior Application Status
`Application Number
`Prior Application Status
`Continuity Type
`Continuation of
`EFS Web 2.2.6
`Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`Prior Application Number]
`l 2011—05—27
`Samsung Ex. 1202 p. 218

`PTO/AlA/14 (0343)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. OMB 0651-0032
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`} Attorney Docket NumberTAFF.O04C11US
`Application Number
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76 I
`Title of Invention
`And Method For Managing Media (As Amended)
`Continuity Type
`Continuation of
`Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`Prior Application Number]
`1 2009-06-30
`.7“ 1
`1 12015320
`Filing Date
`iiiiiii (YYZY-MM-DD)
`I 2010~08-17
`Prior Application
`Filing Date “W wwwww
`'°"“‘*"‘ “”'“be"
`Application Number
`Prior Application Status
`Prior Application Status
`Continuity Type
`Continuation of
`Prior Application Status
`Patented ‘H
`Continuity Type
`Continuation of
`Prior Application ''
`Filing Date
`Patent Number
`Additional Domestic Benefit/National Stage Data may be generated within this form
`by selecting the Add button.
`Foreign Priority information:
`This section allows for the applicant to claim priority to a foreign application. Providing this information in the application data sheet
`constitutes the claim for priority as required by 3.5 U.S.C. 119(b) and 37 CFR 1.55(d). When priority is claimed to a foreign application
`that is eligible for retrieval under the priority document exchange program (PDX)i the information will be used by the Office to
`automatically attempt retrieval pursuant to 37 CFR 1.55(h)(1) and (2). Under the PD

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