`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.27 Read_C|ass_of_Device
`page 641 of 1082
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`HCl_Read_C lass_of_DevEce
`This command will read the value for the C|ass_of_Device parameter. The
`C|ass_of_Device parameter is used to indicate the capabilities of the local
`device to other devices.
`Command Parameters:
`Return Parameters:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Descrlptlon
`Read_C|ass_of_Device command succeeded.
`Read“Class_of__De-vice command failed. See "fable 6.‘: on osgge }’4?.~.‘ for
`list of Error Codes.
`Ciass_of__De vice:
`Size: 3 Bytes
`Parameter Description
`Class of Device for the device.
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_Class_of_Device command has completed. a Command
`Complete event will be generated.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 641

`page 842 of 3082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.28 Write_C|ass_of_Device
`Command Parameters
`This command will write the value for the C|ass_of_Device parameter. The
`C|ass_of_Device parameter is used to indicate the capabilities of the local
`device to other devices.
`Command Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Class of Device for the device.
`Return Parameters:
`Size: 3 Bytes
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Write_C|ass_ot_Device command succeeded.
`Wrile_C|ass_o{_Device command failed. See Taisiaes 8.1 on. serge ‘F45; for
`list of Error Codes.
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Write_C|ass_of_Device command has completed, a Command
`Complete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 642

`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.29 Read_Voice_Setting
`page 643 of 1082
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`HCl_Read_Voice_Setti ng
`This command will read the values for the Voice_Setting parameter. The
`Voice_Setting parameter controls all the various settings for voice connections.
`These settings apply to all voice connections. and cannot be set for individual
`voice connections. The Voice_Setting parameter controls the configuration for
`voice connections: Input Coding, Air coding format, input data format, Input
`sample size, and linear PCM parameter.
`Command Parameters:
`Return Parameters:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Read_Voice_Setting command succeeded.
`Read_Voice_Setting command failed. See 'i'3t:!e {"1 '2 on page ‘iéfi for list
`of Error Codes.
`Size: 2 Bytes (10 Bits meaningfui)
`Parameter Description
`input Coding: Linear
`input Coding: _u-law Input Coding
`Input Coding: A-law Input Coding
`Reserved for Future Use
`Input Data Format: 1‘s complement
`Input Data Format: 2's complement
`Input Data Format: Sign-Magnitude
`Reserved for Future Use
`input Sample Size: 8-bit (only for Liner PCM)
`Input Sampie Size: 16-bit (only for Llner PCM)
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 643

`page 644 of 3082
`Host Coniroiier interface Functional Specification
`_ Parameter Description
`Linear_PCM_Bil_Pos: # bit positions that MSB of sample is away
`from starting at MSB (only for Liner PCM).
`Air Coding Formal: CVSD
`Air Coding Format: _u~|aw
`Air Coding Forn1ai:A-law
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_Voice_Setting command has completed, a Command Com-
`plete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 644

`page 645 of 1082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.30 Write_Voice_Setting
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`HCl_Write_Voice_S etting
`Voice_Setti rig
`This command will write the values for the Voice_Setting parameter. The
`Voice_Setting parameter controls all the various settings for the voice connec-
`tions. These settings apply to all voice connections and cannot be set for indi~
`vidual voice connections. The Voice_Setting parameter controls the
`configuration for voice connections: input Coding. Air coding format. input data
`format. Input sample size. and linear PCM parameter.
`Command Parameters:
`Size: 2 Bytes (10 Bits meaningfui)
`Parameter Description
`Input Coding: Linear
`input Coding: u-law Input Coding
`Input Coding: A-law input Coding
`Reserved for Future Use
`input Data Format: 1's complement
`input Data Format: 2's complement
`input Data Format: Sign-Magnitude
`Reserved for Future Use
`Input Sampie Size: 8 bit {only for Liner PCM)
`Input Sample Size: 18 bit {only for Liner PCM)
`Linear_PCM_Bit_Pos: # bit positions that MSB of sample is away
`from starting at MSB (only for Liner PCM}
`Air Coding Format: CVSD
`Air Coding Format: ti-law
`Air Coding Format: A-law
`Default Condition
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 645

`Host Coniroiier interface Funciiona! Specification
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Write_Voice_Setting command succeeded.
`page 846 of 3882
`Size: 1' Byte
`Wri!e_Voice_SeIting command failed. See 'i':%t)E£2 6.1 cm peg;-2': 74:": for list of
`Error Codes.
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Write_Voice_Setting command has completed, a Command Com-
`plete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 646

`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.31 Read_Automatic_F|ush_Timeout
`page 647 of 1082
`Command Parameters Return Parameters
`0x002? Connection_HandFe
`Status ,
`This command will read the value for the F|ush_Timeout parameter for the
`specified connection handle. The F|ush_'Fmeout parameter is used for ACL
`connections ON LY. The F|ush_Timeout parameter defines the amount of time
`before all chunks of the L2CAP packet, of which a baseband packet is currently
`being transmitted, are automaticatly flushed by the Host Controller. The timeout
`period starts when a transmission attempt is made for the first baseband
`packet of an L2CAP packet. This allows ACL packets to be automatically
`flushed without the Host device issuing a Flush command. The
`Read__Autornatic_Flush_'limeout command provides support for isochronous
`data, such as video. When the LZCAP packet that is currently being transmit-
`ted is automatically ‘flushed‘, the Failed Contact Counter is incremented by
`one. The first chunk of the next L2CAP packet to be transmitted for the speci-
`fied connection handte may already be stored in the Host Controller. In that
`case. the transmission of the first baseband packet containing data from that
`L2CAP packet can begin immediately. If the next L2CAP packet is not stored in
`the Host Controller, all data that is sent to the Host Controller after the flush for
`the same connection handle will be discarded by the Host Controller until an
`HCI Data Packet having the start Packet_Boundary_Fiag (0x02) is received.
`When this happens, a new transmission attempt will be made.
`Command Parameters:
`Size: 2 Bytes (12 Bits meaningfui)
`Parameter Description
`Specifies which Connection Hand|e’s Flush Timeout to read.
`Range: UXUUUQ-GXDEFF (UXUFUU - OXC-FFF Reserved for future use)
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Read_Automatic_Flush_Timeout command succeeded.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Read__Autornatic_Flush__Timeout command failed. See 'i":.:t»ie 6. ‘E on page
`i’¢>l:"> for list of Error Codes.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 647

`page 848 of 3082
`Host Controiier interface Functionai Specification
`Size: 2 Bytes (12 Bits meaningfui)
`Parameter Description
`Specifies which Connection Handles Flush 'Fmeout has been read.
`Range: UXUUUU-UXUEFF {UXOFUU - OXOFFF Reserved for future use}
`Fiush_ Timeout:
`Size: 2 Bytes
`Parameter Description
`Timeout = so; No Automatic Flush
`Flush Timeout: N * 0.625 rnsec
`Size: 11 bits
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_Autornatic_F|ush_'I1meout command has completed, a
`Command Complete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 648

`page 649 of 1082
`Host Coniroiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.32 Write_Automatic_F|ush_Timeout
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`Ux0028 Connection_Hand|e,
`This command will write the value for the Flush_'|'Imeout parameter for the
`specified connection handle. The F|ush_'I'Imeout parameter is used for ACL
`connections ON LY. The Flush_Timeout parameter defines the amount of time
`before all chunks of the L2CAP packet. of which a baseband packet is currently
`being transmitted, are automaticaily flushed by the Host Controller. The timeout
`period starts when a transmission attempt is made for the first baseband
`packet of an L2CAP packet. This allows ACL packets to be automatically
`flushed without the Host device issuing a Flush command. The
`Write_Automatic_Ftush_‘|7meout command provides support for isochronous
`data, such as video. When the L2CAP packet that is currently being transmit-
`ted is automatically ‘flushed’, the Failed Contact Counter is incremented by
`one. The first chunk of the next L2CAP packet to be transmitted for the speci-
`fied connection handle may already be stored in the Host Controller. In that
`case, the transmission of the first baseband packet containing data from that
`L2CAP packet can begin immediately. If the next L2CAP packet is not stored in
`the Host Controller, all data that is sent to the Host Controller after the flush for
`the same connection handle will be discarded by the Host Controller until an
`HCI Data Packet having the start Packet_Boundary_Flag (0x02) is received.
`When this happens, a new transmission attempt will be made.
`Command Parameters:
`Size.‘ 2 Bytes (‘i2 Bits meaningfui)
`i Parameter Description
`Specifies which Connection HandIe’s Flush Timeout to write to.
`Range: UXUUUU-UXOEFF (OXUFUU ~ Eix0FFF Reserved forfuture use}
`F.-‘ush_ Timeout:
`Size: 2 Bytes
`Parameter Description
`- Timeout = no; No Automatic Flush. Default.
`Flush Timeout = N * 0.625 msec
`Size: 11 bits
`Range: OXOOO1 ~ Ox0?FF
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 649

`Host Coniroiier interface Funciionai Specification
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Wriie_Auiomaiic_F|ush_Timeout command succeeded.
`page 650 of ms:
`Size.‘ 1' Byte
`Wri!e_Auiomatic_F|ush_Timeout command failed. See Tetzie S 1 on pagge
`Mfii for list of Error Codes.
`Size: 2 Bytes (12 Bits meaningfui)
`Parameter Description
`Specifies which Connection Handle's Flush "fimeout has been written.
`Range: UXUUUO-UXOEFF {UXOFUU - 0x0FFF Reserved for iuture use}
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Write_Automatic_Fiush_Timeout command has completed, a
`Command Complete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 650

`page 651 of 1082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.33 Read_Num_Broadcast_Retransmissions
`HCl_Read_Nu m_B road cast_
`Status . N u m_Broad cast_Retran
`This command will read the device's parameter value for the Number of Broad-
`cast Retransmissions. Broadcast packets are not acknowledged and are unre-
`liable. The Number of Broadcast Retransmissions parameter is used to
`increase the reliability of a broadcast message by retransmitting the broadcast
`message multiple times. This parameter defines the number of times the
`device will retransmit a broadcast data packet. This parameter should be
`adjusted as the link quality measurement changes.
`Command Parameters:
`Return Parameters:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Read_Num_Broadcast_Retransmissions command succeeded.
`Read_Num__Broadcast_Retransmissions command failed. See ‘table ii}
`on page M5 for list of Error Codes.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Number of Broadcast Retransmissions : N
`Range 0x00-0xFF
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_|\tum_Broadcast_Retransmission command has completed,
`a Command Complete event will be generated.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 651

`Host Controiter interface Functional Specification
`4.7.34 Write_Num_Broadcast_Retransmissions
`page 652 of 38532
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`UXDOZA Num_Broadcast_Retran
`This command will write the device's parameter value for the Number of Broad-
`cast Retransmissions. Broadcast packets are not acknowledged and are unre-
`liable. The Number of Broadcast Retransmissions parameter is used to
`increase the reliability of a broadcast message by retransmitting the broadcast
`message multiple times. This parameter defines the number of times the
`device will retransmit a broadcast data packet. This parameter should be
`adjusted as link quality measurement change.
`Command Parameters:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Number of Broadcast Retransmissions = N
`Range 0X00-UXFF
`Default: N = 0x01
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Write_N u m_Broad ca st_ Retra nsmissions com mand succeeded.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Write_Num_Broadcast_Retransrnissions command failed. See Tataie ii 1
`er: page }’-:»:”> for list of Error Codes.
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Write_Num_Broadcast_Retransmissions command has completed,
`a Command Complete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 652

`page 653 of 1082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.35 Read_Ho|cl_Ililocie_Activity
`Return Parameters
`Status, Hoid_Mode_Activity
`This command will read the value for the Ho|d_Mode_Activity parameter. The
`Ho!d_Mode_Activity value is used to determine what activities should be sus-
`pended when the device is in hold mode. After the hold period has expired, the
`device will return to the previous mode of operation. Multiple hold mode activi-
`ties may be specified for the Ho|d_lv!ode_Activity parameter by performing a
`bitwise OR operation of the different activity types. If no activities are sus-
`pended. then all of the current Periodic Inquiry. Inquiry Scan, and Page Scan
`settings remain valid during the Hold Mode. If the Ho|d_Mode_Activity parame-
`ter is set to Suspend Page Scan, Suspend Inquiry Scan, and Suspend Periodic
`Inquiries, then the device can enter a tow-power state during the Hold Mode
`period, and all activities are suspended. Suspending multiple activities can be
`specified for the Ho|d_Mode_Activity parameter by performing a bitwise OR
`operation of the different activity types.The Hold Mode Activity is only valid if all
`connections are in Hold Mode.
`Command Parameters:
`Return Parameters:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Read_HoId_N|ode_Activity command succeeded.
`Read_Ho|d_Mode_Activity command failed. See ‘taste E3 '1 on '?'»$:i§
`for list of Error Codes.
`Hoid_Mode_A ctivity:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Maintain current Power State.
`Suspend Page Scan.
`Suspend Inquiry Scan.
`Suspend Periodic inquiries.
`Reserved for Future Use.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 653

`page 654 of 3332
`Host Controfler Interface Functtona.‘ Specification
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_Ho1d_Mode__Activity command has completed, a Command
`Complete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 654

`page 655 of 1082
`Host Coniroiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.36 Write_HoId_Mode_Activity
`CIx002C Hoid_Mode_AcIivity
`This command will write the value for the Ho|d_Mode_Activity parameter. The
`Hoid_Iv1ode_Activity value is used to determine what activities should be sus-
`pended when the device is in hold mode. After the hold period has expired, the
`device will return to the previous mode of operation. Multiple hold mode activi-
`ties may be specified for the Ho|d_Mode_Activity parameter by performing a
`bitwise OR operation of the different activity types. If no activities are sus-
`pended, then all of the current Periodic Inquiry, Inquiry Scan, and Page Scan
`settings remain valid during the Hold Mode. If the HoId_Mode_Activity parame-
`ter is set to Suspend Page Scan, Suspend Inquiry Scan, and Suspend Periodic
`Inquiries, then the device can enter a low power state during the Hold Mode
`period and all activities are suspended. Suspending multiple activities can be
`specified for the Ho|d_ivIode_Activity parameter by performing a bitwise OR
`operation of the different activity types. The Hold Mode Activity is only valid if
`all connections are in Hold Mode.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Command Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Maintain current Power State. Default.
`Suspend Page Scan.
`Suspend Inquiry Scan.
`Suspend Periodic inquiries.
`Reserved for Future Use.
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Write_HoId_Mode_Activity com mand succeeded.
`for iist of Error Codes.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Write_Ho|d_Mode_Activity command has completed, a Command
`Complete event will be generated.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 655

`Host Coniroiier interface Functions! Specification
`4.7.37 Read_Transmit_Power_LeveI
`page 656 of 3882
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`This command will read the vaiues for the Transrnit__Power_Levei parameter
`for the specified Connection Handle. The Connection_Hand|e must be a
`Connection_Hand|e for an ACL connection.
`Command Parameters:
`Size: 2 Bytes (12 Bits meaningfui)
`Parameter Description
`Specifies which Connection Handle’s Transmit Power Level setting to
`Range: 0x0El0t}»0x0EFF {UXCIFUU - DXOFFF Reserved for future use)
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Read Current Transmit Power Level.
`Read Maximum Transmit Power Level.
`Return Parameters:
` Parameter Description
`Read_Transmit_Power_Leve| command succeeded.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Read_Transmit__Power__Level command failed. See ‘fame
`‘ME for list of Error Codes.
`on page»
`Size: 2 Bytes (12 Bits meaningful)
`Parameter Description
`Specifies which Connection HandIe’s Transmit Power Level setting is
`Range: UXUUUU-OXOEFF (DXOFOU - UXOFFF Reserved for future use)
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 656

`page 657 of 1082
`Host Controfler Interface Functional Specification
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Size: 1 Byte (signed integer)
`Range: -30 S N S 20
`Units: dBm
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_Transmit_Power_Level command has completed, a Com-
`mand Complete event will be generated.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 657

`page 658 of 3082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.38 Read_SCO_F|ow_Contro|_Enabie
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`F low_Contro|_Enable
`SCO_F|ow_Co ntro |_Enab|e
`The Read_SCO_F|ow_C0ntro|_Enable Command provides the ability to read
`the SCO_F|ow_Controi_Enab|e setting. By using this setting, the Host can
`decide if the Host Controller will send Number Of Completed Packets events
`for SCO Connection Handles. This setting allows the Host to enable and dis-
`able SCO flow control.
`Note: the SCO_F|ow_Control_Enable setting can only be changed if no con-
`nections exist.
`Command Parameters:
`Return Parameters:
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Read_SCO_Flow_Contro|_Enable command succeeded
`Read_SCO_Flow_Comro|_Enable command failed see 'fs;*;le Sf
`‘E’-*4-8 for list of Error Codes
`SCO_Fiow_ Contro.-'_Enabie.'
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`SCO Flow Control is disabled. No Number of Completed Packets events
`will be sent from the Host Controller for SCO Connection Handles.
`SCO Flow Control is enabled. Number of Completed Packets events will
`be sent from the Host Controller for SCO Connection Handles.
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Read_SCO_F|ow_Control_Enabie oommand has completed a Com-
`mand Complete event will be generated.
`2Q November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 658

`page 659 of 1082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.39 Write_SCO_F|ow_Control_Enab|e
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`HCl_Write_SCO_Flow UXUUZF
`The Write_SCO_F|ow_Contro|_Enab|e command provides the ability to write
`the SCO_F|ow_Contro|_Enable setting. By using this setting. the Host can
`decide if the Host Controller will send Number Of Completed Packets events
`for SCO Connection Handles. This setting allows the Host to enable and dis-
`able SCO flow control.
`Note: the SCO_Flow_Control_Enab|e setting can only be changed if no con-
`nections exist.
`Command Parameters:
`SC O_Fiow_Controi_Enab.~‘e.'
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`SCO Flow Control is disabled. No Number of Completed Packets events
`will be sent from the Host Controller for SCO Connection Handles.
`SCO Flow Control is enabled. Number of Completed Packets events will
`be sent from the Host Controller for SCO Connection Handles.
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Write_SCO_F|ow_Control_Enable command succeeded
`Size: 1 Byte
`Write_SCO_FIow_ControI_Enable command failed see ":'.*~;t:se 53.1 on page
`?-t€E for list of Error Codes
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Write_SCO_F|ow_Contro|_Enabie command has completed a Com-
`mand Complete event will be generated.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 659

`Host Controiier tnierface Functions! Specification
`page 660 of 38532
`4.7.40 Set_Host_Contro||er_To_Host_F|ow_Control
`Command Parameters
`Return Parameters
`This command is used by the Host to turn ftow control on or off in the direction
`from the Host Controller to the Host. If flow control is turned off. the Host
`should not send the Host__Number_“Of_Comp|eted__Packets command. That
`command will be ignored by the Host Controller if it is sent by the Host and flow
`control is off.
`Command Parameters:
`Flow_ Contmi_Enabie.'
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Flow control off in direction from Host Controller to Host. Default.
`Flow control on in direction from Host Controlter to Host.
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Set_Host_Control|er_To_Host_Flow_Cor1trol command succeeded.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Set_Host_Controtler_To_Host_F|ow_Control command failed. See Ta‘-:\~ie
`t'2'.'i on ,:aag;s }’4.‘:'i3 for list of Error Codes.
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Set_Host_Controller_To_Host_Flow_Contro| command has
`completed. a Command Complete event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 660

`page 861 of 1082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.41 Host_Buffer_Size
`HCl_Host_B uffer_Size
`Host_AC L_ Data_Pa cket_ Length .
`Host_SCO_Data_Pa cl<et_Length.
`Host_Tota|_N u m_AC L_Data_ Pac kets,
`Host_Tota|_N u m_SC O_Data_Pac kets
`The Host_Buffer_Si2e command is used by the Host to notify the Host Control-
`ler about the maximum size of the data portion of HCI ACL and SCO Data
`Packets sent from the Host Controller to the Host. The Host Controller will seg-
`ment the data to be transmitted from the Host Controller to the Host according
`to these sizes, so that the HCI Data Packets will contain data with up to these
`sizes. The Host_Buffer_Size command also notifies the Host Controtler about
`the total number of HCI ACL and SCO Data Packets that can be stored in the
`data buffers of the Host. If flow control from the Host Controller to the Host is
`turned off, and the Host_Buffer_Size command has not been issued by the
`Host, this means that the Host Controller will send HCI Data Packets to the
`Host with any lengths the Host Controller wants to use. and it is assumed that
`the data buffer sizes of the Host are unlimited. If flow control from the Host con-
`troller to the Host is turned on. the Host_Buffer_Size command must after a
`power-on or a reset always be sent by the Host before the first
`Host_Number_Of_Comp|eted_Packets command is sent.
`(The ESet_“_t-tost“_Controiierwffowt-tcst‘__F1cwwCar:te'oi command is used to turn
`flow control on or off.) The Host_ACL_Data_Packet_Length command param-
`eter will be used to determine the size of the LZCAP segments contained in
`ACL Data Packets, which are transferred from the Host Controller to the Host.
`The Host_SCO_Data_Packet_Length command parameter is used to deter-
`mine the maximum size of HCI SCO Data Packets. Both the Host and the Host
`Controller must support command and event packets. where the data portion
`(excluding header) contained in the packets is 255 bytes in size.
`The Host_Total_Num_ACL_Data_Packets command parameter contains the
`total number of HCI ACL Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of
`the Host. The Host Controller will determine how the buffers are to be divided
`between difierent Connection Handles. The Host_Tota|_Num_SCO_Data_
`Packets command parameter gives the same information for HCI SCO Data
`Note: the Host_ACL_Data_Packet_Length and Host_SCO_Data_Packet_
`Length command parameters do not include the length of the HCI Data Packet
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 661

`Host Controiter interface Functional Specification
`Command Parameters:
`page 662 of 3882
`Host_A Ci___Data_Packet_t_ength:
`Size: 2 Bytes
`Parameter Description
`Maximum length (in bytes) of the data portion of each HCI ACL Data
`Packet that the Host is able to accept.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`Maximum length (in bytes) of the data portion of each HCI SCO Data
`Packet that the Host is able to accept.
`Host_ Totai_Num_A Ci__Data_Packets:
`Size: 2 Bytes
`Parameter Description
`Total number of HCI ACL Data Packets that can be stored in the data
`buffers of the Host.
`Host_ Tota.-'_Num_SCO_Data_F-'ackets:
`Size: 2 Bytes
`Parameter Description
`Total number of HCI SCO Data Packets that can be stored in the data
`buffers of the Host.
`Return Parameters:
`Parameter Description
`Host_Buffer_Size command succeeded.
`Size: 1 Byte
`Host_Buffer_Size command faited. See Tataie
`Error Codes.
`on cage "M5 for list of
`Event(s) generated (unless masked away):
`When the Host_Buffer_Size command has completed, a Command Complete
`event will be generated.
`29 November 1999
`HCI Commands
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 662

`page 863 of 1082
`Host Controiier interface Functional Specification
`4.7.42 Host_Number_Of_Comp|eted_Packets
`Command Parameters
`0x0035 Number_0f_Hand|es.Connection_
`Host_Num_Of_Comp|eted_Pacl(ets [i]
`The Host_Number_Of_Comp|eted_Packets command is used by the Host to
`indicate to the Host Controller the number of HCI Data Packets that have been
`completed for each Connection Handle since the previous Host_Number_Of_
`Comp|eted_Buffers command was sent to the Host Controiler. This means that
`the corresponding buffer space has been freed in the Host. Based on this infor-
`mation, and the Host_Tota|_Num__ACL_Data__Packets and HostflTotal_Num_
`SCO_Data_Packets command parameters of the Host_Buffer_Size command,
`the Host Controller can determine for which Connection Handles the following
`HCI Data Packets should be sent to the Host. The command should only be
`issued by the Host if flow control in the direction from the Host Controller to the
`Host is on and there is at least one connection. or if the Host Controller is in
`local loopback mode. Otherwise, the command will be ignored by the Host
`Controller. While the Host has HCI Data Packets in its buffers. it must keep
`sending the Host_Number_Of_Comp|eted_Packets command to the Host
`Controller at least periodically, until itfinally reports that all buffer space in the
`Host used by ACL Data Packets has been freed. The rate with which this com-
`mand is sent is manufacturer specific.
`(The S3et___i~lost____Conts'c:lis:'____To____%-tcst____Flow____Control command is used to turn
`flow control on or off.) If flow control from the Host controller to the Host is
`turned on. the l-lost_Buffer_Size command must after a power-on or a reset
`always be sent by the Host before the first
`Host_Number_0f_Comp|eteci_Packets command is sent.
`Note: the Host_Number_Of_Comp|eted_Packets command is a special com-
`mand En the sense that no event is normally generated after the command has
`completed. The command may be sent at any time by the Host when there is at
`least one connection, or if the Host Controller is in local loopback mode inde-
`pendent of other commands. The normal flow control for commands is not
`used for the Host_Number_Of_Comp|eted_Packets command.
`HCI Commands
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1119 p. 663

`Host Controiier interface Functionat Specification
`Command Parameters:
`page 684 of tut-32
`Size: 1 Byte
`Parameter Description
`The number of Connection Handles and Host_Num_Of_Completed_Packets
`parameters pairs contained in this command.
`Range: 0-255
`Connection_Hano‘ie[i].' Size: Number_ Of_Hano'ies*2 Bytes (12 Bits meaningful)
`Parameter Description
`Connection Handle
`Range: UXUUUU-UXUEFF {UXUFUU - 0x0FFF Reserved for future use}
`Host_Num_OLCompieted_Packets [i]:
`Size: Number_Of_Handles * 2 Bytes

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