Application Number
` First Named lnventor
`Russell W. White, et al.
` Art Unit
`Erika A. Gary
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`AFF.O04C Elidf
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`wo 2000/54462
`2000-09-14. Bae
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`7 /
`Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC, v. BMW North America, LLC, et al., Civil Action No. 9:08CV164, Order Denying
`Defendant's Motion For Summary Judgment of Non-lnfringement of the '833 Patent, filed October 07, 2010, pages 1 —
`Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC, v. Hyundai Motor America, lnc.; Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama LLC,; Volkswagen
`Group of America, lnc.; and Kia Motors America, lnc., Civil Action No. 9:08CV164, Jury Verdict Form, filed October 28,
`2010, pages 1 — 16.
`Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC, vs. BMW North America, LLC, et al., Docket 9:08CV164, October 27, 2010, Volume 8 of D
`__, Pages 2100 Through 2633, Reporter's Transcript of Jury Trial, pages 1 - 88.
`Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC, vs. BMW North America, LLC, et al., Docket 9:08CV164, October 28, 2010, Volume 9 of 9, D
`Pages 2634 Through 2824, Reporter's Transcript of Jury Trial, pages 1 — 19.
`Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC, Plaintiff and Counter-Claim Defendant, vs. Apple lnc., Defendant and Counter-Claim
`Plaintiff, Case No. 09-4436-CW, Apple lnc.'s First Invalidity Contentions Pursuant To Patent Local Rule 3-3, filed
`January 5, 2011, pages 1-25, with accompanying Appendixes A-G.
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`lApplication Number
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`Fist med inventor
`Russell W. White, et al.
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`Erika A. eary
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`[ AFF.O04Ci §|u$
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`1 994-08-23
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`Russell W. White, et al.
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`AFF.004CiiU $
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`GSM 03.64 version 6.0.1 Reiease 1997, TS 101 350 V6.0.1, 42 pages. Aug. 1998
`NOVAK, DRUCE and QUIGG, LLP, Third Party Requesters Comments To Patent Owner's Reply Of September 14,
`2010 Pursuant To 37 CFR. 1.947 with Exhibits A-E, mailed December 20, 2010, in U.S. Patent Reexamination No.
`Declaration of Scott Andrews Under 37 C.F.R. 1.132 with Exhibits A—C, submitted with Comments of Requester,
`Volkswagen Group ofAmerica, lnc.. Pursuantto 37 CFR 1.947, mailed February 11, 2011, in U.S. Patent
`Reexamination No. 95/001,281.
`Declaration of Dr. Dewayne Perry Under 37 C.F.R. 1.132 with Exhibits A-P, submitted with Comments of Requester,
`,, in 1.
`Reexamination No. 95/001,281 .A
`“IEEE 100 The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition" Pubtished by Standards‘
`information Network, IEEE Press, 2000, pages 357 and 994.
`KENYON 8: KENYON LLP, Comments Of Requester. Voikswagen Group of America, inc.. Pursuant to 37 CFR 1.947,
`mailed February 11, 2011, with Claims Charts (pages 1-46) and Exhibits 1-11 in U.S. Patent Reexamination No.
` KENYON & KENYON LLP, Comments of Requester, Volkswagen Group ofAmerica, lnc., Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. 1.947
`maiied December 20. 2010 in U.S. Patent Reexamination No. 95/001,233 (merged with 90/010,333 and 95/001.264),
`with Claims Charts (pages 1~80) and Exhibits 1-11.
` Declaration of Scott Andrews Under 37 C.F.R. 1.102 with Exhibits A-C, submitted with Comments of Requester,
`Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Pursuant to 37 CFR 1.947, mailed December 20, 2010, in U.S. Patent
`Reexamination No. 95/001233.
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`Russell W. White, et ai.
`Application Number
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`Em Gary
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`AFF.004C| iu,§
`Sony Corporation
`H1 ‘I-242686
`DE4431070B4 I2004-07-22
`Dairnierchrysier AG
`Pioneer Eiectronic
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` Dainippon Printing Co.
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`9 Aolication Number
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`9 3 35"! gqg
`30 53.. no 450;
`uSse,,W_W,m eta,‘
`Honda Motor CO Ltd
`Honda Motor Co Ltd
`CSK Corporation
`1 7
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`3Tum;fgTfl;‘E}§gf;7;;§;§“;{;TT”,7If, 1.1
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`United Technologies
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`Kenwood Corporation
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 358

`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
` Attorney Docket Nuber AFF.oo4c.II LI .5
`11219580 A
`Sony Corp
` 1168685
`1999~1 0-08
` ‘1 999-09-03 1 1-068685
`Sony Corp
`1 999-=07—05
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`Young—Man Lee
`Young-Shik Cheon
`Samsung MotorsI
`6142256 I199333030
`WO98/21672 I1998-0522
`Inergy Online, Inc.
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`Applicatin Number
`Filing Date
`i 3» .- :. 9-;
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`WO 98147252
`Stem, Geoffrey
`W0 00/54187
`Rock.Com, inc.
`2000‘-'1 0-12
`W0 O0/_60450
`Khyber Technologies
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`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Russell w. White, et al.

`Erika A. Gary
`Attorney Docket Number
`AFF.004Cfi][j 3
`JEFFREY A. DAVIS, "Use of Persona! Computers in Satellite Command and Control Systems," Raytheon Systems
`Company, October 24, 1999, pages 283-291.
`NIKI DAVIS, "Remote Teaching Via lSDN2 And Desktop Conferencing,"Exeter University School of Education, pages
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 362

`Filing Date
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docket Number
`13 1413395
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`T Q qq
`(Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`' Aplication Number
`RICHARD C. DAVlS, et ai., "A Framework for Sharing Handwritten Notes," 1998, pages 119-120.
`KRlSHNA A. BHARAT, at al., “Migratory Applications,“ UlST '95, November 14-17, 1995, pages 133-142.
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`.1 ’ I A
`Russell W. ite, etal.
`Erika A. Gary
` Aplicaticn Number
`irst Named inventor
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`AFF.0040 “U S
`( Not for submission under 31 CFR 1.99)
`NORBERT A. STRElTZ, et al., "i-Land: An interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation," Proceedings of the
`ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 15-20, 1999, pages 120-127.
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 364
`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 364

`tats‘: 3341
`able.-l P 63
`Russell W. White, et at.
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`Examined Cite Foreign Document
`Mazda MotorCorporation
`Volkswagen AG
`EP 1 146 6?4A2
`DE 102 05 641 A 1
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`,,.,,,,ft9.i!f.EE:T§5!I..HI.§BAI!:!5§..9999.i!’!§PFI§,,..-..,...,,, .
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`"Request for inter Paites Reexamination Of US. Patent No. 7,324,833 Pursuant To 37 CFR 1.915," Requestor:
`Volkswagen Group of America, lnc., Filed on August 21, 2009, Pages 1-61 with Certificate of Mailing, and Claim
`Charts A— HH.
`YAMAHA CORPORATlON, "Yamaha Music Sequencer, QY70, Owner's Manual,“ Chapters 1-11, 1997.
`MULTI TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT, "Neo Car Jukebox, installation and instruction Manual,“ Pages 1-30.
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 365

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`The United States Patent And Trademark Office, Office Action Mailed August 5, 2009, in a related application.
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 366

` FirstNamed inventor
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`Claim Charts.
`Claim Charts.
`Claim Charts.
`Request for Inter Partes Reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 7,486,926, filed on November 13. 2009. with accompanying
`at «
`Rei:{ue’e‘t’icr‘lnter Pafiée Reexamrnatienrrleruist ‘Patent Nro;i’7;e34;r2é"3;‘filI‘éaanrfeeiuary‘3; 2‘i3iiic3;"wit‘iiiécaiiipéhyahg"”“
`Claim Charis.
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`PTO/SEiIO8a (01-09)
`Doc code: IDS
`23/200’ .
`ed r
`U_S_ Patent and T,a§:[:;',k o:gc‘:eJh$5g‘Paf;TMEN$ gyggfifiggg
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`Applicatin umber
`First Named Inventor
`An Um
`Examiner Name
`' F3 {[73 3Q!
`Russell W. White, et al.
`P am,”
`Erika A. Gary
`Attorney Docket Number
`AFF.()04Qfl us
`Examiner Cite
`Patent Number
`Code“ issue Date
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`McCullough, Timothy L.
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`Silvester, Kelan C.
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`Becker GmbH
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 368
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`Russell W. White, etai.
`rika A. Gary
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`publisher, city, and/or country where published.
`F“ T
`"Universal Serial Bus Specification," Revision 1.1, September 23, 1998, pages ii—106.
`“Mt ‘"1
`Reply to Office Action Mailed August 5, 2009 in Reexamination Control No. 90/010,333 of U.S. Patent No. 7,324,833
`(along with a Supplemental Reply and Second Supplemental Reply).
`Response to "Notice of Failure to Comply with inter Partes Reexamination Request Filing Requirements (37 CFR
`1.915(d)) filed on September 22, 2009. Requestor: Volkswagen Group of America, inc. with Replacement Request for
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`Musicilfletch Internet Music System, " Muaicililatch Jukebox Reviews,“ March 4, 2000, May 0, 1999, August 29. 1999,
`May 8, 1999, February 4, 1997, August 12, 1999, January 24, 2000. January 25, 2000, February 22, 2000, Pages
`J. SCH NEIDAWIND, "Big Blue Unveiling," USA Today, November 23, 1992, page 2B.
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`Samsung Ex. 1102 p. 372

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`Nokia Suomi, "Range of suspension GSM products unveiled: Nokia‘s innovations offer a new dimension to mobile
`communication," March 13, 1996, 1 page.
`Nokia 9000i User's Man ual. Copyright 1995-1997.
`FCC Website, "Broadband PCS," available at
`3‘ob=eervice__home&id=broadband_pcs (accessed November 9, 2009).
`S.K. KIRSCHNER, "Wired \A/heels," Popular Science, March 1998, Pages 54-55.
`Avionics Sys. Conference Proceedings, October 31 to N

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