Intellectual property protection systems and
`digital watermarking
`Jack Lacy, Schuyler R. Quackenbush, Amy R. Reibman and James H. Snyder
`AT&T Labs – Research, Florham Park, NJ; Red Bank, NJ
`Abstract: Adequate protection of digital copies of multimedia content - both audio
`and video - is a prerequisite to the distribution of this content over networks. Until
`recently digital audio and video content has been protected by its size: it is difficult
`to distribute and store without compression. Modern compression algorithms allow
`substantial bitrate reduction while maintaining high-fidelity reproduction. If
`distribution of these algorithms is controlled, cleartext uncompressed content is still
`protected by its size. However, once the compression algorithms are generally
`available cleartext content becomes extremely vulnerable to piracy. In this paper we
`explore the implications of this vulnerability and discuss the use of compression and
`watermarking in the control of piracy.
`(cid:211) 1998 Optical Society of America
`OCIS codes: (100.2000) Digital Image Processing, (999.9999) Steganography
`References and links
`1. M. Bosi, K. Brandenburg, S. Quackenbush, L. Fielder, K. Akagiri, H. Fuchs, M. Dietz, J. Herre, G. Davidson, Y.
`Oikawa, “ISO/IEC MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding,” presented at the 101st Convention of the Audio Engineering
`Society, preprint 4382, Nov. 1996.
`2. D. Aucsmith, “Tamper Resistant Software,” in Proceedings of the First International Information Hiding
`Workshop, LNCS 1174, Springer-Verlag, Cambridge, U.K., 317-334, May/June, (1996).
`3. M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, J. Lacy, “Decentralized Trust Management,” in Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE
`Symposium on Security and Privacy, 164-173 (1996).
`4. D. Boneh, J. Shaw, “Collusion-secure Fingerprinting for Digital Data,” Crypto ’95, LNCS 963, Springer-Verlag,
`Berlin, pp. 452-465 (1995).
`I. J. Cox and J.M.G. Linnartz, “Public Watermarks and Resistance to Tampering,” Proceedings of the Fourth
`International Conference on Image Processing, Santa Barbara CA, October (1997).
`6. F. Hartung and B. Girod, “Digital Watermarking of MPEG-2 Coded Video in the Bitstream Domain,” Proc. IEEE
`ICASSP, 2621-2624, April (1997).
`“Cryptolope Container Technology,” an IBM White Paper,
`International Federation of Phonograph Industries, Request for Proposals.
`9. Proc. First International Information Hiding Workshop, LNCS 1174, Springer-Verlag, Cambridge, U.K., 207-
`226, May/June, (1996).
`10. J. Lacy, D. P. Maher, and J. H. Snyder, “Music on the Internet and the Intellectual Property Protection Problem,”
`Proc. International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Guimaraes, Portugal, July (1997).
`11. J. Lacy, S. Quackenbush, A. R. Reibman, D. Shur, and J. H. Snyder, “On combining watermarking with perceptual
`coding,” Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Sig. Proc., May (1998).
`12. O. Sibert, D. Bernstein, D. Van Wie, “Securing the Content, Not the Wire, for Information Commerce,”
`13. J. Smith, B. Comisky, “Modulation and Information Hiding in Images,” Proc. First International Information
`Hiding Workshop, LNCS 1174, Springer-Verlag, Cambridge, U.K., 207-226, May/June, (1996).
`1. Introduction
` both audio and video (cid:190)
`Protection of digital copies of multimedia content (cid:190)
` is a
`prerequisite to the distribution of this content over networks. Until recently digital audio and
`video content has been protected by its size. For example, audio on compact discs is encoded
`#7085 - $15.00 US
`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 478
`Samsung Exhibit 1035
`Samsung v. Affinity
`Page 00001

`using PCM at 1.4 megabits per second (cid:190) about half a gigabyte for a 45 minute CD. Such
`large quantities of data are difficult to distribute and store. Modern compression algorithms
`provide high-fidelity reconstruction while allowing substantial size reductions.
` If
`distribution of these algorithms is controlled, cleartext, uncompressed content is still
`protected by its size. However, once the compression algorithms are generally available
`cleartext content becomes extremely vulnerable, as is evidenced by the proliferation of
`illegally distributed MP3 compressed music. In this paper we explore the implications of
`this vulnerability and how watermarking techniques can contribute to a system strategy that
`protects intellectual property.
`2. A systemic view of IP protection
`The design of secure systems should be based upon an analysis of the application risks and
`threats. As Figure 1 illustrates, such analysis will identify some of the risks of a particular
`domain. The technological net should handle many identified risks. The legal net will
`handle others. No matter how thorough the analysis, not all risks will be identified, and not
`all identified risks will be caught by the technological and legal nets. Ideally the system
`design includes the possibility of renewable security so that these residual risks do not
`undermine the foundations of the business.
`Figure 1. IP protection system
`The business model for the application is one of the strongest security mechanisms.
`If the system is easy to use, rich in features, support and information, and reasonably priced,
`why should consumers go to the black market? Designing the system with this in mind will
`minimize the attacks from legitimate users, most of whom are willing to play by the rules.
`System security should not interfere with legitimate use. Finally, we want to design the
`system so that even if an attacker does break the system he cannot then use the same system
`to distribute that IP for his gain. Such a system should consist of:
`1) a compression engine for managing music or video. This mechanism should discourage
`multiple compression/decompression cycles;
`2) a mechanism for protecting the integrity of the content and for enforcing rights-to-use
`3) a flexible mechanism for licensing content and for granting various rights to consumers
`with appropriate credentials;
`4) a secure client for accessing, rendering, playing or viewing content in a manner
`consistent with system policy and with the credentials or licenses associated with that
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`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 479
`Page 00002

`5) a mechanism for labeling the content to be distributed in a persistent manner. For
`example, the label might indicate ownership, name the distributor, identify the property
`or contain information about transactions involving the content.
`Component 2 involves the use of cryptographic containers as in [10], [12] and [7].
`The content is encrypted and perhaps digitally signed. The encryption keys are distributed
`via other channels using cryptographic protocols. A flexible licensing mechanism
`(Component 3), based for example upon PolicyMaker [3], manages these keys and governs
`their use [10]. Client security (Component 4) is what distinguishes the IP protection
`problem from the protected communications channel problem. That is, content must be
`protected in the client, not just in the channel. Protection mechanisms include tamper
`resistant software and hardware. These techniques are discussed in [10] and [2].
`2.1 Compression
`As discussed earlier, compression enables the distribution of music or video over networks.
`For audio, the MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coder [1] provides CD quality reproduction for
`most music and most listeners at a compression ratio of 11 to 1 (128 kilobits per second).
`Compression may also be relevant as a protection mechanism for the following two reasons.
`Attackers will always have access to decompressed output. If recompression of the
`decompressed content results in noticeable degradation of quality, then the 2nd generation
`output will be of sufficiently low quality that it is not a threat to the IP owner. Of equal
`importance, when cleartext content is available, nothing we do to protect compressed content
`matters. Should controlled degradation via compression prove possible, then a solution to
`this cleartext audio problem would be to compress and then decompress the music as part of
`the mastering process. Controlled degradation via compression is an area of current
`Because it can easily be distributed, the compressed file is the valuable commodity.
`It therefore makes sense to associate labels with the compressed file in a way that is
`persistent in the compressed domain.
`3. Digital watermarking
`3.1 Overview
`As stated earlier, a mechanism is needed for binding content identification to content in a
`persistent manner. Digital watermarking is such a mechanism. (See for example [9].)
`Watermarking has also been proposed as a mechanism for gating the use of content. In this
`case, when decisions regarding access to or use of the content are made, the mark must be
`retrieved in real-time and used as input in the decision-making process. No one marking
`algorithm is best suited for these two functions, both because of complexity issues and
`because different functions and different marking algorithms are resistant to different
`attacks. Indeed, we expect that any single album or film will be marked by a variety of
`different algorithms, to improve the overall resistance to attack.
`System designers should think carefully before using watermarks to gate usage,
`since by feeding different bitstreams into the gating mechanism the attacker may be able to
`probe the watermark algorithm, discover mark sites and possibly generate fraudulent marks
`[5]. If a marking algorithm is to be used to gate usage, the algorithm should be designed in
`such a way that tampering with the mark should degrade the quality of the decompressed
`content. This suggests that the marking algorithm could beneficially be associated with the
`compression algorithm. We describe one such marking algorithm in section 3.4.
`3.2 Desirable characteristics of watermark algorithms
`The following requirements are typically expected of watermarks [8]:
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`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 480
`Page 00003

`1) Imperceptibility. A watermarked should not be distinguishable from the original signal.
`2) Information capacity. The mark bitrate must be compatible with the rate limits imposed
`by the system.
`3) Robustness. The mark must be recoverable, not only in the complete work, but also in
`truncated, filtered, dilated, and otherwise processed clips, in a concatenation of
`unrelated content, and in the presence of noise.
`4) Low complexity. Marking schemes intended for use with real-time applications should
`be low complexity.
`5) Survive multiple encode-decode generations. A watermark should survive tandem
`6) Tamper resistant or tamper evident. It should be possible to recognize that a mark has
`been modified. It should not be possible to modify a mark in such a way as to create a
`different valid mark.
`7) Difficult to create or extract legitimate watermark without proper credentials. In the
`context of the watermarking engine alone, a proper credential is knowledge of the
`algorithm used to insert the mark. An ideal would be a public key analogue to
`watermarking: hard to insert mark, easy to retrieve, hard to counterfeit.
`For copyright identification every copy of the content can be marked identically, so
`the watermark can be inserted once prior to distribution. Ideally, detection should not require
`a reference because a search engine has no a priori way to associate the reference material
`with the work from which the mark is to be recovered. Not only must the watermark be short
`enough to be recovered in a truncated version, some means must be provided to synchronize
`the detection process so that the watermark can be located in the processed bitstream.
`Finally, any attempt to obscure the mark, including re-encoding the content, should lead to
`perceptible distortion.
`Transaction identification requires a distinct mark for each transaction. The
`primary challenge of point-of-sale marking (“fingerprinting”) is to move the content through
`the marking engine quickly. That is, the algorithm must be low complexity. One strategy is
`to insert the watermark in the compressed domain, in which case mark insertion should
`increase the data rate very little. Watermarking algorithms designed for fingerprinting must
`be robust to collusion attacks.
`3.3 General mechanisms
`Watermarks for compressed content fall into three categories: cleartext or original (PCM in
`the case of audio or video) marking, compressed bitstream marking which does not alter the
`bitstream semantics, and marking integrated with the compression algorithm in which the
`semantics of the bitstream are altered. We describe these below and discuss their advantages
`and limitations. We anticipate that in a well-designed system, each of these marking
`techniques will be used.
`Cleartext PCM: We define cleartext watermarks as marks inserted in the original or during
`decompression into output (e.g. while writing a decompressed song to CD). Cleartext
`marking embeds a data stream imperceptibly in a signal. The model for many cleartext-
`marking algorithms is one in which a signal is injected into a noisy communication channel,
`where the audio/video signal is the interfering noise [13]. Because the channel is so noisy,
`and the mark signal must be imperceptible, the maximum bit rates that are achieved for
`audio are generally less than 100bps.
`Cleartext marks are intended to survive in all processed generations of the work.
`They are therefore well suited to identification of the work. There are two major concerns
`with cleartext marking. Because such algorithms (usually) compute a perceptual model, they
`#7085 - $15.00 US
`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 481
`Page 00004

`tend to be too complex for point-of-sale applications. Second, these algorithms are
`susceptible to advances in the perceptual compression algorithms.
`Retrieval mechanisms for cleartext watermarks fall into two classes: reference
`necessary and reference unnecessary. In either case the mechanism for mark recovery is
`generally of high complexity and is often proprietary. Further, if means for detecting these
`watermarks are embedded in a player, an attacker, by reverse engineering the player, may be
`able to identify and remove the marks. We feel that cleartext watermarks should not be used
`to gate access to content.
`(semantic-non-altering): Bitstream marking algorithms
`Bitstream Watermarking
`manipulate the compressed digital bitstream without changing the semantics of the audio or
`video stream. Bitstream marking, being low-complexity, can be used to carry transaction
`information. Because the mark signal is unrelated to the media signal, the bit rate these
`techniques can support can be as high as the channel rate. However these marks cannot
`survive D/A conversion and are generally not very robust against attack; e.g. they are
`susceptible to collusion attacks. This type of mark can easily be extracted by clients and is
`thus appropriate for gating access to content; it is an example of a security measure intended
`primarily to “keep honest users honest”.
`Bitstream Marking Integrated with Compression Algorithm (semantic altering):
`Integrating the marking algorithm with the compression algorithm avoids an 'arms race'
`between marking and compression algorithms, in which improvements in hiding data
`imperceptibly in content are undercut by and even motivate further improvements in
`perceptual compression algorithms. Since the perceptual model is available from the
`workings of the compression algorithm, the complexity associated with marking can be
`minimized. Integrated marking algorithms alter the semantics of the audio or video
`bitstream, thereby increasing resistance to collusion attacks. An example of this approach is
`[6], which however does not use perceptual techniques. We now present another example.
`3.4 Integrating the watermarking algorithm with compression
`We have developed a first generation system that combines bitstream and integrated
`watermarking. It can be configured to support the three marking functions mentioned above.
`It does not include but is compatible with use of a front-end cleartext-marking algorithm as
`well. We assume that the cleartext original is not available except possibly to auditors
`seeking to recover the watermark. In particular, the cleartext original is not available to
`attackers. The decompressed and marked content will generally be available to everyone.
`Our method relies on the fact that quantization, which takes place in the encoder, is
`a lossy process. By combining mark insertion with quantization we ensure that the attacker
`cannot modify the mark without introducing perceptible artifacts. The fact that marking data
`is present is indicated by characteristics of the bitstream data. Our marking technique
`involves the perceptual modeling, rate control, quantization, and noiseless coding blocks of a
`generic perceptual coder. The algorithm can be used for either audio or video. We
`concentrate on audio here. Results for video can be found in [11].
`In MPEG AAC spectral lines are grouped into 49 “scale factor” bands (SFB), each
`band containing between 4 and 32 lines. Associated with each band is a single scale factor,
`which sets the quantizer step-size, and a single Huffman table (AAC employs 11 non-trivial
`Huffman tables). The coefficient for each spectral line is represented by an integer (i.e.
`quantized) value.
`Let A = {fi, Hi, {qij}} be the set of triples of scale factors fi, Huffman tables Hi, and
`quantized coefficients {qij}. We assume that we have selected some set of scale factor bands
`into which mark data will be inserted. The marking set will generally be dynamic. Let M be
`the set of indices associated with the set of SFB chosen for marking.
`#7085 - $15.00 US
`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 482
`Page 00005

` 1
`xi @
`Choose a set of multipliers {xi: i˛ M}, with all xi close to unity. Modify the triple
`{fi, Hi, {qij}: i˛ M} as follows. Let {vij} be the set of spectral coefficients prior to
`quantization, and Qi be the quantizer for SFB i, i.e. "
`i {qij} = Qi[{vij}]. Then
`{fi, Hi, {qij}} fi
` {fi', Hi', {qij'}}, where
`qij' = Qi'[xi· vij];
`fi' = fi/xi;
`Hi' = Hi or the next larger codebook
`Because the modification to the spectral coefficients occurs before quantization, the
`changes to the reconstructed coefficients will be below perceptual threshold. If this change
`were introduced after quantization, the change in some quantized values would be greater
`than the perceptual noise floor. Equivalently, an attacker who modifies the quantized values
`to eradicate or modify the mark will be introducing energy changes that exceed the noise
`floor. Because the changes in step-sizes will be small, because not all coefficients will
`change, and because the attacker will not have access to the uncompressed cleartext source
`material, the attacker will generally not be able to identify those SFB which are used for
`marking. Further, the increase in bit rate associated with marking should be small, and so
`must be monitored. A feedback mechanism similar to the one in [6] can be used to prevent
`modification of scale factors that would increase the bit rate significantly.
`Watermark bits can be inserted in a variety of ways. Generally watermark
`sequences are inserted a few bits per frame. The data to be carried by the stream is typically
`mapped into a marking sequence prior to embedding, where the characteristics of the
`mapping function depend on the type of attack expected. Indeed, since there may be a wide
`range of attacks, the data may be redundantly mapped in different ways in the hope that at
`least one mapping will survive all attacks.
`In our system we insert the marking sequence by modifying the scale factors
`included at the beginning of the frame by modifying the LSBs so that they represent a
`sequence which contains one or more synchronization codes. Specifically, when we select a
`frame for watermark insertion, and a scale factor LSB does not match (0 where a 1 is
`indicated, or a 1 instead of a 0), we decrement that scale factor and adjust all the coefficients
`in the SFB accordingly. Although the watermark data can be damaged, random flipping of
`scale factor LSB by an attacker will introduce perceptible artifacts.
`The marking sequence can be recovered by comparison to a reference or through
`the use of synchronization codes. Note that if synchronization codes are used, the watermark
`can be recovered in the compressed domain through a lightweight recovery process. It can
`therefore be used for gating access to content. Although the attacker can use the gating
`mechanism to probe for the watermark sites [5] and perhaps damage the synchronization
`codes, damage to the codes will generally produce perceptible artifacts.
`3.5 Audio results
`To evaluate our audio watermarking algorithm we used AT&T’s implementation of AAC.
`For a complete discussion of the evaluation and an audio demonstration of the results, see
`4. Conclusion
`We have discussed threat models against IPP systems, including threats posed by the
`existence of high-quality compression, and attacks against watermarking algorithms in
`particular. We have identified three classes of watermark algorithms, distinguished by the
`domains in which the watermark is inserted and the extent of integration with the
`compression algorithm. We have reviewed suggested uses for watermarking and find that a
`particular algorithm can be effective in some instances, ineffective in others, and
`compromising in yet others. There is no panacea.
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`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 483
`Page 00006

`We describe what we believe is the first published example of a watermarking
`algorithm that has been integrated with a perceptually based compression algorithm. It has
`the desirable property that it can be recovered in the compressed domain with a lightweight
`process. Although the watermark can be damaged, early work suggests that such damage
`will introduce perceptible artifacts.
`#7085 - $15.00 US
`(C) OSA 1998
`Received October 29, 1998; Revised December 04, 1998
`7 December 1998 / Vol. 3, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 484
`Page 00007

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