`Bluetooth Compliance Requirements
`page 826 of 1082
`Bluetooth Trademark —As defined in the Promoters‘ Agreement and the
`Adapters’ Agreement.
`Bluetooth Brand — Covers all the brand elements specified in the "The Blue-
`tooth Brand Book". Equal to the Bluetooth Trademark.
`Bluetooth Logo or Logo —the brand element referred to as the ‘figure mark’ in
`the ‘The Bluetooth Brand Book‘.
`Bluetooth l_icense— all the rights, defined in the Promoters’ and Adopters'
`Agreements respectively, that are granted by compliance with the specification,
`i.e. the Bluetooth Patent License and the Bluetooth Brand License.
`Bluetooth Patent License — the applicable parts of the Bluetooth license con-
`sisting of patent rights or parts thereof as defined in the Promoters‘ and
`Adopters' Agreements respectively.
`Bluetooth Brand License — the applicable parts of the Bluetooth license con-
`sisting of trademark rights as defined in the Promoters‘ and Adopters’ Agree-
`ments respectively.
`Protocol specification — defines the communication between two peer devices
`at a certain layer.
`Profile spa-cification— defines the usage of (parts of) the protocol stack for a
`certain Bluetooth usage model.
`Bluetooth qualification process — the rules and procedures by which the manu-
`facturer demonstrates compliance to the Bluetooth specification.
`Bluetooth qualification program — the implementation of the Bluetooth qualifica-
`tion process.
`Bluetooth Qualification Review Board (BQRB)— responsible for managing,
`reviewing and improving the Bluetooth qualification program. The original
`Bluetooth SIG companies will appoint BQRB initial members.
`Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility (BQ TF) — a test facility that is officially
`authorized by BQRB to test Bluetooth products.
`Bluetooth Qualification Body (BQB)— a specific person authorized by the
`BQRB to be responsible for checking declarations and documents against
`requirements. reviewing product test reports, and listing products on the official
`database of Bluetooth qualified products.
`Bluetooth Qualification Administrator (BQA) — a person responsible for admin-
`istering the Bluetooth Qualification Program on behalf of BQRB.
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 826

`page 827 of 1082
`Bluetooth Compfiance Requirements
`fmpiementarfon Conformance Statement (ICS)— a document that the manufac-
`turer attaches to the product when submitting it for qualification. It specifies all
`the implemented Bluetooth capabilities in detail.
`Biuetooth Fellow/1doprer— equal to Bluetooth Promoters + Bluetooth Adopt-
`Terms used
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 827

`Bluetooth Compliance Requfremen rs
`page 828 of 1082
`Rules and guidelines on how to use the Bluetooth Brand elements are stated in
`the document “'T'rae Bluetooth Brand frock" which is available on the Bluetooth
`Web site.
`The Bluetooth Specification has been created. according to our best knowl-
`edge, to meet regulatory requirements worldwide. Regulatory certification as
`such is not a part of the Bluetooth qualification requirements, yet it is a require-
`ment in all markets. It is the sole responsibility of each manufacturer to ensure
`that their products have all necessary regulatory approvals for the markets
`where their product(s) are intended to be sold or used.
`A product must complete Bluetooth Qualification to meet the requirements for
`"complying with the Specification". The Bluetooth license granted by the Pro-
`moters‘ and Adopters’ Agreements respectively is valid only for qualified prod-
`ucts and is not transferable to other products.
`In this document, the ‘Bluetooth license’ is sometimes divided into the ‘Blue-
`tooth patent license’ and the ‘Bluetooth brand license’ for practical reasons.
`These terms correspond, respectively, to the terms ‘necessary claims‘ and
`‘trademark’ in the Promoters’ and Adopters' Agreements respectively.
`Sanctions will be invoked against any company responsible for producing or
`trading (a) products containing elements of the Bluetooth Interface, as defined
`in the Bluetooth Promoters’ Agreement and Adopters' Agreement respectively,
`that do not comply with the Specification, or (b) products containing elements
`of the Bluetooth Interface that have not completed Bluetooth Qualification.
`The Bluetooth SIG reserves the right to define a process for adding new Blue-
`tooth profiles after the release of the Specification 1.0.
`A Bluetooth brand license is granted by Ericsson to all Fellow Adopters for the
`use of the trademark in connection with products complying with the Specifica-
`Ericsson further provides Fellow Adopters a limited indemnity for costs and
`expenses incurred by the Fellow Adopter based upon the use of the trade mark
`within countries where Ericsson has registered the trademark. Ericsson does
`not take upon itself any liability regarding product, whether such liability is
`based on damages caused by the product for persons or property, or defects in
`the product itself.
`29 November 1999
`Legal aspects
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 828

`page 829 of 1082
`Bluetooth Compliance Requirements
`The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for Bluetooth com-
`pliance This has been done while bearing the basic Bluetooth philosophy in
`"Wireless Connections Made Easy"
`Examples of important end-user experiences are:
`- Reliable high-quality radio links.
`Interoperability between products of any brands,
`- Easily understood product capabilities.
`A reliable radio link experience depends upon all products demonstrating com-
`pliance with the Bluetooth radio link performance specifications. Interoperability
`is achieved by protocol and profile implementation conformance. Ease of use
`depends upon clear, consistent documentation of Bluetooth capabilities in
`product literature. All these elements are addressed in the requirements for
`Bluetooth compliance.
`The value of the Bluetooth Brand
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 829

`page 830 of1082
`Biuetooth Compliance Requirements
`This paragraph specifies the framework of the Bluetooth qualification program
`that a Bluetooth qualification applicant must perform. When completed, the full
`Bluetooth qualification program will be published at the Bluetooth web site.
`The Bluetooth qualification program (‘Program’) establishes the rules and pro-
`cedures by which the manufacturer demonstrates compliance to the Bluetooth
`specifications, and the process by which the Bluetooth license may be used by
`product manufacturers and distributors.
`The Program defines the following entities:
`- Bluetooth Quaiification Review Board (BQRB) — responsible for managing,
`reviewing and improving the Bluetooth qualification program. The original
`Bluetooth SIG companies will appoint BQRB initial members.
`Biuetooth Qualification Administrator (BOA) — responsible for administering
`the Bluetooth Qualification Program on behalf of BQRB.
`Bluetooth Qualification Test Facihty (BO TF) ~ a test faciiity that is officially
`authorized by BQRB to test Bluetooth products.
`Biuetooth Quaiification Body (808) — a specific person authorized by the
`BQRB to be responsible for checking declarations and documents against
`requirements, reviewing product test reports, and listing products on the off-
`cial database of Bluetooth qualified products.
`Functions and relationships are illustrated in Figure :3. '3.
`Declarations and
`Fellow Adopter ;
`(Manufacturer) _
`plmed “Pm
`web 5'!“
`BQTF and B08
`nB1(:T:ea:;jfi||i:?E% may be in-house
`Test report
`checked by
`Figure 5.1: Biuetooth Quaiification Process
`29 Ncvember19Q9
`The Bluetooth qualification program
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 830

`page 831 of 1082
`Bluetooth Compliance Requirements
`Summary of the Qualification process:
`1. The Fellow Adopter submits the product for Bluetooth qualification to a
`BQTF. The manufacturer must add temporary interfaces andior functionality
`so that all implemented Bluetooth capabilities can be tested. The BQTF is
`not responsible for providing any secondary systems such as a LAN, PSTN
`or GSM network to facilitate the testing. Necessary documentation shall be
`provided; e.g. product description, user's manual and the Implementation
`Conformance Statement (a template for this document will be available at
`the Bluetooth web site). The BQTF tests each Bluetooth feature declared in
`the Implementation Conformance Statement according to the current Test
`Specification and BQRB policies and prepares a test report.
`. The test results and product documentation are then sent to the BQB. The
`Fellow Adopter sends an application to the BQB requesting that the product
`be listed as ‘Bluetooth Qualified‘. The application shall contain —
`a) Precise product description, and
`b) Declaration of Compliance with the Bluetooth Specification
`(including this entire document) and the Bluetooth Brand Book,
`signed by a duly authorized official of the Fellow Adopter.
`. When the application is complete, the BQB issues a Qualified Product notice
`and (with the applicant's permission} lists the product on the official Blue-
`tooth Qualified products databases which can be viewed by all Fellow
`The BQTF may either be a third»party test house or an internal function of the
`applying Fellow Adopter. Also the BOB can be either internal or external. Both
`the BQTF and the BOB must always be authorized by the BQRB.
`it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to establish any necessary non-
`disciosure agreements with BQTF. BQB and (if required) BQA. In the event the
`BQB cannot determine compliance the BQB may. with the applicant's permis-
`sion, submit information to the BOA for a ruling. In the event the BQRB must be
`consulted. the applicant will be requested to prepare a submission according to
`BQRB guidelines.
`The Fellow Adopter will be invoiced directly from BQTF and BOB for their
`respective services and expenses. The BQRB will also charge a fee to finance
`the administration associated with the Qualification program. Initially, this fee
`will be $3000 per listed product. It will subsequently be adjusted once per year,
`to reflect the actual cost.
`The Bluetooth qualification program
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 831

`Bluetooth Compliance Requrremen ts
`page 832 of 1082
`This section summarizes the product requirements that must be met to com-
`plete a Bluetooth Qualification.
`The product requirements are divided into:
`- Bluetooth radio link requirements
`- Bluetooth protocol requirements
`- Bluetooth profile requirements
`- Bluetooth information requirements
`6.1.1 Requirement description
`The Bluetooth radio link shall meet certain minimum requirements, which are
`documented in the Test Specification. This is to establish and maintain the
`Bluetooth technology as the preferred choice for wireless short-range links.
`The Test Specification for the Bluetooth radio link requirements will be based
`on the Bluetooth specification Part A (Radio specification).
`6.1.2 Qualification
`The BQRB will issue a list of BQTFs that are allowed to qualify products
`against the Bluetooth performance requirements.
`The implementation of the lower layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack shall
`meet certain minimum requirements. which are documented in the Test Speci-
`fication. In order to verify that these requirements are met, individual testing of
`these protocols will be performed. The verification will be done by accessing
`the upper interface of these protocols through the Bluetooth Test Control Inter-
`face, TCl. How this test control interface will be used during verification is
`described in the Test Specification.
`The Test Specification for the Bluetooth protocol requirements will be based on
`the Bluetooth specification Part B, C, D and H (Base band, Link Manager, Log-
`ical Link Control and Adaptation and, if applicable, the Host Controller Inter-
`29 November 1999
`Bluetooth license requirements for products
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 832

`page 833 of 1082
`Bluetooth Compliance Requirements
`6.2.1 Qualification
`The BQRB will issue a list of BQTFs that are allowed to qualify products
`against the Bluetooth protocol requirements.
`The manufacturer is allowed to modify both the HW and SW of the product, to
`make it possible to perform the protocol tests. If this is done, the manufacturer
`must guarantee that an identical implementation of Bluetooth specification Part
`B, C, D and H (Base band, Link Manager, Logical Link Control and Adaptation
`and, if applicable, the Host Controller Interface) is used in the real product.
`6.3.1 Requirement description
`The Bluetooth products Shall meet certain minimum Bluetooth profile require-
`ments which, for each profile, is defined in the Test Specification. This is to
`ensure that the end user can benefit from interoperability between different
`products and brands. The Test Specification for the Bluetooth profile require-
`ments will be based on the Bluetooth specification Part K (Profile specifica-
`The following general Bluetooth profile requirements must always be met:
`- The “Generic Access” profile must be complied with.
`- All implemented Bluetooth services must be described in the "Implementa-
`tion Conformance Statement".
`All Bluetooth profiles declared in the "Implementation Conformance State-
`ment" must be implemented according to each profile specification.
`All mandatory features of a Bluetooth profile role shall be implemented. All
`implemented optional Bluetooth features ofa profile role shalt be impis-
`mented according to the profile specification.
`If a service, for which there exists a Bluetooth profile, shall be implemented,
`it must be done according to that profile. It is permitted to make improve-
`ments or add features to a profile, as long as interoperability is maintained
`with other products that have implemented the standard profile as described
`in the previous paragraph. Improvements or new features can only be acti-
`vated after proper negotiation between two Bluetooth devices.
`Notification: A Feliow Adopter that wants to implement a new service, for which
`there is no sufficient standardized Bluetooth profile specification available, is
`allowed to do So. However, this new service must never be referred to in a way
`that it could mistakenly be interpreted as being a standard Bluetooth profile and
`part of the Bluetooth specification. The manufacturer must inform the
`market as well as the end user in a clear and consistent way about these limita-
`tions in general interoperability.
`Bluetooth license requirements for products
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 833

`Bluetooth Compliance Requfremen is
`6.3.2 Qualification
`page 834 of 1082
`The BQRB will issue a list of BQTF that are allowed to qualify products against
`the Bluetooth profile requirements.
`6.4.1 Requirement description
`The manufacturer shall inform the market and end users in a clear and consis-
`tent way about the implemented Bluetooth capabilities.
`6.4.2 Qualification
`The product will be qualified against the Bluetooth information requirements.
`6.5.1 Definition of ‘Bluetooth accessory products’
`A Bluetooth accessory product is defined as "A product marketed to the end
`user, containing at least the hardware for the Bluetooth radio and baseband,
`yet not being a stand-alone Bluetooth product. After being installed in a host
`system, the product acts like a complete Bluetooth product." Examples of Blue-
`tooth accessory products: PC-Cards, serial port dongles, USB dongles.
`Bluetooth accessory products must also pass through the complete Bluetooth
`qualification process. To facilitate testing, the Bluetooth accessory product and
`the provided Bluetooth SW will be installed in a host device that is provided by
`the manufacturer.
`6.5.2 Qualification
`Same as in Session 6.‘: - Serstiorr 8.4 above.
`6.6.1 Definition of “Bluetooth components”
`A Btuetooth component is defined as "A component product designed and mar-
`keted for the enabling of a complete Bluetooth product. which component prod-
`uct containing at least a subset of an existing Bluetooth Profile (see ?3s=.r.::'.ion $.13
`en page 833), yet not being able to function as a complete Bluetooth product".
`For example, a Bluetooth component might be a complete module designed for
`integration on a PC board, or an integrated circuit impiementing all Bluetooth
`baseband and protocol functions.
`29 November 1999
`Bluetooth license requirements for products
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 834

`page 835 of 1082
`Bluetooth Compliance Requirements
`A Bluetooth component is typically purchased and integrated by an original
`equipment manufacturer (OEM) into a product designed for sale to an end
`A Bluetooth component manufacturer will typically obtain a limited Bluetooth
`License enabling the manufacturer to identify the component's Bluetooth capa-
`bilities. A component manufacturer may also wish to minimize their OEM cus-
`tomer's qualification testing requirements through one-time qualification testing
`of a reference design based on the component. Qualifying a component is not
`necessary as long as the final product is qualified. The possibility has been cre-
`ated only to ease the marketing of Bluetooth components.
`6.6.2 Requirement description
`Bluetooth components must pass through the complete Bluetooth qualification
`process in a reference design configuration documented in an application note.
`Bluetooth products incorporating a limitedly licensed Bluetooth component
`must also pass through the complete Bluetooth qualification process. However.
`certain tests may be waived if so indicated in the limited Bluetooth License
`valid for the component.
`A component‘s limited Bluetooth License identifies specific qualification tests
`that may be considered pre-qualified by an OEM manufacturer using the com-
`ponent in an end-user product. These specific qualification tests are identified
`by the BQTF, which performs qualification testing of the Bluetooth component
`in its reference design. BQTF identifies those tests based on the unique design
`characteristics of the component in consultation with the manufacturer.
`6.6.3 Qualification
`A product which includes an integrated Bluetooth component must be qualified
`as described in Sectien 8.1 - 73.»:-action 6.4 above, possibly with some of the tests
`waived if so indicated in the limited Bluetooth License valid for the component.
`Bluetooth license requirements for products
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 835

`Biuetooih Compiiance Requirements
`page 836 of 1082
`The process and conditions for qualifying early products (that may contain rea-
`sonable deviations from the Bluetooth specification) will be defined and pub-
`lished on the Bluetooth web site.
`29 November ‘[999 Bluetoolh license provisions for early products
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 836

`page 837 of 1082
`Bluetooth Compiiance Requirements
`This section defines the requirements for using the Bluetooth Brand elements
`for special products and marketing.
`8.1.1 Definition of ‘Bluetooth Development tools and demos’
`Bluetooth Development tools and demos are products intended either for
`developing commercial Bluetooth products or for demonstrating the Bluetooth
`technology in a certain application. Neither one may be sold to ordinary con-
`8.1.2 Requirement description
`The manufacturer andior seller of these products shall clearly inform the
`targeted audienceicustomer that the products are for development andfor dem~
`onstration purpose only, and that they have not been qualified to the Bluetooth
`8.1.3 Qualification
`Qualification testing by a BQTF is not required. Qualification is based upon the
`applicants declaration of compliance with the Specification and Brand Book.
`The Bluetooth Brand elements may be used for general marketing and product
`announcements. The rules of the Bluetooth Brand Book must be followed.
`if the Bluetooth Brand is used on a give-away item, where it is not obvious to
`everyone that the product doesn't contain a Bluetooth radio, then a clear dis-
`claimer has to be displayed on the product (e.g. a giveaway calculator with the
`Bluetooth brand must have a visible disclaimer since the idea of calculators
`with in-buiit Bluetooth actually makes sense}.
`Bluetooth Brand Lioense provisions for special products 8: markeling29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 837

`Bluetooth Compliance Requfremen is
`page 838 of 1082
`In addition to the requirements set forth in the Brand Book. it is recommended
`that at least the following pieces of information are provided for the market and
`the end-user:
`- The Bluetooth capabilities of the product should be stated, at least in brief,
`on the product box.
`The user's manual (or corresponding information) should contain a section
`where all the Bluetooth capabilities are described. A list of qualified standard
`profiles using the profile names listed in Appendix B should be contained. If
`applicable, revision numbers of the implemented profiles shall be included.
`For early products a list of interoperable products instead of profiles should
`be contained.
`Important places for end-user information are user's manuals (user guides),
`leaflets. boxes and other advertisement material.
`An example of information in a user's manual can be found in Appendix A on
`pagge fez?-f}.
`It is important that new profiles, not sanctioned by the Bluetooth SIG, cannot be
`mistaken for profiles contained in the Bluetooth specification. In case of new
`profiles it is important that the manufacturer inform the market and the end user
`about what other products that interoperability can be expected with.
`29 November 1999
`Recommendations ooncerning information
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 838

`page 839 of 1082
`Biuetooth Compiiance Requirements
`Each manufacturer is responsible for keeping a high quality level when mass-
`producing an approved product. Products that are put on the market shall meet
`the requirements for which the product has been qualified.
`A Bluetooth Qualification covers specific product hardware and software ver-
`sions. The product's manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that all produc-
`tion units perform identically to the qualified version, by maintaining appropriate
`quality management and configuration management programs.
`Major hardware or software modifications related to the Bluetooth part of a
`qualified product, shall be documented and submitted to the BOB for review.
`Based on the manufacturer's representations, the BOB may certify that the
`product requires no further testing and allow the license to be updated to
`include the new version. In other cases, the BOB may identify a limited subset
`of tests that must be performed by a BQTF to qualify the new version.
`Addition of Bluetooth capabilities requires a new qualification of the product.
`Quality management. configuration management and version contro|29 November 1899
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 839

`Biuetooth Compiiance Requirements
`page 840 of 1082
`This is an example of a Bluetooth Capability Statement in a User's Manual.
`Bluetooth Capability Statement
`This product is manufactured to meet the Bluetooth
`Specification 1.0. The following Bluetooth functions are supported:
`- Service Discovery
`- Cordless Telephony
`- Local Telephony
`- Headset
`The profiles normally use roles. In most cases it is obvious which role a certain
`product has implemented. Where doubt or misunderstanding could arise, the
`implemented role shall be explicitly stated after the profile name.
`29 November ‘[999
`Appendix A — Example of a "Bluetooth
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 840

`Biuetooth Compliance Requirements
`page 841 of 1082
`Bluetooth uses profiles to ensure interoperability between products and
`brands. The profile specifications are technical documents. In the marketing
`communication it is strongly recommended to use the names listed in Table
`Profile name
`Generic Access
`Marketing name
`Generic Access
`Service Discovery
`Service Discovery
`Cordless Telephony
`Cordless Telephony
`Local Telephony
`Speaker phone
`Dial-up networking
`LAN Access
`Serial port
`Network access point
`Serial port
`Generic Object Exchange
`Object Exchange
`Object Push
`Object push
`File Transfer and Browsing
`Data sharing
`Table 12.1: Marketing names for Biuetooth profiles
`Appendix B - Marketing names of Biuelooth prcfi|es29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 841

`page 842 of1082
`Biuetooth Compfiance Requirements
`29 November ‘[999
`Appendix B - Marketing names of Bluetooth
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 842

`This ocumént describes the Bluetooth Test
`Contiol Inteéace (TCI). The TCI provides a uni-
`form‘ etho of accessing the upperinterface
`of th§ Syste _ Under Test (SUT) andlor the
`lmplfimentaglan Under Test (IUT).
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 843

`page 844 of1082
`Test Contra! Interface
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 844

`page 845 of1082
`Test Control Interface
`imrcsziuctim ..................................................................................... ..3é?'
`The needs far 3 unified £935.
`ijsagea 3‘? the interfaate ............................................................ "848
`(Sahara: Descrigatixm ....................................................................... ..84§
`Eiaseband and Link Ex-ianagen1entverification ........................ ..84Q
`2.2 H83
`LZCAF’ verificafsor: .................................................................. ..852
`1'95: Canfiguratiszms ........................................................................ .354
`E3EL1e§0oth RF Link requirements ............................................. .854
`Biueitaoth protocoi rezzuirements
`Eitifii-!J0f?‘r pwfiie requérernenis
`Required Er::erface{.<3'} ................................................. .655
`YC23-§..2€:£9aP Specifisatinn ............................................................... .353
`Events .................................................................................... ..858
`Corzfiguraiiran mdicatiora ............................................. .35?
`Giscrorrnect irmiicatioru
`\a'i0Eat¥on §i".‘t'f§C.‘.E’11.‘i(}i"}
`filornmands ............................................................................. .85?’
`{Earnest E-"zesgmnse .................................................... .359
`C0.*“:n3ction Reiease {E3is{:(3rmec't}
`Cnunfigum Respoawse .................................................. ..E‘>6t'}
`4.2.5 Disabie Coawnectianiess
`Erzatzie Cormeciioniess
`4.2.8 Group
`ffiroup Ciuse .............................................................. ..86'¥
`4.2.19 Group Add Merrgber ................................................... ..8.F.‘-1
`4.2.1"? Group Remava-3
`4.2.12 Grrsup Mesrstéershigs......................................................862
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 845

`page 846 of1082
`Test Contra! Interface
`Tr;—:nsf+3r_ ............................................................
`......... .
`. 8&3
`ai...’:’..'§ Write ................................. . ........................................
`. 863
`Read ......................................................................... .. 864
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 846

`Test Contra! interface
`page 847 of 1082
`IUT = Implementation Under Test: An implementation of one or more OSl pro-
`tocols in an adjacent useriprovider relationship. being that part of a real open
`system which is to be studied by testing.
`This term will be used when describing the test concept for Bluetooth acces-
`sory products and Bluetooth components. The definition of Bluetooth acces-
`sory products and Bluetooth components can be found in Part 5:}? 1 Section
`Ei.:'$.1 on page 834 and in F’:-art i:2 I Section fits.-t on page 834.
`SUT = System Under Test: The real open system in which the IUT resides.
`This term will be used when describing the test concept for Bluetooth products.
`TCI = Test Control Interface: The interface and protocol used by the tester to
`send and receive commands and messages to and from the upper interface of
`For all Bluetooth accessory products. Bluetooth components and Bluetooth
`products, protocol testing will be used to verify the implemented functionality in
`the lowest layers; i.e. conformance testing.
`For this type of testing, an upper tester (UT) will be required to completely test
`the implementation.
`in order to shield the tester from having to adopt to each and every implemen-
`tation of IUTs or SUTs. the use of a standardized control interface is mandated.
`This concept puts some extra burden upon the manufacturer of the IUTISUT.
`The manufacturer must:
`- adopt the implementation-dependent interface to the TCI
`supply, with the IUT, the adapter needed (can be HW, SW or FW)
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 847

`Test Con trot Interface
`page 848 of 1082
`The Bluetooth Test Control Interface, TCI, will be used when verifying the Blue-
`tooth protocol requirements for a Bluetooth accessory product, Bluetooth com-
`ponent or a Bluetooth product. More specifically, the TCI will be used when
`verifying implemented functionality of the:
`- Baseband layer, BB (the protocol-related part)
`- Link Manager Protocol, LMP
`- Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol, LZCAP
`and, if support of the HCI is claimed by the manufacturer:
`- Host Control Interface, HCI
`29 November 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1019 p. 848

`page 849 of 1082
`Test Contra! interface
`The interface used between the tester and the SUTIIUT will be either of two
`This interface is semantically and syntactically identical to the HCI interface
`described in “Part i-tzt" on page 51?’.
`This interface is based on the HO] interface, and will be used during verifica-
`tion of the L2CAP layer of the SUTIIUT.
`The proposed physical bearer is one of the transport layers specified for the
`HCI: USB, RS232 or UART

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