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`IPR2014-01181 EXHIBIT 2008 – 1

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`IPR2014-01181 EXHIBIT 2008 – 2

`lternatives; (2) an indirect question involving alter-
`e should agree or raise objections>, (3) alternative
`bilities <see me no more, he be dead or no —
`next to her by accident or design) — whether or
`t: in any case
`ton, 'wet- \ n (bef. 12c) : a stone for whetting edge
``wii, 'hyii; the inter] is a whistle concluded with
`tj (1513) 1: a whistling sound 2: a sound like a
`t uttered as an exclamation <gave a long — when he
`the job> — used interjectionally chiefly to express
`ifort, or relief
`[ME, fr. OE hwreg; akin to MD wey whey] (bef. 12c)
`tery part of milk that is separated from the coagula-
`p. in the process of making cheese and that is rich in
`and vitamins and contains lactalbumin and traces of
`\ n (1605) : a person having a pale face (as
`as, (cid:9)
`y-faced \-,fast \ ad]
`lwich \ ad] [ME, of what kind, which, fr. OE hwilc;
`h of what kind, which, OE hwa who & -1k -ly — more
`12c) 1 .• being what one or ones out of a group —
`.ogative tie should I wear> <kept a record of
`heir vacations in July> 2: ,WHICHEVER (it will not fit,
`m like) 3 — used as a function word to introduce a
`ative clause and to modify a noun in that clause and
`with that noun to a word or word group in a preced-
`in entire preceding clause or sentence or longer unit of
`rman, — language might have been the medium of
`Thomas Pyles) <that this city is a rebellious city. ... :
`this city destroyed —Ezra 4:15 (AV))
`12c) 1: what one or ones out of a group — used as
`of those houses do you live in> of you want tea
`ionade> <he is swimming or canoeing, I don't know
`<take you like> 3 — used as a function word to
`ative clause; used in any grammatical relation except
`ssive; used esp. in reference to animals, inanimate oh-
`or ideas <the bonds represent the debt —G. B.
`Samnite tribes, — settled south and southeast of Rome
`:m>, used freely in reference to persons recently as the
`our Father art in heaven —Mt 6:9 (AV)>, and still
`but usu. with some implication of emphasis on the func-
`the person rather than on the person himself (chiefly
`iusbands, they got easily —Lynn White); used by
`11 educational levels and by many reputable writers,
`'roved by some grammarians, in reference to an idea
`word or group of words that is not necessarily a noun or
`he resigned that post, after he engaged in ranching —
`iwich-'ev-ar, wich- \ ad] (14.c) : being whatever one or
`group : no matter which <its soothing ... effect will be
`ay you take it —Punch>
`in (15c) : whatever one or ones out of a group (take two
`.ctive subjects, you prefer)
`\,hwich-sa-'wev-ar„wich-\ peon or ad] (15c) : WHICHEVER
`ik-ar, 'wik- \ vi whickmred; whickmmng \ -(a-)rin [iMit.}
`IEIGH, WHINNY — whicker n
`wic1\ vi whickled; whickling [Sc whid silent rapid motion]
`to move nimbly and silently
`n [origin unknown] (1591) 1 a : a quick puff or
`sp. of air, odor, gas, smoke, or spray b: an inhalation of
`4 smoke c : a slight puffing or whistling sound 2 : a
`'1) 1 : to move with or as if with a puff of air 2: to emit
`F 3: to inhale an odor 4: STRIKE OUT 3 r•-• vt
`1 a: to
`Ivey by or as if by a whiff : BLOW b: to expel or puff out in
`vif-at, 'wif- \ n [prob, alter, of whippet] (1839) : a small,
`nimportant person
`'wif- \ vb whif.fled; whif4ling \-(a-)lig \ [prob. freq. of
`568) 1 a of the wind : to blow unsteadily or in gusts it
`E 2: to emit or produce a light whistling or puffing sound
`ow, disperse, emit, or expel with or as if with a whiff
`'wif- n [alter. of earlier wifler, fr. obs. wifle (battle'
`539): one that clears the way for a procession
`twif-(a-)lar, `wif- \ n [whiffle] (1607) 1 • one that frequently
`opinion or course 2: one that uses shifts and evasions in
`Vhwif-al-Otre, 'wif- \ ii
`whippletree] (ca. 1828)
`:d swinging bar to which
`a harness are fastened
`Lich a vehicle or imple-
`g, 'wig \ n [short for
`e (member of a Scottish
`marched to Edinburgh
`oppose the court party)] (cid:9)
`: a member or sup-
`major British political
`he 18th and early 19th
`:eking to limit the royal
`ad increase parliamentary power — compare TORY 2: an
`avoring independence from Great Britain during the Ameri-
`tion 3 : a member or supporter of an American political
`id about 1834 in opposition to the Jacksonian Democrats,
`;hiefly with manufacturing, commercial, and financial inter-
`cceeded about 1854 by the Republican party — Whig ad]
`b Vhwig-ish, 'wig- \ ad] —WIng•gism n
`'hwig-a-re, 'wig- \ n (1682) : the principles or practices of
`rie Viwig-ma-'1i(a)r-8,wig- \ n [origin unknown] (1730) I
`an odd or fanciful contrivance : GIMCRACK
`1 whiffletree
`whether or no • whip (cid:9)
`twhile Vhwi(a)1, `wi(a)1\ n [ME, fr. OE hwil; akin to OHG hwila time, L
`auks rest, quiet] (bef. 12c) 1 : a period of time esp. when short and
`marked by the occurrence of an action or a condition : TIME <stay here
`for a ^-> 2 : the time and effort used (as in the performance of an
`action): TROUBLE (worth your
`con] (12c) 1 a: during the time that <take a nap — I'm out> b
`: as long as there's life there's hope> 2 a : when on the other
`hand : WHEREAS <easy for an expert, it is dangerous for a novice> b
`: in spite of the fact that : ALTHOUGH (-"•-, respected, he is not liked) 3
`: similarly and at the same time that the book will be welcomed by
`scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader —Brit.
`Book News>
`3while prep, archaic (14e) : UNTIL
`vt whiled; (1635) : to cause to pass esp. without bore-
`dom or in a pleasant manner — usu. used with away (cid:9)
`away the time>
`zwhiles Vhwi(a)lz, 'wi(a)1A, con] [ME, fr. while (cid:9)
`-s, adv. suffix — more
`at WHENCE] archaic (13c): WHILE
`3whiles ads, chiefly Scot (15c): SOMETIMES
`, Whi•IOM yhWi-larn, 'wi- ads [ME, lit., at times, fr. OE hwilum, dat. pl.
`of hwil time, while] archaic (13c) ; FORMERLY
`2whilom adj (15c) : FORMER
`whilst Vhwi(a)lst, 'wi(a)Ist conj [ME whitest, alter. of whites] chiefly Brit
`(140 : WHILE
`whim \'hwim, 'wim \ n [short for whim-wham] (1678) 1 : a capricious
`or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : FANCY 2 : a
`large capstan that is made with one or more radiating arms to which a
`horse may be yoked and that is used in mines for raising ore or water
`syn see CAPRICE
`whim•brel Vhwim-bral, 'wim- \ n [origin unknown] (1530) : a small
`European curlew (Numenius phaeopus); broadly : any small curlew
`1whimmer Vhwim-par, 'wim- \ vi whimmered; whimmening \-p(a-)rig \
`Dmit.] (1513) 1: to make slow whining plaintive or broken sound 2
`: to complain or protest with or as if with a whimper
`2whimper it (ca. 1700) 1 : a whimpering cry or sound 2 : a petulant
`complaint or protest
` (cid:9)
`'wim- \ ad] [whimsy] (1653) 1 : full of actu-
`ated by, or exhibiting whims 2 a: resulting from or characterized by
`whim or caprice it : subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable
`change — whim•si•cal44y (cid:9)
`\ is whimskal-
`ly Vhwim-zi-k(a-)1a, •wim- \ ads whim.skalmess \ -kal-nas \ it
`whirtmied Vhwim-zed, 'wim- ad] (1624) : WHIMSICAL
`whimsy or whimsey Vhwirn-ze, 'wimA n, pl whimsies or whimseys
`[irreg. fr. whim-wham] (1605) 1 : WHIM, CAPRICE 2 : a fanciful or
`fantastic device, object, or creation esp. in writing or art
`whim-wham Vhwim-,hwam, 'wim-,wam \ n [origin unknown] (1500)
`: a whimsical object or device esp. of ornament or dress 2 : FANCY,
`whin Vhwin, 'win \ n [ME whynne, of Scand origin; akin to Norw kvein
`bent grass] (15c): FURZE
`whinmhat Vhwin -,chat, 'win- n [whin] (1678) : a small brown and buff
`European singing bird (Saxicola rubetra) of grassy meadows
`'whine Vhwin, 'win \ vb whined; [ME whinen, fr. OE hwinan to
`whiz; akin to ON hvina to whiz] vi (13c)
`1 a to utter a high-pitched
`plaintive or distressed cry b : to make a sound similar to such a cry
`(the wind whined in the chimney> 2: to utter a complaint with or as if
`with a whine 3: to move or proceed with the sound of a whine (the
`bullet whined.
`across the ice —Berton Roueche) r•- n it: to utter or
`express with or as if with a whine — is — Vhwi-nig-
`le, (cid:9)
`2whine n (1633) 1 a: a prolonged high-pitched cry usu. expressive of
`distress or pain h: a sound resembling such a cry 2 : a complaint
`uttered with or as if with a whine — whiny or whinmy Vhwi-ne, \
`Vwin-_,din, 'hwig- \ n [by alter.] (ca. 1945): WINGDING
`1whinmy Vhwin-e, 'win- vb whmmied; [prob. imit.] vi
`(1530) : to neigh esp. in a low or gentle way r•-• vt : to utter with or as
`if with a whinny
`3whinny n,_pl whinnies (ea. 1823) 1: the loud prolonged cry of a horse
`: NEIGH 2: a sound resembling a neigh
`whirostone Vhwin-,ston, 'win- \ is (ca. 1513) : basaltic rock : TRAP: also
`: any of various other dark resistant rocks (as chert)
`'whip \'hwip, 'wip vb whipped; whipming [ME wippen, whippen; akin to
`MD wippen to move up and down, sway, OE wiplan to wipe] vi (14c)
`1 : to take, pull, snatch, jerk, or otherwise move very quickly and
`forcefully (whipped out his gun —Green Peyton) 2 a (1) : to strike
`with a slender lithe implement (as a lash or rod) esp. as a punishment
`(2) : SPANK b: to drive or urge on by or as if by using a whip C: to
`strike as a lash does (rain whipped the pavement) 3 a : to bind or
`wrap (as a rope or fishing rod) with cord for protection and strength b
`: to wind or wrap around something 4 : to belabor with stinging
`words : ABUSE 5 : to seam or hem with shallow overcasting stitches
`6: to overcome decisively : DEFEAT 7: to stir up : INCITE— uSii. used
`with up (trying to up a new emotion —Ellen Glasgow> 8: to pro-
`duce in a hurry — usu. used with up <a sketch ... an artist might up
`—N.Y. Times) 9: to fish (water) with rod, line, and artificial lure 10
`: to beat (as eggs or cream) into a froth with a utensil (as a whisk or
`fork) 11 : to gather together or hold together for united action in the
`manner of a party whip r•-• vi I : to proceed nimbly or quickly
`: WHISK (whipping through the supper dishes —C, B. Davis> 2 : to
`thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash <a flag... whipping
`out from its staff —H. A. Calahan> — whipmer is — whip into shape
`: to bring forcefully to a desired state or condition
`2whip it (14c) 1 : an instrument consisting usu. of a handle and lash
`forming a flexible rod that is used for whipping 2 : a stroke or cut
`with or as if with a whip 3 a: a dessert made by whipping a portion
`of the ingredients <prune it : a kitchen utensil made of braided or
`coiled wire or perforated metal with a handle and used in whipping 4
`\a\ ace \a \ cot, cart
`\a\ abut V\ kitten, F table \ar \ further \a\ ash
`\au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \O\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit \I\ ice
`\j\ job
`\ \ sing \O\ go \O\ law \oi \ boy \ th \ thin \th \ the \ii \ loot \ it\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh \ vision \a, k, ", ce, te, SE, \ see Guide to Pronunciation
`,, (cid:9)
`IPR2014-01181 EXHIBIT 2008 – 3

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