`Filed July 15, 1929
`2 Sheets—Sheet
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`777027?“ J. 5chueZ’Z,
`Normah Int; Exhibit 1005 ,
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1005
`Aug. 9, 1932.
`T. J. SCHUEi‘Z '
`Filed July 15, 1929
`2 Sheets—Shéet
`”50% a 20W
`June “10$
`7770mm; Jk3c3}2ws1z?3;;J
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1005
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1005
`Patented Aug. 79,1932 «
`Application filed July 15,
`1929. Serial No. 378,474.
`My invention consists in new and useful
`improvements1n friction brakes, and relates
`particularly to that type of machinery known
`as a worm drive used in connection with
`hoisting apparatus.
`Itis the object of my invention to provide
`a device of this character whichis noiseless,
`requires a minimum of space and one which
`will act instantly to resist the 'reverse--rota-
`tion of the worm shaft when the hoist drum
`is under load.
`With the above and other objects in View
`2 which will appear as’the description proceeds
`my invention consists of the novel features
`herein set forth, illustrated in the accom—
`,panying drawings, and more particularly
`~ pointed out in the appended claims.
`Referring to the drawings in which nu-
`merals of like character designate similar
`parts throughout the several Views:
`Fig.1 is a sectional view of the friction
`brake applied to the worm gear of a hoist-
`Fig. 2 is an end view of the same.
`Fig.3is a sectional view taken on line 3—3
`of Fig. 1 illustrating the roller clutch ar-
`Fig. 4 is a sectional view taken on line
`4—4of Fig. 1, and
`Fig. 5 is a similar view on line 5—5 of
`Tnlthe drawings 1 represents the housing
`’ of a conventional hoisting machine carrying
`the worm gear shaft 2, the worm gear 3 of
`whichis arranged for engagement with the
`drum gear 4. To meet the requirements of
`my invention, the worm gear shaft 2 is ex-
`tended and projects beyond the boundaries
`of the housing 1, being reduced and squared
`at the end 5 as shown1n Figures 1 and 2.
`The shaft 2 is carriedin suitable anti-fric-
`tion bearings 6 arrangedin the housing 1.
`7 represents a cup-shaped casting forming
`a casing, machined to fit into one end of the
`worm--gear housing and is rigidly secured
`in place by suitable bolts 8, being centrally
`apertured as at 9 to receive the end of the
`shaft. 2, said aperture being slightly larger
`in dianieter than said end of the shaft 2,2:to
`permit the lubricating fluidin the worm gear
`housing to circulate into the casing 7. The
`interior of the casing 7 is provided with a
`series of circular recesses or wells 10‘ arranged
`about the axis of the shaft aperture 9, each
`of which is adapted to receive a suitable coil
`spring 11 for the purpose hereinafter set
`12 represents a spring plate in theform of
`a circular disk adapted to fit into the casing
`7 and about themner extremity of the cup,
`late being provided with a series of
`cylin rical lugsc13arranged to register with
`and fitin the spring wells 10 respectively,
`within the coils of the spiings 11 as will be
`seen from Fig 1. These lugs 13 maybe riv—
`eted or otherwise rigidlyb securedy to the
`spring plate 12.
`Two friction plates 14 and 15, similarin
`shape to the plate 12 are rigidly secured on
`either side of a roller race cas1ng 16 by means
`of rivets or other suitable fastening means17.
`Within the race casing 16 I provide a circu—
`lar race collar 18, (Fig. 3) engaging theinner
`circumference of said race casing and witthin
`which the roller race member 19 is adapted
`to rotate in one direction only This race
`member 191s provided with a plurality of
`uniformly inclined grooves or notches 20
`within which are arranged rollers 21 which
`are normally forced toward the upwardly in-
`clined surfaces of the notches by suitable
`spring-actuated pistons 22. The race mem—
`ber 191s provided centrally with a squared
`aperture 23 adapted to fit over and engage
`the squared end 5 of the shaft 2 whereby said
`race member1S caused to rotate with said
`The unit formed by the friction plates 14
`and 15, the race casing 16 and the race mem-
`ber 19, is inserted within the casing cup 7
`with a friction lining disk 24 of suitable ma-
`terial interposed between the friction plate
`14 and the spring plate 12, (Fig.1), and a
`second friction lining disk 25 is applied ad-
`jacent the outer surface of the friction plate
`15 at the outer extremity of the cup portion
`of the casing 7.
`The entire friction braking mechanismis
`enclosed within the casing 7 by a cover plate
`26 secured to the outer edge of the casing 7
`' Nohnafilnt. “Exhibit 1005'
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1005
`1,870,532 'i
`by means of suitable bolts 27. As before. in the details of construction without de-
`parting from the spirit of the invention as
`stated this casing 7 is in communication with
`the worm gear housing by means of the ap-
`set forth, in the following claims.
`What I claim and des1re to secure by Let-
`erture 9, whereby the lubrication of the
`ters Patent is :
`braking elements is facilitated. The lubri-
`1. A friction brake for a rotar
`cant in the casing is maintained at the same
`hydrostatic level as that in the worm gear
`housing and circulates through said housing
`and casing to effect a constant co-eflicient
`.of friction between the rotating elements of
`the brake mechanism.
`It is obvious that without proper lubrica~
`tion of the brake elements, there would be
`undue wear of parts in that the friction discs
`would be subjected to varied co-efiicients of
`friction due to temperature, dampness, for«
`eign matter, etc., while with arrangement
`above described,
`these disadvantages are
`shaft, .
`comprising a housing adapted to receive a
`portion of said shaft, a friction late 'unit in
`said housing surrounding sai
`shaft and
`comprising a plurality of frictionplates se-
`- cured together With a clutch 'cas1ng inter-
`posed therebetween, a clutch member fixed on ,
`said shaft/and rotatable therewith, within
`said clutch leasing, and a pressure member
`adapted to normally prevent the rotation of
`‘said unit, Said clutch being adapted to rotate
`freely in one direction and engage said fric-
`tion plate unit when force is applied in the
`reverse direction, whereby retrograde rota-
`tion of said shaft is prevented.
`2. A friction b'rake for a rotary shaft, com-
`prising a housing adapted to receive a portion
`of said shaft, a friction late unit in said
`housing surrounding sai
`shaft and com-
`prising a plurality of friction plates secured
`together with. a clutch casing interposed
`therebetween, a clutch member fixed on said
`shaft and rotatable therewith, within said
`clutch casing, a pressure member adapted to
`normally prevent the rotation of said unit,
`said clutch being adapted to rotate freely in .
`one direction and engage said friction plate
`unit when force is applied in the reverse di-
`rection, whereby retrograde rotation of said
`shaft is prevented, and braking discs engag-
`ing the friction surfaces of said friction
`3. A friction brake for a rotary shaft, com-
`prising a housing adapted to receive a portion
`of said shaft, a friction plate unit in said
`housing surrounding Said shaft and compris-
`ing a plurality of friction plates secured to:
`gether with a clutch casing interposed there-
`bctween, a clutch member fixed on said shaft
`' and rotatable therewith, within said clutch
`casing, and a pressure member comprising a .
`spring actuated plate surrounding said shaft
`and adapted to normally prevent the rotation
`of said unit, said clutch being adapted to ro-
`tate freely in one direction and engage said
`friction plate unit when force is applied in
`the reverse direction, whereby retrograde ro-
`tation of said shaft is prevented.
`In testimony whereof I afli‘x mv signature.
`Having thu's described the construction
`and assembly of my improved braking mech-
`anism its operation is as follows:
`When the hoisting machine is set into 0 -
`eration the shaft 2 rotates in counter-cloc -
`Wise direction as shown by the arrows in
`Figs. 1 and 3, during which rotation the roll-
`ers 21 slide freely in their respective recesses
`20 in the race member 19, the friction disks
`and plates being stationary. The race mem-
`ber 19, being the only member positively
`driven by the shaft 2 through its squared
`end 5, rotates idly within the ring 18.
`Now, assuming that the hoisting mecha-
`nism is stopped, and the force of the load on
`the’cable drum, applied to the shaft-2 in the
`reverse direction, the rollers 21 will be im~
`mediately wedged in their inclined notches
`or recesses 20 to prevent the retrograde move—
`ment of the shaft.
`' The spring plate 12, being under a con-
`. stant outward pressure from the series of
`springs 11 causes the friction plates and
`braking disks to constantly engage one an-
`other, thus acting as a brake, settin up a
`variable friction; This friction may e reg-
`ulated to suit the requirements by means of
`the coils rings 11, the resistance required to
`prevent t e backward rotation of the shaft 2,
`due to a load on the cable drum, being only
`fractional of the torque required.
`It will be noted that the friction torque in
`my device is held positively constant, regard-
`less of the direction of notation of the shaft
`and that no retrograde movement is neces-
`sary to its operation.
`In fact retrograde
`movement in my structure is most undesuable
`due to theincreased wear on the parts and
`the resulting , uncertain thermal
`which is of the utmost importance when ,ap-
`plied'to worm gears.
`From the foregoing it is believed that the .
`advantages of my invention may be clearly
`understood by those skilled in the art with-
`out further description, it being borne in
`mind that numerouschanges may be made
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1005
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1005