`Norman Int. Exhibit 1008
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1008
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`unwary buyer.
`ed trademark you should look f0r
`Webster® is the register
`A Merriam-
`he purchase of dictionaries or other fine reference
`when you consider t
`company that has been publishing
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`f quality and authority.
`since l83l and is your assurance 0
`Copyright © I989 by Merréam-Webster Inc.
`Philippines Copyright 1989 by Merriam-Webster Inc.
`ISBN 0—87779—900—8 (standard cover)
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`Norman Int. Exhibit 1008
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1008
`or profici ncy ained by expe '
`— iii-ex-pecrl-e
`\—onst\ adj fiance
`inoexrpert \(')in- e -.sp9rt\ adj : not
`- uusxiLLiap — in-eii'perMy
`-ble \(')in-{ek-spe-e-bai\
`: not capable of being atoned for “4!
`inoex-pli-mgblehm-ilg' splik-o-bal, (')‘
`'ek-(.)splik-\ adi : incapable of beim‘
`explained or accounted for — in“?!
`pike-bl? \-ble\ adv
`inoex-pi'essdble \-'spres—a=bal\ adj =n
`capable of being expressed — in “t
`press-ibly \-ble\ adv
`iii exotemis \.in=ik-fstm-mas, "Sire
`adv :in entreme circumstances; e;
`:at the paint of death _
`in-ex-trlvca3ble \.in
`'stnlg-a-bal, (In
`'ek-(.)stnk-\ adi
`forming a mazit 3‘
`tangle from which it is impossiblé tr
`get free 2 : incapable of being disc °
`tangled or untied : UNSOLVABLE ~ i:
`ex-trl-ca-bly \-ble\ adv
`inf abbr 1 infantry 2 infinitive
`in-faloli-ble\(')in-'fal-o-bol\ adi l : inca
`pable of error : UNERRING 2 z
`Clam-Aug (an ~ remedy) — in
`My \(’)in-I.fal-a-'bil-ct—6\ it
`My \( )in~ fal-a-ble\ adv
`: liavin8 a
`in-fi-mous \'in-f:i~mas\ adi l_
`reputation of the worst kind 2 gm:~
`cancer-1n. — inofa-mous-ly adv
`inofa-iny \.me\ n. 17! units 1 : evil rep . I
`tation brought about .by somethixl};
`grossly criminal, shocking, or brut
`: an extreme and publicly know;
`cnnunal or evil act 3 : the state {f
`being infamous
`iii-fancy \'in-fen-SE\ gt, p} ~cios l :eafly
`childhood} : a beginning or early De.
`_ nod of cxrstence
`incfaiit \'in-fant\ n [ME enfaugzi, fr. M):
`enfant, fr. L infant-, infans, Incapable
`of speech. young. fr. fanr-, fans, prp_
`offan tospeak] : altar; also :a per.
`son who is a legal minor
`in-faihti-cide \in-‘fant—av.sid\ n =the
`killing of an infant: also :one Who
`kills an infant
`iii-functfleVin-fan- til, -t’l, -.tel\ adi : of
`or relateng to i ants: also :
`infantile paralysis n :FOLIOMYEL is
`lnot‘an-try \‘in-fan-tre\ n, pl dries [MF 3;
`. It infanteréa, fr.
`mfg e boy, foot oldier]
`: soldiers
`trained, armed, and equipped for ser.
`Vice on foot —in-fan~tryqnan \-man\ u
`in~fnrct \'m-.tarkt\ n [L infarcms, tip.
`of infarci're to stuff] : an area of de
`tissue (as of the heart wall) caused by
`blocking of local blood circulation —-
`in-farc-tion .\in-'fark-shar:\ n
`ln-ffitvu-ate \in-‘faph-o-‘wan vb gait-ed
`«It-ins : to inspire Wllh‘a foolish o
`nt love or adnuration — in
`_ fatou-a. on \-.fach-o-'wa-shon\ n.
`iii-feet \in-'fekt\ vb l :to contaminate
`with disease-producing matter 2 :to -
`communicate a germ or disease to 3
`: to causejo share one‘s feelings
`in-fec-uon \m-‘fek-sham n 1 : an act 0
`infecting :the state of being infected .
`:not producing the proper or usual
`effect — in-ef-fecstu-al-ly \-e\ adv
`in-ef-fi-dent\ in—anish-pnn adi 1 : not
`producing die effect intended o
`sired 2 :mCAPAnLE,
`inaefafi-elen-cy \-'fish-an-se\ n — irref-
`fi-cient-ly adv
`lit-elegant \(')in~'el-i-gent\ adi :lack—
`ing in refinement. grace, or good taste
`— iii-elegance \-gons'\ n
`ln-el-iggl-hle \(‘)in-'el-a-ia-bal\ adj : not
`qualified to.be chosen for an office —
`in-elologi-bil-ioty \(.)in-.el-a-Jo-'bil-at-e\
`n — ineligible n
`in-eluc-ta-ble\.in-' 'lak-ta-bah adi ; not
`to be avotded. changed‘ or reSisted
`in-ept \in-‘ept\ adi 1 : lacking in fitness
`or aptitude : UNFlT 2 : FOOLlSl-l 3 :be=
`mg out of place :INAPPROPRXATE 4
`:generally Incompetent
`— in
`ti-tude \m-‘ep-ta=.t(Y)t“id\ n —
`iii-em y adv -—- in-eptsness n
`in-equaI-icty \.in-i-'kwal-at-e\ n l :th'e
`quality of being unequal or uneven;
`esp : unevenness, DISPARITY, CflANGE-
`ABLENESS 2 : an instance of being un-
`in-enrant \(')in-'er-ant\ adj
`lit-er! \in:'art\ adi [L inert-J iners un-
`skilled, idle, fr. a'rI-, ars skill] 1 : pow-
`erless to ‘move itself 2 :swocisn 3
`in active properties (chemi-
`cally .25 —- in-ert-ly adv — in-ert-iioss
`ln-ehfin\in-'ar-sh(e-)s\ n 1 F a property
`of matter whereby it remains at rest or
`coatinues in uniform motion unless
`acted upon by some outSide force ,2
`\-shcl\ adi
`tires-capable \ in—e—‘ska-pa—bah
`:incapable of eing escaped :iNEVi-
`TABLE — mirth“ \-ble\ adv
`inwti-msrble \(')in-'es-ta-m9-bal\ adj
`:incapable of being estimated or
`computed (~ errors 2 : too valuable
`or excellent to be fu ly apprectated —
`mash-ina-bly \—ble\ adv
`inoev-iota-ble \in-‘ev-at-o—bah adi : inca-
`pable of being avmdcd or evaded
`: bound to happen -— in-ev-iata-bll-i-ty
`‘ — how-Ma-
`bly \in-‘ey‘at-a-bla adv
`ill-9x4!“ \.in-ig—'zakt\ adi 1 :not pre-
`ciselyporrect or true : INACCURATE 2
`: not rigorous and careful — in-ex-act-
`ly \-'zak-(t)16\ ad?
`in-ex-eus-nble \.in-ik-'skyii-_za-bal\ adi
`: being thhout excuse or justification
`— inflicts-ably \-ble\ adv
`ln-ex-haust-ible\ “1:ng zo-sts‘bah adi l
`:incapable of bemg used_ up an ~
`supply) 2 : UNTIRING — incex aust-
`lbly \-blé\ adv .
`iiioex-o-ra-ble \(')in.'eks-(a—)ra-bal\ adi
`:not to be moved by entreaty :RE-
`Leuuass —— inoexp-ijaolily adv
`ri-ence ‘\.ln-lk-'SDII'-é-3EIS\
`:lac of experience or of knowledge
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1008
`Norman Int. Exhibit 1008