`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2014-01154
`Patent No. 6,587,403
`IEEE 100
`The Authoritative Dictionary-0f
`IEEE StandardsmTel‘mS a
`Seventh Edition
`Published by
`Standards Information Network
`IEEE Press
`display (1) (A) To present data.visually. (B) The result Of a
`display process. See dls’o’.‘copy.
`(’C/StleO) 6102—1987
`(2) (navigation aid terms) The visiial representation of out-
`put data.
`(AES/RS/GCS) 686-1990, 172-1983w
`(3) (watthour meters) A means for visually hdentifying and
`presenting measured or calculated quantities and other infor— _
`. matio'n.
`(ELM) C12.15-.1990, C12 13- 19853
`disk array
`mg, a hyphen inserted
`desired position for a
`-: If the hyphen is not
`tatted text. Synonyms:
`1yphen. Contrast: re-
`(C) 6102-1987
`ducer) The difference
`1cies, with the system
`mpedances. See also:
`(EEC/PE) [119]
`: differences between
`(AES) 686-1997
`ss of instructions that
`iitional instructions.
`(C) 610.10-1994w
`treshold below which
`ause an output signal
`igger an output having
`signal height.
`(NPS) 325-1996
`pendent upon how an
`-m a standard or from
`(AES) 686-1997
`;ociated with a cluster
`es to which subclass a
`ue of the discriminator
`id) is equivalent to the
`1stance belongs, there
`in identity-style mod-
`ntity (or a generic an-
`vhose values indicate
`:luster contains a spe—
`nstances of the generic
`1e are instances of the
`(C/SE) 13202-1998
`ght discriminator.
`height A pulse-height
`langes with input am-
`g point corresponds to
`(NPS) 398-1972r
`leight discriminator.
`lesigning, assembling,
`porting on an activity.
`I0 or more interacting
`1 objective and accred-
`a common identifying
`nd use correlated rep-
`ent in which they op-
`(C/DIS) 1278.4-1997
`ssion) A reflector, the
`n'ple, a party of a sphere
`(PE) 599-1985w
`; surface of a parabo-
`' (ABS) '686-1997
`itions /simulators' that,
`Interactive Simulation
`1d whose performance
`lired for the exercisefia
`(C/DIS) 1278.4-1997
`3-1990w, 1084—1986w
`[S by the logical ‘OR’
`so: conjunctive query.
`(C) 610.5-1990w
`t has the value 0 if and
`Synonym: logical add.
`(C) 610.10-1994w
`edium in the formvof
`lso known as a platter.
`isk; diskette; magneto-
`(C) 610.10-1994w
`disk array Multiple disks arranged in such a manner as to in—
`crease storage capacity or to provide redundant data for di-
`saster recovery. See also: RAID storage.
`(C) 610.10-1994w
`disk cache A cache consisting of random—access memory. used
`by a disk driveras intermediate storage between a rotating
`disk and main storage. Note: The disk cache minimizes access
`to the rotating. disk by storing recently-used data or adjacent
`data in the random—access memory.
`(C) 610.10-1994w
`disk cartridge An assembly of one or more magnetic disks that
`is removable from the disk drive, but which cannot be sepa-
`rated from its associated container. Contrast: disk pack. See
`also: removable storage.
`(C) 610.10—1994w
`disk crash The sudden and complete failure of a disk drive. See
`,also.‘ head crash.
`(C) 610.10—1994w
`disk drive An electromechanical device that reads from and
`writes to disks. Contrast: tape drive. See also. disk storage
`device; magnetic disk drive; WORM drive; head—per-track
`disk drive; disk pack;full——height disk drive; half—height disk
`(C) 610.10—1994w
`disk driver A device driver that supports a specific class of disk
`(C) 610.10—1994w
`diskette A magnetic disk enclosed in a protective container. See
`also: floppy diskette; double-sided disk; disk.
`(C) 610.10—1994w
`diskette compatibility The ability of a diskette to be accessed
`by one or ,more systemssuch that data exchange can take
`(C) 610.2-1987
`disk file A file, typically containing data, residing on a magnetic
`or optical disk.
`(C) 610 10— 1994w
`disklabelContains descriptive information, usually1n a well-
`knoWn location such as physical block zero, about the device
`and the media and may include logical partitioning informa—
`(C/BA) 1275— 1994
`diskless workstation A workstation with no storage capacity,
`intended to be used in conjunction with another workStation
`networked in such a way that the two workstations can share
`the storage.
`(C) 610.10—1994w
`disk mirroring See: double storage.
`diskwpack An assembly of one or more magnetic disks that is
`removable'1from the disk drive together with its container,
`however the disks muSt be separated from the container when
`they are in use. Contrast. disk cartridge. See also: volume.
`(C) 610.10-1994w
`disk recorder (phonograph techniques) A mechanical re-
`corderInwhich the recording medium has the geometry of a
`disk. See also: phonograph pickup.
`disk server On a network, a server that allows access to a disk
`storage device at the disk sector level; that is, the server sends
`absolute disk sectors to the requestor. See also: database
`server; print server; mail server; file server; terminal server;
`network server
`(C) 610.7-1995
`diskstorage device See: disk drive:
`dismiss To' remove a menu or popup window from the screen.
`(C) 1295-1993w
`disparity The difference between the number of logical ls and
`logical OS in a character. A positive or negative disparity1n-
`dicates an excess of 1s or OS, respectively.
`(C/BA) 1355-1995
`dispatch Issue a fetched instruction to one or more functional
`units for execution.
`(C/MM) 1754—1994
`dispatcher The software that*implements the service interface
`functions using workspace interface functions;
`"(C/PA) 1328-1993w, 1327—1993w
`dispatching system (mining practice) A system employing ra—
`dio, telephone, and/or signals (audible or light) for orderly
`2and efficient control of the movements of trains of cars in
`mines. See also: mine radio telephone system; mine-fan sig-
`nal system.
`(PE/EEC) [119]
`Dispatch List A DMA model where the DMA queues are linked
`lists of dispatch_items. Each dispatch_item contains a pointer
`to the next dispatch_item and a message being passed to the
`(C/MM) 1212.1-1993
`dispatch operation (radio-communication cirquit) A method
`for permitting a maximum number of terminal devices to have
`access to the same two-way radio communication circuit. See
`also: channel spacing.
`(VT) [37]
`dispenser cathode (electron tube) A cathode that is not coated
`but is continuously supplied with suitable emission material
`from a separate element associated with it. See also: electron
`(Std100) [84]
`dispersed data processing (DDP) See: distributed data
`dispersed magnetic power tape See: magnetic-powder-im—
`pregnated tape.
`dispersed power An electric power generation source (or
`sources) not directly under established electric utility own-
`ership and c0ntrol.
`(SUB/PE) 1109-1990w
`dispersion (1) The property of a planar transmission line
`whereby the phase velocity of the mode of propagation is
`frequency dependent, or equivalently, the phase constant is
`not proportional to frequency.
`(MTT) 1004-1987w
`(2) (of a wave) The variation of the phase velocity with fre-
`(AP/PROP) 211-1997
`dispersion relation The functional relationship between the an—
`gular frequency, w, and the wave vector, k. for waves in a
`source-freemedium. For a dispersionless medium, the com-
`ponents of k are linearly proportional to a).
`(AP/PRQP) 211-1997
`dispersion slope The rate of change of the chromatic dispersion
`of a fiber with wavelength.
`(C/LM) 802.3— 1998
`dispersive bandwidth (1) The operating frequency range over
`which the delay dispersionrs defined (dispersive delay line)
`Synonyms: dispersive bandwidth; frequency selective band-
`(UFFC) 1037-1992w, [22]
`(2) See also: frequency selective bandwidth.
`(AP/PROP) 211—1997
`dispersive delay line A delay line which has a transfer char-
`acteristic with a constant modulus and an argument (phase)
`which is a nonlinear function of frequency. The phase char-
`acteristic of deVices of Common interest is a quadratic func-
`tion of frequency, but in general may be represented by higher
`order polynominals and/or other nonlinear functions.
`(UFFC) [22]
`dispersive Doppler
`frequency See. differential
`dispersive, medium A medium in which one or more of the
`constitutive parameters vary with frequency. Note: As a re—
`sult, the phase velocity of propagating waves in a dispersive
`medium dependson frequency.
`(AP/PRQP) 211-1997
`displaced phasecenter antenna (DPCA) An antenna and sig-
`nal processing method used1n airborne moving-targetindi-
`cation (AMTI) radar to compensate for the spread of the clut-
`ter Doppler spectrum caused by platformmotion. Note: An
`example of a popular DPCA method is to employ two
`squimcd turtennn beams take their sum and [heir difference
`. on each of two SUCCESSlvc pulses. and combine them in such
`a manner that the radar antenna appears to be stationary from
`pulse to pulse (a stationary antenna does net cause widening
`of the clutler spectrum) 38L 1:13:11: space-time adaptive pro-
`cessing; airborne moving-1211get indicationradar.
`(AES) 686-1997
`displacement current The time rate of change of the electric
`flux density.
`(AP/PROP) 211-1997
`display (1) (A) To present data visually. (B) The result of a
`display process. See also: copy.
`(C/Std100) 6102-1987
`(2) (navigation aid terms) The visual representation of out—
`put data.
`(AES/RS/GCS) 686—1990, 172—1983w
`(3) (watthour meters) A means for visuallyiidentifying and
`presenting measured or calculated quantities and other infor-
`(ELM) C12.15-1990, C12.13-l9855