`Inter Partes Review
`Case No. IPR2014-01146
`U.S. Patent No. 8,243,207U.S. Patent No. 8,243,207
`Oral Hearing September 2, 2015,
`2:00 PM
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 1
`The ‘207 Patent Configures Home Entertainment
`SSystems for Activities f A i i i
`(Ex. 1001, FIG. 1, 1:31-33)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 2
`Claim 13 (and 14) Defines “Configuration Of The
`Entertainment Device” Consistent with the Board’sEntertainment Device Consistent with the Board s
`and Petitioner’s Broad Construction
`(Ex. 1001, Claim 13, 12:10-21)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 3
`Construction Of “Configuration Of the
`EEntertainment Device”i D i ”
`Patent Owner’s Construction:
`Board’s Construction:
`""transmission of a signal to the f l h
`entertainment device such that the
`configuration thereof contemplates
`affirmatively selecting an AV input source a at e y se ect g a put sou ce
`and an AV output destination and
`affirmatively performing switching
`actions accordingly.“
`(POR, p. 10, emphasis added)
`“ h“the entertainment device … [is] [ ]
`‘configured’ by selectively powering on
`and powering off the input and output
`appliances … without necessarily app a ces … t out ecessa y
`engaging in any switching activity.”
`(Decision to Institute, Paper 9, at 9-10,
`emphasis added)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 4
`The ‘207 Patent Specification Supports the
`BBoard’s and Petitioner’s Constructiond’ d P i i ’ C i
`h ‘The ‘930 patent specifically f ll
`discloses separately powering
`on source devices and
`destination devices.
`(Ex. 1001, Abstract, 7:10-19,
`28-37 and Fig. 6)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 5
`No Support In The Specification For Patent
`Owner’s Erroneous ConstructionOwner s Erroneous Construction
`• Patent Owner does not identify any portion of the ‘207 patent that would
`contradict the Board’s broad interpretation adopted by Petitioner.contradict the Board s broad interpretation adopted by Petitioner.
`• Patent Owner’s expert, Alex Cook, concedes that nothing in the ‘207
`patent contradicts the proper construction.
`(Ex. 1054, 572:10-573:4)
`• Mr. Cook admits that none of the terms “active,” “affirmative,” or
`“switching” appear anywhere in the ‘207 patent.
`(Ex. 1054, p, 555, ll. 10-19, 556, ll. 4-7)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 6
`Dubil Discloses “Configuration Of The
`Entertainment Device” Even Under PatentEntertainment Device Even Under Patent
`Owner’s Erroneous Construction
`• FIG. 4 of Dubil discloses different
`activity sets with different input devices
`and output devices. (Ex. 1001, FIG. 4)
`• FIG 1 of Dubil shows various• FIG. 1 of Dubil shows various
`components of an entertainment system
`used to carry out the activities specified
`in the activity sets. (Ex. 1001, FIG. 1)
`• The VCR links these components, and
`thus, switching between the cable
`interface and the satellite receiver and
`d thi ith t lthe television and the audio system. di t
`(Pet. Reply, p. 9 and Geier Dec. (Ex. 1055)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 7
`Dubil Discloses “Configuration Of The Entertainment
`Device” Even Under Patent Owner’s ErroneousDevice Even Under Patent Owner s Erroneous
`• Mr. Cook conceded that Dubil discloses that the Watch TV activity includes
`configuring the system to use either the cable interface or satellite receiver as the
`input device and either the television or surround sound (audio system) as the
`audio output device. (1054, p. 607, ll. 10-15 and p. 611, ll. 3-6 and Fig. 4)
`• Mr. Cook further conceded that the VCR in Dubil can be used to select an input
`device. (Ex. 1054, 697:1-9)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 8
`Dubil Discloses the “Command Value” LimitationDubil Discloses the Command Value Limitation
`• Dubil discloses “a command value corresponding to an activity key of a
`controlling device with a configuration of the entertainment.” (Ex. 1001,
`Claim 13, 12:11-12)
`(Ex. 1005, Paragraph 0028)(Ex. 1005, Paragraph 0028)
`• Patent Owner relies on its incorrect interpretation of “configuration of the
`entertainment device.” Even under Patent Owner’s erroneous construction,
`Dubil discloses this “command value” limitation.
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 9
`Dubil Discloses the “Command Value” LimitationDubil Discloses the Command Value Limitation
`• Mr. Cook concedes that Dubil discloses pressing one of the activity set
`keys to transmit “a set of commands to various home entertainmentkeys to transmit a set of commands to various home entertainment
`system components.” (Ex. 1054, p. 663, ll. 6-13)
`• Mr. Cook also acknowledges pressing a key on the remote control
`(Ex 1054 p 655 ll 4-8)invokes an activity set in Dubilinvokes an activity set in Dubil. (Ex. 1054, p. 655, ll. 4-8)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 10
`Dubil Discloses Using a “Configuration Associated
`With the Command Value” After Receiving “A SignalWith the Command Value After Receiving A Signal
`Which Includes the Command Value”
`• Dubil discloses “causing the entertainment device to access and use the g
`configuration associated with the command value … in response to the
`entertainment device receiving from the controlling device a signal which
`includes the command value …”
`(Ex 1001 Claim 13 12:20 23)(Ex. 1001, Claim 13, 12:20-23)
`This is a repeat of Patent Owner’s argument on “command value.” See Dubil,
`Ex 1005 at [0028]Ex. 1005 at [0028].
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 11
`Dubil Discloses Using a “Configuration Associated
`With the Command Value” After Receiving “A SignalWith the Command Value After Receiving A Signal
`Which Includes the Command Value”
`• Dubil discloses “causing the entertainment
`device to access and use the configuration
`associated with the command value … in
`response to the entertainment device
`receiving from the controlling device a signalreceiving from the controlling device a signal
`which includes the command value …”
`(Ex. 1001, Claim 13, 12:20-23)
`• Dubil discloses using a configuration after
`receiving a signal from remote control 150
`which includes a command
`See Dubil, Ex. 1005 at [0031]
`and FIG. 5.
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 12
`Dubil Discloses “Downloading The
`C fiConfiguration” Limitation of Claim 13i ” Li i i f Cl i 13
`• Dubil discloses downloading
`the configuration of thethe configuration of the
`entertainment device “into
`the entertainment device
`from a computing device in
`communication with the
`entertainment device.” (Ex.
`1005, Paragraph 0019 and
`Paragraph 0034)
`• Patent Owner’s expert
`conceded that Dubil has no
`limitation as to where this
`data is stored. (Ex. 1054,
`d679:18-25 and 660:11-661:10))
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 13
`Dubil Discloses “A Display Associated With The
`EEntertainment Device” of Dependent Claim 15i D i ” f D d Cl i 15
`• Dubil discloses “causing the entertainment device to display in a display associated
`with the entertainment device...” See Ex. 1005 at [0031] and [0035].with the entertainment device... See Ex. 1005 at [0031] and [0035].
`• Mr. Cook further concedes that Dubil discloses at least two display devices that
`illustrate activity sets. (Ex. 1054, 715:4-8 and 718:12-17)illustrate activity sets. (Ex. 1054, 715:4 8 and 718:12 17)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 14
`Dubil Discloses “A Display Associated With The
`Entertainment Device” of Dependent Claim 15p
`Ex. 1005 (Dubil) at [0035]
`Patent Owner’s expert
`concedes that one skilled in
`the art would understand
`Dubil to disclose selecting
`components for an activity oncomponents for an activity on
`a display by manipulation of
`objects on a graphical user
`interface. (Ex. 1054, 712:9-19)
`IPR2014-01146 URC Ex. 1057 Page 15
`On the below date, I served the foregoing document on the following
`counsel of record via email (with counsel’s agreement):
`Eric J. Maiers (maierse@gtlaw.com)
`James J. Lukas (lukasj@gtlaw.com)
`Matthew J. Levinstein (levinsteinm@gtlaw.com)
`Rob R. Harmer (harmer@gtlaw.com)
`77 West Wacker Drive
`Suite 3100
`Chicago, IL 60101
`DATED: August 31, 2015
`/Jeannie Ngai/
`Jeannie Ngai
`Ostrolenk Faber LLP
`1180 Ave. of the Americas
`7th Floor
`New York, NY 10036
`I hereby certify that the foregoing is being electronically filed with the
`USPTO on the date below.
`DATED: August 31, 2015.
`By: /Jeannie Ngai/
`Jeannie Ngai