`Page 1
` Petitioner, )
` vs. )
` Patent Owner. )
`4 5
` )
`Case No. IPR2014-0046
` )
` 200 Park Avenue
` New York, New York
` July 22, 2015
` 9:08 a.m.
`above-entitled action, held at the above time and place,
`taken before Jessica R. Taft, a Notary Public of the
`State of New York, pursuant to Notice.
` * * *
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01146

`Page 2
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` O S T R O L E N K F A B E R , L L P
` A t t o r n e y s f o r t h e P e t i t i o n e r
` 1 1 8 0 A v e n u e o f t h e A m e r i c a s
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 3 6
` B Y : K E I T H B A R K A U S , E s q .
` - a n d -
` D O U G L A S A . M I R O , E S Q .
` G R E E N B E R G T R A U R I G
` A t t o r n e y s f o r t h e P a t e n t O w n e r
` 7 7 W e s t W a c k e r D r i v e
` S u i t e 3 1 0 0
` C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s 6 0 6 0 1
` B Y : M A T T H E W J . L E V I N S T E I N , E S Q .
` L e v i n s t e i n m @ g t l a w . c o m
` F i l e N o . 3 1 2 . 4 5 6 . 1 0 3 9
` * * *
`2 3
`7 8 9
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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` I N D E X
`Page 3
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 1001 The '207 patent 41
` Exhibit 1003 Initial declaration 68
` Exhibit 1005 Document 93
` Exhibit 1055 IPR 2014-1146 22
`2 3
`4 5
`8 9
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`Page 4
`J A M E S T. G E I E R,
`the Witness herein, having first been duly sworn by the
`Notary Public, was examined and testified as follows:
` MR. LEVINSTEIN: Mr. Geier, are you ready?
` THE WITNESS: I am ready.
` MR. LEVINSTEIN: I guess we will put our
` appearances on the record first.
` Matthew Levinstein from the law firm
` Greenberg Traurig, for the patent owner,
` Universal Electronics, Inc.
` MR. BARKAUS: Keith Barkaus from Ostrolenk
` Faber, LLP, for the Petitioner, Universal
` Remote Control, Inc.
` MR. MIRO: Douglas Miro from Ostrolenk
` Faber, for the Petitioner as well.
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Geier.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you please state your fall name?
` A. James Thomas Geier.
` Q. I just want to go over a few brief kind of
`rules or expectations just to make sure the day goes
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`Page 5
` The court reporter is taking down every word
`you say and I say and your counsel says. So, I will
`do my best not to talk over you while you are
`answering and I would appreciate if you would try not
`to talk over me while I am asking a question because
`it makes it difficult for the court reporter to get an
`accurate record. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Is there any reason why the testimony you are
`going to give today would not be truthful?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you under any medication that would impact
`your ability to testify truthfully?
` A. No.
` Q. If you don't understand a question that I ask,
`just let me know. I will clarify it or rephrase it
`or, if you just didn't hear it, I can repeat it, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And if you answer a question that I pose, I
`will assume that you did understand the question and
`that you are responding to the question that I asked.
`All right?
` A. Okay.
` Q. If you need a break, just let me know; we will
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`take one. All I ask is that if a question is pending,
`that you answer the question before we take the break.
`Page 6
`All right?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Oh, I don't know the exact number, but
`somewhere around ten.
` Q. Around ten times. When was the last time you
`were deposed prior to today?
` A. Last deposition was, I believe, toward the end
`of 2014.
` Q. What was the subject matter of your deposition
`testimony? And you can be pretty general.
` A. It dealt with location-based systems.
` Q. Did the testimony that you gave during your
`deposition have anything to do with remote controls?
` A. No.
` Q. Or universal remote controls?
` A. No.
` Q. The time before that when you were deposed,
`what was the general subject matter of that testimony?
` A. Are you asking the times, all the times I have
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`Page 7
`been deposed?
` Q. Just the previous time before that.
` A. I believe that one was dealing with the
`notifications sent through a delivery system.
` Q. Does that have anything to do with remote
`controls or universal remote controls?
` A. It had some technologies that dealt with some
`aspects of remote control.
` Q. Can you elaborate on that?
` A. I can to the degree that I am not, that I can,
`so I will keep it very, very general.
` Q. Sure.
` A. It dealt with some handheld devices that were
`used to send signals to another device.
` Q. Were any of those devices consumer electronics
` A. They were not, no.
` Q. Can you think, going back to any previous
`times you were deposed, did any of that, those
`deposition, any of those depositions concern testimony
`about universal remote controls?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't believe that they
` dealt with universal remote controls.
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` Q. Okay. Have you offered trial testimony prior
`Page 8
`to today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Has any trial testimony that you have offered
`involved universal remote control technology?
` A. You know, again, I am not -- those didn't deal
`specifically with universal remote controllers.
` Q. I am sorry?
` A. They didn't deal specifically with universal
`remote controllers.
` Q. You have been retained before to provide
`expert testimony in various proceedings, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have any of those retentions, regardless of
`whether you provided deposition or trial testimony,
`involved universal remote controls?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: I guess it could depend on
` what you mean by universal remote control, but
` these didn't deal with specifically with the
` universal remote controller, but it dealt
` certainly some of the technologies involved in
` remote controllers.
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`Page 9
` Q. But, to be clear, the retentions were not
`related to universal remote controls, correct?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: The general technology dealt
` with wireless technologies, and, for example,
` one dealt with communicating with an Xbox
` through a controller. So that was a form of a
` controller that was used to control the Xbox.
` That is the general idea of what that one
` particular case dealt with.
` Q. I think my question was a little bit
`different. So none of those retentions related to
`universal remote controls, correct?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I think it depends on
` how you define universal remote control. They
` dealt with certainly the technologies and the
` type of equipment that are similar to a remote
` controller, a universal remote controller, had
` the functions and features of those other
` universal remote control.
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`Page 10
` Q. So you say that they had the functions and
`features of universal remote control. And I just want
`to make sure the record is clear. To me that suggests
`that they were not universal remote controls. Is that
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I think it depends on
` how you define a universal remote controller.
` Q. How would you define a universal remote
` A. I think it would be something that could be
`used to control different types of equipment.
` Q. Anything that could be used to control
`different types of equipment qualifies as a universal
`remote control?
` A. Well, I think it --
` Q. I just want to make sure I understand your
`definition so when I use that term, that I am using it
`in a way that we are on the same page.
` A. Are you using the term in relation to the '207
`patent, or are you asking me a question based on just
`in general what a universal remote controller is?
` Q. Let's start in general and eventually we will
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`dig down to the '207. But, generally speaking, I want
`to know what your understanding of the definition of
`Page 11
`universal remote control is.
` A. I think generally --
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection. He didn't ask a
` question.
` THE WITNESS: I think generally it is a
` very -- it is a device that can control
` different types of equipment.
` Q. Now, with respect to the '207 patents, would
`your definition of what a universal control is change?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: It is certainly a type of
` device that can control different types of
` equipment. That is certainly what the '207
` patent is about to be able to do that, so I
` believe that would still fit.
` Q. In any of your prior retentions as an expert
`witness, or I take that back, any prior retentions to
`provide consulting or expert testimony or what have
`you, using your definition of universal remote
`control, did you provide any design help or consulting
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`on the features of the universal remote control you
`were working on?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, compound.
`Page 12
` Q. Can you give an example of one time you were
`providing design consulting work for a universal
`remote control?
` A. Sure. One example is I worked with a company
`that provided systems for concrete trucks, and one of
`the issues that they had was to be able to operate
`different functions on the concrete truck to deliver
`the supply and control slump ratios and various
`aspects of the concrete-making process. And one of
`the projects I was involved with was to design a
`controller that someone could use outside the truck
`vehicle to be able to control those processes.
` Q. Is it fair to say that the work that you did
`with this company did not relate to universal remote
`controls for consumer electronics devices?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: Well, certainly the things
` that this controller was controlling were not
` audio entertainment systems or those sorts of
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`Page 13
` things. These were components that would be
` pieces of equipment that would be communicated
` with and configured in certain ways very
` similar to an entertainment system, but they
` were not necessarily consumer electronics
` components such as an audio system.
` Q. Were you finished? I wasn't sure.
` A. I am finished.
` Q. Can you give me an example of the time you did
`design work for a controller that was used to control
`consumer electronics components?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I was involved with
` Scientific Atlanta as a consultant roughly ten
` years ago, and I provided some training for
` them and also some consulting, and I can
` remember them. And they make set-top boxes
` for entertainment systems, and I remember some
` of the discussions around using universal
` controllers and some of the impacts over the
` radio signals that were going to be used in
` the system.
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`Page 14
` Q. Were you involved in the design work of the
`universal remote controls to be used with those
` A. I think that would count as being involved in
`the design because that is what they were considering
`to do, and I was part of those discussions.
` Q. I guess I am not following. What was the
`nature of the work you did for, you said it was
`Scientific Atlanta?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. What was the nature of the work you did for
`Scientific Atlanta?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: The nature of the work dealt
` with -- I was consulting for the company.
` They hired me as a consultant to provide
` guidance on how to integrate wireless into
` various types of components.
` Q. One of those components was this universal
`remote control?
` A. They were discussing the idea of using or
`developing universal remote control that could work
`with their system, and I was at meetings when they
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`Page 15
`discussed this and provided insight into the wireless
`technologies that could be used in that type of
` Q. When you said you discussed the types of
`wireless technologies that could be used with that
`type of controller, did that also include the features
`or functions of the remote control?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, compound.
` THE WITNESS: I remember them talking
` about some of the things that they wanted to
` control on the remote controller. I was
` primarily helping them with the wireless
` aspects of it, but I was there when they were
` discussing these other components, so I was
` involved in that design.
` Q. So you were there when they were discussing
`the features of the remote controls, but your
`expertise was relating to the wireless technologies,
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: It was related to wireless
` technologies but how those would interact with
` these other components, so I was also giving
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`Page 16
` them advice on what to do with these
` particular pieces of equipment that were
` being controlled.
` Q. You mentioned set-top boxes. Were there any
`other types of equipment that were intended to be
` A. Yeah, they were looking at having the set-top
`box control various types of equipment, such as
`television sets.
` Q. Taking a step back, going to your background,
`do you have any legal training?
` A. What do you mean by legal training?
` Q. Did you go to law school?
` A. I attended a couple of semesters of law school.
` Q. Oh, you did?
` A. And I changed my mind.
` Q. Where did you go?
` A. I was working on my degree through an online
` Q. What made you change your mind?
` A. I decided that, well, it was something I
`enjoyed, but I was too busy with the technical aspects
`of my work, which at the time was making a lot of
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`money, so I decided to stay working with that.
` Q. Did you take any patent law classes during
`Page 17
`your time in law school?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have any other types of legal training,
`certifications, for example?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection, compound.
` THE WITNESS: What do you mean by
` certifications?
` Q. Did you take any course work, legal course
` A. The only thing I have had related to that I
`can remember -- of course I have had training.
`Depends on how you define training, but I have been
`instructed on various aspects of the cases and how
`they operate and what takes place. But one of the
`cases I was involved with with the ITC, I was working
`with Microsoft and they required me to attend a trial
`preparation course.
` Q. Do you have any patents?
` A. No.
` Q. You are not a listed inventor on any patent?
` A. I am on an application, but it is not one that
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`Page 18
`has been finalized.
` Q. Can you briefly describe the, if you can, the
`subject matter of that application?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: In general, it deals with
` Wi-Fi, with the idea of roaming, so it is a
` roaming protocol for Wi-Fi.
` Q. I apologize because I clearly don't know
`nearly as much as you.
` What is a roaming protocol for Wi-Fi?
` A. Well, in a Wi-Fi network there would be access
`points that you can communicate to or connect with,
`and the patent deals with roaming technologies to be
`able to roam from one access point to another.
` Q. Is it fair to say that your patent application
`doesn't involve universal remote control technology?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I think the nature of that
` would be in wireless. Certainly remote
` controls are wireless, so it has a wireless
` aspect to it. So I wouldn't say that it
` doesn't have anything to do with remote
` controls.
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`Page 19
` Q. Is it your opinion that so long as wireless
`technology is somehow implicated, that is related to
`universal remote controls?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to the form,
` vague, misstates prior testimony.
` THE WITNESS: I think certainly a remote
` control has wireless features on it and the
` wireless technology is part of that. It could
` be infrared or radio based. That is a
` wireless type of technology that the remote
` controller can provide.
` Q. Again, I just want to make sure I understand.
`Because universal remote controls utilize wireless
`technology, anything related to wireless technology is
`related to universal remote controls; is that right?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't say anything is,
` but certainly wireless is a part of a remote
` controller, so wireless technology is part of
` that. There is wireless devices that may not
` control anything and they may just receive
` information, but certainly the wireless is
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`Page 20
` part of that remote controller.
` Q. Were you familiar with the Petitioner, URC,
`prior to your retention in this proceeding, along with
`the other related IPR proceedings?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague,
` compound.
` THE WITNESS: I don't remember their name
` before having this, before being involved with
` this case.
` Q. Let's ask, how did you come to be involved in
`this IPR proceeding?
` A. I believe Mr. Barkaus here contacted me and
`asked if I could be involved to provide some opinions
`in the case, went through the IPR process.
` Q. So that was the first time that you had become
`aware of URC?
` A. Yeah, if my memory serves me right. I just
`didn't recall that name when he first mentioned it. I
`may have seen the name before, but I didn't remember
`that name. It wasn't a company I had dealt with
` Q. You said it wasn't a company that you dealt
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`Page 21
`with regularly. Was it a company that you had dealt
`with at all prior to your --
` A. No, I have not dealt with them before, before
` Q. Same question for the patent owner. Prior to
`your involvement in this IPR proceeding, were you
`familiar or aware of, rather, Universal Electronics, Inc.?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I had not dealt with
` them before and I was not familiar with them.
` I didn't recognize that name.
` Q. Who are the major competitors in the universal
`remote control field?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: You know, I imagine there's
` some -- we have remote controllers at home so
` I am familiar with these remote controllers.
` I don't remember the names that are on them.
` I think I remember seeing Sony on one of them.
` I don't remember exactly the names.
` I have used a lot of remote controllers
` with our home entertainment systems, but I
` don't remember seeing a name on them. It has
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`Page 22
` been a while since we purchased them.
` Q. Aside from your personal experiences with
`remote controls, do you know who the major competitors
`are in the universal remote control field?
` A. I don't think I can name exactly who they are, no.
` Q. Could you name any one company that's a major
`company in the universal remote control field?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: Aside from this case, I
` can't think of any. Again, I have remote
` controllers that we have at home. I could
` look at those and tell you what the names are,
` but I don't remember what their names are.
` Q. Very good.
` I am putting before you what has been marked
`as Exhibit 1055 in this IPR proceeding, IPR 2014-1146.
` MR. LEVINSTEIN: And I apologize, Doug, I
` don't have enough extra copies for you.
` Q. Do you have Exhibit 1055 in front of you,
`Mr. Geier?
` A. Okay.
` Q. What is that?
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`Page 23
` A. This looks like it is my reply declaration.
` Q. Could you thumb through it, make sure it looks
` A. I had done that when we were, when I was
`sitting here and you gave it to me. It looks like it
`is complete.
` Q. If you could turn to Appendix A.
` Are you there?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So this is your CV, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does the word universal remote control appear
`anywhere in your CV? Feel free to review it, if you
`need to.
` A. I am fairly familiar with my CV.
` Q. I figured.
` A. You know, those exact words may not appear in
`my CV, but I certainly have experience dealing with
`remote controllers and systems that are much more
`complex in dealing with entertainment systems. So, as
`you can see from the body of my CV, that sort of
`speaks for itself.
` Q. Sure, and I certainly didn't intend to malign
`your experiences here. That certainly wasn't my
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`Page 24
` But, just to be clear, nothing on your CV
`relates to any work that you have done in the
`universal remote control field for entertainment
`systems, correct?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection, misstates prior
` testimony.
` THE WITNESS: Again, as I stated before, I
` have not -- these experiences here don't
` relate to entertainment systems, specifically
` to entertainment systems.
` Q. I did note, by the way, your extensive
`military service, so I thank you for your service.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. If you look on the second page of Appendix A --
` A. Okay.
` Q. -- that's actually labeled page 12 of
`Exhibit 1055 at the bottom, if you see that.
` A. Oh, I see it, yes.
` Q. Just in case something we look at isn't
`paginated on the document, you will see that kind of
`footer at the bottom should help you out.
` If you look at, there is a heading for book
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`Page 25
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see that?
` There is a list of, I don't know, about 15
`book publications on this page and the next page, right?
` A. That's, that sounds right.
` Q. Do any of these publications relate to
`universal remote controls for entertainment systems?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: Certainly in these
` publications I have talked about applications,
` and I don't remember if I specifically
` discussed using wireless technology or any
` aspects of remote controlled entertainment
` systems.
` Q. As you sit here today, you don't recall
`specifically whether these book, any of these book
`publications specifically call out universal remote
`controls as applied to entertainment system, right?
` MR. BARKAUS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: As I mentioned before, it
` may not explicitly say entertainment system in
` any of my books, but certainly the
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`Page 26
` technologies discussed there are part of
` universal remote controls.
` Q. Turn to page four of Appendix A.
` MR. BARKAUS: Counsel, just to make things
` easier, should we just agree to refer to the
` pages on the bottom of the exhibit just so that
` we all look at the same thing at the same time?
` MR. LEVINSTEIN: Yes, that is fine. I am
` sure I am going to forget at least once or
` twice --
` MR. BARKAUS: I will remind you, don't worry.
` MR. LEVINSTEIN: -- during t

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