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`The Information disclosed herein may be restricted. Unauthorized disclosure may be prohibited by the United StatGs Code Title 35, Sections 122, 181 and 368.
`Possession outside the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Is restricted to authorized employees and contractors only.
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`Exhibit 1002 - Page 1 of 245

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`Exhibit 1002 - Page 2 of 245

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`§ 1. 16 Fees (Filing)
`B ~~~~- ---
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`1.18 Fees (Issue)
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`Exhibit 1002 - Page 3 of 245

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`Exhibit 1002 - Page 4 of 245

`Docket No.
`herewith for filing under 35 U.S.C. 111 and 37 C.F.R. 1.53 is the patent application of:
`Enclosed are:
`181 Certificate of Mailing with Express Mail Mailing Label No.
`181 22
`sheets of drawings.
`0 A certified copy of a
`181 Signed.
`r:>ower of Attorney
`0 ~formation Disclosure Statement
`0 preliminary Amendment
`· .: Other: Assignment
`0 Unsigned.
`-20 =
`- 3 =
`pie Dependent Claims (check if applicable) 0
`181 A check in the amount of
`to cover the filing fee is enclosed.
`181 The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge and credit Deposit Account No.
`as described below. A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`0 Charge the amount of
`as filing fee.
`181 Credit any overpayment.
`181 Charge any additional filing fees required under 37 C. F. R. 1.16 and 1.17.
`0 Charge the issue fee set in 37 C.F.R. 1.18 at the mailing of the Notice of Allowance,
`pursuant to 37 C.F.R. 1.311 (b).
`Laura A. Majerus, Reg. No. 33,417
`Attorney for Applicant(s)
`Graham & James LLP
`600 Hansen Way
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1043
`Tel: (650) 856-6500
`Fax: (650) 856-3619
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 5 of 245

`Ted Lewis Craven,
`Denis Murray Baylor
`Yael Rindenau
`Method and Apparatus For Tag-Based Static
`Timing Analysis With Exceptions
`DOCKET NO. 34175.00085 (A1998-015)
`Please direct communications to:
`600 Hansen Way
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`(650) 856-6500
`Express Mail Number EM320545708US
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 6 of 245

`Method and Apparatus For Tag-eased Static
`Timing Analysis With Exceptions
`The present invention relates generally to the static timing analysis of
`digital electronic circuits. More specifically, the present invention relates to
`analyzing certain paths of a circuit under non-default timing constraints known as
`1 0
`.~ ....
`:t":«:. hl:
`To tackle the increasing complexity of digital electronic circuits, designers
`need faster and more accurate methods for statically analyzing the timing of
`1 5
`such circuits, particularly in light of ever-shrinking product development times.
`The complexity of designing such circuits is often handled by expressing
`the design in a high-level hardware description language (HLHDL).
`HLHDLs allow the designer to save design time by permitting him or her
`to express the desired functionality at the register transfer level (RTL) of
`abstraction or higher. The high-level HDL description is then converted into an
`actual circuit through~ a process, well known to those of ordinary skill in the art as
`"synthesis," involving translation and optimization.
`HLHDLs describe, directly or indirectly,
`the two main kinds of circuit
`entities of an RTL circuit description: i) state devices or sequential logic which
`store data upon application of a clock signal, and ii) combinational logic. The
`state devices typically act as either: i) an interface between conceptua11y distinct
`circuit systems, or ii) storage for the results of functional evaluation performed by
`the combinational logic.
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 7 of 245

`In the process of digital circuit design, static timing analysis is often useful
`in order to verify that the design produced, in addition to being functionally
`correct, will perform correctly at the target clock speeds. For similar reasons,. it
`would be useful to apply, as efficiently as possible, static timing analysis to the
`synthesis process.
`The present
`invention may be used
`the hardware synthesis
`. -
`environment known as the "Design Compiler shell" produced by Synopsys, Inc.,
`of Mountain View, California.
`Exceptions can be a very powerful tool for guiding the Design Compiler
`portion of the Design Compiler shell towards the synthesis of a more efficient
`final circuit netlist. This is because exceptions allow the designer, for example,
`to inform Design Compiler that despite default timing constraints, certain paths
`through the circuit are subject to less demanding performance requirements in
`the context of the design's actual application. Exceptions are also useful for
`· further analysis, by the designer, of the final circuit netlist produced by Design
`Exceptions are specified by the. circuit designer as individual syntactic
`units called "exception statements" which are comprised of a "timing alteration"
`and a "path specification." The timing alteration instructs the timing analyzer how
`to alter the default timing constraints for paths through the circuit to be analyzed
`which satisfy the· path specification .. The path specification consists of one or
`25 more "path specifiers," with each path specifier taking an "argument."
`In order
`for a path specification to be satisfied, each argument of each of its path
`specifiers must be satisfied.
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 8 of 245

`The static timing analysis of the present invention is performed upon units
`of the circuit, referred to as "sections", which comprise a set of "launch" flip flops,
`non-cyclic combinational circuitry and a set of "capture" flip flops.
`The section to be analyzed is represented by a netlist of flip flops and
`combinational logic connected together, at their pins, by wire objects.
`tag-based static
`timing analysis of
`the present
`implementing exceptions statements,
`is performed
`four main steps:
`preprocessing, pin-labeling, RF timing table propagation and relative constraint
`analysis. Each of these four steps can be accomplished in one of two main
`1 0
`ways, depending upon how exception statements are to be implemented.
`. For a first-way of implementing exception statements, these four steps are
`referred to as: first-way preprocessing, first-way pin-labeling, first-way modified'
`RF timing table propagation and first-way modified relative constraint analysis.
`For a second-way of implementing exception statements, these four steps
`1 5
`to as: second-way preprocessing, second-way pin-labeling,
`second-way modified RF timing table propagation and second-way modified
`relative constraint analysis.
`Preprocessing accepts the exception statements written by the circuit
`designer and converts them into a set of preprocessed exceptions statements
`which has their path specifications expressed in a certain standard form. Both
`first-way and second-way preprocessing convert the path specification of an
`exception statement into a form expressed literally in terms of pins of the circuit
`description netlist. For the first-way of implementing exception statements, each
`pin is specified independently in the path specifications by being its own path
`specifier argument. For the second-way of implementing exception statements,
`a group of pins may be specified as being logically equivalent, in terms of their
`ability to satisfy a path specification, by their being grouped into an OR-type path
`specifier argument.
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`Exhibit 1002 - Page 9 of 245

`In pin-labeling, the pins of the circuit network, specifically referred to by
`the preprocessed exception statements, are marked to indicate their being. the
`subject of an exception statement or statements.
`In first-way pin labeling, each pin, referred to by a preprocessed exception
`statement, is marked "exception flag."
`In second-way pin labeling, each pin, referred to by a preprocessed
`exception statement, is given an "argument container" which can contain a
`collection of "labels." A label in an argument container is a copy of the "form" in
`which a preprocessed exception statement has referred to the circuit pin to which
`the argument container is attached. The purpose of a label is to provide a data
`item which can be matched against the arg.ument of a. path specifier in a·
`preprocessed exception statement. Any form of label, which allows this
`matching to be accomplished, is suitable. For those path specifier arguments
`. which refer only to a single pin, a label which can match that single-pin reference
`is put in the argument container. For those path specifier arguments which refer
`to an OR-expression of several pins, a label which can represents, and can
`therefore match, the entire OR-expression is put in the argument container.
`RF timing table propagation is accomplished as follows.
`Delays between the inputs and outputs of either state or combinational
`devices are represented by "timing arcs." For the purposes of the set of launch
`flip flops, we are interested in the delay between a clock edge being applied to
`the flip flop and a subsequent change, if in fact such a change is caused to
`occur, at the flip flop's outputs. For the purposes of combinational logic, we are
`interested in the delay between a change being applied to an input of the logic
`and a subsequent change, if in fact such a change is caused to occur, at the
`The RF timing tables propagated are comprised of the following four
`values: minimum rise time (minRT), maximum rise time (maxRD. minimum fall
`time (minFD and maximum fall time (maxFT). RF timing tables eaGh have their
`own "tag" which, in accordance with the present invention, has two parts: i) a first
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 10 of 245

`part which is loaded with a unique identifier for the clock of a launch flip flop, and
`ii) a second part which can contain a variety of "labels" (described below).
`The RF timing tables, for a section of circuitry to be analyzed, are initially
`created as follows. An RF timing table is created for every output of every
`launch flip flop. The values for minRT, maxRT, minFT and maxFT of each RF
`timing table are determined from the timing arc from the flip flop's clock to the
`output of the flip flop for which the RF timing table is being created. A first part of
`the tag created for each RF timing table is loaded with an identifier indicating the
`particular clock driving the clock input of the flip flop for which the RF timing table
`is being created.
`. ~:""':
`At this point; first-way modified RF timing table propagation checks to see
`if any of the output pins of the launch flip flops have an exception flag. For each
`output pin with an exception flag, a label, representing that pin as the only
`argument of a path specifier, is added to the second part of the tag for the RF
`timing table for that output pin.
`At this same point, second-way modified RF timing table propagation
`checks to see if any of the output pins of the launch flip flops have argument
`containers. For each output pin with an argument container, all of the labels in
`that container are added to the second part of the tag for the RF timing table for
`that output pin.
`Propagation of the tagged RF timing tables, through the combinational
`units of a circuitry section, is accomplished as follows. Each RF timing table, at
`each input of a combinational unit, is modified, according to the timing arc
`associated with that input, to produce a temporary RF timing table pointed to by
`the combinational unit's output pin. Each temporary RF timing table is initially
`given the same tag as the RF timing table, at the combinational unit's input, it is
`based upon.
`Once all temporary RF timing tables have been computed at the
`combinational unit's output, those having tags of the same "type" are combined
`to produce a final RF timing table.
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 11 of 245

`At this point, after the creation of each final RF timing table, first-way
`modified RF timing table propagation checks to see if the output pin of the
`combinational unit has an exception flag.
`If the exception flag exists, then .a
`label, representing that output pin as the only argument of a path specifier, is
`added to the second part of the tag for the final RF timing table for that output pin
`if that label, by itself or in conjunction with any selection of labels already on the
`tag, satisfies, or can possibly satisfy, a path specification of at least one of the
`preprocessed exception statements.
`At this same point, after the creation of each final RF timing table,
`second-way modified RF timing table propagation checks to see if the output pin
`of the combinational unit has an argument container.
`If the argument container
`- "
`exists, then each label in it is considered for possible addition to the second part
`of the tag for the final RF timing table of the output pin. A label is added to the
`second part of the tag .for the final RF timing table for that output pin if that label,
`by itself or in conjunction with any selection of labels already on the tag, satisfies,
`or can possibly satisfy, a path specification of at least one of the preprocessed
`exception statements. For second-way modified RF timing table propagation,
`the label may be either: i) a representation of that output pin as the only
`argument of a path specifier, or ii) a representation of an OR-expression of
`several pins, of which the output pin is one, as the argument of a path specifier.
`Propagation of an RF timing table across a wire, to the input pin of a
`combinational unit or capture flip flop, is accomplished as follows. The RF timing
`table, which we shall referto as "RFTT_input_pin," created at the input pin of a
`combinational unit or capture flip flop has its rise and fall time values delayed by
`the wire across which it has just traveled. For first-way modified RF timing table
`the pin to which RFTT _input_pin is attached is checked for an
`exception flag. If an exception flag is found, a label may be added to the second
`part of the tag of RFTT_input_pin, but only after the same determination is
`m;;~de according. to the same procedure described above with respect to the
`point after the creation of ail final RF timing table at a combinational unit output.
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 12 of 245

`For second-way modified RF timing table propagation,
`the pin to which
`RFTT_input_pin is attached is checked for an argument container.
`If an
`argument container is found, a label may be added to the second part of the tag
`of RFTT _input_pin, but only after the same determination is made according to
`the same procedure described above with respect to the point after the creation
`of an final RF timing table at a combinational unit output.
`Generally, first-way and second-way modified relative constraint analysis
`both proceed as follows. Every RF timing table, which we shall refer to as
`C_FF1_RF_TABLE, at the input of every capture flip flop, which we shall refer to
`as C_FF1, is looped over. For each RF timing table C_FF1_RF_TABLE, the
`capture clock driving it, which we shall refer to as C_CLOCK1, is identified.
`Based upon the launch clock identified in the first part of the tag for
`C_FF1_RF_TABLE, and capture clock C_CLOCK1, a pair of default relative
`constraints are identified. These two default relative constraints are called the
`maximum allowable path delay (MAPD) and the shortest allowable path delay
`(SAPO). Based upon the labels contained in the second part of the tag for
`C_FF1_RF_TABLE, a set of preprocessed exception statements, which we shall
`refer to as C_FF1_EXCEPS, may have their path specifications satisfied. A
`variety of precedence rules, either user-specified and/or predetermined, are then
`applied such that a single exception statement, with a single timing alteration, is
`selected. The timing alteration of this single selected exceptio~ statement is
`then applied to alter the default values of either MAPD and/or SAPD. Finally, the
`values of C_FF1_RF_TABLE are determined to have met, or not met, its
`corresponding pair of MAPD (modified or unmodified, depending upon
`exceptions) and/or SAPD (modified or unmodified, depending upon exceptions):
`minRT and minFT of C_FF1_RF_TABLE must be greater than SAPD, and
`maxRT and maxFT of C_FF1_RF_TABLE must be less than MAPD.
`Advantages of the invention will be set forth, in part, in the description that
`follows and, in part, will be understood by those skilled in the art from the
`description or may be learned by practice of the invention. The advantages of
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 13 of 245

`the invention will be realized and attaine~ by means of the elements and
`combinations particularly pointed out in the appended claims and equivalents.
`The accompanying drawings, that are incorporated in and constitute a
`part of this specification, illustrate several embodiments of the invention and,
`together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention:
`Figure 1 depicts an overview of the design environment utilizing the
`principles of the present invention;
`Figures 2A-B render timing arcs, as utilized in accordance with the
`present invention, for a 0-type flip flop;
`Figures 3A-C illustrates timing arcs, as utilized in accordance with the
`present invention, for a combinational gate;
`Figures 4A-C depict the initial determination of RF timing tables, as
`utilized in accordance with the present invention, for 0-type flip flops;
`Figure 5 renders the propagation of tagged RF
`accordance with the present invention, through a combinational gate;
`Figure 6 illustrates the typical hardware computing environment in which
`the software in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention
`~ i ;
`'' :::=
`is executed;
`Figure 7 depicts, in part, the general propagation of RF timing tables from
`a gate's inputs to its outputs in pseudo code (based on the C Programming
`Figure 8 renders schematically, in part, the general propagation of RF
`timing tables from a gate's inputs to its outputs;
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 14 of 245

`Figures 9A-B presents a procedure in accordance with the present
`for determining, as part of a second phase of second-way
`preprocessing, for order dependent "-through"s, product-of-sums expressions;
`Figures 9C-G present a simulation, step-by-step, of the execution of the
`first phase of second-way preprocessing and second phase of second-way
`preprocessing as described in Figures 9A-B;
`Figure 10 presents a procedure
`for determining product-of-sums
`expressions for order independent "-through"s;
`Figure 11 shows an example circuit section which has been processed in
`accordance with a first way of implementing the exception statement input
`Figure 12 shows an example circuit section which has been processed in
`accordance with a second way of implementing the exception statement input
`Figure 13 shows an example circuit section which has been processed in
`accordance with a . first way of implementing the exception statement input
`Figure 14 shows an example circuit section which has been processed in
`accordance with a second way of implementing the exception statement input
`Figure 15 depicts an example of the exception statement input language
`augmented to accept an arbitrary boolean equation as the argument of a
`"-through" path specifier and
`its subsequent processing according
`to a
`modification of the first phase of second-way preprocessing; and
`Figure 16 illustrates a specific example of finding higher-level equivalency
`between pins by further processing preprocessed exception statements to
`produce an additional set of pattern-matching higher-level exception statements.
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 15 of 245

`Reference will now be made in detail to preferred embodiments of the
`invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings.
`5 Wherever possible, the same reference numbers will be used throughout the
`drawings to refer to the same or like parts.
`The present
`invention may be used
`the hardware synthesis
`environment known as the "Design Compiler shell" produced by Synopsys, Inc.,
`of Mountain View, California. An overview of this design environment is shown
`in Figure 1. Design Compiler shell 106, is shown as being composed, from a
`functional perspective, of major subsections 101
`to 1 05.
`These major-
`subsections will now be described.
`HDL Compiler 101 translates a high-level description of a circuit to be
`implemented (high-level HDL Design 1 00), which has been described in the
`l 5
`standard HLHDL such as VHDL (for example VHDL Institute of Electrical and
`Electronic Engineers Standard 1076-1993, herein incorporated by reference) or
`Verilog HDL (for example Verilog Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
`Standard 1364-1995, herein
`incorporated by
`into a generic
`technology circuit netlist 102. The HLHDL input is organized into high-level
`sections known a "blocks."
`Design Compiler 103
`translates, automatically,
`the generic
`technology circuit description into an optimized implementation in a particular
`circuit technology (final circuit netlist 104). Design Compiler accomplishes this
`translation in accordance with:. i) the technology dependent cell library 107
`selected by the designer (discussed below), and ii) designer specified constraints
`108 (also discussed below). Design Compiler accomplishes this translation and
`opti~ization in four main steps: i) technology independent optimization, ii)
`technology mapping, iii) timing correction and iv) area recovery. Technology
`independent optimization is accomplished by performing transformations on the
`I (
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 16 of 245

`~i §
`initial generic technology circuit which result in an optimized generic technology
`circuit. The initial part of technology independent optimization uses the timing
`analyzer of the present invention to calculate the worst case constraint on each
`critical path.
`ln the course of performing technology independent optimizations,
`however, another form of timing analysis is used which is faster than the present
`invention but does not take into account exceptions. The goal of technology
`independent optimization is area minimization, but timing analysis is used to
`keep the circuit produced closely enough within the worst case constraint on
`each critical path such that any timing violations introduced during technology
`independent optimization can be corrected in the subsequent step of timing
`correction. Technology mapping matches pieces of the generic technology
`circuit description with "cells" that are available in a particular technology.: "
`dependent cell library 1 07. CeiLiibraries are typically of two main types: gate
`array library or standard cell library. The cells of the cell library are implemented
`in a specific circuit technology (such as CMOS, BiCMOS, bipolar, ECL or
`NMOS). Technology mapping, like technology independent optimization, uses
`another form of timing analysis which is faster than the present invention but
`does not
`into account exceptions.
`optimization, technology mapping also uses the timing analyzer of the present
`invention only initially in order to calculate the worst case constraint on each
`critical path. The goal of technology mapping is area minimization, but timing
`analysis is used to keep the circuit produced closely enough within the worst
`case constraint on each critical path such that any timing violations introduced
`during technology mapping can be corrected in the next step of timing correction.
`Timing correction identifies timing violations, with respect to user-specified
`constraints 108, or with respect to constraints due. to the cell library chosen, and
`then corrects them by performing local transformations. The transformations
`used by timing correction do not change the design from being composed of
`cells from the selected cell library 107. Timing violations are identified during
`timing correction by utilizing the timing analyzer of the present invention. Finally,
`Exhibit 1002 - Page 17 of 245

`~~ ·:::;::o
`area recovery is performed to produce the final circuit description. The designer
`may specify, as part of constraints 108, the maximum area desired for the final
`circuit description. Area recovery determines whether timing correction may
`have introduced a violation of this maximum area constraint.
`If area recovery
`finds such a violation, it will perform local transformations in an effort to bring the
`design within the maximum area desired. The transformations used by area
`recovery do not change the design from being composed of cells from the
`selected cell library 107. During area recovery, the timing analyzer of the
`present invention is utilized to prevent timing violations from being introduced.
`Connecting to all of these four stages is the "timing backbone" which contains
`the timing analyzer of the present invention.
`The final circuit description 104 may then be subjected to further analysis
`by the designer (user analysis 1 05), in order to explore aspects of the final
`circuit's performance which may not have been directly addressed by Design
`Constraints 1 08 allow the user to specify the following three types of
`constraints: i) the maximum area desired (as discussed above), ii) timing
`constraints and iii) boundary constraints. Timing constraints are of two main
`types: waveforms and ~xceptions.
`"Waveforms" are user-specified clock waveforms which are applied to
`certain points of the circuit design. Waveforms may be applied to the circuit
`design at either the HLHDL level (of high-level HDL design 1 00) or at the level of
`generic technology circui

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