`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
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`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
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`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
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`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`3 Steps to Gardening
`HE'lp customers start with the right soil for every
`~.r [p 1
`garden project
`Miracle-Gro• Quick Start• and Miracle-Gro•
`Organic Choice' Bone Meal ensure plants are
`off to a good start.
`STFP .·~
`Satisfy every gardener's Feeding preference with
`Miracle-Gro' Water Soluble Plant Food, Miracle-Gro•
`Shake'n Feed' or Miracle-Gro• LiquaFeed•.
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`(;ardening Basics
`Cmada olfer1 a complex growing envirvnmenl Whe11 planllng
`ourdoo11 choose plants that are native to your area. If a plant is sold
`in your local store, chances are that it will be suited for the climate
`in your a1ea. Before purchasing a plant it 1s besl to read the plant tag
`thoroughly and decide if il suits yoLir garden needs
`There are 3 basic categories of plant> :
`Annual> are plants that. complete therr
`entire life cycle, from seed to seed in one
`growing season Annuals have the potential
`to reseed and grow into a separnte plant
`the next season and their reappearance
`year after year can lead people to mistake
`.~nnual1 lor perennials Common annuals
`rnclude I lowers such as pelunlas, 1mpatiens, (
`daisies and also vegetables like cucumbers,
`rPppers and tomatoes
`Biennials take two ye~1s to go through
`a c~omplete life cycle They grow and
`estabii~!1 themselves the first season by
`mostly producing foliage In the second
`season they bloom, set seed and die.
`Hollyhocks and parsley are examples of
`Perennials continue growing, blooming,
`;md seeding for a numbei of years The
`root system or bulb, and someclmes the
`stern and foliage, last through the winter
`Peonies, tulips and hostas are common
`pe1ermial plants as well as sh1ubs,
`evergreen and deciduous rrees
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`.... ,
`0 0 The Right Soil for the Right Project for Beautiful Results
`n ......
`0 -•.
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Why Use
`Potting Mix?
`Why should premium
`potting mixes be the only
`product used in
`a container garden?
`Pl~nts grown in indoor and
`ouldoor comalners have ve1y
`special needs Potting mixes are
`designed to provide the physical
`and nutritional properlies that
`help container planrs to thrive.
`Physical Properties
`High Moisture Rerentlon
`High Porosity (Aeration)
`Proper Drainage
`Planr Supoort
`Nutritional Properties
`NJtrlent Balanced
`Proper Salt levels
`Higli Water Absorption
`Prenuum potlmg ml;(e~ conra1n a high
`level or lphagnurn peat mos<, perl'l•
`(l(lj b.:11'< nnr-:ij w pru'Jldl'.' more poro~ity
`1han other scils ·-fatll,tatlnq drainag1:1
`of exce5s water and preventing root5c
`from rullin9
`H<gto levels or sphognum pea\ mo;s
`in polling nlixos help to reraln more
`w1ter than other mixes {contoiner
`e~wironment'j losr. more water than
`in~ground environment~),
`Premium potting mtxes (Ontain
`higher levels of nutrienrs 1han other
`soils ro help plants grow in conra;r,er
`environments. which are more prone
`m nutrient loss/leaching
`Premium pornng mixes -contain
`welllng agents to evenly antJ quickly
`c:ll5perse wate' versus ether ~oils -
`rrak.1t'g watf!ring f!a!iiP.r anrJ rnorci
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Re potting
`Why Repot?
`'~eponlng prov;dei 'oom for heal!l'Y
`root development, pl<JS fmh potting
`mix restc-res nutrient5 to help revitdlize
`yov1 plarns
`When to Repot?
`If plant is ·root-bound' (root• Wind
`arour:d rhe ln!ld~ of the po!)
`lf roots grow out of dra•,,agP. hol'>
`If bottom leaves turn yellow and
`drop of/
`If plarit wilt$ between norn~ill
`t:or be5t 'E.'~Jlts, repol cince a }'ear -
`tWly spri~" <lf eillly fall
`How to repot
`Select a pot or .CO"'·{airie1 tt'at i> one
`sl.ze larger th~m the old one, Y".'l!h
`drainag• holes.
`Remove the plant 'rom the old pct
`II the roots •re tightly wound, gen1ly
`5l1ce the ;.id~s of the root ball in 2 0 1
`3 pl!ices
`Add a laye1 ol p1emium pcitling ml):
`to the bottom of the new pot and
`1nse1r tho pl;ml Fill If' with more
`potnng m'Y., pre1> lightly
`Water !he potting mix thoroughly.
`;,nd tht~11 «1llow to dfW ..
`For b<>t ,.,ult'>, wait 30 day>,
`•cd then feed rogularly with
`Mi1-ade-G1 o• F1liml; ood klli:.iwi~g
`paci<age directions
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Growinq I ips for Indoor Conta iner Plants
`Over-watering 1s the most
`common problem in ywwing
`container plants To help alleviate
`this problem, let the mix dry to
`the !ouch \Je1wee11 waterings.
`Soak the m1~ and allow to dr~1n
`Do not allow plants 10 rest In
`drainage water. See below for
`helpful watering lips
`Signs of TOO MUCH water
`• LCJ)ve\ turn yellOIV. drop and f~JI,
`• !loots 1urn brown or moldy.
`Signs of TOO LITILE w.lter
`• Flowers and fohage wllr
`• Soll Grads .ind ~pa1a1es fton1 poi
`An easy way 10 check
`sol! moisture
`Stick a pencil Into the sell 2' deop.
`I 1 he pencil comes ou1 dry, water
`11 needed.
`fl tlie peric I GOfJ1es ou.1 with s.:ill
`SIUC~ toll 01 [S '1lQl$1, Soll ~ (!rte
`Most plants prefer bright, but
`indirect sunlight. Refer to the
`plant's 1.,bel for lighting
`requi1ements fot each plant
`Feed regularly wirh Miracle-Gro•
`PIM1l food during the sp1ing,
`summer and fall Feed sparingly
`ci11ring the winter.
`Mu\ I l1uuse pla111 spier 1 •
`humid environment. Do nut
`placr pl. n 1\ dlleclly ne. r
`Jiea1 rl!gllters or radiator>
`Hum1d1f1eri ran help 10
`€' nh; nce planr (Jmwrh
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Growing Tips for Indoor Container ~)Ian ts
`Over-watering is the most
`cornrnon problem in g1owing
`container plants To help alleviate
`this problem, let the mix dry to
`the touch between wate1ings.
`Soak the mix and allow to dr,1i()
`Do not allow plants to rest in
`drainage warer. See below for
`helpful watering tips
`Signs ofTOO MUO-! water
`• -1.ea-v 1 wrri ve:l!Qw. drop ~nc.I r,all.
`· Roots turn brown or moldy
`.Slgns ofTOO LlmE water
`• FldwelHnd foliage Wllf
`, So11 cro~k5 and scparatj!j J1om pat.
`An e(!Sy way 10. check
`soil mol$l\Jre
`Stlc~ a panel) tntD the $Oil 2' deep
`. lf the penc I ~ out dry, wa1e1
`Ii ~ooded,
`• 1f the pe111:ll comes out With soil
`5tuck to lt or If moll"!, 50JI ~ Onl!
`Most plants prefer bright, but
`indirect sunlight Refer to the
`plant's label for lighting
`requi1ernenls for each plant
`Feed regularly with Miracle-Gro"
`Plant ~ood during the spring.
`summer and fall Feed sparingly
`during the winter
`Most house plants prefer "
`humid environment Do not
`place plants directly neor
`heat registers or radiators.
`Hurnrdiflers can help to
`enhance plant growth
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`. '
`Planting Mix
`When to Use:
`• U5e in pol'.i or rn-grnund gardens,
`How to Use:
`We tPcornmenc wea11ng gardening
`glove> when using this vr other
`pklntinq mrtrenals
`POTS: For large projects. rnl• equal
`parts with water in a sP.p•n<ne
`c:unta1ner. P~t:>n plant .;is us;,.,:ttl
`1. S..lect •pot with a drain hole
`Place pot on d sau<er
`2. 11H poi 1/.1 hill
`3. G1a<luaUy add water and stir Mix
`w1H expan<l complecety\Vhen mixed
`With equal pa1 ts of Wrller-
`4. Plant ::s usu~I
`IN GROUND: Tc improve the
`workab;l1tyof garden beds
`Significantly Improve< clay •"d
`sandy soH ror multiple years•
`1. 5oreod a l 5 cm ll Inch) IJyer of soil
`over rhE atea to be planted
`l. M'x with lh• lop 10-15 cm
`1~·6 inche!) or native soil
`3. War.r plants lhuroughfy
`What to Expect:
`Wale• 3{ti1J41ed - ~xµunds up 10
`3 Orm.•s
`9 3 L bag yields the equiValent of
`a 28 3l bag
`1 B.9 L bag y!eldi tl>e equival•nt of
`• S6L oag
`Mak.cs nali'Jt' ~wl up tu 40% lighle1
`and :'.feates up co 90% rno1e air
`space for plants (o grow!
`Hold5 up ro 50% rnore water than
`ord1r.ary potting soil and release5 it
`as plants need it
`F ee1Js plants fo1 uo to 6 n'onlhs
`Lightweight, east to carry bag
`o 37 n\2 On-grmmd)
`0 74 m' (il1-ground)
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Miracle-Ciro., Potting Mix
`Grows Plants Twite As Big!~
`., ordln;iry po1tlng mixes
`A sollle!S blend of hor1i<uhural·
`grade ingredle"ts tha1 Improves ;011
`:aeration .and drainage· for ~trong
`r•:iot de\'ek>pTY'!en1
`Enriched - Feed; up to l morirh<
`Ideal for all types ol 1Moor and
`outdoor ccntainer projects
`e.e L
`17 ,6 l
`60.5 l
`Exclusive AquaCou' formula holds
`33% more water than ordinary
`potung mix, and releases It to the
`p1ants 1 roots as needed
`Great for lndoo1 and outdoor
`container gatdens
`Help; protect against over· and
`7~1 1114
`171> 1
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Help"$ tv G10w Pl?.nl.~ Twice As Big -
`!f~el'll ro1 gt OW1!"1q vegelables ;in('1
`herbs 11\ cont~iners. as well <i:5 pott~d
`1ro~1cal. follage and flowering plants
`P1ovide~ bov~ quid ~na 5.low relei;e
`nrt1ogen fei::d1ng !O promote he11llhy
`plarirs arid flowers.
`Con1d1ns ;,~nly narwal iH'ld orgr.ni.c
`17 6 L
`1aJ L
`Seed Sta1ting Potting Mix
`F.xcell~nl for germ!nJt1n'.'.J -.·f?'qt-~able.
`flower and h•rb seeds
`Al$o 1det1l lor rooting leaf, ste:i--1 and
`ic11')f ;.:ur L1n9~
`Enrrched to help build wong real>
`pt I Daianced ro1 optimal see<l
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Soil Preparation for In -ground (jardens
`Tbe typ~ of ~011 planr~ grow 1n
`th~se two exuemt:Js Whlle you ran
`r~rt61f1~ly gww plarus. in just slraight
`der..m·"·•' how succe11fullyth<y w:ll
`rnll, ! r.ere ;;re ertec t1ve st~p5 to take to
`develop "-ot •11 soil$ oro rho some
`~"Tiprov(' whaiever s~·ll you are workl!i9
`Some sorl.,; ~r~ made up of day or
`with Adding org,j,nic: .arnendrt-enh
`do£>nS'!? soil ll"ldt dump5 uo and
`~o the svll w II improve aeration aod
`rna,--:'.ains a bOJli shapE whe,.. you prHS
`dra nage in clay Mils Am<-ndme-.:s will
`:1 ln your hJnd Sandy soll 1s 1he 01!-ie1
`dlso improye WJter .. holdlng ~bllity o'
`~xtreme It ne'.ther holds together r.01
`s;inoy soils Use organic mane~ such :JS
`'e:e.1m wate1 well
`rnfT'!p01ir or spht1gnum pP.<1t mms
`MO!.t soi!s fall ~omewhere in bccwt<'n
`11 1-ground Gardening -
`Getting the most from your soil
`hecc-rn.;:i es1abli~r-;<'d mcr2 qu1rldy and
`Wl! h vey liHh: effot 1. ~c.!I can b~
`1.rnproyed so 1n-gro1.mo ga1dens Cd/"I
`g~0w fas(er, mnn~e ~f1rj he~hhier
`The Benefits of Enhancing Soil
`Roou are enco;;ragECl to "Sp1~ad
`1i~e~~lst-d porosity ~illows rnor~ wt1l~1
`out <:i"ld c~velop 1nco -a srurd~·
`and n;..;lrients inta thP. toot zon(>.
`unde1g1c-und n<'twvtk ab~orb1n9
`fhere w=ll b(I l~S'> w2'.H/rainfall 1unoff
`v1:.il nutrients rtflo mo1J.trne
`wh~n :h~ soil is <ultivate:f Jnd lo,is-:
`Fo~ bE'SC res1JJh use J ptetniU!T'
`Mere o>.ygt-n bf!comes availabl~
`garden soil to ?.roend )'Our ga,deo
`10 the plJnl roe:~
`t:ed rnslc-:.1CJ of dc,-1t-yow.,.df
`UepleriLsh~'> lo.st nutrients durmg
`n~ii..1'..1re~ cf 1opsoll, peal .Jnd
`no1 m<;I :;lam gro\\'~h
`Why Prerniurn c;arden Soils?
`Premium gCJtden soih 'ja\'e a h1;h
`level of organi< content to maxlmrLC?
`4menc1men\$ to native sv1ls Thi~
`help~ loos~n heavy solls and rrnprove
`dra[n,jge Clnd porosity- allowing
`1oo:s to grow tng ilnd stron9
`Premium garden soils may contain
`both qulc:k and slov.·-1elease
`n •• ;11.=:nH 10 •>pti"' itt• pl<inl hf!~.ol:h
`dunn; W'! enlir£> ;;rowing sE-llson.
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`~1~(~;~s Soil
`& Vegetables
`Enriched to promote healthy nower> and
`Spe::i:.Hyfo1rn1JltttPd for 1n·(.Jlound ",.~nutil l1rid
`p•rennialflow.,s. plus all types of vegetables
`Blend of organic bosed ma1erials designed to be
`m•x•~d su;a;u In tlH~ 9round wllh exist n9 W!I
`llt'ITl p
`28.3 l
`· j~~
`Garden Soil
`AquaCoir• tec!'n0lo;;y for improved molHutt"
`Doubles 1he yield for most veg~table-s .'
`Protecls aga1ns1 over and under wa1e1mg
`En11cht!'d - Feech \JP 10 3 r--onrh~
`Improves soil aer.Jt1~n and drainage!: (or rnong
`roo1 develop11lent
`28.3 I;
`Ga1der1 Soil
`Helps to G1ow Plants Twice As. Big. Na1ur1Jli1•
`Douti1es thr y1~d rm mmt vrg~tablc-s"
`for planting rn-ground vegetable, flower ;n-o
`herb gairdens
`Providt.>S both q!Jll k. ;,ntJ slc.;w 1dc-;:;.l:' n1trnq1~1~
`Contains only natuial and organic ingredient~
`lltrn #
`28.3 l
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Colour Enhanced
`Keeps landscaping beautiful all
`season 10119 with guaranteed colou•.
`~mproves soil moisture retenrion.
`Helps to prevent weed$
`1n the garden.
`Ptovides sea>on-long colour 1hat
`won'r. fada to grey.
`Mode lrom 100% natural foren
`produm_. contains no recycled
`waste wood
`Naturally degrades over time
`providing organic rn.itter that helps
`enr1Ch the soiJ
`Deep Forest Brown
`Sierra Red
`56 51,.
`Classic Black
`~6 6 I
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`. "
`Good Planting Practices
`V\lhrn to Plant Outdoors
`Container-grown Trees -
`Anytime excr.pt during <irought 01
`<old ~pells
`Deciduous Bnre-root Trees -
`~elween rnld-spfl"g and mid fall;
`avoid periods of severe cold
`Hardy Evergreens/Hardy
`Deciduous Trees - Mid-fall or
`mld-to-l•le spring
`Half-hardy treH - Mid-spring
`Bolled and Burlapp•d Trees -
`f arly to mid-fall or m1d·to·late
`Annual Flow.rs -After the ri1k of
`frost has passed
`Vegelables - refer ro ch~r\ below
`Wt.en to Plant
`Lettuce and
`Salad Gre-en~
`As 'looon a$ the soll ran be worked
`in the 1pring 18-24' C (65-75' f)
`h (lJ.1~dr.d (()( u~rminiilion
`Ah~r rhe d::inoer of frost Ins p3ssed
`and the soil nas walmed up
`Cool sedson i:rop lh:at perlor'l"lS
`best whe" planted fn the early
`Cool 5eason crop that can be
`planted In the e<lri)' 1p•ing
`As soon 3S ~he soil can N worked
`In the eorl·1 sprmg
`Long g1ow1n9 season and they love
`tre heat. Plant s~odllngs when the
`sollwarms up
`Cool se.iS(Jn nop rhat can be
`planted in th~ eartyspring or
`eafly fall
`Planl t1ansplant!i m ttie qarcfon
`when the soil warm~ lip.
`Plant when the soil has warmed to
`ll-2'/" C (PH<0" 1)
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`, • >
`Need to Feed
`Miracle-Gro•· Plant Food replenishe) the m1t1 ient.s
`in soil, yielding stronger, healthier plants.
`Most garden soll does nor contain sufficient amounts of e1Se11tlal
`nurnents plants require for optimal growing re1ul11. Here's why
`fh1011ghou1 the
`QIOW IJHJ 1ea; o11 pldl\I>
`grow l1y rnn,11m111q
`m1wenu 1rom the
`~011, al d tale fa~te r
`thil rt n u111~ m · un
`r~pl ac<' cl Mhi1J lly
`Plane food
`these nutrients
`in the soil. yielding
`stronger, healthier
`plants than uoted
`/Is vrg" Llbles. rlo1•1~ rs,
`trees and sh1ub$ orow
`they contlrme to -
`(f' n:.u111e nut11ems fr1•ir11
`Il le ~ Otl thrOU(JhOUl th Ir
`r<1ow1ng seaso n, io 11 11
`mi ruqant lo ff'e<i p l~m ~
`I gUf.lrJ)'
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Good Planting Practices
`When to Plant Outdoors
`Container-grown Trees -
`Anytime except during drought or
`cold <pells
`Deciduous Bare-root Tree. -
`Betwe~n rn1d-1pnr'g <1n<J mid fall;
`avoid periods of .ev~re cold
`Hardy Evergreens/Hardy
`Oedduous Trees - Mid-fall or
`rnid-lo-lale spring.
`Half-hardy trees - Mid-spring
`Balled and Burlapped Trees -
`Early to mid-fall or mid-lo-late
`Annual Flowers - After tho ri1k of
`frost has passed.
`Vegetables - refer to chart below
`When to Pl•nt
`A1 soon as ltl• soil can be worked
`in the spring 18-24' c (~5-75' r;
`ts need~d for genrdn<1lion
`Alter the danger of ltosl has passed
`and the soil ha> warmed up
`Cool se.a.;ao crop that p-e-rfof~S
`best when plamed in the eilrly
`Cool se~sol"1 oop \hat can be
`pl•nt•d in th• early spring
`As won as the 1011 can be worked
`in the early spring.
`Long growing season and they love
`the heat. Plan! seedlings when the
`Cool s~~son r.rop rhat <.an b~
`plantej in the P.iuly spring Of
`early fall
`Planl 11<1nspl<:1nts 1n !he gard<'n
`when lhe soil warm~ up.
`Plant when the •oil has warm•d to
`ll-2l'C !/IHD" I)
`l.etiuce and
`)al,;d Greens
`fjfC liOS'
`Page 1 Encap Exhibit 2010
`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC
`Scotts (Qni9da Ltd.
`1000 lu9tnlla llQ1d, Pln.15,
`SultQ 101
`Ml11ru ... uga, ON lSr'/ 2R7
`\I 1!(15,.814-105
`f4 -f.llS'IW?3?2
`See you next season!
`1JrC l1DG
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`The Scotts Company, LLC v. Encap, LLC