`"Water Me Technology"
`Though water is the single most important element to establishing turf, watering is often the most neglected
`aspect by most homeowners. ENCAP has developed and protected a watering indicator that let's the
`homeowners know vvhen it is time to water.
`By simply observing the color of the mulch and appearance of the cross-l inked polymer (PAM), the homeowner
`have a visual indicator to know when watering is needed. When dry, the mulch color is light green, and the
`PAM is reduced to a very small size. When wet, the mulch turns a darker green color and the PAM appears to
`swell into crystals (or diamonds) on the soil, serving as an indicator that enough water has been applied
`(stopping some homeowners from watering too much). Lasts approx. 3-6 weeks, depending on conditions.
`As the soi l and seed dry off, the mulch color turns back to a lighter color and the PAM polymer simply
`"disappears" again, signaling the need to water again. This will change back and forth, taking the guess work
`out of watering. Amazing!
`The role of water in turf grass is endless. James Beard outlined in "Turfgrass: Science and Culture" that water is
`required for germination, it protects plants from sudden changes in temperature, it functions as the transport
`medium by which nutrients move through the plants, it is required for photosynthetic process, and is a vital
`constituent of protoplasm. Without water, death occurs. Despite these facts, people still do not water enough
`when establishing turfbecause they do not know when it is time to water. Until now.
`The significance of this technology has been tested for two years in the retail and professional markets with
`strong success. Both landscapers and homeowners have realized the benefits of knowing for the first time, when
`it is time to water.
`Research has found that it typically takes 45 minutes of watering, or a half-inch of water, to activate the PAM
`polymer. This results in a generally acceptable amount of water being applied to the seed and soil. On a warm,
`dry, windy day, the watering ind icators may show that watering is needed 2-4 times for optimal results.
`Intellectual P•·oper·ty
`Patents: E CAP has patents pending on the aforementioned technology in areas including all mulch granules.
`Trademarks: EN CAP has the registered trademark for "Water Me Technology.
`This technology provides an answer to the ageless question of"when do I need to water". This marketing
`approach is a differentiating point in a market that is striving for a point of difference.
`Rev 042903
`ENCAP, LLC 392 1 Algoma Road, Green Bay, WI 54311,
`(920)406-5055, Fax: (920)406-9740, www.encapseed.com
`Water Me Techn0l0gyTM
`Results in%;’,,T
`The color and cr stals serve as waterin indicators!