
`[Page 1]
`Case No: IPR2014-01102
`U.S. Patent No: 5,228,077
`Case No: IPR2014-01103
`U.S. Patent No: 5,552,917
`Case No: IPR2014-01104
`U.S. Patent No: 5,414,761
`Case No: IPR2014-01106
`U.S. Patent No: 5,255,313
`Case No: IPR2014-01109
`U.S. Patent No: 7,831,930
` Deposition of ALEX COOK, taken
`One South Dearborn Street, in the City of
`Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, commencing
`at 9:00 o'clock a.m. on the 15th day of
`June, 2015.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000001


`[Page 2]
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 1180 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
` (212)382-0700
` -AND-
` 1001 Page Mill Road
` Building 1
` Palo Alto, California 94304
` (650)565-7006
` Appeared on behalf of Universal
` Remote Control, Inc.;
` 77 West Wacker Drive
` Suite 2500
` Chicago, Illinois 60601
` (312) 456-8451
` Appeared on behalf of Universal
` Electronics, Inc.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000002


`[Page 3]
` I N D E X
` Examinations Page
`Cross-Examination 4
`By Mr. Barkaus
` E X H I B I T S
` No. Page
` Exhibit 1030 4
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1030, Trial No. IPR 2014-1109
` Exhibit 1031 244
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1031 Trial No. IPR 2014-01109)
` Exhibit 2029 37
` (Universal Electronics Exhibit 2029
` Trial No. IPR 2014-01109
` Exhibit 1008 90
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1008 Trial No. IPR 2014-01109)
` Exhibit 1001 108
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1001 Trial No. IPR 2014-01109)
` Exhibit 1003 81
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1003 Trial No. IPR 2014-01109)
` Exhibit 1004 220
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1004 Trial No. IPR 2014-01109)
` Exhibit 1032 242
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1032, Trial No. IPR 2014-1109)
` Exhibit 1006 244
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1006 in the '930 patent IPR)
` Exhibit 1033 249
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1033, Trial No. IPR 2014-1109)
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000003


`[Page 4]
` (Witness sworn.)
` called as a witness herein, having been
` first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Cross-Examination
` By Mr. Barkaus
` Q. Okay. Mr. Cook, my name is
` Keith Barkaus. I'm with the firm of
` Ostrolenk Faber LLP in New York
` representing the Petitioner, Universal
` Remote Control, Inc. And with me I have
` Mr. Ferenc Pazmandi from Sidley Austin also
` representing Universal Remote Control; and
` Peter Kang, also from Sidley Austin, who
` also represents Universal Remote Control.
` I'm going to go ahead and get
` started here with an exhibit which I have
` tentatively marked as Universal Remote
` Control Exhibit 1030 for Trial No. IPR
` 2014-0019.
` (Document marked as
` Exhibit No. 1030 for
` identification.)
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000004


`[Page 5]
` Q. And, Mr. Cook, as you can see,
` this document on the top right side there
` it says Amended Petitioner's Notice of
` Deposition of Alex Cook. And if you turn
` to the second page there, it refers to the
` deposition that will be taking place in
` Case Nos. IPR 2014-1102, 2014-1103,
` 2014-1104, 2014-1106, and 2014-1146. Do
` you see that?
` A. I do see that.
` Q. And is it your understanding
` that you're here today to provide testimony
` in those IPR matters?
` A. Can you relate to me which -- I
` don't know the IPR numbers off the top of
` my head. Can you relate to me what patents
` are in each of those?
` Q. I believe I can.
` A. Okay.
` Q. IPR 2014-1146 relates to U.S.
` Patent No --
` A. The last three digits will be
` fine.
` Q. The last three digits. That's
` even better, because I know those better.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000005


`[Page 6]
` That's the '207 patent.
` A. All right.
` Q. And, actually, I forgot to
` notice on the front page of that same
` document there is another case number
` listed, IPR 2014-01109 which, as you can
` see, relates to the '930 patent. And then
` IPR No. 2014-1106 relates to, one second
` here, I don't have these memorized either.
` I have to look them up, too. So matter
` 1106 relates to the -- Let's skip back.
` 1102 relates to the '077 patent. 1103
` relates to the '917 patent. 1104 relates
` to the '761 patent.
` A. That leaves '313 for --
` Q. Correct. 1106 relates to the
` '313 patent. So now we've figured out what
` all these numbers relate to, is it your
` understanding that you are here today to
` give testimony with respect to these IPR
` matters?
` A. Yes. Yes.
` Q. And are you prepared to give
` that testimony today?
` A. I am.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000006


`[Page 7]
` Q. Okay. Are you on any
` medication or do you have any illness that
` would prevent you from giving your honest
` and true testimony today with respect to
` these matters?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Mr. Cook, have you been
` deposed before?
` A. I have.
` Q. About how many times would you
` say you've been deposed?
` A. Once or twice.
` Q. And do you remember the matters
` that you were deposed in?
` A. The one specific one I remember
` was back, I think, in 1995 was another case
` for UEI, UEI vs. Phillips. I can't tell
` you any of the details or the case number
` or anything like that.
` Q. Was that a patent case?
` A. It was a patent case, yes.
` Q. And were you giving testimony
` as an expert in that case?
` A. I was.
` Q. Do you remember the -- you
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000007


`[Page 8]
` said -- I believe you said that you've been
` deposed once or twice. Do you remember the
` other time you were deposed?
` A. No. No recollection.
` Q. Was it a patent case?
` A. Yeah. It would have been a
` patent. I've only ever done expert witness
` in patent cases. I would have only ever
` been deposed.
` Q. Do you recall the technology
` involved in that other case?
` A. I'm --
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry.
` MR. MAIERS: Just making an
` objection.
` THE WITNESS: I suspect it
` was -- It would have been Universal Remote
` Control technology.
` Q. You suspect, but you don't
` recall?
` A. No. I'm sure it was.
` Q. Okay. And in that 1995 case
` where you were working with UEI, do you
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000008


`[Page 9]
` recall the technology of that case?
` A. It was a remote control.
` Q. And do you remember the patent
` numbers that were involved in that 1995
` case?
` A. Not off the top of my head, no.
` Q. Do you recall who the opposing
` party was or the other party was?
` A. Phillips.
` Q. And in your testimony did you
` testify as to patents that are owned by
` Phillips or patents that were owned by UEI?
` A. UEI.
` Q. So you did not give any
` testimony regarding any Phillips' patents
` in that proceeding?
` A. No, no. Not to my
` recollection.
` Q. Did you wind up testifying in
` court in that case?
` A. I did.
` Q. And in the other case in which
` you recall giving deposition testimony, did
` you testify in court in that case?
` A. No. I've never testified in
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000009


`[Page 10]
` court again. And I don't remember -- It
` seems like I've been deposed another time,
` but I don't recall the specifics of it.
` Q. And would that have been a
` patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you don't recall the
` specifics -- So you don't recall the
` subject matter of the patents involved?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Not specifically
` off the top of my head, no.
` Q. Okay. In the 1995 case
` involving UEI and Phillips, you indicated,
` I believe, that the technology involved
` related to universal remote controls; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were any of the patents
` involved in that case overlapping with the
` patents involved in the IPRs that we're
` here to talk about today?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't understand
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000010


`[Page 11]
` the meaning of overlapping.
` Q. Did that case involve any of
` the same patents that we're here to talk
` about today?
` A. I don't see how it could based
` on the filing dates. I don't think so. I
` think we do have one that's that old, but I
` don't think -- I don't recall that that was
` the case, no.
` Q. Okay. Could you please briefly
` summarize your education after graduation,
` graduation from high school, please?
` A. I attended Georgia Institute of
` Technology from 1973 through 1977, which
` resulted in a Bachelor of Electrical
` Engineering Degree. In '78 and '79 I did
` some graduate work at Georgia Tech, that
` was a number of courses, but did not
` result -- I was not working towards a
` degree, just a number of courses I took.
` And that's my formal engineering education.
` Q. The -- What was the subject
` matter of the graduate courses that you
` took in '78 to '79, if you recall?
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000011


`[Page 12]
` A. There were a number of them.
` Basically it was coding theory and
` different types of coding for signals.
` Q. When you say coding, you're
` referring to coding information into
` signals or coding as in writing computer
` code?
` A. No, not computer code. This
` was more like error correcting codes, that
` type of thing.
` Q. And then could you please
` summarize for me -- Actually, let's go
` about this a different way. Withdrawn.
` Are you currently employed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And where are you currently
` employed?
` A. I'm a consultant for Comcast
` Corporation. Actually for Comcast Cable.
` Q. As a consultant, do you work
` for a consulting company or is it your own
` company?
` A. I work for a consulting company
` called TAC Services, Inc., and it's a
` company that my wife owns. So, no, it's
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000012


`[Page 13]
` not my company.
` Q. But hopefully you have a good
` relationship with your boss.
` A. Some days it's more of an
` employee relationship, but yes.
` Q. And how long have you worked
` for TAC Services, Inc.?
` A. Three and a half years, I
` think.
` Q. Do you do work for any other
` outside companies as a consultant for TAC
` Services, Inc.?
` A. No. Through TAC it's always
` been for Comcast.
` Q. Do you do any consulting work
` other than for TAC Services, Inc.?
` A. I'm obviously here today, yes.
` Q. So then UEI would be a
` customer, a consulting customer of yours
` outside of TAC Services, Inc.?
` A. There's another company that we
` have called K-TAC, LLC, and Greenberg
` Traurig asked for my services for this
` case, and this is being run through K-TAC.
` Q. That's K, dash, the letters
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000013


`[Page 14]
` TAC?
` A. TAC.
` Q. And does your wife own that
` company as well?
` A. Yes, she does.
` Q. Are there any other customers
` that you provide consulting services to
` other than Comcast Cable and UEI right now?
` A. Currently that's the only two.
` Q. And approximately how long --
` Are you an employee of K-TAC? Why don't we
` just call that K-TAC? Is that okay?
` A. That's fine. So, no, I'm not
` an employee.
` Q. Are you an independent
` contractor?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you an employee of TAC
` Services, Inc.?
` A. No. Independent contractor of
` that also.
` Q. How long have you been working
` for K-TAC?
` A. K-TAC was formed, in my
` recollection, 2006. And so I've been
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000014


`[Page 15]
` working with K-TAC during that time.
` Q. Around eight or nine years. Is
` that about right?
` A. Sounds right.
` Q. Prior to 2006, were you
` employed?
` A. Yes. I had a company called
` Radium Technology, R-A-D-I-U-M,
` Technologies, Inc. And I was the president
` of Radium Technologies.
` Q. You were the president?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was your wife the vice
` president?
` A. She was not involved in that
` company.
` Q. And what type of work did you
` do at Radium Technologies, Inc.?
` A. The primary focus of Radium
` Technologies was to build devices like
` satellite receivers and cable boxes in Asia
` for contract customers, UNs.
` Q. So your customers were in the
` United States and the products were being
` built in Asia?
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000015


`[Page 16]
` A. Correct.
` Q. And approximately how long were
` you president of Radium Technologies -- how
` long did you work for Radium Technologies,
` Inc.?
` A. I formed Radium Technologies --
` it was either '98 or '99. I can't recall
` exactly when it was set up.
` Q. So from about 1998 until --
` A. That's correct.
` Q. -- 2006?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It was about eight years or so?
` A. Yeah. Sounds right.
` Q. Were you president the whole
` time?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you have any employees?
` A. Yes. Engineer and some, from
` time to time, some administrative help.
` Q. Was that a single engineer or
` multiple engineer?
` A. I had one engineer employee.
` There was some times we used other
` engineers on a contract basis. A small
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000016


`[Page 17]
` firm.
` Q. During the time that you were
` president of Radium Technologies, was that
` your only employment?
` A. No. I did some consulting work
` during that time that was -- I'm trying to
` recall. I believe that was -- I think that
` was all done through Radium Technologies,
` though, so I believe that the answer,
` technical answer to your question, is yes,
` I was.
` Q. Okay. So just you did do some
` consulting work, but you believe you did it
` through Radium Technologies?
` A. Through Radium Technologies,
` yeah. That would have been the way it was
` done.
` Q. Prior to 1998 were you
` employed?
` A. I did -- yes. 1998 -- a good
` portion of 1998 I spent working on some
` product development ideas of my own. And
` so there's a portion of that time that
` technically I would say I was unemployed,
` but that was in product development work.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000017


`[Page 18]
` Q. Okay. So this was prior to
` starting Radium Technologies?
` A. Yes. It was sort of a
` predecessor to starting Radium
` Technologies.
` Q. And this was just work that you
` were doing on your own. You weren't
` employed by anyone else or contracted by
` anyone else?
` A. It was the engineer in the
` garage scenario.
` MR. MAIERS: Object to form.
` Q. And were you employed prior to
` 1998?
` A. Yes. From -- In 1992 I formed
` a company called Concordant Technology,
` C-O-N-C-O-R-D-A-N-T, with a partner. And
` from '92 to '96, I was a silent partner in
` that business. And from approximately
` March of 1996 into early 1998 I ran that
` business and was primary technical lead in
` that company.
` Q. And do you remember your
` partner's name?
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000018


`[Page 19]
` A. John Wynn, W-Y-N-N.
` Q. And what business was
` Concordant Technology in?
` A. Concordant was formed to
` leverage all the Asian manufacturing
` contacts that we had developed through the
` years and build products overseas for U.S.
` customers. It was similar to Radium
` Technologies later. There was also some
` consulting and things done there also.
` Q. So the primary business of
` Concordant then was selling products to
` U.S. customers that were made by Asian
` factories or Asian manufacturers?
` A. Yes. So providing that,
` providing consulting services for companies
` that wanted to manufacture overseas, to do
` the introductions, teach them we're about,
` what was involved. It wasn't as
` predominant at that time, manufacturing in
` China, Korea, and Japan, as it is today.
` Q. Okay. So the consulting
` services that you performed were through
` Concordant Technology?
` A. Yes. The one exception to that
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000019


`[Page 20]
` was that I did some work for UEI, actually,
` at that time that I think was on a
` one-on-one basis. I don't think I did that
` through Concordant.
` Q. So you worked for UEI. Do you
` recall when that was or when it began?
` A. It would have begun in -- it
` was roughly the second half of 1996.
` Q. And the work that you did with
` UEI in 1996, at some point you believe that
` was not through Concordant Technology?
` A. My recollection is it was not
` through Concordant technologies.
` Q. And I believe you had
` previously mentioned that you testified in
` a matter involving UEI and Phillips in
` around 1995?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So was that additional work
` that you did for UEI?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. And that was prior to
` this work that you're referring to in 1996;
` is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000020


`[Page 21]
` Q. Okay. And was -- So was the
` work that you did with UEI in 1995 done
` through Concordant Technology?
` A. No. That would have been
` direct between myself and UEI. And in 1995
` I was still employed by Scientific Atlanta.
` Q. Okay. So then you started
` Concordant Technologies in 1992 while you
` were also still employed by Scientific
` Atlanta?
` A. I was a silent partner. That's
` correct. I was a silent partner from '92
` to the time I left Scientific Atlanta in
` March of 1996. So I did not have an active
` role other than investor.
` Q. So you left Scientific Atlanta
` in 1995. When did you start working for
` Scientific Atlanta?
` A. I actually left Scientific
` Atlanta in March of 1996. I started
` working there in September of 1983.
` Q. When you left Scientific
` Atlanta in 1996, what was your position
` there or title?
` A. Director of engineering. I
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000021


`[Page 22]
` think it was actually called director of
` product engineering.
` Q. And what products did
` Scientific Atlanta make?
` A. Predominantly cable television
` set-top boxes and the associated
` peripherals like remote controls.
` Scientific Atlanta was a full end-to-end
` supplier of cable television technology, so
` they also built all of the other components
` necessary for a cable operator to provide
` cable services.
` Q. What are some of those other
` components, aside from the cable box and
` the remote? What were some of those other
` components?
` A. Like satellite receivers,
` antennas, distribution amplifiers, what's
` called conditional access technology;
` basically the scrambling systems and
` things.
` Q. And as the director of product
` engineering, you had a hand in all those
` products?
` A. No. My focus -- and I had
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000022


`[Page 23]
` various positions. That was the position
` at the time I left.
` Q. Right now we're just talking
` when you left what your position was.
` A. When I left, and actually
` during my entire career, it was all focused
` on cable television set-top boxes and
` scrambling, descrambling technologies, and
` then remote controls also.
` Q. Approximately how long were you
` the director of product engineering at
` Scientific Atlanta?
` A. I believe I was director of
` product engineering -- let me qualify. I
` managed the product engineering group for
` about two years from its inception until
` the time I left. I believe that my title
` as director was only in the last year of
` that.
` Q. Okay. So the product
` engineering group did not exist prior to
` 1994 or so?
` A. That particular group, that's
` my recollection is '94, somewhere in that
` time frame, yes. That group was
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000023


`[Page 24]
` responsible for assisting and setting up
` factories outside of Asia and transitioning
` technology into those factories.
` Q. And from its inception around
` 1994, even though you didn't have the title
` of director, you were managing that group?
` A. That's right.
` Q. So prior to managing the
` product engineering group, starting in
` about 1994, what was your position at
` Scientific Atlanta?
` A. I think senior engineering
` manager, I think.
` Q. And what was the time frame
` that you held that title?
` A. From about 1986 until that
` time.
` Q. Okay. So from about 1986 until
` about 1994; is that correct?
` A. Yeah. I think so.
` Q. And as a senior engineering
` manager, were you still involved in product
` development?
` A. Absolutely. It was a very
` hands-on position.
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000024


`[Page 25]
` Q. And which products did you
` develop?
` A. Set-top boxes, remote
` control-related technology.
` Q. When you say related
` technology, are you referring to the other
` ones we discussed like satellite receivers
` and --
` A. No. How we scramble and how we
` descramble.
` Q. And that scrambling -- I guess
` descrambling would occur in the set-top
` boxes?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And prior to 1986, what was
` your position at Scientific Atlanta?
` A. I believe engineering manager
` would have been prior to being senior
` engineering manager.
` Q. About how long did you hold
` that position?
` A. Maybe a year and a half maybe.
` Q. And as an engineering manager,
` were you involved in the same sort of
` products?
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000025


`[Page 26]
` A. Yes. Always the same sort of
` products.
` Q. Okay. So that would bring us
` to about 1984 or so. Does that sound about
` right?
` A. Yeah. That's right.
` Q. That you became engineering
` manager. And were you employed by
` Scientific Atlanta prior to 1984?
` A. Yeah. I joined in '83.
` Q. Okay. And what was your
` position when you first joined?
` A. Probably senior engineer.
` Q. And were you involved in the
` same products and same product development?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So from 1983 when you joined
` the company until 1996 when you left the
` company, the company being Scientific
` Atlanta, your -- you were involved in
` product development in set-top boxes,
` remote controls, scrambling and
` descrambling?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Were you employed prior
`Universal Remote Control v. Universal Electronics, Trial No. IPR2014-01109
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1052 Page 000026


`[Page 27]
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