`Steve Ciarcia
`Build a
`Trainable Infrared
`Master Controller
`This device can control all your home entertainment equipment
`F~rst of 311, thi~ ls: 1'10[ [lte
`second part of a Ll.II'O-pQrC
`a11ide. A:;: you wilL a:>rneo to
`tltis. mon1h''s
`rm.,jeel ~s d1e ~o!1ulo1a I() .a
`Pf-oblcm I aggra.,-at.OO b}'
`lH1ltding l;lSt nrn)lnh'$ prQje~;t (a11 infraJed
`remote: CCfltJ()I for my home control ~ys­
`re•n). C()Jjfused?' Let l'n.e expf:!l~~t.
`\Vhilc people-:rcsidiflg in warm clims~cs
`C~d l~"'<trd Jacu:ai.s and hot t.u~ ~olilt<:
`of us Vlflo 1ive ~A oolde-r (lima[~ preier
`not to tempe mtc nnd br:ave the e:lcmcll"IS
`fc:x- abaua six ITI.():IIli:'IS af 1l1e year. 01
`oournc. I oouJd .wccU'tllb to Cl'le wmccr
`:w<~m thing_ You 'koov.r, :ildin:g. skating.
`s110w thili, and llnow Umt, but it wotJtd be
`much 100 src:n a elt.ore- al th i:~ stage to
`rooricrrt my sedentary Lifestyle l.o enjoy
`n;ul1hei1S'I "'·hl.1t:J$. I tubern<tt~ ll~t: n lQeSI In·
`dlgcoo11s mamlllllls aod ... ,ait fur the oolo-r
`Olti~I(Je llh~ wLudi1W 10 JI'II'!
`from whit~ to grc~.
`AtXMit ;~ J*l:r ago, m dectded •haA f1olit1g
`up i.n rite cellar fo:r six. months a )'Cil1 was
`.ar~ri!:locial. Wiilbe tl~ i:sc:rlatio;n prooted
`bcncficio1 in coming up t'fith ycal proj(cid:173)
`<I!C1S far 1he ~ltlllrrter 3rlld bl! l$:~~ e s, 1 did
`find thilt by the lime M4!rch rolled .t~rocmd ,
`f tooko<.:d very ,U!IUcll tlk.e 3 be11 r tltt~ l W;l:j
`leaving his ca..-c. and I communicate~ just
`abcM ••s wecll.
`In. ar~ aue:mptta impra\lc rhe quality of
`WLn{&li lif~ .tiDd IJren.f •he cytfe of !tiber·
`nation, mhl~ last year 1 decided ro ~peruL
`SOtlle: Qf the t.ilfl~ :ltH}VI!_gtt'IUnd (l,lpStllirrS)
`in an cn .. •ironmcnl lh~ allowed me to
`obscr\~ lhc rcalltics of my e};~cncc
`4throogb tla! winclow,s) .llntl ;lh!lorb rlie
`C11111Uialive koowkdgc Ot' OIJ[" culture
`4wati:h TV).
`In la)'n~n·li ternns. I bwlt a mcdh_. room.
`~"ot just a TV den, mind you., blrt a room
`Yl.•h¢1'¢ m oou11~ b¢ itnnt<:~r:d m ;~ $)'1lllilt:·
`sized Cll'VMronn'!CoL so far from the icc ami
`snow that six. monUts seemed lil;c over·
`njgit1. Of cool'!e, thi& oudiovisuat experi·
`e1~Ce w :b. t;a$h~fll ll)• prOdU(:~ b;,• nl;)~:'ltve
`amounts or' cqt1ipmcot
`Tile bea~tt ifwl scene. r)f tile tropical
`island "''<~S accurately reproduccldr on a
`Kloss '2.001) proJoo!on TV. You'd thin~ you
`~"eTc: ~iRing next to lhat tink!mg W3Lertull
`as ttLC music mD\~s a!Joor.oc :1n.d. arcuoo you
`in t;t~~t<.: ~ rm umJ l!ound. And .,.,,.lto::n
` w:~rm b:f,eeze of isl3nd ~ptin g (:J:C!Ilal(cid:173)
`ly the heal wafting from lllc S<:\'Cfl Uimpli(cid:173)
`tieTl.l) t-s •"mL-ul•y~Jn~ly ill~lir\l~d by;, lu'ur•
`ricanc faiililfully rcprodu~-ed v..i1h 2400
`Yo<\NI~S ot N~Nkam~hi ;'ud•o pOM·~:r ~brt)1,1gh
`a pair of .8&\V s.oils (L8(} poUIIds cadl},
`tl.\00 Spe:lkerM; sitb~, .. ~fer~, . .llnd ll Can(cid:173)
`ton surround spc3kcrs. yo11 feel lil;c the
`'·"'.all~ ;•re ;)bort• LQupkx!c. $()rnet lr.I~S ir
`is good not to have neighbors.
`EnQOugh uf w;;nn br<.:etes. ~ 1w>w l•a.u <I
`tte'A' problem_ In additfoo to .aU tile .aooio(cid:173)
`vi:iual lltUrf, l~t; Wt;!l"(:; ._ r;~~tpl e or V(."R;s.
`11.11 FM ltiOC!t, and a CD prayer. All tltis
`~([Ui'pmcn.1 re.(uirr:dr the 14 remote lt.•md•
`hdd t.:ommls sJlcw.,t!l in pboto L Media
`r<Ju;l'l$ are ;)l ~re:.u td~o!!, bu• )'W C;.J ti'L t:J; •
`pc" people to gltJC II! dozen remotes on~
`loo:g; boa~r. TILere lilad to ~ ~ bd!t:r 'A-..y.
`JR Master ContL·e~Uer tfJ' l'be R~cue
`This mo111h"s pcojcc,., nn infrucd Master
`C.orlit r(ll~r dun t:1 ke!(; \!haree or aU your
`J;Sdgcts, cart p-1i!'Vcm ''comrollcr d~ttq.cr_"
`II '·I~Drns" the infr.iJn:d signals ror cm:fl
`ruoc4~on nnd pl3llS fhc-m beck on oom(cid:173)
`mar:td. H wa a six-button l<ey1Jad ca sel.e:ct
`the ~e,•ic:e and luncticllus. Sh(}wn On a ~wo­
`lin.e lCD, and B 9Dglc button, Do mt, to
`c:.:eewe '·'·l~aa's sele-cted.
`E am Dot the fi~t p«roa to d~igo a
`trainable rclillOtc cuotiml. MOfe: thzm :a ycu
`as,u. l. tx,~,~~ltt ., ~mltar oo'·ke 111.W~ uy
`Ocncml Elcc1rie, called. Control Ccnlrnl.
`'11LiS devic~ ..::.ould tile 1 rained [() ~i.-.~l.lh!te
`t!K! funQi;Qnli o( IOOtr l~1Qles.
`Camroi Ci:nl!al ami similar commercial
`uoits ha\'.C t.,..'O major sltortcomiags. First,
`;wll !ht: "eqlmi:~iti;uM, dal$1 •r>~;d~~o:1 iu11, pr(l>.
`cessing:, and mcrrnary d KuiU)' is coo.(cid:173)
`cain.ed in ~he si!J.gte ll•md·he!d 'tnie. Given,
`mh.c finite· pll)'SicaJ size ofuxfay's intcgrat:c:di
`r.::i ff,;\!l!i;)", t fwro~;. b; <ll winiiC H) !ht: ~a~.,;it:f
`of such o. dc ... icc thot aiJo•A'S it co ~ill be
`(;()- dt'ct:t h·~.:. Scoorll.J, il i~ 1.h: .. fur
`use by a rnass audicn<:c assumed to ~vc:
`a liuue ~e of eler:uonle device$. lhe biJl·
`tons have prcdc~i~:Gcd oomcncl3lurc, so
`it bi not \llier•programmab.Jc:.
`\bu car~ ~~m 1t;1in your Ge camroller
`~0 Sinu.»lac~ I he rerrftC(e <;orllrQI r(.lf Y(lt,Jr Cl)
`player. The Mlltc bunar~ on. the 'as unit
`could lx: train ell •o be tltc AuiO Repe;:~t on
`your CO player remote., for C'X3Jlllplc. U n(cid:173)
`fOiWi!rttel~·. e'ler); rim~: you w;ln\ ~0 l":p;.i!l
`a CD, }'Ott'1L have to re-member m press
`Mtue Rb1ce rhez~ bs 110 ~~~~eam b..-non PCI
`Cite GE..
`l ;1 n~ fi Ct l c-riric~?.ins the GE Controm
`Cc-n1 m.l. I am mcrd y !llllakiog a case fe-r
`dcsir,lrillg lionr.echin:g ditfe~nt For ;\ vt:ry
`vcni.cnl , gadgci-hopp)'. afftlucru au.dicncc:
`'BYTE r~e:r:~. Why mie- .: dc~ig.n to rite(cid:173)
`lowest -common dcnom.imtw. in:;tt:ild, y::U
`·•ret tlbCm nt and demand tit~
`remott: tu end ull r~mote.s: the Crrcui•
`Cellar Ma :~1cr Cornmll.ell'!
`Tlw ~>lwrtcumiog.s oC LM OE t~nd ulhc:r
`u·a it~al)lc rtmo1cs arc d1c m 1!ngth.s. of 11ie
`Master Concml[<:r. Ra1her than iltlcmpl to
`cGm3ifl all t11e rbeoe!'{sary hu~ltigoooe an.d.
`pr<:<;essing cirtJJitcy, Ute M~~:r CooLroU~.:r
`temporarily utilizes an <::!:tcrnal comput<:r
`$t~:w: Cf~Jr(;r(l (impJorfJrto;4rt.J ''.ru·l lRE·sc-1'::
`ah • 'J i.s arl eiecil'OJtics engiltt!~r arttl COJrl(cid:173)
`fJUU!r cof!Sulmm wiclt experience ill fJl'D(cid:173)
`~.:eu (;tm~rr;l. (l;$fwl d~si&n. nu.dt:Pr iJr
`Si7U/?IiWIOliOJ1. Mtf prod!IC.C d~'e[Opt1U!fJ.I.
`71JI!' artJlwr 1Jf se•·.eral boola c.WI el~c­
`troruc s. he can bt: ~cn:hect at ID. lk.J.~t
`5/t2. (JIQJJOiibury. CT060JJ.
`~M.RC11 'liif7 • 1J.1 "' 'T 1!:
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 1


`lnfrnred contr:o/lers
`are not compatible,
`because ,eac·h
`manufacturer speaks in
`a different language.
`as a uscr-pliOYi!IDJmtb~e interface:. Afso,
`~rather !haft l'&iviog buuons: v..itb fi.xed(cid:173)
`fuodlon noliJ"..erucla.ture, the 1'1-,fa.stcr Co10·
`troU~r in.rorpomtes a scrulling LCD 101
`identify uoic desigoo,ion:s; (d~iees) .;md
`fuoc1inni (C'(lll't'll'll:31lth.). JR-t,~ltt deSLSJI>l·
`tiuos ~i~e UBcdroom VC:R'" Qr •·iNab(cid:173)
`miclli preamp~· and oomm:rnds. lib· ·•co
`repc<~ltdll .. or '"slow I'TWtbon" arc ~dio•
`Yead of remembering what mhc-Mtm:: btu(cid:173)
`CQll '!A.~ ~ !()' do.
`The- Masler CaotroUeT uses, :tn IBM PC
`fur training. After lhat. im
`is ~trery­
`<¥fa'e.d :tn.dl oompk:rcly i.n.dtpendt:nL
`ll!.e IID~ol PC i:s rooooeacd £4J tile Mii>!•cr
`Cootrolrer villi all RS-212 in~Hfitcc :and is
`'u-sed L1)$Cl up1 menu.::;. (I( rk''ito.~ (r«:t~e;r$.
`CO plaryers;, tape .OOcks] :tftd fuJ~Lknl:S. for
`cam d~via: Ctum on, play roli'o1o<ml, etc.).
`Aftt:r a menu i~ do\\rt~ £<) lhe ~b~Ler
`OJruro~r. C31Cb fum:tion is> 'laugbf" and
`ftSied. N'u1. l1lt oomp'lct~d rn.enu 3n.dl s~n­
`~~ 'lbt:t "'r~ I hen ~p~tll (0 rht:: J liM
`PC 3Jld Sl.Ot"Ctl on disk fio case you "A'21li
`to md ic int()> aooebcrr ~la!tcr CQrt1Toller
`or ~ ;.'!H~Llter deW!;:~ la1~r widlOilt re·
`traillillg alJl of lhem)~o
`~ M:uter ConLm:lter':s. lB:M PC pfo(cid:173)
`,gr:un ern also, oombitre sets of lnFmcd
`signals ona- ~Y ~ rmincd for dt~ir
`~livcdr:"'ii."CS. Lom oo.,..' IJ5C ill~nglc
`Master Coouofler bumm to tum on the
`<1~1d~s.~em. r()&:tc ~me Olii,PII' I() CM llv·
`ing room. s£-Ject die CD pla-y1.'T, mov-e to
`~~ c~ird sef(!l::tion, i'.ltrN ~~ it ~f1'CV!:I'
`Compa1ed to other oomaner-cb:d lllon(cid:173)
`trolfe•s. Lhc Muter Conuoll« :so~s. rkl::
`JR ~lb'IOt£ pl'ague baoos dcMm. Because
`il wses an external CCJm.pcter mr fund[oo;ll
`rnooi' hy d1e U.~, more ffill;lt'll iS
`ll\'3iltllble for it.s td~inmte ttL<!:. Jnst.end: of
`four foetli.C(es. dEC !).·!laster Con1rollcr C3f1
`be ttninoo to, !!>1lT1tl!lte the functions of l6
`indi ... idual conwols c.OO'Iplctt with
`d~nJ!Hivc ~~;(IEllnto'lrnJ <lt:s~~!lllti:cJu.~·.
`An [mfnllil'd lntruduc:tion
`[ illfrar~ umotc oorura!s. are- fuDe(cid:173)
`lrona:Uy si:mil'ar. 'The: mitn:~J!l~ in
`tln~ reJt'ICile O()iil roll~r, crelltt=$. 11 ~Jr•!;jl'll 4)(
`bits Unrt is tl1T1'1Cd ioto on{Qfr pulses £lf JR
`light frecn :m .lR lEO. Art TR-sm<;iliv~
`pl'.otodiode io the rc:<:ei,·er lums the- light
`pul.s~ bact j,roo :m e[ecctric-.l~ slg,n3l f 100.'1
`u•hidl lite £~11iginnl bhs can be e.xtr:trtcd..
`Tl':e: IR lf[)"s fJ.Sm on-arl.d·oH action
`O"C'3tcs s canter sigooll Thc<o:rrier is thet1
`rurneum Cfl 3fblll cif [Q form mite indi"id~l
`bits of tl;.e ~e.. Endlcootroller uses
`a diffi:Rot (".ilrrter freqm:tq. ~ts dil'te~n.c
`bil 1iming.s., and assigns different me:an(cid:173)
`~ 1» ~~~liS in the m~3c. Th-e~
`toot eooirol~rs are oo~ rornfkllibfc is that
`mt~e~ i$ r.o sr~r:d3rtl fnr ':>rnt.31 t>f tl~
`bits. in tile ITXS!:t,ge. Eacb manufa.rturer
`speal:s, in a d~fticren.t l<t>~ui.~ge.
`1'M- Master Cootrollcr sid~eps this
`prol)tt!Ji't b:.· $imply r>(!ctlrtbng o'liul Jio~ill~in8
`back: lfte in frnMi sigmals withoo1 a.ltCIJ!F·
`mg til) d~;J;tK.h: lht: JI'J.e!)..~g.e!i. If~ jll$C l•ke
`Pholo I; 11re 9x-brm.wt M(Mler C."w1rroUe,T call dr~phccitt riu-frmcrrom
`af cl&t! J.l W tt.wlle;s JlwWJt in tlr~ ~01.u1d.
`a 12pe recorder. YoEJ C3n record English.
`R~ian, ~r.d Sp~oi:sh 011 che ~n~ lave
`became: Eh~ty all occupy- thE: san:~e fm:qum(cid:173)
`f.">' bn nr.l\ andl }lt)ll UOIIIl fl:t,\'e to U~$1:tJLd
`'lhc !»Jlguagcs 10 pi~ tl:iern bad; ...
`Til iS. Y.hcm.e wml'\s bcc;amc of<~ llmir:cdl
`1'31\g'e of cjjflie~nces in ctte lR sisn:~~l:t The:
`toD111lllfers fvi:: test.edl had curier froquell(cid:173)
`cie$ ~'J8ing f~M} 3210 4$ k.~lober1~ .~h
`fi'IA-Si3~ bit IW ~l\ltil!.eD 1.0 3Jld 30 C:lt·
`Tit:; l;',rc.Jt!!i, .;md t~~ a~ twQ difr~c l,;•trr
`rfcr modulalion s~-stems: pulse-V<idth
`modiJiatkm .md pul'llc·pooimioo r.wdula·
`li'o11. :l!..ast: mamth I cll:pla.iacorll pulsc--widdJ
`mutM:niOn. f'ube·poSili.on ntOdlllh,t~)tl
`'.\'Qffi:S by d~l.'erntining the time: Wbl:ll. 31 rut
`i)~;~~;l;lr$ rel;~thl't: I() ;m r.~eo Stilrting p<rinc.
`The Heart ~or the- Mastu
`Ao rotd 80'31 single-chip rmk~t~p:ocf!SSO!'
`;~ t764
`;runni11g a progr.tfi'll ~w~<ll 111
`EPRIDI direc.u tl'..e operntion of t1l.e rest
`or lhe' ¢ir<.'11i1T)l. (See: photOS 2 iJJ1d j a11d
`rigun: 1.) The merws and ER sigpwls arc
`srm~ i iii~ ~s,te 32K-t:ry~ h!L,rery-b..l(;}(ed
`S'tl3lic IRAM. ~ lliier interta<X oonsises
`or il c:wo-line LCD iiiOO il :s.iA•OOUOn ~·­
`pad. 1'hJ!: U)1pad t:; eirlte:r a: simple mem(cid:173)
`bmru: rna11t1: cr individ~Jal keys .UiiTiJilg"(:d
`m a li131m. lhri' L'l .$>Calull!!d by th SOOL
`Tll1s ·CI]minatcs the need for ·a lre)·boord.
`;Mrt: ~d M
`<:I')(.;OIJJ:r, Twl) kcy.s J:+'lt;h
`dc-Yic~ :md fi.JllCUOD lllp/OOI,lp'DJ scrolli11g Ol1l
`the LCD ~' lilfrh bbUOil. Oo II, c'i~rt1~
`the device/f\mtlion oornm:md appc:a:ring
`011 1l 1.e displ~l$- A si:t,~ls btt~lon, t.e3Jm, i~
`t.J:Sed for traioing.
`·n,e LCD ~;u. 20 <:1\a:;;U;~rl o;1 'l!a¢1• Q~·
`t't\'0 [iocs. 'J'Jte intcrfu.I!X: m i~ requintS £~nly
`~i.Jt wirt!..C fiJlur ~litr.a bits:, nne ein1 in~
`!:.trobC'. and an addr(!ss Lioe. The di:spl3.'f's
`i:nt« dwr.nttcr ge:nerncor tml~r1s
`ASC1m data in•o cl'llarncu:r dol$. so the
`~Ji (".;m ~muni~ate direccly in ASCU.
`A TfL413' photod~c COO\'crr:s tht Jilt
`sigl'l••l:! rrom (I cht:r rll:mO!e!JOIII:n in•
`to a disecrni!bk logic sigllllt Becat£St the
`~ lAUter C<>ll•ro.11er i.blll •he i~f)~e .are
`placed close together during mro.imog.
`tllt:re ~ 140 ~CIJ l'ur 1ne ::i(Jptl~1icalr:d
`s1gMipoccs!ling that's r.e-q~irl!d •o detea
`\' ~R ;s.igrml:s uc:r~ .n roam. The
`l\'f~ter Corurolf.eJ ~cxodmde ~~reuit.t)l
`w.ts d~~ed ~o .;J«epc str(lmg IR sigllills
`ooly. \o~r sltotrld pm;icion the rr:mote(cid:173)
`~orurdl unit 31 ft:•,t,• inches or 11le
`f\ 1a:ster Cuntrt~l!e:''.s pi:Ql~ If ifS. lOU
`f.Jr 'Jlllr.Pf, the Master Cootrnll'er "WiU wsee ..
`nothing. If i~'s too dose:. lllc Master Col\·
`•roUt:r "''ill li.t:.;c.~ve i.l d~of~d signal A
`liulo c~p~rim.rnting wi•h each coocroUcJ
`tt.'ill !oc::ue. alie correct po-.i.1,[Qo.
`All! Lf\131 E 00f111KJ1r:llm' COI'l'o'Crts the
`ll)hotodiod.~t i11pt~t ~lgnal •.o ::J TT.l-ft\•el
`$ign<JI. A 74!.1J.Sf64 shift regi:stQ S3r1tpl~
`!be oui:]:Mlt from tll.c- L~DII ala 1-mcg;~­
`~rz: rare :~nd roiNe::ti ebe: data irlro
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 2


`parallel rormat. ilic 8EDm re3Ch ~he shift
`t't;!si~t~r every S 1tl~to~oo 1t<~ 'o\lhHe it is
`l~.":arning a oow IR signa~ . This. dal<J is
`~rore:d il'l RAM for later a oaly$is.
`At the trarmniuing end, the process is
`re.\~11'.$(;.;1. i\hhl.)!.!~l rt.~ 8031
`js, o!l f<!J.-t4
`rrnicroproccssor. it cannct gcncra1c b<Mh
`I he carrier :~J~rJ lui~ tli1M_g of ~r.e ~R ~gR<l~
`inst:mt.srooot.tSl)'. 1b 1ight~n the processing
`overh~:~d. ;1n 8254 pTO!Iirfl nmi:~ble ilite:r·~
`val timer contrails. tftc IR carrier frcqucn(cid:173)
`C:)' :~~ dur)' ey¢le :1$ w~la :1$ rhe .;JuriliE.!)I~
`ofc-ach rn..cssagcibit. Tlrlc SOli scls up the
`8254·~ r<:~ist(:~Q ior ·t:<:!cll bi I or I he I~
`.1-\ poitt of'fiU.9 intrnwd l...EOS pi"()<J.\Jt:e
`abe lR sigool. Bec-au.~c 1he ltu maiH!ye calli(cid:173)
`not :st.X: IR Jig_ilc, 11 ... isabte LED is t:<m·
`~red In ~r~~lel as ~., indi~roJ. i-.e
`LIF..Ds arc sv..itdlcd by .a frcJd-crfcct tJafll(cid:173)
`$isa(ll driwt~ t.y :'1 s~Jt4~rd los!¢ gale. 1'11(!
`.f'iET i;s on efficient way co inlcrmcc Logic
`:levels whll te:ll-wnrtd c:l'~viL:le~ I.J¢C11 us~· i~
`d ircciEy •rBllsJa@cs an illpttt v.oltag~ into :an
`0\JI P•ll Clltrell'lt ,
`J\y~'¢1 ~ a1l impofital'lt cort:~idera1Eru! im ::tn'l
`lba1tcry~rated dcvi~;e. The Master Con·
`1 m1ler. wa~desi.g,ned to use eiJfleri'4LS o.r
`NHC device$ at S· ~Ls. The 5 V ill de(cid:173)
`!l'wed flf(lru it 6-V b,1nery (fQur Ai\ cells)
`low-dropouc vcllag,!.::
`using 1t
`,rcgulat()l". \\o'lt ite: LS take~ oonst..:~etably
`mc.Ne pow-er Ilion HC, the duty cydc .is
`!km. Tll.e CotltroUe:r n.:ted ()Illy be
`powt.:rcd up long,cno.ugh to li~ cllle device
`.and .ar)d pre~ Do II. h .ca.n be
`sn11t aff afterward_ Admiucd1y, i could
`h:Jve :sqJ<:nl mort: Citil~: ~veioping attl()o
`mntic power upldown circllitry, but iL
`'·'·ould l<1..~ cmmptie:tte1t the (f.esiSJl au~·m
`added m.orc sofw.nrc.. Fcature-spccifLC c:ir(cid:173)
`<:uit !i!ilwing ""''~II h;Jve w wait.
`T!it:lllllig the power on :lllld of£ is not a
`ptd!!¢nl!- 'fhe S{l3t's S)'tl~e•l' sofiware Is
`-contained in a 2764 EPROM, alld lhe
`C .CD :~1•\3 tR. ~I;) ;m: ~;unt ~ined il'l battery·
`backed RAM . The memO'!)' is a 32 K b)'
`8-bit sta~ low·po•"-erCMOS RAM chrip.
`The bac-l;up c-ircuit consists of two 3~V
`1tt h i1.m' uiJ.W:Jles. an.<J a Oalla::~ Semi¢()11•
`due-tor OS!210 baLrtcr)'-bockup con,rollc-r
`chip. 1!1~(: DSI210 :te1L"ll!$ loos of tl1e. + 5.J.I
`~uppiy vallag,c .and autom1uica lly wrirc(cid:173)
`prO!.e!;!t$ 11t~ ~.1\~·c as it ~""' irehes :pow~ II' U)
`r1hr: b~cwry. Thl: ~et.:omJ battery ~~ n~ces~
`sary only if the first amc mils..
`Signal Proc..'S&ing
`.'\s. jiOI! can !';CC: f10m IJ1c scl~t!ma1ic i111
`figure ~, moot oi chr: ,\'Ea~lcr Coni w llcr'$
`fuoctioos:LrCdooc in software. It's \''OJth(cid:173)
`whlle •o !(!..ot< flflllte d~~ly at 1l 1e J' f(!(:l!S$(cid:173)
`ing r~'Ltlired !Dr lht: h:-.nrmng a11d repro•
`ductiott or lflc IR signals. The IR carrier
`freqttei'IC)' is ab(lut .m rc;u ..... glvius a
`period of abour25 ~tS.. The pa11kular fro(cid:173)
`<LtJe .. t>• IL~~tl b)• a 1;011~1N>lte r a-.~~ be 11~ ­
`wrod pro.~ly bocoa~ cacll mkrw...ooond
`of eri'(it' dt:lll1~ ttu~ repi'OOu~;ed fteql.iett(cid:173)
`<:)' b:r· a boot 4 JI'-"Trenl. W!Ule thi!i doesn' t
`~ur~cd like i'f14!eli. w!fle;~l rile Maste.t Con(cid:173)
`troll'cr reproduces dllc IR signal. mhc
`re .. ~i\lt:r cOJ,Qid 00l11pl~tely iglt(),n: ic. '!'ht:
`reason for tliis is tho~ the IR roccivers ill
`consumer clccrronk must dctc.ct faint
`I:R si~11uh:.
`Gcn~a!Ey, tne rooeivers use a phrur::.(cid:173)
`loc-L::cd loop, runed ro 1hc remote unit's.
`<:arri::l' frequeJK:y, 'IRe: PLl ccm handle a
`LO ro '20 pcrce:m frequency c.rTor •. but t'M:
`design margins include errors due co
`rent pe~ltare. 'f()lt:.-.g.e. 3nd oll~t cff~t!l
`PfWtc) 2: Componem sid~ of tile ftfasJer Cofll'rolltr. sfw, .. ·ing #l~e 2164 EPROM
`wrd 8031 CPU ft'tmr¢r li!ft wrtl rig~j. Th~ tJMkup hatrt:rii!~ urlli D.r1ll0!.
`SemiCOJrdocror DSJ2i0 battery contrafler 41n irl tilt~ bottom cel'lier wrd n"gi'N~
`P()o4() 3: ~ crdr. side of~~~· Crmrr<dlcr sl~t;win8 II~ 2·1ir~r;
`by 2tJ-cltara'Cter LCD aJtd !ix conJr.ol IJiltums.
`MARC A 1'13i • R 1:' T E
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 3


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`116 BY T E • ~1,RCH 1/llr.l
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 4


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`Btl. T T EPY .!..fl C OP TIOP~o\L
`MARCH 19111 • B r V E
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 5


`The.refore . . etu::lr ~i£,ni!l ocr:::•LJ~Y up 10
`nboot JK byte o-f RAM. 'T)•picul .sigoills
`IEJve .a ~\V do:r.c.!ir t)jts 3tltl tequiwe. Qnly
`abot~~ 100 bytes:: Tnis nHO".vs the MillitCi
`Com~ol~r [0 ~c.omrnodmc e6
`r<:moQc-<l.lon~rol 11rtits wi01 16 oo:mmunds
`J\Jsl <IS I he 803L i!m't qui1e til~ cnoQgh
`r1) dir~tly record rht: lR !S.Jgil;!lts, h ~ed~
`a litUc help crcaling them. An 8254 pro(cid:173)
`gr~ntJ(IiJb~ inlC;n.•:•l 1 it)fl¢r prvvidel! •lle
`bigb-spood Iogie: req11ircd to generate
`sig.m~is. with njb;~c:omJ Hmin~ :rcsolu~
`tion. Tile 8254 Pli contains Lhr-cc ider»(cid:173)
`lie.JI timt;;S t~~ (;<ln br: $e~ IJip
`i:n ~
`bcwil.'d<:ring variety of modes. The i\:laS~:cs
`(j 11
`_!t fD
`tnll!D ,_
`~ :>t
`li 7r;m, r
`1R TllloNSJoll Tl"ER
`3: "' ~ Colto:Z
`·~ ll4
`'' - GZ
`~ l
`a CQ
`zt. ;q;
`zJ: iiili
`.z I
`~Lto:l !!..__
`G6T(I H
`OUl J
`CLIIO .!.,_
`GA<ItD ill
`0U1Q .!.L
`The wl:to'lc· margin. isn't available for tbi:
`Mm;ter Con1roller. An 80ll with o
`!2-MH:r. cr.r.ual c:me:tecule maY lmsltoc·
`lions in 1 or i .Uli· Tl\.~ lihiortest possibw
`loop l!SCd to san1pk :til inpm plrL lalcs
`l N· Whut; O•is ruigiL1 ~rfl v-:ry fit~( to
`you, re:!'d'"mg ami storing th.e -.·alii(: taXes
`tl"t\n .. i • l'ooger :llil.l tK!f.1essit<~tes OOi)Je form
`of input b\Jffcr~ng..
`Tiu: wlJAtion ~rtvolve:s using ;1 74ts.l64
`s.ltin ro,gister ro accumulale 8 bit~ of lR
`sigMl aJ a I· MHz clock rnte (see figure
`2.). Tire shin :I'J!6.ister ~ 11.1m i!l s:11mp!ed
`oo~ -~~·cry 8 1~ .a mquirl!llilt:Jlt lita.fS ~:<~~c:i·
`ly met. The 1-MHz. clock liJr the sllift rcg.(cid:173)
`lg[er (nnd also liLC: &"254, wh~h I'll
`describe ~~~~a molli.Cru) is derive~ Erom ch::
`.S03Ys a~frllres..~ l:udi eooble ompm. Tl!f.!
`AlE ~igrnal occurs ut a 2-MHz rate ur~d
`is divkle•J down '!~ I MHz by l~;.~lf ()f the
`74LS74 flip-flop. !Enct!y 32 sampt<:s of
`., •• ~ $l1irt ret-~i~Ler ~~r:~ :!r"e copied &mo in·
`tcronJ RAM; s process thm nccumulates
`1S6 ~1. ol)£ll!t $1.!).5·•:1 I. "fh.e s.ofrw:tre 181 ~ e.x(cid:173)
`arnillcs tlw: drua co 0111. ·the st:Jlt oo:i
`~top <>f e:x<:h CO'Irri~:r PIJ•~. "ntt: '2.S6·~~~
`sampl:o wm includ e~ to 12 oompl~ccar­
`r;.er putses:, det:.cndlns, 0 11 the e:t:H~I fte(cid:173)
`qm:ncy (gcw:r<IUy. 32. tQ 48 kHz). The
`software M<era~s r.ILe Lellstlt of rJte puh:e!l
`to compute Um period SITld nJso
`de•en"'ine$ the >lvCr;)gl: ( 'l;)'clt:. U:smg
`sevcral sarnplcs miUCC::i !he cffC"Ct ofnaiic
`om •M fiiml U\-emgi:.
`Ouoe: (he ~;;117i~v frt:tl\tenr;y i.s dt:~t:r ·
`mined, the oc:U 51¥P is co measu:ro the
`tengrh om eact. bil ~n 1he m~~ge. The
`.sitorlcS1 bits v•c'vc m.casUired contai:n al
`lea~L LO carrier, .ar~d lite awra~
`seems to be aboc.rt 20 (altn.ough rome coo(cid:173)
`~it~ 1110~ 1h:111 60 ptJises). Gi.,ren ril-e
`variubiHly in carrricr frequcnc;• .all!l ptl~
`lt:!, llbe mall\ probletn Ill"!$. In deremliu(cid:173)
`ing wh.en the bi• ends. The soflwn.rc
`fiSS.Umt:$ dl:fiL 32. ps whltout 3tl [R si_g11.3l
`marks tltc erad o.f il b~L.
`The duration of cacb bh at~d ~he fo3ICM'(cid:173)
`in.g F<'~ ; I~ UJ
`lffi:. CX,I:i"IAI
`RAM of •he &03l. Ead! JR mc~gc can
`ot.:o!ltairL t;p Lo 2:56 bih; (;rmJ the following
`(laliSCS) and c-aB lasi up 10 half a scoond.
`Bc~:ausc muse rcmtote runCrollcH n:pcal
`1he messa.g-e 3$ lor~g M tl~ ~ey is l!!!!ld
`dG'Ml, It iJS very imprJf l~lll l() tap rs .. u key
`Although illc carrie-r fu:qtrency and
`r1~ag.e a•~:ll~·sis ·CCit,Jid be doae. Oil Qlle
`s;lmple ot. the lR sjgool, the Maslcr Con(cid:173)
`tmller r~ql!i re:s. two SC"JX!13lC sa.mpfc!t The
`fllrsr is 31fla1yJ.exl (or c-:u~rler frequeatcy, lhe
`scco11d for message bj!s (sec figure 3).
`TM~ Jeduce:s. lite d tartccs tllat a p:urrlal
`$l_gft;~l will be ~~t,;t.IINkd in ¢i! ~t: I b t: fi r~ bit
`is. less tllam 256 f'<S Loog. iBai:h lR signal
`is Slltr'lrnatl?..e:<ll)y ;l!l C3rl'lcr fl'eqtll!th .. ) !lnd
`duty ~ocle and up U:t 2.56 p;rks of i6·bit
`numbers. thnt r·coord 11lc bit times..
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 6


`Cootrui:Jcr .software u~ all tllr;:e ofU1ern.
`3s welt as a timet iMide 1he Wll, dt.~ri"g
`Lite [R p5;tybu~k.
`Timers 0 3lld l in the 8254 (ICLJ.) set
`1 1t~ lR carrier rN~;I'~~:n-.::· and duly ¢yc)e;,
`respectively. 2 ~ermines lilu: dura(cid:173)
`LiOrt of emit llW5Silt,"e bil. .;rnd ~be ~031
`time.- eQrmoli the palJs-e foll owvr~g eadt
`bit. Th::. first tvo-o LioteF$ .are set orKe al
`t11c bcginnil'lg ()f 1hc mesg:1se, while the
`last two ilrc set bSL Tlt.c lirm:~ iJJ''-.:
`stored in e:<l~Ynal ds1a RAM aocessed
`Ml)' '"''lren tl•e 00::11 is rtt fl!ling.
`Bcc31Usc tile 8254 produces a pt11~ oruy
`tJI !l>~t;md of~!j] Lim~·scoLm1l a 7q1.S7~
`(Tal) is. w.erl 10 crea~e !lte aclllai TR
`P.:YNEil ~'ET
`t - - - --'1 / C
`! '%
`Ill f-It!!': t;lV'~fl
`, ,~
`.kD!IJ ~~~W4 ~~SW~
`-!J~ swt I 1~ s·.-.~~
`'I -
`pulses. Th::. Timer 0 pulse (pin 10 ofiCD)
`sets: 1ti1c LSN •$- ou1p111: at tl'le start of the
`c~r <.)'(;le. wi1h Timer J (pio L3uflCL3}
`resetting me ooEpl!t at tltc end Gf tlle car(cid:173)
`rit:r p .... rse. Tlce ~~"?4'.s<I)•J1~•l iswmbir;~
`with a ga, ~al HRENB) and sent Lo
`!he IR LEO d:rtver$.. As .)'tl~l ,.,;tin !i1:e. a
`great deal Gf oodc is required to- handle
`llte JR :;igrli:r.l illll!l)'sis. The c<xle is wn.l·
`ten io 803:1 assembly language.
`"fh~ PC ConnE:cfio,n
`Usi n.g iul IBM PC to Cl\f.!a1e for tl'le:
`Master Co11trollcr .may I ike. m~erkill;
`but it ;r~all;; !5•rnplitied tht: logi¢. Tlle J1C
`has a full };.e.fhowd und displa>'• disk
`SlQril~, ilfld., best of <iU, higil• be;;~( pr(Jo(cid:173)
`gramming lsng,uag~s. Writing a PC pro(cid:173)
`grMJ is m~.~eh easier •h•m v.nt ing M 803l
`pm~ram, so I de:cidi!d to put as li1~k ood:e
`in th.e MllS!cr CoorroiJcJ ali po.ssible.
`ihc PC p:royam 4.callcd MASTER)
`pru ... ·idt;l; three l!!i~l!t c.rp~ a 1 i0-11S:: e.eatjA,g
`erul t!difing menus of de~·icc:;, and funo(cid:173)
`~loos, S":~ving aml Jo;Jt!Lu.~> 1l1e~ •li•enllS j,,
`disk files, and trart~f<£rting them 10 al'ld
`(roll!t tlie ~1aSlcr Coni roller. (See ph<.il{llj
`4, s. and 6.) Tmc fl.tnst<:r Cootrolfcr is can(cid:173)
`•Leetet:llO lht: I:'C o nly wl1en t.tploildi-ng am:l
`downloading mc:nUS- Under oom1aJ use.
`llu:: Mas~t:r Co"lrol&~;r do~n'l Mve am•
`wire~ ura.iurtg 001 of it.
`['ll htJvc to il(bni!LO' tilitmg ~ I]Uie p-;)elk;
`License in the design of the RS-232 cir(cid:173)
`cuit. Rathe. tb;rm Include :1 ~par111e nega(cid:173)
`tive-voltage po~-er supply for IlK: RS-232
`sig.n~l le:vels. 1 ~d a I.'IL<xJe am:J <~.'ilf~~&Cit(lr
`to ''borroul' lhc n~furc voltage from 1ilc
`PC\ tr<msmi llr.:d di!ta Jinu. A ~ir o( lroll>
`sistors arc simpler ;ball ~he pov•er-hungry
`kwel C¢;1\-encrs nonnu.lly u:scd to lr<~I\Sia1e
`bctwcc::n logic Lc\•cls a11-d RS-232 lc,•c:ls.
`'this is ar~ l,np~na•n e()li{:id~ration ir~
`ba~tcr)'-opcra1od! devices. S.oc..aus.c I know
`thl! con~•nu•llea~i,Qu will always l>c ,._itlt a.,
`IBM PC, a 'NOf'SHa!'lc, tolersut RS-232
`d n;:11i1 i$ J1Ut a nl!;<;lo:S!Si 1)'-
`Th.c serial coonootor is :m RJ-11 tclc(cid:173)
`piJI)Jle j•)<:k in~n~ ol lite IJ:s•s;•~ lS·pi~•
`DB-25 conn.cctor. 011ly 1h~ Wlrl:~arc rc:(cid:173)
`quirM; dii.ti1 from 'ltv: PC data LQ 'llic PC,
`~nd si£Snal ymm d. Bccali$C" Lit-e MASTER
`proyum and 1he Master Conlrollcr v..-e:rc
`dcsign:cd mg.etlu:r. £1lcy u&:: am efficient
`n~tcto..,or~s:;lng ®~ ti•at dOI:Sn~t r~tl,'lirC
`the normal RS-232 R'TS/CTS iiiHI DSR/
`DTR stal us 1 ines.
`Tlu: 00~1 :seri.;d illt~rii•Cie i~r;Lnt.L~~;" kl·
`me ,gc~rator. The exa~ mt rate d::pCild!l
`<m a mtrnbe:r pr<>pa;nr:o~:~J int() il r~t;,i.~~r
`as ~·ell as ell::. fr-cqliCJicy of the 8.03L's cJork
`crystal. ht«!d ::t 11-MH:7.. crysial1o gel 12u~
`high~ re~otu~1on i)<~1bl~ f,or ttu: ~R
`sigoal-proocssing d rcuitry. bllt tbafs not
`tltc ()1)1 imum cr~-stal IX)r 111c !«:rial iiltcr-(cid:173)
`!iJr;'.;. l\:t. a re!;IJILl . ~he 8031 1 ra11!>!niL~ ditl..i•
`('() rlfh~JJ!d
`..,_ihi:CH t'llli' , ll \' T E U9
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1009
`Page 7


`mPdl. A :50-f~XJC Rbk prob;ibly ""'"001'
`" am
`The C\lasler in .t~c:Gon
`!Pcmsps an ~ ~ I:Jm\ to usc t:he
`M~ Co:ntr02!a u in O'lde<. Iii! .shoa
`how ro s:d np lht nm m~litU. tbM :J:.o\\ to
`CIOilltiD= 'l.R ~ ID ~ ru5tomizcd
`The MASTER JW&i~m. -.~rin~"l lD
`Tmbo P.asc;al call flt2tc- mmm rc:r up to
`r6 devi¢e$; ~vets. CD p~'"!'~ •
`decks, and so on.. 8Mb cb<ia= lu\'\:'
`r,:~p 10 16 f•mc:t~ (Qll!df. p!ar,. ~.
`1\'dJu~ u,p. t:te.}. \\'bilt up 10 156 ftl~
`rrio;Js ~possible, &be. gjfulu;~ ~llo lh:
`lltimb!:e' .of ~ eJd f'lii!CiioM is tb!:
`9ze of rthe Mastt>4'" Cno'trnll«"s RAM.
`Mr\S1'CR ~d ~ Mwet (o.Mro!!tl'
`~c to mal;c SW1C tilal )'W dGil'l
`do'Al\!oed 3 l'MftU !hal~$ rt00 big..
`M ASTER IJQ1$1flc de1iccs (Bedroom
`The MASTER p.rogram,
`rwhich is writt,en
`ln Turbo Pascal, can
`creale menus for
`U.P to 16 devices.
`lo (be IPC a1 10.411 Oils ~r 'SCIXIIJd. if
`~-m~·n iamiliu ,_wllh DDfma'l RS-nl da:!.a
`~S. )'00"1] re..."'',gnize that 10,.411 isnl: OM
`~lbe ~iO!;S. Fo'ltJJtlfilel~·.l'b! roc:s ~iii I
`IJ!IOO't a1s:a oc~ lbl:. 0:1 rate fnm1 a
`n~rn~ in ;1!1 ~~i$1er. 1"11~ dMe$~ tn:atth
`i; l0.47l bps. but C\-'Cf}'lllilllg \\~jasl
`Here .I st.Oldd point o:nt mat allbooY!
`'lh! liolr: bel" e¢11 ~ Ma~e· (:ont,QIIer
`\.::R. Kitchct~ 1V. eie., aad fuBCDom
`and the PC is ca.Ued RS-2J.l. it is wrcly
`(,."'hmJr: up. ~ on. •etc;.) as a ~·
`filM ~d&rd. f'« ~e_ tls1!!B, ~­
`lioo of liSiiS.. Forte~ioDI;cys kJ }'Odl .. au~
`millcbed blt ~tes .a~~d \'dlagc iC'·ds is
`liii item from ooc l.i5t .aDd ~pa151c·· it
`ac:«p~a'll1c on1y ii you·~ care:IU!ly
`t~ (Stt ,phrcxo 4}'. '\00 eaJl dclt:lc(cid:173)
`tilcdled liM th~~ add .. ~
`an item ~cnlly. and ,w t".aJl insert
`~"'tlt!Sclf1hat bodr rCI!ds ofd~ C»BMction
`a DCW item and tY'-"C it a name:. De\'iccs.
`a:re stilt oo~tible~ If )'00 elect to build
`;md lullr;tioos m::: ~r:d ~ diff:iem
`a Ml!Slcr Com!"oUcr. y<HJ s.booJdn"l U)' to
`items. !SlO· roo -can\ an a 'ftmaioo and che.n
`~ch the timju; or the OOliDCIC'tioo too
`UK!'\.(.$ liM( a(.ll.b 11!.1 A•JiU;Jia_S;C~
`ll!fTF~S. S•liK1f.=:tWIZE.D fllWH 51'; i ifE6511£a
`r&:&:: Si~ m Tl'iE ~&:~il'~ 2Q18~ II'Uolll
`t ilt 1=1 $11.W'r..C$ ,:;;Ri£ rcEAtm ..s .Q 'SEil:ES OF" :!5£
`tJT$ (UNA:(I'ti(:$CNID1$ ' lll.ldltM(C:aiOD al • M(
`ill $lt~ar,.
`EA~H Ill ~l!R~ B~lm~r&
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