
`[Page 266]
`Case No: IPR2014-01102
`U.S. Patent No: 5,228,077
`Case No: IPR2014-01103
`U.S. Patent No: 5,552,917
`Case No: IPR2014-01104
`U.S. Patent No: 5,414,761
`Case No: IPR2014-01106
`U.S. Patent No: 5,255,313
`Case No: IPR2014-01109
`U.S. Patent No: 7,831,930
` Deposition of ALEX COOK, taken
`One South Dearborn Street, in the City of
`Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, commencing
`at 9:00 o'clock a.m. on the 16th day of
`June, 2015.
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000001


`[Page 267]
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 1180 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
` (212)382-0700
` -AND-
` 1001 Page Mill Road
` Building 1
` Palo Alto, California 94304
` (650)565-7006
` Appeared on behalf of Universal
` Remote Control, Inc.;
` 77 West Wacker Drive
` Suite 2500
` Chicago, Illinois 60601
` (312) 456-8451
` Appeared on behalf of Universal
` Electronics, Inc.
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000002


`[Page 268]
` I N D E X
` Examinations Page
`Cross-Examination 271
`By Mr. Kang
` E X H I B I T S
` No. Page
` Exhibit No. 1034 271
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1034, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1001 273
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1001 U.S. Patent 5,552,917)
` Exhibit 1001 274
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1001 U.S. Patent 5,414,761)
` Exhibit 1001 274
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1001 U.S. Patent 5,228,077)
` Exhibit 1001 274
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1001 U.S. Patent 5,255,313)
` 275
` Exhibit 2029
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 2029, Declarations)
` Exhibit 1005 337
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` 1005)
` Exhibit 1035 347
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1035, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1036 347
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1036, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000003


`[Page 269]
` EXHIBITS: (Continued)
` Exhibit 1037
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit 84
` No. 1037, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1038 348
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1038, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1039 348
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1039, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1040 348
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1040, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` 349
` Exhibit 1041
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1041, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1042 349
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1042, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1043 370
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1043, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1004 424
` (United States Patent No.
` 4,667,181)
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000004


`[Page 270]
` EXHIBITS: (Continued)
` Exhibit 1044 484
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1044, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
` Exhibit 1045 497
` (Universal Remote Control Exhibit
` No. 1034, URC v. UEI Trial Nos. IPR
` 2014-01102, IPR 2014-01103, IPR
` 2014-01104, IPR 2014-01106)
`7 8 9
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000005


`[Page 271]
` (Document marked as
` Exhibit No. 1034 for
` identification.)
` (Witness previously
` sworn.)
` called as a witness herein, having been
` first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified further as follows:
` Cross-Examination
` By Mr. Kang
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Cook.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. You understand you're still
` under oath?
` A. Yes.
` Q. My name is Peter Kang. We met
` yesterday. And I represent URC, the
` petitioner in this case. Before we
` started, I premarked Exhibit 1034 which is
` in front of you which is entitled
` Petitioner's Notice of Deposition of Alex
` Cook. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And --
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000006


`[Page 272]
` MR. MAIERS: Which one is 1034?
` I'm sorry.
` MR. KANG: It's the deposition
` notice.
` Q. And so this is the deposition
` notice with the caption for IPR 2014-01102.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that is the IPR for the
` U.S. Patent No. 5,228,077?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And if I refer to that
` patent as the '077 patent, will you
` understand what I'm referring to?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if I refer to this IPR
` proceeding as the 1102 proceeding, you'll
` understand that's what I'm referring to?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Instead of saying the entire
` document number?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And in the deposition notice it
` indicates that this is a consolidation of
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000007


`[Page 273]
` the depositions for IPR 2014-1103, IPR
` 2014-1104, IPR 2014-1106, and 1109 and
` 1146. Do you see that on Page 2?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So you are here to testify
` on -- in response to my questions on the
` IPR proceedings 1102, 1103, 1104, and 1106,
` correct?
` A. Okay. Yes.
` Q. All right. And so, again,
` before we got on the record, I gave you one
` copy of each of your declarations for each
` of those matters and one copy of each of
` the patents in those matters. Do you see
` those?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So just for
` identification purposes, in IPR 1103, the
` patent at issue is Darbee Patent 5,552,917,
` which is Exhibit 1001 in that matter. Do
` you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And we already
` identified the '077 patent as the Darbee
` Patent in the 1102 matter, right?
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000008


`[Page 274]
` A. Right.
` Q. And in front -- and that's also
` Exhibit 1001 in that IPR matter, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. IPR matter 1104, the patent at
` issue is U.S. Patent 5,414,761. Do you see
` that?
` A. Yes. I do.
` Q. Okay. And that patent, '761
` patent, is also Exhibit 1001 in the 1104
` matter, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And then, finally,
` in IPR matter docket No. 1106, the patent
` at issue is Darbee U.S. Patent 5,255,313.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. And that '313 patent is
` also Exhibit 1001, but in 1106 docket
` number, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. If I refer to the '917,
` '077, '761, and '313 patents as the Darbee
` Patents, will you understand that that's
` what I'm referring to?
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000009


`[Page 275]
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then for identification
` purposes, your declaration in each of the
` IPR matters for each of the Darbee Patents
` is Exhibit 2029 in each of the respective
` docket numbers, correct?
` A. Yes. Correct.
` Q. So we've got your -- the four
` declarations in front of you for the four
` Darbee Patent IPRs, the four Darbee Patents
` themselves, and we have them all identified
` by exhibit number, I think, correct?
` A. Okay. Correct.
` Q. Okay. How much time did you
` spend writing your declarations for the IPR
` matters 1102, 3, 4, and 6?
` A. I don't recall the exact
` amount. There's a lot of common material
` here, as you can see. And so some of those
` were -- would look at one thing that's
` common across the patent and write that.
` So I'm not really sure to tell the number.
` Q. Approximately?
` A. I don't recall. It was done
` over a period of five or six weeks, and I
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000010


`[Page 276]
` mean -- yeah. I just I apologize. I don't
` recall. It was a significant amount of
` time.
` Q. Approximately when did you
` start working on the declarations for the
` four IPR matters for the Darbee Patents?
` A. As I testified yesterday, I
` received all of these materials together
` sometime in February, I think. It could
` have been even late January, or early
` February, the patents to review first. And
` I reviewed, because I had to do this as
` time was available, weekends, evenings,
` that kind of thing, it was over a period of
` weeks. These were all filed in April. The
` others were filed in late March. And so I
` gave some priority to the late March, but
` at the same time I was switching back and
` forth between. So it's difficult for me to
` say exactly what went into these.
` Q. For brevity then, to the extent
` you testified to your process for working
` on your declaration for the '930 patent
` yesterday, will that testimony apply to the
` process you used for the declarations for
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000011


`[Page 277]
` the four Darbee Patents?
` A. Yes, it does. Yes.
` Q. So, again, you had no one
` assisting you for the declarations for the
` Darbee Patents?
` A. No. That's right.
` Q. You communicated with counsel
` for UEI, but no inventors and no --
` A. That's correct.
` Q. No one else?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. All right. For the record,
` let's try not to talk over each other.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Madam Reporter may get upset.
` With respect to the
` declarations for the four Darbee Patents,
` did you type them completely yourself and
` then have them reformatted by counsel for
` UEI?
` A. Yes. I typed the details, and
` then sent it in to the counsel. They put
` it in this format, passed it back, I
` reviewed it, and --
` Q. Were there any edits or changes
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000012


`[Page 278]
` made to your declarations between the
` time -- other than formatting, were there
` any substantive changes to the content of
` your declarations between the time you sent
` it to counsel for UEI and then you got it
` back -- or got them back?
` A. I don't recall any substantive
` changes. I think everything that I defined
` initially -- I think the only changes where
` I would come back -- I think there was an
` edit or two where I came back and I didn't
` like the way I had worded something in a
` paragraph. When I came back and read it
` later, I thought that maybe it wasn't as
` clear, and so I may have reworded it. But
` no substantive changes.
` Q. Was there substantive text that
` you had wanted to put in any of your Darbee
` Patent IPR declarations that eventually you
` chose not to?
` A. No. I don't think so.
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. That
` would relate to draft opinion reports which
` are not discoverable and privileged.
` MR. KANG: Seeing if they even
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000013


` existed. If they don't exist, that's not
`[Page 279]
` an issue.
` Q. Let's turn to the four Darbee
` Patents Exhibit 1001 in each of the IPRs.
` Had you read all four of the Darbee Patents
` prior to signing your declarations?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Cover to cover?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then in -- For example, in
` each of your declarations you indicate you
` reviewed the file histories for each of the
` Darbee Patents?
` A. I did.
` Q. If you look at the cover sheet
` of any one of the Darbee Patents, they're
` all continuations or divisionals of prior
` applications. Do you see that?
` A. That's right. Yes.
` Q. Did you review the file
` histories of those parent or related
` applications?
` A. I reviewed the '810 patent
` itself. I did not go back and review the
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000014


`[Page 280]
` file history of the '810 patent.
` Q. Okay. Did you review the file
` history of -- for example, if you look at
` the '917 patent it is a divisional of a
` continuation which is a divisional of the
` 810 patent which is then a continuation in
` part of a 1987 abandoned application. Do
` you see that?
` A. I see that. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So did you review the
` file history of Serial No. 586957?
` A. No. I would have reviewed the
` file history of '917 is my recollection. I
` don't think I reviewed the others.
` Q. Okay. So other than the '810
` patent itself, for purposes of your
` declarations in the Darbee IPR matters, you
` did not read or review the file histories
` of the parent applications; is that
` correct?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: That's correct.
` Q. So it's fair to say your claim
` construction of the Darbee Patents at issue
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000015


`[Page 281]
` does not take into account any of the
` parent file histories of any of the Darbee
` Patents?
` A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat
` that?
` Q. It's fair to say your claim
` construction of the Darbee Patents in these
` four IPRs does not take into account the
` file histories of the parent or related
` applications to the four Darbee Patents,
` correct?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection.
` Compound.
` THE WITNESS: So, as I said, I
` didn't review those. So obviously I can't
` take them into account.
` Q. Right. Was there anything in
` your review of the '810 patent that
` impacted your claim construction of any of
` the four Darbee Patents? Just for the
` record the '810 patent is 4,595,810.
` A. I'm not sure how to answer
` that. Obviously the -- These are
` continuations, some of other things, but
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000016


`[Page 282]
` continuations of '810. So did I consider
` '810 in my conclusions? Yes. I read '810.
` I saw what was in '810. I understand what
` changed it to, you know, was continued to
` these. So in that sense, yes, '810
` influenced what I had written.
` Q. Do you recall making any
` specific effort to distinguish the claim
` construction of the four Darbee Patents at
` issue here as compared to the claims of the
` '810 patent?
` A. No. I don't recall doing that.
` Q. Have you ever spoken with
` Mr. Darbee about any of his four patents at
` issue here?
` A. I don't recall ever having
` discussed these patents with Mr. Darbee at
` all.
` Q. Have you ever discussed the
` '810 patent with Mr. Darbee?
` A. I don't believe the patents, in
` any discussions I would have ever had with
` Mr. Darbee, I don't believe any of the
` patents have ever come up. The -- The only
` thing I can remember him saying about
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000017


`[Page 283]
` patents was what a pain they were. And so
` it was not something that he would have
` discussed. He loved the technology, but he
` hated this process.
` Q. Have you ever heard any of his
` testimony from any litigations concerning
` any of his patents?
` A. I've worked on several cases
` that we discussed yesterday. It's possible
` in one of those cases somewhere -- I don't
` remember everything I read in those cases.
` It's possible that may have happened. But
` nothing would have -- nothing would have
` been in mind that I would have used in
` drafting these.
` Q. Which was my follow-up
` question. So to the extent you may have
` even seen or read any testimony from
` Mr. Darbee, none of that would have
` impacted your claim construction of any of
` the four Darbee Patents?
` A. No. Yes. That's correct.
` Q. On the '917 patent there are
` three other co-inventors listed: Richard
` Ellis, Louis Jansky, or Ed Avram Grossman.
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000018


`[Page 284]
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know any of those three
` gentlemen?
` A. I probably at one time or
` another met Mr. Ellis and Mr. Jansky. I
` had never met Mr. Grossman, but I'm aware
` of who he is.
` Q. Have you ever discussed any
` patents with either Mr. Ellis or
` Mr. Jansky?
` A. No.
` Q. What context did you meet them?
` A. I would have been visiting UEI
` when they were a supplier. And if these
` gentlemen were there at the time, I might
` have been introduced to them. But it would
` have been a supplier relationship type
` discussion.
` Q. If you look, the earliest
` application in the chain of any of the four
` Darbee Patents goes back to October 1987.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you were at SA at the time,
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000019


`[Page 285]
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And at the time UEI was a
` supplier to SA, correct?
` A. They became a supplier a little
` bit later.
` Q. Was there any commercial
` relationship between UEI and SA in the
` October 1987 time frame?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure that
` I would be aware of the commercial
` relationships between SA and UEI that were
` in place at the time. So there could have
` been some, but I wouldn't have been aware
` of them.
` Q. So you were not -- Put it this
` way. Do you have any personal knowledge of
` the inventive activity at UEI around
` October 1987 related to any of the four
` Darbee Patents?
` A. I do not.
` Q. Okay. So you were not a
` percipient witness to any of the inventive
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000020


`[Page 286]
` activity that led to any of the Darbee
` Patents?
` A. No, I was not.
` Q. The prosecuting attorney for
` the Darbee Patents was Thomas Vigil. Do
` you see that name?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever met Mr. Vigil or
` spoken with him or communicated with him?
` A. I don't recall. I'm certainly
` aware who he is. I don't recall having
` ever spoken to him. It might have been
` possible somewhere in the past, but.
` Q. So you've never, to your
` recollection, had any communication with
` Mr. Vigil about any of the four Darbee
` Patents?
` A. I have not.
` Q. Or any of the patents in the
` chain of priority of the Darbee Patents?
` A. I have not.
` Q. In Paragraph 10 of your -- all
` declarations, but I'm using the '917
` declaration from the 1103 matter as an
` example, you refer to having worked on a
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000021


`[Page 287]
` litigation between UEI and Remote
` Technologies, Inc. Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. If I refer to Remote
` Technologies, Inc. as RTI, will you
` understand that that's what I'm referring
` to?
` A. I will.
` Q. Okay. In the RTI case, were
` any Darbee Patents at issue?
` A. To be honest with you, I do not
` recall the details of that case.
` Q. It was filed in 2006. And so
` the Darbee Patents all issued by that point
` in time, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Were you deposed in that case?
` A. I do not even remember -- It's
` possible I was deposed in that case, but I
` have virtually no recollection of that.
` Q. And you have no recollection of
` testifying in court in connection with the
` RTI case?
` A. No, I don't .
` Q. Do you recall who counsel for
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000022


`[Page 288]
` UEI was in the RTI case?
` A. I mean to be honest with you, I
` have very little recollection. That's a
` point in time where a lot of things were
` going on. So I really did not even look
` back at that case other than a list of
` cases that I had been involved in. And my
` recollection would have been Mark Galis
` probably if -- because I know that I had
` worked with Mark on UEI matters before.
` But to be honest with you, I don't remember
` very much about that at all.
` Q. I don't have it in front of me.
` How do you spell Mr. Galis's name?
` A. G-A-L-I-S.
` Q. What was going on at the time
` that makes it difficult to remember any
` details about the RTI case?
` A. It was very busy business-wise.
` My business was changing quite a bit. I
` was building products in Korea, and our
` market was changing. And I can probably
` tell you a lot of details about that, but
` this would have been separate work that I
` did. And I did not go back and look at
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000023


`[Page 289]
` this or review this in any way.
` Q. Have you been involved in any
` reexaminations or other patent proceedings
` involving any other Darbee Patents?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I have been
` involved on several items with UEI. I
` don't remember the specific patents
` involved in any of those cases.
` Q. But other than the four IPRs
` that we're talking about today and the
` other two at issue, the other three at
` issue -- other two at issue, have you been
` involved in other either IPRs or patent
` office proceedings involving UEI patents?
` A. I'm sorry. You'll have to ask
` that again.
` Q. Sure. Other than the IPRs that
` we're talking about during this deposition,
` have you been involved in any other patent
` office proceedings involving any other UEI
` patents?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: It seems like
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000024


`[Page 290]
` there was a reissue that -- But, again, I
` apologize. I just didn't go back and
` review any of the details of any of the
` items that I've looked at, either in
` preparing this or preparing for today.
` Q. Okay. So you don't recall the
` patent involved in that UEI reissue?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you recall roughly when it
` took place?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you recall which counsel was
` involved?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you recall the name of the
` first inventor?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you remember the subject
` matter or the technology?
` A. No.
` Q. So let's, since we've got the
` '917 declaration from the 1103 matter open
` in front of us, let's stick with that. In
` Section 3 of your declaration starting at
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000025


`[Page 291]
` Paragraph 17, you set forth a number of
` legal principles. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I know you're not an attorney,
` have you ever attempted to take the patent
` bar?
` A. No.
` Q. So you've never studied patent
` law?
` A. No.
` Q. So you relied on the legal
` principles starting at Paragraph 17 of your
` declaration through Paragraph 27 in forming
` your opinions in this IPR proceeding?
` A. I did.
` Q. Okay. And did you apply those
` same legal principles for all four
` declarations for all four Darbee Patents?
` A. I did.
` Q. You didn't do anything
` different for any one of the IPRs in terms
` of legal principles?
` A. Not for the Darbee Patents.
` Q. So in Paragraph 18 you indicate
` that the meaning of the terms in the claims
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000026


`[Page 292]
` in the '917 patent are as of the time that
` the patent application leading to the '917
` patent was filed. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And then in
` Paragraph 28 of your declaration you
` identify that as 1987?
` A. I'm sorry. Let's back up. The
` paragraph again? One more time.
` Q. Paragraph 18 says that -- gives
` you the general statement that the meaning
` of the terms of the claims to a person of
` ordinary skill in the art or as of the time
` the patent application leading to the '917
` patent was filed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. But in Paragraph 28 you
` identify that date specifically as 1987,
` correct?
` MR. MAIERS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I identified the
` priority date as 1987 as given to me by
` counsel.
` Q. Okay. So did -- Strike that.
`Universal Remote Control Exhibit: 1053 Page 000027


`[Page 293]
` Did you construe the claims of
` the '917 patent as they would be understood
` to a person of ordinary skill in the art as
` of 1987?
` A. Well, the '917 patent was
` actually filed in 1994. So I would have
` considered the technology in 1994 at that
` time. I'm not sure there's any significant

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