`Zond, LLC.
`Patent Owner of U.S. Patent No. 6,806,652
`Trial No. IPR2014-010881
`1 Case IPR2014-01000 has been joined with the instant proceeding.

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
`TESTIMONY .................................................................................................. 1
`Response to Observation 1 .................................................................... 1
`Response to Observation 2 .................................................................... 3
`Response to Observation 3 .................................................................... 4
`Response to Observation 4 .................................................................... 5
`Response to Observation 5 .................................................................... 6
`Response to Observation 6 .................................................................... 7

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`Petitioner submits this response to Patent Owner Zond’s Observations on
`Cross-Examination of Dr. Kortshagen, Paper No. 32 (“Observation”). Patent
`Owner presents six observations on Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony. While Petitioner
`believes that the testimony will be appropriately viewed and weighed by the Board,
`the specific observations presented by Patent Owner are irrelevant and
`mischaracterize the testimony of Dr. Kortshagen, as specified below, and therefore
`are not probative of any material issue before the Board.
`A. Response to Observation 1
`Patent Owner’s contention that Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony indicates
`Mozgrin “is further ionizing an already high-density plasma” is irrelevant because
`it wholly ignores the plasma created in Mozgrin’s regime 1. The testimony cited by
`Patent Owner merely indicates that the plasma densities eventually achieved in
`Mozgrin’s regimes 2 and 3 qualify as “high-density plasma” as described by
`the ’652 Patent. Id. at 3-4. Additionally, Patent Owner incorrectly states that
`Petitioners rely on Mozgrin’s plasma in regime 2 as the “initial plasma” to be
`super-ionized when in fact Petitioners rely on Fahey for generating and
`transporting an initial plasma, and Mozgrin’s and Kudryavtsev’s disclosures for
`super-ionizing an initial plasma, such as Fahey’s. See IPR2014-01088 Petition for

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`Inter Partes Review at 57 (Paper No. 2); IPR2014-01088 Institution Decision at p.
`22-26 (Paper No. 16).
`Patent Owner’s focus on Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony regarding the plasma in
`Mozgrin’s regime 2 mischaracterizes the language of claim 1. Claim 1 recites
`“super-ionizing the initial plasma so as to generate a high-density plasma.”
`See ’652 Patent at claim 1 (emphasis added). Put another way, claim 1 requires
`that a high-density plasma ultimately be generated from an initial plasma, but
`there is no requirement that the initial plasma instantly transition to a final
`high-density plasma. The ’652 Patent further explains that the plasma density of
`the initial plasma increases over time until it reaches a peak plasma density
`corresponding to a high-density plasma. See ’652 Patent at col. 14:19-23
`(describing the “eventual increase in the density of the high-density plasma”)
`(emphasis added) (Ex. 1001); see also id. at 10:58-63. This is the proper read of
`the claims applied by Dr. Kortshagen in his deposition.2 It is, therefore,
`inconsequential that Mozgrin transitions from the initial “pre-ionized plasma” of
`regime 1 through the “high current magnetron discharge” of regime 2 when
`2 “. . . I do believe what Figure 3b shows is the evolution from one quasi-stationary
`state, which is the pre-ionized plasma to another quasi-stationary state, which is the
`high-density plasma in Part 3.” Kortshagen Dep. at 105:18 - 106:11(emphasis
`added) (Ex. 2003).

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`generating the “high-current diffuse discharge” of regime 3. Accordingly, Patent
`Owner’s observation is irrelevant to the instant proceeding.
`B. Response to Observation 2
`Observation 2 is repetitious of Observation 1. Patent Owner contends that
`Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony indicates Mozgrin “is not super-ionizing an initial, i.e.,
`weakly-ionized plasma, as required by claim 4, rather it is further ionizing an
`already high-density plasma.” Observation at 6. Similar to Patent Owner’s
`Observation 1, above, the testimony cited by Patent Owner merely indicates that
`the plasma densities in Mozgrin’s regimes 2 and 3 are within the same range of
`plasma densities that the ’652 Patent describes to be “high-density plasma.” Id. at
`Patent Owner’s observation is irrelevant for two reasons. First, Patent
`Owner takes Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony entirely out of context as Dr. Kortshagen
`never testified that the “initial plasma” of claim 1 corresponds to Mozgrin’s regime
`2 plasma. Second, Patent Owner’s observation misreads the language of claim 1
`and requires that the initial plasma instantly transition to a final high-density
`plasma. Claim 4 also does not impose any such limitation. Rather, Dr.
`Kortshagen’s testimony is based on Mozgrin’s plasma transitions from the initial
`“pre-ionized plasma” of regime 1 through the “high current magnetron discharge”
`of regime 2 when generating the “high-current diffuse discharge” of regime 3.

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`Kortshagen Dep. at 105:18 - 106:11(emphasis added) (Ex. 2003). This evolution
`from an initial plasma to a high-density plasma is consistent with the ’652 Patent
`whose initial plasma density increases over time until it reaches a peak plasma
`density corresponding to a high-density plasma. See ’652 Patent at col. 14:19-23
`(Ex. 1001); see also Id. at 10:58-63 (Ex. 1001). Accordingly, Patent Owner’s
`observation is irrelevant to the instant proceeding.
`C. Response to Observation 3
`Patent Owner is wholly incorrect in stating that Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony
`regarding Iwamura’s pre-excitation unit “contradicts Petitioner’s argument that
`claim 4 is obvious in view of the cited references.” Observation at 6. Patent
`Owner’s questioning regarding whether Iwamura’s pre-excitation unit creates a
`weakly-ionized plasma is irrelevant to the grounds of unpatentability asserted by
`the Petitioner and instituted by the Board. As the Board articulated in its
`Institution Decision, Petitioner relies on Fahey’s disclosure for “generating and
`transporting an initial plasma,” and Iwamura’s disclosure for “teach[ing] the
`desirability of providing an initial plasma with excited atoms using one of several
`methods.” See IPR2014-01088 Petition for Inter Partes Review at 57 (Paper No.
`2); IPR2014-01088 Institution Decision at 22-23 (Paper No. 16). Because this
`proceeding is not instituted based on Iwamura’s pre-excitation unit generating
`weakly-ionized plasma, Patent Owner’s observation is consequently irrelevant.

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`D. Response to Observation 4
`Patent Owner contends that Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony indicates that the
`“purpose of Iwamura’s two-stage system is NOT to super-ionize an initial plasma
`and that Iwamura’s teachings are contrary to this objective.” Observation at 9.
`Patent Owner’s argument is misplaced for two reasons. First, Patent Owner
`mischaracterizes Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony regarding Iwamura’s teachings as
`understood by a person of ordinary skill in the art. Second, Patent Owner misreads
`the instituted grounds and focuses on Iwamura’s disclosure of super-ionization
`which is irrelevant to the proceeding.
`First, the testimony cited by Patent Owner refers only to isolated questions
`regarding a specific alternative embodiment of Iwamura, and entirely ignores Dr.
`Kortshagen’s testimony regarding the various teachings of Iwamura as a whole.3
`When Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony is considered in its full context, Patent Owner’s
`observation is incorrect and ultimately irrelevant to Dr. Kortshagen’s opinion that a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would understand Iwamura’s main teaching to
`3 “I believe it is fair to say that Iwamura has a number of teachings, and I believe
`one of the main teachings of Iwamura is that it describes [generating excited
`species, transporting the excited species, and using excited species to make
`resulting plasma more uniform and requiring less power] . . . So, now let me move
`on to the second teaching, which I believe Iwamura identifies, namely, that of the
`treatment of objects which are sensitive to damage by ions.” Kortshagen Dep. at
`70:18 - 72:6 (emphasis added) (Ex. 2003); see also Kortshagen Dep. at 61:15 -

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`further suggest the combination of Mozgrin and Kudryavstev with Fahey because
`Iwamura teaches the desirability of providing an initial plasma with excited atoms
`in a first step, followed by an energy-providing second step. See Kortshagen Dec.
`at ¶ 147 (Ex. 1002); Kortshagen Supp. Dec. at ¶ 76 (Ex. 1020).
`Second, Zond’s conclusion that “the purpose of Iwamura’s two-stage system
`is NOT to super-ionize an initial plasma and that Iwamura’s teachings are contrary
`to the objective” misstates the grounds of unpatentability asserted by Petitioner and
`instituted by the Board. As the Board articulated in its Institution Decision,
`Petitioner’s rely on Mozgrin and Kudryavtsev for “teach[ing] super-ionizing and
`the desirably of high density with multi-step ionization” and Iwamura for
`“teach[ing] the desirability of providing an initial plasma with excited atoms in a
`first step, followed by an energy-providing second step.” See, e.g., IPR2014-
`01088 Petition for Inter Partes Review at 57-58 (Paper No. 2); IPR2014-01088
`Institution Decision at 22-26 (Paper No. 16). Thus, Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony is
`consistent with the grounds instituted in this proceeding. Accordingly, Patent
`Owner’s observation is irrelevant to the instant proceeding.
`E. Response to Observation 5
`Patent Owner’s contention that Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony confirms “the
`purpose of Fahey’s device was not to produce a high-density plasma, as claimed,
`but instead to produce electrically neutral, metastable atoms” has no relevance to

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`the instituted grounds of this proceeding. As the Board articulated in its Institution
`Decision, Petitioner’s rely on Fahey’s disclosure solely for generating and
`transporting an initial plasma, and rely on Mozgrin’s and Kudryavtsev’s
`disclosures for super-ionizing an initial plasma, such as Fahey’s. See IPR2014-
`01088 Petition for Inter Partes Review at 54-58 (Paper No. 2); IPR2014-01088
`Institution Decision at 22-26 (Paper No. 16). Thus, Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony
`that Fahey “is not geared towards super-ionization” is consistent with the grounds
`instituted in this proceeding. Accordingly, Patent Owner’s observation is
`F. Response to Observation 6
`Patent Owner contends that Dr. Kortshagen’s testimony “confirms Patent
`owner’s [sic] argument that, ‘Claim 5 is not concerned with a power supply for
`generating an initial plasma, rather the claim is concerned with characteristics of a
`power supply for super-ionizing an initial plasma and generating a high-density
`plasma.’” Observation at 10. Patent Owner’s observation is not probative of any
`material fact as it is based on an improperly narrow – and ultimately incorrect –
`reading of claims 1 and 5.
`As a preliminary matter, Patent Owner’s observation is inconsequential
`because Dr. Kortshagen’s deposition testimony is consistent with the opinions in
`his declarations that “one of ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`combine Vratny’s teachings of providing RF excitation in addition to DC
`excitation with Mozgrin in order to generate the high density plasma from the
`initial plasma, for the express benefit of further increasing the plasma density to
`enhance the rate of sputter deposition.” See Kortshagen Supp. Dec. at ¶¶ 94-96
`(emphasis added) (Ex. 1020); see also Kortshagen Dec. at ¶¶ 127-130, 148 (Ex.
`1002). Dr. Kortshagen’s deposition testimony simply confirms the opinions set
`forth in his declarations. See Kortshagen Dep. at 103:2 – 104:22 (emphasis added)
`(Ex. 2003).
`To the extent that Patent Owner contends that the “RF power supply” recited
`in claim 5 is the only power source that super-ionizes the initial plasma as recited
`in claim 1, this is contrary to both the express language and the broadest reasonable
`interpretation of the claims. Claim 5 recites “wherein the power supply comprises
`a RF power supply that generates an alternating electric field between the cathode
`assembly and the anode.” ’652 Patent at claim 5 (emphasis added) (Ex 1001). It is
`well-settled that the term “comprises” is open-ended and non-exclusive.4
`Moreover, the ’652 Patent requires that the RF power supply of claim 5 generates
`“an alternating electric field,” which does not derive antecedent basis from the
`4 See Genentech, Inc. v. Chiron Corp., 112 F.3d 495, 501 (Fed. Cir. 1997)
`(“‘Comprising’ is a term of art used in claim language which means that the named
`elements are essential, but other elements may be added and still form a construct
`within the scope of the claim.”) (emphasis added).

`Trial No. IPR2014-01088
`Petitioner’s Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for Observation
`“electric field” generated by the power supply recited in element D of claim 1.
`See ’652 Patent at claims 1 and 5 (Ex. 1001).
`As such, under the broadest reasonable interpretation, the term “power
`supply” recited in claims 1 and 5 is not limited to only a RF power supply
`generating “an alternating electric field” as recited in claim 5, and can include
`other power supplies as well, such as a DC power supply for generating “an
`electric field” as recited in claim 1. Id. (Ex. 1001). This is the proper read of the
`claims that Dr. Kortshagen applied in his declarations and confirmed in his
`deposition, as explained above. Accordingly, Patent Owner’s observation is
`Respectfully Submitted,
` /s/ David M. Tennant
`David M. Tennant
`Registration No. 48,362
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner
`irrelevant to the instant proceeding.
`Dated: July 30, 2015

`The undersigned certifies, in accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), that
`service was made on the Patent Owner as detailed below:
`Date of service July 30, 2015
`Manner of service Email:;
`Persons Served Tarek Fahmi
`333 W. San Carlos Street, Suite 200
`San Jose, California 95110
`Dr. Gregory J. Gonsalves
`2216 Beacon Lane
`Falls Church, Virginia 22043
`/s/ Anna Goodall
`Anna Goodall
`White & Case LLP
`3000 El Camino Real
`Five Palo Alto Square, 9th Floor
`Palo Alto, CA 94306
`Tel: (650) 213-0367

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