`Inter Partes Review
`Case No. IPR2014-01084
`U.S. Patent No. 7,126,468U.S. Patent No. 7,126,468
`Oral Hearing September 2, 2015
`10:00 AM10:00 AM
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 1
`‘468 Patent Monitors Command Transmissions
`See Ex. 1001, FIG. 1
`and 4:25 31and 4:25-31.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 2
`Representative Claim 27 of the ‘468 Patent
`27. A method of updating a data
`Patent Owner
`representative of a current state of an
`intended target appliance, comprising:intended target appliance, comprising:
`didisputes that the t th t th
`receiving a transmission from a remote
`prior art, Cohen,
`control; and
`comparing the transmission from the
`discloses the claimeddiscloses the claimed
`remote control to a plurality of commands
`“updating … a current
`to determine if the transmission from
`[a] targetstate ofthe remote control is one for commanding an state of … [a] target
`operation of the intended target appliance
`to update the data to represent the
`current state of the intended targetcurrent state of the intended target
`appliance which will result from the
`intended target appliance performing the
`operation commandedoperation commanded.
`PORSSee POR at 5-7.5 7
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 3
`“Updating” is NOT Limited to a Specific Device
`27. A method of updating a data
`representative of a current state of an
`intended target appliance comprising:intended target appliance, comprising:
`receiving a transmission from a remote
`control; and
`comparing the transmission from thecomparing the transmission from the
`remote control to a plurality of commands
`to determine if the transmission from
`the remote control is one for commanding an
`operation of the intended target appliance
`to update the data to represent the
`current state of the intended target
`appliance which will result from the intended
`target appliance performing the operation
`d dcommanded.
`Patent Owner argues
`incorrectly that theincorrectly that the
`claims require that
`“the monitoring g
`device updates data
`representing the
`fcurrent state of a
`target appliance.”
`See POR at 2 (emphasis changed).
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 4
`‘468 Patent Teaches Updating Data in Different
`Devices, NOT Just the Monitoring DeviceDevices, NOT Just the Monitoring Device
`-- The ’468 patent
`discloses updatingdiscloses updating
`“state tables.”
`See, e.g., Ex. 1001,
`-- The updated
`t blt tstate tables can be b
`in the appliance, the
`command receiver,
`or a remote device.
`See Ex. 1001 at 9:12-15
`and Pet. Reply at 5.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 5
`Cohen Discloses “Updating”
`-- Patent Owner argues that “to the extent that
`any device in Cohen is updating dataany device in Cohen is updating data
`representing an appliance’s state, it is the
`entirely separate ‘outside world’ hostentirely separate outside world host
`computer, and not monitor 34 of of Cohen.”
`See POR at 6 (emphasis added).
`-- The claims, however, do not limit “updating”
`to be performed by only one specific device,
`such as the monitor.
`See Pet. Reply at 5.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 6
`Cohen Discloses “Updating” in Monitoring Device 34
`Even Under Patent Owner’s ConstructionEven Under Patent Owner s Construction
`Ex. 1005 (Cohen) at Cover Page & 4:4-5.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 7
`Cohen Discloses “Updating” in Monitoring Device 34
`Even Under Patent Owner’s ConstructionEven Under Patent Owner s Construction
`Ex. 1005 (Cohen) at
`5:20 25 and FIG 25:20-25 and FIG. 2.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 8
`Cohen Discloses “Updating” in Monitoring Device 34
`Even Under Patent Owner’s ConstructionEven Under Patent Owner s Construction
`• Patent Owner admits that
`Cohen discloses “capturing
`and logging remote control
`ttransmissions” in monitoring i i ” i it i
`device 34.
`See POR at 6 and Pet. Reply at 8.
`• The ordinary meaning of
`“update” is “bring up to
`See Decision to Institute (Paper 9) at 7.
`Ex. 1005 (Cohen) FIG. 3
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 9
`“State” does NOT Exclude Channel Selection
`27. A method of updating a data
`representative of a current state of an
`intended target appliance comprising:intended target appliance, comprising:
`receiving a transmission from a remote
`control; and
`comparing the transmission from thecomparing the transmission from the
`remote control to a plurality of commands
`to determine if the transmission from
`the remote control is one for commanding an
`operation of the intended target appliance
`to update the data to represent the
`current state of the intended target
`appliance which will result from the
`intended target appliance performing the
`tioperation commanded.d d
`Patent Owner argues
`incorrectly thatincorrectly that
`Cohen’s channel
`selection data doesselection data does
`not represent the
`claimed “state of a
`target appliance.”
`See POR at 7 (emphasis added)See POR at 7 (emphasis added).
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 10
`Channel Selection is a “State”
`• The ‘468 patent’s state
`table indicates the state
`of a device based on
`the commands
`transmitted thereto. transmitted thereto.
`See Ex. 1001 (‘468 Pat.) at
`4:64-5:10 and FIG. 4.
`• Channel selection isChannel selection is
`such a command.
`See Pet. Reply at 6.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 11
`Cohen Discloses Locally Maintained Data of
`DDependent Claims 33 and 49d Cl i 33 d 49
`• Claim 33 requires that the updated “data is maintained
`locally within a device which receives the transmission.”
`Claim 49 similarly requires “the data is maintained locally
`within the transmission monitoring device ”within the transmission monitoring device.
`• As discussed above, Cohen discloses locally maintained
`data in monitor 34. See, e.g., Ex. 1005 (Cohen) at 4:1-7.data in monitor 34. See, e.g., Ex. 1005 (Cohen) at 4:1 7.
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 12
`The Cohen Reference Was Not Considered By
`h Ethe Examineri
`The Cohen Reference is NOT listed as
`f h R fone of the References Cited in the ‘468 Ci d i h ‘468
`• Cohen (5,235,414) is
`addressed only in the
`BACKGROUND section of the
`‘468 Patent.
`(Ex. 1001, 1:18-28)
`• The Examiner never
`discussed Cohen in the ‘468
`File History. y
`(Pet. Reply, p. 2)
`IPR2014-01084 URC Ex. 1057 Page 13
`On the below date, I served the foregoing document on the following
`counsel of record via email (with counsel’s agreement):
`Eric J. Maiers (maierse@gtlaw.com)
`James J. Lukas (lukasj@gtlaw.com)
`Matthew J. Levinstein (levinsteinm@gtlaw.com)
`Rob R. Harmer (harmer@gtlaw.com)
`77 West Wacker Drive
`Suite 3100
`Chicago, IL 60101
`DATED: August 31, 2015
`/Jeannie Ngai/
`Jeannie Ngai
`Ostrolenk Faber LLP
`1180 Ave. of the Americas
`7th Floor
`New York, NY 10036
`I hereby certify that the foregoing is being electronically filed with the
`USPTO on the date below.
`DATED: August 31, 2015.
`By: /Jeannie Ngai/
`Jeannie Ngai