`Zond, LLC.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,147,7591
`IPR Case No. IPR2014-01083
`1 Case No. IPR2014-00988 has been joined with this proceeding.


`The ’759 Patent:
`GlobalFoundries U.S. Inc., GlobalFoundries Dresden Module One LLC & Co. KG,
`GlobalFoundries Dresden Module Two LLC & Co. KG, The Gillette Company, Fujitsu
`Semiconductor Limited, Fujitsu Semiconductor America, Inc., Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,
`Renesas Electronics Corporation, Renesas Electronics America, Inc. Toshiba America Electronic
`Components, Inc., Toshiba America Inc., Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., and Toshiba
`v. Zond, LLC
`IPR2014-00781 and IPR2014-00782
`GlobalFoundries U.S. Inc., GlobalFoundries Dresden Module One LLC & Co. KG,
`GlobalFoundries Dresden Module Two LLC & Co. KG, and The Gillette Company
`v. Zond, LLC
`IPR2014-01083, IPR2014-01086 and IPR2014-01087
`June 8, 2015


`• Overview of ’759 Patent
`• Grounds Instituted
`• Overview of Prior Art
`• Summary of Disputes with Respect to Independent Claims
`‒ Claim Constructions
`‒ Response to Patent Owner’s Arguments
`• Summary of Disputes and Responses Related to Dependent Claims


`The ’759 Patent
`The ’759 Patent
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`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 7,147,759 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Dec. 12, 2006
`US Patent 7,147,759
`US Patent 7,147,759


`The ’759 Patent
`Anode (238)
`Cathode Assembly (216)
`Pulsed Power Supply (234)
`Magnets (256)
`Plasma (246)
`Feed Gas Source (208)
`Substrate (211)
`Bias Power Supply (214)
`’759 Patent, Fig. 2


`’759 Independent Claims
`Claims 1, 20, & 40
`Claim 1
`‘759 Patent, Claim 1


`’759 Independent Claims
`Claims 1, 20, & 40
`Claim 20
`Claim 40
`‘759 Patent, Claim 20
`‘759 Patent, Claim 40


`Grounds Instituted
`’759 Patent
`Prior Art
`781 Petition (IPR 2014-01047, IPR2014-00985, and IPR2014-00845 are joined with the 781)
`20, 21, 34, 36, 47
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Li
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Yamaguchi
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Müller-Horsche
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin Thesis
`782 Petition (IPR 2014-01059, IPR2014-00976, and IPR2014-00850 are joined with the 782)
`22-26, 28-31, 37, 46, 48
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`27, 32, 33, 50
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin
`1083 Petition (IPR2014-00988 is joined with the 1083)
`Wang + Kudryavtsev


`Grounds Instituted
`’759 Patent
`Prior Art
`1086 Petition (IPR2014-00981 is joined with the 1086)
`1, 4, 10, 12
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Li
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Müller-Horsche
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Kobayashi
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin Thesis
`1087 Petition (IPR2014-00984 is joined with the 1082)
`2, 3, 5-9, 13-15, 19, 41-43 Wang + Kudryavtsev
`16, 45
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin


`Asserted Prior Art: Wang
`Anode (24)
`Cathode Assembly (14)
`Pulsed Power Supply (80)
`High-Density Plasma (42)
`Feed Gas Source (32)
`Magnet Assembly
`Substrate (20)
`Bias Power Supply (44)
`Wang, Fig. 1, Ex. 1005; All citations are to IPR2014-1086 unless otherwise noted.


`’759 Patent and Wang Prior Art
`Cathode Assembly
`Pulsed Power Supply
`Feed Gas Source
`’759 Patent, Fig. 2
`Bias Power Supply
`Wang, Fig. 1


`Asserted Prior Art: Kudryavtsev
`Kudryavtsev at 30 (Ex. 1004)


`Disputes with Respect to Independent Claims
`• All independent claims:
`‒ Whether Wang discloses “without forming an arc.”
`‒ Whether Wang in combination with Kudryavtsev discloses a voltage pulse
`with an amplitude and a rise time to increase an excitation rate of ground
`state atoms.
`• Claims 20 and 40: choosing amplitude and rise time
`‒ Whether a person of ordinary skill would have combined Wang with the
`teachings of Kudryavtsev.


`Claim Constructions
`• Claim terms construed by the Board:
`‒ “weakly-ionized plasma”
`‒ “strongly-ionized plasma”
`‒ “multi-step ionization process”
`‒ “means for ionizing a feed gas to generate a weakly-ionized plasma proximate
`to a sputtering target”
`‒ “means for generating a magnetic field proximate to the weakly ionized plasma the
`magnetic field substantially trapping electrons in the weakly-ionized plasma proximate
`to a sputtering target”
`‒ “means for applying a voltage pulse to the weakly-ionized plasma, an amplitude and
`rise time of the voltage pulse being chosen to increase an excitation rate of ground state
`atoms that are present in the weakly-ionized plasma to create a multi-step ionization
`process comprising exciting the ground state atoms to generate excited atoms, and then
`ionizing the excited atoms within the weakly-ionized plasma without forming an arc
`discharge, to ions that sputter target material from the sputtering target”


`“Without Forming an Arc”: The ’759 Patent’s Sole
`Disclosed Technique for Preventing Arcing
`’759 Patent at 11:54-64
`’759 Patent at 7:17-26


`The ’759 Patent’s Applied Pulse
`’759 Patent, FIG. 5
`’759 Patent, FIG. 5
`’759 Patent at 11:28-32
`’759 Patent at 11:48-50
`’759 Patent at 12:33-36


`The ’759 Patent’s Power Pulses
`’759 Patent, FIG. 5
`’759 Patent, FIG. 5
`’759 Patent at 7:17-21
`’759 Patent at 11:58-64


`Wang Addresses Arcing
`Wang, Fig. 4
`Wang at 7:1-6;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶¶ 51-52 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶¶ 143-144 (Ex. 1002)


`Wang’s Applied Pulse
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶ 49 (Ex. 1002)
`Wang at 7:13-30;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶ 74 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶ 144 (Ex. 1002)


`Wang Discloses the Only Arc Prevention Technique
`Taught by the ’759 Patent
`’759 Patent
`’759 Patent at 7:17-21
`Wang at 7:47-51;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶¶ 73-74 (Ex. 1036)
`’759 Patent, FIG. 5
`Wang, Fig. 6


`The Experts Agree Wang Discloses
`“Without Forming an Arc”
`• Petitioner’s Declarant: Dr. Overzet
`• Zond’s Declarant: Dr. Hartsough
`Overzet Dec. at ¶ 75 (Ex. 1036)
`Q. But if impedance changes relatively little during the transition from a low-
`to high- density plasma, then it’s indicative of no short circuit or arcing, right? . . .
`A. That’s indicative of no- certainly no unipolar arc. . . .
`2/19/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 89:8-24 (Ex. 1041) (interposing objections omitted)


`Zond’s Expert Concedes Wang Discloses
`“Without Forming an Arc”
`Q. So is it sufficient to meet the claim if one time you form the strongly-ionized
`plasma without forming an arc in a system such as Wang? …
`A. If one were doing discovery of that, one would look at the entire claim without, and
`with – without forming an arc would be one of the things that you would look at.
`Wang at 7:47-49
`Q. That’s the thing I’m looking at right now.
`A. You know, you’re very focused on one part of the entire claim. . . .
`Q. Sir, but tiny parts of claims matter, too; you understand that? …
`A. Let me -- I -- I think you are going back to -- I will go back to an earlier
`question. If Wang produces a pulse that doesn’t arc, then Wang meets the
`‘does not arc’ part of that claim. They match.”
`2/12/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 199:19-200:21 (Ex. 1040)


`Wang Discloses Generating a Voltage Pulse
`with an Amplitude and Rise Time
`Voltage Pulses
`Wang at 7:56-63;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶¶ 47-48 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶134 (Ex. 1002)
`Wang, Fig. 7


`Wang Discloses Generating a Voltage Pulse
`with an Amplitude and Rise Time
`Amplitude and Rise Time
`Wang at 5:24-27;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶ 66 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶135 (Ex. 1002)
`Wang, Fig. 7


`Wang Discloses a Voltage Pulse with an Amplitude
`and a Rise Time that Increases the Excitation Rate
`Wang at 7:19-30;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶66 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶139 (Ex. 1002)


`Kudryavstev Confirms Wang’s Applied Voltage
`Pulse Increases the Excitation Rate
`“I understand Kudryavstev to be a study of
`the behavior of plasma, and modeling such
`behavior, which is general in its application”
`Overzet Dec. at ¶ 55 (Ex. 1036);
`12/3/2014 Kortshagen Dep. at 144:7-12 (Ex. 2010)
`Kudryavtsev at 30, 31;
`see also Overzet Dec. ¶41-44 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶141 (Ex. 1002)


`Kudryavstev’s Teachings are Not Limited to Any
`Specific Experiment
`Q. And Kudryavstev is essentially analogous to a flash tube; is that
`A. . . . Kudryavstev really consists of two parts. First, the
`description of a model, which as Kudryavstev states himself,
`should be applied whenever one faces a situation of a
`plasma being exposed to a pulse electric field. And then a
`part two which describes a particular experiment, one of
`many possible in which he chooses to verify this model with
`the understanding that he could have chosen a lot other
`implementations of this particular experiment.”
`12/3/2014 Kortshagen Dep. at 144:7-19 (Ex. 2010) (interposing objections omitted)


`Kudryavstev’s Teachings are Not Limited to Any
`Specific Experiment
`Q. Would you consider equation (9b) to be a model?
`A. It would be my understanding, and I believe it to be the
`understanding of one of ordinary skill in the art, that to limit
`Kudryavstev’s paper to a -- and model to a single equation
`would be to do violence to this paper.
`5/8/2015 Overzet Dep. at 27:17-22 (Ex. 2012) (interposing objections omitted)


`Kudryavstev’s Teachings are Generally Applicable
`Whenever a Field is Suddenly Applied to a Weakly
`Ionized Plasma
`Kudyravstev at p. 34, right col., ¶ 4
`Wang, Fig. 6


`Kudryavstev Teaches a Voltage Pulse Increases the
`Excitation Rate
`Korstagen Dec. at ¶ 81 (Ex. 1002); see also Decision on Institution at p. 17 (Paper No. 11)
`’759 Patent
`’759 Patent at 8:53-59., ¶ 6;
`Hartsough Dec. at ¶ 98 (Ex. 2005)
`Kudyravstev at p. 31, right col., ¶ 6;
`Overzet Dec. at ¶¶ 64-65 (Ex. 1036);
`12/3/2014 Kortshagen Dep. at 148:14-149:15 (Ex. 2010)


`Kudryavstev Teaches a Voltage Pulse Increases the
`Excitation Rate
`Korstagen Dec. at ¶ 81 (Ex. 1002); see also Decision on Institution at p. 17 (Paper No. 11)
`’759 Patent
`’759 Patent at 8:59-64, ¶ 6;
`Hartsough Dec. at ¶ 98
`Kudyravstev at p. 31, right col., ¶ 6;
`Overzet Dec. at ¶¶ 64-65 (Ex. 1036);
`12/3/2014 Kortshagen Dep. at 148:14-149:15 (Ex. 2010)


`Kudryavstev Teaches a Voltage Pulse Increases the
`Excitation Rate
`Q. What causes the increase in electron density?
`A. So according to Kudryavstev, which is a very insightful paper,
`in a pulse discharge electron density increases due to an increase
`in ionization, and this increase in ionization can be caused by an
`increase in stepwise ionization….
`The increase in stepwise ionization, according to Kudryavstev’s
`paper, is caused by an increase in the density of excited atoms.…
`The increase of the density of excited atoms is caused by an increase
`in the excitation rate of ground state atoms.
`Q. And what increases the excitation rate of ground state atoms?
`A. So the excitation rate of ground state atoms is mathematically
`defined as a rate coefficient, which depends on the electric field
`strength, so here the voltage pulse, and times the electron density
`times the density of ground state atoms.
`12/3/2014 Kortshagen Dep. at 148:14-149:15 (Ex. 2010) (Interposing Questions Omitted)


`Wang Discloses the Amplitude and Rise Time are
`Chosen to Increase the Excitation Rate
`• Claims 20 and 40
`Rise Time
`Wang at 7:19-22;
`see also Overzet Dec. at ¶ 66 (Ex. 1036)
`Wang at 7:65-8:1;
`see also Overzet Dec at ¶ 66 (Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶135 (Ex. 1002);
`2/11/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 181:9 – 12 (Ex. 1039)
`Wang, Fig. 7


`A Person of Skill Would Have Been Motivated to
`Combine Wang and Kudryavtsev
`• Increasing plasma
`density using
`voltage pulses
`Wang at 7:19-3; see also Reply at 7
`Kudryavtsev, Abstract


`Kudryavtsev’s Teaching is Generally Applicable Whenever
`a Field is Suddenly Applied to a Weakly Ionized Plasma
`Kudryavtsev at 34,
`see also Reply at 6-7, Overzet Dec. ¶55-56(Ex. 1036);
`Kortshagen Dec. at ¶¶ 140-141 (Ex. 1002)


`Summary of Zond’s Arguments against Combining
`Wang and Kudryavtsev
`Zond identifies only physical differences between Wang and Kudryavtsev
`in support of its arguments that they would not be combined:
`• Kudryavtsev uses a “flash tube” rather than a “magnetron sputter reactor”
`• “Kudryavtsev’s flash tube uses very different pressures than the sputtering
`devices of Wang…”
`• “Kudryavtsev’s system does not use magnets” while “Wang’s system includes
`a magnetron”
`“Wang and Kudryavtsev have very different reactor dimensions” in
`particular the gap size between electrodes
`• Location of voltage pulses are different
`See, e.g., Patent Owner Response at 22-32


`Zond’s Reliance on Physical Differences as Reasons
`Not To Combine Prior Art are Without Merit
`• Such alleged differences are inconsequential
`• Differences highlighted by Zond are routine variables
`• One skilled in the art would be able to apply teachings
`Overzet Dec. ¶57 (Ex. 1036)


`Disputes with Respect to Dependent Claims
`• Claims 2 and 3:
`‒ Whether Wang discloses a power supply that generates “a constant
`power” or “a constant voltage.”
`• Claim 6:
`‒ Whether Wang discloses choosing the rise time of a voltage pulse “to
`increase the ionization rate.”
`• Claims 44 and 49:
`‒ Whether Mozgrin thesis teaches a “rise time of a voltage pulse
`approximately between 0.01 and 100V/sec.”
`• Claims 9, 26, and 31:
`‒ Whether Wang teaches a “strongly ionized plasma is substantially
`uniform proximate to the sputtering target.”
`• Claim 22:
`‒ Whether Wang teaches “a substantially uniform electric field.”


`Disputes with Respect to Dependent Claims
`• Claim 30:
`‒ Whether Wang teaches “the strongly ionized plasma impacts the surface of
`the sputtering target in a substantially uniform manner.”
`• Claim 13:
`‒ Whether Wang in view of Kudryavtsev teaches choosing the volume between
`the cathode assembly and the anode “to increase the ionization rate.”
`• Claim 11:
`‒ Whether Li teaches “a temperature controller that controls the temperature
`of the substrate support.”
`• Claims 17 and 39:
`‒ Whether Müller-Horsche teaches an “ionization source comprising a UV source.”
`• Claims 38:
`‒ Whether Yamaguchi teaches “ionizing the feed gas comprises exposing the
`feed gas to an electrode that is adapted to emit electrons.”


`“constant power” and “constant voltage”
`Claims 2 and 3
`See Overzet Dec. ¶ 77 (Ex. 1036);
`see also Kortshagen Dec. at ¶¶ 153-154 (Ex. 1102)


`Choosing Rise Time
`Claim 6
`Wang at 7:65-8:1;
`see also Kortshagen Dec. at ¶¶ 135 (Ex. 1002);
`Overzet Dec. ¶¶ 66, 84 (Ex. 1036);
`2/11/2015 Hartsough Dep. At 181:9-12 (Ex. 1039);
`2/25/2015 Hartsough Dep. At 99:14-21 (Ex. 1038)
`Wang , Fig. 7


`Rise Time “between 0.01 and 100V/µsec”
`Claims 44 and 49
`Mozgrin Thesis at p. 42
`• Assuming fastest rise time (5µs) = 72V/µs;
`• Assuming slowest rise time (60µs) = 1.2V/µs
`See Kortshagen Dec. ¶ 100 (Ex. 1002)
`“Mozgrin’s rise time of 1.2V/µs to 72V/µs is for the
`purpose of transitioning from a low-density plasma
`to a high-density plasma, just like in Wang.”
`See Overzet Dec. ¶ 108 (Ex. 1036)
`Mozgrin Thesis, FIG. 3.2 (Ex. 1217)


`Substantially Uniform Plasma/Electric Field
`Claims 9, 22, 26, and 31
`Overzet, FIG. 2 (Ex. 1036)
`Wang, FIG. 1


`Impacting the Target in a Substantially Uniform Manner
`Claim 30
`Wang at 4:49-51
`Q. And the rotation of the magnet is performed to make a
`more uniform plasma near the target; right?
`A. … It makes a more uniform erosion of the target over
`2/19/2015 Hartsough Dep. At 129:23 – 130:7 (Ex. 1041) (interposing objection omitted) ;
`see also IPR2014-00782 Reply at 22-23;
`Overzet Dec. ¶¶ 95-97, 99 (Ex. 1036)


`Choosing the Volume Between the Cathode and Anode
`Claim 13
`• “A person of ordinary skill
`in the art reading Wang in
`light of Kudryavstev would
`not look to implement
`Kudryavstev’s anode and
`cathode geometry in
`Wang’s system”
`• “[I]t would have been
`obvious to a person of
`ordinary skill in the art to
`adjust Wang’s anode and
`cathode assembly to
`achieve the explosive
`ionization increase as
`taught by Kudryavstev.”
`See Overzet Dec. ¶¶ 89-90 (Ex. 1036);
`See also Kortshagen Dec. ¶ 164 (Ex. 1102)
`Kortshagen Dec. ¶ 81
`Kudryavstev at p. 31 (right col., ¶ 6)


`Controlling the Temperature of the Substrate Support
`Claim 11
`Q. Well, it was known in the
`art as of 2002 that you
`could control the
`temperature of a substrate
`holder in order to control
`the temperature of the
`substrate itself; right?
`A. Yes.
`2/25/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 97:12-16 (Ex. 1038)
`Li at p. 2334 (left col., ¶ 1)
`Li, FIG. 1 (Ex. 1020)


`UV Ionization Source
`Claims 17 and 39
`Muller-Horsche at 1:34-36 (Ex. 1021)
`“Muller-Horsche is very similar to Wang, in that it teaches a two-
`stage ionization process”
`Overzet Dec. ¶ 105 (Ex. 1036)
`Q. And using a UV source to ionize gas was well known in the art
`prior to 2002; correct?
`A. Yes.
`2/25/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 97:12-16 (Ex. 1038) (interposing objection omitted)


`Ionizing the Feed Gas with an Electrode That
`Emits Electrons
`Claim 38
`Q. Nonetheless, he’s teaching an electrode
`that’s adapted to emit electrons; correct?
`A. That is correct.
`* * *
`Q. Yeah, it’s the feed gas? …
`A. Yeah.
`Q. And this gas is exposed to this electrode;
`A. Well, it’s – yes, it’s exposed to the
`electrode, yeah.
`* * *
`Q. So it’s ionizing the feed gas; right?
`A. It’s producing ions of the feed gas.
`2/25/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 97:12-16
`(Ex. 1038) (interposing objection omitted)
`see also Yamaguchi at ¶ 27; Overzet Dec. at ¶ 102 (Ex. 1036)
`Yamaguchi, Fig. 1 (Ex, 1222)


`• All disputed claims of the ’759 patent are invalid.
`’759 Patent
`Prior Art
`781 Petition (IPR 2014-01047, IPR2014-00985, and IPR2014-00845 are joined with the 781)
`20, 21, 34, 36, 47
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Li
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Yamaguchi
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Müller-Horsche
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin Thesis
`782 Petition (IPR 2014-01059, IPR2014-00976, and IPR2014-00850 are joined with the 782)
`22-26, 28-31, 37, 46, 48
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`27, 32, 33, 50
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin
`1083 Petition (IPR2014-00988 is joined with the 1083)
`Wang + Kudryavtsev


`• All disputed claims of the ’759 patent are invalid.
`’759 Patent
`Prior Art
`1086 Petition (IPR2014-00981 is joined with the 1086)
`1, 4, 10, 12
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Li
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Müller-Horsche
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Kobayashi
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin Thesis
`1087 Petition (IPR2014-00984 is joined with the 1082)
`2, 3, 5-9, 13-15, 19,
`Wang + Kudryavtsev
`16, 45
`Wang + Kudryavtsev + Mozgrin


`Reserved Slides
`Reserved Slides


`The Problem of Arcing Was Well-Known
`Q. …The problem of arcing in sputtering systems was well
`known…; right?
`A. Arcing and magnetron sputtering in a particular -- or
`any -- any sputtering, actually, was well known
`since the 19- -- since sputtering, basically.
`2/12/2015 Hartsough Dep. at 83:1-8
`(Ex. 1040) (interposing objections omitted)


`Trial No. IPR2014-01083
`Petitioner’s Demonstrative Exhibits for Oral Argument
`Dated: June 3, 2015
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/s/ David. M. Tennant
`David M. Tennant
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner
`Registration No. 48,362


`Trial No. IPR2014-01083
`Petitioner’s Demonstrative Exhibits for Oral Argument
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), this is to certify that I caused to be served a
`true and correct copy of the foregoing “PETITIONER’S DEMONSTRATIVE
`EXHIBITS FOR ORAL ARGUMENT” as detailed below:
`Date of service June 3, 2015
`Manner of service Email:;
`Persons Served Bruce Barker
`Chao Hadidi Stark & Barker LLP
`176 East Mail Street, Suite 6
`Westborough, MA 01581
`Dr. Gregory J. Gonsalves
`2216 Beacon Lane
`Falls Church, Virginia 22043
`/s/ Anna Goodall
`Anna Goodall
`White & Case LLP
`3000 El Camino Real
`Five Palo Alto Square, 9th Floor
`Palo Alto, CA 94306
`Tel: (650) 213-0367

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