JUL-15-2014 13:13 From:
`,TOr' 4nr8 gr.18l
`AFa',.dft'(l'. t'o$ n0rm4 Oit066l&S
`u5 F.Afi -d tn&ort oft .i us.otrAtrltEtr of ori !E
`FOR RE6(Arrill{Anoil On Su ppr,EilErrAt
`EXAM ll{ATlOl{ AtrlD PAtEllT
`l. Fo*r? olAftotrav, Thts form mey be usad td chanSe the Po|er ofAttofrrcv In a rurramin.tlon ot
`supdcmcntal examina{on proceeding (or munipb plocecdinSS where maBad}. Thls form may rlso br uscd to
`cfungc the Povrer ot Atiornst in the patent file; in sudr a crse, a cooy of thlr form will bc pbcad in both the patcnt
`file and the ree)emination or stpdemental exrmination prc€acdlri8,
`A. Rlvoc.tioo of Pr.vious Porver of Attorney, I hereby revoke all previous p8tent ownel pow€R of rttornrv, if
`any, tivcn:
`S in thc above-identiffcd lc€xeminatbn or rupplemental eremingtion proc€cdin8 cohttol numbct(tl (more than
`onc may bc changcd only if thc Focc€dings
`rre merged).
`E In the tile qt the rbow-idlntifird prtcnt
`lchGcL Bolll lclEi if ch.ruc in SdTH th. pstcnt file end the t.3r.|trinalion or |t|pglemeht.l atamln lcn
`prccaadiht is rcqrBtrdl.
`g. D6i86ation of Porcl of Attorney.
`E A Pouar of Atornay b rubmittcd hercwith.
`and sclccted In sealon llAl, and to transact all budncst In the United Stetes Pat nt ahd
`Tradema* Offlca cdrhectcd thlrcwith:
`:'i[",3itr[,H5:ffi |*{
`['] | hereby appoht Prrctitioner(s) nrmrd bllow .s my/ouf rttorney(s) or €ont(s]
`to prcsecut! th. proceedinE(i)
`- id€ntifled abow, lnd to trans:ct rll businErr in the Unitad Stales Patem and Tndema* Officr tonneded
`Authoriration for the Fo$'cr of Attorney is provided by the shnetuft on pri! 2 of thit fgrm.
`rhrr ccllccuon of inlofln.doi L r.qolr.rt by 37 CFn 1.31, f,$, lrid 1.t3. irc Inlofinntion ir rcquirod to otLh or.rt|in. b$atlt bV tht guuk,
`wftlch tr f0 ltd{tc (and by th. T SPTO to prEirl th. tile ot r p.tert or rag|lnlns(on prorcldin!. Co.adlntirlitv b 3o'r..n.d bV 33 US.C. l2l
`rnd It Cfi t.t4 thF colfirNnn ir clttmrH ro trtr I r*r|,.! to cor$.t , inclrdrt &{|c|(& mt|rln&.nd $*cit|l[ dt cciFbtrd
`idMrtud Any.or nG s or thc.rnount ol tt yo! ..q*! to
`.p9$oti.n fo.m to drc tjslto.ltic willrdrt dcF.ndiq upor th€
`oo|tlCa& gb fqm fld/or i{tsrri'.r! tlr rd|frir|3 rttr hrd.r, $oou b. to drc Clraf htormotbt dfklr, uJ. P.Ent 8d lr.dr.|r.
`O{6G., US. D.prrt'rrnt d Ccinhrrca, PO,9or !lSO, AlcE{ti.. VA e2!1S1a5O. OO NOt lCXoll?5 Oi CO ngfED FOiMS IOIHE
`lO: co|rrirl$lenat ior &tt3, ?.O, 3cr LSO,
`VA All'-Laso.
`t you r(]ti o'ttislotre la coavkang aE Fnt cou tWPfO4199 ood Jrlfl op{it. 2.


`JUL-15-2014 1314 Fronu
`,fo/Ara/tr8 p7-Dl
`rt.l||aft.ut. irttrh 1tn0n0la. 018 66r{!s
`U,9, r,tllldlnattr*Oli.c u,i fitlmEfrccoitl aG
`t|||d.'6c rracrn f eodtlclc.lco, t996rolarrar*anrrq*rdt rlr9oidioaaal.Cirodffia o|t||{a,6ndrtbl.ardl6Oi'l!.d|nol t$at
`It. d|,n!r ol Coflcpondanc. Addrrli
`the conespofi&nca addrc$ for drc abo\rc-idcr itiad tlurminrtion or supplEmentrl
`Pleata roco$ire or chrng€
`arnmhation procsedint conttol numbe(tl {nort than one mry be chet{ed odv fthlv rrc m.rtrd proccldhtsl
`E Thc sddrcrs rrsoclrted wlth the ebove-ldcnuned qlstornct Nuflber,
`lJ Tho rddress associrtcd with lhe cuslom€r Numb€r
`n Fhm or
`u lndividual
`idcntlfhd In dl€ bor |t rl3ht:
`I Cmail
`pnocEEDtflG ooimor NuirsEnlsl MUgr BE fl{€ sAfrlE As T}lAl toR DIE PATEffi. sEE It CFi 1.33,
`I strt€
`tll, AtrthorEdon for Poucr of AttDnGt rnd llf cckrcdl Chr|tr of Coretponlhnce Addctt
`I Em thci
`E lrwentor, havlnS orncrthip of thc p.t nt bcing reenminod.
`37 cFf 3,?3lcl Fom Pto/NAf6) suNntttctt hetwtth ot Jtkrt on
`Si3nrturc of Invcntor or
`Prtlnt Owner
`thcm6lGl,|n -
`Tebihoire lgtagtlsrz
`Tida rnd
`President, Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc,
`!gt!: SitnrtJres of all ths inlento|t or prtcnt orrir|! of thr mffrc intet$t ot tfielr Gpr6€htatl\rcltl
`i9 requlr.d, 6uhnit multlplc forms, check the bo( below, lnd ldcntify the tqt.l
`rcqutrld. tf molc than ona ,Enatur€
`numbcr of formg subrnlfted In the bladk bclow.
`formt rru submittEd , t W tE d o&sistunce in .n,fi,dethlg th. lorm, coll 7&6
`E ntoot ot j
`PW9799 ond sclect optuh 2.
`lPar. 2 ol2l


`JtL-15-?14 1Q14 From:
`Ftod/tsep Drr.: Mardt 5. 2013
`grarErENT ultDER 37 cER 3.7rcl
`Adlcarulla erl onrcn -E$Ij:@
`AeFlcdon NoJPdcnt ro,, .!@]
`11d.d, Pley Gyns Btd Metto& of Opeeadng the Sane
`! corpq$on
`lGlctlft EDtqtd$s, hc.
`(lLn oa A..le|ir)
`Otpc ol Aa.ti.q Ge. rcaordhrr pdrrdrb, orni dt, ipn mrfl l.noy. *.1
`det6 rl.r. br dle pdcnl sdlodon/pd.nt u.rdil6d lboer, ft is (d!6! ![t ol oplib|r I, ?, I o. a n bfl)l
`r. E nc a:aOnee d rho .rdi3 ngfu dtl6, lnd htslst
`2. E An asslot6c ol lc$ $ar 0tc crilir! rtCtl dno, lnd Inlorlol (Ct * .tlb.dc bcx)l
`tL A.tdltond ffiG)
`U fu r:cut tUy porccnt{c) o, lt6 ownochb hbr€st b
`hold|U ur. bdlmc ol rh. Int rart EuLbt.llb!0frd b |ccounl lor I 0094 0f lh. om..8tdp Inlercr.
`by trc owncr
`Addfo{d 8t Lmilt(s) by the oyrm(s) ho6iry hc bd rc6 d Urc Intr'rt ql|l.!!trtDE[fd to am(rint tor fie enlrc
`do|rl tid., lrtd ldct6.
`3. E fta a$cnaa ol rn urdhrlt€d hb.ast h tre ondllv (i oompt6c $.brm|rr t!|rr onc c tho,oht hvonbrs wes mdg),
`The ofi.r
`oon lhc.ntire riohL tte. and Inbresl a|€:
`ihdJding ijtvar o|t, who
`by tho osne(s) l|oldn0 fis bCJs ot frc hb|ld
`to scoount lor $|e endre
`rl![|l, drlq &d ht |trl
`+, E nre nCCcnr, vi! r court Fdcacdhg or tho Sko (r.g,, benkn ptcy, probde). of ar t''( hlctart in tho q lW (a
`conFh. Inmfs of ownar$b int6re3l wa3 md!). Ihr crrtH docrrflrod(a) 3lrslng |he fenslbr b a.fiGd.
`fll3 inbrrd rtcdfisd in option 1, 2 ot g $dN. (not opoo.t 4) b sr,ldcr|c.d by eith€r (oho€e e[t ot optid|s A a I bcbtr):
`A, E An 8*ignmd trml lhc !v€nb(s) ol rhc p.Ld .proaftoD8lgnt ld.ntilltd lbova. tt Esignmrn res rerdad in
`tir Unmd $afi06 Pelent $d T h|l|'k Oflc. rt Hrcl ce
`o. ,or rhl$ e copf
`. fnme -L
`0rrcof b d.d.d.
`B, El A fth d tldc t cn thc hwmo(3), ot t|c p.r€nr apcicdonbrt?nr Mfu ebow, b [|o orncnt !!rlc|r. rr f6los:
`L Frdn:
`ln thc t rlt6d SaFa Pd.nt rnd Trarlc' Ofila al
`or lor l,fth a oogy lhdtof b at dted.
`Ttc do(l,|||ant nr5 rcco{dod in dE ttr'lid Sltca Pdant rd Tndlmr|l( Offos el
`or lor whiri e opf fi.Got b lildtad.
`q rdh r b||* b' b Ftac ltlCr b b * tJttt 0t ha llsPl! b
`l||.a|.Coi C l||artr.fcr b,qi.d bt 37 oFA t.?!Ol
`Tiit €lado.t L dt|t.b b d. ll ni r- bcciCa.' hdrm
`FC.) I| SIcdoG ocdddty b ootfiiat tt 151,.
`[[in r.fl*$ d trfiifE fi co.ndfad Won l.rtr| lo th. UAFIO Tln rl rtdT. ft rtcnth|hdlloC ce ktcqtrt|t| on lh..ntcrla
`ct rt rqtoDccrFaolo I-lcrn ritia&rFb,|!tt* burr|trt hdd !oac{ b h.oij llcrdoo(Itcr, ulE. tqcn J5Ttuonl|r
`(rit ., ars. oErnd d cl|trnw, lo. lor t€0, At@it , va llgltatd 0o l{or 8aD FEql ot cortttllD Fof,ll8 to n{E loohE88, llm
`fo: Omrlrlllr ior Plutb, p.O.ocr l4€iq |lsn|tl+ vA zlttllatlL
`f you tucd alr,hutrcc h conpkery ths hn n coV I A00.F|O-9199 and selac, optin ?,
`Ths doqimont was ?a€rdad
`Fr .
`2 Ffqr:


`JUL-15-414 1314 Front
`F Or t /* (0c14
`lD.orrd ts {. tll!|{h 0l At,Iol L Of€ 0051'(ntr
`U.g pfi!. rd Trdnd Ofioi U€' oCP FmImOt Col EnCE
`uid.r rh. tEMd. B.dodhr t t ., 1995'- n6 r|en6nr rrf, no*.d to rErd lo r aaactftn 0l hb|tnr$(tl Utlarc I dda!|t a t,|ld OIl8-qrtc-dllth.l!-
`3, Fttm:
`rl. F/on:
`5. F om:
`Thc document was rscodcd h tra Ur tad 6bbs Pdafit and Ttadqrark Off6e rt
`ot tor drdl t copy thcr€ol F a|bclHl.
`Th. (b.ume was Foofit€d
`in ha UnilC 6-t|ts! Pdcil rnat Tradema* Olfos al
`Fr|me ,.-.-------..-.- or lbr lrti('l 8 oogy lh*aot b atac+nd.
`Thc docume yuas rsofded in fio Udtod Strb3 Pltart rnd Tr.d€ma* Ofiii€
`or lor lhktt a @py thoteol i5 atta€hed.
`6. Frod:
`in the Unirsd Sl|tos Pelsnt at€ Tr(bmai( Oflice at
`Th6 doc mefi was ]€cod6d
`Rrcl _-.-
`Fr5me ---...-.-------. or lor which a copy lhel€of
`i8 anaohsd,
`n Addldonlldocumenb in the chah o, t'ue |le li8H qn . tuthmmi|t thGc(3).
`A3 roquired by 37 CFH 3,73(cxl)0), ttF doq'|trnt ry Evkl.rEa of |he chlin ol dd6 tro|Y| tha odehrloxnd to lhc
`erd$* rv|., a comrn€n{y
`i3 botre, sJbmimd bt t60oadsdon pursuent lo 37 cFH 3'1 'l ,
`ITOTE: A saparelg oopy (i-e., a truo copy ol thc orlginrl lrsignmcrt doormcn(s)) mu* be 3ubmltcd t0 AlElg|t|ld
`Dlvition In aclodrnce wih 37 CFR P.n 3, lo |tcod ft. e3dgnmcnl In lhe l€cortb of lhe USPfO. Seo MPEP 902.081
`suppled H$v) b auho.iz.d lo ast on botult ot thc asrigrce,
`Thomas Koltun
`Print€d o( Tlped Name
`lPao€ 2 ol 2l
`=z/o :
`f e or F€gicfdlon Nur$ct

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