/ f
`i 'More than a Quarter of aMillionEntries Based011 die FirstEdition of
`77w Random House Dictionary ofthe English Language
`' Over 2,000Illustrations and Spot Maps‘
`0 PlusSpecialized Supple1116111$


`Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
`Copyright © 1994 by Random House, Inc.
`All~ rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
`‘No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical,
`including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without per-
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`This edition produced by Random House Reference for Reading is Fun.
`This work was originally published in 1994 by Gramercy Books, an imprint of Random House Value
`Acknowledgments and Permissions
`The “Dictidnary of the English Language” section of- this book (Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged
`Dictionary of the English Language) is based on the first edition of The Random House Dictionary of
`the English Language, the Unabridged Edition, copyright © 1983’by Random House, Inc.
`A Manual of Style, copyright © 1986 by Crown Publishers, Inc. is excerpted and reprinted by arrange—
`ment with Crown Publishers, Inc.
`ISBN 0—375-42582-9
`2001 Reading is Fun Edition
`Printed and bound in the United States of America ,
`New York


`a well-6M0 person whose main
`cou’pon clip/per,
`coupon bonds.
`work consists of clipping and cashing coupons from
`courage (kllr/ij. kur/-). n. 1. lane quality of mind or
`spirit that enables one to face difficulty.
`anger, pain
`666.. with firmness and without fear; bravery. 2. Obs'
`the heart as the source of emotion. 3. have the couragé
`of one’s convictions, to act in accordance with one's he»
`liefs. es . in spite of criticism.
`[ME corage < OF, equiv
`to cuer ear: (< L cor) + -age 4&3]
`—Syn. 1. foarlessness. daunnlessness. intrepidity, (om-
`tude. pluck. s irilz, heroism, daring. audacity. hardwood
`refer to qualities of siplrig and conduct. Covnaoe DErmits
`one in face extreme angers and difficulties without. fear-
`to take (or lose) courage. anvenv impllos true couragé
`together with daring and an intrepid boldness: bravery
`in a battle. VALon implies convinuous. active bravery in
`the face of personal danger and a. noble and lofty quality
`of courage: valor throughout a campaign, valor in f‘gmng
`for the right. BRAVADO is now usua ly a boastful and
`ostentatious pretense of courage or
`bravery: empty
`eAnt. 1. cowardice.
`possessing or charac.
`cou-ra-geous (ks ri/jasl. adj,
`borizod by courage; brave: valiant: a coma eous rpm};
`the dictator.
`[ME wrageous < O
`(to comge COUHAGE + ~eus 45005:] wwouqalj
`genus-1y, adv. flan-ra/geous-ness. 1i.
`--Syn. See brave.
`country cousin
`Conn/try cons/in, a person from thc‘counbry.
`ko—oda pwau’). pl. cpups do
`coup de poing (Fr.
`whom the sights and activities of a large city are novel
`and bewildering.
`poing (Fr. (mode pwanl): Archaeol. a paleollthic tool
`or stone, held in the hand and havmg an axlike striking
`.(lausl. —d.’ins/), n.
`a dance
`, edge.
`< F: lit, blow from the fist)
`of rural English origin in which the dancers form circles
`coup ’es-saz (k6?)
`(ie se’), p1. coups d’es-sni
`or squares or in which they face each other in two rows.
`do sel). French. a first attempt.
`[lib.. (a) trial stroke]
`noun-trysfied (hun’tri lid/).adj. countriiied. —coun/-
`try-fied/ness, n.
`coup d’é-tat(ko_o/ ducal; Fr. luv; dam/l, pl. coups
`d’é‘tat (kn—02’ d5 trii’gF'r. k6?) d5. till).
`a sudden and
`coun-tryrfolk (kun/tre fold), n.
`1. people living or
`raised in the country; rustlcs.
`2. pmple from the same
`government illoga ly or by force.
`[< F: llt..stroko con~
`decisive act-ion in politics, esp. one effecting a change of
`called countrypeople.
`Corning the sgate]
`[coum‘m' + your]
`pl. coups do
`coup de- thesa-tre (1:66le
`to £15229).
`coun/try gen/neman,
`thé-fi-tre (kooda t5. aims).
`a. wealthy man living in his
`French. 1. a. surprising or
`country home or estate
`unexpected turn of events in a play. 2. a sensational
`counftry house/, a house. usually large and im-
`pressrve. on an esvate m the country.
`theatrical trick intended to
`ave a sensational effect.
`and unexpected burn in the Blot of a drama.
`3. any
`[lits stroke concerning the. theater]
`countryman (icon/ire man), 21.. pl. -men.
`1. a bar
`bive or inhabitant of onc's own country. 2. a native or
`coup d’oezl (km;
`dos/ya). pl. coups d’oeil (k6?) dozi-
`inhabitant of a particular region. 3. a person who lives
`ya). French. a quick glance. “it“ stroke of the eye]
`coupe! (room. 1:. 1. Also. coupe. a closed,
`in the country.
`[ME comre man. See conu'rnr. MAN’]
`—Syn. 1‘. compatriot. fellow citizen. 3. rustic. farmer.
`automobilo with a body shorter than that. of a sedan of
`peasant. —Ant. 1. foreigner.
`the same model. 2. coupé (dais. 1—3). [see courfi} ‘
`coun/try mile/,
`a long distance: He can hit a base-
`coupe2 (M3513). n. 1. ice cream or ice mixed or topped
`ball a country mile.
`with fruit, liqueur. whipped cream. etc. 2. a glass con-
`coun/try mil/sic, country—and—westeru.
`tainer for serving such a dessert. usually having a stem
`and a wide, deep bowl. 3. any rimless plate.
`[ME <
`coun-try~peo-ple (kun/cré pE/pal), n.
`[COUNTRY + morn-:3
`OF coupe < LL cuppm) cup]
`noun/try rockl,
`the rock surrounding and
`cou-pe (kw pal or. for 1, 5. kfip). n. 1. a short. four“-
`penetrated by mineral veins or igneous intrusions.
`wheeled. closed carriage. usually with a. single seat. for
`two passengers and with an outside seal; for the driver.
`coon-try'seat (lion/m? say), 7:. Brit. 3. country man—
`2. the end compartment in a European diligence or rail—
`_siou or estate, esp. one belonging to a distinguished
`road car. 8. Ballet. an intermediary step to transfer the
`family and large enough to accommodate house parties.
`cou~rant (ko‘ér/entfor 1; 15:23 rintl. Fr. ice—0 Ran/jar 2)
`ad). ‘1. Heraldry.~ (of an am a1) represented in the accof
`weight from one foot to the ulnar. 4. (in Continental
`hunt. meetings, etc.
`[covxrm’ + snurij
`running: a greyhound wurant. —n. 2. courantc.
`[< E;
`lit" running. rnasc. prp. of courir to run]
`heraldry) party per fess. 5. coupe1 (del. 1). Also. coupe
`country-side (kun/cré sid/). n. 1. a particular section
`(for dais. 1—3).
`[< F coupé, short for carrosse coupé Cut
`of a country. esp. a rural section. 2. its inhabitants.
`cou-rante (k6!) flint]; Fr. k6?) REM/L 12., pl. «antes
`[COUNTRY + swirl]
`(i.e.. shortened) coach; see cornea]
`(-rantsl; Fr. mam/L 1. an old-fashioned dance dating
`couped (ko‘opt). adj. Heraldry. 1. (of a charge) cut of!
`coun/try store’, a generalsvorc. esp. one that caters
`square so as not to touch the edge of the escutcheon: a
`no the tourists in a resort area.
`heel-{to the 17th century and characterized by a running
`or gliding sce . 2. a piece of music for or suited to this
`cross couped. 2. (of part of an animal) represented as
`dance. 3. ll usic. a movement following the allemande
`ooun’trywvalllah, Nani. Slang. a sailing ship hays
`cut off from the rest of the body with an even line: a
`in the classmal suite. Also, com-ant, corrente. [< MF-
`ing largely the appearanconud rig of a European vessel
`demi-h‘on amped. Cf. erased (def. 2).
`[< F coup (6’) cut
`lit., running. fem. prp. olwurir to run]
`but built in India by natives and manned. by native
`off (pop. of cougar) + 46132]
`Cour-bet (kids bel). n. Gumtave (gvs tsv’). 1819—77
`French painter.
`Coupe-tin (llama saw). u. Fran
`is (mas- swal).
`country—Wide (kun/trE wid’). adj. extending across
`("Couperin the Grand”), 16684733.
`y rench organist.
`Cour-be-voie (k673i: be mud), 71.
`the whole country: a country-wide martian. Also, coon/-
`:1 city in N France.
`harpsichordist. and composer.
`WNW of Paris. 59,941 (1962).
`Cou-pe-rus (koTJ pii/ras), 71. Lou-is (1073 6/). 18634923.
`Dutch novelist.
`coun-try-wom‘an (kuu/tré Winn/en). .n.. pl. -wom-
`cour d’hon-neur (urea do nma’) pl. cours d'hon.
`en. 1. a woman who is a. native or inhabitant. of one‘s
`(kd‘és d6 noon/J.
`the forecourt of a
`couple (imp/cl). m. a. -pled, ~pl‘mg.
`--n. l. a com—
`own counbry.
`2. a woman who lives in the country.
`bination of two; a pair. 2. two of the same sort con-
`castle. palace. government building. or the like.
`[late ME; see covm‘mr. WOMAN]
`court of honor]
`nected or considered together. 3. two persons of op-
`count'ship (kount/sfiip). 72. 1. the rank or position of
`cou-reur de bars (1465220211 da bwa/l. pl. cou-reuru
`posite sex considered together. as a married or engaged
`a count.
`the territory or jurisdiction of a. count.
`de hols (kc—o Hum da bwa/z. French.
`a French or
`painlovers. dance partners, etc: They make a handsome
`[comm2 + ems]
`French-Indian trapper of North America,
`couple. 4. .llach. a pair of equal, parallel forces acting in
`Canada. Elia. runner. hunter of (the) woods]
`opposite directions and tending to produce rotation.
`1. Us. an admin“
`coun-tyl (koun/LE). n., pl. -ties.
`istrative division of a Slate. 2. one of the chief adminis—
`5. Also called couplewlose. a pair of rafters connected
`count—er (kur/E ar, room), 71.
`1. a messenger. usually
`Lrative divxsions of a country or state. as in Great Britain ,
`traveling in haste. hearing urgent news. important re-
`by a tie beam or collar beam. 8. a leash for holding
`two hounds together.
`7. Fox Hunting.
`two hounds:
`ports. etc. 2. any means of carrying news. messages.
`of local administration, as in Canada and New ea and.
`and. regularly. 3. the conveyance usai by a courier. as
`25 hounds or 12% couple.
`8. a couple of, Informal.
`and ireland. 3. one of the larger divisionsvfor yzur oses
`4. the inhabitants of a county. 5. Obs. the domain of a.
`more than two, but. not many. of; a small number of:
`an airplane, ship. etc. 4. Chiefly Brit. 8. person hired by
`couns or earl.
`[ME counts <_ AF (MF comte) < L
`travelers to take charge of the arrangements of a jour-
`It will take a couple of days to get there. —.v.t. 9. to fasten.
`comitdflus) retinue, 1n LL; office of a. count. whence
`link. or associate together in a pair or pairs. 10. to join;
`connect. 11. yo unite inmarriaga or in sexual union.
`(60) run (< L currere) + dare £112; 1'.
`E comm < 0
`territory. .cquiv.
`to commit: (ptp. s. of
`ney. [< MF murmur < It corrierle). igniv. to corr(ere
`coreor < LL currilor runner]
`12. Radio. to Join or associate by means of a con ler.
`comitdri to o with. derxv. of comes companion) + -us 11.
`suffix (4th ocl.)]
`—m'. 18. to Join in a pair; unite. 14. to co ulaca. ME
`F courlan <
`courvlan (Ruhr/ion). n.
`the limpkin.
`coun-ty2 (koun/tQ. n. Obs. counvz.
`[< AF counts
`Carib; akin to Carib kurliri (Gahbi dial.)]
`< MF‘ < L copula a tie. bond. See cormorljJ
`-—Syn. 1. Sec pair.
`Cour-land (hour/land). n.
`a former duchy on the
`coux'rz; ~y, by confusion with cocn’rfl]
`1. IIe‘ralrlry. a narrow
`couple-close (imp/oi kiosl). n.
`Baltic: later. a province of Russia and. in 1918.
`chevron. one quarter the usual breadth.
`coun/ty algent, _U.S. a governmental official em-
`corporated into Latvia. Also, Kurland.
`2. couple
`loyed chiefly to advrse farmers on fanning and market-
`(def. 5).
`Cour-mind (frocrlnund.
`-nand;‘ Fr. ko‘oa pawl),
`ijng techniques and to promote educational programs
`fitted to the needs of rural people. Also cal
`ed agri-
`ecu/pied roofi, adouble‘picched roof having anarrow
`Andi-é Fré-dé-ric (in dual ma d5 nékl). born 1895.
`cultural agent.
`span and often depending upon the mass" of the walls
`U.S. phySJOIOgisb. born in France: Nobel prize for
`medicine 1956.
`rather than upon tie beams or collar beams to resist its
`outward thrust.
`coun/ty boardl, US. the governing body of a coun—
`ty consisting usually of shree or more elected members.
`course (kors.
`lrors), 11.. v.. coursed, coura-ing.
`cou~ple~ment (kup/al menu), n. Obs. the act or result
`coun/ty clerkl, U.S. an elective county official in
`1. advance or progression in a particular direction; on-
`ward movement. 2. a direction or route taken or to be
`of couplin v; union. [< MF; see couan. «MENTJ
`most Stoves who generally keeps records of property
`titles. distributes ballots. issues licenses, etc.
`taken. 3. the path. route, 01‘ channel along which any-
`cou-pler (ku llar). n. 1. one who or that which couples
`or links voget er. 2. a device in an organ or bar sichcrd
`thing moves: the course of a stream; the course of a ball.
`coun/lsy col/lege,
`(in England)
`a. parb~time con-
`4. the ground, water. etc. on which a race is run. sailed.
`for connecting keys. manuals. or a manual an pedals,
`tinuation school with compulsory attendance for boys
`and girls from 15 b0 18 years of age. created under the
`so that they are played together when one is played.
`the continuous passage or progress through
`3. Radio. a. device for transferring electrical encr
`. Education Act (1944).
`time or a succession of stages: in the course ofa year: m
`the course of a battle. 6. a customary manner of pro
`one circuit to another. as a transformer whic
`cedure; regular or natural order of 'ovcnts: as a mailer
`parts of a radio apparatus together by induction.
`coun/Ly commis/sioner, U.S. one of the members
`of a county board who administers the collection and dis~
`4. Much. a rod or link transmitting force and motion
`of course: the course of a disease.
`7. a mode of con-
`bursement of funds and other affairs of the. county.
`duct; behavior; 8. a particular. manner of proceeding:
`between a rotating part and a rotating or oscillating
`part. 5. (in color photography) a chemical that rooms
`coun/ty‘courtr, 1. (1.8. a. an administrative board
`Try another course of action. 9. a systematized or pre‘
`in counties in some States.
`b. a judicial tribunal in
`scribed series: a course of lectures; a course of medzcol
`with the developer to roauce one of the colors in aprint
`or transparency.
`180 calledcoupling. Railroads. a
`some Suites with jurisdiction extending over one or more
`treatments. 10. a program of instruction, as in a college
`or universit
`. 11. a prescribed number of instruction
`countries. 2. (in En land) a. the lowestrcwil tribunal.
`periods or c asses in a particular field of study.
`12. a
`devlige for joining pieces of rolling stock.
`[cournn +
`having limited Juris iction. mostly for the recovery of
`port of a meal served at one time: The main course was
`cou~plet (hop/lit). n.
`1. a pair of successive lines of
`steak. 18. Navig. a. the line along the earth’s surface upv
`small debts. b. (formerly) lghe assembly of local resr-
`dents who met poriodica ly in each countyunder the
`verse. esp. a pair that rhyme and are of the same length.
`presidency of the sheriff to transact the judicial and ad—
`on or over which a vessel. an aircraft. etc, proceeds: d?-
`2. a pair; couple. 3. Music. any of rho contrasting sec-
`ministrative busmess of the county.
`scribed by its bearing with relation to true or magnetic
`tions of a mode occurring between statements of the
`coun/t'y fairy,
`a competitive exhibition of
`refrain. [< MF; sce comma. —r:'r]
`1). Obs. a point of the compass. 14. Nqut. the
`products. livestock. etc. often held annually in the same
`lowermost. sail on a fully square-rigged mast: desagnabfid
`place in the county.
`cou‘pling (imp/ling). n.
`1. the act of one who or that
`by a special name. as forwail or mainsail. or by phe dean?
`which couples. 2. Mach. 3. a. device for Joining two ro—
`nation of the mast itself. as fore course or main course.
`tating shafts semipermanently at their ends so as Lo
`noun/1y farmf; a farm maintaindd for the poor by a
`-15. Building Trades. 8. continuous and usually hori-
`transmit. torque from one to the other. Cf. clutchl (def.
`a county poorhousc. Also called
`coun/ty homel,
`zontal ran 6 of bricks. stones. clapboards, shingles. 606-.
`12a). b. a part with an inside thread for connecting two
`as in a wa l or roof. 16. one of the pairs of strings on
`coon/my housel.
`an instrument of the lube family. tuned in unison or m
`pipes of the same diameter.
`c. a. fitting at the end of a
`cngth of hose into which the end of another such length
`octaves to increase the volume. 17. Knitting. the row 0f
`the ter-
`coun/ty pal/atineLpI. counties palatine.
`can be screwed or tilted.
`3- Railroads. coupler (def. 6).
`ritory under the jurisdiction of a count palatrne.
`stitches going across from side to side (opposed to 113018}
`, 4. Elect. a. the association of two circuits or systems in
`coun/ty Seat/3 the seat of government of a county.
`18. Often. courses. the menses. 19. achargo by knightsin a tournament.
`such a. way that power may be transferred from one to
`20. a pursuit of game With dogs by
`Also called coon/1y townl.
`the other.
`1:. a device or expedient to insure this. 5. a
`sight. rather than by scents.
`21. See
`olf course-
`coup‘ (kc—o). n.. pl. coups (kdoz; Fr. lam). a highly suc‘
`short. length of plumbing pipe havin each end threaded
`cessful sbmke. act. or move; a clever action or ac-
`22. Archaic. a race. 23. in due course, in the prove!
`on the inside. 6. the part of the b
`y between t-hc tops
`or natural order of events; eventually: They will 891
`< F: lit.” blow. stroke. OF 0011) < LL
`of the shoulder blades and the tops of the hip joints in a
`mlpmx). L colap 115 < Gk kolaphos]
`their comeuppance in due course. 24. of course, a- 031“
`dog, horse. etc. EME; see COUPLE. 4246‘]
`; definitely: Of course you are welcome. b, m the
`8011-9011 (hob/pan. kyo‘oh), n,
`l. a portion of a cer—
`usua or natural order of things: Extra services are
`side down; upset.
`--v.i. 2. to fall over; capsize; spi l.
`charged for, of course. —-v.t. 25.
`to run through or
`coup: (k6p.-l«Y)p). Scot. —v.t. 1. to turn (something) nin-
`tificate. ticket. label. advertisement. or the likehset off
`to chase; pursue.
`to hunt
`from the main body by dotted lines or the like to
`[ME coupe to pay for < Scand; of. Ice] kaupa to buy.
`emphasize its separability, entitling the holder to some—
`barter; c. OE céapian. G kmlfen, etc. See CHEAP]
`with dogs by sight rather than by scent. 28. to 681156
`thing, as a gift; or discount. or (cause as an order blank.
`coup de grace (knoll;3 gnasl). pl. coups de grace
`a contest entry form. etc.
`2. a separate certificaLe.
`(kfiyda gnasl). French. 1. a death blow, esp. one do-
`29. Alasonry.
`to ay (bricks. stones, etc.) in coursfi
`(dogs) to pursue ammo by sight rather than by scent.
`ticket. etc. for the same purpose. 3. one of a number
`livered mercifully to end suffering. 2. any finishing or
`—-v.i. 30.
`to follow a course; direct ono‘s course}
`of small certificates calling for periodical interest. pay—
`decisive stroke.
`(116.. blow of mercy]
`ments on a’ bond. Cf. coupon. bond.
`4. Afelall. a
`.31. to run. race, or moveflswifbly: The blood of ancient
`coup de mam koT)d‘3 man”). _pl. coups do main
`emperors courses ”non h
`is reins.
`32. to flake
`ko‘oda maul).
`tench. a surprise accack; a sudden
`sample of metal or metalwork submitted to a customer
`in a hunt; with houn s. a tilting match. etc-
`co(u)rs < OF < L canals) a running. course. 11. use 0
`or testing agency for approval. 5. Brit. Slang. a party
`flit” blow from the hand]
`pip. of currere to run]
`leader's official endorsement of a parliamentary candi—
`coup de mai-tre (ko‘oda me/tfia),pl.coupsdemai-tre
`—Syn. 1, 133. bearing. 3. way, road, track. passage"
`[< F. 0F colpon piece cut. off. equiv. to col
`(ko‘cda rue/ma). French. a master stroke.
`6. process. career. 8. method, mode. 15. row. 16”“
`é?) cut: (see corn!) + -on n. suffix] “con/pon-‘ess.
`coup de plume (ko‘ocla plYm’), pI.-coups de plume
`a literary attack; satire.
`ecu/non bond/,‘ 3. bond which paysinterest by means
`coursed (karsc. korst). adj. Masonry. (9r stoneworla
`flit... Slim 6 of the pen]
`laid in courses of more or less uniform height from on
`of coupons with specificcash values.
`to and; ranged.
`[courses + £93]
`dcriv.. derivative; equiv.. equivalent; imit.. imitatile;
`‘oozvcxsa E‘I‘YMOLOGY KEY: <. descended or derived from; >. whence; b.. blend of. blended
`m. modification of ; obL. oblique; r., replacing.- 5.. stem; SP." spelling; trans. translation; 7
`; c.. cognate with; ,
`. origin unknown. perhaps; *. hypothetical. See the full key inside the from C0" '

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