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`coun-tri-fied also counstry-fled (kun'nIAfid') adj; 1. Re
`several: a couple of days. 5. Plays. A pair Of for“,
`scmbling or having the characteristics of country life; rural.
`magnitude acting in parallel but opposite dircmoa‘
`2. Lacking sophistication.
`vpied. -pling. ~ples. — tr. 1. To link together; comm -
`coun'try (kun’tré) 71., pl. -trles. 1.3. A nation or state. b. The
`join as spouses; marry. b. To join in sexual union, 3
`territory of a nation or state; land. c. The people of a nation
`link (two circuits or currents) as by magnetic ind “-
`or state; populace. 2. The land of a person’s birth or citizcnv
`-intr. 1. To form pairs; join. 2. To unite sexually» u
`ship. 3. A region, territory, or large tract of land distinguish-
`-—adi. Informal. Two or {51.03%
`3. To join chemically.
`able by features of topography, biology, or culture. 4. A dis—
`' ME
`OFr. < lat. cripula, bond, pain]
`trict outside of cities and towns; a rural area. 5. Informal.
`Usage Note: When used to refer to two people Wha’
`Country music. ~adj. 1. Of, relating to, or typical of the
` tion socially as a unit, as in a married couple, the we“ "A
`country. 2. Of or relating to country music. [ME countre <
`may take either a singular or a plural verb, depc
`OFr. conrree < VLat. *(terra) conmita, (land) opposite, be-
`whether the members are considered individually o.
`fore < Lat. contri, opposite. Sec kom‘.]
`tively: The couple were married last week. Only one Cot:
`country and western n. See country music.
`was unaccounted for. When a pronoun follows, they a,
`country club 12. A suburban club for social and sports activities,
`are more common than it and its: The couple dead”
`usu. featuring a golf course.
`spend their (less commonly its) vacation in Italy , C;
`country cousin 7:. One whose ingenuousncss or rustic ways
`have sometimes maintained that a couple of is too i
`rnay bemuse or entertain city dwellers.
`be appropriate in formal writing. But the incxa
`coun-try-dance (kun'tré~dins’) n. A folk dance of English
`couple of may usefully suggest that the writer is indiffc
`origin in which two lines of dancers face each other.
`the precise number of items involved. The usage Sheila}?
`country gentleman :1. A man who owns a country estate.
`considered unobiectionable on all levels of style.
`k‘i‘ .
`coun-tryeman (kun'tré-man) n. l. A person from one’s own
`con-pier (kup’lar) n. 1. One that couples, esp. a day;

`country; a compatriot. 2. A native or an inhabitant of a par-
`coupling two railroad cars. 2. Mus. A device connenin
`ticular country. 3. A man who lives in the country.
`organ keyboards so that they may be played together,
`country mile n. Informal. A very great distance.
`ecu-plat (kup'lir) n. 1. A unit of verse consisting :1me
`country music n. Mus. Popular music based on the folk Style
`cessivc lines, usu. rhyming and having the same meter, 2%
`of the southern rural United States or on the music of cow.
`similar things; a pair. [th < OFr., dim. of couple, “Will”
`boys in the American West.

`coun-try-seat (kun'tréisér') n. An estate or mansion in the
`cou'pling (kupilliig) n. 1. The act of forming Couples, 2
`act of uniting sexually. 3. A device that links or so“,
`court-try~side (kun’tré-sid’) n. l. A rural region. 2. The in—
`4. Electron. Transfer of energy from one circuit to an
`habitants of a rural region.
`S. The body part of a four-footed animal that connms
`hindquarters to the forequarters.
`coun~try~wide (lion/tré-widl) adv.
`d— udi. Throughout a
`whole country; nationwide: a countnvwide search.
`cou~pon (ko'ofpr'in’, kyo‘oh) n. 1. A negotiable Cemflcak
`mun-try-wom-an (kfin’tré-Wofimlnn) n.
`'l. A woman from
`tached to a bond that represents a sum of human} ’
`onc‘s own country; a compatriot. 2. A woman from a par-
`2.21. One of a set of detachable certificates that may be
`ticular country. 3. A woman who lives in the country.
`off and redeemed as needed. b. A detachable part, as 3;
`coun-ty (koun’té) 72., pl. -ties. 1. An administrative subdivi—
`advertisement, that entitles the bearer to certain benefits,
`sion of a state in the United States. Z.a. A territorial division
`as a refund. c. A certificate accompanying a product {hat
`exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in
`be redeemed for a cash discount. (1. A printed form 10 lie
`Great Britain and Ireland. I). The territory under the jurisdic-
`as an order blank or for requestin information or Obtalri
`tion of a count or earl. 3. The people living in a county. [ME
`a discount. 3. A detachable slip cal ing for periodic pgymflz
`counte, territorial division < OFr. come, the territory of a
`as for merchandise bought on an installment plan. lFr. <0
`count < Mcd.Lat. cominitus < LLat., the office of count <
`colpon, piece cut off < colper, to cut < tolp, blow. Seem .
`Lac, retinue < comes, comir-, companion. See ei-‘.]
`cour-age (kur'ij, kart) n. The state or quality of mind
`— coun'ty adf.
`spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicxssirudcs
`county agent n. A government employee who serves as a con-
`sellvposscssion and resolution; bravery. [ME cowge < 0F:
`sultant and adviser in a chiefly rural county on such matters
`VLat. *cordticum < Lat. cor, heart. See kerd-‘J
`as agriculture, education, and home economics.
`cou-ra-geous (ks-ra'jas) adj. Having or Characterized
`county fair n. A fair usu. held every year in a county.-
`courage; valiant. See Syns at brave. —cou‘ra’ geous-ly
`county palatlne n., pl. counties palatlne. The domain of a
`—wu-ra'geous~ness n.
`count palatinc in England or Ireland.
`'l. A _l7th-century French d1
`cou-rante (ko‘o-réint’) n.
`county seat n. A town or city that is the administrative center
`characterized by running and #iding steps to an accomp
`of its county.
`mcnr in triple time. 2. Mus. The second movement of
`county town n. chiefly Britisb. A county seat.
`classiwl baroque suite. [Fm < fem. pnpart. of courir, to
`< OFr. courre < Lat. currere. See kers’J
`coun‘ty-wlde (koun’té-wid’) adv. d adi. Throughout
`Whole county: found at locations countywide. '
`Cour-an'tyne also Co-ranotUn (kfir’an—tin’, korI-l. A .
`coup (kc—o) n., pl. coups (ko'nz). 1. A brilliantly executed strat-
`rising in SE Guyana and flowing c. 724 km (450 mil to
`Atlantic Ocean.
`agem; a masterstroke. 2. A coup d‘état. [Fr., stroke < OFr.
`colp < LLat. colpus. See catch]
`Coursbet (ko‘oribzi’, rbé’), Gustave. 1819—77. French pzi
`coup de grace (ko‘o' da gras') n., pl. coups de grace. 1. A
`known for his realistic dcpicdon of everyday scenes.
`cour-gette (ROTH—2116!, ) n." Chic/7y Britt's/I. A zucchini
`deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded
`victim. 2. A finishing stroke or decisive event. [FL : coup,
`stroke + de, of + grace, mercy]
`dial., dim. of courge, gourd < OFr. cohourde < Let. our?
`coup do main (do man!) 71., pl. coups do main. A sudden
`coucrl~er (ko‘or'éor, kurl-, loirh) n. 1.a.'A messenger.
`action undertaken to surprise an enemy. [FL : coup, stroke,
`one on official diplomatic business. I). A spy carrying <
`blow + dc, of + main, hand]
`information. 2.3. A personal attendant hired to ma c
`Coup d'é-tat (dé-tii’) 11., pl. coups d'état or coup d‘étafs (da-
`rangements for a journey. b. An employee of a travel age:
`serving as a guide for tourists. [FL courrier < OFI. < O
`t'a'.’ ). The sudden overthrow of‘a government by a usu. small
`corriere < coriere, to run < Lat. currere. See kers-‘.l
`group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.
`[FL : coup, blow, stroke + dc, of + état, state]
`Gout-Ian (koor'lan) n. See limpkln. [Fr., perh. alteration .
`coup de thé-z‘i Itrc (do ti—a" tro) n., pl. coups de tnéétre. 1. A
`courliri < Galibi kurlirij
`sudden. dramatic turn of events in a play. 2. An unexpected
`Cour-land also Kur'land (ko'or’land). A historical regiond
`Latvia between the Baltic Sea and the Western Dvina K
`and sensational event, esp. one that reverses or negates a sit-
`uation. [Fe : coup, stroke + dc, of + t/Je’zizre, theater.)
`course (kors, 1:615)
`in 1. Onward movement in a part»
`coup d'Oell (doe/ya) 71., pl. coups detail. A quick survey; a
`direction; progress. 2. The direction of continuing move .
`glance. (Fr.
`: coup, stroke + de, of + cell, eye.]
`3. The route or path taken by something, such as a 56'
`coupe‘ (ko’op) it. 1.21. A dessert of ice cream or fruitvflavored
`that moves. See Syns at way. 4. Movement in time; dumtr .
`ice, garnished andscrved in a special dessert glass. b. The
`5. Sports. A designated area of land or water on which a y'
`stemmed glass in which a coupe is served. 2. A shallow bowl—
`is held or a sport played. 6. A mode of action or bebaj— .
`shaped dessert dish. [Ft., cup < LLat. cuppa.]
`7. A typical or natural manner of proceeding or develo
`coupe2 (ko’op) n. Var. of coupé 2.
`customary passage. 8. A systematic or orderly succession
`COU‘pé (k&)-p5') n. 1. A closed four-wheel carriage with two
`sequence. 9. A continuous layer of building material, sud
`seats inside and one outside. 2. Also coupe (kc-op). A closed
`brick on a wall or roof of a building. 10.3. A complete .
`of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum. b. A ‘
`two-door automobile. [Fr < ppart. of couper, to cut < coup,
`blow. See com]
`such a curriculum. 11. A part of a meal served as a unit at
`Cou-pe-rln (ko'o—pa-rawl, ko‘op-raul), Francois. 16684733.
`time. 12. Nam. The lowest sail on a mast of a squat?
`French composer who was court organist to Louis XIV.
`ship. 13. A point on the compass, esp. the one toward w
`cou-ple (kup'al) n. 1. Two items of the same kind; a pair.
`a ship is sailing. «u. coursed. cours-lng. scours-es -'
`2. Something that joins or connects two things together; a
`1. To move swiftly through or over; traverse. 2.3. To h”;
`(game) with hounds. b. To set (bounds) to chase g
`link. 3. (used with a sing. or pl. :1.) a. Two people united, as
`course '.
`by marriage. b. Two people together. 4. Informal. A few;
`Slalom skicoursc
`— intv. 1. To proceed or move swiftly along a specified colt" '

`) .
`Gustave Courbet

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