`Noah Webster
`Metrics EX1016, Page 1
`Metrics EX1016, Page 1

`Second Edition
`Copyright © 1979 by Simon & Schuster. a Division of Gulf & Western Corporation
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`Published by New World Dictionaries/Simon and Schuster
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`ISBN D—671—41819-X
`Previous editions of this book were pub-
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`and William Collins Publishers, Inc.
`Metrics EX10‘l6, Page 2
`Metrics EX1016, Page 2

`Ophi.u’, api. a division of the Ophiuroi
`dee, including those species which have tin
`branched arms, as contrasted with the Eury
`alex, which have branching arms.
`o.phiU’rid, a. an ophiuran.
`O.p U hi’rl.dae, n.pi. a division of the Ophiuros-
`o-phi-U’roid, a. one of the Ophiuroidea; an
`O"phi.U.rol’de.ª, api. [Gr. ophis, a serpent,
`aura, a tail, and eidos, form.] a class of echino-
`oph’ryon, a. [LL., from Gr. ophrys, eyebrow.]
`in anatomy, the middle point of the trans-
`verse supraorbital line.
`sis , a. spasm of the eyebrow.
`oph(cid:149)thal-mal’i-Æ, a. [Gr. ophthairnos, the eye,
`and aigos, pain.] in pathology, pain in the eye.
`[Gr., from ophlhalmos, the
`ophthal’mi-(cid:224), a.
`eye, from a root op, signifying to see, akin to
`L. oc in oculus.] severe inflammation of the
`eyeball or of the conjunctiva.
`varicose ophthalmia; a variety of ophthalmia
`with varicosity of the veins of the conjunctiva.
`oph"thal-rni-at’rics, a. [Gr. ophthalasos, the
`eye, and salresa, treatment.] the treatment of
`eye diseases.
`oph.thal’mic, a. 1. of or relating to the eyes.
`2. pertaining to or suffering from ophthal-
`oph-thal’mite, a. in the Crustacea, the jointed
`segment which supports the compound eye,
`projecting from the surface of the head; an
`’l(cid:231), a. pertaining to an ophthal-
`oph-thalmi’tis, a. [Gr. ophthalmos, the eye,
`and -ills.] inflammation of the eye; ophthal-
`ophthal’mo-, [from Gr. ophthainsos, the eye.]
`a combining form meaning the eye or eyes, as
`in ophthalmoscope: also, before a vowel,
`oph-thalmo(cid:149)blen.norrhº’ª, oph.thal.m&
`blen-nor-rhoe’(cid:224), n. [ophlhalmo-, and Gr.
`blenna, mucus, and rhoia, flow.] gonorrheal
`or purulent ophthalmia.
`oph.thal’mo-cele, a. [ophlhalnso-, and Gr.
`hue, tumor.] exophthalmia.
`oph.thal-m6-co’pi.(cid:226), a.
`[ophthalmo-, and Gr.
`kopos, weariness.] asthenopia, or eyestrain;
`fatigue of the eyes.
`oph.thal"mo-des.mi’tjs, n. [ophthalmo-, and
`Or. desinos, ligament, and -ills.] inflammation
`of the ocular tendons.
`oph-thal-m(cid:246)-di-ª-stim’e.tŒr, a. [ophihaimo-,
`and Gr. djaslima, interval, and metron, meas-
`ure.] an instrument for determining the
`proper distance at which to place lenses for
`the eyes.
`’e.tgr, a. an instru-
`ment for determining the near point of con-
`ophthal-modyn’lª, a. [ophthaimo-, and Gr.
`odynl, pain.] pain in the eye.
`oph-tl-ial-mog’rÆphy, a. a description of the
`oph.’ic, a. ophthalmological.
`’ic-(cid:224)l, a. pertaining to oph-
`oph.thal-mol’, a. a specialist in ophthal-
`oph.thal.mol’, is. [ophihalmo- and -logy.]
`the branch of medicine dealing with the
`structure, functions, and diseases of the eye.
`’e-ter, a. [ophthalmo-, and Gr.
`metron, measure.] an instrument for measur-
`ing the eye; especially, one for determining
`its refractive powers and defects by measur-
`ing the size of the images reflected from the
`cornea and lens.
`oph’thalmom’e.try, a. determination of the
`refractive powers and defects of the eye.
`oph-thal’m(cid:246)-phore, a.
`[ophthalmo-, and Or.
`-phoros, from pherein, to bear.] that section
`of the head of a gastropod in which the eye is
`ophthal.moph’(cid:246).rous, a. pertaining to an
`ophthalmoph.thi’sis, is. [ophihalmo-, and
`Or. phthisis, a wasting away.] shriveling of
`the eyeball,
`’i-ª, a. [ophihaimo-, and Gr.
`piegC, a stroke.] paralysis of the eye muscles.
`1254 (cid:9)
`a. of or relating to the Ophiuroi-
`a. same as ophthal-
`. (cid:9)
`sbus I4Gc
`oph’thal’mo.scope, a. [ophihalmo-, and Gr.
`skopesn, to view.] an
`instrument used to ex-
`amine the interior of (cid:9)
`the eye: it consists of a (cid:9)
`perforated mirror ar- (cid:9)
`ranged to reflect light (cid:9)
`f rom a small bulb into (cid:9)
`the eye. (cid:9)
`oph- thalm(cid:246).scop’ic,a. (cid:9)
`relating to the-ophthal-
`moscope or to the use
`of it. -
`ophthalmos’, a.
`[ophihaimo-, and Or.
`skopein, to view.] (cid:9)
`1. a branch of phys- (cid:9)
`sognomy which de.. (cid:9)
`duces the knowledge
`of a person’s temper (cid:9)
`and manner from the
`appearance of the eyes. [Rare.]
`2. the examination of the interior of the eye
`with the ophthalmoscope.
`n. [ophthalmo-, and Or.
`stabs, from hislanai, to make to stand.] an
`instrument for holding the eye steady during
`oph.thal’my, a. same as ophthalmia.
`[Gr. -opia, from ops, opos, an eye.] a
`combining form meaning a (specified kind of)
`eye defect, as in diplopia: also -opy.
`a. pertaining to or obtained from
`opium; as, oianic acid.
`(cid:246)’pi-Æ.nlne, (cid:246)’pi(cid:226)nin, is.
`an alkaloid found
`in opium.
`(cid:246)’pi-(cid:224).nyl, a. same as meconia.
`opi-ate, a. [from opium.]
`1. any medicine that contains opium or any
`of its derivatives, and acting as a sedative and
`2. that which induces rest or inaction; that
`which quiets uneasiness.
`They chose atheism as an opiate.(cid:151)Bentley.
`(cid:246)’pl.flte, a. 1. containing opium.
`2. inducingsleep; soporiferous; somnifer-
`ous; narcotic; causing rest or inaction.
`o’pi-ate, v.1.; opiated, p1., pp.; opiating, ppr.
`1. to treat with an opiate. [Rare.]
`2. to dull; to deaden. [Rare.]
`(cid:246)’pi.ª.ted, a. mixed with opiates; under the
`influence of opiates.
`(cid:246)’pie, a. opium or a drug which contains
`opium. [Obs.]
`op’i-fice, a. workmanship. [Obs.]
`(cid:246) , a. one who performs any work.
`- [Ohs.]
`’(cid:226)-ble, a. capable of being opined,
`i-ng’tion, a. the act of thinking; opinion.
`o.pina.tive, a. stubborn in opinion; opinion-
`ated. [Obs.]
` , ads, in an opinative manner.
`op’i.nh.t(cid:246)r, n. one who holds an opinion. [Ohs.]
`opine’, vi. and v.1.; opined, pi., pp.; opining,
`ppr. [Fr. opiaer; L. opinars, to think.] to
`think; to suppose; to hold or express (an
`opinion): now usually humorous.
`’Or, a. one who thinks or holds an opin-
`’tr, a. [Fr. opiaidtre.] unduly at-
`tached to one’s own opinion, or stubborn in
`adhering to it. [Obs.]
`, a. same as opiaiasber. [Obs.]
`’i.te, v.1. to express one’s opinion. [Ohs.]
`’i-h-ted, a. unduly attached to one’s own
`opinions. [Ohs.]
`’i-a.tive, a. opinionative. [Now Rare.]
`’, adv. in an opiniative manner.
`o.pini.a.tive.ness, a. undue stubborness in
`opinion. [Now Rare.]
`o-pin’i-.tor, O-pin’i-h-tre
`(-thr), n. one
`unduly attached to his own opinion. [Ohs.
`’tre, a. opiniaster; obstinate. [Ohs.
`’re.ty, a. opiniativeness. [Ohs.]
`’i-cus, n. [probably from L. opiisari, to
`think; hence, imaginative.] a
`fictitious beast of heraldic crea-
`, represented as having the
`body of a lion, the head and
`wings of an eagle, and a short
`tail resembling that of the ca-
`6-pinfing, a. opinion notion.
`’iOn (-yun), a. (ME. opus-
`soun; OFr.; L. opinio, from (cid:9)
`opinari, to think.]
`1. a belief not based on absolute certainty
`or positive knowledge but on what seems true,
`valid, or probable to one’s own mind; what
`one thinks; judgment.
`2. an evaluation, impression, or estimation
`of the quality or worth of a person or thing.
`3. the formal judgment of an expert on a
`matter in which his advice is sought.
`4. in law, the formal statement by a judge,
`etc. of the law bearing on a case.
`5. opinionativeness; conceitedness; obsti-
`nacy in a belief. [Ohs.]
`Syn.(cid:151)notion, sentiment, conception, idea,
`estimation, belief.
`’iOn, v.1. to think. [Obs.]
`’iOn.(cid:226).ble, a. admitting of opinion; capa-
`ble of different views and beliefs; open to dis-
`cussion: opposed to dogmatic.
`a. same as opinionated.
`’iOn-.ted, a. holding unreasonably or
`obstinately to one’s own opinions.
`Syn.(cid:151)stubborn, dogmatic.
`’i(cid:246), ads, obstinately.
`O.piniOn.ª.ti8t, a. an opinionated person.
`’iOn.(cid:226).tive, a. 1. opinionated.
`2. of the nature of an opinion; consisting in
`(cid:246). pjn i(cid:246)n .a. tive’ly, ads, with undue fondness
`for one’s own opinions; stubbornly.
` ion .a. tiveness, a. excessive attachment
`to one’s own opinions; obstinacy in opinion.
`’ion.a’tor, a. one who is opinionated.
`’iOned, a. attached to particular opin-
`ions; opinionated. [Rare.]
`’, n. one fond of his own notions;
`one unduly attached to his own opinions.
`o.pi.oph’a.glm, a. [opium, and Or. phagein,
`to eat.] the habitual use or eating of opium.
`o.pi.oph’, n. opiophagism.
`O-plp’Æ-rous, a. sumptuous. [Ohs.]
`Opip’ª, ads, sumptuously; abundant-
`ly. [Ohs.]
`op.i-som’e.tŒr, a. [Gr. opiso, backward, and
`metroa, measure.] a device for measuring the
`length of a line that is curved or irregular, as
`the lines upon a map, by means of a thin
`wheel mounted upon a threaded axle and
`rolled along the line to be measured, and
`afterward rolled backwards along a straight,
`scaled line until it has returned to its original
`O.pis’thl-on, a. [Or., hinder part,] the mid-
`point of the lower border of the foramen mag-
`O.pis’tho-, o.pss’th-, [Gr. opssthen, behind.]
`combining forms meaning behind.
`O-pis’tho-brafsgh, is. [opisbho-, and Or. bran-
`chia, gills.] a mollusk belonging to the Opis-
`O.pis.tho.braiichi-a’ta, O-pisthO-brafi’chi.
`a, a large order of gastropods usually
`having the gills located behind the region of
`the heart.
`o.pis-tho.bran’chi-ate, a. pertaining to the
`o.pisthObran’(cid:231)hi(cid:228)te, a.
`branchiala. (cid:9)
`’ll.n, opis.tho.coe’lous,
`[opislho-, and Or. koibos, hollow.] in anatomy,
`concave behind; specifically, designating ver-
`tebrae that are hollow on the posterior side,
`or animals having such vertebrae, as in the
`saurians of the suborder Opisthocceisa.
`o.pis’tho-dome, a. same as opisihodomos.
`opis.thod’Omos, a. [opistho-, and Or. domes,
`house.] in architecture, the same as the Ro-
`man posticum, being the enclosed space in the
`rear of a Greek temple.
`O.pls’tho.dont, a. [opistho-, and Or. odous,
`odonbos, tooth.] having back teeth only.
`O-pistho-glyph’l-a, apt. [opislho-, and Gr.
`giuphein, to carve.] a division of snakes that
`have grooves in some of the posterior maxil-
`lary teeth.
`oplsthoglyph’ic, a. I. pertaining or belong-
`ing to the Opisbhogiyphsa.
`2. having grooves in the back teeth.
`’na.thous, a. [opisbho-, and Or. gna-
`ihos, jaw.] having receding jaws: opposed to
`o.pis’tho.graph, a. [opislho-, and Or. graphein,
`to write.] something that has had writing in-
`scribed upon both sides, as a monument,
`manuscript, slab, etc.
`’raphy, a. [opisbho-, and Or. graph-
`em, to write.] a writing on the opposite side
`of what has already been written on, as a leaf
`or sheet.
`one of the Opistho-
`fate, far, fkst, f411, final, care, at; mete, prey, her, met; pine, marine, bird, pin; note, mOve, f9r, atom, not; mQQn, book;
`Metrics EX1016, Page 3

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