`Interoffice Memorandum
`Jerry Huller
`March 13, 19
`. ~ Pt,iEL
`Subject: D
`estineer eq u~y CENTER
`l. An update to the Destineer Fwtctional Requirements Database (FRD) is now available. The
`update incorporates most of the changes discussed at the Requirements Review held in
`January. A few are still being worked on.
`• Remember that the new features may require that new transactions be identified and
`2. I incorporated all inputs I had as of last Friday, and I generated the file "nocreq5 .mdb." I also
`included proposed new requirements which are described in four memos dating from
`February 20 to March 9; their requirement ID starts with "aa-", to facilitate review.
`3. A copy of the report of open requirements is attached. There are 594 outstanding
`requirements, counting 13 proposed new ones. Request that you review the report and
`identify any changes which are needed by April 28. If necessary, we wiJl hold another
`technical session to update the FRO.
`4. A copy of the latest version of the Functionality Matrix is also attached. It needs to be
`updated to reflect the changes in the FRO, particularly for release 1.0 (e.g., add SkyNews and
`SkyQuotes capabilities).
`5. The above files are available on softcopy to ATC personnel.
`• The FRD is on the ATC network in ATC_DATA\RQMTS\nocreq5.mdb (Microsoft
`Access format)
`• The Functionality Matrix is on the ATC network in ATC_DATA\RQMTS\rel06j.xls
`(Microsoft Excel format)
`6. The FRD is available to CEI and SAE personnel in the xfer directory on Puma.
`Attaclunents (2)
`Distribution: Ed Chwieseni
`Bruce Deer
`Stephen Oshinsky /
`Roger Dauzat (SAE) - without attachments
`Paill Keegan <SAE) - without attachments
`Gar SpretZ (CBI)- without attachments
`Jeff Nielson - without attachments
`Dinesh Sheth
`NWN Functional Requirements
`Open Requirements
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtl'l Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`- - - - - - - - - -
`Assigned To:
`ID: aa-ack-broadcast-msg
`Brief Description: Provide the capability to send delivery & read acks to certain broadcasts.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to send delivery acknowledgement and a read acknowledgement of certain
`broadcast messages. The system will also provide the capability to limit the size of groups which have the
`acknowledgement features.
`Counter: I
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Issues: No
`Assigned To:
`ID: aa-ack-to-msg-reply
`Brief Description: Provide the capability to send delivery & read acks to a msg reply.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to send delivery acknowledgement and read acknowledgement ofa reply. For
`example, if you send me an MCR message, and I send you an MCR reply back, then I will receive delivery and/or
`read acknowledgement that you have gotten my reply.
`Counter: 2
`The ack may be provided to a PMU, PC terminal, fax machine, or voice mailbox.
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-broadcast-mcr
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Provide the capability to send broadcast MCR msgs.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to send broadcast Multiple Choice Response (MCR) messages.
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Counter: 3
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-broadcast-news
`Brief Description: Provide Skynews.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to distribute Sky News. This is an existing UMS feature needed for Destineer.
`Issues Description:
`Source: UMS
`Assigned To:
`Counter: 4
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-broadcast-quotes
`Brief Description: Provide SkyQuotes
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to distribute SkyQuotes for 1-4 stocks twice each business day. This is an
`existing UMS feature needed for Destineer.
`Assigned To:
`Counter: 5
`Issues Description:
`Source: UMS
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-confirm-mcr-choice
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Check for confirmation before sending MCR choice.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability for a user to confirm an MCR choice before sending the MCR response.
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-jh
`Counter: 6
`Issues: No
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: aa-customer-individual-enable-dis Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Authorize individual turn on/off of acks.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability for a customer to authorize associated subscribers to individually enable and
`disable delivery and read acknowledgments.
`Counter: 7
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Issues: No
`Assigned To:
`ID: aa-disable-pmu-acks
`Brief Description: Provide capability to disable delivey & read acks for PMU.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability for a subscriber to disable delivery and read acknowledgments for a PMU
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Counter: 8
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-log-msgs
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Store a log of all outgoing messages.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to store a log of all messages sent by a subscriber. This is essentially an
`autocopy of all message sent out.
`Counter: 9
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-mt-trouble-ticket-send
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Provide the capability to send trouble ticket bewteen MTs.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to send a trouble ticket from one Master Terminal to another. Destineer shall
`provide the capability for the operator to attach a text or voice message to the trouble ticket
`Counter: 10
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-mg
`Issues: No
`ID: aa-multi-response
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Can respond with MCR and canned response.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability for a subscriber to respond to a Multiple Choice Response (MCR) message with
`an MCR response and with a canned response. which may be initiated at different times.
`Counter: 11
`Scenario: a caller leaves the following MCR message for PIN 9999999: "What's the status of the proposal? a)
`accepted b) rejected". The recipient sends the !st response from the canned message list: "Will get back to you". At
`some time later, the recipient sends the 2nd response from the MCR list: "accepted". [Source: Stephen]
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Issues: No
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: aa-originate-canned-msg
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Provide capability to send canned message to NOC.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability for a subscriber to originate sending a canned message addressed to the NOC.
`The objective is to offer advanced information/transaction service with a simple Tango type PMU device.
`Counter: 12
`A customer subscribes to "special services and option" from Destineer. His/her NOC record is configured with this
`new option. A special set of CANNED MESSAGES is loaded into the PMU. The subscriber can send any of these
`special canned messages to the NOC without first receiving a message from the NOC, i.e., the subscriber can originate
`a canned message to the NOC. This canned message is addressed to the NOC, which analyzes the message and takes
`appropriate action on that message.
`- Example I: Canned message "IO" for a subscriber is defined as "send local weather information now." When the
`PMU sends canned message I 0 to the NOC, the NOC will get the weather information from the information service
`provider and send it to the subscriber PMU.
`-Example 2: Canned Message "17" for a subscriber is defined as "call home (601-123-4567) and deliver a voice
`message that 'I will be late'." When the PMU sends this message to the NOC, the NOC will call the home number and
`deliver the recorded message "I will be late."
`In this implementation a simple PMU will have up to 128 canned messages that can be used for these type of
`applications. By implementing this functions with simple PMU, we move into advanced functionality (kind of agent
`service) without waiting on an advanced PMU.
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-bp
`Issues: No
`Assigned To:
`ID: aa-real-time-track-msgs
`Brief Description: Provide real-time tracking of certain subscriber actions.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide real-time tracking of the following items, considered as a single subscriber transaction:
`- message entry,
`- messages sent (and attempts),
`- message acknowledgments and replies,
`- attempts to check on acknowledgments and replies.
`Counter: 13
`Issues Description:
`Source: mtel-smo
`Issues: No
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - - - - - ·-------------------_. ....... ·----------·-···------------·
`ID: access-db-people
`Assigned To:
`Counter: 14
`Brief Description: Restrict access to authorized people
`Detailed Description: Data services shall make data available only to authorized persons as defined by the System Operator.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-, SRl-, SRl-5.4.4
`Data Management
`Security Management
`ID: access-db-processes
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Restrict access to data to authorized processes
`Detailed Description: Data shall be accessible only to authorized processes as defined by the System Operator.
`Issues Description:
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-
`Counter: 15
`Data Management
`Security Management
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: access-delinquent-accts
`Assigned To: SAE/CEI
`Brief Description: Denial of service to subscribers whose accounts are delinquent
`Detailed Description: The system shall deny service to subscribers whose accounts are not current.
`Issues Description: This may be based on billing data or flags in the subscriber profile.
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.4.b-l
`Counter: 16
`Application Message Transfer
`Business Support System Interface
`Character User Interface
`Core Messaging
`Data Management
`Fax Message ·:·ransfer
`Interactive Voice Response User Interface
`RF Message Transfer
`· - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - -
`ID: access-files
`Counter: 17
`Assigned To: SAE/CEI
`Brief Description: Use OS security for file access
`Detailed Description: The system shall make use of operating system provided file access permissions as one of its security mechanisms.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.4.a-2, SRl-
`Master Terminal
`ID: adhoc-distribution-list
`Brief Description: Adhoc distribution lists
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability for non-subscribers and subscribers to create "on-the-fly" temporary distribution
`lists. The system shall be able to process temporary distribution lists.
`Assigned To: SAE/CE!
`Counter: 18
`Issues Description:
`Source: cei-jdg
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.3.3.g
`Destineer Access for Mac
`Interactive Voice Response User Interface
`MHS Mail Transfer
`ID: agent-msg-transport
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Transport an agent message to and from a PMU.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to transport an agent message to a PMU or from a PMU.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: CET RR 1/25/95
`Counter: 19
`Application Message Transfer
`Core Messaging
`Data Management
`Messaging Application Programming Interface
`RF Message Transfer
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`Assigned To:
`ID: alarm-hr
`Brief Description: Report 5 alarms for BRs.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to report the following Base Receiver alarm conditions:
`Counter: 20
`I) Receiver failure (loss of injection, etc.). This alarm sahll latch until reset remotely.
`2) Cabinet intrustion. This info will give NOC personnel knowledge of the time a door was opened and again when
`the door is closed.
`3) Loss of AC power (input from UPS). A change of state must be reported.
`4) Alarm on reset. Each CPU reset shall cause an alarm to be generated.
`5) Lack of forward channel sync time-out. Each change of state shall be reported. As a design goal, an adjustable time
`out period is needed, for example, I 0 seconds, I minute, 5 minutes, I hour.
`Source document: Destineer Interoffice Memo, Neal Smith, subject: Alarm Functionality, dated January 12, 1995.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: CET RR 1/25/95
`Integrated Network Management System
`ID: alarm-bf
`Brief Description: Report 8 alarms for BTs.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide the capability to report the following Base Transmitter alarm conditions:
`Assigned To:
`Counter: 21
`I) Average power output hi/lo limit. A station must generate an alarm iflimits are exceeded;. Once set, this alarm
`must be cleared remotely in order to prevent repetitive alarms on key up.
`2) Secondary average RF power output hi/lo limit. If a remote power sensor is used, a station must generate an alarm
`if limits are exceeded;. Once set, this alarm must be cleared remotely in order to prevent repetitive alarms on key up.
`3) Reflected power hi limit. This condition requires remote clearing.
`4) Secondary reflected power hi limit. This condition requires remote clearing.
`5) Power amplifier module fault, to include forward and reflected power limits, module current limits, PA temperature
`and fan failure. This condition requires remote clearing.
`6) Exciter fault. This condition requires remote clearing.
`7) Door intrusion alarm. A change of state must be reported. This information will give NOC personnel knowledge of
`the time a door was opened and again when the door is closed.
`8) High temperature cutback alarm. This condition requires remote clearing.
`Source document: Destineer Interoffice Memo, Neal Smith, subject: Alarm Functionality, dated January 12, 1995.
`Issues Description: Is a separate requirement needed for the 9 CE alarms?
`Source: cet
`Issues: Yes
`Reference: CET RR 1/25/95
`ID: alarm-contents
`Assigned To: ALL
`Brief Description: Alarm contents reporting
`Detailed Description: Alarms sent to the Integrated Network Management Subsystem by Destineer components shall contain device
`identifier and alarm type identifier.
`Counter: 22
`Issues Description:
`Source: OP
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRI-5.4.1.h-1
`Character User Interface
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`International Message Transfer
`ID: alarm-threshold
`Assigned To: CE!
`Brief Description: Specify alarm threshold for notification
`Detailed Description: The system shall allow the system operator to specify the threshold value and sense for attribute values and severity of
`the alarm, for automatic generation of alarms.
`Counter: 23
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDMl-, BDMl-3.4.3
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`Assigned To: CE!
`ID: api-messaging
`Brief Description: High level messaging AP!
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall provide a high level C++ and C application programming interface which will allow the development
`of customized services.
`Counter: 24
`Issues Description:
`Source: cei-gws
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-
`Application Message Transfer
`Messaging Application Programming Interface
`ID: attributes-discovery-auto
`Assigned To: CEI
`Brief Description: Automatically discover managed objects
`Detailed Description: The system shall automatically survey the network to ascertain the attributes of managed objects.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.d, BDMl-
`Counter: 25
`Integrated Network Management
`ID: attributes-discovery-manual
`Assigned To: CEI
`Brief Description: Manually discover managed objects
`Detailed Description: The system shall be able to query/poll for network component attributes individually.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.b. I
`Counter: 26
`Integrated Network Management
`ID: audit-event-data
`Brief Description: Audit Record Contents
`Detailed Description: The audit record shall identify. at a minimum:
`or failure of event, and requestor of event.
`Assigned To:
`Counter: 27
`type of event. date and time of the event (start and end times). success
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Security Management
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDM 1-,BDM- 1- 1-
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtcl Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`Assigned To:
`ID: audit-event-def
`Brief Description: Definition of audit events
`Detailed Description: Audit events shall include: invalid user authentication attempts, logins by persons, process registrations, unsuccessful
`data access attempts by processes, changes to user security profiles by System Operators.
`Issues Description: Detailed description needs rewording.
`Source: cet
`Issues: Yes
`Reference: BDM l- l.l thru BDMl-,BDM l-,BDM 1-3.
`Counter: 28
`Security Management
`Assigned To:
`ID: audit-event-selection
`Brief Description: Dynamic Audit Event Selection.
`Detailed Description: The system will be capable of dynamically selecting events for display.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDMI-
`Counter: 29
`Master Terminal
`Security Management
`ID: audit-exception-reports
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Audit Exception Reports.
`Detailed Description: The system shall include the capability to produce security exception and summary reports by user or role, access
`event, and domain.
`Counter: 30
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDMl-
`Data Management
`Master Terminal
`Security Management
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - ·
`ID: audit-trail
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: maintain audit trail
`Detailed Description: The system shall maintain an audit trail of security sensitive events.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDMl-
`Counter: 31
`Data Management
`Security Management
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --·----··--·
`ID: authen-files-maintenance
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Create/Modify ID/Authentication Files.
`Detailed Description: The system shall be able to create/modify ID & authentication files for subscribers and NOC users.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDMl-
`Counter: 32
`Data Management
`Master Terminal
`Security Management
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: authentication-subscriber
`Assigned To: CE!
`Brief Description: Authentication of subscribers prior to network access
`Detailed Description: Subscriber access security shall authenticate the subscriber, third parties, and NOC operators before granting network
`Counter: 33
`Issues Description: Reliable authentication requires encryption equipment in the PMU and NOC hardware platforms and secure key
`distribution. Is there a requirement for the Vis to support encryption at the point of entry?
`Source: cet
`Issues: Yes
`Reference: SRl-5.4.4.b-l, SRl-5.6.1.a(v)
`Security Management
`Assigned To: CEI
`ID: authorization-revoke
`Brief Description: Revocation of User/Group Authorizations.
`Detailed Description: The system shall be able to revoke authorization of subscribers and NOC users or groups of subscribers and NOC
`Counter: 34
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: BDMl-
`Data Management
`Master Terminal
`Security Management
`ID: billing-access
`Assigned To: SAE
`Brief Description: Customer service access of billing data
`Detailed Description: Customer service shall have access to subscriber configuration options, message recall, and billing queries. This
`implies a tightly coupled interconnect between the NOC and the billing system.
`Counter: 35
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.2.3.g
`Business Sup port System Interface
`Data Management
`Transaction Management
`Assigned To: SAE
`ID: billing-interconnect
`Brief Description:
`transaction data to be sent to billing system in real-time
`Detailed Description: Selected transactions shall be sent to the billing system as they are stored in the transaction database. This is to
`facilitate up-to-the-minute billing data to be accessable by customer service.
`Issues Description: What is the interconnect? Possibles are networked connection or simple RS232 protocol. This is not done in existing
`UMS system. and will require modifications in MIS systems.
`Issues: Yes
`Reference: BKM
`Counter: 36
`Business Support System Interface
`Data Management
`Transaction Management
`ID: hr-message
`Assigned To: SAE
`Brief Description: The base receiver forwards messages to the SC.
`Detailed Description: The PMU will transmit messages to the base receiver. The Base receiver will forward the message to the sub controller.
`Issues Description:
`Source: sae-fpk
`Issues: No
`Reference: SA2-2. l .2.a SA2-2. l .3.g
`Counter: 37
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: canned-messages
`Assigned To: CEI/SAE
`Brief Description: Canned messages shall be available to a subscriber.
`Detailed Description: A total of 128 canned messages (standard and subscriber-defined) shall be available to a subscriber. A subscriber shall
`be able to view, select, and send both
`types of canned messages, as well as create, edit, and delete all subscriber-defined messages.
`Counter: 38
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: CET
`Application Message Transfer
`Business Support System Interface
`Character User Interface
`Core Messaging
`Data Management
`Destineer Access for Mac
`Destineer Access For MS Windows
`Destineer Access for Xwindows
`Master Terminal
`Messaging Application Programming Interface
`Operator Dispatch
`ID: clone-identify
`Assigned To:
`Brief Description: Identification of a clone PMU
`Detailed Description: The system shall ~nable an operator to identify a clone PMU.
`Issues Description: A procedure needs to be defined for detection of clones. This may be accomplished by monitoring PMU locations
`(i.e. if a PMU responds in multiple zones simultaneously).
`Source: cet
`Issues: Yes
`Reference:. SRl-5.4.4.e-I, SRl-5.4.4
`Counter: 39
`RF Message Transfer
`Assigned To: SAE
`ID: compression-pmu
`Brief Description: Destineer will provided compression
`Detailed Description: Compression will be provided on Destineer for transmission of message to the PMU/PCMCIA. A by product of
`compression may be a more secure message for the RF system. Security is not a requirement for compression.
`Issues Description: What compression algorithms are to be used. What will the PMU support. What will be supported on the PCMCIA
`interface. This may be a future requirement.
`Source: cet
`Issues: Yes
`Reference: SRl-5.4.4.c-2
`Counter: 40
`RF Message Transfer
`ID: configuration-archive
`Assigned To: CEI
`Brief Description: The system shall log config changes
`Detailed Description: The system shall maintain a history of specified configuration changes.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.g
`Counter: 41
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Transaction Management
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: configuration-attributes-region
`Assigned To: CE!
`Brief Description: Region attributes shall include POC for mgmt functions
`Detailed Description: Points of contact (POCs) for each network management function shall be designated for each region.
`Issues Description: There is no concept of a REGION in Destineer with respect to the RF. What is meant by a REGION? Is REGION a
`concept for network management/maintenance only?
`Source: cet
`Issues: Yes
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.h, BDMl-
`Counter: 42
`Assigned To: CEl/SAE
`ID: configuration-hr-location
`Brief Description: The base receiver location will be known
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall contain data to define locations of BRs.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.6.1.a.2
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`ID: configuration-ht-location
`Assigned To: CEl/SAE
`Brief Description: Destineer will maintain the base transmitter location.
`Detailed Description: Destineer shall contain data to define locations ofBTs.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SR 1-5 .6.1.a.2
`Counter: 43
`Counter: 44
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`- - - - - - - ----------------·
`Counter: 45
`Assigned To: ALL
`ID: configuration-coverage
`Brief Description: Configuration coverage requirements
`Detailed Description: The system configuration shall be able to support 500 coverage areas and 55 zones of operation.
`Issues Description:
`Issues: No
`Integrated Network Management
`- - - - ------------------ -
`ID: configuration-data-access
`Assigned To: CEI
`Brief Description: Access to configuration data
`Detailed Description: The system shall provide Destineer processes with access to configuration data.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl- SRl-5.5.5.C
`Counter: 46
`ID: configuration-database
`Assigned To: CEI
`Brief Description: The system shall maintain a configuration database.
`Detailed Description: The system shall maintain a configuration database.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.f
`Integrated Network Management
`Counter: 47
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: configuration-gui
`Assigned To: CE!
`Brief Description: A GUI is required for manipulating configuration data
`Detailed Description: A user interface shall be provided for the display and manual entry/change of managed object attribute values in the
`configuration database.
`Counter: 48
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.d, BDMl-
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`Assigned To: CEI
`ID: configuration-gui-report
`Brief Description: A GUI is required for configuration report generation
`Detailed Description: The system shall include a report generation tool for reporting configuration information.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.5.5.b, SRl-5.4.2.h, BDMl-3.2.4
`Counter: 49
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`ID: configuration-managed-objects-de, Assigned To: CEI/SAE
`Brief Description: Store default attributes in the DB
`Detailed Description: The system shall store default attribute values for all managed objects.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.c, BDMl-
`Counter: 50
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`ID: configuration-min-managed-objec Assigned To: CEI/SAE
`Brief Description: Minimum set of managed object attributes
`Detailed Description: The system will store for each managed object the following set of attributes:
`- device type, location, software name and version, network address, point of contact, status, and warranty expiration
`Counter: 51
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.h, BDM 1-
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`ID: configuration-poc-attributes
`Assigned To: CEl/SAE
`Brief Description: POC attributes shall include name, location, email, phone#
`Detailed Description: The configuration database shall contain fields for names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers for every
`designated Point of Contact (POC), if available.
`Counter: 52
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.h, BDM 1-
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`This document contains confidential, restricted, and proprietary information and may not be duplicated or distributed, in whole or in
`part, without prior written authorization from Mtel Technologies, Inc. (601.944.7300)
`ID: configuration-sc-location
`Assigned To: CEI/SAE
`Brief Description: Store SubController location data
`Detailed Description: The system shall store the location of each subcontroller.
`Issues Description:
`Issues: No
`Counter: 53
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`----·-------------~------- - - - - -
`Assigned To: CEI/SAE
`ID: configuration-topology
`Counter: 54
`Brief Description: Configuration of network topology
`Detailed Description: The system shall describe logical relationships between managed objects.
`Issues Description:
`Source: cet
`Issues: No
`Reference: SRl-5.4.2.d, BDMl-
`Data Management
`Integrated Network Management
`Master Terminal
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`ID: configuration-topology-add-delete Assigned To: CEI/SAE
`Brief Description: Netwo