Ex. 1005 — 1
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 — 1Ex. 1005 — 1
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 1
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`RightFAX E-Mail Gateway
`Version 3.51
`For LAN Manager, LAN Server and Netwarc Networks
`4400 E. Broadway #312
`Tucson, AZ 85711 USA
`Phone: (502) 327-1357
`Fax: (602) 321-7456
`Ex. 1005 — 2
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 2
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`© 1990-1994 Craechiolo & Peder, Inc.
`All Rights Reserved.
`All products mentioned in this text are trademarked or copyrighted by their respective manufacturers.
`Printed in the USA.
`Printed October 19, 1994
` 2
`RightFAX Gateway
`Ex. 1005 — 3
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 3
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Sending 2: Fax ................................................................ ..9
`RightFAX cc:Mail Fax Driver ........................................ ..11
`Receiving a Fax ............................................................. .. 17
`Microsoft Mail Gateway ....
`Installing the Gateway ................................................... ..21
`Sending a Fax ................................................................ ..23
`Receiving a Fax ............................................................. ..27
`Groupwise ......
`...................... ...29
`..................................... ..29
`Groupwise Components .........
`Configuring Groupwise ................................................. ..31
`Installing the Gateway ................................................... ..32
`Sending :1 Fax .....
`........................................................ ..33
`Command Line Options......... ................. ..37
`GATEWAY ..........
`...................................................... .3‘?
`.......... . .. ........ ..39
`Troubleshooting .............
`Problems with cc:Mail ................................................... ..39
`Problems with Microsoft Mail ........................................ ..40
`Appendix I: The RightFAX.INI File. ........... ..41
`Common Settings ........................................................... ..41
`MS Mail ........................................................................ ..45
`Groupwise ..................................................................... ..47
`RightFAX Gateway
` TmJ“§"“:'"";3-7.""¢;:'
`Ex. 1005 — 4
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 4
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

` A..
`RightFAX Gateway
`Ex. 1005 — 5
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 5
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`The E-Mail Gateway works with Lotus cc:Mail, Microsoft Mail. and Groupwise. The Gateway also has
`the following features:
`0 Does not require the Lotus cc:Mail Gateway or Microsoft MTA program to be running.
`Can run concurrently with any other OS/2 program, such as the Lotus Notes Server, cc:Mail OS/2
`Gateway program, Microsoft OSf2 MTA. LAN Manager, LAN Sewer. Netware 4.0. Groupwise
`Message Server, etc.
`Can receive faxes into PCX. DCX, or T[FF—G3 (hiahly compressed} format.
`Below is a diagram that shows the structure of the RightFAX Gateway program. The Gateway can be run
`on the fax server machine or on any other machine on the network.
`Installation Overview
`H H
`Ex. 1005 — 6
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`~”EE? 41“-
`Ex. 1005 - 6
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`The only bitch in all this is that RightFAX can't send a fax without knowing who owns it. We need to
`know who owns it so that we can associate it into our database. We need to enter it into our database
`because we have to have some way to control the fax's progress through the system; our individual
`programs like Workserver and Boardserver need to be told what to do to the fax, and where they can find
`it so that they can work on it.
`Well, OK. So we need to enter the fax into our database. To do that, we need to assign a user to it. So
`which‘user do we use? If your e-mail users have reciprocal Right!-7AX accounts with the same ID's, we'll
`use those accounts. If your e-mail users don't have RightFAX accounts, we'll use an account called
`Default, which is shipped with every version of RightFAX. Once we've assigned it a user, we give the fax
`to Workserver to convert it, then to the Boardserver to transmit to another machine. Basically, that's how
`the R.ight.F-‘AX E-Mail Gateway works: we get a message from your e-mail system, associate it with a user
`in our database, and then convert it into a fax fomtat so that we can send it out.
`Receiving Faxes
`To route a received fax into your e-mail account, RightFAX does the same thing. only in reverse. The fax
`comes in from the phone lines. We receive it on the fax cards, which give it to the Boardserver, which
`figures out which user to give it to. How RightFAX does this will vary, depending on your routing
`scheme; it could be via DID, DTMF. OCR, or plain old manual routing. Once the fax arrives into a
`RightFAX account, we check to see if we need to do anything else to it. If you want to route faxes into
`your e-mail system, you will have told RightFAX which e—mail accounts to use. RightFAX gives the fax
`to the E-Mail Gateway, which then puts the fax into your e-mail account.
`None of this can happen if the E-Mail Gateway can't access the file it needs in your e-mail system. That's
`why you need to configure RightFAX to tell it where to look, what accounts to use, and the passwords for
`those accounts. Rightl-TAX only sends things where YOU tell it, so it's up to you to make sure that what
`you tell RightFAX is correct.
` 6
`Installation Overview
`Ex. 1005 — 7
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 7
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Insert Disk 1 from your original RightFAX installation disks into your computer, and run INSTALL.
`When prompted. choose Gateway as your installation. and insert the RightFAX E-Mail
`Gateway disk. RightFAX will install the Gateway to the \RIC3HTFAx\GATEWAYl directory.
`4. Add the following lines to the RIGHTFAXJNI file. located in \RlGI-rrFAX\BIN:
`c:c_nEFAULT_Po = PQ§TOFFlcl-.'-
`Change the underlined items to match your system. CC_PASSWORD should name the password
`of the cc:Mai1 ADMIN user. and CC__DBFAULT_-PO should name the main post office where you
`created the RightFAX post office from step 1 above. CC_DATA must read "M:\ccdata."
`c,i"CITT O15 W°'lFj_
`Nores :1
`Note5__fan.55u_or-L -
`Ex. 1005 — 8
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 8
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Map like this:
`6. Start the fax server by typing RUNFAX from the \RlGI'-rrFAx\BIN directory.
`Ex. 1005 — 9
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 9
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`5114-34 1 35 PM
`5!2-U34 9 20 AM
`B»-"1 3.134 4 11 PM
`E15284 8'40 AM
`8}’! 4134 2 54 PM
`B11 5/94 7 57 AM
`Ex. 1005-10
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 10
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`button. Since cc:Mail treats the
`If you are done addressing the message press the
`Rightf-‘AX Gateway as just another post office. you can send a fax to one or more fax destinations and
`to one or cc:Mai1 addresses.
`The body of the message can be simple text. You can also attach certain types of files which RightFAX
`will convert to fax format. The Gateway supports ASCII, Text, PCX, DCX, TIFF-G3, RightFAX Group-
`3, PCL-5, and Postscript (with the optional Goscript module). If you want to include a word processing
`document, a spreadsheet, or any other document with your fax, you need to go into that document's
`application, then print the document using the RightFAX cc:Mail Fax Driver.
`Ex. 1005 — 11
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 11
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`In the Control Panel. choose the Printers icon by double-clicking it.
`In the Printers dialog, press the Add button.
`HP Lasenlet -IIIJH an LPT3.l3S2
`HP Lasenlel III on LPT'I.l]52
`HP Lasenlet II! on LPT3.[.IS2
`HihtFait Driver on LF‘T3.EI52
`Ci the Print Manager
`_Li:t oi Printers:
`=-; =InstsI:='flnIiit‘éa"_ rI;'_U 'a':_I:a_t"
`‘_; Generic I Tent Elnly
`Ag!-a BIJIJEI Setie: P5
`.2 Agfa Compugraphie IIOIJPS
`gi Agra Cempugraphie Genie:
`g, Apple Laserwrilel ll NT
`3: Apple Laserwrilel II NTX
`F A la Laserwriter Plus
`In the List of Printers, choose Install Unlisted or Updated Printer and then press the Install button.
`1 1
`Ex. 1005 — 12
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 12
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`1 List of Printers:
`Highlight RightFAX wlcc:Mail Fax and press the OK button.
`The RightFAX cc:Mai1 Fax driver will be copied to the WlNDOWS\SYSTEM directory, which usually is
`located on your workstation's hard disk. ‘The driver will be connected to LPTI: by default and this is just
`fine. Since the driver output will be directed to cc:Mail. it really doesn't matter where the driver is
`Ex. 1005-13
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 13
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`You can follow these helpful tips when formatting a document to be faxed:
`Make sure the Fax Driver is selected as the destination or default printer prior to creating a
`new document or spreadsheet.
`Use only TrueType fonts in your document or spreadsheets
`El Do not use font sizes less than 7 or 8 points.
`Utilize the Print Preview option of an application to make sure the document or spreadsheets
`looks as you expect it.
`Ex. 1005 — 14
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 14
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`55 H Lasenlol III on l.P'l'3.D52
`2. Open or create the document you want to send.
`3. Fromthc File menu, choose Print. The document is printed and then the cc:Mail Login dialog will
`cc:l-lail Login
`I-=9-in "av-==
`P--=rx~='= l
`E.U. P-uh:
`El Asia] Nemm in ii!!!‘ i nu-m I val
`Ex. 1005 — 15
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 15
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`page of the fax body.
`In the Subject field, enter text which will show up on the fax cover sheet. The Memo field is optional
`and any text entered there will appear on the second page of the fax before the document. Finally.
`Priority and Receipt are not used and you don't have to enter anything in these fields. A fax receipt
`will always be returned unless this feature has been turned off for you by the fax administrator.
`6. After you have filled in the Subject, and possibly the Memo field, press the Address button to bring up
`the cc:Mail addressing dialog:
`Address Message
`Ex. 1005 — 16
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 16
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`You can also setup your own fax addresses from within cc:Mail for Windows.
`When you are done addressing, press the Done button.
`If you are happy with the fax, press the SEND button to get the fax on its way.
`Ex. 1005 — 17
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 17
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`E In the File Format field choose
`We ,_-"mat
`- "
`the type of image to deliver to
`<=c=Mafl- You can from
`DC_X, PCX or TIFF. If you choose
`PCX. each fax page will be treated
`300159 "F0:
`i as a separate file. If you choose
`DCX or TIFF. all the pages from
`each fax will be treated as one file.
`S A
`PR6“ K H for more
`D Delete otter routing’?
` Receiving a Fax
`Enter a destination address tor cc:Hail or Notes. Formal cczlalail
`addresses as 'USEFI at PO‘ Ia lisl may be used with the formal 'flLl5T
`at PEP]. For Notes. enter enough to uniquely identily the user.
`In the Routing Info field, fill out
`this user's cc:Mail account name
`and the postoffice for that account
`in the format USER at
`Delete after routing? cannot be selected because faxes routed to an e-mail address are always deleted
`after being successfully routed to the e-mail system. If RightFAX can't route a fax to the destination e-
`mail address, it will leave the fax in that user's RightFAX mailbox. You can use FaxUti1 to route the
`faxes to the user again after any problems have been corrected. Routing problems will be recorded in the
`Gateway's logging output file (usually \RIGHTFAx\I..oGs\GA'I'EwAY1.LOG).
`cc :Mail
`17 '
`Ex. 1005 — 18
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 18
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`A new fan: has anived from 415-BB5-4:1?3
`;-_:_-, RIGHTFAX at CFPO
`.43 RIGHTFAX at c|=:=o
`::, cm at cspo
`f___‘f RIGHTFAX at cm:-o
`A new fax has arrived from OFFICEIZCIM
`A new fax has anived from I-IWT8.M
`Ex. 1005 -19
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 19
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`If your received fax is TIFF or DCX formatted, associate these file types with the RightFAX Windows Fax
`Viewer. located in \RIGflTFAX\CLIENT\WINDDWS as WFAXVIEW.EXE. Use File Manager to set up this
`file: with Extension:
`Associate Wilh:
`Calendar File lcalendanenol
`Card File [t:aldliIe.alIl=]
`CoreICHABTl than 1X:\CC|HEL3\l.‘.HABT\
`CnrelDFIA\v'l El hie
`Ex. 1005 — 20
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 20
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`This Page Intentionally Left Blank
`Ex 1005 — 21
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 21
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Insert Disk 1 of your original RightFAX installation disks into your computer and run INSTALL.
`When prompted, choose the Microsoft Mail Gateway installation and insert the appropriate diskettes.
`INSTALL will create a new directory called \RIGHTFAX\GATEWAYI. and will write all Gateway files to
`this directory.
`4. Create a Microsoft Mail user account for the gateway using the Microsoft Mail ADMIN program. Any
`messages destined for the RightFAX system will be addressed to this user. The account name
`‘RightFAX' is recommended. and a password must be defined for this account.
`Nte: Do NOT run enhanced securityn thet office where you're
`Microsoft API that RightFAX uses does not supp.
`_ 5. Add the following items to the RIGHTFAXJNI filellocated in \RlGl-lTFAX\BIN:
`“ LOGFILE 2 X:\l'-'llGl-lTFAX\LOGS\G51EWAY1 .t.og_
`— MS_AccouN'r= Rn3§‘rFAX
`*' MS_NETWOFtK = vogn MAIL afloat NAME
`— MS_Pos'r0I=FIc:E = xggn POSTOFFICE NAME
`Change the underlined items to match your system.
`(,5 WI5
`9, net. 5; : /.a..i‘*£{
`éjgf=;_.m-.1 y.,.,E.
`Microsoft Mail
`3 li
`Ex. 1005 — 22
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 22
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Start RightFAX by using the RUNFAX command in the \RICiHTFAX\BIN directory. Since the Gateway
`is a background process, it does not have any user interface. Therefore. in order to provide feedback
`on its operation, it will record messages in the GATEWAYLLOG file (or the file named in the
`LOGFILE parameter). This log file should be examined if there are any problems with sending or
`receiving faxes. The LOGLEVEL parameter is important in this step as it determines how much
`information is recorded in the log file. A LOGLEVEL of 0 or 1 records only errors and when the
`Gateway is started and stopped. A LOGLEVEL of 2 or 3 is a verbose mode where normal operations
`and errors are recorded.
`In order to view the log with the Gateway running, you can use the following commands from an
`OS/2 Window or Full Screen prompt:
`[C:\] j:
`[J:\] ed \rlghtfax\Iogs
`[J:\FllGHTFAX\LOGS] ..\bin\I2 gateway1.log
`From a DOS prompt, you can use the following commands:
`C:\> J:
`J:\> cd \rightfax\logs
`J:\FllGHTFAX\LOGS> ..\bIn\l gateway1.log
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex 1005 — 23
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 23
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`To send a fax from Mail without creating a permanent entry in the address book, address the fax to
`the Rigl1tFAX mail account and include FAX:namefnumber on the subject line.
`1 Requires the optional Postscript to Fax Conversion module.
`icrosoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 24
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 24
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`If a RightFAX phonebook entry named LARRYR exists in the user's RightFAX phonebook, the
`entry's fax phone number and other information will be used to complete the cover sheet and transmit
`the fax. You can also use the syntax USERIDIENTRY in order to access a published phonebook
`entry in another user's phoneboolc.
`Microsoft Mail messages being sent through RightFAX may have attachments added as long as they
`are ASCII files. PCX, DCX. TIFF, or RightFAX Group III graphics files, or PCL-SE or Postscript
`printer files. Other types of files, such as word processor documents or spreadsheets, cannot be faxed
`until they are converted into one of these file types. There are two ways to achieve this conversion:
`either by printing from your application to a file or by using the Microsoft Fax driver (see the section
`below on using the fax
`_. "
`_ {Mi »
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`.. ??'{m.en
`' "
`MI Pay“ in gang?“ M
`— _
`----— ~——- , A
`' ‘ 5% mm?’
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex 1005 — 25
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`application to afile. select a
`Laserlet III or Laserlet 4
`printer driver in Windows.
`Many applications, such as
`Microsoft Word, give you
`the option to print to a. file
`in their print dialog. If this
`is the case with your
`application, then choose
`that option in the dialog (as
`shown here). From the
`Send Note window, press
`the Attach button and
`attach your print file to this
`mail message.
`H _
`., 3‘
`Ex. 1005 - 25
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`To send a fax from Mai] using a predefined address in a user's MS Mail personal address list. add an
`address to your personal address list and include the fax number in the Alias field. For example;
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 26
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 26
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`3 The third method of sending a fast is to use the Microsoft Fax Driver which ships with Mail 3.2. It is
`a Windows print driver that will allow users to send faxes from any Windows application through MS
`Mail. The Microsoft Fax Driver uses the same addressing schemes as discussed above. Read the
`Microsoft reference manual on the Microsoft Fax Driver for more information.
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 27
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 27
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Microsoft Mail Address
`ire F,_—,,ma.;
`mmun "gm
`E] !>eiel‘:: elm: iutttirzgf?
`Enter an M5 Hail address in the lolmal 'neIIpo!user'. All his Hail
`addresses must be three-parts.
`In the File Format
`field, choose ‘the type
`of image to deliver to
`MS Mail.
`You can
`“Om Dcxv
`If you
`choose" PCX, each fax
`page will be treated as
`a separate file,
`choose DCX or TIFF,
`all the pages from each
`fax will be treated as
`Appendix II for more
`In the Routing Info
`field, fill out this user's
`MS Mail, account
`name and the postoffice for that account in the format network/postofficeJuserID.
`Delete after routing? cannot be selected because faxes routed to an e-mail address are always deleted
`after being successfully routed to the e-mail system.
`If RightFAX can't route a fax to the destination e-
`mail address, it will leave the fax in that user's RightFAX mailbox. You can use FaxUtil to route the
`faxes to the user again after any problems have been corrected. Routing problems will. be recorded in the
`Gateway's logging output file (usually \R1Gl—1TFAx\LOGS\GA'I'EWAYl .LO_G).
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 28
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 28
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`The @ icon indicates that a message has an attachment, though the icon is generic and will appear on
`any message with attachments. When the mail message is opened. you will see something like the
`SDD4 34l14.DCX
`: Received from remote ID +1 502 321 7455
`Recervecl al.Mon Apr 2618 35161993
`Recewed on channel 1
`Elapsed TIME 2 minutes. 44 seconds
`‘Page Record 1-2 good (DD).
`In the above example, the fax image(s) is contained in the attach DCX file (DCX is a multi-paged PCX
`format). The standard MSMail installation includes a utility called Faxview and the DCX file has picked
`icon. If the RightFAX
`up the FaxView icon. To view the fax image(s), double click on the
`Windows Fax Viewer has been associated with the ''.TIF'' extension, then the icon @ will be shown
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 29
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 29
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`W0rdPerfect Office
`The figure above shows how Groupwise communicates with itself and with external gateways such as
`RightFAX. Although we'll help you setup your Groupwise system for use with RightFAX, you should
`read the Groupwise manuals for more detailed information on how Groupwise actually works.
`‘Throughout this manual, we will use the initials GW in place of "GroupWise". When you installed
`Groupwise, you probably created a domain for your postoffice. For now. we'll call your domain
`GW_DOMAIN and your post office GW_P0.
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 30
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`<3 WordPedeetOfl'Ice0bject
`[:| Rigl1lFAX Program
`Ex. 1005 - 30
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`A gateway within Groupwise is a specialized form of post office. Messages can be delivered to and from
`the gateway like any other post office.
`Groupwise Server
`The Groupwise Server moves messages between users within a post office. If you have multiple post
`offices within your Groupwise system. then you also have the GW Server installed. If you only have one
`post office, Groupwise can run without the GW Server. In this case, messages are moved or delivered
`from one user to another by the user programs themselves (the Groupwise DOS and Windows client
`programs). There are DOS and OS/2 versions of the Groupwise Server.
`GW Message Sewer
`The Groupwise Message server moves messages between post offices and gateways on your network. If
`you only have one post office, you may not have installed the Message Server.
`GW API Gateway
`This program takes messages delivered to the gateway and converts them into a standardized format
`which can then be read by third-party systems, such as Right.FAX. It also converts external messages into
`GroupWise messages so that they may be delivered to users within the Groupwise system by the Message
`Server and Groupwise Server.
`RightFAX E-Mail Gateway
`The RightFAX gateway for Groupwise reads the messages created by the GW API Gateway and converts
`them into fax messages for the RightFAX server, where they are sent out to their final destinations. The
`gateway will also convert incoming fax messages into the GW API Gateway format, so that the GW API
`Gateway can put them in your GroupWise system where users can view them as e-mail messages.
`‘ H
`1VIiCI'OSOfl‘. Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 31
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 31
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Message Server. You can also install the OS/2 version of the Groupwise Server onto the RightFAX OS/2
`server, and run all three programs concurrently.
`If you do run the Message Server on an OS/2 station, start the Message Server with the following
`command line options:
`cs IPH-M:\WPDOMAlN I052 lawn-ors
`Replace MAWPDOMAIN with the path to your Groupwise domain. The IOSZ option reduces the Message
`Server's CPU usage when run under 05/2, and the IDwN—oFs option prevents the Message Server from
`trying to stop itself in order to run the Groupwise Server. See your GroupWise documentation for more
`Groupwise API Gateway
`Install the Groupwise API Gateway. Install the gateway software first, then create and configure the
`gateway object within your domain. Do this through the Groupwise Admin program. Follow the
`instructions provided in the Groupwise API Gateway documentation to fill in each of the fields. Select
`the proper Execution Mode for your particular configuration; if you want the Message Server to
`periodically stop and execute the API program, choose the MS Launch option and fill-in the executable
`file name (APLEXE). If you're going to run the API gateway program on a separate machine or in a DOS
`window_on an OS/2 machine, then choose Stand Alone. In this case, remember to start the API program
`yourself. Running it independently of the Message Server should improve your GroupWise system's
`Please keep in mind that these three programs must run continuously in order for your Groupwise system
`to operate. The station(s) on which they are installed should not be turned off, and must always be logged
`in to your network.
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 32
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 32
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`4. Add the following lines to the RIGI-ITFAXINI file, located in \RJGHTFAX\BIN:
`, QC"
`1 LOGFILE = g;\HIeI-rn=Ax\Loas\eATEwAY.Loo
`__ all ‘ FREQUENCY = 45
`‘ Gw_APID|n = an:\ooM5gNn|n\oA'rawAvo|51;PIogn
`Change the underlined items to match your system.
`5. Start RightFAX with the RUNFAX command from \RlGHTFAX\BIN.
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 33
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 33
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`In the To: field. enter the name of the Groupwise API Gateway and the recipient's fax number and name
`in this format:
`The Subject: field will appear on your fax cover sheet as a note. The Message: field will appear as the
`fax body.
`._ ,
`Mai! ‘to: apigateway.{321
`Ifyou want to include a
`word processing
`document with your fax,
`8011"“ the d:3hC11m¢17|it'5 _
`avvficm» envrnw
`to a file using a Laserlet
`HI! Laseflet 4' °r
`Postscript drivel-_ From
`the Gmupwise mail
`window, press the Attach
`button and attach your
`print file to this mail
`message. Attachments
`can be: ASCII files‘. PCX,
`DCX, or TIFF-G3 files;
`PCL-5 or Postscript print
`files; and RightFAX G3 files. Right}-"AX will notify you via Groupwise about successful and
`unsuccessful faxes when you send a fax.
`M- _
`i WJ ‘
`t‘ ~
`.:‘_ . .
`Don‘! iorgetthat we havetlekets to
`the Suns gemothas weekend! Call
`y me and wefil wank out carpooling!
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 34
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 34
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`WP °""‘°'G'°""w'"
`E-He Format
`Homing MD:
`El Deilzie after Imztisux?
`In the File Format field,
`choose the type of image to
`deliver to Groupwise. You
`can choose from DCX, PCX
`or TIFF. If you choose PCX,
`“*‘°“ “”‘ Fag“ “"“ "° ‘“*“‘‘’'d
`as a separate file. If you
`choose DCX, all the pages
`from each fax will be treated
`Enter WP GroupW'lse address In the format 'DOMAlN.P0.USEFl'.
`as one fi1e_
`In the Routing Info field, fill
`out this user's Groupwise
`account name and the
`postoffice for that account in
`the format
`Delete after routing? cannot be selected because faxes routed to an _e-mail address are always deleted
`after being successfully routed to the e-mail system. If RightFAX can't route a fax to the destination e-
`mail address, it will leave the fax in that user's RightFAX mailbox. You can use FaxUtil to route the
`faxes to the user again after any problems have been corrected. Routing problems will be recorded in the
`Gateway's logging output file (usually \RIGH'I'FAX\LOGs\GATEwAY1.LoG).
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 35
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 35
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`RightFA>< Gateway
`To view your fax, double click on it. The transmission history appears in the main text of the message,
`while the body of the fax is handled as an attachment. Click on the Ebutton to View the body.
`fiend Actions
`fllndnw L-l_
`. i
`5 :"
`E ,5
`:Fx1ro 'R|GHTF' (1 ages)
`3* Received etwed Jun 2215.04.52 1994
`-J‘: Inbound user ID CAR. Routing code ‘M51
`_-3\ Received on ehannei1
`58:5 Elapsed Time: 0 minutes, 23 seconds
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 36
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`é 1
`Ex. 1005 - 36
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Groupwise will show you a list of the attachments to this message; your fax is one of these attachments.
`Double-click on it or press the Open button. If Groupwise gives you a screen that asks about file
`associations, tell it to use the RightFAX Windows Fax Viewer, located in the \Rigl1tfax\Client\Windows
`directory under WFAxv1Ew.ExE.
`Microsoft Mail
`Ex. 1005 — 37
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 37
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`GATEWAYEXE program is located (typically [GATEWAY1]).
`Look for FaxDB on the file sewer name. The default is to assume that FaxDB is
`located on the same machine where GATEWAYEXE is located.
`Find the Ft|ghtFAX tiles in directory path. GATEWAY will look for the BIN
`directory off of path. For example. "GATEWAY -cJ:\RiGHTFAX“ will cause
`GATEWAY to look for ".J:\FllGHTFAX\bin\rIghtfax.ini". “GATEWAY -cJ:\" will
`cause GATEWAY to look for "J:\bin\rightfax.ini".
`Identical to the '-L" option.
`Conunand Line Options
`Ex. 1005 — 38
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1005 - 38
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`This Page Intentionally Left Blank
`RightFAX User's Guide
`Ex. 1005 — 39
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. — Ex. 1005
`,_ I
`Ex. 1005 - 39
`Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. - Ex. 1005

`Problem or Error
`Possible Solut.ion(s)
`Error 11 opening VIM
`The cc_password parameter in the RightFAX.INI file is wrong. This
`parameter must equal cc:Mai1's Admin password.
`Error 22 opening VIM
`The cc_data parameter in the RightFAX.1NI file is wrong. Your mappings
`or links are probably wrong. This cc_data parameter must be set to
`M:\ecdata. Check your mappings by typing dir m:\ccdata at a C: prompt.
`You should see the tile MLANDATA‘ in this listing; this is the file that we
`need. If you don't, then your mappings or net uses are wrong.
`A user double clicks on
`the fax in cc:Mail and
`she gets an error.
`The user needs to modify her User Setup to tell cc:Mai1 to "Run" instead of
`"View" when d

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