Plasma Physics Reports, Vol. 21, No. 5, I 995, pp. 400 - 409. Translatedfrom Fizilm Plazmy, Vol. 21, No. 5. 1995. pp. 422 - 433,
`Original Russian Text Copyright © 1995 by Mozgrin, Ferirov. Klmdaclzelzko.
`High-Current Low-Pressure Quasi-Stationary Discharge
`in a Magnetic Field: Experimental Research
`D. V. Mozgrin, I. K. Fetisov, and G. V. Khodachenko
`Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe sh. 31, Moscow, 115409 Russia
`Received October 22, 1993; in final form, July 12, 1994
`Abstract -— The possibility of realizing several types of high-power quasi-stationary low-pressure discharge in
`a magnetic field was shown. Two noncontracted discharge regimes in crossed E and H fields were studied.
`These discharges had much higher cathode current densities than those of other known discharge types. Their
`parameter ranges were determined, and their operating regimes were investigated. The voltage for the high-volt-
`age form discharge ranged from 450 to 1000 V; the discharge current amounted to 250 A, and cathode current
`density reached 25 A/cmz. A low-voltage discharge form was first observed: voltage ranged from 75 to 120 V;
`discharge current amounted to 1800 A, and cathode current density reached 75 A/cmz; lifetime was about 1.5 ms.
`The ion density was 1.5 X 10” cm‘3 in argon discharges and amounted to S X 10”’ cm'3 in He-H2-mixture dis-
`charges, while the electron temperature was about 3 - 8 eV. The properties of both discharge types are expected
`to open up new fields of application in technology.
`Low-pressure discharges in a magnetic field attract
`much attention due to their wide use in technological
`magnetron devices, closed-electron-drift plasma accel-
`erators, and, as plasma emitters in electron or ion injec-
`Stationary regimes of the discharges in planar mag-
`netrons of technological use are characterized by p =
`104 - 5 X 10”2 torr operating pressure and 300 — 1000 G
`magnetic field at the cathode surface [1, 2]. Their AV
`characteristic is described by.the formula 1,, = kUg,
`where 1,, is the discharge current, and U,, is the dis-
`charge voltage. The quantities k and n depend on the
`device geometry, working gas type and pressure, and
`magnetic field strength. The condition n > 1 holds, if the
`cathode current density jc does not exceed 0.03 A/cmz.
`In this case the discharge voltage amounts to 400 — 600 V,
`the plasma density n,. ranges from 108 to 10“ cm‘3, and
`electron temperature Te reaches 20 eV. If the current
`density is higher, a transition of the discharge into the
`arc regime is observed.
`Because of the need for greater discharge power and
`plasma density, pulse or quasi—stationary regimes
`appear to be of interest. Some experiments on magne-
`tron systems of various geometry showed that dis-
`charge regimes which do not transit to arcs can be
`obtained even at high currents. For example, a super-
`dense glow discharge, realized in a device of “reversed-
`magnetron” type of coaxial geometry, exhibited the fol-
`lowing parameters: about 70 A discharge current I,,,
`400 V discharge voltage U,,, 60 us pulse duration, and
`1012 cm”3 plasma density n, [3]. A pulse duration decrease
`down to 100 us, which was performed in a planar magne-
`tron discharge in Ar, N2, or H2 at 10“3 - 5 X 104 torr
`pressures and 1.0 - 3.0 kG magnetic field strength, per-
`mitted a 1000 A current value to be obtained in the non-
`contracted regime, at 300 - 500 V discharge voltage,
`with about 50 J of total energy deposition [4]. In both
`examples, the discharge current—voltage characteristic
`increased and then became constant with the increase
`in the discharge currents. A further increase in the dis-
`charge currents caused the discharges to transit to the
`arc regimes, with voltage not higher than 50 V under
`those conditions.
`Our previous experiments demonstrated the possi-
`bility of realizing several stable discharge regimes in
`devices with closed electron drift [5 - 7]. Among these
`regimes which differed from the arcs, was an interme-
`diate low-voltage regime (U4 2 100 V, Id _<_ 1.5 kA)
`of longer than 1-ms pulse duration (hereafter called
`a “high—current diffuse regime”).
`The main purpose of this work was to study experi-
`mentally a high-power noncontracted quasi—stationary
`discharge in crossed fields of various geometry and to
`determine their parameter ranges. We investigated the dis-
`charge regimes in various gas mixtures at l0’3 - 10 torr,
`B0 5 1000 G, and pulse durations exceeding 1 ms.
`Such regimes can be useful in generating large-volume
`dense plasmas and intense flows of charged particles.
`Furthermore, we consider qualitatively the mechanism
`of low-voltage high—current discharge formation.
`To study the high—current forms of the discharge,
`we used two types of devices: a planar magnetron and
`a system with specifically shaped hollow electrodes.
`The planar magnetron (Fig. 1)
`involved a plane
`cathode 120 mm in diameter and a ring-shaped anode
`1063-780‘ '95/2105-04GO$l0.00 © 1995 MAI/IK Hayxa /Interperiodica Publishing
`INTEL 1203

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