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`/Edward Pipalai
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 2
`Entry Approved
`Please amend the claims as follows:
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`A method for creating a database of coordinates of
`(Previously Amended)
`leak detection and repair (LDAR) components, comprising:
`receiving an input pertaining to an LDAR component;
`obtaining position coordinates of a handheld computer device in response to
`receiving the input;
`associating the position coordinates of the handheld computer device with the
`LDAR component; and
`storing the position coordinates in association with the LDAR component into a
`The method
`claim 1, wherein
`coordinates comprises associating the position coordinates of the handheld computer
`device with a unique identifier of the LDAR component.
`The method of claim 1, wherein the position coordinates are Global
`Positioning System coordinates.
`(Currently Amended)
`The method of claim 1, wherein obtaining the position
`coordinates comprises determining the position coordinates from one or more position
`coordinates satellites.
`The method of claim 1, further comprising encrypting the position
`compnslng encrypting the
`claim 1,
`The method of
`association between the position coordinates of the handheld computer device and the
`LDAR component.
`Page 3
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 3
`Response to Rule 312 Communication
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`Reponse to Rule 312 Communication
`Part of Paper No. 20130122
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 5
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`(Depositor's name)
`2008 May 15
`Locating LDAR Components Using Position Coordinates
`2013 February 28
`PIPALA, Edward J.
`701 - 491000
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`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 6
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`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 10
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`Group Art Unit: 3663
`Pipala, Edward J.
`Atty Dkt. No.: LDAR0010
`In re Application of:
`Rex Moses
`Serial No.: 12/121,705
`Confirmation No.:
`Filed: May 15, 2008
`Dear Sir:
`Prior to payment of
`the issue fee, Applicant
`requests entry of
`the following
`amendment to the allowed claims. Applicant submits that the amendments do not add
`new matter. Although Applicant believes that no fee is due in connection with this
`response, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge counsel's Deposit Account
`No. 50-3882/LDAR0010 for any fees,
`including extension of time fees or excess claim
`fees, required to make this response timely and acceptable to the Office.
`Amendments to the specification begin on page 2 and amendments to the claims
`begin on page 3 of this paper. Remarks begin on page 10 of this paper.
`Page 1
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 11
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`Please replace paragraph [0030] with the following amended paragraph:
`The database 150 may be configured to store LDAR component information,
`such as tag number, size, component type and process stream information. Like the
`position coordinates database 160, database 150 may [[be]] also be located on a
`server, personal computer, or other similar computer medium.
`Page 2
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 12
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`Please amend the claims as follows:
`A method for creating a database of coordinates of
`(Previously Amended)
`leak detection and repair (LDAR) components, comprising:
`receiving an input pertaining to an LDAR component;
`obtaining position coordinates of a handheld computer device in response to
`receiving the input;
`associating the position coordinates of the handheld computer device with the
`LDAR component; and
`storing the position coordinates in association with the LDAR component into a
`associating the
`claim 1, wherein
`The method
`coordinates comprises associating the position coordinates of the handheld computer
`device with a unique identifier of the LDAR component.
`The method of claim 1, wherein the position coordinates are Global
`Positioning System coordinates.
`(Currently Amended)
`The method of claim 1, wherein obtaining the position
`coordinates comprises determining the position coordinates from one or more position
`coordinates satellites.
`The method of claim 1, further comprising encrypting the position
`compnslng encrypting the
`claim 1,
`The method of
`association between the position coordinates of the handheld computer device and the
`LDAR component.
`Page 3
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 13
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`The method of claim 1, wherein the database that
`(Previously Amended)
`stores the position coordinates is separate from a database that stores other information
`about the LDAR component.
`A method for providing assistance to a user
`(Previously Amended)
`locating a leak detection and repair (LDAR) component, comprising:
`receiving a request to locate an LDAR component in a field;
`retrieving position coordinates of the LDAR component;
`obtaining position coordinates of a handheld computer device; and
`displaying directions on the handheld computer device, wherein the directions
`are from the position coordinates of
`coordinates of the LDAR component.
`the handheld computer device to the position
`claim 8, wherein the
`The method
`(Currently Amended)
`coordinates of the LDAR component are encrypted and further comprising decrypting
`the encrypted position coordinates.
`The method of claim 8, wherein the directions
`(Previously Amended)
`comprise a heading and distance, a map, a video presentation, a travelogue map, vocal
`instructions, text or combinations thereof.
`The method of claim 8, wherein the directions are
`(Previously Amended)
`displayed without displaying the position coordinates of the LDAR component.
`The method of claim 8, wherein displaying the
`(Previously Amended)
`directions comprises providing directions to the vicinity of the LDAR component.
`(Currently Amended)
`claim 8, wherein
`coordinates of the handheld device or the LDAR component are Global Positioning
`System (GPS) coordinates obtained from one or more GPS satellites or cellular phone
`The method
`Page 4
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 14
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`The method of claim 8, further comprising:
`(Currently Amended)
`obtaining current position coordinates of the handheld computer device when the
`user has reached the LDAR component;
`comparing the current position coordinates of the handheld computer device with
`the retrieved position coordinates of the LDAR component; and
`displaying a warning message on the handheld computer device to the user if the
`difference between the current position coordinates of the handheld computer device
`and the retrieved
`predetermined range.
`position coordinates of
`the LDAR component exceeds a
`The method of claim 14, further comprising providing
`(Currently Amended)
`the user with an option to either
`replace the position coordinates of
`the LDAR
`component with the current position coordinates of the handheld computer device if the
`difference between the current position coordinates of the handheld computer device
`and the retrieved position coordinates of
`the LDAR component exceeds [[all
`predetermined range.
`The method of claim 8, further comprising:
`obtaining current position coordinates of the handheld computer device when the
`user has reached the LDAR component;
`determining whether the current position coordinates are within a predetermined
`range of the retrieved position coordinates of the LDAR component; and
`is determined that
`the current position coordinates are within the
`predetermined range,
`then replacing the retrieved position coordinates of
`the LDAR
`component with the current position coordinates.
`The method of claim 8, further comprising:
`obtaining current position coordinates of the handheld computer device when the
`user has reached the LDAR component;
`Page 5
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 15
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`determining whether the current position coordinates are within a predetermined
`range of the retrieved position coordinates of the LDAR component and whether the
`dilution of precision of the current position coordinates is higher than the dilution of
`precision of the retrieved position coordinates; and
`is determined that
`the current position coordinates are within the
`predetermined range and that
`the dilution of precision of
`the current position
`coordinates are higher
`than the dilution of precision of
`the retrieved position
`coordinates, then replacing the retrieved position coordinates of the LDAR component
`with the current position coordinates.
`The method of claim 8, further comprising:
`(Currently Amended)
`obtaining current position coordinates of the handheld computer device when the
`user has reached the LDAR component;
`comparing the current position coordinates of the handheld computer device with
`the retrieved position coordinates of the LDAR component; and
`the handheld
`the difference between the current position coordinates of
`computer device and the retrieved position coordinates of
`the LDAR component
`exceeds a predetermined range, then sending a message regarding the difference to a
`database for quality assurances purposes.
`A system for
`locating leak detection and repair
`(Previously Amended)
`(LDAR) components, comprising:
`one or more position coordinates satellites; and
`a handheld computer device in communication with the position coordinates
`satellite, wherein the handheld computer device comprises:
`a processor; and
`a memory comprising program instructions executable by the processor
`receive an input pertaining to an LDAR component;
`obtain position coordinates of the handheld computer device using the
`position coordinates satellites;
`Page 6
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 16
`associate the position coordinates of the handheld computer device with
`the LDAR component; and
`store the position coordinates in association with the LDAR component
`into a database.
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`The system of claim 19, wherein the handheld
`(Currently Amended)
`computer device further comprises a position coordinates device configured to
`determine the position coordinates of the handheld computer device from the position
`coordinates satellites.
`The system of claim 19, wherein the memory further comprises
`program instructions executable by the processor to encrypt the position coordinates.
`A system for
`locating leak detection and repair
`(Currently Amended)
`(LDAR) components, comprising:
`[[a]] one or more position coordinates satellite.§.; and
`a handheld computer device in communication with the position coordinates
`satellite, wherein the handheld computer device comprises:
`a processor; and
`a memory comprising program instructions executable by the processor
`receive a request to locate an LDAR component in a field;
`retrieve position coordinates of
`the LDAR component
`in response to
`receiving the request;
`obtain position coordinates of the handheld computer device using the one
`or more position coordinates satellites; and
`display directions on the handheld computer device, wherein the
`directions are from the position coordinates of the handheld computer device to the
`position coordinates of the LDAR component
`The system of claim [[19]]22, wherein the handheld
`(Currently Amended)
`computer device further comprises a position coordinates device configured to
`Page 7
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 17
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`determine the position coordinates of the handheld computer device from the one or
`more position coordinates satellites.
`The system of claim 19, further comprising a position
`(Currently Amended)
`coordinates device configured to determine from the one or more position coordinates
`satellites the position coordinates of the handheld computer device, wherein the position
`coordinates device is in communication with the handheld computer device.
`A method for tracking a technician in an industrial
`(Currently Amended)
`plant, comprising:
`receiving one or more sets of position coordinates of a handheld computer
`device while the technician is performing a task for a [[L]]leak [[D]]getection and
`(LDAR) component disposed inside the industrial plant, wherein
`handheld computer device is used by the technician to perform the task;
`associating the one or more sets of position coordinates with the technician; and
`storing the one or more sets of position coordinates automatically by the
`handheld computer device into a database while performing the task.
`The method of claim 25, further comprising displaying
`(Currently Amended)
`a representation of the one or more sets of position coordinates on a computer screen.
`The method of claim 25, wherein the one or more sets
`(Currently Amended)
`,Qlposition coordinates comprise a first set of position coordinates and a second set of
`position coordinates, wherein the second set of position coordinates is received after
`the first set of position coordinates is received, and further comprising displaying a first
`representation of the first set of position coordinates and a second representation of the
`second set of position coordinates, wherein the second set of position coordinates is
`different from the first set of position coordinates.
`Page 8
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 18
`The method of claim 25, wherein the task comprises
`(Previously Amended)
`monitoring the LDAR component, servicing the LDAR component, collecting data from
`the LDAR component, documenting the LDAR component or combinations thereof.
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`Page 9
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 19
`Atty. Dkt. No. LDAR0010
`In the specification, paragraph [0030] has been amended to correct minor
`editorial problems.
`Claims 4, 20, 22 and 24 have been amended for antecedent basis. Claims 9, 13(cid:173)
`15, 18 and 25-27 have been amended for antecedent basis and clarity.
`Claim 23 has been amended to correct a typographical error.
`identical to claim 20.
`It should have been written to depend from claim 22.
`No new matter has been added by the amendments made herein. Accordingly,
`respectfully requests entry of
`the amendments prior
`to issuance of
`This claim is
`Respectfully submitted,
`IAri Pramudjil
`Date: January 10. 2013
`Ari Pramudji
`Registration No. 45,022
`Pramudji Law Group, PLLC
`7880 San Felipe, Suite 115
`Houston, Texas 77063
`(713) 468-4600
`(713) 980-9882
`Attorney for Assignee
`Page 10
`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 20
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
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`InspectionLogic Ex. 1002, p. 22
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`Pramudji Law Group PLLC
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`Rex Moses
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