In re patent of: Farber et al.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Issued: November 2, 1999
`Petition for Inter Partes Review
`Attorney Docket No.: 47015.132
`Customer No.: 116298
`Real Parties
`in Interest: Rackspace US, Inc. and
`Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`I, Narashimha Reddy, declare as follows:
`I have been asked by Petitioner to provide this Declaration regarding
`certain factual issues that are common to multiple Inter Partes Review proceedings.
`2. My name is A. L. Narasimha Reddy. I am currently the J.W. Runyon
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University in
`College Station, Texas. I have over 25 years of experience in a wide variety of
`technologies and industries relating to data storage and retrieval.
`I was a graduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-
`Champaign during August 1985–August 1990 and I was a Research Staff Member
`at IBM Almaden Research Center during August 1990–August 1995. I joined
`Texas A&M University as a faculty member in August 1995. I have been using
`Usenet newsgroups from 1985 onwards. Usenet newsgroups provided an easy
`mechanism to share information and learn from others.
`Usenet newsgroups are organized based on various topics related to
`computer technology, social issues, and any other topic that people would like to
`discuss with others. I used to subscribe to several computer-related newsgroups
`and some social newsgroups. Until the World Wide Web became popular,
`newsgroups were one of the fastest ways to disseminate information to others.
`People with similar interests gather and post articles on different topics in different
`A complete curriculum vitae, including a list of my publications, is
`attached hereto as Appendix B.
`The testimony I provide in this Declaration is based on my personal
`knowledge of the relevant facts. A list of the materials that I reviewed in
`GOOG-1008-Page 2 of 32

`preparation for this Declaration is attached hereto as Appendix A. In addition, I
`reviewed each of the materials cited or referred to in this Declaration, even if not
`listed in Appendix A.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`II. The LANGER Reference
`I have been asked to provide my understanding of certain facts
`relating to the following document:
`Albert Langer, “Re: dl/describe (File descriptions),” article
`<> in Usenet
`newsgroups “alt.sources.d” and “comp.archives.admin” (August 7,
`1991) (the “Langer Reference,” RACK-1004).
`I obtained a copy of the Langer Reference (RACK-1004) from the
`“Google Groups” website, at the web address Google
`Groups contains a compilation of Usenet articles going back to the 1980s and is
`recognized as a key archive of Usenet articles. For example, running a Google
`Groups search on the term “albert langer unique identifier” returns the Langer
`Reference as one of the top results.
`As explained more fully below, it is my belief that the Langer
`Reference was publicly accessible on or about August 7, 1991.
`10. The Langer Reference is a Usenet article dated August 7, 1991. I have
`been familiar with Usenet since 1985 and more specifically, I was familiar with
`Usenet during the 1991–1992 time frame. Usenet was a worldwide system that
`facilitated discussion of various topics. Usenet was built on top of interconnected
`“news servers”. Clients connect to news servers to get access to articles posted on
`Usenet. A user could send and receive articles from their own computers. These
`computers connect to news servers that distribute articles to other news servers
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`across the world. Articles were grouped into “newsgroups,” with each newsgroup
`covering a specific topic (both technical and non-technical). Usenet nodes
`automatically communicated among themselves to propagate articles to the entire
`network, which included many thousands of nodes worldwide. Users subscribed to
`different newsgroups and any new postings on those newsgroups are delivered to
`the subscribing users. Users can comment and reply to earlier articles, and the
`articles are threaded into different topics, much like e-mail systems do now.
`11. During the 1991–1992 time frame, I subscribed to several newsgroups
`in technical areas close to my research interests (e.g., computer networking,
`storage systems, computer architecture, and others). I regularly read articles from
`those newsgroups. Many of those newsgroups and articles were in the same
`technical field as the Langer Reference, namely, the management and distributed
`storage of data. I relied on Usenet as a significant and timely source of information
`to follow development in different technical fields. In that time frame, researchers
`regularly wrote Usenet articles to disseminate new ideas and to comment on
`others’ articles. Because the Usenet community was heavily concentrated around
`computer science departments, Usenet was a natural forum to discuss topics such
`as computer systems and networking.
`It is my belief that the Langer Reference is a true and correct copy of
`the document that Petitioner claims it is. Like all Usenet articles, the Langer
`Reference includes several “header fields” that provide essential information about
`the document. Each of those header fields has the format and content one would
`expect of an authentic Usenet article from the 1991 time frame. For example, the
`“From:” field identifies the article’s author (Albert Langer). The “Newsgroups:”
`field indicates that the article was posted to two newsgroups: “alt.sources.d” and
`“comp.archives.admin.” These newsgroups are listed in the well-known syntax one
`GOOG-1008-Page 4 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`would expect. The “Subject:” field indicates the subject matter of the article,
`namely, a computer program relating to “File descriptions” that was posted to the
`“alt.sources” newsgroup. The “Message-ID:” field includes a unique identifier for
`the article. The “Date:” field indicates that the article was posted on August 7,
`1991 at approximately 10:52 p.m. GMT, which would have been automatically
`generated when the article was posted to Usenet. The simple, plain-text formatting
`and the use of email-like visual conventions (e.g., lines beginning with “>” to
`quote another article) are also consistent with the format of Usenet articles from
`the 1991 time frame. While a Usenet article has some similarities to an e-mail, it
`also has distinctive characteristics which identify it as a Usenet article. The
`presence of the “Newsgroups:”, “References:”, “Followup-To:”, “Organization:”,
`and “Lines:” fields all would have been normal for a Usenet article but unusual in
`e-mail. The address that appears in the “Sender:” field shows that this post
`originated from the newshost machine in Australian National University. In
`addition, this article was posted by Albert Langer as a reply to an earlier article, as
`noted by “Re:” in the subject header. Finally, the “Path:” header field contains the
`particular list of Usenet nodes that the article traversed until it reached the point
`where it was archived. I am confident that the Langer Reference (RACK-1004)
`was published to Usenet on the approximate date and time indicated and that the
`header and contents of the article in RACK-1004 are as originally posted.
`It is also my belief that the Langer Reference was publicly accessible
`prior to April 11, 1994. During the 1991–1992 time frame, Usenet was one of the
`preeminent Internet-based sources of information in a variety of technical fields.
`During that time, Usenet was widely available to University faculty, students, and
`staff, as well as to research and development employees of several commercial
`institutions that had Internet access. In addition, in the same time frame, access to
`GOOG-1008-Page 5 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`Usenet via a telephone modem was commercially available to anyone for a fee
`(and the cost of network access or telephone service). See G. Todino et al., Using
`UUCP and Usenet (1991), at 100-101 (RACK-1012). I had access to Usenet as a
`graduate student at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, while I was working
`in the industry at IBM, and as a faculty member at Texas A&M University. When I
`obtained the Langer Reference from Google Groups, I noticed that people read and
`commented on Langer’s article in 1991.
`14. Each newsgroup in Usenet was devoted to a specific topic. Thus, the
`readership of each newsgroup generally consisted of individuals with a specific
`interest in that topic. In addition, an article could be posted to multiple
`newsgroups, thus multiplying its readership. For example, the Langer Reference
`was posted to two newsgroups: “alt.sources.d,” which hosted technical discussions
`about source code posted to the “alt.sources” newsgroup, and
`“comp.archives.admin,” which focused on technical issues relating to the
`administration of computer archives.
`15. During the 1991–1992 time frame, total Usenet readership already
`numbered in the millions. For example, a contemporaneous article provides an
`estimate of about 1.7 million “netreaders” in August 1991. B. Reid, “USENET
`READERSHIP SUMMARY REPORT FOR AUG 91” (Sept. 1, 1991) (the “Reid
`Summary,” RACK-1009). The readership for the “alt.sources.d” and
`“comp.archives.admin” newsgroups was also large, numbering 37,000 users and
`27,000 users, respectively. B. Reid, “USENET Readership report for Aug 91”
`(Sept. 1, 1991) (the “Reid Report,” RACK-1010). These figures are consistent with
`my personal recollection of the facts at the time. Note that, by default, the Langer
`Reference was propagated to the entire Usenet network since it does not include
`any of the indicia (e.g., a “Distribution:” field) that would specify that the intended
`GOOG-1008-Page 6 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`recipients were limited to a specific geographical area or set of nodes. Whether to
`accept or retain articles from any particular newsgroup was a policy that was
`settable on a per-node and per newsgroup basis. However, the vast majority of
`Usenet sites accepted articles from any newsgroup with a name beginning with
`“comp.”, as these were considered to be valuable resources of information. Also,
`the program that generated the statistics used to produce the above-mentioned
`readership reports actually examined each user’s records of which groups and
`articles had been read, so the readership statistics of each newsgroup reflect both
`node policy and actual readership. Each Usenet article was thus publicly available
`to a large audience of persons interested in the subject matter. Specifically, it is my
`assessment that the Langer Reference was delivered to at least tens of thousands of
`users who had a specific technical interest in the administration of computer
`archives, based on the estimate from the Reid Report. See RACK-1010. Also, the
`Reid Summary provides a small sample of the Usenet nodes during that time
`frame, indicating the geographic, academic, and industry reach of Usenet at that
`time. See RACK-1009.
`16. The intended audience received each of the Usenet articles within at
`most a day or two from the date on which it was posted. Since Usenet articles were
`small plain-text files, propagation to the entire Usenet network was rather fast,
`despite the low network speeds of the time. In fact, according to a
`contemporaneous source, more than 90% of all messages reached 90% of all nodes
`for which they were intended within one day. J.S. Quarterman, The Matrix (1990),
`at 237 (RACK-1011). This is consistent with my personal recollection of the facts
`at the time. Consequently, Usenet articles in general, and the Langer Reference in
`particular, were automatically pushed and distributed to a set of users who had
`registered interest in the relevant topics (e.g., administration of computer archives).
`GOOG-1008-Page 7 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`Each of the individuals who received one of the Usenet articles had
`the opportunity to read it on their computer screen and/or save it to disk for future
`reference. That functionality was available through standard programs such as “m”
`(for “read news”) with which I was familiar during the 1991-1992 time frame. See
`RACK-1012, at 116-21. A system administrator could archive entire newsgroups
`similar to a user saving an article, and it is my understanding that the copies of the
`Langer Reference in existence today are the result of such archival.
`III. Conclusion
`In signing this declaration, I recognize that the declaration will be
`filed as evidence in a contested case before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I also recognize that I may be
`subject to cross examination in the case and that cross examination will take place
`within the United States. If cross examination is required of me, I will appear for
`cross examination within the United States during the time allotted for cross
`I declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are
`true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true;
`and further that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false
`statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both,
`under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Executed on this
`day of October, 2013.
`A~ L* AR/wQ«\«~C¢ Z91/0:
`Narashimha Reddy
`GOOG-1008-Page 8 of 32
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`College Station, Texas
`GOOG-1008-Page 9 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`Albert Langer, “Re: dl/describe (File descriptions),” article
`<> in Usenet
`newsgroups “alt.sources.d” and “comp.archives.admin”
`(August 7, 1991)
`FOR AUG 91” (Sept. 1, 1991)
`B. Reid, “USENET Readership report for Aug 91” (Sept.
`1, 1991)
`J.S. Quarterman, The Matrix (1990)
`G. Todino et al., Using UUCP and Usenet (1991)
`GOOG-1008-Page 10 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Engg.
`Texas A & M University
`333J Wisenbaker, College Station, TX 77843-3259
`, 979-845-7598 (O), 979-845-2630 (FAX)
`Educational Record:
`University of Illinois (Urbana) : Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
`Engineering. Aug. 1990.
`University of Illinois (Urbana) : M.S. in Electrical and Computer
`Engineering. May 1987.
`Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur, India): Bachelor of Technology
`(Honors) in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering. May
`Thesis Topic:
`Ph.D Thesis : Issues in IO architectures for high-performance/
`multiprocessor systems.
`M.S. Thesis: Algorithm based Fault Detection Techniques for Specific
`B.Tech Thesis (Project) : Studies on Residue Number System for Signal
`Honors and Awards:
`Cited for one of the most influential papers of first ACM Multimedia
`Distinguished Achievement Award for teaching (College level), AFS,
`TAMU, 2005.
`Ford Fellow, College of Engg., TAMU 2004.
`Outstanding Professor Award, Dept. of EE, TAMU, 2003-04.
`TEES Fellow, College of Engg., TAMU, 2001.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`Neely Faculty Fellow, College of Engg., TAMU, 1999.
`Outstanding Professor Award, IEEE Student branch, TAMU, 1997-1998.
`NSF Career Award (1996-2000).
`5 Patents and an IBM Plateau Invention Achievement Award.
`IBM Graduate Fellowship (1988-90).
`Presidential Silver Medal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
`(May 86).
`Research Interests:
`Storage Systems, Networks, Multimedia, and Computer Architecture.
`Work Experience:
`Catedra de Excelencia, University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, Aug. 2009-
`Feb. 2010.
`J.W. Runyon Professor, Dept. of ECE., Texas A&M University, Oct. 2008-
`Professor, Dept. of Elec. and Compu. Engg, Texas A & M University, Sep.
`2004 -Sep. 2008.
`Associate Professor, Dept. of Elec. Engg, Texas A & M University, Aug.
`1995 - Aug. 2004.
`Research Staff Member, IBM Almaden Research Center: Aug. 1990 - Aug.
`GOOG-1008-Page 12 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`Professional Activities:
`External Evaluator, Faculty Promotion Committee, University of Jordan,
`Amman, Jordan, 2012.
`Program Committee Member, Parallel Data Storage Workshop, 2012.
`Member, Information Technology Research Academy Strategy Formulation,
`India, Oct. 2011.
`Review Chair, Los Alamos National Lab Research Information Institute
`program, Apr. 2011.
`Program Committee Member, USENIX HotStorage Conf., 2010-2012.
`External Evaluator, Faculty Search Committee, ICS-FORTH, Crete, Greece,
`Program Co-chair, IEEE Broadnets 2008.
`Area Lead, IEEE Infocom 2008.
`Program Committee Member, USENIX FAST Conf. 2009.
`Panels Co-Chair, COMSWARE 2008.
`Program Committee Member, ICDCS 2008, 2013.
`Program Committee Member, IEEE ICNP 2008.
`Program Committee Member, COMSNETS 2009-2013.
`Program Committee Member, COMSWARE 2007-2008.
`Program Committee Member, Int. Workshop Visualization for Computer
`Security, 2006.
`Program Committee Member, CoNEXT Conference, 2006, 2007, 2009.
`Program Committee Member, Int. Workshop on QOS, 2006-2011.
`Program Committee Member, IEEE Infocom, 2005-2013.
`External Reviewer, Faculty promotion Committee, KAIST, Korea, 2003.
`Technical Consultant, EMC Corp., 2001-2003.
`Educational Content Expert on Computer Networking, Jones International
`Member, Technical Advisory Board, Netgeo Inc., Mountain View.
`Technical Advisor, TBD Networks.
`GOOG-1008-Page 13 of 32

`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
`NSF Panelist, several times, 1999-2013.
`Proposal Reviewer, Netherlands NSF.
`Program Committee member, ACM Multimedia Conference, 2002.
`Program Committee member, MCW-2001, Multimedia on Clusters of
`Workstations, 2001.
`Program Committee member, IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia Comp. and
`Systems, 1999.
`Panel Chair, IEEE Conf. High Performance Computer Architecture, 1999.
`Program Committee member, High Performance Computing, 1999.
`Program Committee member, Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, 1998.
`Tutorial Chair, IEEE Conf. on Multimedia Computing Systems, 1998.
`Panel Chair, Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, 1995.
`Program Committee member, Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, 1995.
`Program track coordinator, Hawaii Int. Conf. on Systems and Sciences, 1994.
`Reviewer for several conferences, journals and NSF.
`Fellow of the IEEE Computer Society, member of ACM SIGARCH.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` N. Annapareddy, J. Brady, D. Finney, M. Hartung, M. Ko, J. Menon,
`and D. Nowlen, Conflict resolution in multi-node communication
`network, U.S. Patent number: 6,101,194, received Aug. 8, 2000.
` N. Annapareddy, J. Brady, D. Finney, R. Freitas, M. Ko, and
`M. Rayfield, Method and System for message status reporting in a multi-
`node communication network, U.S. Patent number: 5,717,862, received
`Feb. 10, 1998.
` N. Annapareddy, D. Finney, M. Jenkins, L. Kessler, A. Lang, S. Liang,
`D. Mora, D. Plomgren, P. Urbisci and A. Walls, Interconnection network
`for a multi-nodal data processing system which exhibits incremental
`scalability, US Patent number: 5,602,044, received Feb. 11, 1997.
` N. Annapareddy, J. Brady and D. Finney, Adpative and Dynamic
`message routing system for multinode wormhole networks, US Patent
`number: 5,602,839, Received Feb. 11, 1997.
` N. Annapareddy, J. Brady, D. Finney, R. Freitas, M. Hartung, M. Ko,
`N. Mendelson, J. Menon, D. Nowlen and S-Y Tzou, System and method
`using chaines structured queues for ordering of message delivery
`between connected nodes wherein unsuccessful message portion is
`skipped and retried, US Patent number: 5,577,211, Received Nov. 19,
`Archival Publications
` Wu, X1, Qiu, S.1, and Reddy A. L. N., “SCMFS: A file system for
`Stroage Class Memory and its extensions”, accepted for publication in
`ACM Transactions on Storage, Jan. 2013.
` Wu, X1 and Reddy A. L. N., “A novel approach to manage hybrid
`storage system”, Journal of communications, vol.7., July 2012.
` Shin, S., Gu, G., Reddy, A. L. N., “A large-scale study of Conficker”,
`IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, June 2012.
` Yadav, S1, Reddy, A. K.1, Reddy, A. L. Narasimha and Ranjan, S.,
`“Detecting algorithmically generated malicious domain names”,
`ACM/IEEE Trans. on Networking, 2012.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` Lee, Y-O.1 and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Algorithms for disjoint path
`construction for failure recovery and multipath routing”, to appear in
`Journal on Computer Networks, 2012.
` Garrison, J.1, and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Umbrella File System:
`Storage management across heterogeneous devices”, ACM Transactions
`on Storage, vol.5, no.1, Mar. 2009.
` Kim, S.1, and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Statistical Techniques for
`detecting Traffic Anomalies through Packet header data” IEEE/ACM
`Transactions on Networking (ToN), July 2008.
` Liu, Y.1, and Reddy, A. L. N., ”Multihoming route control among a
`group of multihomed stub networks”, Journal on Computer
`Communications, Nov. 2007.
` Bhandarkar, S.1, Reddy, A. L. N., Allman, M., Blanton, E., ”Improving
`the robustness of TCP to non-congestion events”, IETF(Internet
`Engineering Task Force) RFC 4653, August 2006.
` Kang, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “An Approach to Virtual Allocation in
`Storage Systems”, in ACM Transactions on Storage, Nov. 2006, Vol.2,
` Kim, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “Image based Anomaly detection: Design,
`Algorithms and Evaluation”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Comm.,
`vol. 24.10, October 2006, 1942-1954.
` Bhandarkar, S.1, Reddy A. L. N., “LTCP: A layered framework for
`improving TCP’s performance in high-speed networks”, in ACM CCR,
`Jan. 2006.
` Kwon, D.W., Ko, M., Vannucci, M., Reddy, A. L. N., and Kim, S.1,
`“Wavelet methods for the detection of anomalies and their application to
`network traffic analysis”, Quality and Reliability Engineering
`International (QREI) 2006, 22, pages: 1-17.
` Reddy, A. L. N., Wyllie, J., and Wijayaratne, R.1, “Scheduling for
`multimedia servers”, invited submission for the premier issue of ACM
`Transactions on Multimedia, March 2005. Cited for being one of the
`most influential papers from ACM Multimedia conference 1993.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` Kim, S1., and Reddy, A. L. N., “Statistical techniques for detecting
`traffic anomalies through packet header data”, accepted for publication
`in ACM/IEEE transactions on Networking, January 2007.
` Garg, A1., and Reddy, A. L. N., “Mitigating Denial of service attacks
`through QOS regulation”, in the special issue of Journal of
`Microprocessors and Microsystems on secure platforms, May 2004.
` Bhandarkar, S.1, Sadry, N.1, Reddy A. L. N., Vaidya, N., “TCP-DCR: A
`novel protocol for tolerating wireless channel errors”, IEEE Transactions
`on Mobile Computing, March 2005.
` Zhao, Z.1, Ametha. J., Swaroop. D. and Reddy A. L. N., “A method for
`estimating nonresponsive traffic at a router”, ACM/IEEE Trans. on
`Networking, Aug. 2004.
` Yeom, I1. and Reddy A. L. N., “Adaptive Marking for Assured
`Forwarding Service” IEEE Communication Letters, Oct. 2002.
` Yeom, I1. and Reddy A. L. N., “Providing consistent delay
`differentiation” accepted by IEICE Transactions on Communications,
`Sept. 2002.
` Ma, X1. and Reddy A. L. N., “Multiview Storage Systems”, IEEE Trans.
`on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Apr. 2003.
` Yeom, I1. and Reddy A. L. N., “Marking for QOS Improvement”,
`Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications, pages 35-50, vol. 24,
`no.1, Jan 2001.
` Yeom, I1. and Reddy, A. L. N., “Modeling TCP behavior in a
`differentiated services network”, ACM/IEEE Transactions on
`Networking, vol. 9, no.1, pages 31-46, Feb. 2001.
` Ma, G.1, Khaleel, A1. and Reddy, A. L. N., “Evaluation of storage
`systems based on network-attached disks”, IEEE Transactions on
`Parallel and Distributed Systems, September 2000, 956-968.
` Wijayaratne, R1. and Reddy, A. L. N., “Providing QOS guarantees for
`disk I/O”, Proc. of ACM/Springer Journal on Multimedia Systems, Jan
`2000, vol.8, no.1, pages:57-68.
` Yeom, I1. and Reddy, A. L. N., “ENDE: An End-to-end Network Delay
`Emulator”, Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, Kluwer
`Publishers, vol. 14, no.3, June 2001.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Upfal, E., “Real-time communication scheduling in
`a multicomputer video server”, Journal on Parallel and Distributed
`Computing, Sep. 1999, vol.58, pages: 425-445.
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Wyllie, J., “I/O issues in a multimedia system”,
`IEEE Computer, Mar. 1994, vol.27, no.3, pages:69-74.
` Reddy, A. L. N., Chandy, J. and Banerjee, P., “Design and evaluation of
`gracefully degradable disk arrays”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed
`Computing, Jan. 1993, vol.17, pages: 28-40.
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Banerjee, P., “Algorithm Based Fault Detection
`Techniques for Signal Processing Applications”, IEEE Transactions on
`Computers, Oct. 1990, vol.39, no.10, pages: 1304-1308.
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Banerjee, P., “’Design, Analysis and Simulation of
`IO Architectures for Hypercube Multiprocessors” IEEE Transactions on
`Parallel and Distributed Systems, April 1990, vol.1, no.2, pages:140-
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Banerjee, P., “An evaluation of multiple-disk IO
`systems” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Dec. 1989, vol. 38, no.12,
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Banerjee, P., “A Study of Parallel Disk
`Organizations” ACM Computer Architecture News, Sept. 1989.
` Abraham, J., Banerjee, P., Chen, C.Y., Fuchs, W.K., Kuo, S. Y. and
`Reddy, A.L.N., “Fault Tolerance Techniques for Systolic Arrays”, IEEE
`Computer, July 1987, vol.20, no.7, pages:65- 85.
` Chakraborti, N.B., Soundararajan, J.S.and Reddy, A. L. N.,“An
`Implementation of Mixed-Radix Conversion for Residue Number
`Applications”, IEEE Transactions on computers, August 1986, vol. C-
`35, no.8, pages:762-764.
`Publication of books or book chapters
` Bhandarkar, S.1, and Reddy, A. L. N., “TCP in Wireless Networks”,
`invited book chapter in Encyclopedia on wireless and mobile
`communications”, CRC Press, Dec. 2007.
` I. Yeom1 and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, “Differentiated Services”, invited
`book chapter in Wiley’s Encyclopedia on Communications, 2002.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` A. L. Narasimha Reddy and J. Wyllie, “Disk Scheduling in a Multimedia
`I/O System”, reproduced as a book chapter in Readings in Multimedia
`Computing and Networking, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Editors:
`Kevin Jeffay and HongJiang Zhang, Summer 2001.
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Wijayaratne R., “Scheduling for integrated service
`in multimedia systems”, invited book chapter in Multimedia Handbook,
`CRC Press, Dec. 1997.
` Reddy, A. L. N. and Haskin R., “Video Servers”, invited book chapter in
`Communications Handbook, CRC Press, 1996.
` Reddy, A. L. N., “Improving the interactive responsiveness in a video
`server”, invited book chapter in Multimedia Information Storage and
`Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dec. 1996.
` Reddy, A. L. N., “Scheduling in Multimedia Systems”, invited book
`chapter in Design and Applications of Multimedia Systems, Kluwer
`Academic Publishers, Aug. 1995.
`Rigorously Refereed Conference Publications
` Moon, S1 and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Don’t let RAID raid the
`lifetime of your SSD array”, Proc. of USENIX HotStorage Conf., June
` Qiu, S1, and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “NVMFS: A hybrid file system
`for improving random write in NAND-flash SSD”, Proc. of Mass
`Storage Systems Symposium, May 2013.
` Lee, Y-O1, and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Multipath Routing for
`Reducing Network Energy”, IEEE Greencom Conf., Sep. 2012.
` Qui, S1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Exploiting superpages in a
`nonvolatile memory file systems”, IEEE Mass Storage Symposium,
`Apr. 2012.
` Moon, S1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Write amplification due to ECC
`on flash memory or leave those bit errors alone”, IEEE Mass Storage
`Symposium, Apr. 2012.
` Wu, X1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “SCMFS: A file system for storage
`class memory”, ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conf. SC11, Nov. 2011.
` Yadav S.1, Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Winning with DNS Failures:
`Strategies for faster botnet detection”, SecureComm Conf., Sep. 2011.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` Lee, Y-O1, Rengarajan, B., and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Reaching
`approximate Wardrop equilibrium at reduced cost of link state updates” ,
`COMSNETS Conf., Jan 2011.
` Qian,B1., and Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Measurement and performance
`study of PERT for on-demand video streaming” , Pfldnet workshop,
`Nov. 2010.
` Yadav, S1, Reddy, A. K.1, Reddy, A. L. Narasimha and Ranjan, S.,
`“Detecting algorithmically generated malicious domain names”, Proc. of
`Internet Measurement Conference, Nov. 2010.
` Wu, X1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Exploiting concurrency to improve
`latency and throughput in a hybrid storage system”, Best Paper
`Nomination, IEEE MASCOTS Conf., Aug. 2010.
` Devakota, P1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Performance of Quantized
`Congestion Notification in TCP Incast Scenarios of Data centers”, IEEE
`MASCOTS Conf., Aug. 2010.
` Lee, Y-Oh1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Disjoint Multi-Path Routing and
`Failure Recovery”, Proc. of ICC, May 2010.
` Yadav, S1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “DNS Anomaly detection with NS
`and AS information”, IASTED Conf. on Network Security, Nov. 2010.
` Wu, X1., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha, “Managing storage space in a flash
`and disk hybrid storage system ”, IEEE MASCOTS Conf., Oct. 2009.
` Podduturi, V., Kim, Y., Shakkottai, S., Reddy, A. L. Narasimha,
`“MultiTrack: A delay and cost aware P2P Overlay architecture”, ACM
`Sigmetrics, June 2009.
` Kotla, K1., Reddy, A. L. N., “Making a delay-based protocol adaptive to
`heterogeneous environments”, Proc. of IwQOS, June 2008.
` Kang, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “User-centric data migration in networked
`storage systems”, Proc. of IPDPS, April 2008.
` Bhandarkar, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., Zhang, Y., Loguinov, D.,“Emulation
`of AQM at end hosts”, Proc. ACM Sigcomm, Aug. 2007.
` Bhandarkar, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “Robustness to packet reordering in
`high-speed networks”, Proc. of Pfldnet, Feb. 2007.
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`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,791
`Declaration of Dr. Reddy
` Al-Najjar, C1., Reddy, A. L. N., “A service provider’s approach to
`improving performance of aggregate voice-over-IP traffic”, Proc. of
`IWQOS, June 2006.
` Kim, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “Netviewer: A Network traffic visualization
`and analysis tool”, Proc. of USENIX LISA Conference, Dec. 2005,
` Liu, Y1, and Reddy A. L. N., “Routing among a group of multi-homed
`stub networks”, Proc. of Globecom, Dec. 2005.
` Bhandarkar, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “LTCP: A layered approach to TCP
`for high-speed networks”, PFLDNet, Feb. 2005.
` Kim, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “Modeling network traffic as images”, ICC,
`May 2005.
` Kim, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “A study of analyzing network traffic as
`images in real-time”, IEEE Infocom, March 2005.
` Kim, S1., Reddy, A. L. N., “Real-time detection and containment of
`network attacks using QOS regulation”, Proc. of ICC, May 2005.

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