Path: gmdzi!unido!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-
`From: (Albert Langer)
`Newsgroups: alt.sources.d,comp.archives.admin
`Subject: Re: dl/describe (File descriptions) posted to alt.sources
`Message-ID: <>
`Date: 7 Aug 91 22:51:59 GMT
`References: <>
`Followup-To: comp.archives.admin
`Organization: Computer Services Centre, Australian National University,
`Canberra, Australia.
`Lines: 291
`Xref: gmdzi alt.sources.d:21891 comp.archives.admin:296
`In article <>
`(Tim Cook) writes:
`>I have just posted a new version of "dl/describe" (previously known as
`>"dls/describe") to alt.sources.
`This action was prompted by Christian
`>Schlichtherle's <> posting of "dls" and then "vls".
`Competition works wonders!
`The "dl" command now has a recursive
`>I have also added a few things.
`>(-R) option, just like ls(1) [...]
`I am very glad to see you have taken up this suggestion. But I still think
`it is important for ALL options of ls (including the no options case)
`to work IDENTICALLY to ls itself - especially when the program is
`called with the name ($0) ls. That should be a VERY easy change to
`make (just call ls :-) and should remove ANY reservations about
`replacing ls with dl for ftp sites. (Descriptions should be added
`whenever a special option, never used by either Sys V or BSD ls
`is given, or perhaps also as a default when $0 is not ls, with an option
`to suppress it.)
`Another suggestion: It would be nice to allow multiple line
`descriptions, even though that may be awkward with dbm. As well as
`allowing for cases when one line just is not enough, this could
`permit eventual transition to complete MARC records from the OCLC
`project or other forms of more detailed cataloging. Also long
`filenames should be handled transparently. A simple display convention
`GOOG-1004-Page 1 of 6


`could be that anything starting in the first column is a new filename
`(or a continuation of a previous ridiculously long filename that did
`not end before the end of the previous line). Anything that starts
`with whitespace is a continuation of a description from the previous
`line or if at the top, is a description of the directory.
`(A similar convention is used in FILES.BBS files that play a similar
`role on some BBSes).
`>#ifndef MODEST
`I would implore all those looking for a system of setting and listing
`>descriptive file comments to investigate dl/describe.
`I think it is a
`>very good solution (I expecially think the use of DBM files to store
`>descriptions to be a superior method), and it has already been installed
`>in several Anonymous FTP sites around the world.
`I plan on making it as
`>portable as possible, and getting it to mesh with the archie system, and
`>as many ftpd's as possible.
`I would like to endorse that strongly, with no risk of immodesty :-)
`I hope you quickly add utilities for mv, cp, rm and ln as Chris did,
`and also for processing MANIFEST files. These should be quite
`trivial. (I also hope Chris upgrades vls for full compatability
`with ls and to use dbm and that competition continues :-)
`Again, these utilities should function IDENTICALLY to the normal
`Sys V and BSD versions with ALL options, so that users can simply
`include them ahead of the normal versions in their paths without
`ANY scripts breaking. Incidentally, you might want to think about
`a possible variation that redefines the appropriate system
`calls themselves in an installable file system. As well as providing
`transparent use of descriptions along with files for C programs
`as well as shell scripts, this might be a way to implement long
`file names and even symbolic links on a Sys V 3.2 installable
`file system - thus earning eternal gratitude or perhaps hard
`cash from many people unable to upgrade to Sys V R4.
`It looks like all the pieces are falling into place for a thorough
`solution to ftp problems (X.500, archie, prospero, WAIS, the OCLC project,
`Mark Moraes batched ftp and now dl or vls).
`dl is much smaller than some of the others but I think it is also
`VERY important so as to capture descriptions along with filenames
`themselves. This provides the raw material for a decent indexing
`facility for X.500, archie, prospero and WAIS without extra work adding
`descriptions centrally. That is essential both as an interim measure and
`to provide raw material for future upgrading to proper catalog
`records when these have been defined by the OCLC project.
`It should just become expected that anybody making a file
`available for ftp will ALSO add a one line description - as
`is usually the case on the most primitive BBSes. The "burden"
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`is unlikely to be resented as it makes the files that much
`more useful to the ftp site as well, and it is a FAR smaller
`burden for each ftp site than it would be for central
`database maintainers.
`The quicker dl (or vls) gets widely used at ftp sites, the quicker
`it will be possible to find potentially interesting packages by
`keyword queries on archie etc instead of just by file name or
`portion of filename (or with restriction to only incomplete
`keyword indexes maintained centrally).
`In the meantime it is a great utility for enhancing the normal use
`of any ftp site and simplifying administration of directory description
`files etc (and likewise for keeping track of files for any user on
`any unix system).
`As soon as it gets widely used, tools will be needed, as Tim
`mentioned, for getting it to mesh with the archie system and
`with ftp. In particular:
`1. Collection of descriptions by archie and delivery (optionally)
`along with filenames in response to queries.
`2. Ditto for prospero.
`3. Searching of raw descriptions by keyword queries for X.500, archie and
`It would be nice to also provide this within dl itself - or just as a simple
`utility to periodically do a recursive listing of descriptions and either
`index that file or use grep on it.
`4. Facilities for reviewing multiple raw descriptions of the same
`filename and selecting one, or editing a new description that can
`optionally be used as a "revised" description instead of the raw
`description in response to a query (and for keyword searching).
`5. Ways to pickup descriptions and merge them automatically in an
`ftp session. (One way involves running the dl command and processing
`the output locally, but an alternative may be to get the .pag file
`from each directory and process that - if it can be made machine
`6. A way to feed back "revised" descriptions from 4 to the individual
`ftp sites for optional replacement of or addition to their raw descriptions -
`perhaps using methods also developed for 5.
`Finally, another issue that will arise is that of uniquely identifying
`files which may have different names and/or be in different directories
`on different systems (and also of being sure that files with the same
`name are identical - we don't even have the date preserved across
`ftp transfers and can only rely on the file size).
`Specifying a file in a news article in the form host.domain:path/filename
`is fine as far as it goes. But any automatic extraction of that to
`GOOG-1004-Page 3 of 6


`place a file request will go to the particular ftp site even though
`closer sites may have the same item. Cache and mirror sites can
`partially solve the problem, especially if extended more widely
`through an enhancement of Mark Moraes scripts, but there will still
`be a strong temptation to just take the easy way out, and not bother
`installing software that adds a delay consulting archie
`or any other method to check where to obtain a file locally.
`If comp.archives and WAIS etc provide a unique identifier
`for each file which is independent of location, and there are convenient
`ways to automatically insert that identifier into a news article when
`referring to a file, then users would HAVE to lookup a directory before
`ftping the file, and could then be automatically informed of the
`nearest location. (This need be no burden on the user - they should
`be able to request by the unique identifier and have the request
`acted upon by the appropriate ftp archive in one operation while
`reading news or mail - at dial-up sites just as well as on the
`internet). Incidentally, funding this aspect of comp.archives and
`archie etc could be justified by NSFnet and regional networks as
`being concerned solely with bandwidth conservation rather than
`information value adding.
`A simple method of defining a unique identifier that does NOT include
`a particular site identifier would be to use a
`hash function on the entire contents of the file. This can be generated
`locally without requiring a registration system and if long enough the
`chances of collision are negligible. I would suggest using a cryptographic
`hash function such as MD5 which generates a 16 byte result. The extra
`work to use cryptographic hashing is only done once when assigning the
`unique identifier and is therefore unimportant. But for any users
`that DO wish to check validity, it provides a VERY secure means of ensuring
`they have got an uncorrupted version of the specific file they were told
`about, regardless of where they can get it from. (There
`is currently no publicly known way to generate a file that would
`produce the same 16 byte MD5 code as any given file).
`Instead of providing accession lists with bibliographic information
`in order to establish union catalogs, it should be quite simple for
`ftp sites to notify the MD5 codes and local directory path/filename
`of new files to central database servers. Use of MD5 could prevent
`possible sabotage of a system based on easily duplicated CRCs as
`well as providing a valuable service combating dissemination of viruses
`and serving various other authentication functions.
`Utilities for inserting the unique code into a news article or mail
`message (along with a marker for automatic extraction) can simply
`calculate the MD5 function from a local copy of the file. But to speed
`things up it might be better to include the result in the local dl or
`vls system where it can be accessed quickly (though not normally displayed
`unless asked for). This could be combined with an enhancement to allow
`find like tree searching of ALL file descriptions rather than just
`those in a particular directory, and/or use a separate index by MD5
`code. If a separate index is provided for a (hidden) MD5 subfield of
`the descriptions, similar indexing could be made available on other
`fields or on all words of the description at the same time.
`A simple ftp implementation would just hardlink every file available for ftp
`GOOG-1004-Page 4 of 6


`to a filename encoding of it's MD5 token. Users would then ftp the
`directory path and filename of the MD5 token and obtain the file. An
`archie or similar lookup could first determine which nearby systems have the
`file (though come to think of it, that database lookup may as well
`also provide the local directory and filename for it). For dial-up
`sites a mail-server request could be chained until it reached a site
`with directory access, and the files requested added to temporary
`caches on the way back.
`For compatability with ALL Posix systems, only 14 character file and
`directory names are available. Using a simple 6 bit encoding with
`only 64 characters allows a filename to represent 88 bits. Directory
`names could be added to provide the remaining 40 bits or the MD5 code
`could be truncated if increased collisions and less security were
`Any collisions could be placed in a public central list, and the files
`affected assigned new unique identifiers (e.g. append the MD5 result to
`the file and try again). It probably would not be worth it, but
`individual sites could maintain copies of the public list so as to rename
`any files for which collisions later occur (or provide both identifiers
`where there is no local collision).
`A related problem is that essentially the same collection of information
`may be available as different .tar.Z or zoo or ZIP or shar files etc.
`This happens especially with files distributed through sources newsgroups
`and archived with different methods (or even with the same methods, but
`including the local headers, which are different). It will also happen
`where a local modification has been added to a package.
`Ultimately these do have to be regarded as DIFFERENT files and any
`connections between them listed separately. Nevertheless a user may
`be wondering whether to ftp a package that has a new MD5 code to see
`if it contains new revisions and it would be nice to be able to
`tell the user without the need for collecting the entire package.
`A simple convention should require that the code is always calculated
`on the raw file rather than on the .Z version (or equivalent for any
`other compression scheme). Also text files should be encoded from the
`unix form (ASCII code with LF as line end and TABs not expanded).
`Likewise the code for a tar or cpio or ZIP archive etc or a collection
`of shar files (with or without uuencoding etc) could be the
`code obtained by applying MD5 again to the concatenation of the codes
`of the extracted files, in numeric order. (This deliberately
`loses any date and mode or ownership information and also loses
`the filename and directory structure information although there are
`arguments for retaining the latter and it could be done easily enough
`by preceding each MD5 code with the filepath relative to directory .
`as the top of the package).
`That convention would help a lot, but does not solve the problem
`concerning packages that ARE slightly different.
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`The best approach for the latter would be for Prospero and archie etc to
`explode the contents of such files and list the individual items within them.
`This can easily be done using the convention that the .Z or .tar.Z or
`.ZIP file etc is treated as though it were a directory, and the
`contents of that directory are then listed as files (including
`sub-directories and similar package files within a package file
`treated recursively). I believe there are some ftp implementations
`that already provide something like that so individual files can
`be requested or a tar file of a directory and so that either
`uncompressed or .Z versions can be requested.
`It would be nice if dl or vls could support this too, with
`descriptions (and automatic extraction of existing descriptions
`where they are available from within ZIP and ZOO files etc).
`Some thought should be given for conventions to include dl or
`vls description file equivalents such as MANIFEST and FILES.BBS files
`within packages that don't have their own facilities for archive
`description (e.g. shar, tar and cpio - unlike ZIP and ZOO),
`or to automatically make use of those already available.
`There may also be techniques for showing similarity between
`packages (e.g. that only 1 file is different or new), using some form
`of multi-attribute hashing instead of the simple convention I
`suggested above. This should be examined before adopting any
`such convention.
`(I don't recall the details of multi-attribute hashing but it involves
`composing an overall hash result out of bits chosen from the result of
`each of the attributes so that items with similar attributes will cluster
`together. Care would be required to allow identification of two packages
`which differed only in 1 file being modified or added, while preserving
`cryptographic security).
`Opinions disclaimed (Authoritative answer from opinion server)
`Header reply address wrong. Use
`GOOG-1004-Page 6 of 6

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