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`(Attached in pocket on right inside flap)
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`U a) The term of this patent
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`has been disciaimed.
`W b) The term of this patent shall
`ot extend beyond the gxpiratiorj dat
`of us Patent. rw.§)_._
`(Assistant Examiner)
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`Form PTO-436A
`(Rev. 6/98)
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`(Incl. C. of M.)
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`ISSUE SLIP STAPLE A1‘ 3 (fcsr r-Mitional cross references)
`= Allowed
`_ (Through numeral)... Canceled
`If more than 150 claims or 10 actions
`staple additional sheet here
`Page 3 of 351

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` mm;M‘ -“
`‘NASHINGTON. D.C. 2023|
`coNI=|RMA'rIoN N0. 9574
`Blb Data Sheet
` Io-MA-<k*ir*
`* FOREIGN APPLICATIONS ********************
`GRANTED ** 0421/1999
`AIIo\ȴ::ce .
`Examiner's Sinaturs
`NASHINGTON ,DC 200053918
`C1 All Fees __
`FILING FEE FEES: Authority has been given in Paper
`to charge/credit DEPOSIT ACCOUNT
`for followlng:
`ees (
`[D 1.18
`D 1.17 Fees ( Processing Ex: of—I_I
`Page 5 of 351

`)4/12/1999 RHAYES
`>1 Fc:ao1
`00000010 09283160
`350.00 or
`» k

`'U.S. GPO: 1993-433-214/B0404
`Page 6 of 351

`Page 1 of 4
`FOR ClPs)
`Group Art Unit:
`Homere, J.
`FARBER et al.
`Parent Appln. No.2
`PM 252465
`series Code 1)
`(Our Deposit Account No. 03-3975
`October 24, 1997
`Parent Filed:
`(Our Order No.
`, 1999
`This Case Filed:
`C# I New M#
`1) serial No.
`Atty. Dkt.
`cue": Ref
`Asst. Commissioner of Patents
`Washington, DC 20231
`April 1, 1999
`(Parent Matter No.
`To effect the above-requested filing today:
`Attached is a copy (which must be filed) of this application, including:
`X Abstract
`E Specification and claims (95 pages) (mfit be attached)
`E Drawings (must be attached If orlglnally flied): .2_4_ sheet(s)/set: El 1 set informal;
`[] Formal of size
`[:1 A4
`Always X one box, only:
`IX 5_ign_e_d declaration or oath as originally filed in prior application attached
`[:1 NQ declaration or fee is enclosed; therefore, this is a filing under Rule 53(f).
`El 11'‘
`This application is hereby filed by named in the prior application. Petition is
`hereby made requesting deletion as inventor(s) of the following who islare 11_ojinventor(s) of the
`invention being claimed in this application:
`The entire disclosure of the prior application is considered as being part of the disclosure of the accompanying
`application and is hereby incorporated therein by reference thereto.
`Page 7 of 351
` *f
`(RULE 53(b)(1))
`For Design Q[ L_J1ility Appligtiong
`I AT 0 :
`) application under 37 CFR 1.53(b)(1)
`of pending prior application of
`‘E. E
`£3 E:
`5?, ‘$3
`ms %°
`.3 %

`Eiijng Date
`Priority is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119/365 based on filing in
`a. (:1
`b. [:1
`(No.) Certified copy/copies attached.
`Certified copy/copies previously filed on
`, filed on
`U.S. Application No.
`1) serialgo.
`seLi_es_c9de fr
`Certified copy/copies filed during international stage of PCTI
`c. (:1
`(a) [:1
`Dorrestic priority is claimed from PCTI __l
`(b) (:1
`Benefit is claimed of Provisional Application No.
`, filed
`Prior application is assigned to Kiugigch Inc.
`by assignment recorded
`June 23, 1995
`Attached is the following number of Assignments (including original and all later successive ones by
`different assignors):
`and respective new Cover Sheets. (Do Q file old cover sheets.)
`(Assignments in parent &d with new Cover Sheets in this continuing application if you
`want iilthem recorded against the-continuing application.)
`rs‘ ne .
`The power of attorney in the prior application is to Qale §. Lazar, Beg ug. g§,a72
`(Name and Reg. No.)
`whose current address is as in item 8 below.
`a. E Recognize as associate attorney Brian Siritzky. Reg. No. 37,497 __
`(Name, Reg. No. and Address)
`Address all future communications to intellectual Property Group
`of Pillsbury Madison & Sutro LLP, Ninth Floor, East Tower 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.,
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3918
`E Amend the specification by inserting before the first line the sentence:—This is a
`E continuation E division
`of Application No.
`filed Qctgber 24 1992
`goods 1}
`tr seLiaLno.
` j__j
`which is a continuation of 08/425.160, filed April 11, 1995, now abandoned.
`(:1 Amend the specification by inserting before the first line: —This application claims the benefit of
`Provisional Application No. 60/
`, filed j .--
`it has been recently determined that this new continuing application is entitled to small entity status.
`(No.) Verified Statement(s) establishing “small entity" status under Rules 9 & 27 were/are:
`Efiled in above prior application (and hence applicable hereto)
`(gig box)
`(mu_tsi be)
`Petition to extend the life of the above prior application
`[:| is being concurrently filed in that prior application (Use Form PAT-111).
`[:1 was previously filed in that prior application (Check length of prior extension).
`E is not necessary fg_Lcgp_e_n_cl_e_r(_oy (Double check before X’ing this box).
`PAT-101! 12/98
`Page 8 of 351

`Page 3 of 4
`INFORMATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Attached is Form PTO—1449 listing all of the documents
`cited by Applicant and the PTO in the parent application(s) relied upon under 35 USC 120 and
`referenced in item 9 above. Per Rule 98(d) copies of those documents are n_o_t_Legm_d now. Please
`consider those documents and _ad1i_s_e that they have been considered in this new application as by
`returning a copy of the enclosed Form PTO-1449 with the Examiner's initials in the left column per
`MPEP 609. .
`Attached is a Rule 103(a) Petition to Suspend Action.
`IE I to beinjiered before fee c_gl_c_ula_tjgn_: (Do n_o_t make amendments here
`except for correction of improper multiple dependencies or cancellation of whole claims or multiple
`dependencies for purpose of reducing the filing fee per MPEP §§ 506 and 607; do mt cancel all claims).
`Please cancel claims 1-45 and 50-53 without prejudice. The remaining claims correspond to non-elected
`Groups Ill & lV from the Examiner's Restriction Requirement of June 4, 1996.
`F E
`If box 1A2 is X’d, do not pay fees.
`but leave lines 15-22 and 27-32 mam;
`. .Design Application- 106/25
`15. Basic Filing Fee .
`Not Design Application
`16. Basic Filing Fee
`17- Tolal Eiieclive Claims jflj 103003
`13. Independent Claims E_ W“?
`19. If any player multiple dependent claim (inore improper) is resent,
`Subtotal =
`[j Preliminary Amendment attached (to be entered afler assigning Appln. No.)
`[:1 The following PRELIMINARY AMENDMENT is to be entered _aj_e_r assigning Appln. No.:
`(carry forward to Item 31)
`PAT-108 12198
`Page 9 of 351

`PER BQXES 24/25
`paid for
`L r
`I mall En itv
`Total Effective Claims
`Independent Claims
`minus **
`minus ***
`$ 0
`Page 4 of 4
`File code
`If amendment enters proper multiple dependent claim(s) into this application for the
`fL§t_tjm§, add (per application)
`. .$260/$130
`+ 0
`$ 0
`mus FEE from item 22 on page 3
`+ 420
`$ 420
`‘lithe entry In this space is lessthan the entry in the next space, the ‘Present Extra” result is ‘O’
`“if the ‘Highest number previously paid for’ (see term 17 above) a less than 20, write “20" in this space
`lfths “Highest number previously paid for (see item 18 above) is less than 3. write “3' In this space
` : Upon the filing of a Declaration pursuant to Rule 60(b) or 60(d), the Commissioner is hereby
`authorized to charge any fee specifically authorized hereafter, or any missing or insufficient fee(s) filed, or asserted to be
`filed, or which should have been filed herewith or concerning any paper filed hereafter, and which may be required under
`Rules 16~18 ( ) now or hereafter relative to this application and the resulting Official
`document under Rule 20, or credit any overpayment, to our Account/Order Nos. shown in the heading hereof for which
`purpose a g_up_|j§_aj;§ copy of this sheet is attached.
`This CHARGE STATEMENT does 1191 is charge of the i_s_s_u_e fig untlllunless an Issue fee transmittal form
`is filed.
`Pillsbury Madison & Sut -I l,;I.P
`Intellectual Property G up
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Ninth Floor, East Tower
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3910
`Tel: (202) 861-3000
`By Atty:
`ale 5.
`. ,»'
`,. / "
`/‘ Reg. No.
`(202) 322-0944
`(202) 861-3527
`NOTE No. 1: File this Request in duplicate with 2 postcard receipts (PAT~103) & attachments
`NOTE No. 2: is extension in parent necessary for copendency?
`PAT-108 12/96
`Page 10 of 351 ,

`Invention: David A.
`Farber and Ronald D. Lachman
`Cushman Darby & Cushman, LLJ.
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Ninth Floor, East Tower
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3918
`(202) 861-3000
`This is Q:
`Provisional Application
`Regular Utility Application
`Continuing Application
`PCT National Phase Application
`Design Application
`Reissue Application
`Plant Application
`Page11 of351

`C \
`Field of the invention
`This invention relates to data processing
`systems and, more particularly,
`to data processing
`systems wherein data items are identified by
`substantially unique identifiers which depend on all of
`the data in the data items and only on the data in the
`data items.
`Background of the Invention
`Data processing (DP) systems, computers,f
`networks of computers, or the like, typically offer users
`and programs various ways to identify the data in the
`Users typically identify data in the data
`processing system by giving the data some form of name.
`For example, a typical operating system (OS) on a
`computer provides a file system in which data items are
`named by alphanumeric identifiers.
`Programs typically
`identify data in the data processing system using a
`location or address.
`For example, a program may identify
`a record in a file or database by using a record number
`which serves to locate that record.
`In all but the most primitive operating
`systems, users and programs are able to create and use
`collections of named data items,
`these collections
`themselves being named by identifiers. These named
`collections can then,
`themselves, be made part of other
`named collections.
`For example, an OS may provide
`mechanisms to group files (data items)
`into directories
`(collections). These directories can then,
`themselves be
`made part of other directories.
`A data item may thus be
`identified relative to these nested directories using a

`sequence of names, or a so-called pathname, which defines
`a path through the directories to a particular data item
`(file or directory).
`As another example, a database management
`system may group data records (data items)
`into tables
`and then group these tables into database files
`The complete address of any data record
`can then be specified using the database file name,
`table,name, and the record number of that data record.
`other examples of identifying data items
`identifying files in a network file system,
`identifying objects in an object-oriented database,
`identifying images in an image database, and identifying
`articles in a text database.
`In general,
`the terms "data" and "data item" as
`used herein refer to sequences of bits.
`Thus a data item
`may be the contents of a file, a portion of a file, a
`page in memory, an object in an object-oriented program,
`a digital message, a digital scanned image, a part of a
`video or audio signal, or any other entity which can be
`represented by a sequence of bits.
`The term "data‘
`processing" herein refers to the processing of data
`items, and is sometimes dependent on the type of data
`item being processed.
`For example, a data processor for
`a digital image may differ from a data processor for an
`audio signal.
`In all of the prior data processing systems the
`names or identifiers provided to identify data items (the
`data items being files, directories, records in the
`database, objects in object-oriented programming,
`locations in memory or on a physical device, or the like)»
`are always defined relative to a specific context.
`the file identified by a particular file name
`can only be determined when the directory containing the
`file (the context)
`is known.
`The file identified by a
`pathname can be determined only when the file system
`is known. Similarly,
`the addresses in a

`the keys in a database table, or
`process address space,
`domain names on a global computer network such as the
`Internet are meaningful only because they are specified
`relative to a context.
`In prior art systems for identifying data items
`there is no direct relationship between the data names
`and the data item.
`The same data name in two different
`contexts may refer to different data items, and two
`different data names in the same context may refer to the
`same data item.
`In addition, because there is no correlation
`between a data name and the data it refers to,
`there is
`no a priori way to confirm that a given data item is in
`fact the one named by a data name.
`For instance,
`in a DP
`system, if one processor requests that another processor
`deliver a data item with a given data name,
`requesting processor cannot,
`in general, verify that the
`data delivered is the correct data (given only the name).
`Therefore it may require further processing, typically on
`the part of the requestor,
`to verify that the data item
`it has obtained is,
`in fact,
`the item it requested.
`A common operation in a DP system is adding a
`new data item to the system. When a new data item is
`added to the system, a name can be assigned to it only by
`updating the context in which names are defined. Thus
`such systems require a centralized mechanism for the
`management of names.
`Such a mechanism is required even
`in a multi-processing system when data items are created
`and identified at separate processors in distinct
`locations, and in which there is no other need for
`communication when data items are added.
`In many data processing systems or
`environments, data items are transferred between
`different locations in the system. These locations may
`be processors in the data processing system, storage
`devices, memory, or the like.
`For example, one processor
`may obtain a data item from another processor or from an

`external storage device, such as a floppy disk, and may
`incorporate that data item into its system (using the
`name provided with that data item).
`However, when a processor (or some location)
`obtains a data item from another location in the DP
`system, it is possible that this obtained data item is
`already present in the system (either at the location of
`the processor or at some other location accessible by the
`processor) and therefore a duplicate of the data item is
`created. This situation is common in a network data
`processing environment where proprietary software
`products are installed from floppy disks onto several
`processors sharing a common file server.
`In these
`systems, it is often the case that the same product will
`be installed on several systems, so that several copies
`of each file will reside on the common file server.
`In some data processing systems in which
`several processors are connected in a network, one system
`is designated as a cache server to maintain master copies
`of data items, and other systems are designated as cache
`clients to copy local copies of the master data items
`into a local cache on an as-needed basis. Before using a
`cached item, a cache client must either reload the cached
`item, be informed of changes to the cached item, or
`confirm that the master item corresponding to the cached
`item has not changed.
`In other words, a cache client
`must synchronize its data items with those on the cache
`This synchronization may involve reloading data
`The need to keep the cache
`items onto the cache client.
`synchronized or reload it adds significant overhead to
`existing caching mechanisms.
`In view of the above and other problems with
`prior art systems, it is therefore desirable to have a
`mechanism which allows each processor in a multiprocessor
`system to determine a common and substantially unique
`identifier for a data item, using only the data in the
`data item and not relying on any sort of context.
`Page 15 of 351

`It is further desirable to have a mechanism for
`reducing multiple copies of data items in a data
`processing system and to have a mechanism which enables
`the identification of identical data items so as to
`reduce multiple copies.
`It is further desirable to
`determine whether two instances of a data item are in
`fact the same data item, and to perform various other
`systems’ functions and applications on data items without
`relying on any context information or properties of the
`data item.
`It is also desirable to provide such a
`mechanism in such a way as to make it transparent to
`users of the data processing system, and it is desirable
`that a single mechanism be used to address each of the
`problems described above.
`sgnggg Q: Eflfi
`This invention provides,
`in a data processing
`system, a method and apparatus for identifying a data
`item in the system, where the identity of the data item
`depends on all of the data in the data item and only on
`the data in the data item.
`Thus the identity of a data
`item is independent of its name, origin,
`address, or other information not derivable directly from
`the data, and depends only on the data itself.
`This invention further provides an apparatus
`and a method for determining whether a particular data
`item is present in the system or at a location in the
`system, by examining only the data identities of a
`plurality of data items.
`Using the method or apparatus of_the present
`the efficiency and integrity of a data
`processing system can be improved.
`The present invention
`improves the design and operation of a data storage
`system, file system, relational database, object-oriented
`database, or the like that stores a plurality of data
`items, by making possible or improving the design and
`Page 16 of 351

`operation of at least some or all of the following
`the system stores at most one copy of any data
`item at a given location, even when multiple data names
`in the system refer to the same contents;
`the system avoids copying data from source to
`destination locations when the destination locations
`already have the data;
`the system provides transparent access to any
`data item by reference only to its identity and
`independent of its present location, whether it be local,
`remote, or offline;
`the system caches data items from a server, so
`that only the most recently accessed data items need be
`when the system is being used to cache data
`items, problems of maintaining cache consistency are
`the system maintains a desired level of
`redundancy of data items in a network of servers,
`protect against failure by ensuring that multiple copies
`of the data items are present at different locations in
`the system;
`the system automatically archives data items as
`they are created or modified;
`the system provides the size, age, and location
`of groups of data items in order to decide whether they
`can be safely removed from a local file system;
`the system can efficiently record and preserve
`any collection of data items;
`the system,can efficiently make a copy of any I
`collection of data items, to support a version control
`mechanism for groups of the data items;
`the system can publish data items, allowing
`other, possibly anonymous, systems in a network to gain
`access to the data items and to rely on the availability
`of the data items;
`Page 17 of 351
` ‘**a

`the system can maintain a local inventory of
`all the data items located on a given removable medium,
`such as a diskette or CD-ROM,
`the inventory is
`independent of other properties of the data items such as
`their name,
`location, and date of creation;
`the system allows closely related sets of data
`items, such as matching or corresponding directories on
`disconnected computers,
`with one another;
`to be periodically resynchronized
`the system can verify that data retrieved from
`another location is the desired or requested data, using
`only the data identifier used to retrieve the data;
`the system can prove possession of specific
`data items by content without disclosing the content of
`the data items, for purposes of later legal verification
`and to provide anonymity;
`the system tracks possession of specific data
`independent of the
`items according to content by owner,
`name, date, or other properties of the data item, and
`tracks the uses of specific data items and files by
`content for accounting purposes.
`other objects, features, and characteristics of
`the present invention as well as the methods of operation
`and functions of the related elements of structure, and
`the combination of parts and economies of manufacture,
`will become more apparent upon consideration of the
`following description and the appended claims with
`reference to the accompanying drawings, all of which form
`a part of this specification.
`GURE 1 depicts a typical data processing
`h a preferred embodiment of the present
`system in wh
`invention oper tes;
`FIGURE 2 depicts a hierarchy of data items
`stored at any location in such a data processing system;
`Page 18 of 351









`FIGURES 3-9 depict data structures used to
`implement an embodiment of the present invention; and
`FIGURES 10(a)—28 are flow charts depicting
`operation of various aspects of the present invention.
`F T
`system 100, w ich, with reference to FIGURE 1,
`one or more pr
`essors (or computers) 102 and various
`storage devices
`a bus 106.
`04 connected in some way, for example by
`Each processor 102 includes a CPU 108, a memory
`110 and one or more local storage devices 112.
`The CPU
`108, memory 110, and local storage device 112 may be
`internally connected, for example by a bus 114.
`processor 102 may also include other devices (not shown),
`such as a keyboard, a display, a printer, and the like.
`In a data processing system 100, wherein more
`than one processor 102 is used, that is,
`in a
`multiprocessor system,
`the processors may be in one of
`various relationships.
`For example,
`two processors 102
`may be in a client/server, client/client, or a
`server/server relationship. These inter-processor
`relationships may be dynamic, changing depending on
`particular situations and functions. Thus, a particular
`processor 102 may change its relationship to other
`processors as needed, essentially setting up a peer—to-
`peer relationship with other processors.
`In a peer—to-
`peer relationship, sometimes a particular processor 102
`acts as a client processor, whereas at other times the
`same processor acts as a server processor.
`In other
`there is no hierarchy imposed on or required of
`processors 102.
`the processors 102
`In a multiprocessor system,
`may be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Further,
`in a









`some or all of
`multiprocessor data processing system 100,
`the processors 102 may be disconnected from the network
`Such disconnection
`of processors for periods of time.
`may be part of the normal operation of the system 100 or
`it may be because a particular processor 102 is in need
`of repair.
`Within a data processing system 100,
`the data
`may be organized to form a hierarchy of data storage
`elements, wherein lower level data storage elements are
`combined to form higher level elements. This hierarchy
`can consist of, for example, processors, file systems,
`regions, directories, data files, segments, and the like.
`For example, with reference to FIGURE 2,
`the data items
`on a particular processor 102 may be organized or
`structured as a file system 116 which comprises regions
`117, each of which comprises directories 118, each of
`which can contain other directories 118 or files 120.
`Each file 120 being made up of one or more data segments
`In a typical data processing system,
`some or
`all of these elements can be named by users given certain
`the name (or
`implementation specific naming conventions,
`pathname) of an element being relative to a context.
`the context of a data processing system 100, a pathname
`is fully specified by a processor name, a filesystem
`name, a sequence of zero or more directory names
`identifying nested directories, and a final file name.
`(Usually the lowest level elements,
`in this case segments
`122, cannot be named by users.)
`In other words, a file system 116 is a
`collection of directories 118.
`A directory 118 is a
`collection of named files 120 -- both data files 120 and
`A file 120 is a named data
`other directory files 118.
`item which is either a data file (which may be simple or
`compound) or a directory file 118.
`consists of a single data segment 122.
`A simple file 120
`A compound file
`120 consists of a sequence of data segments 122.
`A data

`segment 122 is a fixed sequence of bytes.
`An important
`property of any data segment is its size,
`bytes in the sequence.
`the number of
`A single processor 102 may access one or more
`file systems 116, and a single storage device 104 may
`contain one or more file systems 116, or portions of a
`For instance, a file system 116 may
`file system 116.
`span several storage devices 104.
`In order to implement controls in a file
`system, file system 116 may be divided into distinct
`regions, where each region is a unit of management and
`A region consists of a given directory 118 and
`is identified by the pathname (user defined) of the
`the term "location", wrth
`In the following,
`respect to a data processing system 100, refers to any of
`a particular processor 102 in the system, a memory of a
`particular processor, a storage device, a removable
`storage medium (such as a floppy disk or compact disk),
`The term
`or any other physical location in the system.
`"local" with respect to a particular processor 102 refers
`to the memory and storage devices of that particular
`the terms "True Name", "data
`In the following,
`identity“ and "data identifier" refer to the
`substantially unique data identifier for a particular
`data item.
`The term "True File" refers to the actual
`file, segment, or data item identified by a True Name.
`A file system for a data processing system 100
`is now described which is intended to work with an
`existing operating system by augmenting some of the
`operating system's file management system codes.
`embodiment provided relies on the standard file
`management primitives for actually storing to and
`retrieving data items from disk, but uses the mechanisms
`of.the present invention to reference and access those
`data items.
`Page 21 of 351

`The processes and mechanisms (services)
`provided in this embodiment are grouped into the
`following categories: primitive

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