`820 East Terra Cotta Avenue, Suite 132
`Crystal Lake, IL 60014
`T: 888.816.0577 (North America)
`F: 866.816.0578
`Language Services, Inc.
`161 North Clark Street, 47th Floor
`Chicago, IL 60601
`T: 312.372.1500
`T: (North America) 888.816.0577
`F; 3122542121
`1, Kevin McQuire, declare that the attached:
`Japenese Booklet
`and embossed with the Atlas Language Services, Inc. logo in the lower
`right hand corner has been translated and edited by Atlas Language
`Services, lnc.‘s English/Japanese consultant, Dwight Sora, to the best of
`my ability and knowledge.
`I hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the forgoing is true and
`correct. Dated and signed on June 9, 2014.
`’4 Notary Public. State at Illinois
`My Commission Expires
`January 15. 2017
`Professional Interpreters &Trans|ators Worldwide
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 1


`.‘ 1991
`EWEEKKLY FilliCheckofThisWeek’s 15 Software!I! !
`Famicon Tsushm
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 2
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 2


`Dcfitlilcly looks Iikc a lung run.
`Final Fantasy IV
`Sm TTTTL“ fr?
`R800 YE"
`Ganbarc Goemon -- The chcnd oi ihc Mysucul Nuun-
`.vé h ..
`Supchnmlwn Bantu}: (.armdgc
`llllmym [all includal)
`1292 .
`Super Famicun Backup Cartridge
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`‘ "" "3‘" M1 Iiml *T'Iruruto-kun
`l 5 K
`373 char
`5: J Ilhnbilsmymlallindukdlmmlcflls
`Super Marlo Land
`Game Boy Cartridge
`INinImunmm rm [In 'mtlndnl) on all: 4:21:19
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`{httufl Cmridgc
`INiulmanlmflyullall includcdfl)“ sale-311$
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`Super Ultra Baseball
`mmrmum Backup Cartridge
`165 1:
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`'Nimdulfmycn [nu indudnll 0:. ml: sums
`153 3“"
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`.HmdaiEROchn Onalc'h'l?
`'- Game Boy Wars
`Supt: Famim
`Backup Cam'idg:
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`Super Famimn Cartridge
`Onsal: 7”]
`.-. v'an- .. .. .
`Ithlmdn ssmym [all mam: u. “1: 5m
`Doctor Mario
`Puma): Camifig:
`.Nixumdo $903 ym Iall indudul} 0n :1]: 7:27:90
`Doctor Mario
`Ban-«.- Buy Carm'dgc
`.lemdn lanya- [all included] 0:: salt 7117490
`Fl Cll'Cllh‘ “J1
`PC Engine
`in. cm:
`INimbnsnf-Wym Onulc'Jn‘ll
`12 7
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`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 3
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 3


`Farm Tmshin any, lilhuuhfiflul an: «my no thyl'l
`Vd an; “TL-huh... u.“ Awd mm»; man's-1min.
`New: unchal-
`Faw: Fun-unlaw-
`JF “luau-Amu- Mdflv, S-I l-i “mm-Amati. “min. hiya
`be: 280 yen (2723mfur main part) m flsrysofllll[numfl‘FLmrj‘lslpllhbllidhrhllx‘msmml}
`Super Mario World
`((f H” __.
`fl m r-zmzo
`A Planetary-Sum: Grand l’rix Gmalcr Ilian
`limmlllu l
`You're bound :0 remmbcr the excitement ol
`pwplc going crazy over
`spmding am one 1'qu uvcr a circuit which
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`Pricc: 7,000 yen wilhtax
`(6395)?!" William m)
`SHVF— F 7 With bunny backup fimcliun
`Pilot Wings
`Sky Spur“ Simulation
`We have triad to cxprcss the long hcld drum-I
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`Super Mario jumps inln [he action with
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`.767 m
`. Super Mario Wmld 1 Price: 3,000 ytn with lax
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`Prim 8 000 ycn whh m
`Sun Clly
`. fl
`SHVCHSC MEW‘hdwflmm’m
`an I-
`Super Famicon is a trademark ul‘Ninlcndo.
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`1121. (9753 541m [3
`0 I991 Ninlnudu
`(hum-mu. TEL [061245-455
`Nagnya Sam WmlnizlsTl-ZSM
`5.!“qu swam. [mum—am
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`- Eil‘ll‘fi‘lfis.
`SHVC“ pw [7'767w'mhm “‘3
`6 g
`‘ MI
`Sim City
`Ul'hzm Growlh Simulation
`You build I city on uninhabilcal land. and acting
`as mayor, was.“ build ll up. keeping an eye on such
`diverse asprs as industry, Innsporlalion, public
`order. pollution and disaslcrs.
`lllllllllllllllllllllllll .. mm wzazssosaae “4—426“
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 4
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 4


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`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 5


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`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 6
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`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 7 i
`Petitioners Ex. 1008 Page 7

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