`1.1 Mathematical Symbols, Notation and Definitions
`an integer
`an integer
`a period of time
`a period of time
`carrier frequency
`modulation frequency
`sampling frequency
`a finite frequency band
`modulation index
`9(t) =
`G(f) =
`Bessel function of the first kind
`generalised function of time
`generalised function of frequency
`<=> signifies a Fourier transformation
`signifies a convolution integral
`a summation over all
`a summation over all
`'n' except n=o
`] = E: 6(t—iT) - the sampling function
`(at T intervals)
`the replication function (at % intervals)
`rect(t) =
`the rectangular function
`= sin(wft)
`Mt) g f 6(t)dt = 1; s(t) = 0, t *0 = the Dirac delta function
`RPX—Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 2
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 2
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 3
`Pictorially the sampling of a bandlimited signal may
`thus be viewed as an amplitude modulated harmonic series
`as indicated in Fig 1.
`comb, [gm]
`time samplnd lime output
`lrzquency replicated
`IIT RepUT [Gm]
`lit) Inmpllng
`Fig 1
`Sampling a band-limited signal
`Clearly the limiting condition for separability — or
`recovery of the original information undistortedyis when
`fs > 28 - this is commonly referred to as the Nyquist
`condition [1] and 28 called the Nyquist frequency.
`If the sampling frequency is not at least twice that
`of the highest component present, or if the signal is not
`strictly band—limited, aliasing distortion [16] occurs as
`the frequency bands overlap.
`aliasing due to sub sampling
`aliasing due to unlimited bandwidth
`m 1 fi 6
`f, < 23
`Fig 2 Alias distortion in the frequency domain
`This phenomenon of non-ideal-separability may also
`be conveniently viewed in the time domain as depicted in
`Fig 1
`Aqswwl “mm“
`Fig 3 Alias distortion in the time domain
`RPX—Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 4
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 4
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 5
`Fig 6
`Example spectra
`0n the one hand to recover the carrier we might
`to sample at fs>2fc.
`On the other,
`to retrieve the
`modulation information we have to sample at fs>23 — not
`fs>2(fc+ B)
`How is this so? Consider the action of
`the sampler:-
`..... (7)
`g(t) = [1 + m(t)] cosmct
`sampled signal h(t) = combT [coauct] + combT [m(t) coswct]
`nu) = % Repl {[Mf) + 14(5)] * % [6(f-fc) + amen}
`..... (9)
`Fig 7
`Sampler output spectrum for a carrier plus
`modulated carrier
`Qualitatively we can argue that a carrier alone
`contains very little information (only amplitude and
`frequency) and occupies zero bandwidth,
`requiring a sampling rate << fc. Similarly the
`information bearing energy of the sidebands lies in a
`bandwidth B, and a sampling rate of fs>28 is sufficient.
`In short,
`the process of down conversion can be achieved
`by a sampler of rate >23.
`It is clearly necessary to take some care to define
`sampling systems in terms of the information to be
`recovered; for a repetitive wave containing fixed
`amplitude and frequency information we may in principle
`sample as slowly as we wish.
`Statement of Constraints.
`The sampling theorem tells us that we may recover
`all of the original
`information provided that samples are
`RPX—Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 6
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 6
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 7
`5(t) = %{1 + 22],. cosZ-nfsit}
`.... .
`with the introduction of a sinusoidal sampling
`deviation this takes on the deterministic form:-
`sd(t) — -1-{l + 223i cos(wsit + Bsinmmt)}
`= :1; :1 + 2221 Jnm cos(ims + wank}
`Where Jn(B) are Bessel functions of the first kind
`B is the modulation index
`mm is the modulation frequency
`Sampling a bandlimited signal with this wave gives:-
`sd(t).g(t) <=>% {5(f) +2Jn(8)[ 5(f-ifS-nfm)+6(f+ifs+nfm)]} *G(f)
`. . . . .
`Fig 9
`Sampling spectra with deterministic
`Hence provided f; is made sufficiently large,
`deviation Bfn,is constrained, and we have a knowledge of
`is (ie when the samples were taken) we can recover g(t)
`intact. when fs>>fG - the highest frequency in the
`bandlimited signal - we need only consider the i — 0
`in isolation:-
`J (a)
`sd(f)*G(f)[i=o= 0;” +2“ “T
`[G(f)-nfm) + cu + nemn
`..... (14)
`RPX—Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 8
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 8
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 9
`Againnseparability is possible provided; fs >> f6
`and f5 >> (£3 + o), otherwise a record of all sample
`amplitude and times has to be made as per the
`deterministic case.
`5.1 Aperture Distortion.
`The Dirac 5 function is physically unrealizable and
`in practice we have to content ourselves with more modest
`functions [29,30]. These are not only limited in their
`amplitude and width, but also in their shape. Although a
`rectangular pulse is unrealiseable - as is a rectangular
`filter in the frequency domain, we use this ideal as a
`convenient approximation to demonstrate the practical
`limitations imposed by finite amplitude and width sampling
`lamb,- [gm] 0 nml‘lrl
`Fig 12 Aperture distortion model
`With this imperfect sampling pulse the output
`both amplitude scaled and time domain smeared by the
`convolution process, which leads to a reduction of
`effective bandwidth in the frequency domain:-
`1: ainc (f1)
`rect (%) <=> )1? Rep1 [G(f)] .
`combT [g(t)] *
`w M w
`thus suffers a frequency domain
`The sampler output
`droop dependent upon the particular shape of the sampling
`For all practical pulses of interest the resulting
`distortion is bounded - best to worst - by sine and sincz,
`ie the pulse shape lies between the rectangular and
`The resulting amplitude distortion introduced
`by these functions, as well as that for a Gaussian pulse
`are given in Fig 13.
`RPX—Farmwald EX. 1029, p 10
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 10
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 11
`@W'fl‘mloss of sharp
`loss of nan rims
`and transients
`amplitude scaling only
`Fig 15 The importance of sampling width
`Synchronised Sampling.
`When dealing with periodic signals the sampling
`process works provided the sampling frequency and signal
`frequency are not directly (or closely) related.
`illustrate this feature let us consider the case when:-
`g(t)—cos [nT]
`..... (19)
`where n is an integer and f5 = %
`now comb
`cos m:- <= >‘—1 Re
`5(f - —1)+ 5(f + '—1)
`- - - - -
`samples repeatedly taken
`at the same point in
`\he repetitive waveform
`mnoellation of
`Fig 16 Synchronised sampling of a sinusoid
`This clearly results in a repetitive sampling of the
`same value in the wave which manifests itself as sideband
`cancellation in the frequency domain. Recovery of the
`original wave is thus impossible and hence the sampling
`theorem requirement f5>23 .
`the case of closely
`related sampling and period time - is 'n'
`is 'not quite'
`an integer — a slow roll or progression becomes evident.
`combT[cos m]< - > E Repl[6(f -—(n+A)T+6(f+-(m)]
`. . . . .
`The resulting sampling process thus suffers from a
`"beat frequency", which in terms of any measurement or
`observation is undesirable and should be avoided.
`RPX—Farmwald EX. 1029, p 12
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 12
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 13
`Sampling Jitter and Noise.
`A11 practical sampling schemes suffer from
`fundamental circuit limitations and signal uncertainties
`that give rise to both amplitude noise and phase jitter.
`Given that every care is exercised to minimise these at
`the design stage, further reduction is possible by signal
`averaging along both the amplitude and time axes, as well
`as more sophisticated image processing [31,35]. Broadly
`speaking averaging techniques achieve performance
`improvements by the voltage addition of the wanted signal
`and power addition of the noise/jitter as depicted in
`Fig 19.
`sampled signal
`sampled noise
`° 0
`: -4HJeee:i6199-
`i L**
`41:;3—11111rerta —4er——91TLL_
`+ o
`o o o o ta
`O o
`000 tr
`o O
`Fig 19 Signal averaging example
`Original S/N = (g)
`New SIN =
`The improvement attained is thus a 10 log n dB.
`For small deviations sampling jitter may be
`considered to be a noise-like process and, by virtue of
`phase to amplitude conversion,
`the above averaging
`description is applicable. However, amplitude and time
`axis averaging may be applied independently by operating
`on the full sample array [31,36—38].
`Although we have concentrated on time domain
`sampling alone, it should be recognised that many of the
`developments described have a dual role in the frequency
`RPX—Farmwald EX. 1029, p 14
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 14
`RPX-Farmwald Ex. 1029, p 15
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