final descent until relatively close to their destination airport and climbing them out as rapidly as possible
`after takeoff. Where aircraft performance capabilities and considerations of passenger safety and comfort
`permitted, FAA required turbojet aircraft to be kept at 10,000 feet or higher until within 30 miles of the
`By Jul 1, 1971, the program had been implemented at 387 airports, nearly all those airports
`serving scheduled air carrier and turbojet aircraft.
`(See Dec 4, 1967, and Aug 1, 1972.)
`Feb 4, 1971: FAA permanently established a terminal control area (TCA) for Washington, D.C. (the
`Washington National/Andrews Air Force Base complex). A TCA had been established earlier for this
`location, on Aug 20, 1970, but rescinded the following day because of operational problems. The agency
`established a revised version on Oct 1, 1970, but adherence was purely voluntary until made mandatory by
`the Feb 4, 1971, rule. The Washington TCA was the third to be established. Two more TCAs were
`established on Sep 16, 1971, one for Los Angeles and one for the New York City airport complex.
`Jun 25, 1970 and Jan 1, 1974).
`Feb 23, 1971: The Secretary of Transportation established a Transportation Safety Institute (TSI) at
`FAA's Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City. Although initially operated by FAA, this school provided
`traimng in the investigation of accidents and incidents in all modes of transportation, and in related
`regulatory matters.
`In 1977, TSI became part of the new Research and Special Programs Administration
`(see Sep 23, 1977.)
`The establishment of TSI followed the dissolution of the National Aircraft Accident
`Investigation School (NAAIS), which had been originally operated as a joint venture at the FAA Academy
`(see Sep 30, 1963) by FAA and the Civil Aeronautics Board. The National Transportation Safety Board
`(NTSB) assumed CAB's share of responsibility for the school when NTSB took over CAB's aircraft
`accident investigation functions on Apr 1, 1967.
`Subsequently, however, FAA decided to include
`enforcement-oriented traimng as part of the curriculum at NAAIS. As this added traimng would not be
`consistent with NTSB's mission, FAA and NTSB agreed to dissolve NAIS as of Jan 31, 1971.
`(On Mar 4,
`NTSB established its own National Aircraft Accident Investigation School at Dulles International
`Mar 2, 1971: The Civil Aeronautics Board approved the merger of Trans Caribbean Airways into
`American Airlines, effective this date. Trans Caribbean had begun as a charter carrier in Dec 1945, and
`had begun scheduled service between New York and Puerto Rico in Mar 1958.
`Mar 5, 1971: DOT released the report of its investigation of air charter and leasing companies
`undertaken following an accident on Oct 2, 1970 (see that date). The investigating task force determined
`the key problem was the difficulty of enforcing the distinction in the safety regulations between large-
`airplane operators in private caniage for compensation or hire and other large-airplane operations in private
`carriage. Among the group's recommendations were: distributing to universities and other organizations
`flyers explaining the differences between leasing an aircraft and hiring a charter; incorporating a truth-in-
`leasing clause in leases; and requiring that all large and complex airplanes be operated and maintained at a
`safety level comparable to that of air carriers. FAA immediately carried out the recommendation on the
`distribution of flyers, and later took action on the truth-in-leasmg issue (see Jan 3, 1973). On Oct 7, 1971,
`however, FAA withdrew a proposed rule that would have placed certain new certification requirements on
`operators of large aircraft in private carriage. FAA took this action on the ground that the proposal would
`impose unnecessary administrative burdens on corporate or business aircraft operators, but the agency
`continued to consider ways to upgrade the safety of large general aviation aircraft. (See Oct 23, 1972.)
`Mar 13, 1971: AN FAA rule upgraded airworthiness standards for small airplanes seating 10 or more
`passengers (excluding crew).
`The new rule required all such aircraft, regardless of weight,
`to be
`certificated in the air transport category. The rule reflected a trend toward increased numbers and types of
`small aircraft designed with relatively large passenger capacity, and it affected segments of aviation that
`included the growing air taxi industry. (See Sep 7, 1964, and Dec 1, 1978.)
`Mar 15, 1971: FAA adopted a marking and lighting standard for identifying transmission lines and
`their support structures that could constitute a potential hazard to air navigation. The standard called for
`three sequentially flashing white lights of high intensity to be installed on transmission line support
`structures. Each light would flash 60 times per minute. These lights replaced unlighted spherical markers
`on transmission lines, which provided little or no help to pilots at night or in bad weather.
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 156
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 156

`Mar 24, 1971: The Senate in effect terminated the U.S. civil supersonic transport (SST) program
`when it voted against the appropriation of $289 million to continue SST prototype development. The
`House of Representatives had voted down the SST appropriation on Mar 18, 1971. Later, in May 1971,
`pro-SST forces in the House seeking to revive the program succeeded by a vote of 201-197 in amending a
`Department of Transportation supplemental appropriations bill
`to include $85.3 million for SST
`development; however, the Senate struck out the amendment by a vote of 58-37.
`(See Dec 3, 1970, and
`Oct 12, 1971.)
`Mar 25, 1971: A U.S.—Icelandic agreement provided that the United States would reimburse Iceland for
`flight inspection of U.S.-owned military air navigation aids within Iceland. The inspections had
`previously been performed by FAA, which since 1966 had been helping Iceland to establish a flight
`inspection unit.
`Mar 29, 1971: The FAA Administrator delegated to the Federal Air Surgeon the authority to grant or
`deny airman petitions for a medical exemption under a rule effective this date.
`Admimstrator granted or denied such petitions after receiving the recommendation of an advisory panel of
`medical specialists. Under the new rule, the services of this panel were no longer required; however, the
`Federal Air Surgeon consulted with medical specialists where appropriate. Petitions involving a policy
`determination were referred, with the Federal Air Surgeon's recommendations, to the Administrator for
`final action.
`Mar 31, 1971: The first grant under the Airport Planning Grant Program went to the Massachusetts
`Aeronautics Commission for the development of a statewide comprehensive airport system plan. (See May
`21, 1970.)
`Apr 2, 1971: FAA realigned its regional field structure in the contiguous 48 States to conform generally
`with the President's plan for a common pattern of Federal regional boundaries and regional headquarters.
`In March 1969, the President had announced a plan calling for 10 standard Federal regions encompassing
`all 50 States to facilitate service to the public in matters cutting across departmental or agency lines.
`Conformance with this plan required FAA to establish four new regions--New England, Great Lakes,
`Rocky Mountain, and Northwest--and to realign the boundaries of four of its five preexisting regions in the
`contiguous 48 States. The resulting nine regions in the contiguous states, their regional headquarters, and
`the states each encompassed, were:
`* New England (Boston): Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode
`Connecticut, and Vermont.
`* Eastern (New York City): New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia,
`Delaware, New Jersey,
`and the District of Columbia.
`Island, Massachusetts,
`* Southern (Atlanta): North Carolina, South Carohna, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi,
`Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
`Great Lakes (Chicago): Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
`Central (Kansas City): Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.
`Southwest (Fort Worth): Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
`Rocky Mountain (Denver): Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and
`* Northwest (Seattle): Washington, Idaho, and Oregon.
`* Western (Los Angeles): California, Arizona, and Nevada.
`FAA was authorized certain deviations from the President's plan: (1) the agency did not
`establish a region headquartered at Philadelphia, but instead combined the states that the plan allocated to
`that region with those allocated to New York; (2) FAA's Alaskan Region was not combined with the region
`headquartered at Seattle; (3) and Hawaii continued as the main part of FAA's Pacific Region, headquartered
`at Los Angeles, rather than becoming part of a region headquartered at San Francisco. Thus, FAA had 11
`regions for the 50 States. (See Jun 12, 1981.)
`At the same time that FAA's regional realignment went into force, FAA abolished its area
`offices in the contiguous 48 States (see Nov 22, 1968), and the responsibilities of the area managers were
`transferred to the appropriate regional directors. Area coordinators without line authority were stationed at
`seven locations formerly having area offices (Albuquerque, Houston, Memphis, Miami, Salt Lake City, San
`Francisco, and Washington, D.C.).
`In addition, Cleveland and Minneapolis each had a local coordinator
`with responsibility limited to the city's metropolitan jurisdiction. These coordinators served as a point of
`contact for the public on issues involving more than one program area, represented the regional director
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 157
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 157

`with the community on nonprogram matters, and advised and assisted program elements of FAA on
`activities that crossed program lines.
`In Alaska, FAA also closed the Fairbanks, Juneau, Nome, and
`King Salmon Area Offices (see May 22, 1969), and area coordinators assumed services formerly
`performed by those offices.
`Apr 2, 1971: The Administrator gave air traffic control facilities increased flexibility in granting pilot
`routing and altitude requests for all types of aircraft. Conditions permitting, controllers were empowered
`to: relax the requirements for preferential routings; assign the most economical altitudes; discontinue
`standard instrument departures; and honor requests for direct radar vectors. These relaxed procedures were
`made possible by a temporary decline in air traffic during fiscal 1971 (the first such decline since fiscal
`1961), which coincided with a general slowdown in the U. S. economy.
`Apr 6, 1971: FAA required pilot familiarization with all available information concerning the
`runway lengths at airports of intended use, as well as with takeoff and landing distances appropriate to the
`aircraft being used. This mandatory preflight action replaced various general operating practices.
`Apr 19, 1971: FAA issued its first type certificate for a West German helicopter, the Messerschmitt-
`Bolkow-Blohm BO-105A.
`Apr 19, 1971: The Soviet Union launched Salyut 1, the first of a series of orbiting space stations.
`Soviet cosmonauts used Soyuz spacecraft to reach these stations for increasingly long missions, including a
`stay of over 200 days aboard Salyut 7 in 1982.
`(See May 14, 1973.)
`Intercom noted that Ruth M. Dennis would become the first woman to serve as chief of a
`Apr 26, 1971:
`Flight Service Station when she reported to the San Diego FSS during the week. Dennis had joined the
`Civil Aeronautics Authority in 1944.
`Apr 29, 1971: FAA established four transcontinental high-altitude area navigation routes between
`New York City and Los Angeles and Oakland, Calif. (See Oct 1, 1969, and Mar 6, 1972.)
`Apr 29, 1971: FAA established a V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) Special Projects Office
`under the Associate Administrator for Engineering and Development to stimulate and encourage the private
`development of economically viable V/STOL systems and provide a focal point for all of FAA's V/STOL
`development activities. The new office would formulate and maintain a comprehensive agency V/STOL
`development plan.
`(See Sep 23, 1968, Sep 17, 1971, and Jul 26, 1972.)
`May 3, 1971: FAA's Management Training School at Cameron College, Lawton, Okla., admitted its
`first class. The school's establislnnent had been recommended by the Corson Corrnnittee (see Jan 29,
`1970). FAA required all supervisors and middle managers to attend an appropriate three-week course, and
`refresher courses were offered. Some 50,000 FAA personnel attended the school before it closed on Jul 3,
`1987. (See Jul 1, 1972 and Mar 14, 1986.)
`In United States v. Lopez, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New
`May 14, 1971:
`York declared FAA's antihijacking profile system constitutional (see Jul 17 , 1970). The court found that
`the system had provided the "reasonable suspicion" required to justify a personal search. On another key
`point, that of the characteristics contained in the profile for identifying potential hijackers, the Court said
`that careful adherence to the absolute objectivity and neutrality of the system as designed would avoid
`discrimination on the basis of religion, origin, race, or political views.
`The case arose when two men preparing to board a New York-San Juan flight were arrested
`and charged with concealing a packet of narcotics. Charges against one of the men were dropped. The
`other man--the defendant in this case--was acquitted on a motion to suppress the evidence, which the court
`found had been gathered outside the government's system to deter and apprehend hijackers.
`May 16, 1971: Gene D. Sims became the first woman to serve as chief of an FAA airport traffic
`taking over supervision of the Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Airport
`tower upon its
`commissioning. Sims, who had joined FAA in 1956,had served as a crew chief at the Akron-Canton
`(Ohio) Airport tower since 1962.
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`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 158

`May 21, 1971: FAA established the Office of General Aviation, at the same time abolishing the Office of
`General Aviation Affairs, which formed the nucleus of the new office.
`(See Aug 31, 1962 and Sep 10,
`197 8.)
`Jun 4, 1971: FAA issued the first supplemental type certificate approving installation of a nitrogen fuel-
`tank inerting system in a civil aircraft to protect against accidental ignition of fuel vapors. The agency
`installed the inerting system, developed under an FAA contract by Parker Hannifin Corporation, in a DC-9
`aircraft. The type certificate applied to this specific aircraft only.
`Jun 8, 1971: FAA established a Behavioral Sciences Division in the Office of Aviation Medicine. The
`new division, to which the agency transferred the functions of the Psychology Staff and the Psychiatric
`Assistant, provided advice on psychiatric and psychological matters in support of employee and
`occupational health programs, the air traffic control specialist health program, manpower management
`programs, and FAA's effort to combat aircraft piracy and sabotage, including the selection and training of
`air marshals.
`Jun 8, 1971: FAA established the quality assurance systems analysis review (QASAR) program to
`improve surveillance activities of the quality control systems used by aviation-product manufacturers and
`their parts suppliers.
`This program provided for a systems analysis evaluation of the aeronautical
`manufacturer's total organization through in-depth and independent evaluations of the manufacturer
`conducted by the Flight Standards Service's QASAR teams, and continuing evaluations by Engineering and
`Manufacturing District Offices as part of their day-to-day certificate management responsibilities. On Oct
`15, 1971, FAA established an Aeronautical Quality Assurance Field Office in the regions to carry out the
`responsibilities of the QASAR program as well as the functional responsibilities of the Systemsworthiness
`Analysis Program. (See Jun 1966.)
`Jun 12, 1971: The first passenger death in a domestic hijacking incident occurred on a TWA aircraft
`bound from Albuquerque to New York. The hijacker had forced his way aboard the Boeing 727 aircraft
`during a scheduled stop at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, seized a stewardess, and demanded to be
`flown to Vietnam. The passenger was killed attempting to aid the stewardess. When the medium-range
`aircraft landed at New York's Kennedy International Airport for substitution of a long-range aircraft, the
`hijacker was wounded and arrested. (See Mar 17, 1970.)
`Jun 15, 1971: FAA moved its Southeast Asian International Field Office (IFO) from Manila, Republic
`of the Philippines, to Agana, Territory of Guam.
`(The Manila office was officially closed Jun 30, 1971.)
`This IFO provided aviation services to Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines,
`Singapore, South Vietnam, Thailand, Nauru, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and Guam.
`Jun 18, 1971: FAA announced a joint program with the military services designed to minimize the
`number of military aircraft flying under visual flight rules (VFR). The purpose of the program was to
`enhance the efficiency of the common civil-military airspace system and reduce the midair-collision hazard
`by bringing military flights under the direct control of FAA's air traffic control facilities. To the maximum
`extent practicable, military flights in fixed-wing aircraft would be conducted in accordance under
`instrument flight rules (IFR). The danger of mixing of high—speed IFR and VFR traffic had been tragically
`illustrated by a midair collision on June 6, 1971, near Duarte, Calif., of a DC-9 airliner and a U.S. Marine
`Corps F-4B. All 49 occupants of the DC-9 and one of the two occupants of the F-4B were killed. The
`airliner was under IFR control; the military plane was flying VFR.
`Jul 1, 1971: The production model of the Cessna Citation first flew.
`certificated this 8-seat, pressurized, executive turbofan aircraft.
`In February 1972, FAA type-
`Jul 1, 1971: FAA's first modular airport traffic control tower went into operation, at the Owensboro-
`Davies County (Ky.) Airport. The prefabricated tower, designed primarily for low traffic activity airports,
`was erected at the airport in a matter of weeks. The tower was equipped with solid state communications
`Jul 8, 1971: FAA put into operation a jet—propelled boat to conduct search and rescue operations in the
`event of a crash landing in the Potomac River near Washington National Airport. The 22-foot watercraft
`could accommodate all occupants of the largest airliner serving the airport.
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 159
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 159

`Jul 27, 1971: FAA put into operation two mobile lounges that could be raised and lowered to
`accommodate varying aircraft floor heights at Dulles International Airport. The new lounges, which
`carried up to 150 passengers were designed to mate with the Boeing 747, Lockheed L-1011, and
`McDonnell Douglas DC-10, and other commercial aircraft. The older model mobile lounges had been
`fitted with a portable stairway to bridge the space between the lounge ramp and the newer and higher
`aircraft; however, this attachment did not protect passengers from adverse weather. (See Apr 2, 1959.)
`Jul 1971: The Departments of Defense and Transportation and the National Aeronautics and Space
`Administration issued a national plan for developing a microwave landing system (MLS) for civil-
`rnilitary common use. The plan, designed to meet all civil and military needs for instrument landing
`systems at domestic and foreign airports during this century, outlined two complementary development
`efforts: an industry program to produce prototype equipment at the earliest possible date; and a series of
`government programs concerned with such issues as validation, the investigation of subsystem concepts
`and techniques, and the application of MLS to civil-rnilitary aircraft operations.
`l\/[LS was intended to replace the instrument landing system (ILS), a unidirectional system
`employing VHF and UHF radio frequencies. The ILS, which had remained essentially unchanged since its
`introduction in the 1940s, suffered from limitations that included dependence on a fairly smooth airport
`surface to transmit an acceptable signal. Consequently, the system could not be installed in some areas
`without expensive reconfiguring of the terrain. The construction of a new hangar or even the accumulation
`of snow could adversely affect the system.
`l\/[LS would provide precision, high—integrity guidance that
`would be relatively insensitive to the effects of terrain, stmctures, other aircraft, and weather.
`It could
`operate at airports where the conventional ILS could not operate because of terrain irregularities.
`Moreover, the new system would make more flight paths available because it would employ a wide-angle
`scanning beam, as opposed to the unidirectional beam of the old system.
`On Jul 26, 1972, the responsibility for developing the new system was entrusted to a newly
`formed Microwave Landing System Branch within FAA's Systems Research and Development Service.
`(See Jun 19, 1970, and Jan 27, 1972.)
`Aug 4, 1971: Recognizing that noise was a rrmor source of environmental pollution, the Department of
`Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued guidelines for housing construction near high-noise
`areas, including airports. HUD hoped to discourage the construction of new dwelling units on sites that
`had, or were projected to have, an unacceptable noise exposure by withholding financial assistance for their
`development. For existing buildings located in a noisy environment, the Department encouraged sound-
`proofing, provided a structure's life was not substantially increased.
`Aug 10, 1971: FAA abolished the Bureau of National Capital Airports as a bureau, renamed it National
`Capital Airports, and attached it to the Airports Service, which assumed responsibility for operating
`Washington National and Dulles International Airports.
`(See Dec 5, 1966 and Jun 11, 1974.)
`Aug 11, 1971: FAA expanded requirements for an anticollision system of flashing aviation-red or
`aviation-white lights for night operations. The agency mandated that the system be installed on all
`powered U.S. civil aircraft with a standard airworthiness certificate by Aug 12, 1972.
`(Aircraft with
`experimental, restricted, or provisional type certificates were exempted.) Previously, FAA had required the
`anticollision light system only on large aircraft and on certain small aircraft as specified in their
`airworthiness certificates. The agency required this system in addition to the position—light system carried
`by all aircraft on their tails and wingtips.
`Aug 30, 1971: Effective this date, FAA required the fastening of safety belts by each occupant on U.S.-
`registered civil aircraft during takeoff and landing. The mle excepted occupants of airships and also
`children under two years if held by an adult. Previously, the only passengers that FAA had required to
`fasten their belts during takeoff and landing were those transported by scheduled air carriers and
`commercial operators of large aircraft. The new rule required the pilot in command to ensure that all
`persons aboard had been notified to fasten their safety belts prior to takeoff or landing.
`Sep 4, 1971: An Alaska Airlines 727 struck a mountain slope while attempting a nonprecision
`instmment landing approach to Juneau airport, killing all 111 persons aboard. The National Transportation
`Safety Board determined the probable cause to be a display of misleading navigational information
`concerning the flight's progress along the localizer course, which resulted in premature descent.
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 160
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 160

`Sep 14, 1971: FAA signed an agreement with NASA for joint participation in flight simulation research
`and development projects. Under the agreement, FAA provided technical personnel to coordinate the
`agency's R & D projects with NASA officials at the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffet Field, Calif.
`Included among the research projects were aircraft handling qualities and the development of certification
`criteria for new aircraft, such as short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft.
`Sep 14, 1971: FAA transferred the air marking and skyway programs to the Office of General Aviation
`from the Facility Installation Service.
`Sep 15, 1971: The Department of Transportation issued an in-depth study of general aviation safety,
`excluding "for hire" operations. The study was conducted by members of the staff of the Assistant
`Secretary of Transportation for Safety and Consumer Affairs, FAA officials, and general aviation
`consultants. Areas of concern identified were:
`inadequate pilot and flight
`instructor certification
`requirements; the lack of periodic pilot proficiency checks; the inability of flight service stations to meet
`the flight operation requirements of the general aviation community, especially its need for accurate and
`current weather data; and the lack of standard traffic patterns for uncontrolled airports.
`The study's recommendations included: conducting a biennial proficiency flight review of
`every pilot by a certificated flight instructor; placing increased emphasis on the general aviation accident
`prevention program; increasing the skill, knowledge, and experience requirements of flight instructors;
`implementing flight service station modernization and reconfiguration; improving the reporting of weather
`information to the general aviation pilot; strengthening general aviation's position in FAA's headquarters;
`publishing the Federal Aviation Regulations in separate parts, rather than the 11-volume fonnat used at the
`time; and adopting the standard traffic-pattem rule at all uncontrolled airports.
`Sep 16, 1971: The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that pilots who had suffered a stroke
`could not be automatically denied a first-class medical certificate. The Board stated that each pilot's
`case must be treated separately rather than on the basis of general stroke statistics and predections. The
`ruling reversed FAA's denial of a first-class medical certificate to a pilot who had suffered a "pure motor
`stroke" in 1964. The Board noted that the pilot had met the pertinent rifles and standards since the stroke,
`and hence his general medical condition allowed him to safely exercise the privileges of the certificate.
`Sep 17, 1971: The first grant related to vertical/short takeoff and landing facilities under the airport
`planning grant program went to the New Jersey Department of Transportation to study the development of
`a special facility to accommodate V/STOL aircraft. (See Apr 29 and Oct 17 , 1971.)
`Sep 23, 1971: The United States and 29 other nations signed the Convention for the Suppression of
`Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation (known as the Sabotage or Montreal Convention) at
`a conference held under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (see Sep 11, 1970).
`This agreement was directed against offenders who commit acts of violence against persons aboard civil
`aircraft in flight, or who destroy or endanger such aircraft through means that include sabotage, interference
`with air navigation facilities, and communication of false inforrriation
`It placed an obligation on
`contracting states to extradite such offenders or submit their cases to prosecutorial authorities. The
`convention would go into force 30 days following deposit of instruments of ratification by 10 of the
`original signatory states. The U.S. deposited its instruments of ratification on Nov 1, 1972, and the treaty
`went into force on Jan 26, 1973.
`Oct 1, 1971: FAA established the Airway Facilities Service, combining the Systems Maintenance and
`Facility Installation Services. This action brought the Washington headquarters in line with the regional
`(See May 16, 1962 and Jan 19, 1970.)
`Oct 4, 1971: FAA commissioned the first operational Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS) III,
`at Chicago's terminal radar control facility at O'Hare International Airport. The basic ARTS III, when
`added to existing airport surveillance radars, permitted the display of such flight information as aircraft
`identity and altitude directly on the radarscopes for aircraft equipped with transponders.
`(See Feb 13,
`Oct 12, 1971: FAA abolished the Office of Supersonic Transport Development and established the
`Supersonic Transport Office under the Associate Administrator for Engineering and Development to
`continue SST engineering and research activities. The agency also established a SST Contracts Branch in
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 161
`Location Labs Exhibit 1112 Page 161

`the Logistics Service to perform the contracting and procurement functions for the negotiation,
`admimstration, and termination of SST contracts.
`(See Mar 24, 1971.)
`Oct 14, 1971: FAA completed lowering the base of area positive control from 24,000 to 18,000 feet
`over the entire contiguous 48 States with the lowering of the base over the southeastern United States.
`The base had previously been lowered over the northeastern and north central United States on Nov 9,
`1967; the northwestern and northern tier states on May 27, 1971; the west central states on Jul 22, 1971;
`and the central and southwestern states on Aug 19, 1971.
`The action meant that all aircraft flying between 18,000 and 60,000 feet over the contiguous
`United States would receive separation services under direct FAA air traffic control. The agency had
`considered the measure for a number of years, since the increasing closure speeds of aircraft reduced the
`time available for pilots operating under Visual Flight Rules to detect potential collisions and take evasive
`(See Nov 9, 1967.)
`Oct 17, 1971: Opemng of the first officially designated STOLport solely for short takeoff and landing
`aircraft took place at Disney World, near Orlando, Fla.
`(The term "STOLport" had previously been
`applied to that portion of an airport reserved for STOL aircraft, and not to the entire facility.) The facility
`was the first such site in a projected intrastate STOL transportation system.
`(See Aug 5, 1968, and Jul 26,
`Nov 18, 1971: Public Law 92-159 prohibited airborne hunting of birds, fish, and other animals. The
`act prescribed criminal penalties for shooting, attempted shooting, or harassing of wildlife from an aircraft.
`Nov 23, 1971: A Federal arbitrator approved a two-man cockpit crew for Aloha's 737 flights, basing his
`decision on the low-density, fair-weather conditions under which Aloha operated. On May 8, 1973,
`however, a federal arbitrator's mling in another dispute approved a three-man crew for the 737 flights of
`Wien Air Alaska.
`(See Jul 21, 1969 and Nov 18-27, 1974.)
`Nov 24, 1971: The first in a series of hijackings involving extortion occurred when a passenger on a
`flight from Portland to Seattle successfully demanded $200,000 and four parachutes, then parachuted from
`the rear stairway of the Boeing 727. The hijacker--who used the name Dan Cooper, but became known as
`DB. Cooper in the press--was never found.
`(In Feb 1980, however, tattered bills from his loot were
`discovered along the Columbia River in Washington.) Another incident involving a demand for ransom
`and parachutes occurred on Dec 24, 1971, and 17 more extortion attempts on U.S. air carriers were made
`during the next 6 months.
`(See Mar 7-9, 1972.)
`Nov 27, 1971: An amendment to the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (see May 21,
`1970), Congress specified that:
`* No trust frmd money could be appropriated to carry out any program or activity under the
`Federal Aviation Act other than "acquiring, establishing, and improving air navigation
`facilities. .
`* Any excess of tmst fund receipts over airport-airway capital investments could be applied
`toward the cost of adrnimstering the airport and airway development programs.
`* Funds equal to the rmmmum amounts authorized for each fiscal year for airport and
`airway development must remain available in the trust fund until appropriated for airport-
`airway development.
`Congress passed this amendment when the Nixon administration submitted a budget request
`for fiscal year 1972 that proposed to obligate less than the minimum armual levels specified in the Airport-
`Airway Act for airport-airway capital investments. The Department of Transportation, in a move dictated
`by the newly formed Office of Management and Budget, proposed to use the dif

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