
`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11I92-39
`Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless LANs
`( An Update )
`K. S. Nataraian
`C. C. Huang
`0. F. Bantz
`IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
`P.O. Box 704. Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
`This contribution provides an updated and expanded description of a medium
`access control protocol for wireless LANs that was proposed In [NATB1a]. The
`proposal is described with respect to the 21 criteria that have been developed
`for consideration of MAC proposals.
`The medium access control protocol used is a hybrid of reservation and ran-
`dom access based protocols. Channel time is structured as a sequence of
`frames of equal duration. The protocol divides a frame into three intervals.
`In the first two intervals, transmission is scheduled by the controller, and a
`decentralized contention-based medium access control protocol is used in the
`third interval. An adaptively movable boundary separates the contention-free
`and contention-based portions in each frame. This provides for flexibility of
`bandwidth allocation to meet a variety of asynchronous and isochronous ser-
`vices that are anticipated in future wireless applications.
`We assume Slow-Frequency-Hopping spread-spectrum radio transmissions for
`isolating adjacent cells in a multicell network. However, the MAC protocol is
`applicabie to a variety of other PHY layers that require different cell isolation
`The communication architecture is flexible and permits several modes of op-
`eration. in particular, wireless communication is supported:
`0 When an infrastructure backbone network (i.e., a Distribution System) that
`facilitates extended coverage and mobility is available, and
`0 When there is no preexisting infrastructure to enable communication be-
`tween mobile stations.
`Page 1
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`DOC: IEEE P802.11I92-39
`March 9, 1992
`1 .lntroduction
`The demand for wireless data communications is expected to grow in the
`coming years as awide variety of user applications are developed and used -
`in a number of operating environments. The following usage scenarios are
`expected to become increasingly common in the future.
`Infrastructure-based LANs: The network architecture will consist of a finite
`number of Access Points that are attached to a Distribution System. The
`Distribution System, typically an IEEE 802 network. would enable:
`' Communication between mobile stations and fixed destinations ( ex. serv-
`ers, applications, data etc) that are attached to the Distribution System.
`Mobile stations communicate to an Access Point (a fixed station) that acts
`as a “bridge" between the radio environment and the Distribution System.
`The Access Point relays messages from/to stations that request its ser-
`0 Communication between mobile stations
`it communication is between two mobile stations that are not within
`range of each other, this will occur utilizing the store-and—forward ca-
`pability of one or more Access Points attached to a Distribution Sys-
`If communication is between two mobile stations that are within range
`of each other. this can occur with direct or indirect support of an Ac~
`cess Point that can serve both of them.
`Adhoc LANs: A primary requirement for a segment of user applications would
`be the capability to accomplish wireless communication without any depend-
`ence on a preexisting infrastructure. An adhoc LAN consisting of a set of mo-
`bile stations and shared resources like servers may be created. used for
`wireless communication and “dismantled” when the needs have been satis-
`In this contribution we propose a communication architecture that is flexible
`and encompasses the several modes of usage scenarios outlined above.
`particular. wireless communication among participating stations is supported:
`0 When an infrastructure backbone network (i.e.. a Distribution System) that
`facilitates extended coverage and mobility is present and available for the
`mobile station to use, and
`0 When there is no preexisting infrastructure available to enable communi—
`cation between mobile stations that wish to communicate.
`Page 2


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: iEEE P802.11192-39
`2. Proposed Scheme
`The proposed MAC scheme is first described in the context of Infrastructure—
`based LANs. The same scheme is used in Adhoc LANs as described in a later
`section. A half-duplex wireless link is assumed. The link is shared between
`inbound (mobile stations to Access Point) and outbound (Access Point to mo-
`bile stations) traffic. Channel time is structured as a sequence of frames of
`equal duration. The duration of a frame is subdivided into three intervals as
`shown in Fig. 1. Centralized control is used in the first two intervals and de-
`centralized control in the third interval.
`| Contention I.
`I Contention]
`M? to
`| Hoblles to |
`| Hobiies
`[to AP
`I HI“ TA -—-I
`I---- TB ----I
`i--- Tc ----1 l
`AH - Header for Period A
`8H - Header for Period B
`CH - Header for Period C
`AP - Access Point
`Figure 1. Frame Structure of Medium Access Control Scheme
`In the first interval (Period A), the link is used exclusively for outbound data
`transfer from the Access Point to mobile stations. In the second interval (Pe-
`riod B), bandwidth is allocated for contention-free inbound data transfer from
`mobile stations to the Access Point. The allocation of bandwidth is performed
`by a SCHEDULER resident in the Access Point wireless adapter. Bandwidth is
`allocated In each frame for inbound and outbound transfers. The third interval
`is used for transmission from mobile stations to Access Point in a random-
`access mode of operation. Control as well as data packets will use this inter-
`Page 3


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11192-39
`The control information for Periods A, B and C are AH, BH and CH respec-
`tively. The medium access control protocol is now briefly described with re-
`spect to Fig. 1.
`2.1 Period A ( Outbound Interval )
`Header AH (Broadcast from Access Point to mobile stations) is the interval
`during which the Access Point broadcasts a special message to all the mobile
`stations that identifies the beginning of Period A and contains additional con-
`trol information shown in Fig. 2.
`Period A (Broadcast from Access Point to mobile stations) is the interval dur-
`ing which outbound traffic is transmitted. The Access Point broadcasts packets
`and mobile stations receive packets addressed to them.
`Header AH identifies the start of the information frame and contains the Net-
`work ID, the Access Point ID, the frequency to be used in the next hop (as-
`suming Slow Frequency Hopping is the underlying PHY), a list of receiving
`stations and other system control information. The Network ID helps distin-
`guish between several colocated autonomous LANs.
`TA “ Length of Period A
`Length of Period B
`TC = Length of Period C
`TAH = Length of Header AH
`Length of Header BH
`TCH = Length of Header CH
`TREMHOP = Remaining Length of Hop
`BSID = Unique Id of the Access Point
`NET_lD = Network Id
`Next Frequency to be used in the Slow Frequency Hopping pattern
`List of Receiving Stations
`Broadcast Data indicator Flag
`Figure 2. Control information In Header AH
`In Period A the Access Point controls the transmissions outbound to the mo-
`bile stations. The corresponding control information, Header AH, for this
`Page 4


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11192-39
`interval is broadcasted by the Access Point. Each mobile station waits for the
`header whose contents include those shown in Fig. 2. On correct reception
`of Header AH, each mobile station sets a timer for TA so that it knows when to
`receive Header BH and learn about the beginning of Period B. The parame-
`ters TA, TB and TC lets the mobile stations know how much time is allocated
`to the three intervals in the current frame. On correct reception of Header AH,
`each receiving mobile station can determine whether or not it will receive
`packets from the Access Point (either broadcast or explicitly directed toward
`If there is no outbound traffic in a frame. then TA will be set to zero In
`Header AH of the frame.
`2. Period 8 ( Inbound Slotted Interval )
`Header BH (Broadcast from Access Point to mobile stations) is the interval
`during which the Access Point broadcasts a special message to all the mobile
`stations signifying the end of the Period A and the beginning of Period B. It
`also contains additional control information shown in Fig. 3.
`Period B (Contention Free Transfer from Mobile stations to Access Point) is the
`interval during which mobile stations take turn to transmit according to the slot
`allocation specified in BH. At the end of Period A, each mobile station waits for
`Header BH. When received, each mobile station sets a timer for TB so that it
`knows when to receive Header CH and learn about the beginning of Period c,
`the contention interval. A mobile station that requested slot allocation in an
`earlier frame will check to see if it has been allocated any slots.
`length of Period B
`TC — length of Period 0
`NTR 1—" Number of mobile stations that have slots allocated in the
`current frame
`. 8(1)) = User I can transmit 8(1) packets.
`( I
`There will be one such pair for each of the NTR mobile stations that hav
`slots allocated in the current frame.
`Figure 3. Control Information in Header BH.
`Header BH specifies a list of ordered pairs of the term (i, 8(I) > that indi-
`cates mobile station l is allocated 50') slots in the current frame. Since the list
`is ordered, the order in which they are allowed to transmit to the Access Point
`Page 5


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11/92-39
`is known to the mobile stations. Since each mobile station knows the list of
`stations that precede it and their allocations, It can determine when it should
`begin its transmission. At its designated time, the mobile station transmits for
`a fixed period of time whose duration depends on the number of slots allo-
`cated to it. Thus. contention-tree transfer from mobile stations to Access Point
`occurs utilizing the slot allocation information specified in BH. If a mobile sta-
`tion fails to receive BH correctly, then it will not make use of any slots that may
`have been allocated to it in the current frame. At the beginning of a frame, it
`there is no pending request from any mobile station for inbound data transfer.
`then TB (the length of Period 8) ln Header BH of the frame is set to zero.
`Adjustment of TA and TB in each frame enables the bandwidth to be allocated
`on a demand-driven basis. If both TA and T8 are set to zero, then the MAC'
`reduces to exclusively random-access mode of operation. For a large class
`of applications. outbound traffic (from Access Point to mobile stations) tends
`to be significantly large compared to inbound traffic (mobile stations to Access
`Point). In such cases, TA is expected to be the dominant component in a frame.
`2.3 Period C ( inbound Contention Interval )
`Header CH (Broadcast from Access Point to mobile stations) is the interval
`during which the Access Point broadcasts a special message to all the mobile
`stations, identifying the end of the Period B and the beginning of the Period
`C. The message also conveys the information In Fig. 4.
`TC = length of Period C
`K = Current estimate of users actively attempting transmission
`in Random Access Section ( expected to be much smaller than the
`number of users registered with the Access Point).
`Control information in Header CH.
`Figure 4.
`Period C (Random access from mobile stations to Access Point) is the interval
`during which any station may contend for the channel and transmit a message
`without any explicit allocation from the Access Point. A Slotted-ALOHA pro—
`tocol with suitable modifications for retransmission scheduling is used in this
`1 The proposed choice of Slotted-ALOHA in Period C allows eliicient support for simple and
`inexpensive radio PHY layers (e.g. radios with long transmit-to—receive turnaround times).
`However. we note that Period C admits the use of random access protocols that. under a
`different set of PHY layer assumptions. are theoretically more efficient than Slotted-ALOHA.
`in partiCUlar, a Carrier Sense Multiple Access-based protocol can be used in Period C. Use
`of such CSMA-based alternative choices. are considered to be within the scope ofthis MAC


`DOC: IEEE P802.11192-39
`March 9, 1992
`Period C is used for the following types of information:
`0 Request messages for registering with an Access Point
`0 Bandwidth reservation requests
`0 Data packets
`2.3.1 Registration with Access Point
`The process by which a mobile station introduces itself and requests the ser-
`vices ot an Access Point is called Registration. The set of registered users at
`an Access Point will change dynamically with time. An Access Point does not
`assume a priori knowledge about the number or the identity of mobile stations
`desiring its services.
`After a mobile station has monitored the radio environment and chosen an
`Access Point to register with. it sends a Request Registration Control Packet.
`The packet contains the Access Point ID as well as the Network ID of the LAN
`that the mobiie station wishes to join. Other information included are the mo-
`bile station MAC address. and other information that may be required for ac-
`cess control purposes. -
`On receipt of a Request Registration control packet, the designated Access
`Point processes the request. It responds to the mobile station with a message
`called Registration Response packet.
`if the registration request is accepted,
`then the Access Point becomes the Owner of the mobile station. An Access
`Point provides the MAC functions for all mobile stations for which it is the
`owner. Ownership of a mobile station can change if it roams within an Ex-
`tended Service Area and a handoff sequence is initiated.
`2.3.2 Reservation Requests for Bandwidth
`Mobile stations request bandwidth for transmission in Contention Free mode
`(Period B). Such requests can be supported by transmitting the appropriate
`bandwidth reservation request to the Access Point. Both isochronous or non-
`isochronous services are supported by transmitting the appropriate bandwidth
`reservation request to the Access Point. Allocations based on reservation re»
`quests are specified in the BH header of the subsequent frames.
`Bandwidth reservation requests are transmitted by mobile stations to the Ac-
`cess Point using random access Slotted-ALOHA protocol in the third interval
`(Period C). The Access Point receives reservation requests and processes
`them according to the SCHEDULER allocation algorithm.
`Page 7


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11I92-39
`The actual slot allocation information for inbound transmission is conveyed in
`Header 81-! of one or more subsequent frames.
`Reservation requests have the form shown In Fig. 5. Such a request means
`mobile station with MAC Address MSID requests Access Point APiD to allo-
`cate REQ_SIZE slots for inbound transmission (i.e.. number of slots needed for
`transmission in Period 3). Successful (Le. collision-free and error-free) recep-
`tion of reservation requests are acknowledged by the Access Point as part of
`the contention protocol
`in Period C.
`The field SERVICE_TYPE indicates
`whether an asynchronous or isochronous service is required.
`if asynchonous
`service is required. then no periodicity of request is assumed. If isochronous
`service is indicated, then REQfiSIZE slots will be allocated in every frame until
`a cancellation of the request is indicated in a subsequent control packet from
`the mobile station.
`INon—Iso) Figure 5. Reservation Request Control Packet
`Request packet
`MAC Address
`Network ID
`Access Point
`Request Size
`Type of Service
`The SCHEDULER maintains a queue of pending requests for inbound data
`transfer, each request containing information shown in Fig. 6.
`If there is not
`sufficient bandwidth to satisfy all reservation requests in a frame. then the
`unfulfilled requests will be taken up in the following frame. Note that the Ac-
`cess Point processes the reservation requests within Period A of the next
`frame and communicates it as part of Header BH.
`Page 8


`DOC: lEEE P802.11192-39
`March 9, 1992
`At the end of Period B, each mobile station waits for Header CH corresponding
`to Period C. The header contains TC. the length of the third interval. When re-
`ceived, each mobile station sets a timer for TC so that it knows when to expect
`the header for the next frame.
`HAG Address Request
`isochronous or
`Non-lsochronous Figure 6. An Entry in the Queue of Outstanding Reservation Requests
`Phase C is devoted to the transmission of messages using a Slotted-ALOHA
`protocol. Note that the duration of the Slotted-ALOHA subframe can change
`from one frame to the next in a manner determined by the Access Point and
`conveyed in the control headers AH, BH and CH.
`in the Slotted-ALOHA sub-
`lrame, each mobile station that has a message to transmit will do so oniy at the
`beginning of a time slot. At the end of each transmission, the users must know
`if their packets were received correctly (I.e., without collisions) or not. If a col-
`lision is detected (by lack of a positive ACK). the mobile station schedules a
`retransmission of the collided packet according to a retransmission scheduling
`algorithm. Since bursty data, reservation and registration requests must have
`short response time, parameter TC. the length of the random access portion '
`of a frame. is always lower bounded by a value. TC__MIN. TC_MIN Is the min-
`imum number of slots per frame that are always available for use in contention
`mode (eg, TC_MIN = 20% of the frame length).
`At the end of each frame, the Access Point may have outstanding packets to
`be transmitted to mobile stations registered with it. These are first scheduled
`for transmission in Period A. Recall that TB is the length of Period B. The
`SCHEDULER allocates bandwidth subject to the constraint (TA + T8) is never
`allowed to exceed 80% of irame length.
`If there is no outbound traffic and
`there are no outstanding reservation requests, TC is increased to 100%.
`When two stations are within a Basic Service Area and registered with the
`same Access Point, then there are two choices for communication between
`them. Fig. 7 shows an Access Point and two mobile stations that are registered
`with it.
`Page 9


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11/92-39
`The data transfer can occur in:
`Store-and-Forward (84’) repeat mode: The Access Point receives from the
`source station. and retransmits to the destination. This requires two trans-
`missions but has potential to provide coverage over a larger area.
`0 Direct Data Transfer mode: Stations communicate directly with a single
`transmission from source to destination station (no active intervention by
`Access Point during data transfer).
`S-F repeat
`S-F repeat
`direct transfer mode
`A mobile station may (or may not) be able to communicate directly to another
`mobile station registered with the same Access Point.
`in the Store—and-
`Forward repeat mode. a mobile station communicates through the Access
`Point to another mobile station in the network.
`The following are two modes of system operation for direct data transfer be-
`tween mobile stations.
`0 Mode 1: The first mode of operation is Random Access Direct Data Trans-
`fer. In this mode. a mobile station communicates directly to another mobile
`station in Period C. The Access Point will not receive the packet for
`store-and-forward transmission.
`mode I
`Page 10


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11I92—39
`Mode 2: The second mode of operation is Reserved Access Direct Data
`In this mode, a mobile station communicates directly to another
`mobile station in Period B of the frame. Bandwidth allocation ls requested
`from the Access Point in Period C. The Access Point then includes the fol-
`lowing in Header BH of Period B in a subsequent frame. The message has the
`following form:
`mode 2
`time slots
`The message allows both the sender and the receiver know when data trans-
`mission will happen, and that the second mode operation is active in the as-
`signment slots.
`Mode 2
`Figure 8. Different Modes of Data Transfer In a Basic Service Area
`The above two modes of operation permit a mobile station to use Direct Data
`Transfer mode whenever it is in range of the destination station. The source
`station first tries the Direct Data Transfer mode.
`If not successful (lack of suc-
`cess in a number of retries), it enters the S-F repeat tnode. Using the Access
`Point. the packets are delivered to the destination. Fig. 8 summarizes the dif-
`ferent modes of operation.
`Page 11


`March 9, 1992
`DOC: IEEE P802.11192-39
`Response to 21 Criteria
`1) Unauthorized network access impact on throughput
`The proposed MAC protocol is a hybrid of Reservation TDMA and random
`access schemes. Slow Frequency Happing Spread Spectrum communication
`is used for intercell isolation in a multicell radio network. Users in a BSA can
`utilize the channel only after successfully registering with an Access Point.
`The registration procedure will exclude an unauthorized user trom accessing
`a network. Users in adjacent cells of the same network as well as cells of
`colocated networks will
`typically be hopping in non-interfering channels
`(please see response to item 8). Their access of their networks should have
`marginal impact of system throughput.
`in an Adhoc-LAN. only the users that belong to the network will impact each
`other. Users belonging to other networks will again be isolated in frequency
`domain and will have marginal impact on system throughput.
`2) Establish peer-to—peer connectivity without prior knowledge
`Peer-to-peer connectivity can be established by creation of Adhoc LAN net-
`works. Such networks are created to facilitate communication between mobile
`stations without relying on the existence of a distinguished entity a la Access
`Point. The networks are created on-the~fly on a temporary basis consisting of
`mobile stations that wish to participate in such a network.
`This section describes-a simple approach to create Adhoc networks. With this
`approach, mobile stations would require implementation of Access Point
`functions in software in mobile station adapter cards. A mobile station is ex-
`plicitly designated to provide the basic control functions of an Access Point.
`The designated mobile station, called an Adhoc-type Access Point, performs
`only the core functions of an Infrastructure-type Access Point. These include
`the following:
`1. Bandwidth allocation based on reservation requests
`2. Registration of stations that wish to ioin the Adhoc network
`3. Timing and framing information for coordinating the stations in the Adhoc
`network. With a Frequency Hopping PHY layer, the control lunctlons in-
`cludes specifying the frequency hopping pattern to use, time instants when
`the stations should hop and how long they should stay in a hop. The above
`Page 12


`DOC: IEEE P802.11I92-39
`March 9, 1992
`control information facilitates synchronized frequency-hopping by all mobile
`stations that belong to the Adhoc LAN. Data transfer will occur using the same
`MAC protocol as in infrastructure-based LAN. The primary mode of operation
`is Direct Data Transfer between stations that belong to the Adhoc LAN. The
`Adhoc Access Point need not function as a Store—and-Forward repeater for
`data communication between peer stations that are in direct range of each
`other. However, Store-and-Forward repeat is a backup option available at the
`Adhoc Access Point and can be used for extending the coverage range of the
`Adhoc LAN.
`A promising direction for automatic creation of Adhoc LANs is to create sys-
`tems in which a station is elected as an #Adhoc-type Access Point, performs the
`core functions of an Access Point for some duration and the responsibility for
`performing Adhoc-type Access Point functions is rotated among the partic-
`ipating stations in an equitable manner.
`3) Throughput
`is a hybrid of contention-free (Periods A and B) and
`The MAC protocol
`random—access protocols (Period C). Suppose the fraction of bandwidth used
`in Periods A and B is f. The fraction used in Period C is (1 — f). The maximum
`throughput achievable is [100(f+ kmmfi -- 0)]%, where Aswan = 0.36. If we
`set I = 0.8, the maximum throughput is about 07.2%}' The average throughput
`is a function that depends very much on the traffic model assumptions.
`The following simulations show that high link utilization in an environment of
`heavy traffic is achievable and the system is stable even under high load con-
`ditions. Periods A and B are based on reservation and are unconditionally
`stable. Stability in Period C is achieved using adaptive retransmission strate-
`The system modele

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