
`Lit-H— «- 303 ~
`EXPRESS MAIL NO. T356983631Lé:
`Attorney Docket No. 34395.8é01
`In re Application of:
`Michael A. Fischer
`Serial No. 03/011,415
`Filed January 29, 1993
`Group Art Unit 2603
`Examiner W. Chin
`I M.)
`"1 ‘_
`Honorable Commissioner of
`Patents and Trademarks
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`In response to the Examiner's first action mailed January
`14, 1994, and in consideration of a Petition for One Month
`Extension of Time and the fee therefor which accompanies this
`Amendment and Response, please amend the above identified
`applicatio in the following manner:
`\\ \
`Cancel claim\?2\:\\
`\\\ en
`claims 1, 2, 3,\>, 8, Eb, 11, 12,\:X, 2},
`\\>%, 3:?\n:j\na and
`5 in the form set forth below.
`:>,\§B, 34,
`Add new claims E; and fig as set forth below.
`6 {
`A communicator for wirelessly transmitting
`frames to and receiving frames from a least one additional
`communicator in accordance with a predetermined medium access
`444.00 CH
`060 FF 05/2?/9# Qafiiliifl
`1 262
`ST. JUDE 1005


`control protocol,
`the communicators which transmit and receive
`the frames constituting a Group, each communicator including a
`transmitter and a receiver for transmitting and receiving the
`frames respectively,
`the medium access control protocol
`controlling each communicator of the Group to effect
`predetermined functions comprising:
`designating one of the communicators of the Group as a
`hub and the remaining the communicators of the Group as remotes;
`the hub establishing repeating communication cycles,
`each communication cycle naving [of which has]
`intervals during
`which the hub and the remotes transmit and receive frames;
`the hub transmitting cycle establishing information to
`the remotes to establish the communication cycle and a plurality
`of predeterminable intervals during each communication cycle,
`intervals being ones when the hub is allowed to transmit frames
`to the remotes, when the remotes are allowed to transmit frames
`to the hub, and when each remote is expected to receive a frame
`from the hub;
`the nun transmitting n {rang connaining Eng gyclg
`'shes both an outbound
`o t'o of the co
`an t e hub transmits fra es
`when the remotes tgansmit frames to the hub, the frame containing
`0 e establ'
`' formati
`ab '3 'n t e
`ngedetermined intervals during Eng anngnng and inbound portions


`t e c
`a 'o
`e w e
`each genoge is gllgnnd tn
`transmit and rgcgixe;
`the remotes powering off their transmitters during
`times other than those intervals when the remote is allowed to
`transmit frames to the hub, by using the gygle gsnablighing
`information transmitted from the hub; and
`the remotes powering off their receivers during times
`other than those intervals when the remote is expected to receive
`a frame from the hub, by using the cycle estgnlisning information
`transmitted from the hub.
`A communicator as defined in claim 1 wherein
`the predetermined functions further comprise:
`the hub assigning transmission opportunities to the
`remotes, each transmission opportunity being an interval for a
`remote to transmit frames to the hub; and
`the hub transmitting transmission opportunity
`allocation information in the [a]
`frame gontnining tne cyglg
`establishing ingonnation transmitted by the hub.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 2
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] fgr
`winelessly tnansmitting frames to and :egeiving fngneg firgn a
`least Qne additiongl connnnicntor in accordancg Winn a
`i e
`5 c n r 1
`'c tors
`connunicgtgr including a transmitter gng a receiver for
`I Y r


`tgangmiggigg and geceiving the fgames respectively,
`the medium
`agcegs control pxgtgcol gggtxolling eggh goymunicatgr 9f the
`c 'o
`Qgsignatigg egg of the cgmmgnicgtogs o: the Grogp as a
`hng and the remaining tgg comgunicgtors o: tne Ggogp gg remotes;
`fine hug es§§QLL§ging ggggating gogmggicatiog cygles.
`egcg o; uh;§n has intgryglg dgging thcn tne hQQ gng tge remotgg
`tgaggmit and :gcgivg fixages;
`t e
`ub tr 3 'tti
`WWWl t
`1e inter als du in e ch
`0 unicat'on c cle th
`erv ls
`th h
`a sm't f am
`0 e
`t e h b
`figom the hub;
`w n
`ach re at
`'s e
`ected to eceive a
`ra e
`t e
`e o e
`e '
`' t
`t' es
`t er t
`n t
`n e
`w n
`em te 's
`11 we
`tragsgit frames to tag ugh.
`fix gs;ng the ;nfo;ma§iog tggnsmitted
`fzom Lag hub:
`s du
`at e
`n thos
`w e
`re te is e
`ct d
`ce ve
`t e nf
`a 'o
`a s i
`ed fro


`t e
`ub ass'
`'3 'on o
`o t
`t bein a
`o t
`n o
`t ansm's
`emot s
`ote to t ansmit f
`es to the hub;
`the hub transmitting transmiseien opportunity
`ities to t

`alloc t
`info at'
`a e t
`d b
`t e hub'
`the hub allocating a number of transmission
`opportunities during at least one communication cycle which is at
`least one less in number than the number of remotes in the Group.
`A communicator as defined in claim 2 wherein
`the predetermined functions further comprise:
`the hub transmitting the items eontaining the cycle
`establishing information to the remotes to establish a
`transmission opportunity request interval during the
`communication cycle when the remotes may transmit transmission
`opportunity request frames to the hub to request transmission
`opportunity allocations; and
`the remotes transmitting transmission opportunity
`request frames to the hub during the transmission opportunity
`request intervals.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 6
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] fig;
`rece v
`f ames from a
`vi eles
`re s
`'1east one additional communicetor in accordance with e
`predetermined medium access centtgl preteeel.
`which transmit and receive the frames constituting e Group. each


`r '
`c 'ver or
`ans itt n
`ec iv
`t e frames tespectivelyI the megihm
`'cator o
`'n '
`esi n tin o e o
`t e
`ca ors
`f the G on
`huh ang the remaining the communicators of the Group ae remotes;
`ca 'on
`s in
`du'ihg ghich the hhh ahg the zemetes
`transm t
`d re eive frames'
`the hhh trehsmittihg '
`o ati
`eetahlish the gohhhhicatien eyeie ehd e eihzaiitx ef
`predetetmiheble intetxals gurihg eaeh communieatioh cycle.
`t9 the gametesI when the remotee ere aileweg to tzehemit fizahee
`to the hubl and when each temote is expeeted te receive e fhahe
`fro t e hub'
`the remotee pewerihg 0:: their trenehittete dutihg
`as other t
`n t as
`ter a s
`thansmit themes to the hubI by using the infiohhation transmitted
`W t
`he remotes powering of: their receivers dugihg times
`other thah those intervals when the remote is egpected to teceive
`a fteme from the hubl h! ueing the inforhetioh trahsmitted item
`the hub;


`t e
`s '
`'ti 3 to the
`remotesI egch tranemission opeortgnity being an interval for a
`o e to tr
`t f
`e nun;
`the hub tregsmittigg tggnemiesien opporgunity
`a lo a 'o
`'n o
`in a
`tee hub tregsmigting
`o ati
`to the rem es to
`est b
`t a s 's 'o
`'ca 1
`c e he
`o t
`st i te va dur'n t e
`remotee meg transmit tranegission
`o t
`e est fr mes to
`to e ue t tr ns '5 io
`o t n'

`s 't‘
`s '
`rt n't
`u st
`a es t
`t e
`d r n
`t e t
`' s on o
`o t
`' te vals-
`the hub transmitting information in a frame which
`requires a remote having a previously allocated transmission
`opportunity to relinquish the transmission opportunity.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 2
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] fig;
`I i
`ntransmitle slwi f m 3 Le egg reeeiving frames from a
`lea t o e add'tion
`commun cat
`ce w't
`pregetermined medium eceese centrol protegol.
`the cemmenieegere
`w '
`s i
`d r ce've t e
`s c
`s i
`a G u
`e c
`communicato; including a transmitter ang a reeeiver fer
`a s 't
`e e'v
`e t
`e '


`access control protocol controlling each communicator of the
`to ef
`mewwfteGru as
`hub and the remaining the communicators of the Greun as remotes;
`each of which has intervals during which the hnb and the remotes
`transmit and receive rranee;
`ub tr e 'tt'
`. estab 's t e co
`t e remotes to
`u a '
`predererninable intervaie enring each communication cycleI the
`intervais being ones when the hnb is allowed to transmit frames
`to the remotes. when the remetes ere eiloweg re transmit rranee
`and w e
`is erpecreg to receive a firene
`W t
`ther t
`ose ‘
`nhen rhe remote 1e eilowed to
`transmit rrames to the hub. by using the information transmitted
`frem rhe hub;
`the re tes owerin
`ece vers dur
`other than those intervaie when rhe remote is expected to receive
`rom t e I b
`b usin
`e 'nformation
`smitted ro
`t e hub ass' nin t
`'ssion o
`o the
`remotesl each transmission annornunity being an interval for a
`remote to transmit frenes to the huh;



`gllgggtign inionnanion in a irame transmittgd by the hub:
`the hub monitoring the frames transmitted by each
`remote during its transmission opportunity; and
`the hub revoking a previous transmission opportunity
`allocation of a remote which has not transmitted more than a
`predetermined number of frames during a previous number of
`communication cycles.
`A communicator as defined in claim 2 wherein
`the predetermined functions further comprise:
`the hub allocating a predetermined amount of time for
`[a transmission opportunity in] each transmission opportunity,
`the predetermined amount of time of the transmission opportunity
`being for a remote to transmit frames to the hub; and
`the hub transmitting £23 [a]
`frame contnining the cycig
`gstaniisning infoxnation which cgntaing [containing] the
`transmission opportunity allocation information during the
`communication cycle.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 11
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] £9;
`ans 1
`ra e
`r e'v
`s f
`least one additignal connnnigato; in accondance with a
`predetermined medium access cgntnnl nrotgcoi.
`the communicators
`w 'c
`a 5m“
`c 've
`s 't t'
`G on
`connunigntor inciuding a transmittgr and a regeive; fog


`transmitting and receiving the frames respegtively, the medihh
`ggcess control grothggl Qghttollihg each communicator of the
`Group to effect EIQQQLEIEiDEG :uhctiohg cgmpziging:
`gesigngtihg one 0: the communicatots o: the gzgtp as a
`e ain'
`t e
`s remotes'
`e hub
`r eat'n co
`c cles
` eac of which has ' tervals during which the hub and the remotes
`ttahsmit and receive fgamesg
`tra s 'tt
`ormation to t e
`estahl s
`t e co unication c ole and a
`luralit of
`predeterminable ihtetvgis guring each communication cycleI the
`b °
`es w en t e
`is al ow d to t ansmit
`t9 the remotes. when the remotes are al;gwed to transmit frgmes
`to the hubI and when eggh remote is expected to receiye a frame
`the remote: powering of: their ttghsmittetg Quting
`times gthex than those ihtervats when the gghote is aliowed to
`:::u.t f ames to the ,u,
`from the hub;
`the remotes
`o f their receivers du '
`other than those '
`w e
`he remote is e
`ected to rece ve
` 30


`the hub assigning transmission opporrunities to the
`remgtes, each transmission opportunity being an interval for a
`remote to transmit frames go the bug;
`mum—t1:uh 5' ntmmmnfix
`allocation information in a frame rransmitted by the hub;
`t e hu
`edetgrmined amount of time for a
`'n d amo
`t 0
`ti e o
`e t
`sm'ss on 0 art
`b '
`a remote
`0 tr
`s it fr
`as to the ub-
`thg hub transmitting a frame containing the
`t ansmi
`ion 0 ortu it
`a ocat'on nfo ati
`cgmmunigatign cycle;
`the hub adjusting the length of at least one
`transmission Opportunity of at least one remote during at least
`one of a plurality of subsequent communication cycles; and
`the hub transmitting a frame containing the information
`establishing the adjusted length of the transmission opportunity
`prior to the time of the adjusted transmission opportunity in a
`a '0 cycle.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] fgr
`transmittin ames t d r e'v f esw'rele 1 m a
`tio 1
`predetermined medium access control protocol.
`the communicators
`which transmit and receive the frames constituting g Groupl each


`a s
`thanemihgihg ahd Ieceivihg Lhe frames respechively.
`the megium
`aecese eentrol pretocol controlling each eommuhieater cg ghe
`ef ec
`f ct'on c
`d s'
`s o
`hub end the regaining the cemhghicatore e: the grohh ae remotes;
`the h b esta 1 s in
`e atin co unicat'on c c as
`each 0: which hee intervele derihg ghioh the hub egg the remotes
`c 've
`t e
`ub tr e ' t
`infiegmetioh te the remotes to
`estehlieh the comhunication cycle and e p;u;eli§y Qfi
`predetegmihahle ihgerye;§ dugihg eech cohmghicegieh eyele.
`nte va 5 bein ones
`the u
`'s a 10 ed to tr nsm't
`ra es
`to t e
`w e
`th re ote
`a e allo d
`re sm't
`a es
`t e
`a d w e
`e ote ie expeeged go zeceive a fireme
`grog the hub:
`the remotee poweang off thei; tgahsmittegs during
`gimes otheg hheh thoee ingeggele Ehen ghe gamete ie allewed go
`ra s i
`as to the
`t e
`' t
`m th
`t e
`e at
`t' e
`ame from e
`us'n the n
`rm t o
`t an


`the hub establishing the length of each communication
`W cycle; andthe hub transmitting a frame containing information
`describing the length of the communication cycle prior to the end
`of the communication cycle whose length is established.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] tar
`least one additional communicator in agggrgaace with a
`predetermined medium access control protocolI the communicators
`w 'ch t ansmit and
`ce v
`a Grou
`'cator includin
`transm tter apg a racelver tor
`transmitting and receiving the firames regpactively,
`the medium
`co trol
`c t r
`e fect
`' ed funct'o s
`designating oae o; the communicators of the Group as a
`hub ang the remaining the communicators a: tag Group as remates:
`each or waich has intervals garing which the hub apd the remotes
`transmit and receive frames;
`tra smit
`at on to t
`re t s to
`estaplish the communicatiaa cycle and a plurality or
`redeterminable '
`'s allo ed to t a s it f a es
`to the raaotes. waen the remotes are allowed to transmit frames


`to h
`an w n
`h r at
`is e ecte to ec
`from the hgb;
`the remotes pgugring of: their transmitters during
`times other than those intervals when the remote is allowed to
`transmit frames to the hubI by gsi
`t e nf rma ion tra smitted
`frgm the hub;
`e r
`e '
`t' es
`other than those intervals ghen t e
`emo e i
`ected to see vs
`fro t
`b us n
`the ' £0 at' n tra s itted from
`the hub transmitting two frames containing information
`to establish the plurality of predeterminable intervals during
`each communication cycle,
`the second frame containing the
`information to established the plurality of predeterminable
`intervals occurring before the intervals in which the remotes are
`allowed to transmit frames to the hub.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1] for
`w reles 1
`ran mi
`m a
`W p
`redetermined medium access control protocol. wherein the
`communicators are adapted to be connected to a resource to obtain
`data from and to supply data to the resource,
`[and predetermined
`functions further comprise:} WWW
`ve t e
`es c st
`h c
`including a transmitter and a receiver for transmitting and
`f1} 5


`r e'v
`es res e
`e medi
`cc as control
`0 t
`f ect
`prggetgrmined gungtigns comprising:
`gesigngtigg one o; the cgmgunicators o: the Group as a
`e r
`in t
`n' a or
`e Gr
`emote '
`WWWe'0 “013' Gas
`transmit and receive firgmes;
`the huh transmitting infiozmggign to the :gmgtgg to
`establish the comggnigation ox 1e
`ur 1'
`predetermiggblg ingerxglg duri
`ea h co
`t' n
`t e
`s e'
`t e
`o e
`t e
`e ot s w
`t e
`to the hubI and when each remote is expected to receive a grgme
`t e
`e otes
`t e
`times other than those intervals when the remote is allowed to
`r me f om t
`t e h

`owe in o f th i
`e v
`s dur n
`i terv s
`h n th
`'n t e '
`o _
`t'on t
`o ece've
`' t d
`a first remote transmitting a first frame containing
`"data to the hub during an interval established in a first


`communication cycle,
`the first frame containing data obtained by
`the one remote from the resource connected to the one remote; and
`the hub transmitting a second frame to a second remote
`fihqé/ during an interval established in a second subsequent
`' communication cycle, the second frame containing the data
`contained in the first frame.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] to;
`vixelesely hgahsmihting fixemee te end Leeeivihg firemee gram Q
`t o e ad 1 i
`c tor '
`ance w
`5 mum—WWItcol tec 'atr
`w '
`n m t a d r ce v
`ra e
`o s i
`cat r
`a d
`e e v r for
` 10
`e t b
`ea '
`n c t'
`eech of ehich has ihteggels gurihg which hhe hub and the remotes
`m t a
`e '
`t a
`t i
`t o
`o t e
`e o e
`s a
`'sh t e c
`u i
`ur 1 t
`exegeterhinable intezvele ghging eeeh cemhhhicetioh exele.
`iheegvels beihg ohes wheh hhe hub is allowed tg hrhnemit frames


`es w e
`e a
`o e
`t a m t
`to the uh
`a d he
`s e
`ted o
`e a
`u °
`the remotes powering gff their transmitters during
`times other than those intervals when the remote is allowed to
`transmit frames to the hubI by using the infgrmation transmitted
`m t
`0 er
`off their receivers during timgg
`other than those intervals when the remote is expected to receive
`a frame from the hub, by using the information transmitted from
`the hub;
`the hub transmitting information to the remotes to
`establish a first interval in the communication cycle during
`which a frame containing the information establishing the
`communication cycle and the plurality of predeterminable
`intervals is transmitted and a second interval during which the
`hub is allowed to transmit other frames to the remotes; and
`each remote determines whether to power off its
`receiver during the second interval based on the information
`transmitted during the first interval.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] f9;
`least one additional cgmmgnicagor in accordance with a
`predetermined medium access control protocolI the communicators


`which transmit ang teeeiye the
`titutin a G on
`connunieetot including a ttensmitter and a teceiver for
`ttansnitting and receiving the ftanes teepeetiyely.
`the meginn
`access control protocol conttolling each communicator of the
`gteup to effect ptedetenmined functions eenprising:
`'n o e
`the connnnicetots o: the gtoup as a
`hub and the remeining the comnunicatete et the Group as temotes;
`the hub establishing repeating connunieation cycles.
`were0 'c ' sW
`thensnit and teceive ftanes;
`the huh transmitting infotnation to the temotes to
`eetehlieh the eennnnication eyele and a plurality 0t
`ptedetetninahle intervals enring each communication cyclel
`intetgals being enes when the hnb is alloyed to thenenit ftames
`tn the temetee. when the temotes ere elleneg te tnansmit frames
`to the hubI and when eeeh temote is expeeted te teceige e ftame
`from the hub;
`e '
`te s durin
`timee othet then theee intetyele nhen the tenete ie allowed to
`transmit framee to the hub. by ueing the infetnation transmitted
`tram the hub;
`the r mo
`e '
`other than these intervels than the remete ie expected to receive
`a frame from the hnbl by neing the intennetion ttansmitted from
`the hub;


`the hub transmitting a frame containing information to
`establish a first interval in the communication cycle during
`which the information establishing the communication cycle and
`the plurality of predeterminable intervals is transmitted, and a
`second interval during which the hub is allowed to transmit
`broadcast frames to the remotes, and a third interval in the
`communication cycle during which the hub is allowed to transmit
`directed frames to the remotes;
`each remote powers its transmitter during the second
`interval; and
`each remote determines whether to power off its
`receiver during the third interval based on the information
`conveyed during the first interval.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] fog
`wireleesly transmitting frames to and receiving frames from g
`leest Qne additional conmnnicetor in accordance with a
`nzegetennined medium access egntrnl nngnoegi. nhe commnnieetege
`w ' h
`t ut
`n c tor '
`ud n
`ran it er
`nd a
`ce ve
`a d
`ce vin th
`ac ess con
`01 c
`es r
`ch co
`ca 0 of the
`Groun to egfect predetermined functigns comprising:
`desi nati
`o e
`e co
`'cat rs 0
`th Grou
`nun end the remaining the communicators of the Group as remotes;


`the hub gstablishihg repeating QQmQuhication cyglgs.
`each of which has intervglg during which the hub and the remotes
`transmit and receive frames;
`the hhb tgahsmittihg
`o the re t s to
`establish the chmhhhicgtioh cyc e
`d a
`'t of
`' te vals
`rv ls be'
`0 es whe
`uh is
`ed to t
`t frames
`to the gemotesl when the remotes are allowed to transmit frames
`to the hubl and when each remote is expected to receive a figame
`frgm the hub;
`the :emotes powering of: their tzansmittexs during
`times othgr than those intervals Eheh the {emote is hllgwed to
`transmit frames to the hubl by using the infoghation transmitted
`the r
`es ower'n 9:: their receivers gugihg times
`than those 'nterva
`e remot
`is e
`ected to rec ve
`the hhh:
`the hub transmitting information to the remotes during
`a first communication cycle to establish the length of the first
`communication cycle and to establish the time for the beginning
`of the next subsequent second communication cycle; and
`the remotes powering on their receivers at
`approximately the anticipated beginning of the second
`communication cycle after having powered their receivers off


`during the first communication cycle, by using the information
`transmitted from the hub during the first communication cycle.
`A communicator [as defined in claim 1
`wherein the predetermined functions further comprise:] f0;
`minglessly tnangmitting framgs to gnd :egeiving frameg from g
`least one agdinional communigatog in agcorgancg mitn g
`e ete
`0 tggl protocgiI tne communicators
`whicn trgngmit and receive the finamgs gonsnituting a g

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