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` CT 0M”
`@119 BEE smmmv
`IEEE Press
`Published by
`Standards Information Network
`VMWARE, INC. 1013
`VMWARE, INC. 1013


`“LEE Wig!
`Mia, fimflwfimtiva [Eig‘éififimwy UK
`MEET $31,116.3ng Tfiflfl§
`Seventh Edition
`4/‘AR\Z/ w:
`Pubiizahad by
`’Emmnvfla ia‘fiezw'nzzézifin I‘letwefl;
`IEEE Press


`'l‘rndcnurks and disclaimers
`i.'i_/}n'i;ni:ib.«'i in thiy pnlilit'ininn its tll't'ill'tlli’ n.\ intx [7iil.>lit‘ntion tlutt'; MIC/I infin'mntioi: i.\ A'nlnt't'l
`’ 1'5 tln'
`[if ! bcl
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`()tln'i‘ U'Iltlt’lltlillt'X uml trademarks in Ihiy (/m‘innz'nt are those ofthvii' rvspc't‘tii'v ()H'}Ié’i'.\'.
`The lnxtitntc (fill/conical and Electronics Engineering, Inc.
`3’ Pink Ayi'nni’
`1' York. NY. l()()l(;-»59()7, USA
`("upyrig/It it" 3000 by the Institute of Electrical and Elt’t‘ll'UHiFS Enginccm‘, Inc. All rig/21x i‘mcri'ul. Pnblishu/
`December 2000 Printcul in the United Sitll‘t’X ()f/lim’l‘ica.
`No part rift/tits publication may by i‘c’pi’oilnt‘ctl in anyfrmn. in (Ill C’l£’L'/l‘{llli(‘ rcn'ie‘ml .S‘_\'Sit’/H U)‘ otln-i'wixv, without
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`To order llz'hlz' Pram pnblit'utiom, (all l—¢\’{,tlJ4t‘>7<‘s’r-ll:‘h'l?t
`Print: ISBN ()—73t\’l—3f1()l»2
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`The pnblix/lci' belim'cs that the information and guidance given in this work serve (IS un £’Il]l(lll('(’ll1t’}li to men,
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`Ufa/1 L1]?[7}‘()])I'i£llé'17}‘(th’5't8l()ll£tl should be sought The IEEE is not responsiblefor the .slutcnn'nts and ()piniunx
`mli‘ttnz‘ml in this publication.
`Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publicution Dulu
`IFEli 100 : the authoritative dictionary of IEEE standards terms.—7th ed.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0—7381—26013 (paperback : zilk. paper)
`1. Electric cnginccringvDictionurics. 2. Electronics—Dictionaries. 3. Computer
`cngincering» Dictionarics. 4. Electric cnginearing—Acronyms. 5. Electronit‘s—Acronyms.
`6. Computer engineering A Acronyms. 1. Institute of Elcctricztl and Electronics Engineers.
`TR“) 13% 2000
`62 l j '03w—dc21


`HOW w @5112 Thi§ Biefliianarx
`The Authori‘iatiw Didionary of IEEE Standards; Terms
`Abg‘imcts and Smarces
`Nan-IEEE Standai‘fis Sources
`The :1,JIJ‘Ju/i'z'mfix'e [fivzimzuqv (ff-[£115]? .S'I‘umlurc/S TCJ'HES


`iEEE standards establish an authoritative common language that defines quality and sets technical criteria.
`By guaranteeing consistency and conformity through open consensus, IELE standards add value to prod-
`ucts, facilitate trade. drive markets, and ensure safety. That’s why leading companies. organizations. and
`industries around the globe rely on them.
`Critical components of this common language are the terms and definitions that are at the foundation of
`the vast body of IEEE standards. In the past decade alone. hundreds of terms—describing the latest tools.
`techniques. and best practices—have been added to the lexicon of IEEE standards.
`In this newly updated riiizz‘lzril'imrive Dir‘tionm'y ofIEEE Standards Terms, professional experts and stu—
`dents alike wiil gain an in—depth understanding and appreciation for the breadth of coverage of IFEE
`standards terms and definitions not found in any other single source.
`The seventh edition of IEEE 100 has been revised to include nearly 35 000 technical terms and definitions
`from over 800 standards—covering areas such as power and energy, communications, information tecl1<
`nology, and transportation systems. In addition to an extensive list of widely used acronyms and abbre-
`viations, this new edition also contains detailed abstracts of each term’s associated standardts). What‘s
`more, all definitions are augmented by a combination of indispensable information, including:
`Preferred and popular usage of each term
`Variations in meanings among different technical specialties
`Cross—indexing to related works
`Key explanatory notes for further term clarification
`In preparing this latest edition of the Dictionary. we realized that the standards community desired more
`than just a compilation of IEEE standardized terms and definitions. They needed an authoritative resource
`created by the organization that develops and produces the standards from which the terms and definitions
`are derived—the IEEE. In addition, we determined the Dictionary needed to be not only user friendly,
`but also rich in information. In other words, it needed to be the A urizorituz‘iw Dictionary (if/EEE Standards
`Susan K. Tatiner
`Director. IEEE Standards Publishing Programs
`IEEE Standards Project Editors for the seventh edition:
`Kim Breitfelder
`Don Messina
`Additional assistance was provided by the IEEE Standards editorial staff.
`Tin” Authoritative Dictionary (if/[SEE Standards Terms


`1 1'171
`[1111.311 1111' [11:1A1m; . 11. 1:.1111111'
`11'1111111011111'1111‘ 5111'11w3'5: 1’111'1.‘\.11'111110.
`'1'. 11111111113
`1111: 1111; 1111'
`1 Cur-
`501111111: on keys \1 1111 1711s:
`[1‘1 1'cprcscr111111011 11}
`rat 10 \‘1111‘3 1
`111 II'L‘thlt’l‘iL‘)
`1'11! 11;;111;
`i1:.'1.1.11'5 113111111131351111111.‘1'l'111r..18'1'<' 1'11’1'11:
`11111.11-111111111r1115 {111111111'1111131-1115111.11'1.111c11111:
`1111\‘1‘1‘131111 51111:
`1.. St" (.'11'\1).1'L1Lli.\
`1 311 11107
`listsnr't.<li1.:itz11501:1 511'1111__111:1';111i< 5111111111111 1:51111‘
`1111111611} 11} 6111111111111:
`(1~\}‘,1’x’ROl’) 21 1— 10‘) i
`1111111 1111111111'1'1'11111'111'i.'~.
`unit} '1‘- 110-:11 SUC—
`)1-\ 111.
`mznpn ‘
`1’1'1‘111 i71111‘1131'iC‘111
`1111' 1111' 1111111111'1111111
`‘ipliers 11111113 51-
`bus-1' from
`original 111151: For example. in 111-11 111111‘11111:
`. 11'111'c~111t
`:1 11111111):r in some [1051111111111
`11.1w. 111: 01
`gimil key (215511111311 111 be in 1111.:
`11' If)! is 6:1.111'1'551'11
`it 1111‘ radix.
`is 5. 111311 14-11.:
`in buss 1(7.
`‘ 71‘
`\L'CUIUi [70‘3“
`. 111115 —1- 111nm 5 10 1112
` 111111111111
` 0r "11111 1.11";
`‘1:~ 51'1111' 7.
`‘11p1.11.11'r1 plus 7. 11111125 5
`numbcr: rudix num-
`1118-1 1986113
`1;11' nuinl urithrnetic) 111111 115':
`fm 1111‘
`.'1111:111:'11111111111111; point numbers.
`div/"Ci 85—1-19871'
`radix 313.111
`:1 1n 1 '\.1. 1'111'11'11111in11. 1111‘ 1‘111'111'1111'1111: 01' nunibur5
`in 111111111111:
`\11L‘l1 {11:11 111111 1111
`1:.\plicit 01'
`.' 1111111:
`'imzd alignment.
`'..1'111111111.‘1'1‘111':11 111113.
`(111 - 1987
`1111:1110; of computing) Th;- comple—
`radix 01111111931321 (1.
`ment 11111.1i11..11l In 51111111111111; cnt'h di
`(11711 given numeral
`‘11 1111'
`1111111 1111'
`\_\‘stt‘m. 111-321 11111111111
`1 10111111215: 5.1111111
`111111;:i1 1111' result and cxcculing 211i}
`n'quira'd 1;:1'1'11‘5.
`17111 1 {11.111111112111111 1111111111'mcnt in 11111111}
`[1'115 1'1111131111'1111'111
`in 11:1'1111'111 1111111111111. 3111115111
`nouglus 1‘
`base 011111711'1111'1’11: 011111111'1111'111 011 11.
`'11 1:
`08-1- 1 918611
`radix 1'111111'111‘1111'111.
`radix ‘(Cll
`1's. using sucv
`"prescnmtinn (1f the 51m
`_ 11111111111111111515i‘uni11t‘11n‘11.11 11..1S'j,'11m11_‘.'/)1'.'divide~
`1111d~c0111111vr son.
`(C) (11015499011
`radix insci'tim sort A. 1'111
`x 51111 in 11.115111. 11:11:11 1111111115 inscrtcd
`111111 1151'1'11'1111‘
`1111511211111 in 11111 snitcd .5111 according 10 [11c dig—
`iml [1111111111111511171111.: 11111119119111 1'111111'11s11'11‘1211111>1i 01111: sort keys.
`(C‘) 6110571941011'
`s111'1 11111113111911ch Using: [111: list sorting
`radix list 5111-:
`(1111.5 19")0W
`rutlix-minus-nnfi' cuttiplumni (11 .A. numeral in radix 11011111011
`111111 cm'
`111'1'1'1'11'11 from 2111111111'1' by subtmctin" cuch 11111111
`from 0111
`1-55 1111111 1111c radix. 1111'11'x111npic.111i11111‘> cornplsmcnt
`1n (1111111111 1111111111111. 1mm 1'1
`11111111111111: in binary notation.
` £1 1'1'1‘ 1.11.111:
`12) (11111111111111. 111' umipnfi
`((‘1 11115111198611;
`”‘le “0131M: :‘\
`[11>s11iun111 rcpr1'5-1'1n'111111n system in which the
`ratio 111111;- 111111'1-
`111111'5 111'1‘111j111'11'nt 1111
`ts is :11 posiiixe iritcgcr
`(1111' 111111.11. 153.11.1111/11
`ix unincrzuion system: 1111111;
`((71 1084-1986111
`'2'] 1:\ rain. 52111111 in which 1111'
`in 111
`radix tz'ie 51:"
`10 17c switchcd:11'1‘1111111'1111 in :111'ic.1\'11.‘1':T11:tric 1.\ 111111151111
`taking. 111'11111‘1135‘
`(1131'111'1111121111111' scnrc11111'111
`111111 until :1 11'1-
` 11
` «1054111. 1111'
`minnl node i. 1'11'1'111111t111c1111n11i1 1111' 5111
`1.15 .
`6x10111111 nod
`5 01111111 11) 11111 59:11:11 :1 111113111. 11,111 117.111: 111111
`1111113; radix tr
`search: himuy radix 11‘11‘ 51'111'1'11.
`rziziomc A cover.
`usually intended f 1' 111‘011'1‘11
`111 11.111:1'1;11
`from 1111' 111111115 of its physical cm‘u'onmcni with111.: dc
`1111.11 115 clectricnl perforrnztricc.
`1—\P,1\\T1 11.17 10913
`raids in Si
`(1) 1mt‘t21-nitride~1.
`irle field-911:0
`AHIUUI‘d 11.1111111111111111111?:1s1n'1'1'111y1 : 101115111111 1'11.
`111111 1311111115 1110 org (11111151111); (11tpusilc'1i in :1 grain 111' 11111
`di111t1111 solid. T1115. nurnhcr 17.111 111' translutcd i1111'1 1111: 111111511).
`11f clcctmn—lmlc pairs (clip/C111") 11y (11¢ failu's 11f; 11pm
`>1 phnn: .1'\'1>1um1']
`:1 .1\‘,...[1'11p,"1'1111
`1‘1 1111.11.11
`\01111111' 11:115in 01' clip,
`11.11111 radiation dusc '115 enn'gy dissipated [)1‘1‘ unit
`m: 's. typically expressed in 111115.
`11’ —1 density of solid in Innss/wlurnr.
` 11is5ip'11tc111
`,. ‘ 1111111111111 11f clips created pcr 1'11:
`In many solids.
`- 1,1'1'1Eg. 111111 in silicon p:11'1icu1zn'1}‘. 11
`'. Non.
`211111 F1: 2 111' «V. This mains 111111
`one clip is crcalcd 11113.6 :11:
`iron-11111.5 (111'111'1'115 dis 11111311.
`in ordcr In pcrrnil 1111' 11.51: of the 101111 dose exp1 11 ‘d in 1.11115
`«lira-1'11}; use is 11111115 (if the identity 111111
`1 erg '
`CV. From this Nth -/ (1.3 9’. 10“ [cV/cril lclipl/inlt‘ \"1. 211111
`since 1 11111: 11,101

`1:1 1
`1.7 Z
`111 [‘71111
`g 1‘11d J. Thus. for 5111:1111.
`“1:1; [chp/cm‘]
`1.1 " ll)1" >1
`Winds] ‘/. phi/C1117].
`(ED) 581407311:
`1215\1111011111 11171‘1111111111111
`'1115111'cd by its ionizing. tired in
`silicon; one rad 1211111115 10(111gofcncrgj; depositcd in '11 5111111111
`011111111111th solid.
`(1:11)) 1110. (193'.
`raged left 11111112111 In text formatting '11 1311 1111113111 111:1115 11.111
`1111;111:111 (1111111171 '2: leftjustificntinn.
`(C) (110.34%?
` 111131.
`ragged right ma 'giri 111 12x1 fan
`:1 11111111111
`1 11111:
`11W: right justiiit‘atiun.
`not Liligncd.
`RAID St‘fl.‘ redundant arrays 01‘ invxp-cnsix 1' disks.
`. 1511111111115 l1'\1'l 1.
`RAH) level 2 A form 01‘ RAlD stur;
`'mlss 111's used 101'
`'1'r1'11r C(lrl'CK'liUH.
`which Hamming
`((1‘) (1101’) 109-111
`»\Cr1111\'m for 10111111111111: 111'1';1\‘s
`(11' incxpcnsiu“
`rudi\ number 181111.
`“‘1“ “11111111111.
`radix nurncrz
`radix poiui 111111111‘
`:11" 21121191115115} In positionn“
`111C 1'11111'11.
`.1h11t separates the
`\L‘Li Mr
`.111'111'111 1x[11's~ 1111 1mm 11111 {1111111011211
`11411.101 L'111111111 1111"111_\‘ 11111111
`1111113111 point llCXzidccirnul
`11111111 01 111111111.111111 1‘,
`1.1'1111111c1ic point:
`rddi\ point (1:111'
`1‘1 '1'11'111‘111'11'1'\\i:1iiz1'.1pictur‘ spctiiiudion
`10111.5 119111“.


`l 1‘
`_ J
`. rderrcd to as levels (1 through 5. have been deiiiied
`tead/W'n'i'itc lllc‘nml-V
`RAM is commonly used. dcnotcs :t
`(121)) {,4}, "0371-
`correspoiitliiig figure.
`Viid maintainability 111111:
`(21 Reliability. availabili
`1n economic analysis. the increase in RAM <1le to data int»
`gration or automation is sometimes tiiiaiitilietl as a benefit
`com Miter (1)111U'1llUI15V 1111s retcrs to random as
`' A‘
`H ‘
`. u im‘mm",
`Data Striping witltcutpariry
`which is not used in tliis1e\t1
`(l 1:/l:l)l (i) 11511199111,
`,1 7
`(3) Higlmpeed read/write memory with an access rim: 111211
`Mmmw (“St a
`is the same for all storage locations. Sac tl/A'U' memory [ward-
`>77 , V
`d) naniic random access memory: main storage: static ran:
`o s n‘tnor '1
`l Paralloldlskarra‘,‘a J (new (1)94“ d in ace; si r. y t
`RAM disk A simulated storage disk created and [llilllllziingd by
`a special driver that stores data electronically (in RAM 0,
`randoitt-access storauet rather than niaguieticall}; Note; Such
`“T"‘fip‘fldc‘l‘ dlsiaimy ,
`storage is inherently (1)111111111‘. 511112111721: virtual tllhlx,
`C (all)
`types or RAID storage
`-H 19”“
`(C) 6111107199: w
`rang \euion lllL’L 11:1 My 15 I‘CVL‘I ed. tl-;
`curs W ten t1c
`An B L
`rail clamp A devtce for connecting a conductor or a portable
`. _.
`. ..
`ii JDW’
`cabl ‘ to 11‘ track r'iils tlia‘
`'V" 'is 111‘
`‘*//\{,. The annlc 01 incidence is generally ‘Icro ‘lci’rees
`IL ‘
`l “I L ‘
`L rett r
`Dr H
`and light is ditti’acted into many dillractton orders1
`in mines. Sec also: iiiine feeder circuit.
`‘1 1‘”) 133]
`RAMIS 13cc: Rapid Access Management lntorniauon System
`rain Precipitatton iii the 101m of liquid water drops Wltl‘l diam-
`RainLink [he pllLbeU'dl‘lblCl arcliitectnie portion 01 this Stan.
`cters greater than 0.3 trim. or,
`it Widely scattered. smaller
`, 1,
`dard, which descnbes how packets ate 1iansleiietl betwem
`diameters. For observation purposes, the lt’ltc‘nSlIV of rainlall
`. c
`the inastei and slthC>1 Several signal 1a)ct specifications can
`at LlllY given time atid place may be classified as Verv lielit:
`be Used, including [\mgLnik and Sun [11/11.
`scattered drops that do not completely wet an exposed sui‘lace
`“7““) 15064 190.
`regardless of duration: Light: the rate of fall being no more
`than 2.5 anti/11: 1Vloderate: from 216 to 716 mm/li, the maxi.
`ramp (1) (tllyrlstor) A C(‘llll‘nll’s‘d change 1“ “”11“” “I a Pre»
`~ate, 11011 11‘ valu ‘ 1) an it
`1 " 'i‘d '
`iiinni rate of tall 17(31an no more than 0176 mm in 6 min:
`damn“ L hue!“
`1 (H
`(IA/lit) lib-198111
`( ' k
`' 9
`Heavy: over 7 mnt/h. When rain gauge measurements are
`(7 (ra'hmy co 1tr0|l A rm“ 1
`11 m t 111
`not readily available to (letemiine the rain intensity. estimates
`“1 .
`. k}
`”13‘ U a
`may b‘ in'ide T‘COIdln" to It descriptive system set forth in
`metal bar 01 limited length, n 1111 sloping ends. tucd on the
`observation manuals Norcr' 1 For coroiittstudies probability
`roadway. dfhlgmd to ””1“ “mm“ mm and I
`k “mum-V
`‘ ’
`a member 3111 orted on the v 'hicle.
`(l’lJL'li ‘
`distributions for rain are produced from data obtained during
`V 1',
`.L l “M
`“measurable rain” i c
`rain intensities that can be measured
`(A) (pulse terminology) (single transition) A 1mm” fea-
`tur“. B uutomatitcoiitrol Sc ' also: llnllel‘tlltllsfi
`- ,
`With standard rain counters such as tipping buckets or instan-
`) l
`(IV/WM 1 ml 11) {111977
`taneous rate meters. 2, For ac lines, heavy rain levels are often
`considered representative of maximum or L- levels Heavy
`ramp-forced automatic control response The total (transmit
`rain data are often generated by artificial tests on conductors
`P1115 Steadfgmk‘.) time "3170“” l'CWlll'li—Y from ll Wilde“ in-
`struno m himwoltigc test setups 3 Th, 0an other form of
`crease in the rate of change of input lroiti zero 1o some finite
`LC .i ‘1 H“
`~ V.,
`liqutd precipitation, drizzle. is to be distingutslied front mm
`mm" Synonym, ”I‘ll’f‘smn“
`(Pl—:I‘EDIVW [31
`in that dri/Jle drops are generally less than 0.5 mm in di‘
`ramp-forced response time (automatic control) the time ltl~
`ameterV are very much more numerous, and reduce visibility
`““11 by “'hICh an output 1111530111111”: “11¢” 1‘01““? varying
`much more than does light rain
`(FckD/PE) 5394990
`‘1‘ A constant l‘m-
`(-1 11/111310)
`rain clutter Radar echoes front rain that impair or obscure the
`ramping .1119 mm at Whmh a generating “”11 ”Kn-1N5 or (le-
`echoes from desired targets. Sec also: precipitation Clutteri
`creases its output, usually expi‘ti sed 111 megawatts periniiiutc.
`(AE5) 68641997
`(PE/PSlt) 83871993w
`ramp response (null-balancing electric instrument) A crite—
`rainproof (power and distribution transformers) So con—
`non oftlie dynamic response of an instrument when stthJecttd
`structedV protected, or treated as to prevent rain front inter—
`to a measured signal that varies at a constant rate. 1811' 11/517.
`11:1'1112 With the successtul operation 01 the apparatus under
`(EEC/IAN) llltl
`accuracv rating.
`11 l
`spectlicd test conditions.
`L111) The
`C/PE/I‘R) CJ7.12.80»197Sr, [1‘16]
`ramp response time (rm )3 "mung. L cc Ht. llh rum _
`time lag, expressed in secondsV between the measured signa
`raiii rate A measure of the volume of water collected per unit
`and the equnalent positioning of the end device when the
`area per unit time due to rain. The common unit is millimeters
`measured signal is
`yin}: at constant rate. Suva/1m: accuracy
`per hour, Nun": Precipitation rate may refer to other hydro-
`-V -
`1‘ u-
`meteors such as snow. iii which case the common units are
`ramp response-time rating (null-balancmg BlCCil‘lt
`ins r
`eithei millimeters [1111 110111 or equivalent raiiitall rate iii mil:
`1- 01-
`lhe maxnnuni ramp response time loi all 111M
`linieteis per hour Swmnvm. rainfall rate.
`i1 V
`change ol measured Signal notesceedinntlie ayeiagch 0C )
`(AP/1RD?) 211—1))I
`~ _
`rainfall rate Sue: rain rate.
`corresponding to the span S[GP—1'68[RUDE-111116-filling()1116-
`strumeiit when the instrument is used under rated opct‘fitlll‘d
`C011C1111011>1 Example: 11‘ the span stepa spttlificdllllf'filling is
`fmn- seconds the ramp responseaiine rating 5111111 apply to any
`rate of change ol'measured sittiial not exceeding 3 ‘7 “151141”
`per secondjst-g ”1“»); accuracy rating.
`ramp shoe 51w: slioei
`random (ll (data transmission) A condition not lociili/cd 1“
`time or frequency.
`(pp) 5111), [08511'
`(2) (automatic control) Describing a y "able whose value :11
`a particular future instant cannot be predicted exactly lititC‘dIl
`only be estimated by it probabilit} distribution lilll‘t‘tlon-
`] 1']
`ruintight ( It So constructed or protected that exposure to a bear—
`ing rain will not result in the entrance of water under specified
`”‘1 C‘m‘fitimi
`(NESC/NECl 1861
`(2) (power and distribution transformers] So constructed
`or protected as to exclude rain under specified test conditions,
`(PE/TR) C57.12.80~1978r
`rake An inclination from the perpendicular.
`(T‘V‘D/PE) 7514990
`RAM (I) (random-access memory) A memory that permits
`access to an) of its address locations in any desired sequence
`Wllh similar access tune to each location Note: The term

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