` ---o0o---
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Case: IPR2014-00901
` ELECTRONICS AND Patent 6,978,346 B2
` Patent Owner.
` _______________________________/
` Redwood City, California
` Thursday, April 2, 2015
` Certified Shorthand Reporter
` License No. 6811
`PAGES: 1-166
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`Pat. Owner ETRI Ex. 2302
`IPR2014-00901, -00949
`VMware, IBM, & Oracle v. ETRI

`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` ---o0o---
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Case: IPR2014-00901
` ELECTRONICS AND Patent 6,978,346 B2
` Patent Owner.
` _______________________________/
` Deposition of ROBERT HORST, taken on behalf of
` Patent Owner, at FISH & RICHARDSON P.C., 500 Arguello
` Street, Suite 500, Redwood City, California, beginning
` at 9:03 a.m. and ending at 3:46 p.m. on April 2, 2015,
` before LYNNE LEDANOIS, CSR 6811.
`8 9
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` F O R T H E P E T I T I O N E R :
` F I S H & R I C H A R D S O N P . C .
` B Y : K A T H E R I N E K E L L Y L U T T O N
` B Y : L E E R O N G . K A L A Y
` A t t o r n e y s a t L a w
` 5 0 0 A r g u e l l o S t r e e t , S u i t e 5 0 0
` R e d w o o d C i t y , C a l i f o r n i a 9 4 0 6 3
` ( 6 5 0 ) 8 3 9 . 5 1 9 6
` l u t t o n @ f r . c o m
` k a l a y @ f r . c o m
` F I S H & R I C H A R D S O N P . C .
` B Y : M I C H A E L R U E C K H E I M
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 1 2 2 1 M c K i n n e y S t r e e t
` H o u s t o n , T e x a s 7 7 0 1 0
` ( 7 1 3 ) 6 5 4 . 5 3 0 0
` m h r @ f r . c o m
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` F O R T H E P A T E N T O W N E R :
` R E N A I S S A N C E I P L A W G R O U P L L P
` B Y : M A T T H E W C . P H I L L I P S
` B Y : D E R E K M E E K E R
` A t t o r n e y s a t L a w
` 9 6 0 0 S W O a k S t r e e t , S u i t e 5 6 0
` P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 2 3
` ( 5 0 3 ) 4 1 9 - 6 4 2 5
` m a t t h e w . p h i l l i p s @ r e n a i s s a n c e i p l a w . c o m
` d e r e k . m e e k e r @ r e n a i s s a n c e i p l a w . c o m
` F O R I B M a n d O R A C L E :
` K I R K L A N D & E L L I S L L P
` B Y : B E N J A M I N L A S K Y
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 6 0 1 L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 2 2
` ( 2 1 2 ) 4 4 6 . 6 4 1 5
` b e n j a m i n . l a s k y @ k i r k l a n d . c o m
` A L S O P R E S E N T : T H O M A S M . C O N T E
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` BY MR. PHILLIPS 6, 162
` BY MR. LASKY 158
`6 7 8 9
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Redwood City, California, Thursday, April 2, 2015
` 9:03 a.m.
` _________________________________________________________
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Horst. My name is Matthew
` Phillips. I represent the patent owner in this case,
` Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute.
` I'm going to ask you some questions about the
` declaration you filed in this case.
` Have you ever been deposed before?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Approximately how many times?
` A Approximately a dozen times.
` Q So I'm sure you understand how this proceeds.
` I'll just explain the procedures very briefly as a
` refresher.
` You've been placed under oath. That means you
` must give truthful and complete answers and you're
` testifying under penalty of perjury.
` Do you understand that?
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` A Yes.
` Q I'll be asking you questions. My intent is not
` to ask you any trick questions.
` If you do not understand a question that I ask
` you, please let me know, and I'll do my best to try to
` rephrase the question. Okay?
` A Yes.
` Q Your counsel -- or counsel for the petitioners
` will have a right to make objections to questions I ask,
` and unless they specifically instruct you not to answer
` a question, you should answer the question
` notwithstanding an objection.
` Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q Ms. Ledanois is the court reporter. She's
` making a transcript of our conversation. For that
` reason, we need to speak audibly. So please answer
` audibly yes or no to my questions when appropriate.
` Is that acceptable?
` A Yes.
` Q Is there any reason why you cannot competently
` testify today?
` A No.
` MR. PHILLIPS: Let's get the declaration.
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Q In Paragraph 8 of your declaration --
` MS. LUTTON: We actually have a tabbed copy, if
` you prefer to use that. It might just be easier for him
` to refer to.
` MR. PHILLIPS: Dr. Horst can refer to whichever
` copy he would like.
` THE WITNESS: I prefer the tabbed copy.
` MS. LUTTON: Here's a copy for you as well.
` MR. PHILLIPS: Thank you.
` Q In Paragraph 8 of your declaration, on Page 6,
` it states, "I'm being compensated for my work preparing
` this report."
` How were you compensated for your work in
` preparing this report?
` A I'm being paid at a rate of 550 per hour.
` Q Okay. And who is paying you -- or who did pay
` you to prepare your declaration?
` A For the original declaration, I was paid by
` Fish & Richardson, the attorneys for VMware.
` Q Okay. You said your original declaration?
` A The -- for the declaration -- at that point, I
` was only retained by VMware; now I'm also retained by
` the counsel for IBM and Oracle. So in the future, my
` rate is going to be split between the other firms as
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` well.
` Q Okay. Very good. Thank you.
` Do you have any financial interest in the
` company VMware?
` A No, I don't.
` Q Do you have any financial interest in the
` company IBM Corporation?
` A No.
` Q Do you have any financial interest in the
` company Oracle?
` A No.
` Q Are you aware that the patent owner has sued a
` number of companies for infringement of the '346 patent
` at issue in this case?
` A Yes.
` Q To your knowledge, do you have any financial
` interest in any defendant who has been sued for
` infringement of the '346 patent?
` A I have a small amount of HP stock. I believe
` they're one that's -- of those defendants.
` Q Okay. How much stock do you own in HP?
` A I don't know the exact amount. It's only a few
` hundred shares.
` Q Okay. Have you made any transactions with that
` stock since being retained in this case?
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` A No.
` Q Have you ever worked for any of the petitioners
` before in prior matters?
` A I would have to go through the list and
` determine that. I may have.
` Q Have you ever worked for the firm Fish &
` Richardson on other matters?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Approximately how many?
` A I believe it was just one other case.
` Q Do you recall what that case was?
` A That was -- I'm under a protective order in
` that case, so I don't know if I'm to disclose my
` involvement in that case or not.
` Q Okay. Very well. I won't ask further
` questions.
` Can you please tell me how your declaration was
` prepared?
` A First I had a number of discussions with
` Mr. Rueckheim about the case.
` The attorneys had found a number of prior art
` reference. I found some additional references. We
` talked those over initially by phone, and then we met in
` these offices for about five days and worked intensely
` on actually writing the report.
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Q Was the report prepared in these offices then?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recall which references you found?
` A Not specifically all of them. I know of a
` couple of them that I found.
` Q Which couple of references did you find?
` A The -- Dan's workbook is one that I had a
` physical copy of, and I note that I supplied that
` reference.
` Also the Tom Clark book is another one that I
` had a physical copy of that I brought in.
` I may have also supplied some of the others,
` but I don't really remember which ones.
` Q Did anyone other than you and Mr. Rueckheim
` participate in the formation of your declaration?
` MR. LASKY: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: There were some other attorneys
` at the law firm that contributed, but I don't really
` recall their names or how much they contributed.
` Q Do you mean other attorneys at Fish &
` Richardson?
` A Yes.
` Q Was there anyone other than an attorney at Fish
` & Richardson who assisted you in any way in preparing
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` this report?
` A Not that I recall.
` Q In Paragraph 11 of your declaration, you say
` that you believe you are qualified to provide opinions
` about the understanding and qualifications of a person
` of ordinary skill in the art of the technology at issue
` in this proceeding.
` And in the next paragraph you state that such a
` person would have had a B.S. in electrical engineering
` or computer science and at least two years of experience
` in designing storage systems as of 2000.
` Can you explain to me, Dr. Horst, how it is
` that you're familiar with the level of ordinary skill of
` such a person?
` A I work with a number of people that fit this
` description.
` In particular, I worked at 3Ware, which is a
` company that builds RAID controllers, and we had a
` number of people in that firm that had approximately the
` two years of experience and contributed to the design of
` those RAID controllers.
` Q When did you work at 3Ware?
` A That was, I believe, approximately in the 2000
` time frame.
` Q Have you ever done any teaching, Dr. Horst?
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` A I have not done any university teaching, no.
` Q I'm going to ask you about a paper that is
` mentioned in your C.V.
` Do you have a copy of your C.V. handy?
` A Not in front of me.
` Q I can get you one.
` Could you please turn to Page 7 of your C.V.?
` A Yes, I'm there.
` Q Do you see the second paper listed under the
` heading, "Storage"?
` A Yes.
` Q The title of that paper appears to be, "Beyond
` RAID, an Architecture for Improving Fault Tolerance and
` Performance" -- I'm sorry -- "for Improving PC Fault
` Tolerance and Performance."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you have available to you a copy of that
` paper?
` A That is a very short paper. It was a part of
` the fast abstract section of that conference. I don't
` know if I still have a copy of that or not.
` Q Do you know how to obtain a copy of that paper?
` A That is an IEEE conference. I would expect
` that it would be available through IEEE, but I don't
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` know for sure.
` Q Let me ask you a hypothetical question:
` Assuming it's not available on the IEEE database of
` publications, where else would one look to find a copy
` of this paper?
` MR. LASKY: Objection, foundation.
` THE WITNESS: That's where I would look. There
` may be some others that attended the conference that
` would have the book of proceedings it could be in.
` Q Can you estimate approximately how much time
` you believe it would require for you to obtain a copy of
` this paper?
` MR. LASKY: Objection, foundation, form.
` THE WITNESS: It's hard to estimate the time.
` It may be that I could go straight to it in my records,
` but I don't know that for sure.
` Q Okay. Thank you.
` Dr. Horst, when was the first time you became
` aware of the '346 patent, the patent at issue in this
` case?
` A It's when I was first retained in this case. I
` don't remember exactly when that was.
` Q Have you ever analyzed the '346 patent for any
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` purpose other than this inter partes review?
` A No.
` Q Dr. Horst, you've been handed a document that
` is labeled as Paper Number 39 in Case IPR 2013-00635,
` and it is the final written decision in that case.
` Have you seen this document before?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Would you please turn to Page 9 of this
` document, and would you please read the sentence on
` lines 9 through 12 of this document on Page 9?
` A "Accordingly, applying the broadest reasonable
` interpretation, we construe RAID as the term used in the
` '346 patent to mean a single logical unit for mass
` storage using multiple physical disk drives."
` Q Dr. Horst, do you agree with that statement?
` A I agree that a system that meets this
` definition would be considered a RAID, but I believe
` that the construction of RAID should be broader than
` this as the one originally used and put forth by the
` PTAB, which is that a RAID is a reliable -- a redundant
` array of inexpensive disks.
` Q What does the term "array" mean in the acronym
` "redundant array of inexpensive disks"?
` A Array means that there is at least two drives
` and that they are worked together in some way as part of
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` an array.
` Q Does it matter how they work together in order
` to qualify as a RAID array?
` A The full definition of RAID means that they
` have to be working together to provide that reliability
` of the redundancy, the R in the RAID.
` Q So if a RAID array provides redundancy, it is
` necessarily an array? Is that what you're saying?
` MR. LASKY: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: If at least two drives are
` grouped together to provide that reliability, then it's
` an array, yes.
` Q Must a RAID appear to its host as a single
` logical unit?
` A A RAID array needs to be able to present a set
` of drives as a single logical unit, but it does not
` always have to present a single logical unit.
` So, for instance, it could provide several
` logical units based on subsets of the storage of the
` individual drives.
` Q What would those several logical units be?
` Could you give me an example?
` A So in RAID systems, they are usually called
` LUNs for logical unit numbers, and most RAID arrays
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` allow the storage to be allocated to those LUNs in
` different ways.
` So, for instance, you might have a four-drive
` RAID system and say take half of the capacity of all the
` drives and make a RAID five group out of that capacity,
` and then you might take the remaining capacity and
` connect two of those together in a RAID, one mirroring
` array, and the other two in some other -- either a
` mirroring array or maybe even as individual drives.
` Q In the example you just described, how many
` RAID arrays are there?
` A There's one RAID system in that system. You
` would consider that a single RAID system. People would
` not describe that as five RAIDs. That's not the way the
` term is generally used in the industry.
` Q And did I understand you to say that this
` single RAID system has three different RAID combinations
` in it?
` MS. LUTTON: Object to form.
` MR. LASKY: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Potentially, yes.
` For instance, the Mylex system allows up to
` eight different ones to be exported.
` The system that I worked on at 3Ware allowed a
` large number -- I can't remember the exact limit, but it
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` allowed it to present a number of different logical
` drives to the host system.
` Q Does a logical unit that is part of a RAID
` system appear to its host computers as a single logical
` unit?
` A Yes. For instance, it's similar to the way a
` disk is partitioned, where there's one physical disk but
` the operating system may see that as a C and a D drive,
` not just as a single drive. So it views it -- each of
` those as separate logical units.
` Q Dr. Horst, is all mirroring RAID 1?
` A The definition of RAID 1 as put forth
` originally by the group at UC Berkeley used RAID 1 to
` describe mirroring of disks. So in that sense, I
` believe that, yes, all mirroring is generally described
` as RAID 1.
` Q Is it possible to have mirrored disks that are
` not a RAID array?
` A I consider that if disks are truly being used
` in a way that all writes go to both disks, that that
` satisfies the definition of RAID 1.
` Q I'm not sure you answered my question, so let
` me try to rephrase it.
` Is it possible to have two mirrored disks that
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` are mirrored with respect to each other but that that
` pair of disks is not a RAID?
` MR. LASKY: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: If the mirroring is done in
` realtime, as it is in our system that performs the
` writes simultaneously to both drives or near
` simultaneously, then that is a RAID 1.
` It's possible to have mirrored disks where
` there is an offline copy from one disk to the other, for
` instance, and that I would not consider a RAID 1.
` Q What do you mean when you say "realtime"?
` A Realtime means that when the system is
` performing a write, it -- the write is sent to both
` drives as opposed to doing other operations and then
` later doing the copy, so there's some acknowledgement
` that that other write happened.
` Q Is an acknowledgement necessary for this -- for
` this pair of disk drives to be a RAID array?
` A The acknowledgement of a write is typically
` done in these RAID arrays. I don't know that it's a
` requirement. That's getting down to a finer definition
` than is usually considered for RAID in terms of the
` details of exactly how it operates.
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Q And when data is read from a RAID array, does
` the host have any knowledge as to which disk drive the
` data is coming from?
` MR. LASKY: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: From the host perspective, it
` does not know which drives the data is coming from in
` a -- in the normal access to a RAID array.
` Q Would it be fair to say then, Dr. Horst, that
` in read operations, the RAID array appears as a single
` logical unit to the host computer?
` A Yes, in terms of reads, it appears as a single
` logical unit.
` Q If a host computer is able to direct a read
` request to a particular disk drive in an array, is that
` possible in a RAID array?
` A Once it's configured as a RAID, it's not
` possible, but there are some systems where before the
` RAID is configured, it could access the individual
` drive, so...
` Q But after it is configured as a RAID array,
` it's not possible for the host to individually access
` the disk drives that constitute the array?
` A Right. The accesses are fenced off from
` preventing it from accessing the individual drives of
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` the array.
` Q Dr. Horst, I have handed you U.S. Patent Number
` 6,073,218. The first named inventor's last name is
` DeKoning, so I will refer this as the DeKoning patent.
` I would like you to turn your attention to the
` paragraph that begins on Column 1, Line 65, and ends at
` Column 2, Line 14.
` Can you find that?
` A Yes.
` Q So, again, it starts at Column 1, Line 65, and
` ends on Column 2, Line 14.
` Could you please read that paragraph for the
` record?
` A "In addition, it is desirable to remove the
` host dependency for failover coordination" --
` Q Excuse me, Dr. Horst. I think we're looking at
` different portions of this document.
` May I point at your copy?
` A Sure.
` Q I'm starting right here --
` A Oh, Column 1.
` Q -- and going to here.
` A Okay.
` Q Let me restate the question.
` Dr. Horst, could you please read the paragraph
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` starting at Column 1, Line 65, and ending at Column 2,
` Line 14?
` A Okay.
` "RAID storage subsystems typically utilize a
` control module that shields the user or host system from
` the details of managing the redundant array.
` The controller makes the subsystem appear to
` the host computer as a single highly-reliability,
` high-capacity disk drive.
` In fact, the RAID controller may distribute the
` host computer system supply data access across a
` plurality of the small dependent drives with redundancy
` and error-checking information so as to improve the
` subsystem reliability.
` Frequently, RAID subsystems provide large cache
` memory structures to further improve the performance of
` the RAID subsystem.
` The cache memory is associated with the control
` module, such that the storage blocks on the disk array
` are mapped to blocks in the cache. This mapping is also
` transparent to the host system.
` The host system simply requests blocks of data
` to be read or written, and the RAID controller
` manipulates the disk array and cache memory as
` required."
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`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Q Thank you, Dr. Horst.
` Do you agree with that passage you just read?
` MR. LASKY: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, at least at a high level. I
` don't know if there are any individual words that I
` would not agree with, but the general concept I agree
` with.
` Q Okay. Let me ask you specifically about the
` second sentence that reads, "The controller makes the
` subsystem appear to the host computer as a single
` highly-reliable, high-capacity disk drive."
` Do you agree with that sentence?
` MR. LASKY: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: So I agree that the controller
` can make it appear as a single highly-reliable, high
` capacity disk drive, but it can also make the system
` appear as several disk drives, as I described earlier,
` in terms of exporting multiple logical units, not just a
` single logical unit.
` Q Okay. Dr. Horst, I have handed you what is
` labeled, "The Declaration of Dr. Randy Katz Under 37
` CFR, Section 1.68, in Support of Petition for Inter
` Partes Review of U.S. Patent 6,978,366."
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 23
`Page 23 of 194
`Pat. Owner ETRI Ex. 2302
`IPR2014-00901, -00949
`VMware, IBM, & Oracle v. ETRI

`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` I'm going to ask you to turn to Paragraph 36 of
` this declaration. It is on Page 13.
` Do you see that paragraph?
` A Paragraph 36?
` Q Correct, paragraph 36.
` A Yes.
` Q I'm going to first read this paragraph to you
` and then ask you some questions. For the sake of
` clarity, I'm going to skip over the parts that are in
` parentheses, if that's okay with you.
` A Okay.
` Q "The Chong reference is directed to efficient
` caching operations and failover support in data storage
` controllers, and/or data storage devices.
` The Chong reference discloses a system with a
` RAID configuration. Data is written identically to both
` storage devices 124 and 125 in the system.
` In addition, the configuration in the Chong
` reference provides fault tolerance, such that as long as
` one data storage device is functioning, the array
` continues to operate.
` This combination of data mirroring and fault
` tolerance makes the two data storage devices appear as a
` single reliable drive to the hosts, or, in other words,
` a RAID."
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 24
`Page 24 of 194
`Pat. Owner ETRI Ex. 2302
`IPR2014-00901, -00949
`VMware, IBM, & Oracle v. ETRI

`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Dr. Horst, do you agree with what I just read
` as Paragraph 36 of this declaration?
` MS. LUTTON: Objection, form.
` MR. LASKY: Objection, foundation and form.
` THE WITNESS: This is referring to a reference
` that I have not seen, so I can't say that I completely
` agree with everything in this.
` I don't have any specific objections, but I
` don't -- I can't comment on a document I haven't seen.
` Q Let me ask you about the premise in the last
` question.
` My question is -- I'm sorry -- the premise in
` the last sentence of this paragraph.
` My question is: If a combination of data
` mirroring and fault tolerance makes two data storage
` devices appear as a single reliable drive to the host,
` is that fact sufficient to make the data storage devices
` be a RAID?
` MS. LUTTON: Objection, foundation and form.
` MR. LASKY: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: A RAID system would fall under
` that definition, but I don't know if there are other
` types of systems that might also fall under that
` definition that aren't RAID systems.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 25
`Page 25 of 194
`Pat. Owner ETRI Ex. 2302
`IPR2014-00901, -00949
`VMware, IBM, & Oracle v. ETRI

`ROBERT HORST-4/2/2015
` Q Would you agree, Dr. Horst, that if the data
` storage devices satisfy the c

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