Third Edition
`The Central Science
`Univcnity of Illinois
`University of Nevada
`Prentice-Hall. Inc.
`EngicwoodCIiifi. NJ.
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` fiw- Qrmfl; (hm-Wu; m mum-an Lam
`Emu-I'm Thank-Ir.- L.
`flI-mmialrgr: Ill-u: mun-5| whim
`InrJud-u ifl'LdEl'.
`1. Chartiflry.
`{darn} 11.1"th
`L my. H. Eugen: [Harold Haunt-In].
`Efl-lbanII-pnu-dunllnn luplf'dIJ-Iflh lint-n ...I film
`hrhnur mn' Lflhl'l'l'l I LEI-I'll
`Ari dlrflj‘lnfl l'ld “in! difl'fll‘l J‘fll'l Shhfl'hfl
`Hnnulautm'lrrq mtg-1' Flllpmnndl Hfllng
`Pup lug-TIN lail Gullfl
`[that mat-squph. "Fl-Inm" n35) Elud'l' Balm The image: Baum
`In I955, r331. 1911 by Pmujnaflnu, rm... Pmflmmd mm... Hm jam.- El'i'ESE
`Al'l'rqfirrwm Hum Ifmrlrlmlmgpflu
`W. in ungfi'rn w :5;- my M
`with” minim in m'u'ngfi'm r.h- puflflfin.
`Print-n] |I1 1J1:- Urlitud State: of Amalia:
`'F'rnnrinn-Ilnll [nmmuiunn]. Imr.I Liflfl'fl'l
`Frtlllltt-Hfill uf‘ Auumlin Pl}. leltnl. Epinep-
`Editm Prmtlccrllall d1} Emil. lea... R'I'n er'muirn-
`anfim-I I'JIEI Canada. In:., Thmlm
`anfinn-HIIJ nl'ImliI. Print: Liming]. Mun fltflh'
`Pmn’rlm-HBH nfjnpnn. Em. Thbu
`Pm1im-Hnll nf Emma“: Ash Pun. LLLI.. 5mm
`Wltlmlmll Emil lelwd. Wrflfitgklu. Maw Em'm-ra'
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`1.1 Li.
`H mill-tum
`Antnine Lamieier {Seetien 1.1} was amnng the first te eh'aw eeneiusiens
`aheut ehernieat preeesses Frem earefel. quantitative ehsecrtratiens. His
`werit laid the basis fer the law ul'eensewatien efmaan. nzrtl: ef the must
`fundamental laws et' chemistry- In this chapter, we will ennside: maes-
`praetiea] prehiems based en the lawr e!" enneerua Lien ei etaee. Theee preh-
`iems invelve the quantitative. reiatienships between an hsLauees undm'ger
`tag eitemieal ehanges. The study ef' these quantitative relatienships is
`hum-urn as» militiamen}.- {prnnnuneed sttfly-hey-flHM-Lth-tree], a WEIR]
`derived Fret-In
`the Greek wertis Hall-them {“elemmt1"]l and restrain
`("me-stem?" .
`Studies. [if muntleaa chemical reactinns have shewn that the Letnl mass at
`all substances present after a ellemieai teaetien is the same at! the trite]
`mass hefilre the neaetien. This ehsenrratien is emhedieri
`in the il'h' at
`mafia: H mm: Then: an: nrs deterfltfls Ehfll'igtfi it: mass in any
`ehemieal reaetien.‘ Mere preeiseljr. atoms are neither {tested not e’tshszd'
`aisrrrzg e: there-sets! rsaett'ea; instead. they merelyr ettehange partners er he-
`cum: ntherwise rearranged. 'l'he shnpiieity with whieh this iaw eats he
`atattajl ahtmlt'i net meek its significance. fits with many DthEJ' seiecntifie
`this. law has impiieatirme fa: hejmnt'i the walls at the scientific
`The law ef eenservatien of mass reminds LIE that we really.r can’t threw
`anything away- it's-re discharge wastes. iute a iaite te get rid ef them, they
`are diluted and seem Le disappear- Hewever, they ate part at" the envi-
`leg.- the
`‘111 Chapter 19. we will deluxe the relatiumhip between Intel: and. merm- IIIJIIIIrIsItI'ieetl
`equatinnfi = MI: (Eh energy.“ it "tanned rial the speed tel-tight} 1I-"urevt-iii fl'lllj rhfiT wheneue- an
`ethic-11m energy it lenses tun-ea. and t'l'iflitllt'l'n' iI gain! were? it glint. Ieaes. Them changes in mass
`sen: tee- email Lu. deteet m. chemical tearxieres. Hewett-1. fee Intel-tar J'-.-.:|rtlin:tr.tlI such at 111m: il't'ttt'lhtflt
`in. p nuclear meter er in a. h-reimgen 'I1r.t11:|l'uI the energy ehnmgen are tenet-menus” larger; in HIE!
`remnant; there an: theta-.uhle flanges in man.
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`1.! Ell—Ell.
`remnant. They- may undergo ehentieai ehangea t'I-T remain inactive; they
`may reappear as testis eentantinants in fish at in I.sater supplies at lie en
`the hetterrt nnnntteed. Wllfl Lever their I'atesJ the atmns are net destmyeti.
`The law e-f eenseruatitJ-n ef mass suggests that we are mnuertem: nut
`ennsurnets- ln drawing upon nature’s stereheuse ef iren are te hqu the
`myriad. iten—etmtaining abject: used in IttUtlEJ‘t] satiety, we are [Hill redne-
`ing the numb-er nf irmt stems nn the planet. We may, hmmrer, he tarn-
`vet-ting the irnu in less: tt'se’i‘uiJ less avaiiahie farms Tram whieh it will nnl
`he practieal tn reeuset- it later. Fer example, eensitler the inilliens elf eld
`washing machines that lie buried in dumps. Di L'uurae, if we Expflttl
`ennugh energy1 we can bring nii' almtist any Chemical eenvet‘siens we
`ehense. We have learned in meant 1nears, hammer, that energy itself is a
`limited :eenuree. Whether we like it m' net, we must learn in ennssrw'. all
`nur energy.r and inatet‘lal. teaeuiees.
`We have seen [in Seetiens 2.2 anti 2.8} that ehemieai substances earl he
`represented by symhnla and film: ulna. 'l'lleae chemical symhelis and fin-1'-
`niulas east he eemhined ten Farm a kind nf statement. called a rhemiell
`equafiun. that represents er tieseribes a ehemieai teaetien. Far essmrfle,
`the eemhustien nt' rthn-n invulves .':L rear; Liun with untrgtstt [02} in the air
`Le fun-n gaseeus eel-hen diexide {12109. This reaetit'tn is represented as
`e+e1u —. en3
`We read the + sign tn mean “regent with" sent] the arrow as "prudufles."
`Garb-m1 and mygen are reFen‘er] th- as rm and estrhun Liitutide as the
`Pristine: til the 1'eaetien.
`It is important ten keep in mind that a. ehemiesLi equatinn is El. deserip—
`Linu ni‘a ehemieal timeless. Heme seat can write a enmpictr. equatinn Tau
`must knew what happens in the reaetien er he prepared te prettier the
`predu ens. In this sense, a eltemieal equatien has qualitative signifieanee;
`it identifies the reactants anti pie-duets in a ehemieal presets. In arith-
`firm, a ehemieal equatieu is a quantitative statement; it must be eet‘nsis-
`tent with the tat-tr ni' ennsservsttitm trF rnttSs. 'l'hit: means U131 the equatien
`must eentain equal numbers ni' each type nF atnn't {"1 each side ut— the
`equatieu. WIJ'EI]. this eendititm is met the equatinn is said tn bl: binned.
`Fnr exampie, EquatitJ-t: 3.] is hala’neeei heeattse there are equal numbers
`ed" earhen and essgen atnms nn eaeh side.
`11 slightly mute eempiieatet] sitttatien is enenuntered wists: methane
`(Film, the principal eetnpeitent 01" natural gas: burns and pmduees ea:—
`h-nn dinxtde {[24:31} anti water [H2113]. The eenmhttstien is "sit Ftp-erred his"
`nsygen {Du}, meaning that esteem is invelt'etl as areaetsm. The unbal—
`aneeti equatien is
`(EH; + t}: —s
`ttt’tE + Hit:
`The reaetants ate sltewn tn the ieEt ef the arrow, the laminate tn the
`right. Nntiee that the reaetants and pie-duets heath eentain ene earhan
`atem. Flt:|-1.-I.-'t:-.1.re1':I the reactants taintain mere itytirugen atettts {FD-Lil'j than.
`the phi-duets [tum]. if we place a tame Hieient 2 in [rent Dill—12D: indieathtg
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`lannatinn cf twe melt-cults et' waterr there will he fear hydregena en
`each side at me equatien:
`cit, + e! —!t ece + stifle
`Eel'cre we centinue te balance this eclectic-n, let‘s make sure that we
`clearly understand flae distineLien between a eeelficient
`in Frent at" a
`Fern-Lula and a subscript in a lennula. Refer tn Figure 3.1. Netice that
`changing a suhecript in a lisrmttla. such as item H312} tc Hafiz. changes
`the identityel' the chemical iswclved- The substance H.203, hydmgen
`DIlILiE1 is quite difi'etent lien-l water- Ilia summits in at: chens'salfmc-
`'las meals! Helm“ in: cfimgci ia sen-asst; an aquarium. [in the ether hanelJ plac-
`ing aeccffieient in front cfa l'etmula merely changes: the anteunt and net
`the identity cf the substance; EHED means twc maleeules ct' watt-I.
`31-130 means tluee rnnleettles of water. and se farth. New let’s etaltimle
`balancing Equaticn 3.3. There are equal nun-theta cf cal-hen and hydm-
`gen atcms en heth sidtn cf this equatien; hewvevcr, there are mere caygen
`atclnts atneng the precincts {fear} that: ameng the reactants (twin). if we
`place a ecefiicient ‘2 in ll'crlt ell-CiE there will he equal numbers ef exygen
`atcma en hcth sides at the equatlen'.
`CH1 + at}3 —s IEICI2 + 'sI-Igfl
`The equatien is: new balanced. There are that camera aterna, I'ettt h}“Li.1.'II:I-
`gen ate-ms, and ene carbon atern ca each aide cf the equatinn. The-
`halancecl equaticn is shewn schematically in Figure 3.2.
`New, let’s leclt at a slightly- mere eelnplieated example, analysing
`stepwise what we are titling as we balance the equaticn. flcmhusticn ci
`netanc {Gal-I13}, a ecmpcnent ei' gasaline, pmdueaa El 1E and. HEEL The
`halancetl chemical equaticn far this reactien can be detenninecl by using,r
`the fellewing Fettr stcpe.
`first, the reactants and ptcrlucts are written in the unbalanced equa-
`Befcre a chemical equaaiee can be written the identities at the reactants
`and pmdttcts must be determined. In the present example this hire-Ima-
`ticn was given Le us in the trerhal deseriptien cf the reacticn.
`.I" —"~ .lf— — 't
`I — '
`Hm lt'l llltuitratlcun cf the difference in
`meaning between a subscript III a citem1eal [ct—
`Flying the eufliieifl'lt alt-Li
`tilt: subeu'ifl'l asaeei-
`mttla and a eeeH-iciutl in Press! ui Litre Ferrrmla.
`Nntiee that the number ai ate-m: LIE each type
`(listed I.I1'It'i-Er lacing-mince] is. ehtnined by mtllti-
`anal with each element in the I'm-trials.
`Biliartcuiilmk q 'l‘I-r-n H atnsru amt met] amen
`T.” mlwdfl g z Tumult”. and ”Dunn“
`3 The El alarm uul twefla'lnmi
`GM ”Infill:
`"i “1"”-
`a BTW mm
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`63 any
`m 11‘ Esisneed chemical L'q ualitu: rel-r th-E IL'IJILI-
`[tutti-tin 13F EH1. The. ril'i'tH'iil'I-EE HF the meteeules il'L'U'lii'Ufl-r]
`mll e1teTttie11. te the tenserustiett e-f stems threugh the
`{l L
`[In-r :rne1Jtut:
`'l'we oxygen
`Tm mm
`[Jue uehm
`_I die-tide meflerule+ rnniettti-ts
`(a t]:
`J. t:
`[E D}
`2 t}
`'I H}
`ui'eeemi the nu miner el' stems eF eeel'l type en estth sitie e!" the equetie’n
`is determined. In the reset'ten shelve the:-e are EC,
`lBl-i, and ED emeng
`the resetsnts, and IE, EH, and EU atntmg Lhe products; eiestrltr, the
`equatiee is net helmet-I]. heeeese the number et' stems ef eeeh type
`differs item ene side ef the equetien tn the ether.
`Third; Lu balance the equalitttt1 enei'fieients an placed in ant hi the
`L'herniesti fnn'nuiss to indicate different. quantities nl' reactants and pred—
`nets1 an that the ssrne numher nl' stems of each type appears en h-n-th
`sides ef the equetieh. Te deeiele whet eeelIi-eiehts te try-r first, it is eftecn
`eeneenient Le fetus attentien en the muleuule with the meet attens, in
`this nsse CHI-I15. This ntuieeuie centai n: FIE, stl] tif which must end up in
`{103 meleeules. Therefere, we pieee s. eeeflieient B in Trent ei' E103.
`Sirnilsritr, the 13H end up as QHED. At this stage the equatien reeds
`litflHm + (I: —s shirt]! +51H1fl
`Almettgh the U and H stems are new [tel-sneer], the Cl stems are net;
`there are 2.51:! sttnn'ls mung the prnrlunts hut nrtI1_.-r 2 3111 [mg the reactants.
`It takes 12.5.1121.2 te preduee 25f.) stems snteng the remnants:
`eBHm + teen: —s sena + sfign
`Hen-ever, this equatien 'is net in its must eentrentiennl fenn, heeeuse it
`eentsins s fratefienet eetheient. 'L'heret'ete, we must gen en tn the nest
`Fourth, For [nest purl-1m El. hnias'teefl frq'tlfltini't shnuld enntsin the
`sunsilest pessihle wheIe-nunt'eer meffie'tents. Theref'ei'e, we multiply eeeh
`side ef the equatien shetre by 2, rennet-lug the freetien end sehieving the
`relies-wing hslsneetl equatinn:
`EEEIIH + 2502 —l—s WED: + IEHQCI
`ifit‘; flfiII, ..I'E|E|__ i_1_E-l;:,_SEI,I 50G
`IS Hi]
`The ate-ms are inmttnried helnw the equatinn tn shnw g'rnphiestiiy that
`the equetien is indeed halsneetl- 't’eu might nete that althettgh stems
` L'uttsen'eti, meleeules me nut—the resetshts eentaih 2i meleeules
`while the prn-t'lunts enntstin 34.
`.I"'tll in sIII.I 1h:is stpprntteh tu hsJaJ'tning
`eqttstiens is largely tried and met. It is int-eh easier tn vet'il'tr that an
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`equatien ifi- haieneed that: actuain te helettee etle, en praetiee in helelteu
`ing equatinne is. essential.
`it Hhfluld elee he netted that the plttreieitl state ut'eaeh ehemieei in it
`ehemieei equatien :ie when indicated patenthetinalhr using lite eytnbttht
`{E}, [i]: [it], and Emir} tn indie-ate gate, liquid1 finiid, and aqumutt [water]
`ttehtLieuel reapeetiveiy- Thus the helaneeti equatien eh-ette can be written
`EGEI-Imfij + 25:1:th —;
`tratzttgtg} + IHHE'CHFJ
`Seteetimea an upward anew {T} is empieyed Le intiiettte the map: ef a
`gem-tut prethtet, wheIEaa a dewnwerd Etrmw Li} indieatet a preeipitatieg
`eelid [that is, a timid that sepeeates Frem eelutiett during the teeetiutt).
`{trim the eenditietts under whieh the reeetien preeeee'le are intiieateti
`ahm-e the anew between the twe eitiea hi the ewe etiett- Fer exam pie. the
`temperature ta- preeute at which the reeetien eeeura eeuit] he 5::
`wheel. The sytnhel ii.
`iii el'ten piaeeti ale-eve the anew te indicate the
`additien ei' heat.
`Helene-e the feiiewittg equatiee:
`New +I-I1L'Ifl}
`- —t- NaflH{eg] -I- H.3{gj
`flulttthut A quieit hwentery el' atema reveals that
`there iLI't- equal numbers ei' Ne. and D eteme e11
`hulh sides eftht: equefiee. but that there are :we H
`items emeng reactants and three I'I Meme matting
`jJ-I‘tJduettt. Te inerteee the number at H amt-r15.
`art-lung reactants. we might plane a eeeifieienl 2 in
`[rent of HEIDI:
`Neil} + Ei-Iaflm —1l- Nam-mg}. -I- Hate}
`NOW we i'I-I'IW: ftI-ut II tit-em: entnng reactants but
`an]? litre: H ate-me Eumzmg the preduete. The H
`atema can I211: belatteeti with H. eeeflie'lent L! in item
`ei' NeflI—I:
`New -|- EHE'th'] _, ENaflerq) + I'Infg}
`lee ngttin inventertr the Meme en each aid: of the
`equatittn, we find that the H ate-me and if} amt-mt
`are balanced but net the Nit items. Hewett-tee.
`t'tteffleient 2 in iie111.tti'Na. gives two Na atemt: m1
`each side hi the eqttetien'.
`ENECI'H-[fl'fi + Ham
`2Na{t}l+ team)
`IF the attmte ilrt! int-enteried enee mere we find me
`We ate-rue, liter H atoms, and twtt [.1 BLUEIIE en each
`Hid!"- ef the equation. The equelien ix thetefete hel-
`i i I
`I: will.
`Clue dieettttiett in Seetien 3.2 feeuxed en hew te halaeee eherttieel equa-
`tiens given the reactants and ptnrhtete fer the renetitme.
`'fltu were net;
`asked tn prediet the pmduettt fer a teeetien- Studente settleiimes aeit hew
`the ptetiuete are determined. Fer example, hew do we knew that aedimn
`mete] [hi-it] [B—‘tflih‘ with water {Hgflj te i'etm I-I2 anti Nafll—I its ehewn in
`Sample Exereiee 3.1? Thtee pniduete are identified by experiment. he
`the I‘Ealttifln prrrxtetie, there ie a flexing er bubbling where the eudium is
`in eentaet with the water [if tee titaeh attdium is used the :reaetien-ie
`quite Vifiient, ee small quantities weutd he titted in our experiment]- 11'
`the gate is eapteretl, it can he identifier! at I-IE t‘t'em itu ehemieai end
`phyeieal peepet-Ltea After the venetian it: eetnplete, a dear selutiee re-
`mains. Ifthis it: evapereted te tine-teat. a white teiiei wiii remain. Frem itfi
`prepertiea this eelitl eett he identified ex Naflfl. Hewettet, it iii an: eeeee—
`teary te pet‘i‘et‘m an experiment every Lime we wish. he wriLe a reaetien. We
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`can predict what will happen iFw: have seen the reaciiun ur a aimllat‘
`une before. Be lat we he at: seen tee Illtle chemistry te predict ’rhe pred-
`uebe in: marl}r tea-Liliana. NE?EII.I11:1IE£5, Even flaw ynu slieuld be: able ll]
`make 50ml: Predictinna. Fur ample, with at wnuld yam expect '|.|'_1 happen
`whm peLaeslum metal is added In water? We have juat dieeufiaed the
`reaetlun ef eedimn metal with water, fer which the balanced ehemleal
`nquatinn is
`ENa.{I] + EI'IEIJHII'] —3~ ENaflH{aq} + Hgfig}
`Because eedlum and potassium are in the same family.r a!" the perindie
`tab]: {the alkali. metal Family, Tamil}-
`IA}, we would exp-net
`them te
`behave simflm'i}: prnduning the. 5am: types nl' pmdunta. Indeed,
`predletlnn ia mrreet, and the reactinn 11F pntanaiurn metal with waLer is
`ama+2111em —} EKUIIEWl+Hglfl
`Tau can readily.I see Lh at it will be helpful in yen.“ and? fifnhcmiatry if
`yuu are. able tn classify chEmiCal reattiu-Iae inlu Certain Lypea. We have
`jue: eeneldered twe examplea ell" a type we might neJi reactiun at" an
`active mela] wiLl: waler. Let's briefly eenelder here a few n’r' the mere
`impnrtant and eenunen types area will he enmntering in NUT 1313an-
`tun.r wnrk and in the chaplela ahead.
`We. have already-r cncuuntered Iain-r. examplca cri'umnhuatiatl. reaetlena:
`Lhe :umbualien efearben, Equation 3.1: Inf methane, Equatiun iii; and
`ei' eelane {EEHE}, Equatien 3.3. Cembuatien in a rapid Itaet'tun llmL
`usually prndue'ea a flame- Meal. eFiI-a: cumbuelieee we eheerve invehre D:
`as a reactant. Frnm thl: examples we: have alreadyr ate-cu il alifluld be eaey
`1e predlet the predueta ml" the enmhnetinn Inf pmpanr. Gene We exp-uni
`that EEJIIIhIJEliIL'rII. ef IJde eempeund weuld lead 1:: earben dinaide and
`water as pmndu eta1 hf anadtigy with nu: previuu: examplfi. T1131 expecta-
`iiun is mrmct; pmpan: is the rnajm' ingredient in L1" [liquid pun-pane]
`gee, need l'er making and heme heating. Ir. burns. in air" ae deaedbed by
`the balanced equaLle-e
`ea agj+efl3m —} iiGflalgl+lflIfiflm
`if we baked at further examplea, we find that enrahuetiun ul-
`eempuunde eemalnlng eaygen ateme as well as earhnn and hydmgen
`[fer examp1e, UHSDH} alee predueee DD? and H30.
`Aeida an: aubetaueea that inereaee Lhe H" ien eeneentratien in aqua-nu:
`sniu'rjnn. Fur eaa.m|.'rleJ lwdmehlerie aeld, which we nflen reprmnn'r He
`Hill-{ea}, :xiala in water as Hie-qr) and Ell—[aw lens- 'l‘hus I.I1e pmeees ef
`diam-hing hydmgcn elilu-ride in water Hi liai'nl iwdmchlflri-C aeid earn be
`represented as. Ftfllnwe:
`3-3 mm
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`11131-qu E'fli Henge}
`|.l. l3|
`Hem flfli H+[sq} + {IL—{sq}
`The Hit—J given aha-ye the arrows in th :51: equatiuns is ten remind us that
`the [marina medium is water. Pure sulfuric aeid is a liquid; when iL
`diasulves in water it reIeasee H+ lens in twe sueeesswe steps:
`Hgfiflim fro—s H+[sa}+i-]Hf}4‘[s-qj|
`HEB-Heir) “is sentiment-2a
`Thus. altheugh we l'requentls' represent aqueeus selutinns at" sulfuric
`aeid as HES-Dime}, rinse seiuLieus aetualljir eeutain a mixture hf Hing],
`HERE—fee}, and SDETeq}.
`fines are enmpnutlds that inerease the hvdmsitie ien. DH", eel-teen-
`uaLien in aqueous sehitien. J's has: such as sediuie hydreside dees this
`because it is an innit: substance eumpmed (if Nst+ and UH‘ iens. When
`NaflII dissolves in water, the eatiens and aniens simply separate in the
`Mamie] Es James} 4- fiH‘[m-,:}
`|s. |s|
`Thus, altlmugh aquenus sniutinns nf sodium hydroxide might be written
`as Neill-[[4151]] stadium hydrmirie exists as Hating] and UH‘Iqu} itJns-
`Many ether bases sueh as EaEDi-Ije ate aJse ienie hydroxide enmpmmea-
`Hmeever, NH: (ammeniaj is a base aitheugh it is net 3 empuund hf this
`It may seem add at first giiuiL-e 1hat ammenia is a base1 beeause it
`ecu-mains no hydmaide inns. Hamster, we must remember that the defi-
`niLien era base is that it {anteater the rmeentratiun eiflI-l‘ inns in water.
`Ame-Lents. dues Unis by a :eaetien with water. We eaa represent the dis-
`snhring ell" amnmnia gas in water as Fiji-Hews:
`NHHEg}+ HRDH‘J —_1-* WHEN“) + IJH‘tasII
`Snlufimia 11F am mnnia in water are alien labeled armnenium hydreaide,
`NHdDH. ten remind us that ammonia abilitiens are basic. [flmmenie is
`referred as as a weak base, whieh means that net ail} the HHS that dis-
`selves in water gees en te ferra NH&' and DH tens; but that is a matter
`fer Ghapter 15 and need net eeeeem us here.)
`Acids and basses are amnng the must important eempeuntis in indusr
`Tr}.r and in the chemical Iabnratury. Table 3.1 lists several acids and bases
`and the amount at eseh eempeund ]'Jl't'|-|.'|1tf!¢l'1 in the Unite-cl States each
`year- Yen ean see that these substances are predueeri in enermmis quen-
`Sulutinna nf acids and bases have very difl'elent lmspet‘ties. Aeids have
`Page 9 of 12
`FORD 1024
`Page 9 of 12
`FORD 1024


`Tr‘lBLH ”H
`and hates,
`15.5 pnlduenen ef sun-2 aside
`all-ni-m I'Itfi
`[m Fun-uh
`11.3 x Il‘fi
`Endium il'r'drt-shh:
`is x mm
`Falcilltn swims:
`NH,Arum-Min H s: 1|)“
`an s: ID”
`3.1" at: HF
`as 1-: m"
`2.3 14' EU”
`a seur tach, whereas bases have a bitter taste.‘I fleids can change the
`celers efeertain dyes in e speeifie was? that difl'ees titan the effect at a hm.
`Felt e:-:a.n'it:~le1 lite dye itstuwn as iitmua is changed frem biue ti] red by an
`acid, and Frets: red to biur. h}? a base. In additien, acidic and basic
`milltinm difi'er 'tn ehemieal properties in set-end imp-urtant ways. When a
`sehttien eni' an acid is mixed with a snlutinn eE'a base, a mitigating
`reactinn occurs. The pmti ucts uftl'le reaetien have nene efthe character-
`istic pmpeflies ut'either the acid. as base. Fer eaamlile, when a mlutinn ni‘
`hydreehlnrie aeit'] is mixed with [:meciseltgrI the cert-eel: quantity nl‘ a se-
`dium hydreside sfliui'iflt‘i, til-E result is :a HEZIIthiDI'I ni' stadium chimidc, a
`simple imtie cmupeuntl pesseming neither acidic: 11m hasie properties. [In
`general, such. ieuic pmdueis an: refen'ed he as units.) The neutralisatieu
`reactiun can be written as fellas-5'5:
`Httiwji.NHUI-1(s¢j —a.
`When we write the resetien as we have here, it is imperLanL LtJ- keep in
`mind that the substances sitcwn as {fitfl are present in the farm ef the
`separated inns, as discussed above. Netiee that the acid and base in
`Equalien 3.15- hswe mmhined ten fen-rm water as a preducL The general
`desetiptinn ef an. aeidrhase neutt'aliaaticn reactinn in aqucnus seiutien.
`is that an mi! and sun- tsect infirm e mi: midi aettet. Using This
`general deemriptien we can prediet the precincts fetmed in any acid-base
`neutralizatinn reactinn.
`*Ts-‘allt'lg themitati Elhiutitlne is. :d' casing mat a. fined practice. “MP. 1-1.- have all had acid:
`smell Ht! Newbie at'id [vitamin fl},:enetj.r|.sn.|:ieylic arid. falpil'ir'lefl all-b; set-id [i1tci1rus Duitsjirs our
`Itltlutils. and Wu an: Familiar with 1J1e ts'ILarnetet-istie Irsus' mete I| differs limit the mm: at my}.
`which ale literati}; Liane
`.51“.me EXERGISE I. 2
`Edwin": The products eri'at'u}r acid-base reactien
`are a sait and. water. The all! is that [tinned {mm
`the eatiun cf the base. Haliflfih. and 1.11:. auien at
`iii-trite El balanced eqtltttitm Eat the. rettelitm trf Isy-
`lit'IJ-h-Hmlie acid. H'Br. with barium hydroxide.
`3.1 WW?“
`Page 10 of 12
`FORD 1024
`Pa e10 of12


`[he steiti1 HHt- The charge an the helium inn is 2+
`{see Table 2.5), steel Ihst en the bromide inn is i—.
`T'I1I:ret'..-_u-er m maintain eleettieel neutrality, the fur-
`rnule ibr the salt must he Bath's. The unbalance-d
`equatiun for the neutI-siieatien teseti-en is Lbereibt'e
`'Ib balanee the equmielt we must provide twe mel-
`eeules ef HBr te furnish Ihe tit-n I'll!“— item and tlzt
`eupphr the twe H“ inn-tee neerln'l te eemliine with the
`title. Eli-1'
`iens eli- the base. The hfliflfidfl equation is
`+ I: {UH- —’
`EHHfiee} + iia[iJi—lji.{eg] —s
`EHEDHJ + BaBrfiee}
`HEUII-l'] + Hearing} |
`Dee tree}.r itn ptITtsttii.‘ eless ei' resetiens ere-earring,r in seiuLien is the precipi-
`tatiee res-Letitia, in which nee ef the reeetiee precltiets is inseiubie. We
`will eeneem net-selves in this brief intreriuetiee with resetiens betas-rm
`eeids, i-teete-s;i nt- salts in at] Lteeus selutieri. As a simple example; eeesitier
`the reaclifin between hydreehturie eeitl seltttien and a selutinn ui'llte seit
`silver nitrate, AgNDE. When the twe seluLiens are mixed, :1 fintl‘f Eli—
`trided white snli-t'l
`lie-Hus. Upfl-I'I analysis this snlid presets 1e be silver
`ehlm-i-tie, Agfli, a sa]: that has 3. eer}- Iflw selubility“ in water. The reste—
`tiee as just deseribetl esm be represented by the equetien
`I-Iflltsq}. + egattaeq} _a. Agfllffl + Heessm
`The femtatiett ef s precipitate in a eitetnieal eqttstien may bl: repre—
`sented by st ibilewieg is]: by e deemwarrl arrow t'eliewieg the fermelst Jr'er
`the seliti, er by underlining the ferrettls fer ti'H'. eeliti. 't’eu ate reminded
`unee again that substances indicated by Esq} may be present in the selfl-
`tien as separated inns.
`The fellewiug squetierts preside furrimr examples ef preeipitatien
`esteeaigtaq} + Negfsflgtsq] —a rectum + meanest”:
`{hedging} -i ENELUHII-sq} —r
`flui'l'Jl-ligm + ENaCIt-fie]
`Netiee that in eeelt eq ustien the peeitisre iens [cations] and negative lens
`{eeietis} mbange Farmers. Resetiens that fit this path-.111 ul'reaetivitil,
`whether they be preeipitatitm meetiues, nEull‘flliit-fitlflfl teeetiees. nr re-
`setieret of some ether sert, are called metflhesis rfletiuu EJIIUh~TATHv
`uh-e'ts; tit-eelsl “ten tramps-are”).
`It- JI. It'ItHiIJF-E 41f rh-e DEI'I-flllnl DE
`'Eulttiulity will be enresiflered in same tletaiJ i:II flheyter 1|. II.
`subsist-ins that can lie dissed-Jed in n git-ten quit-It'll}.- ul'sel-s-enl. [lee Sterile-r 3.9].
`.i'r-IMPIs-E HERULEE _'.'|'..i'
`When seluiiens ef sodium pilesphme anti barium
`nitrate sie- mixed, a preeilj-itste ni' barium PhD-3i.-
`phate fut-ms. ‘I‘irrite a balanced equalie-e. trJ- tltfit‘flbtt
`the reaetien.
`fightinn: Dur first leek is re determine the ferreu-
`, remain in selutiee and are 11:]:th
`is; e!" the. meets tits. The stadium inn is Isle" and the
`phespbate ion is POE"; thus sediurn pitesphete is
`NBJFD‘. The barium ierl is IEla2+ anti the nitrate
`ien is MCI-d"; thus helium nitntte is Baififlah The
`Iia2+ and PD:— i-urts eumbitte te ELI-rm the barium
`phesphate prt'e'eittitateJ Bafil’fld'lla. The ether ietlsJ
`Ne" and Nfla'
`3 STEM-ME l'FI-‘l"
`Page 11 of 12
`FORD 1024
`Pa e11of12


`fifintfld as Hafifls‘iflfl- The :4?!ququ “Justina: l'nr
`flue maptinn is thus
`Nflsfihiflii + 13311940313in
`Ea {PU lsi‘i' + NEWS [Ml
`Because the ND“— a1i-:| PEI-f" inns maintain their
`itinntiti.r through the reaetinrt, we can treat them as
`units in haia'lhtll'lg the equatinn. There are two
`{PILL} units am the right. an we plane a eeetfieient 2
`in Fin-til: nt' NaaPfl‘. This then gives sis Na stems en
`the left. neeeisitating a eeeH'Ieient at E in fleet ni'
`NaNUa. Finally. the premise et'sis [Nils] units as
`the right requires a eeeffieient nt' 3 in Front UT
`ENaFtJ¢{w] + jflalirgifitgflflfl W + ‘3me I:
`5 $1:
`PL halaneeti st] natien implies a quantitative relatien between the ease-
`tannt and the pnitiuets invnlveti in a. chemical reaetiun. 'l'hns enriiplnte
`eemhitstinn lei—a rnnleeuir. nE' CHI-[s requires eitaetl}r five mnlertules nf U2:
`ne tunes and tie lessJ as shewn in eqtatieii 3.12. Althea gh it is net.
`ten eeunt direetljlr the numb-er e!" meleeules et'eaeh type in any
`rra-eti-tn-i'i.I this count nan be made indirently it the mass Elf eaeh meleeule
`is. knelt-tin. Indeed, this inrlireet. apprnaeh is the nne tel-ten tn nhtsLin quan—
`titative inl'ermatien abettt the amettnts ef substanees invnived in any
`ehemiesd transient-Latina. 'l'herethie, heibue we can pursue the quantita-
`tive aspects ef ehemieai reaetitms i'iir'ther1 we must explnre the tunnels: L'rl'
`aLemie and meleettlar weights.
`'1‘ m llslten’s atemie theers' led hint and ether scientists at" the time en a new
`l” mu:
`prnhlern. Kit is Lrue lJ'tEti stems cetuhlne with ears number in the rath ei'
`_ m small whnie numbers tn furn't L'nrnpuunds, what are the retina with which
`they.r eernbine?I Arenas are ten small te be measured individually by are.r
`means available in the early nineteenth eenturv. 'l-Ittwever, it en: knew
`the rrt'etie'e maaies ef the stems, then by measuring eLtt eenvenient quanr
`titit-s in the labera LID-W, ens eeeld daterntine the relative numbers at
`atnrns in a sample. Untisitier a sirflpie anaitlgv: Suppnse th at erangies are
`L'I-fl the average I'eur times heavier than plums; the number tthIIHJ'lEEE in
`'13 kget' eranges will then be the same as the number et' plums in IE kg at
`plums. Simltariy, it yet: ltnew that esvgen atems were en the average llii
`times more massive than hyrlrtigen attirns, then gnu wnuid inlet-v dial the
`number ell" eavgen stems in [H 3 nl' naygen is the same as the nu nth-er Lit
`hydregm atnms in l g et' ltvtlregen. Thus the pt‘eblecrn ef determining
`the enrnhining ratinrs heenntts trite tif determining the reiaLive masses {if
`the ate-ms ef the elements.
`This is all very.r well1 but there was great. ditheultsr in getting started-
`Sines utents and meleenles ean't be seen, there was an simple way tn bl:
`sure ahnut as: relative numbers el stems in erg-I eempeu ntl- flatten
`thmight that the fnrrn Llli-J. lbr water was HO- Hen-ever, the aneh seien-
`tist flap-[meme shnwed in a brilliant set 01' measurements that it
`Lluired tive vnlu mes nf hvrlrngen gas tn reset with nne vnlnine tJl' esygen
`ln i'etm va'n veiumes ef water vaper. This ehservatinn was ineunsistent
`with lJaIten’s Fermula Fer water. Fitrthern'ter'e. ii'esvgen were assumed Lu
`be a rnnnatnmlt.‘ gas, as Dalteit did, nne eetiid ebtain twe vniumrs nt'
`vn'tttet‘ sap-er enlv by splitting the tnvgen attirns in hall, which til-F emirse
`vinlates the eeneept ef the stern as indivisible in chemical medium.
`I :1: ATM Mil} HOLES-LEAH wilfll‘t‘l'fl-
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`FORD 1024
`Pa e12 of12

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