`John B. Heywood
`Professor of Mechanical Engineering
`Director, Sloan Automotive Laboratory
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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`McGraw—Hill, Inc.
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`FORD 1022
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`FMC 1011
`This book was set in Times Roman.
`The editors were Anne Duffy and John M. Morriss; the designer
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`ISBN: 978-0-07-028637-5
`MHID: 0-07-028637~X
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Puhlicnfion Data
`Heywood, John B.
`Internal combustion engine fundamentals.
`(MeGraw-I—Iill series in mechanical engineering)
`BibliOgraphy: p.
`Includes index.
`1. Internal combustion engines.
`TJ'iSSJHS 1933
`I. Title.
`II. Series.
`This book is printed on acid-free paper.
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`Commonly Used Symbols, Subscripts, and
`Chapter 1 Engine Types and Their Operation
`Introduction and Historical Perspective
`Engine ClassificatiOns
`Engine Operating Cycles
`Engine Components
`Spark-Ignition Engine Operation
`Examples of Spark-Ignition Engines
`CompreSsion-Ignition Engine Operation
`Examples of Diesel Engines
`Stratified~Charge Engines
`Chapter 2 Engine Design and Operating Parameters
`Important Engine Characteristics
`Geometrical Preperties of Reciprocating Engines
`Brake Torque and Power
`Indicated Work Per Cycle
`Mechanical Efficiency
`Road-Load Power
`Mean Effective Pressure
`Specific Fuel Consumption and Efficiency
`Air/Fuel and Fuel/Air Ratios
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`2.10 Volumetric Efficiency
`Engine Specific Weight and Specific Volume
`Correction Factors for Power and Volumetric Efficiency
`Specific Emissions and Emissions Index
`Relationships between Performance Parameters
`Engine Design and Performance Data
`Chapter 3 Thermochemistry of Fuel-Air Mixtures
`Characterization of Flames
`Ideal Gas Model
`Composition of Air and Fuels
`Combustion Stoichiometry
`The First Law ”of Thermodynamics and Combustion.
`3.5.1 Energy and Enthalpy Balances
`3.5.2 Enthalpies of Formation
`3.5.3 Heating Values
`3.5.4 Adiabatic Combustion Processes
`3.5.5 Combustion Efficiency of an Internal Combustion Engine
`The Second Law of Thermodynamics Applied to Combustion
`3.6.1 Entropy
`3.6.2 Maximum Work from an Internal Combustion
`Engine and Efiiciency
`Chemically Reacting Gas Mixtures
`3.7.1 Chemical Equilibrium
`3.7.2 Chemical Reaction Rates
`Chapter 4 Properties of Working Fluids
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`' 4.8
`Unburned Mixture Composition
`Gas PrOperty Relationships
`A Simple Analytic Ideal Gas Model
`Thermodynamic Charts
`4.5.1 Unburned Mixture Charts
`4.5.2 Burned Mixture Charts
`4.5.3 Relation between Unburned and Burned
`Mixture Charts
`Tables of Properties and Composition
`Computer Routines for Property and Composition Calculations
`4.7.1 Unburned Mixtures
`4.7.2 Burned Mixtures
`Transport Properties
`Exhaust Gas Composition
`Species Concentration Data
`4.9.2 Equivalence Ratio Determination from Exhaust
`Gas Constituents
`4.9.3 Effects of Fuel/Air Ratio Nonunil'ormity
`4.9.4 Combustion Inefliciency
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`Chapter 5
`Ideal Models of Engine Cycles
`Ideal Models of Engine Processes
`Thermodynamic Relations for Engine Processes
`Cycle Analysis with Ideal Gas Working Fluid With Cu and c,
`5.4.1 ConstantuVolume Cycle
`5.4.2 Limited- and Constant-Pressure Cycles
`5.4.3 Cycle Comparison
`Fuel—Air Cycle Analysis
`SI Engine Cycle Simulation
`5.5.2 CI Engine Cycle Simulation
`5.5.3 Results of Cycle Calculations
`Overexpanded Engine Cycles
`Availability Analysis of Engine Processes
`5.7.1 Availability Relationships
`5.7.2 Entropy Changes in Ideal Cycles
`5.7.3 Availability Analysis of Ideal Cycles
`5.7.4 Effect of Equivalence Ratio
`Comparison with Real Engine Cycles
`Chapter 6
`Gas Exchange Processes
`Inlet and Exhaust Processes in the Four-Stroke Cycle
`Volumetric Efficiency
`6.2.1 Quasi-Static Effects
`6.2.2 Combined Quasi-Static and Dynamic Efl'ects
`6.2.3 Variation with Speed, and Valve Area, Lift, and Timing
`Flow Through Valves
`6.3.1. Poppet Valve Geometry and Timing
`6.3.2 - Flow Rate and Discharge Coefficients
`Residual Gas Fraction
`Exhaust Gas Flow Rate and Temperature Variation
`Scavenging in TwoLStroke Cycle Engines
`6.6.1 Two~Stroke Engine Configurations
`6.6.2 Scavenging Parameters and Models
`6.6.3 Actual Scavenging Processes
`Flow Through Ports
`Supercharging and Turbocharging
`6.8.1 Mothods of Power Boosting
`6.8.2 Basic Relationships
`6.8.3 Compressors
`6.8.4 Turbines
`6.8.5 Wave-Compression Devices
`13 3
`Chapter 7
`SI Engine Fuel Metering and Manifold
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`Sparkwlgnition Engine Mixture Requirements
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`7.2.1 Carburetor Fundamentals
`7.2.2 Modern Carburetor Design
`Fuel-Injection Systems
`7.3.1 Multipoint Port Injection
`7.3.2 Single-Point Throttle-Body Injection
`Feedback Systems
`Flow Past Throttle Plate
`Flow in Intake Manifolds
`7.6.1 Design Requirements
`7.6.2 Air-Flow Phenomena
`7.6.3 Fuel-Flow Phenomena
`Chapter 8 Charge Motion within the Cylinder
`Intake Jet Flow
`Mean Velocity and Turbulence Characteristics
`8.2.1 Definitions
`8.2.2 Application to Engine Velocity Data
`Swirl Measurement
`8.3.2 Swirl Generation during Induction
`Swirl Modification within the Cylinder
`Preehamber Engine Flows
`Crevice Flows and Blowby
`Flows Generated by Piston—Cylinder Wall Interaction
`Chapter 9 Combustion in Spark-Ignition Engines
`Essential Features of Process
`Thermodynamic Analysis of SI Engine Combustion
`9.2.1 Burned and Unburned Mixture States
`9.2.2 Anaiysis of Cylinder Pressure Data
`9.2.3 Combustion Process Characterization
`Flame Structure and Speed
`9.3.1 Experimental Observations
`9.3.2 Flame Structure
`9.3.3 Laminar Burning Speeds
`9.3.4 Flame Propagation Relations
`Cyclic Variations in Combustion, Partial Burning, and Misfire
`9.4.1 Observations and Definitions '
`9.4.2 Causes of Cycle-by-Cycle and Cylinder-to—Cylinder
`9.4.3 Partial Burning, Misfire, and Engine Stability
`Spark Ignition
`Ignition Fundamentals
`9.5.2 Conventional Ignition Systems
`9.5.3 Alternative Ignition Approaches
`Abnormal Combustion: Knock and Surface Ignition
`9.6.1 Description of Phenomena
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`9.6.2 Knock Fundamentals
`9.6.3 Fuel Factors
`I 470
`Chapter 10
`Combustion in Compression-Ignition Engines
`Essential Features of Process
`Types of Diesel Combustion Systems
`10.2.1 Direct-Injection Systems
`Indirecthnjeetion Systems
`10.2.3 Comparison of Different Combustion Systems
`Phenomenological Model of Compression-Ignition Engine
`10.3.1 Photographic Studies of Engine Combustion
`10.3.2 Combustion in Direct-Injection, Multispray Systems
`10.3.3 Application of Model to Other Combustion Systems
`Analysis of Cylinder Pressure Data
`10.4.1 Combustion Efficiency
`10.4.2 Direct~Injection Engines
`Indirect-Injection Engines
`Fuel Spray Behavior
`Fuel Injection
`10.5.2 Overall Spray Structure
`10.5.3 Atomization
`10.5.4 Spray Penetration
`10.5.5 Droplet Size Distribution
`10.5.6 Spray Evaporation
`Ignition Delay
`10.6.] Definition and Discussion
`10.6.2 Fuel Ignition Quality
`10.6.3 Autoignition Fundamentals
`10.6.4 Physical Factors Affecting Delay
`10.6.5 Effect of Fuel Properties
`10.6.6 Correlations for Ignition Delay in Engines
`Mixing-Controlled Combustion
`10.7.1 Background
`10.7.2 Spray and Flame Structure
`10.7.3 Fuel-Air Mixing and Burning Rates
`Chapter 11
`Pollutant Formation and Control
`Nature and Extent of Problem
`Nitrogen Oxides
`11.2.1 Kinetics of NO Formation
`11.2.2 Formation of N02
`11.2.3 NO Formation in Spark-Ignition Engines
`11.2.4 NO: Formation in Compressiomlgnitiqn Engines
`Carbon Monoxide
`Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions
`1 1.4.1 Background
`11.4.2 Flame Quenching and Oxidation Fundamentals
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`1 1
`11.4.3 HC Emissions from Spark-Ignition Engines
`11.4.4 Hydrocarbon Emission Mechanisms in Diesel Engines
`Particulate Emissions
`11.5.1 Spark-Ignition Engine Particulatcs
`11.5.2 Characteristics of Diesel Particulates
`1 1.5.3 Particulate Distribution within the Cylinder
`11.5.4 Soot Formation Fundamentals
`11.5. 5 Soot Oxidation
`11.5.6 Adsorption and Condensation
`Exhaust Gas Treatment
`11.6.1 Available Options
`11.6.2 Catalytic Converters
`1 1.6.3 Thermal Reactors
`11.6.4 Particulate Traps
`Chapter 12 Engine Heat Transfer
`Importance of Heat Transfer
`Modes of Heat Transfer
`12.2.1 Conduction
`12.2.2 Convection
`12.2.3 Radiation
`12.2.4 Overall Heat-Transfer Process
`Heat Transfer and Engine Energy Balance
`Convective Heat Transfer
`12.4.1 Dimensional Analysis
`12.4.2 Correlations for TimenAveraged Heat Flux
`12.4.3 Correlations for Instantaneous Spatial
`Average Coelficients
`12.4.4 Correlations for Instantaneous Local Coefficients
`Intake and Exhaust System Heat Transfer
`Radiative Heat Transfer
`12.5.1 Radiation from Gases
`12.5.2 Flame Radiation
`12.5.3 Prediction Formulas
`12.6 Measurements of Instantaneous Heat—Transfer Rates
`12.5.1 Measurement Methods
`12.6.2 Sparkmlgnition Engine Measurements
`E1 1
`12.6.3 Diesel Engine Measurements
`12.6.4 Evaluation of Heat-Transfer Correlations
`112.6.5 Boundary-Layer Behavior
`Thermal Loading and Component Temperatures
`12.7.1 Component Temperature Distributions
`12.7.2 Efi‘ect of Engine Variables
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`Chapter 13 Engine Friction and Lubrication
`Friction Fundamentals
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`13.3.1 Lubricated Friction
`13.3.2 Turbulent Dissipation
`13.3.3 Total Friction
`Measurement Methods
`' Engine Friction Data
`SI Engines
` Diesel Engines
`Engine Friction Components
`13.6.1 Motorod Engine Breakdown Tests
`13.6.2 Pumping Friction
`13.6.3 Piston Assembly Friction
`13.6.4 Crankshaft Bearing Friction
`13.6.5 Valve Train Friction
`Accessory Power Requirements
`13.3.1 Lubrication System
`13.8.2 Lubricant Requirements
`Chapter 14
`Modeling Real Engine Flow and Combustion
`Purpose and Classification of Models
`Governing Equations for Open Thermodynamic System
`14.2.1 Conservation of Mass
`14.2.2 Conservation of Energy
`Intake and Exhaust Flow Models
` Background
`14.3.2 Quasi-Steady Flow Models
`14.3.3 Filling and Emptying Methods
`14.3.4 Gas Dynamic Models
`Thermodynamic-Based In-Cylinder Models
`14.4.1 Background and Overall Model Structure
`14.4.2 Spark-Ignition Engine Models
`14.4.3 Direct-Injection Engine Models
`14.4.4 Prechamber Engine Models
`14.4.5 Multieylinder and Complex Engine System Models
`14.4.6 Second Law Analysis of Engine Processes
`Fluid-Mechanic—Based Multidimensional Models
`14.5.1 Basic Approach and Governing Equations
`14.5.2 Turbulence Models
`14.5.3 Numerical MethodOIogy
`14.5.4 Flow Field Predictions
`14.5.5 Fuel Spray Modeling
`14.5.6 Combustion Modeling
`1 1 1
`' 719
`Engine Operating Characteristics
`Engine Performance Parameters
`Indicated and Brake Power and ME]?
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`Chapter 15
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`1 1.
`1 1;
`Operating Variables That Affect SI Engine Performance,
`Efficiency, and Emissions
`15.3.1 Spark Timing
`15.3.2 Mixture Composition
`15.3.3 Load and Speed
`15.3.4 Compression Ratio
`SI Engine Combustion Chamber Design
`15.4.1 Design Objectives and Options
`15.4.2 Factors That Control Combustion
`15.4.3 Factors That Control Performance
`15.4.4 Chamber Octane Requirement
`15.4.5 Chamber Optimization Strategy
`Variables That Affect CI Engine Performance, Efficiency, and
`15.5.1 Load and Speed
`15.5.2 Fuel-Injection Parameters
`15.5.3 Air Swirl and Bowl-in-Piston Design
`Supercharged and Turbocharged Engine Performance
`15.6.1 Four-Stroke Cycle SI Engines
`Four—Stroke Cycle CI Engines
`15.6.3 Two-Stroke Cycle SI Engines
`15.6.4 Two-Stroke Cycle CI Engines
`Engine Performance Summary
`A Unit Conversion Factors
`Ideal Gas Relationships
`Ideal Gas Law
`B2 The Mole
`3.3 Thermodynamic Properties
`R4 Mixtures of Ideal Gases
`Equations for Fluid Flow through a Restriction
`C.1 Liquid Flow
`(3.2 Gas Flow
`D Data on Working Fluids
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`The purpose of internal combustion engines is the production of mechanical
`power from the chemical energy contained in the fuel. In internal cornbustion
`engines, as distinct from external combustion engines, this energy is released by
`burning or oxidizing the fuel inside the engine; The fuel-air mixture before com-
`bustion and the burned products after combustion are the actual working fluids.
`The work transfers which provide the desired power output occur directly
`between these working fluids and the mechanical components of the engine. The
`internal combustion engines which are the subject of this book are spark-ignition
`engines (sometimes called Otto engines, or gasoline or petrol engines,
`other fuels can be used) and compression-ignition or diesel enginesrr Because of
`their simplicity, ruggedness and high power/weight ratio,
`these two types of
`engine have found wide application in transportation (land, sea, and air) and
`power generation. It is the fact that combustion takes place inside the work-
`TThe gas turbine is also, by this definition, an “ internal combustion engine.“ Conventionally,
`howaver, the term is used for spark—ignition and compression-ignition engines. The operating prin-
`ciples of gas turbines are fundamentally different, and they are not discussed as separate engines in
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`producing part of these engines that makes their design and operating character—
`istics fundamentally different from those of other types of engine.
`Practical heat engines have served mankind for over two and a half cen-
`turies. For the first 150 years, water, raised to steam, was interposed between the
`combustion gases produced by burning the fuel and the work-producing piston-
`in-cylinder expander. It was not until the 1860s that the internal combustion
`engine became a practical realityl' 1 The early engines developed for commercial
`use burned coal-gas air mixtures at atmospheric pressure-“there was no com-
`pression before combustion. J. J. E..Lenoir (1822—1900) developed the first mar-
`ketable engine of this type. Gas and air were drawn into the cylinder during the
`first half of the piston stroke. The charge was then ignited with a spark, the
`pressure increased, and the burned gases then delivered power to the piston for
`the second half of the stroke. The cycle was completed with an exhaust stroke.
`Some 5000 of these engines were built between 1860 and 1865 in sizes up to six
`horsepower. Efficiency was at best about 5 percent.
`A more successful development—an atmospheric engine introduced in 1867
`by Nicolaus A. Otto (1832—1891) and Eugen Langen (1833—1895}—used the pres-
`sure rise resulting from combustion of the fuel-air charge early in the outward
`stroke to accelerate a free piston and rack assembly so its momentum would
`generate a vacuum in the cylinder. Atmospheric preSSure then pushed the piston
`inward, with the rack engaged through a roller clutch to the output shaft. Pro-
`duction engines, of which about 5000 were built, obtained thermal efficiencies of
`up to 11 percent. A slide valve controlled intake, ignition by a gas flame, and
`To overcome this engine’s shortcomings of low thermal efficiency and
`excessive weight, Otto proposed an engine cycle with four piston strokes: an
`intake stroke, then a compression stroke before ignition, an expansion or power
`stroke where work was delivered to the crankshaft, and finally an exhaust stroke.
`He also proposed incorporating a stratifiedrcharge induction system, though this
`was not achieved in practice. His prototype four-stroke engine first ran in 1876. A
`comparison between the Otto engine and its atmospheric-type predecessor indi-
`cates the reason for its success (see Table 1.1): the enormous reduction in engine
`weight and volume. This was the breakthrough that effectively founded the inter-
`nal combustion engine industry. By 1890, almost 50,000 of these engines had
`been sold in Europe and the United States.
`In 1884, an unpublished French patent issued in 1362 to Alphonse Beau de
`Rochas (1815—1893) was found which described the principles of the four-stroke
`cycle. This chance discovery cast doubt on the validity of Otto’s own patent for
`this concept, and in Germany it was declared invalid. Beau dc Rochas also out-
`lined the conditions under which maximum efficiency in an internal combustion
`engine could be achieved. These were:
`1. The largest possible cylinder volume with the minimum boundary surface
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`f cen-
`3:11 the’
`i mar'
`."lg the
`on for
`to six
`1 1867
`, pres-
`TABLE 1.1
`Comparison of Otto four-stroke cycle and Otto—Langen
`Otto four-stroke
`Otto and Langen
`Brake horsepower
`Eiffltiiihififih in3
`Power strokes per min
`Shaft Speed, rev/min
`Mechanical efficiency, as
`Overall efficiency, %
`Expansion ratio
`3. The greatest possible expansion ratio
`4. The greatest poss:ble pressure at the beginning of expansion
`. Pro-
`eies of
`e, and
`51 and
`es: an
`5h this
`876, A
`r indie
`;3 had
`gau dc
`:nt for
`0 out
`The first two conditions hold heat losses from the charge to a minimum. The
`third condition recognizes that the greaterthe expansion of the postcornbustion
`gases, the greater the work extracted. The fourth condition recognizes that higher
`initial pressures make greater expansion possible, and give higher pressures
`throughout the process, both resulting in greater work transfer. Although Beau
`de Rochas’ unpublished writings predate Otto’s developments, he never reduced
`these ideas to practice. Thus Otto, in the broader sense, was the inventor of the
`modern internal combustion engine as we know it today.
`Further developments followed fast once the full impact of what Otto had
`achieved became apparent. By the 18805 several engineers (e.g., Dugald Clerk,
`1854—1913, and James Robson, 1833—1913, in England and Karl Benz, 1844—
`1929, in Germany) had successfully developed two-stroke internal combustion
`engines where the exhaust and intake processes occur during the end of the
`power stroke and the beginning of the compression stroke. James Atkinson
`(1346—1914) in England made an engine with a longer expansion than compres-
`sion stroke, which had a high efficiency for the times but mechanical weaknesses.
`It was recognized that efficiency was a direct function of expansion ratio, yet
`compression ratios were limited to less than four if serious knock problems were
`to be avoided with the available fuels. Substantial carburetor and ignition system
`deveIOpments were required, and occurred, before high-speed gasoline engines
`suitable for automobiles became available in the late 1880s. Stationary engine
`progress also continued. By the late 18903, large single-cylinder engines of 1.3-m
`bore fueled by low-energy blast furnace gas produced 600 bhp at 90 rev/min. In
`Britain, legal restrictions on volatile fuels turned their engine builders toward
`kerosene. Low compression ratio “oil ” engines with heated external fuel vapor-
`izers and electric ignition were developed with efficiencies comparable to those of
`as engines
`ercent . The Hornsb ~Ackro d en he became the most
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`popular oil engine in Britain, and was also built in large numbers in the United
`In 1892, the German engineer Rudolf Diesel (1858—1913) outlined in his
`patent a new form of internal combustion engine. His concept of initiating com-
`bustion by injecting a liquid fuel into air heated solely by compression permitted
`a doubling of efficiency over other internal combustion engines. Much greater
`expansion ratios, without detonation or knock, were now pessible. However,
`even with the efforts of Diesel and the resources of MAN. in Ausburg combined,
`it took fiVc years to develop a practical engine.
`Engine developments, perhaps less fundamental but nonetheless important
`to the steadily widening internal combustion engine markets, have continued ever
`since?” One more recent major development has been the rotary internal com-
`bustion engine. Although a wide variety of experimental rotary engines have been
`proposed over the years,5 the first practical rotary internal combustion engine,
`the Wankel, was not successfully tested until 1957. That engine, which evolved
`through many years of research and development, was based on the designs of
`the German inventor Felix Wankelfi- 7
`Fuels have also had a major impact on engine development. The earliest
`engines used for generating mechanical power burned gas. Gasoline, and lighter
`fractions of crude oil, became available in the late 18005 and various types of
`carburetors were developed to vaporize the fuel and mix it with air. Before 1905
`there were few problems with gasoline; though compression ratios were low (4 or
`less) to avoid knock, the highly volatile fuel made starting easy and gave good
`cold weather performance. However, a serious crude oil shortage developed, and
`to meet the fivefold increase in gasoline demand between 1907 and 1915, the yield
`from crude had to be raised. Through the work of William Burton (1865—1954)
`and his associates of Standard Oil of Indiana, a thermal cracking process was
`developed whereby heavier oils were heated under pressure and decomposed into
`less complex more volatile compounds. These thermally cracked gasolines satis-
`fied demand, but their higher boiling point range created cold weather starting
`problems. Fortunately, electrically driven starters,
`introduced in 1912, came
`along just in time.
`On the farm, kerosene was the logical fuel for internal combustion engines
`since it Was used for heat and light. Many early farm engines had heated carbu-
`retors or vaporizers to enable them to operate with such a fuel.
`The period following World War I saw a tremendous advance in our
`understanding of how fuels affect combustion, and especially the problem of
`knock. The antiknock effect of tetraethyl
`lead Was discovered at General
`Motors,4 and it became commercially available as a gasoline additive in the
`United States in 1923. In the late 19305, Eugene Houdry found that vaporized
`oils passed over an activated catalyst at 450 to 480°C were converted to high«
`quality gasoline in much higher yields than was possible with thermal cracking.
`These advances, and others, permitted fuels with better and better antiknock
`properties to be produced in large quantities; thus engine compression ratios
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`ENGINE rvras AND THEIR opsaarrou
`During the past three decades, new factors for change have become impor-
`rant and now significantly afl‘ect engine design and operation. These factors are,
`first, the need to control the automotive contribution to urban air pollution and,
`secrmd, the need to achieve significant improvements in automotive fuel con-
`The automotive air—pollution problem became apparent in the 1940s in the
`L05 Angeles basin. In 1952, it was demonstrated by Prof. A. J. HaagemSmit that
`the smog problem there resulted from reactions between oxides of nitrogen and
`hydrocarbon compounds in the presence of sunlight.“ In due course it became
`clear that the automobile was a major contributor to hydrocarbon and oxides of
`nitrogen emissions, as well as the prime cause of high carbon monoxide levels in
`urban areas. Diesel engines are a significant source of small soot or smoke par-
`tieles, as well as hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. Table 1.2 outlines the
`dimensions of the problem. As a result of these developments, emission standards
`for automobiles were introduced first ,in California,
`then nationwide in the
`United States, starting in the early 1960s.. Emislion standards in Japan and
`Europe, and for other engine applications, have followed. Substantial reductions
`in emissions from spark-ignition and diesel engines have been achieved. Both the
`use of catalysts in spark-ignition engine exhaust systems for emissions control
`and concern over the toxicity of lead antiknock additives have resulted in the
`reappearance of unleaded gasoline as a major part of the automotive fuels
`market. Also, the maximum lead content in leaded gasoline has been substan-
`tially reduoed. The emission-control requirements and these fuel developments
`have produced significant changes in the way internal combustion engines are
`designed and operated.
`Internal combustion engines are also an important source of noise. There
`are several sources of engine noise: the exhaust system, the intake system, the fan
`used for cooling, and the engine block surface. The noise may be generated by
`aerodynamic effects, may be due to forces that result from the combustion
`process, or may result from mechanical excitation by rotating or reciprocating
`engine components. Vehicle noise legislation to reduce emissions
`to the
`environment was first introduced in the early 1970s.
`During the 1970s the price of crude petroleum rose rapidly to several times
`its cost (in real terms) in 1970, and concern built up regarding the longer-term
`availability of petroleum. Pressures for substantial
`improvements in internal
`combustion engine efficiency (in all its many applications) have become very sub-
`stantial indeed. Yet emission-control requirements have made improving engine
`fuel consumption more difficult, and the removal and reduction of lead in gas-
`Ohm: has forced spark-ignition engine compression ratios to be reduced. Much
`Work is being done on the use of alternative fuels to gasoline and diesel. Of the
`non~petroleumubased fuels, natural gas, and methanol and ethanol (methyl and
`ethyl alcohols) are receiving the greatest attention, while synthetic gaSoline and
`diesel made from shale oil or coal, and hydrogen could be longer-term pos-
`in his
`d ever
`l com-
`e been
`gns of
`pes of
`v (4 or
`d, and
`3 yield
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`Page 15 of 237
`Page; 5 of 237
`it might be thought that after over a century of development, the internal
`FORD 1022
`FORD 1022
`Page 15 of 237
`FMC 1011
`in new
`a 11
`engines, Diesel,
`TABLE 1.2
`The automotive urban air-pollution problem
`Automobile emissions
`Truck emissions'l'i'
`emissions Uncontrolled
`as "/c. of
`Reactant in
`smog; N02 is
`Reaetant in
`Oxides of
`(NC) and N01)
`(HC, many
`(soot and
`some of HC
`1' Depends on type of urban area and source mix.
`iAverage values for pie—1963 automobiles which had no cuiisaion conlmia determined by U-S- “351 DFOGBdUIC
`which simulates typical urban and highway driving Fxhaust emissions except for BC where 55 percent are exhaust
`emissions, 20 percent are evaporative emissions from fuel
`tank and carburetor, and 25 percent are crankcase
`blowby gases.
`1} Diesel engine automobiles only. Particulate emissions from spark—ignition engines are negligible.
`{I Compares emissions from new sparknignition engine automobiles with uncontrolled automobile levels in previous
`column. Varies from country to country, The United States, Canada, Western Europe, and Japan have standards
`with different degrees of severity. The United States, Europe, and Japan have different test procedures. Standards
`are strictest in the United States and Japan.
`1'1' Representative average emission levels for trunks.
`It With 95 percent exhaust emissions and 5 percent evaporative e