`V [1 1]
`[45] June 10, 1975
`Inventor: Hans Reinbeck, Stuttgart, Germany
`Assignee: Robert Bosch G.m.b.H.,
`Gerlingen-Schillerhohe, Germany
`Feb. 20, 1974
`Appl. No.: 444,121
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 256,102, May 23, 1972,
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`July 6, 1971
`Germany ............................ 2133485
`U.S. Cl. ................................. 180/65 A; 290/45
`Int. Cl. .............................................. B60k 1/00
`Field of Search ......... 180/65 A, 65 R; 318/230;
`290/20, 45
`References Cited
`Stephenson ....................... 180/65 A
`Jensen ...........
`180/65 A
`Froclich ............. 180/65 A
`5/1950 Nims ............... 180/65 A
`Roth .......................... 180/65 A
`Papst ............................. 180/65 A
`Domaun ............................. 318/230
`Primary Examiner—David Schonberg
`Assistant Examiner—David M. Mitchell
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Flynn & Frishauf
`A dynamo electric machine is connected, over a claw
`clutch, to the driving wheels of the vehicle; an internal
`combustion engine is connected over a slip clutch with
`the shaft of the electric motor,
`to permit selective
`drive of the vehicle either electrically, or by the inter-
`nal combustion engine and, upon suitable intercon—
`nection of the dynamo electric machine, simulteneous
`re-charging of a storage battery when the vehicle is
`not driven by the dynamo electric machine acting as a
`Pieper ............................... 180/65 A
`7 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures
`Page 1 of 5
`Page 1_ of 5
`FORD 1019
`FORD 1019
`Page 2 of 5
`Page 2 of 5
`FORD 1019
`FORD 1019
`he shp or first clutch 1s disengaged, the dynamo elec—
`tric machine acts as a mo.or to dr1ve the w..eels. 11.15
`mode of operation may b us a for xample when the
`vehicle is operating 1'1 a densely populated area. Upon
`5 engaging ofthe slip clutch, thein ternal combustion en-
`This application is a continuation of U. S. Ser. No.
`-:.-,; :- ,...-.---1-,1 1- 11_- --1-- -1-_-1-.. ..c11.- _1..._,._1_ . _11-
`'szt. 1nd t‘ilan
`”1'11 1......
`..1--.- ,.1 .- -.1
`IIICU lVl y 4.),
`l7IL, IIUW dUdIIU JIICU. th 83
`tric mt,-hi..e and further te t..e drive wheels of t..e ve..i—
`reference t
`d p,
`cle. it the internal commbustion engine1s:uf'iciently
`power.ul, t.e electrical m1.c..ine wn ht”! .unction as a
`The present 1 ve
`otor veh1cle which 10 generatortto chaurge the ‘ atterery thus loadinng the inter—
`more particular‘y to t' e drive of a
`1r1r‘l1 ripe a
`tpr '
`I nnml‘u ctil n tannins: and a rlunnmn
`nlnl nrxmknchnn nnninn Inif‘n n l:\nrl “Junk nAnnIImn1~ OLI‘.
`Illvluuvu “IA Inlpvlllul vunnluqu-I\III Vllblllv uIIu u u] IIuIII\I
`Iul CVIIIUuotl\I ll \all
`electr1c macmne, suppl eo Irom a secondary battery.
`power necessary to drive the veh‘cle as we’l as the
`llnfnr \IP 1r~lpc 111-13 I(nr\111n 1n 11/
`I: drive: c of} In
`nnumr fn nlnnrm: flan knffava Tkn vant\v\r‘ mnl‘ln “1‘ nné-_
`Ivnuuvl va-lvlvu ulv I\II\J vaI III
`Iv Illvll ullv uIIvv allul‘. I-U
`I.\I bllulsv Lllv Uultvl
`I IID OVL\IIIU Illklub ’I
`the wheels 13 dr1ven by an electr1c motor Such electr1c
`ationccan be selected when the motor vehicle is in rural
`motors are dr1ven from a battery which is to be charged 15 environment, or in loc-‘tions "'here a greater entssicn
`from a generator The generator
`ay be driven by 'n
`of nox1ous exhaust can be tolerated
`:unfnv‘v‘nl an
`n annino Ciao Han "downnl nnmknn
`IF nnntsnnnrul
`«A 11.14am Amn-nn..n.
`“Agribu-um 11...
`I 11v111a1 \rUIIIUUD"
`atterv by
`1nternal combust1on engine can charge the
`tion engine 15 loadedoON, by the generator heeinnternal
`urivmg the dynmno electr1c *nachne when, in accor-
`c0111hustion engine can be operated at a substantially
`constant speed with substantially constant
`loadinng 20 dance with a feature of the 1nvention, the claw or sec-
`thereon .T‘dis pe 1 its reducing the 6 “$1011 of t‘oxious
`0rd Clutch 'o‘tween tl’e dr1ve sh’ft ’fthe dynamo elec-
`exhaLst to a m1n1._Irn. Motor vehicles which are so
`tric machine and Le driven wheels is disengaged. This
`equipped may also operate over short stretches w1thout
`second or claw clutch is pre"erably so made t' at 1t can
`11 m
`any use of t..e internal cu...bustion engine at all, t..e
`be ope.ated o..ly when .he motor Jehicle is stopped.
`electr1c motor belng dr1ven Irom the battery alone, 43 lhe second clutch 15 then disconnected, and the lust
`"Anna.” rn [Jun-ab." 1kg Luann".
`nnnnanfar‘ on 141-1? Hun "no man] on mku of;nr1 nn_
`WIlIIU L Ib'bllalsEIIIE LIIU Ualely
`A drive of this tvyepeof motor vehicle is comparatwely
`gine w111 drive on y the dynamo electric machin e.Th1s
`expensive since it requires two electric "notor", 11a111ely
`part1cular form of the 11‘ eat1oa permits savingeat" an
`a drive motor and a generator to charge the battery.
`add1t1onal starteemrmotor for the internal combustion en~
`1 ,
`.11 -c11--
`_ _--_- .1 ._ -.-1:- _ 1- ---..:-1- _-
`-__-- _--_. -11 111L-.- 11-- ..... .1 -1. 1...,1- :-
`It lb dn U JC I. UI Ul
`ICbCI l
`..ybr1d drive for motor vehicles In whic.. the adv-.__tag_.s
`dynamo electr1c mach1__e c... be .1sed -s a motor to
`of hybrid dr1ve w1th respect to lownnoxious exhaust
`Start t' e internal combustion engme, and, a"ter
`emission are re.amed 1..'1t..out increasi..g the costs of
`mg, the 1nter..al combtstiou eng.ne ca.. be Ltilized to
`the power plant for t' e veh1cle
`operate the dynamo electric machme as a generator to
`e..1..-,.1 mam" ":11... “mm.” “manna. p.11.
`.1 Au_ 35 “mum lofnr nmmmm mo +111: Annomn nlnnfrIn mun mg.
`Pvlllllt lukvl VIJvluLlUll Ul tllv \J
`llulllV \alvblllv lllublllllv
`9 u U]
`as a motor tom the stored electr1c energy
`namo electric machine is opperable both 1n generator
`:n‘rt‘v‘f‘t‘v‘ null Ln AAnn-:Lqu Lu. “1n" 1‘? A‘InMnlA
`“-4- -- . -II ,-.. ..- __.-11”....n4- n.1,! Lnn
`111C 1 NC 1111111 W111 uc ucovuucu uy
`ay U1 5 a “P1“
`I lch db WUII as 11 llULUl
`IIUU , a lu 110. a uUUU16-611u6u
`with reference to he accompanying drawings. wherein
`drive s___f_ co_.nected intermediate between the driven
`,- L:,.Ll.. ”ALAflnh- A:,..~—-,-... .J-‘tL- __Ao-_ .
`c ,
`, ,1-:,1- -.--1 1L-
`..1-_._-_.l --_-I-..-1:-_- A..-:_--
`FIU. 1 lb (1 “lg Hy DLIIUIIIdLlL U (151d. 11 U1 LII
`Wfleels OI a VCHILIC H] U UIC I
`1 I‘ll LU IIUUDLIU I C Igl It}, A“
`to form 21..
`intermediate portion of Le pow; drive 4” htcle dr1ve. all port1ons of the mot,r vehicle not n.ces-
`train The vehicle carriesa storage battery, that is, a
`sary to ar urdersta‘dtr g of the 1nvent1ve concept hav-
`WW......., w.....,,
`n J
`cAr‘nnrtnrv hattpru tn «an nnwer from and SLnnlv
`1__a been omitted' and
`power to the dynamoee'ectric machine. lvleans are pro
`FIG. A 15 a scnematic diagram of a modification of the
`11.14514 1n nnclfix nlu nnnnpnt nr flicr‘nnnF-r‘f 1 lithn1 f ehn
`a ranopmp f i
`ar‘r‘nrd not: wlth FIG I
`uuvu LU ruin-1,111.1 vVIIIIvvr, u
`uvvlll:\:vu, 1:11.1uu.‘u..y, A; “1:11bv111v..- -..'..y:,u:u... ..
`‘ , ‘
`the end ot the dynamo electr1c mac 1ne directed to- "
`l e motor veh1c1e has a pair or dr1ven whee s 10, be—
`_A,. é‘an Ar:ull}v\ untangle fn alarm: the rtunomn planfrin
`fuznnn 117
`in 9 r" prpnhal Izic arrannnr‘ In nrncl‘ nnm-
`wa1ue MIC Ullvb I Wllvu1o LU Plus,» 1.111., u llulllu Ulvvtllv
`vavvll vvlllvllu ulllvlvlltlul Au :1: ullulxsvu. llltvlllul vaII
`machine 1n fixed wheel driving connectionin the drive
`E“. -11“... -Afinnnouws many-10 nra nrnquoA fn onlo ;
`l u1uIc1 1A.)
`1 Icuuuu “luaua cuv I"
`quu u; avlvb
`has an output s a t 1
`bust1on engme 1
`nunr a 1rcf nlnrnln 1 I fn c aft onrl IR A? o r‘nnk'lngnnr‘nrl
`vvvl u lllot vlutvII 111 u; gnu“. wIIu nu u; u. uuuulv ulluvu
`tively, and independently from the positive connection _A sha t of the rotor 01 dynamo electric machime 2. The
`“I“, __-11 .,-11 --------1 u.- -11..-..
`,1 c111,. M1. 1? c 3” Anna“..- olanwtn manna“, 11 11”,.
`“V1 1,.
`1. 11......
`meat 5 grauuauy LUHHCLL ulc Utuct Gnu 01 1.115 Suau Ul
`u nan-u 11111111111. unapuuiv 1a In bUIIIIeCLUU 111 at 11311171
`17. Rotor shaft end 18’13 connected over a claw or sec—
`J” 12 ad battery 17 can be bro__e__ at points X—X' and
`connected, as seen in FlG. 2, over an 1nverter 25 to bat-
`tery 17.
`lnver.er 25,
`tur.., can be con.rolled by
`sepeed, control paramete
`0" he 1nternal combustion
`gradual andvariable connection means typically are a
`nnnino 1n onr] nf‘aor naromnfnrc on Ancnr;knr‘l In {LA
`-1- ,- g1_.1-1_
`’T‘L -----------
`vnhn Anornfdnn n? 11kg
`lIlIb dIIdIIgCIIICIlL p6‘n1ts \J|.1\.1Ir.11.|\,-UII= U1 un: 60 insult: Av, Lulu ULuv1 ya1ulllv1vlo uo fifoyluiuu “I, gun,
`a:(onnfi.1:n’11c1.o~m IL
`{—1)}..ng electriric machine asavariable sepeed dr1ve and
`tOrregoing crossreferenced patents
`Pat. Nos.
`J,JUO,ULL, J, .17.), 11.11, J, IJI,IU7.
`Three moodes of operation immediatel
` “ T 16: 1:01 rec ior oetw‘eei dyn- 1 o electr1c
`FORD 1019
`Page 3 of 5
`FORD 1019
`F1rst mode: Utilized primarily for urban or densely
`settled envirnnmenfq where minimum pmieeinn nf' nrnr-
`IOUS exhaust IS important. first Clutch 1 l d1sconnected,
`nnnnv‘r“ nlnrnk ll nnnnanfar‘i T A firm rirIvnn u! at: c 1‘
`acyuuu \alutvu 1U v\l||||\4\—Lvu- lllv LV'V un-vvu vvllvulu AV
`in lane f an 1' of n? I: riirnrvt mi An? monkinn [\F annual
`.0 Avon umu Luau. Ul u unvvr. v
`VIII. unuuuulv UI vuluul
`--ad..- An A ....Aena Alumn‘:hrl Lu. “1‘1‘1Ar Pen." knob-“q, I'I
`are driven solely trom dynamo electric machine 12. 013-
`ll 15 db ‘1
`IIUL ’1‘ auppucu U) V
`Cl n In! LlalLCly A I -
`Secondary battery 17 will disc,,arge The range
`f the
`vehicle depends on the size and capacity of th a battery
`Ch p
`d b
`......¢ ........ a ................
`A.-Lo ...... a .1”...
`powerooutputsothat the additional equipment 'or the
`iilvc [.51 “my HUI. lcqu1lculu1c 311.6, WClguL Ul hUbL untl
`:1 simrlar dtrect Cerent mac..ine
`All known control systems f0 use With direct current
`n be used, for example controlled by resis-
`f the "ield, or pulse control by means of
`In‘vr;nOt\v-r Cow-:nt
`lu- “kn-«o “inunA \v- n:\m
`II Ilbl HS Ubllkab II BIIUIII W\IUIIU \ll Lkllll‘
`s can be used.
`JJ__._ -_ I-“ t._,_err A
`U UllVC byhl‘l l
`)1 It LUI V '11“.le pf()\ IUCN
`rime mover anc drive train The nrcx - .,
`generator in customary h orld driv
`tional ower to climb steep hills, 0 for rapid accelera-
`not necessary Neverthepress, shorter stretches ca _
`tron can be obtained b" additionally connecting the d"—
`covered without any exhaust emiss10n hatsoever The
`namo electric machine
`2 as a motor, and utilizing the 15 exhatft emissionfox-1C}—
`um," rm.
`m. ll
`r than
`quired to drr1ve the motor vehicle alone (in t e absence
`of dynamo electric machine 12A so t..at the mac..ine 12
`‘ A
`I t e 1
`loadihn m t..e lC ennihe .rom the droiven whefels de-
`creases, the portion or power accepted by t e dynamo
` a
`5., obile installation
`uuuwuwut Ululuuuvv
`nknfnmnnf nrdinonm:
`nulna nlfillnrl bu onnrohInn ”no
`u Ullulvu u; vyxuuuus nu.
`boatsselectricallynear populateedareas ln sub--marines,
`t..e electrical mac..ine Vvill
`e utilized for submeraed
`35 operation, whereas the internal combustion engine Will
`i“. ...:iomA rm “...:an mm 9:
`Various changes and modifications may be made
`C .1
`‘1 "J
`1‘ 1‘,”
`tormi g
`at least one dr
`a u
`Uyl 15
`gine shaft
`M1 «twain “mi “Nahum“ alum. (mm
`MM." {in
`Invaua \1J] l0 S€1€Cuvu1y
`uuu yumuvyn
`\Aulun \.u11
`nect. or disconnect. without slip. one end (18) of
`the drive
`whgn thg
`e uynamo
`nection in the drive train;
`J n-
`firSt Cluwh ii is engag u'
`buStion engine 10 which thereafter can take over all
`transmisswnfl:ttengagemen0the crutch 1 O curs t
`3 speed When t..e internal r‘ombustion engi..e ca... ta..e
`over direct driv operation or the vemc1e.
`Third mode: Leiftilized to cha. ge the battery when t..e 4”
`vehicle is stationarr,y 11 no
`utside line power supply
`nlnnnlrl kn nimilokin In f
`1: nrnuinnclu describpr‘i nn rat-
`uvu vPvLuI-
`innmgodes, clutch 13 haas been in constant engagement
`1.. a... 4.: Am ”A c "manna" ”in“. nm mum" n A
`lllllu 1110u€ UL UlJVI uuUII, \aIuLvll A.) no ulovllsuévu 4‘
`andfirs clutch 11 is engageed 1 normmaloperation par-
`.___..i.-i.. ...” ...........3.. :a M.
`..-»...a mug"...
`ubuldlly upUl iUllgCl Upclauuu x 1 a1 1
`“Jan vuvuuu-
`merit, the discharged battery should be re-c—harged by
`means of a battery charging apparatus connected to
`1mg power
`so that the charging operation does not
`... 6““,
`tlon englne
`nhinn 17 nno
`vnnuv ‘ .1, urlv
`..5 ..
`a ...c
`be use
`starting motor
`.,_ ,
`machlne Or a Inree-pnase asynchronous [1‘1 [11 c,
`kno "n fro... o.her vehicle drives (see t..e above cross—
`re erenced patents). lhe direct current machine can be
`Gnaraare]! Airnntlu Frnm haffpru I
`If a leti-nhase
`p»...u once“,
`.....V u.._.w.,
`p. .
`asynchronous machine, such as a three-7 hase machine
`is utilized a separate inverter Circuit is required.
`Weight and size of three-phase asynnsclironou machines
`Page 4 of 5
`Page 4 of 5
`FORD 1019
`FORD 1019
`:38wava a::3f3.-(D(D
`U211 connection means
`i 4
`can" nnc‘hun r‘nnnnnh:\
`oulu Fuul l'v wVlulybtl\l l ulyuua
`B :o' O
`(D O o:5 3 (D O2",o:1 3(D L5U‘
`onnectio ofsaid positiv
`n (D
`n::3a. 5OS:3on 0H1
`uvvuuu xnuuuo,
`PP5.xa: o(D C:1 <(v-<m3 o(a E3:r F":r(n 5H('DT
`\ naauaAA «*4 «Lu...
`} 3LUPPCU, auu lllcll
`nternal combustion en-
`llltelilal COmb
`lective p0SlIlVC connec‘uonam
`3 Conveyance accnrdig
`gradual connection means
`L») LII
`Page 5 of 5
`Page 5 of 5
`FORD 1019
`FORD 1019