`McGraw· Hill
`New York Chicago San Francisco
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`Page 1 of Ex. 3001

`On the cover: Representation of a fullerene molecule with a noble gas atom trapped
`inside. At the Permian· Triassic sedimentary boundary the noble gases helium and argon
`have been found trapped inside fullerenes. They exhibit isotope ratios quite similar to
`those found in meterorites, suggesting that a fireball meteorite or asteroid exploded
`when it hit the Earth, causing major changes in the environment. (Image copyright ©
`Dr. Luann Becker. Reproduced with permission.)
`Over the six editions of the Dictionary, material has been drawn from the following references: G. M. Garrity
`et al., Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes, Release 2, Springer-Verlag, January 2002; D. W. Linzey, Vertebrate
`Biology, McGraw-Hill, 2001; J. A. Pechenik, Biology of the Invertebrates, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000; U.S.
`Air Force Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual 11- 1, vol. I, 1972; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms
`in Information Sciences Technology, Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Communications(cid:173)
`Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed .. A Dictionary of Mi11ing,
`Mi11eral, and Related Tenns, Bureau of Mines, 1968; A DOD Glossary of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic
`Terms, Department of Defense, 1967; J. M. Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and
`Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 67158, 1967; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary of
`Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; Glossary of Srinfo
`Terminology, Office of Aerospace Research, U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary of Electronic, Technical,
`and Imperative Tenns. Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1962; R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology, American
`Meteorological Society, 1959; ADP Glossary, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097; Glossary of Air Traffic
`Control Tenns, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary of Range Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New
`Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; Nuclear Tenns: A Glossary, 2d ed., Atomic Energy
`Sixth Edition
`Copyright IC> 2003. 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act
`of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored
`in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`lSBN 0-07-042313-X
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms--6th ed.
`ISBN 0-07-042313-X (alk. paper)
`l. Science·· Dictionaries. 2. Technology--Dictionaries.
`I. Title: Dictionary of scientific
`and technical terms.
`. - - - - - - -
`Page 2 of Ex. 3001

`telephone set
`Cross section of an electret telephone
`( 'tel·:>,f!!n
`[ENG ACOUS] An assembly including a tele(cid:173)
`telephone set
`phone transmitter, a telephone receiver, and associated switch·
`ing and signaling devices. Also known as telephone.
`( 'tel·
`a,fon ,set)
`[COMMUN) The electrical signal ttansmit·
`telephone signal
`ted by a telephone system, classified by type of transmission,
`type of modulation. bandwidth, and supplemenl8C)' characteris(cid:173)
`tics. Also known as telephone emission. { 'tel·:i,flln ,sig·
`telephone awltchboard See
`'swich,bOrd I
`I 'te.l ·a,f!!n ,siS'l:>m I
`telephone ayatem Su telephone.
`I 'tel·:i,fOn ,tb!·:i·
`telephone theory See frequency theory.
`re I
`[ENG Acous] The microphone used
`telephone tranamltter
`in a telephone set to convert speech into audio-frequency elec(cid:173)
`lric signals.
`( 'tel-::i,fOn tranz,mid·:ir )
`[COMMUN) The transmission of speech to a dis-
`tant point by means of eleclric signals.
`( ti' lef·a·n! )
`I :tel·:i'fOd·O )
`telephoto Su facsimile.
`telephotography See facsimile. { :tel·a·fa'tllg·ra·~ )
`telephoto lena
`[OPncs] A lens for photographing distant
`objects: it is designed in a compact manner so that the distance
`from the front of the lens to the film plane is less than the
`focal length of the lens. { :tel·:>:fOd·O 'lenz I
`[ENO] A photometer that measures the
`I :tel·:i·fa'tllrn·
`received intensity of a distant light source.
`telephotometry [omcs] The body of principles and tech(cid:173)
`niques concerned with measuring atmospheric extinction by
`I :1el·a·fa'tlim·a·tre)
`using various types oftelephotometers.
`[COMMUN] A planned business development area
`that features direct and economic access to a large number of
`domestic and international satellites for users in the surrounding
`region, with the aid of a regional dislribution network.
`I 'tel·:1,p0n I
`[coNT SYS) The quality of sensory feedbac.k
`from a teleoperator or t.elerobot 10 a human operator such that
`I :tel·:>'prez·:>ns }
`the operator feels present at the remote site.
`[COMPUT SO] Any typewriter-type device capa·
`ble of being connected to a computer and of printing out a set
`I 'tel·:i,print·:>r I
`of messages under computer control.
`[COMMUN] Telegraphy in whlch the transmiuer
`and receiver are teletypewriters.
`( 'tel·:>,print-io }
`[COMPUTSO] 1. Tbeuseoftelecommunica(cid:173)
`tions equipment and systems by a computer. 2. A c:omputer
`service involving input/output at locations remote from the
`computer itself.
`( 'tel ·:i,prll,ses·iu )
`(coMPUT so] A computer pro(cid:173)
`teleproceaalng monitor
`gram that manages the transfer of information between local and
`remote terminals. Abbreviated TP monitor.
`( 'tel·:>,prii,ses·
`io 'mlin·ad·:>r I
`[ENG] A psycbrometer in which the wet(cid:173)
`and dcy·bulb lhcnnal clcmcnUI arc located at a distance from
`( :1el·:>·sT'krlim·ad·ar I
`the indicating elements.
`Teleran Su television and radar navigation system.
`:i,ran I
`[ENG] A device which
`telerecordlng bathythermometer
`transmits measurements of sea water depth and temperature
`over a wire to a ship, where a graph of temperature versus
`I 'tel·a·ri,kord·io :bath·i·th:>r'mllm·ad·:>r )
`depth is recorded.
`ln telephony, a frequency-selector device
`I 't.el ·;i,rio )
`for the production of ringing power.
`[com- SYS] A type of teleoperator that embodies
`features of a robot and is programmed for communication with
`a human operator in a high-level language but can reven to
`direct control in the event of unplanned contingencies.
`I ,tel ·:1'r0,bl!t I
`[ENO] Any device that collects radiation, which
`may be in the form of electromagnetic or particle radiation,
`from a limited direction in space.
`[OPTICS] An assemblage
`of lenses or mirrors, or both, that enhances the ability of the
`eye either to see objects with greater resolution or to see fainter
`I 'tel ·a,skOp )
`( 'tel·:i,skOp I
`Telescope See Telescopium.
`[PHYS] An effect in which stretching a
`telescope effect
`high-polymer fiber increases hardness and reduces cross-sec(cid:173)
`tional areas of the fibers. { :tel·:i,skllp·ik i:t"ekt )
`( 'tel·
`[OEOL] An al!'. oz ia=C,1:tillil
`telescope structure
`acterized by younger fans with !latte: ~c;::.::ii3W
`between older fans with steeper ~
`,str.}k·ch:ir I
`[ENG] An ali~
`teleacoplc alldede
`table. consisting of a telescope mouo:e.:! -,. .. ~;;;:::
`fitted with a level bubble, scale. and '~~ "C
`and calibrated to measure distan=
`:>,dad I
`[ASTRON] A COtX": a <=~~
`telescopic comet
`coma is observed. { :1e1·a:skllp·ik b= ...:
`[ENG] A drill cie:"'.l.i s.=::::.m•
`telescopic derrick
`more sections, with the uppermost sec:J<'I"' -:;:;;;;:c=,111•
`into the lower sections.
`( :1el·;i:sU;
`[MD' 2": ::~==
`telescopic loading trough
`trough of two sections, one nested iI: ~ .:m=;.
`face for advancing the trough line "'-=--•~=~==
`adding either a standard or a shon le~..: r:f;
`I :t.el·3:skllp·ik 'lOd·ilJ ,trof I
`telascoplc aerln [MAnt] The ~.o ~=c:•:.llll!llJll
`l/[(k + n -
`I) (k + n)] -
`[ l/(k -
`• -
`where Jc is not zero or a negati\"e =;::. ..::c:a::.
`( :1el·:1,skllp·ik 'sir,ez )
`[ORD) Gunsigh:e..;:.:s:;';i.:t=::;:::;i1ii11lllll
`I :1et·:i:skllp·ik 'sn }
`[ENO] A drill :o- ..r-,..r,...,_.,....,..,
`teleacoplc tripod
`leg of which is a series of two or i:x:r! ,,;:,~'1::""""­
`tubcs, which can be locked rigidl;- ::-~=~~:;::
`position to form a long leg or -z ""
`I :t.el·:i:sJGip·ik a!~
`easy transport.
`telescoping gage
`[DES ENO} A:: ...:
`with a telescoping plunger that e~~ - - - -"'-"·.-
`in the hole to be measured; it is I~
`measurement after being withdra-.. '!:.
`:i:skop·io 'gaj I
`. .\ .. ~ ....::::t•ill
`teleacoplng valve
`scoping members, to regulate "e1::- ::.
`minimum disturbance to stream li:ies
`[ASTRON) A coos~
`hours, declination 50" south.
`1 ,tel·:i'sko·pe·:im I
`[GEOPHYS] An eanho..~
`recording station. { 'tel·:i,siz·:im ·
`[GEOPHYS] T~ ~~ it'~~==
`ing with records made at a dis= -:.:
`( ,tel·:i·sTz'mlll·:i·je )
`[COMMUN] A form ~
`communication, primarily one-wa~. :::: :;mr:
`one source, for educational p~ r
`nication, and possibly also video =
`[INV zoo] An order ex ::.. s==io::;••
`( :rel·:i'sem·a,nllr )
`comprising individuals which for.:: = i::~::
`by lateral budding from the body ""ill
`' •
`I ,tel·:.'stll·l<M·<> I
`[ASTRON] A small, ~­
`Saturn that librates about the ~ :.· o111=::::;:;:::;'13lli!!lll!lil
`( te'les·IO I
`ys's orbit.
`[ELECTR] Telemeter o:- -=-.cio:::~l.Mll
`which is syncluonous in both ~
`:i,sind I
`[coMPUTsc1] An ;;::,..;S:.::'.::;!~;!!!J
`functions of a telephone set anC. = ·
`( :re:·; ...,.
`keyboard and video screen.
`[COMMUN] A data b'roo=-=~=~jlioij
`preprogrammed sequences of f=
`-:: a.
`cyclically, and a user equipped
`receiver and a special decoder ;,c~~
`information for viewing.
`( 'tel·:> ~-
`[MED] Radiation ~
`using a source that is at a dist= ....,.,,.,.,._.._.__
`employing gamma-ray beams t-:c
`I :1el·a'ther·:i·pe I
`[GEOL] Penaining :c 1 ~::;!lalii!/ll
`deposit precipitated at a shallo" ~ :aixt::::•!llll
`I :1el·a'th:>r·m:il )
`[ENO] A tem;>. ~-.c::::imlillllill
`in which the heat-sensitive clcme:x 15 .... ....,..__...:·•
`( te.. :-11::1n:::=;•Wjjl
`from the indicating element.
`Page 3 of Ex. 3001

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