`Page 1
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Petitioner, Case: IPR2014-00825
` Patent 7,529,357
` vs.
` Case: IPR2014-00824
` SECURUS TECHNOLOGIES, Patent 8,340,260
` Patent Owner.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Washington, D.C.
` Thursday, May 7, 2015
`Reported by:
`Randi J. Garcia
`Job no: 14074
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -


`Page 2
` Videotaped Deposition of LEONARD FORYS, Ph.D,
` at Sterne, Kessler Goldstein & Fox, 1100 New York
` Avenue, N.W, Washington, before Randi J. Garcia,
` Registered Professional Reporter, and Notary Public
` in and for the District of Columbia at or about 9:09
` a.m.
`1 2 3 4
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`Page 3
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 371-2600
` Chase Tower
` 2200 Ross Avenue
` Suite 4500 W
` Dallas, Texas 75201-7924
` 214.785.6670
` Max Wagonblast, VIDEO OPERATOR
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`Page 4
` Exhibit 1 - Spadaro reference 9
` Exhibit 2 - '167 patent 47
` Exhibit 3 - Hodge reference 102
` Previously marked exhibits attached.
`4 5 6 7 8 9
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`Page 5
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is disk number 1
` of the video deposition of Dr. Leonard Forys,
` Ph.D, in the matter of Global Tel Link Corp
` versus Securus Technologies, Inc, in the Patent
` Trial and Appeal Board. Case Numbers IPR
` 2014-00824 and IPR 2014-00825.
` This deposition is being held at 1100
` New York Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C.
` on May 7, 2015 at approximately 9:09.
` My name is Max Wagonblast from the firm
` of TransPerfect Legal Solutions, and I am the
` legal video specialist.
` The court reporter is Randi Garcia in
` association with TransPerfect Legal
` Solutions.
` Will counsel introduce themselves.
` MR. SAAD: Terry Saad from Bragalone
` Conroy, for the patent owner.
` MR. RICHARDSON: Ryan Richardson from
` Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox representing
` petitioner.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court reporter
` please swear in the witness.
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` Thereupon:
` after having been first duly sworn, was examined and
`Page 6
` testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Forys.
` A Morning.
` Q Do you understand why you're here today?
` A Yes.
` Q What is that understanding?
` A Here to be deposed on the second
` declaration I submitted a couple weeks back in
` this matter.
` Q Do you understand that we are here for
` two separate matters today?
` A Yes, but they are very closely related.
` Q And the first matter regards the -- what
` is known as '260 patent. Do you understand
` that?
` A Yes.
` Q And the second matter regards what is
` known as the '357 patent. Do you understand
` that?
` A Yes.
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`Page 7
` Q Okay. Do you understand that you're
` testifying under oath today?
` A Yes.
` Q Is there any reason that you cannot
` testify truthfully and accurately today?
` A No. There is no reason.
` Q Are you under any drugs or medication
` that would affect your testimony?
` A I don't take any drugs or medication.
` Q Do you understand that our conversation
` is being transcribed by the court reporter?
` A Yes.
` Q How many hours, approximately, have you
` worked on these two matters?
` A It is hard to say, because they are
` related to other patents, and so I spent time,
` for example, on Spadaro patent and several other
` IPRs, as well as the other prior arts as well.
` So it's -- it would be a difficult thing
` to guess. I would say 40, 50 just on this
` matter. But it is larger than that. So it's
` very hard to say. I don't -- I don't itemized
` my invoices by case. I just do it by month.
` Q So you don't keep track of your time
` based on the matter that you're working on?
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`Page 8
` A I do. But I do it on a per day basis
` and I just put the thing -- sometimes in a day I
` will split it between two things. I do it on a
` day. But I don't sum it up by -- I don't
` have -- I don't have a running total by case. I
` have a running total by month. It is itemized,
` though, each day and each case. I just don't
` sum it up.
` Q When you said that this case is related
` to other patents, what patents were you
` referring to?
` A Like the '167 patent, for example.
` There is another one. I don't remember the
` numbers, but that was a parent to this patent.
` Q What did you do to prepare for this
` deposition, Dr. Forys?
` A I read my second declaration. I
` reviewed Dr. Akl's declaration as well. I
` reviewed the patent owner's rebuttal
` declaration. I reviewed the -- all the --
` essentially the documentation that was current
` as pertains to this matter.
` Q Did you review any documents that are
` not of record in this matter?
` A Not that I recall.
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` Q Did you meet with anyone in preparation
`Page 9
` for this deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q Who did you meet with?
` A I met with Mr. Richardson and briefly
` with Ms. Gordon, Lori Gordon.
` Q Both of the Sterne Kessler firm?
` A They are both, yes, with the Sterne
` Kessler firm.
` Q How long did you meet for?
` A Couple hours.
` Q When was that meeting?
` A Yesterday afternoon.
` Q I am going to hand you -- we are going
` to mark this, because it's not marked.
` (Thereupon, Exhibit Number 1 was marked
` for identification purposes.)
` Q I am going to hand you what has been
` marked as Exhibit Number 1.
` Do you recognize this as the Spadaro
` reference?
` A Yes.
` Q For the record, I believe the Spadaro
` reference is GTL1004 exhibit. But this version
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`Page 10
` is not marked that way.
` A I believe it is. I don't know. I don't
` recall.
` Q Dr. Forys, will you look at that
` document, the Spadaro reference and please
` identify for me and read into the record each
` and every sentence of Spadaro that mentions
` server 48 explicitly. If you will please
` provide a citation for where you're reading
` from.
` A Yes. Figure 3 lists server 48. It is
` the top of the figure.
` Q Okay.
` A Column 3, line 55 to 57. That sentence
` refers to server 48.
` Q Will you please read that sentence into
` the record.
` A Sure. Sure. "The router 46 routes
` calls to a server 48 which connects the calls to
` central office 34."
` Q Okay. Anything else?
` A Not explicitly. The rest is implicit.
` Q Okay. So there's two references in the
` Spadaro patent to server 48 that you identified,
` correct?
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`Page 11
` A I believe that is correct.
` Q And so the rest of your opinions that
` you have provided regarding that server are
` based on your opinions as to how one of ordinary
` skill in the art would understand that server
` based on only those two citations of Spadaro, is
` that correct?
` A No.
` MR. RICHARDSON: Objection to form.
` Q Okay. Can you explain why that is not
` correct?
` A Yes. Because there is a couple
` paragraphs afterwards that discuss Figure 3 and
` what the architecture does, and that would
` relate to 48, explicitly.
` Q But none of those paragraphs refer
` explicitly to server 48, correct?
` A No, but they refer explicitly to Figures
` 2 and 3, which 48 is prominent in. So the
` description there would apply to server 48 as
` well.
` Q So for the record, which -- which
` paragraphs are you referring to?
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`Page 12
` A I am referring to Column 3, Lines 58 to
` Column 4, Line 3. And then I would refer to
` Column 4, line 56 through 65, which describes an
` application, an embodiment.
` Q Does that -- I see that the first
` paragraph you mentioned, Column 3, Lines 58
` through Column 4 Line 3, that does mention
` Figure 3, correct?
` A Yes, it does.
` Q And the second reference, Column 4,
` Lines 54 through 65, I believe, is what you
` identified, that does not refer to either server
` 48 or Figure 3, correct?
` A No, but it refers to a WAN and a
` plurality of sites on a WAN and one understands
` that would pertain also to Figure 3, because
` that is where WAN is discussed.
` Q Again, you said one would understand
` that. That is not explicitly provided in the
` text, correct?
` A Well, yeah, understands Figure 3 has a
` WAN in it. This is discussing the WAN. One
` would understand that that is what it is talking
` about.
` Q I am just trying to get a -- I am trying
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`Page 13
` to understand what it is that is explicitly in
` Spadaro only that regards server 48 in your
` opinion.
` A In my opinion, the disclosure in Column
` 4 pertains to server 48. It describes Figure 3,
` an application of Figure 3. It talks about a
` WAN. It talks about multiple sites. That is
` exactly what Figure 3 talks about. It is also
` what the other paragraph in Column 3 talks
` about. I think that the two also describe
` Figure 3 about server 48.
` Q Do you understand what "explicit" means?
` MR. RICHARDSON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. Explicit means that it
` pertains to the matter at hand.
` Q That is your definition of explicit?
` A Yeah. That is not simply implied, but
` it is direct. My mind reads directly on server
` 48.
` Q So when you perform your analysis on a
` piece of prior art, you consider it explicit
` disclosure if it pertains to the matter at hand?
` MR. RICHARDSON: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Directly I said. Not
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`Page 14
` implicitly. Directly it pertains to the matter
` at hand. It doesn't have to mention the word,
` but if it relates directly to that -- the
` device, then one would understand that is
` direct.
` I don't have to mind the word -- doesn't
` have to have server 48 listed here to be
` direct and explicit.
` Q But when I asked you to identify any
` portion of Spadaro that actually used the term
` server 48, it was only Figure 3 and Lines 3, 57
` through -- Column 3, Lines 57 through -- or 55
` through 57, correct?
` A Repeat that question.
` Q I will restate.
` A Yeah.
` Q When I asked you to identify the
` explicit mention of the term server 48 in
` Spadaro, each and every reference to that, you
` only provided Figure 3, and Column 3, lines 55
` through 57, correct?
` A That explicit -- that has the word
` server 48 in it, yes.
` Q Okay. Which is explicit, correct?
` A That is certainly explicit. That is not
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`Page 15
` the only explicit reference to it. I believe
` his direct reference is to server 48 elsewhere.
` In my mind, it doesn't have to have the exact
` word in it to be explicit.
` Q What about this paragraph on -- in
` Column 4, lines 54 through 65 indicate to you
` that this refers to either server 48 or Figure
` 3? Because I don't see either of those terms.
` MR. RICHARDSON: Objection. Asked and
` answered.
` THE WITNESS: First of all, again, in
` discussion of Figure 3, it discusses a
` plurality of sites connected on the WAN.
` Q Can you be explicit about what you're
` pointing to as the discussion of Figure 3?
` A Yes. See Figure 3 itself demonstrates
` interconnection of a plurality of sites to
` Figure 48 and these --
` Q So you're not reading from the patent
` right now, correct?
` A This is the patent. I am -- I am trying
` to describe what Figure 3 shows.
` Q You're describing what Figure 3 says.
` But the patent is not describing what Figure 3
` says. I'm interested in what the patent says,
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`Page 16
` what Spadaro says about Figure 3.
` A I can read -- I'm reading the figure, to
` one of ordinary skill in the art. This is what
` the figure says. The figure shows a plurality
` of sites. One would understand that, because
` they are labeled. They are labeled site. They
` are labeled site 36, 38, 40, 42. That is
` written down in words. There are words on
` Figure 3.
` Figure 3 also shows server 48 in words.
` It also depicts it in -- in -- as a figure as
` well. It shows interconnections between them
` and it shows that there -- that server 48 is
` apart from the rest. So there would be a
` interconnection between them using a LAN or a
` WAN. One would read it that way.
` That is verified by the text itself. So
` that is what I would read by reading the graph.
` It has words on it. It has pictures on it. To
` my mind, that is -- that is explicit discussion
` of it. Now, let me see here. That's -- sorry.
` Q How does that relate to the paragraph in
` Column 4 that you identified?
` A That is part of it. The column in
` Figure 4 says, "by connecting a plurality of
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`Page 17
` sites on the WAN," which is what Figure 3 shows;
` "multiple sites could share a common set of
` local access circuits." And that is what Figure
` 3 shows.
` That is also described in the
` connection -- what the description of Figure 3
` that is in Column 3 through 4.
` Q Okay. That paragraph in Column 4 that
` you're reading from, do you understand that to
` be describing the invention disclosed by
` Spadaro?
` A It -- it is a disclosure of -- of an
` embodiment of Spadaro where that is the
` invention -- I believe the invention is found in
` the claims. But it certainly discloses this
` particular embodiment to Spadaro.
` Q Figure 3, if we look at that, it
` explicitly labels that as prior art, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q So that would not indicate to you what
` he is discussing in Column 4 does not refer to
` Figure 3 because Figure 3 is prior art?
` A If you read, though, the fact that --
` that's why I am saying you have to couple it
` with the description in Column 3, the paragraph.
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`Page 18
` It says, "in accordance with the present
` invention lower cost" --
` Q Sorry, I will stop you right there. "In
` accordance with the present invention," what
` does that mean to you?
` A It means that this is going to be an
` embodiment here, okay. That is what I think it
` means.
` Q Would that be different than prior art
` to you?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. So Figure 3 is labeled as prior
` art?
` A That's right.
` Q And when he talks -- when he is in that
` sentence you're reading from Column 3, he is now
` saying, "in accordance with the present
` invention," correct?
` A Yes.
` Q But do you think he is still referring
` to the embodiment in Figure 3?
` A Let me continue reading, and I will -- I
` will say yes, --
` Q Okay.
` A -- it does. "In accordance with the
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`Page 19
` present invention, lower costs and efficiency
` are obtained by operating systems such as Figure
` 2 and 3, which is labeled prior art." But he is
` saying now in accordance with the present
` invention over Ethernet and voiceover IP
` protocol networks. That is what the present
` invention talks about.
` And if you look at, in fact, if you look
` at Column 1, what the object of the invention
` is, I am going to read it to you. Column 1,
` Line 58. "It is an object of the present
` invention to use voiceover internet protocol
` networks to transmit information from a
` controlled public telephone system."
` It is consistent with the aim of the
` invention. That's what you're going to do here
` now.
` For example, I am going back to Column 3
` now, Line 61. "Each prison state in the state
` prison system has commander units, such as shown
` in Figure 3." Again, the example is of the
` present invention. He is using Figure 3 and
` showing how he is going to modify that for the
` present invention, provide voiceover IP.
` There may be a thousand phones, but all
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`Page 20
` the phones are connected through commander
` systems over voiceover internet protocol
` networks. That's a WAN. Often large
` administrative systems such as this have
` existing data networks which process and
` transmit e-mail and the like, providing a
` control computer such as commander with a
` voiceover IP gateway and Ethernet capability
` allows the public telephone systems at various
` sites to be integrated into data network easily.
` So I believe he is talking in accordance
` with the present invention, Figure 3, but
` modified to include a voiceover IP WAN. That's
` the way I read it. I think it's very explicit
` to me.
` Q So you agree that that is talking about
` a modification of Figure 3 to bring it into
` accordance with the present invention in
` Spadaro's mind, correct?
` A It's not a modification, because Figure
` 3 doesn't show what the connections are. He is
` simply making it explicit. He says, take Figure
` 3, okay, which is well known, but I am going to
` use those links that are going to be voiceover
` IP links, which are not labeled in Figure 3. He
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`Page 21
` is making it explicit. His invention is Figure
` 3 with both links being voiceover IP.
` Q Is that what he says?
` A Yeah. In accordance with the present
` invention. Let me read this again. "In
` accordance" -- present invention he said, "lower
` cost efficiency are obtained by operating system
` such as shown in Figure 2 and 3 over Ethernet
` and voiceover IP internet protocol networks.
` That is what I just finished saying.
` Q And is anything in Figure 2 or 3 labeled
` as an Ethernet or voiceover IP internet protocol
` network?
` A No. That is exactly the point. It is
` just drawn in general, but he is saying I am
` going to make that a voiceover IP. It was known
` in general to be -- if you look at the
` discussion beforehand, you know, anyway, in
` Figure 3 and 2, they are not labeled. He is
` making explicit -- he says, the invention is
` those links are, in fact, voiceover IP links.
` It is --
` Q That's what you're saying. That is not
` what he said.
` A That's what is he saying.
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` Q Not in those words, correct? He didn't
` talk about the links in Figure 3, did he, at
`Page 22
` all?
` A Yes.
` Q Where?
` A "In accordance with the present
` invention, lower costs and efficiency are
` obtained by operating systems such as shown in
` Figure 2 and 3, over Ethernet and voiceover
` internet protocol networks. A network is
` composed of links. One of ordinary skill in the
` art would know that. I read this; it's very
` clear to me. That is what he is referring to.
` Q So is it your opinion that you can take
` the networks of Figure 2 and 3, slap on the
` label of Ethernet or voiceover IP onto those
` links, and all of a sudden you have a voiceover
` IP network?
` MR. RICHARDSON: Object to form.
` MR. SAAD: Okay.
` THE WITNESS: That is what he is saying.
` He gives more specificity later on in the
` paragraph how one would do that, but...
` Q What is your understanding of what a
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`Page 23
` voiceover IP gateway does?
` A What a gateway is is interconnection
` between two different networks.
` Q Is that your answer to my question?
` A One of which is voiceover IP.
` Q So what does a gateway actually do?
` A One of ordinary skill in the art -- a
` gateway would take, for example, analog phone
` lines from telephones, or it could take incoming
` analog trunks or digital trunks from the PSTN
` and convert that into an internet protocol There
` is a whole art behind that. By this time it was
` well known.
` Q So when applied to a voiceover IP
` gateway, what is it converting?
` MR. RICHARDSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: What it would convert,
` again, are you referring to a specific section
` here or just in general?
` Q Just in general.
` A Just in general, it refers to taking --
` I gave two examples. You could have a local
` phone system, which has analog lines on it. You
` would take -- you would digitalize the voice.
` You would encapsulate it into voiceover IP
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`Page 24
` packets. You would address it and form an IP
` packet, and send it over network using some
` protocol like a SIP protocol or H.323 protocol,
` to engage in a conversation, for example.
` That's what you're talking about there. The
` voiceover IP gateway would do that, those
` functions for you.
` Q Do you think that is inconsistent in any
` way with the way that Spadaro uses the term
` voiceover IP gateway?
` A No. I think that is what it is. If you
` look at where he points to a voiceover IP
` gateway, it is always the intersection of two
` networks. That is what a gateway means.
` Q I am going to hand you two documents
` here. The first one is what is marked as
` GTL1001 in the '824 matter. And the second one
` is Exhibit GTL1001 in the '825 matter.
` Do you recognize these as the two
` patents at issue in these matters?
` A Yes. I believe that is the case.
` Q If I refer to U.S. patent
` number 8,340,260, which is GTL1001 in the '824
` matter as the '260 patent, will you understand
` what I'm talking about?
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`Page 25
` A Yes. You already used that term before,
` yes.
` Q And the same for patent
` number 7,529,357, which is GTL1001 in the '825
` matter. If I refer to that as the '357 patent,
` you understand what I mean?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. Based on these patents, what
` in your opinion, is the plain and ordinary
` meaning of the term call application management
` system?
` A I believe I addressed that in my
` declaration. So for consistency, if I could see
` my declaration.
` Q Did you provide the definition of the
` plain and ordinary meaning?
` A Yeah. I said that -- that Dr. Akl's
` definition would be sufficient. That is what I
` believe said.
` Q You agreed with Dr. Akl's definition?
` A The one definition. That's what I am
` saying. If you look -- he then modifies it.
` His initial definition seemed reasonable,
` something that processes calls. He later
` altered it to include another limitation. Calls
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`Page 26
` from start to finish, or something like that.
` To be precise, I'd like to see my
` declaration.
` Q I'm handing you what is marked as
` GTL1020 in the '825 matter.
` Oh, sorry, wrong one. Pass that to him.
` A Sorry.
` Q I am also handing you what is marked as
` GTL1020 in the '824 matter.
` Do you recognize this as your second
` declaration that you submitted in each of these
` matters?
` A It appears to be.
` Q All right. And if looking at either of
` those, if you will identify for me what you
` believe to be the plain and ordinary meaning of
` call application management system.
` A On paragraph 8 of my second declaration,
` I guess they are almost identical, I will be
` referring to the '357 one which is the '825 IPR.
` Q Okay.
` A And Dr. Akl, he didn't state it, but he
` suggests that the term call application
` management system should be construed to mean a
` system performing call processing for a
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`Page 27
` plurality of prisons --
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going off the record.
` The time is 9:42.
` (Thereupon, a brief recess was taken.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on the
` record. The time is 9:44.
` Q Dr. Forys, before we went off the record
` you were providing comments, I believe, on your
` paragraph 8 of the second declaration.
` A Yes. And it said that Dr. Akl suggests
` a certain definition. It says, "a system
` performing call processing for plurality of
` prisons." And I don't have any problem with
` that. It's not inconsistent with the language.
` I could certainly live with that, that kind of
` wording.
` Q You --
` A That by itself, I have no problem with
` that by itself.
` Q Okay. So you agree with Dr. Akl's
` definition that he provides for the call
` application management system that is a system
` performing call processing for a plurality
` prisons, correct?
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`Page 28
` A Yeah. But later on he inserts all call
` processing. That is where I have a problem.
` Q Let's look at page 2 of your
` declaration. On page 2 you have a section
` titled, materials considered. And you list
` quite a few references there. Is that -- what
` is the purpose of this listing of references?
` A These are a list of all the references
` to date that I considered in this entire matter,
` not just for the second declaration, but
` historical for the record, if you want.
` Q Is there a separate list of references
` that you relied upon for purposes of this second
` declaration?
` A It would be a subset, obviously. I
` don't refer -- for example, I don't refer to the
` Bellcore document. The patent board focused on
` only a few of the prior art references. So even
` though I listed the Bellcore one, I didn't
` incorporate that or use it in writing the second
` declaration, but historically it was part of the
` record, the things that I looked at.
` Q Okay. If we look at page 5 of your
` declaration, you have a discussion there
` starting on page 5 regarding the claim
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -



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