`United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,333,798 B2
`Feb. 19, 2008
`Inventor‘ Stephen Lee Hodge’ Aubrey’ TX (Us)
`7/1999 Baker et a1. ......... .. 379/26502
`5,923,746 A *
`8/1999 Richardson et a1.
`5,943,403 A *
`7/2000 Kennedy e161. .......... .. 380/247
`6,084,967 A *
`8/2000 Baumann
`6,104,922 A *
`6,182,221 B1* 1/2001 Hsu et a1.
`6,213,391 B1 *
`4/2001 Lewis
`(73) Asslgnee: Value Added commumcatlons’ Inc"
`Plano’ TX (Us)
`6,219,439 B1* 4/2001 B
`6,282,566 Bl* 8/2001 Leggstral. ....... ..
`6,377,699 Bl* 4/2002 Musgrave e161.
`) Nome?
`SubJect to any (1150121111169 the term Ofthls
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 442 days.
`(21) Appl. NO.Z 10/215,367
`(22) Filed;
`Aug 8, 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004/0029564 A1
`Feb. 12, 2004
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04Q 7/20
`(52) us. Cl. ................. .. 455/411;455/410;379/93.02;
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 455/410,
`455/411, 563, 405, 406, 555, 560, 414.1,
`455/445, 55; 379/ 88.19, 8802, 114-03, 265-01,
`379/ 142.1, 142.2, 142.05, 142.06, 93.02;
`726/5; 713/169, 202; 380/247; 235/379
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`1/1996 Brown et a1.
`3/1996 Cheng e161.
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`8/1997 Gainsboro . . . . . .
`. . . .. 379/188
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`2/1998 McMahan et a1. ........ .. 379/188
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`5/2002 Otto ...................... .. 704/270
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`2002/0177433 Al* 11/2002 Bravo e161. .............. .. 455/411
`2 148 569 A * 5/1985
`* cited by examiner
`Przmar Exammerilean Gelm
`(74)’4’wmey’Agw” "r Flrmiward‘g‘ Ohvo
`A secure telephone call management system is provided for
`authenticating users of a telephone system in an institutional
`facility. Authentication of the users of the telephone call
`management system is accomplished by using a personal
`identi?cation number, biometric means, and/or radio fre
`quency means. The secure telephone call management sys
`tem includes accounting software capable of limiting access
`to the system based on funds in a user’s account or other
`related limitations. The system includes management soft
`Ware capable of implementing Widespread or local changes
`to the system and is further capable of modifying or setting
`any Hum er 0 user accoun Parame ers'
`5 Claims, 36 Drawing Sheets
`Trunk Lines
`\ Switchboard
`“7* Recorder
`Site Server
`Biometric @Lf?ill RF Transmitter
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`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 7,529,357
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 19, 2008
`US 7,333,798 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`US 7,333,798 B2
`US 7,333,798 B2
`The present invention relates generally to the field of
`telephone communication systems in penal institutions or
`similar facilities. In particular, the present invention relates
`to a computer-based telecommunication system with the
`capacity to allow an institution to control, record, monitor,
`and report usage and access to a telephone network.
`Generally, the need to monitor, control, record and pro-
`vide detailed records of the usage of a telephone system in
`a controlled institutional environment is well recognized. It
`is common to utilize a controlled telephone system capable
`of monitoring outgoing telephone connections in many
`types of institutional environments, such as, but not limited
`to, penal institutions, military institutions, hospitals, schools,
`businesses, or specific types of government institutions. The
`reasons for monitoring and controlling institutional tele-
`phone systems are evident. To prevent such institutions from
`incurring unaccountable telephone costs,
`the institutions
`must either restrict access to outbound telephone lines or
`employ a telephone monitoring system to charge the respon-
`sible party for making the outbound communication. Oth-
`erwise, unaccountable telephone costs would severally
`hinder the availability of the telephone systems in institu-
`Therefore, it is imperative for many institutions to utilize
`a communication system that provides an accurate identifi-
`cation means for administrators to determine the individual
`responsible for each outbound telephone call. A communi-
`cation system must also provide a monitoring means for
`maintaining a useful record of the communication. Addi-
`the system may include a means for restricting
`access or a means for providing options to particular users.
`Considering the number of users in a large institution,
`different payment methods available, and the excessive call
`volume at many institutions, it is evident that an effective
`telephone management system is essential.
`Providing telephone systems in specific types of highly
`restricted institutions, such as in penal institutions, results in
`the consideration of numerous additional complicating fac-
`tors. Generally, outbound communication means in penal
`institutions are heavily regulated by the government. There-
`fore, communication systems implemented in penal institu-
`tions or similar facilities must meet greater security require-
`ments often mandated by regulatory bodies affiliated with
`the county, state, or federal institution. Thus, the communi-
`cation system used in a regulated institution must employ
`unique functions often unnecessary in other types of insti-
`In its most general form, a penal institution’s telephone
`system utilizes a call processor to approve and place a call,
`surveillance equipment or monitoring equipment, and a
`recording device for evidencing the conversation. Generally,
`these simple systems are not equipped to restrict an inmate
`from calling any individual. However, it is preferable for the
`call system devices now employed in such institutions to
`have the capability to thwart an inmate from calling certain
`specific individuals or types of individuals. Without the
`necessary constraints on an inmate’s use of the telephone
`inmates have often harassed outside parties or
`individuals. For example, it is generally preferred that an
`inmate should not be able to place a telephone call to the
`prosecutor who prosecuted the inmate’s case or another
`attorney responsible for the sentencing of the inmate. In
`another example,
`it may be preferred that an inmate be
`prevented from contacting the victim of the inmate’s crime
`or witnesses from the inmate’s case.
`It has also been
`documented that inmates have used previous penal institu-
`tion call systems to perpetrate additional criminal activities
`such as fraudulent schemes or specific criminal conspiracies.
`Specifically, inmates have been known to arrange credit card
`fraud attempts, the smuggling of contraband into the facility,
`and have even been known to arrange escape attempts over
`the penal
`institution’s telephone system. Therefore,
`critical in an efficient penal institution to carefully monitor
`all outgoing telephone calls making a regulated penal insti-
`tution telephone system a necessity.
`Another concern in implementing an efficient institution
`telephone system is cost control. In order for a system to be
`cost effective the system must critically monitor and record
`the activities of each individual user to properly charge each
`individual caller for his or her outgoing calls. Typically,
`telephone communication systems in penal institutions pro-
`vide an inmate with a telephone account upon arrival. Each
`individual receives an account number. There are several
`options for an inmate to select with respect to payment on
`the account. For example, an inmate may place prior per-
`sonal earnings into the account. The cost of each call is then
`deducted from the total amount in the inmate’s account until
`no balance remains. The inmate may choose to utilize collect
`call means. In addition, or alternatively, an inmate may be
`assigned a commissary account, where funds are added to
`the account based on work performed by the inmate. As the
`funds increase, the inmate may apply these funds to the cost
`of placing telephone calls. The inmate debit account may be
`located onsite, at a central office facility, or at a third-party
`The inmate debit account may alternatively be controlled
`by the inmate’s family. For example, the inmate’s family
`may control the inmate’s access to the debit account either
`remotely (e.g., by using the Internet, accessing a toll-free/
`pay to dial telephone number, using a mail form, etc.) or by
`visiting the prison facility. The inmate’s family may add
`funds to the debit account and thereby control
`the call
`volume allowed to the inmate.
`Another requirement of a secure telephone management
`system in a penal institution is the accurate identification of
`the telephone call participants. Generally, it is common in a
`penal institution to assign each inmate a personal identifi-
`cation number (PIN). When an inmate attempts to place a
`telephone call, the inmate must supply a valid PIN to gain
`access to the telephone system. However, a primary problem
`with this identification method is the ease of obtaining
`another inmate’s PIN. For example, individuals who com-
`monly forget their PIN may write it down, increasing the
`possibility that an unauthorized individual will view the PIN
`and use it. In addition, if a PIN number is compromised and
`utilized by an unauthorized inmate, the unauthorized inmate
`may then be able to call certain individuals who are
`restricted to that inmate, since the unauthorized inmate is no
`longer using the proper PIN associated with that inmate. In
`known systems, the PIN identification method is incapable
`of verifying that the individual who supplies the PIN is the
`actual specified inmate. Some systems have attempted to
`improve security by requiring the use of a debit card in
`conjunction with a PIN. The use of the debit card will only
`US 7,333,798 B2
`allow access to an inmate’s account if the correct associated
`PIN is supplied. This method, however, provides only mini-
`mal additional protection because a debit card and its
`associated PIN can often, with or without force, easily be
`taken from another inmate, or given to another inmate,
`especially in the violent atmosphere of a penal institution.
`For example, one inmate may threaten another inmate in
`order to obtain such information. Alternatively, one inmate
`may provide certain services in exchange for the use of
`another inmate’s telephone privileges. The possibility that
`two inmates will exchange accounts also exists,
`allowing them to contact people that would normally be
`restricted to them.
`Further attempts to obviate security concerns include
`requiring personal information, in addition to a PIN, to be
`supplied by the inmate/user. For example, a user might be
`prompted to supply a PIN as well as certain information that
`may only be known to the user. A common example is a
`request by the call system to provide their mother’s maiden
`name. This provides an additional security measure, but
`again is minimally secure because such information can
`easily be obtained in a correctional facility. It would there-
`fore be desirable to develop a telephone management system
`that incorporates an improved method of identification and/
`or verification.
`Another required feature of a telephone management
`system for a penal institution or similar facility is a means
`for restricting calls placed by a user (e.g., an inmate). It is
`well documented that inmates often try to harass individuals
`related to their arrest or confinement, such as judges, pros-
`ecutors or witnesses, etc., through telephonic communica-
`tions. Penal institutions have attempted to prevent this by
`restricting the telephone numbers each inmate is able to
`access. For example, a system may utilize a PIN or other
`identification means to access a list of telephone numbers
`that the inmate may not call, or alternatively, the system may
`access a list of numbers that the inmate is authorized to
`the numbers
`the inmate can only call
`to (i.e.,
`appearing on the list). Telephone numbers placed on the
`restricted list can include any individual related to the
`conviction (e.g., the arresting police officer, the prosecuting
`attorney, etc.), while telephone numbers placed on the
`permitted list may be, for example, close family relatives.
`The system may also limit the amount of time each inmate/
`user is permitted to conduct each outbound telephone call
`through the system. Furthermore, restrictions may be regu-
`larly updated. For example, if an inmate misbehaves, the
`inmate’s telephone privileges may be further limited or
`revoked completely.
`Penal institutions are also concerned with monitoring the
`activities and communications of inmates. Monitoring tele-
`phone activities is necessary to restrict connections to illegal
`activities outside of the institution.
`Three existing types of call monitoring techniques are
`known in the art. The first technique is live monitoring. Live
`monitoring requires an operator or other individual to listen
`to each telephone call and alert the proper authorities if
`The second type of monitoring involves recording the
`telephone conversation via a common recording device. A
`common example of this is a recording device such as a
`magnetic tape drive. This type of monitoring may be con-
`tinuous or intermittent depending on the degree of security
`required for each inmate.
`The third type of monitoring is known as passive moni-
`toring. Passive monitoring may be activated when certain
`keywords are spoken. In addition, passive monitoring may
`be activated if the telephone call at the termination end is
`transferred to a third party via certain known detection
`means such as “click and pop” detection, etc.
`Penal institutions currently record most inmate telephone
`calls, with the exception of lawyer-inmate communications
`which are generally prohibited by law. Typically in the art,
`monitoring may occur using any combination of the three
`methods (e.g., live monitoring, electronic recording moni-
`toring, or passive monitoring). However, it would be desir-
`able for a telephone management system to embody a means
`for determining which level of telephone monitoring should
`be employed for each telephone call. For example, it would
`be advantageous to flag certain individuals in an inmate’s
`profile as highly suspicious. If the inmate initiates commu-
`nication with the flagged individual, the system will alert a
`live operator to monitor the system. In such a system it is
`essential that the system correctly identify the called indi-
`vidual to avoid unnecessary expenditure of live operators.
`Alternatively, the inmate telephone call system may uti-
`lize a remote alert notification system wherein the system
`contacts an operator when a violation has occurred. The
`system may contact the operator utilizing telephone means,
`paging means, etc. This notification system may be set to
`call the operator a limited number of times or until the alert
`has been noted in the inmate telephone call system. The
`operator may then access information about
`the alert
`remotely using the telephone, Internet, or any other such
`remote access means.
`In order to alleviate some of the problems and concerns
`discussed herein, many penal institutions have implemented
`certain task-specific advanced systems. Generally,
`“advanced” systems known in the art comprise several
`For example, it is known in current systems to employ
`permanent call blocking. Specifically, it is known in the art
`to block an inmate or group of inmates from dialing certain
`telephone numbers. Most systems also prevent inmates from
`talking directly to live operators. This prevents inmates from
`requesting that the operator forward a call or provide addi-
`tional telephone numbers allowing the inmates to harass or
`locate additional parties. Furthermore, current systems block
`“1-800,” “1-900” and other like telephone numbers includ-
`ing toll-free and pay-to-dial telephone numbers. In addition
`certain institutions may elect to block country codes, spe-
`cific area codes, or other third-party numbers.
`Current systems known in the art may also utilize a
`feature commonly referred to as “selective” call blocking.
`As discussed, “selective” call blocking may be employed to
`inmates from establishing a connection with a
`selected group of individuals (i.e., with the home telephone
`of prison guards, wardens, indictment witnesses, trial wit-
`nesses, police officers, judges, etc.). It is also foreseeable
`that the telephone numbers of the family members of these
`specific individuals may also be blocked.
`Some current systems also limit
`the use of specific
`long-distance carriers. This feature proves useful in limiting
`unnecessary costs incurred by employing alternating carri-
`systems utilize features commonly
`referred to as “flash hook” prevention or “click” and “pop”
`prevention modes. These systems prevent
`inmates from
`extending the current outgoing telephone call and entering a
`new telephone call with a new number without fully termi-
`nating the original telephone call. For example, this prevents
`an inmate from utilizing common call forwarding features
`and the like.
`US 7,333,798 B2
`In addition, some current institutional telephone systems
`electronically or manually disable the keypad after a tele-
`phone number is dialed and the telephone call is connected.
`This feature prevents inmates from interacting with tele-
`phone games and lotteries, and in certain older systems,
`prevents the inmate from achieving an unrestricted dial tone.
`Another common feature employed by institutional sys-
`tems is three-way call prevention. This feature prevents an
`inmate from instructing the called party to bridge the tele-
`phone call to another telephone number.
`Other known systems in the art may exhibit other regu-
`latory features. For example, generally, telephone commu-
`nication systems allow an institution to limit the duration of
`a telephone call and/or to limit the cost of the telephone call.
`These types of features further allow a facility to customize
`the telephone call systems thereby preventing unrecoverable
`institution telephone
`Another control used by current
`systems is the use of certain aspects of biometric recognition
`for the identification of users or inmates (i.e., the calling
`party). However, systems known in the art have only used
`biometrics to a limited extent. It is highly beneficial for
`communication systems in penal institutions to incorporate
`biometrics as an additional security device. Biometric rec-
`ognition is commonly available in a number of fields. For
`example, biometrics recognition has found a number of
`security uses, including common usage, in credit card sys-
`tems and building security systems. Biometric information
`includes fingerprints, hand geometry, voiceprints, retinal
`patterns, iris scans, signatures, infrared facial patterns, and
`all other sources which constitute unique physiological
`characteristics and which can assist in establishing a per-
`son’s identity. Various devices exist which can scan one or
`more biometric characteristics and digitize the information.
`The features discussed herein are present in several prior
`art references. For example, Hird, et al. U.S. Pat. No.
`4,890,317 disc