Paper No. 54
`Entered: July 9, 2015
`- - - - - -
`- - - - - -
`Patent Owner.
`- - - - - - -
`Cases IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098
`Patent 6,853,142
`Cases IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100
`Patent 7,604,716
`- - - - - - -
`Technology Center 1700
`- - - - - - -
`M. MEYER, DEBRA K. STEPHENS (via video link), and KEVIN F.
`TURNER (via video link), Administrative Patent Judges.
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Friday, June 12,
`2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room A, taken at the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`XIN-YI (Vincent) ZHOU, ESQ.
`O'Melveny & Myers LLP
`400 South Hope Street
`Los Angeles, California 90071
`White & Case LLP
`701 13th Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`White & Case LLP
`3000 El Camino Real
`5 Palo Alto Square, 9th Floor
`Palo Alto, California 94306
`Haynes and Boone, LLP
`2505 N. Plano Road
`Suite 4000
`Richardson, Texas 75082

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`Foley & Lardner LLP
`Washington Harbour
`3000 K Street, N.W.
`Suite 600
`Washington, D.C. 20007
`Ascenda Law Group
`333 West San Carlos Street
`Suite 200
`San Jose, California 95110
`The Gonsalves Law Firm
`2216 Beacon Lane
`Falls Church, Virginia 22043

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(10:00 a. m. )
`JUDGE C HANG: Good morning. Please be
`seated. Good mo rning , Judge Turn er and Judge Stephens.
`JUDGE S TEP HENS: Good mo rning.
`JUDGE TURNER : Good mo rning.
`JUDGE C HANG: All right. I hope ever ybod y can
`hear us. At this t i me we would like counsel to introduce
`yourself and your colleagues, begi nning with the Pe titioner.
`MR. ZHOU: Xin -Yi Zhou, I' m cou nsel for AM D.
`And I will be spe aking on behalf of the Petitioners today.
`JUDGE C HANG: Good morning.
`MR. TENNANT: Good morning, David Tennant
`with White & Cas e on behalf of the Global Foundries entities.
`With me is Natha n Zhang and Brett Ris miller. Good morning.
`JUDGE C HANG: Good morning.
`MR. O'DELL: David O' Dell on behalf of Fujitsu.
`JUDGE C HANG: Good morning. Welco me .
`MR. F ELDHAUS: And John Feldhaus on behalf of
`Renesas Corporat ion, also Renes as Ele ctronics A me rica.
`JUDGE C HANG: Good morning. Thank you .
`And Patent Owne r?
`MR. FAHM I: Go od morning, Your Honor, Tarek
`Fah mi on behalf of the P atent Own er. And with me is Greg
`JUDGE C HANG: Good morning. Thank you .

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`And this is the or al hearing for cas es
`IPR2014 -00818, 819, 821, 827, and 1098 involving patent
`6,853,142. And a lso this oral heari ng is for c ases
`IPR2014 -00807, 808, 1099 and 1100 involving patent
`The tr anscript for this consolidated oral hea ring
`will be e ntered in each of the proce edings and will b e usable
`for ac ross all cas es.
`Consistent with our previous order for ea ch
`involved patent, each part y has one hour to present it s
`argu ment . Petitioner bears the bur den of proof that the clai ms
`at issue are un patentable. The refor e, Petitioner will proceed
`first to present its case and Petitioner ma y rese rve r e buttal
`ti me . Therea fter, Patent Owner wil l respond to the P etitioner's
`After the pa rties' presentation for t he first involved
`patent, we will ha ve a lunch br eak, and the hearing will be
`resu med at 1:30 f or the second pat ent.
`Counsel, at this ti me ma y I ask whe ther you have
`de monstratives? And if you do, ca n you give a cop y to the
`court reporter?
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e.
`JUDGE C HANG: If you have a c o p y for the panel
`me mb ers.
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e.
`MR. FAHM I: Ye s.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`JUDGE C HANG: Thank you. You ma y begin an y
`ti me .
`MR. ZHOU: M a y it please the Boa rd, my n a me is
`Xin -Yi Zhou. I a m counsel for Pet itioner AM D. I will be
`presenting on behalf of the Peti tioners for the '716 patent
`I would like to re serve ten minutes for rebuttal
`MR. ZHOU: Slide 2 provides an o verview of
`Petitioner's prese ntation today for the '716 patent. With
`respect to the independent clai ms o f the '716 patent, which ar e
`clai ms 1, 14, 26, and 33, there ar e only three disputes
`presented to the Board.
`First, whether the prior a rt discloses the li mitation
`of "without developing an electrica l breakdown cond ition,"
`second, whether t he two prior art r eferences , Wang and
`Kudr yavtsev, cou ld be co mbined fo r clai ms 14 and 2 6, and,
`third, whether the prior a rt discloses a c athode adjac ent to an
`Adjudication of t hese three issues will resolve all
`issues for the independent clai ms o f the ' 716 patent. As the
`Petitioners have s hown in our pape rs, and as I will s how
`during my pr esentation today, the prior art disclose s these
`disputed limitatio ns. And a person skilled in the art would
`have found it obvious to co mbine t he cited r efer ence s.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`Slide 3 shows the cover page of the '716 patent, as
`well as its ce rtificate of corre ction. As shown on th is slide
`here, the '716 pat ent is a continuation of the '142 pa tent, which
`will be the subjec t of the pr esentation after lunch toda y.
`Like other pate nts held b y the P ate nt Owner, the
`'716 patent discloses a plas ma gene ration apparatus, a plas ma
`deposition cha mb er. Slide 4 her e s hows here , illustrates figure
`2A of the '716 pa tent.
`And figure 2 A sh ows a deposition cha mbe r having
`a cathode, highlighted in green; an anode in yello w; a gap
`between the cathode and anode in r ed; and a pulsed power
`supply, 202, in bl ue.
`The pulsed powe r supply -- turning to slide 5 now
`-- the '716 patent discloses a s yste m for generating a
`strongly-ionized plas ma without e xperiencing electrical
`breakdown condition. And this is a cco mplished b y fi rst
`generating a low power pulse, shown here in purple , and then
`followed b y a high -power pulse, shown here in blue.
`The lo w power pu lse energizes the feed gas into a
`weakl y-ionized plas ma , and the hig h power pulse tra nsfor ms
`the we akl y ionize d plas ma into a strongly -ionized pl as ma .
`Turning to slide 6 now, the onl y me chanis m
`disclosed by the ' 716 patent for ge nerating a strongly -ionized
`plas ma without e xperiencing an el ectrical b r eakdown condition
`is this two -stage process for ionizi ng the feed gas. As the
`specification discloses, the conductivity cre ated b y t he

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`weakl y-ionized plas ma substantially pr events the set up of a
`breakdown condition, even when hi gh power is applied to the
`plas ma . And the for mation of the weakl y -ionized plas ma
`substantially eli minates the possibility of creating a
`breakdown condition.
`And this is all cre ated b y the power pulse shown in
`figure 3. I want t o point out here t hat the Y axis sh ows the
`power o f the el ec trical pulse being held at a low r ange
`between T1 and T2, and at a higher range bet ween T3 and T4 .
`As I will show lat er in the presenta tion Wang
`discloses exactl y the sa me mechani s m for creating a
`strongly-ionized plas ma without e xperiencing an el ectrical
`breakdown condition.
`Now, the '716 pat ent uses ter minology that is
`slightly diffe rent fro m so me of the other patents this Board
`has heard in the l ast we ek or two. As the Board ma y rec all,
`so me of the other patents uses this ter m " without arc ing." And
`the '716 patent de scribes that as wi thout experiencing an
`electrical br eakdown condition.
`For the purpose o f the '716 patent, the ter m
`"electrical br eakdown condition" and "arcing" ar e s ynon ymous
`with each other. And this is undisputed betwee n th e parties.
`Experts fro m both parties have use d these two ter ms
`interchangeably a nd equated "with out experiencing an
`electrical br eakdown condition" to "without arcing."

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`Slide 8 shows the two representative clai ms for the
`'716 patent, clai ms 1 and 14 . Claim 1 is an apparat us clai m,
`and clai m 14 is a method clai m.
`Both clai ms ar e d irected at a s yste m and a method
`for for ming a stro ngly -ionized plas ma without developing an
`electrical br eakdown condition in the cha mber , whic h is the
`last li mitation of both clai ms.
`And this is achie ved b y first c reati ng -- gener ating
`a weakl y-ionized plas ma fro m a fee d gas, as shown h ere as
`ele ment A of both clai ms; followed b y the use of an electrical
`pulse to transform the weakl y -ionized plas ma into a
`strongly-ionized plas ma , el e ment B for both clai ms .
`The li mitation " without developing an ele ctrical
`breakdown condition" in the cha mb er is tied to ele ment B of
`both clai ms, the s tep of or the power suppl y for tr ansfor ming
`the we akl y-ionize d plas ma into a strongly -ionized pl as ma , it is
`not tied to the fir st step, ele ment A, which is the g eneration of
`a weakl y-ionized plas ma , the initial stage.
`Slide 9 here identifies the grounds under review
`through the various -- through the four IPR proceedi ngs. As
`the Board c an s ee , Wang is the pri ma r y r eferenc e for all
`clai ms of the '716 patent. And in t he 1099 IPR , Wa ng is the
`only ref erence , because all the cla i ms are being re je cted under
`anticipation grounds.
`The Board is alre ad y fa miliar with the Wang
`referenc e, so I wi ll not spend a lot of ti me going thr ough that.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`Slide 10 here shows a side -b y-side co mparison of th e plas ma
`deposition cha mb er disclosed b y the '716 patent and the
`plas ma deposition cha mber disclosed b y Wang.
`As you can see here, both deposition cha mb ers
`have a cathode an d an anode, a gap betwe en the c athode and
`anode, and a pulsed power supply. Wang's pulsed power
`supply is highlighted in blue as el e ment 80 in the lower right
`Going to slide 11, it is undisputed that Wang uses
`its pulsed DC po wer supply to gen erate an elect rical pulse. To
`highlight a portion of figure 7 on t he right, is desc ri bed b y the
`specification as a train of negative voltage pulses.
`This train of nega tive voltage pulses co mbined
`with the DC voltage fro m suppl y el e ment 100 are ap plied to
`electrical 14 to generate the power pulse shown in fi gure 6 on
`the left of slide 1 1.
`Slide 12 here ide ntifies the disputes for the three
`independent claims again. Turning to slide 13, the first
`dispute between t he parties is whet her the p rior art discloses
`the li mitation " wi thout developing an electrical brea kdown
`condition." Wan g discloses the same exact plas ma generation
`methods as disclosed b y the '716 p atent.
`Wang discloses that the lowe r port ion of the pulse,
`Pb, fi rst energize s th e fe ed gas int o a weakl y -ionize d plas ma .
`And then the higher powe r portion of the pulse, Pp, t ransfor ms
`that weakl y-ionized plas ma into a strongly -ionized plas ma .

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`As shown he re, Wang discloses that the Pb l evel i s
`chosen to be 1 kil owatt and the Pp leve l is prefe rabl y 1 ,000
`ti mes higher, whi ch would be one mega watt .
`On slide 14, Wang discloses that through this
`method, the cha mber i mpedance ch anges relativel y l ittle
`between the powe r levels, Pb and P p, since a plas ma alwa ys
`exists in the cha mber .
`Pet itioners have e xplained in our papers that this
`disclosure of the i mpedance changing relativel y little indicates
`to a person skilled in the art that t here is no electri cal
`breakdown condition within the ch a mbe r. And this is what
`Petitioner's exper t, Dr . K ortshagen, explained on the left.
`Dr . Kortshagen e xplained that Wa ng's disclosure of
`the i mpedanc e ch anging relativel y little between the two
`power levels indicates to a person of ordinar y skill in the art
`that no arcing occ urs when the high -power pulse, Pp , is
`applied to the we akl y -ionized plasma .
`Since an y a rcing would cause a dra stic change in
`the cha mber i mp e dance, as the plas ma occur in short circuits.
`In other words, i f there was an elec trical breakdown condition,
`the cha mber i mp e dance will chang e drasticall y b y dr opping to
`a value nea r z ero.
`On the right is the deposition testimon y f ro m the
`Patent Owner 's ex pert, Dr . Ha rtsough. Dr . Ha rtsough was
`given an opportunity to testif y abo ut his understanding of
`Wang's tea ching during his deposition. He confir med that the

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`fact that the i mpe dance changing r elativel y little in dicates that
`there is c ertainl y no unifor m -- unipolar arcing and Dr .
`Hartsough did not identif y an y other breakdown condition that
`could occur witho ut affecting the impedance level within the
`cha mbe r.
`Given the eviden ce within this rec ord the
`Petitioners have s hown b y a pr eponderance of evidence that
`Wang discloses this condition without developing an electrical
`breakdown condition.
`Slide 16 here co mpares side -b y-side the disclo sure
`of the '716 patent with the disclosure of Wang . The y both
`disclose exactl y t he sa me technique for preventing a n
`electrical br eakdown condition; that is to appl y a low -powe r
`pulse first followed b y a high -power pulse. And Wa ng
`discloses exactl y the s a me thing in its figure 6.
`The '716 discloses as a mechanis m for preventing
`electrical br eakdown condition the creation of a
`weakl y-ionized plas ma first , followed b y a -- transfo r ming that
`into a strongly -ionized plas ma . An d Wang discloses exactl y
`the s a me mechani s m.
`The '716 patent e xplains that the r eason wh y
`electrical br eakdown condition is prevented is becau se of the
`conductivity cr ea ted b y the weakl y -ionized plas ma within the
`plas ma cha mber , the conductivity s ubstantially preve nts the
`setup of a br eakdown condition. And Wang discloses exactl y
`the sa me thing as well .

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`The onl y exceptio n is that Wang ex plains it in
`ter ms of i mp edance, rather than co nductivity. As th e Board
`knows, i mpedanc e is just another wa y of describing
`conductivity. I mpedanc e is the in verse of conductivity.
`Conductivity expl ains -- is a measu re ment of the e ase of
`electron flow; wh ereas i mpedanc e i s just a me asure ment of
`how difficult it is for the elect ron to flow through a valle y.
`Wang discloses that the i mpedanc e changes
`relativel y little between the powe r levels, the two power
`levels. This indicates to a person of ordinar y skill in the art
`that the conductivity cr eated b y th e weakl y -ionized plas ma is
`si milar to, i f not exactl y the sa me as, the conductivit y of the
`strong ly-ionized plas ma .
`So there is no significant change in conductivity
`between the weak l y -ionized plas ma and the strongl y - ionized
`plas ma . And this is the reason given b y the '716 pat ent as to
`wh y an electrical breakdown condition is prevented.
`So co mpar ing the '716 and Wang si de -b y-side, the y
`both disclose the sa me technique f or preventing an electrical
`breakdown condition, the sa me me c hanis m, and the p h ysical - -
`the sa me ph ysical pheno menon that leads to the prev ention of
`an electrical brea kdown conditi on.
`So turning to slide 17 here , looking at clai m
`language of all four independent clai ms , the y all req uire this
`li mitation of " wit hout developing an electrical break down
`condition." For t he three apparatu s clai ms, clai ms 1 , 26, and

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`33, this li mitatio n is attached to th e power suppl y ele ment.
`And for the meth od clai m, this li mitation is attached to the
`step of suppl ying an electrical pulse ac ross the weak l y -ionized
`plas ma .
`Petitioners have s hown b y a pr eponderance of
`evidence that Wa ng discloses that without developing an
`electrical br eakdown condition li mi tation for all four of these
`clai ms .
`Turning to slide 18 now, in its resp onse the Patent
`Owne r has presen ted several argu ments distinguishing the
`Wang re ferenc e with regard to this li mitation. Fir st, the
`Patent Owner pre sents argu ments d istinguishing between
`voltage pulses and power pulses.
`This differ ence b etween voltage pulses and power
`pulses ma y b e r elevant for so me of the other patents , but it is
`not relevant for the '716 patent. The '716 p atent, all the
`independent claims recite the use of an ele ctrical pulse without
`specif ying its t yp e. There is no r e ason, and the Pat ent Owner
`has not presented an y argu ments o n wh y deter minin g an
`electrical pulse s hould be construed to be nar rowed to a
`particular t ype of electric al pulse.
`But even if an el e ctrical pulse were to be li mited to
`only either a voltage pulse or a po wer pulse, it doesn't reall y
`matte r her e bec ause Wang disclose s both t ypes of pulses.
`Wang shows a po wer pulse in figur e 6 and a voltage pulse in
`figure 7.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`Next, the P atent Owne r c riticizes an e mbodi ment ,
`the figure 4 e mbodi ment f ro m Wan g as an e mbodi me nt that
`could still lead to the generation of arcing. The figure 4
`e mbodi ment is no t relied on b y the parties here -- b y the
`Peti tioners here i n an y of the '716 IPR proc eedings.
`The figure 4 e mb odi ment of Wang, as you ma y
`recall, applies high -power pulses without maintaini ng a low Pb
`power level in be tween.
`And Wang explains that b y using this strateg y
`because the plas ma has to be r eignited at ever y pul se. The re is
`a chance that a rci ng could still occur. And Wang so lves that
`proble m b y p rese nting the solution shown in figure 6, which is
`maintaining a lo w power level Pb i n between the high power
`So Wang solves the prob le m that was identified in
`figure 4. And the Petitioners here are onl y rel ying o n the
`figure 6 e mbodi ment of Wang and are not rel ying on an y of the
`-- an y of the discl osures relating to the figure 4 e mb odi ment.
`So the P atent Owner's a rgu ments r elating t o the
`figure 4 e mbodi ment are not reall y relevant to an y of the I PR
`positions presented for the '716 pa tent.
`Lastl y, the Patent Owner argues th at even Wang's
`figure 6 e mbodi ment does not meet this li mitation be cause, as
`you will hear fro m the P atent Own e r's counsel, the ' 716 -- the
`Wang specificatio n never uses the words " without developing
`an electrical brea kdown condition."

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`As a matter of la w to anticipate a li mitation,
`identity o f ter min ology is not requi red. As the Feder al Circuit
`has explained num e rous ti mes, a p rior art ref erence does not
`need to use the sa me ter minolog y a s recited in the cl ai ms in
`order to disclose a particular li mit ation. This is ex plained in
`MPEP 2130, secti on 2131, as well as --
`JUDGE C HANG: Excuse me , coun sel. I have a
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e.
`JUDGE C HANG: Do you think MP EP -- can you
`guys hear me?
`MR. ZHOU: Yes .
`JUDGE C HANG: Oka y. Do you think MPEP
`applies here or ca n you cite us a direct quote, I mea n direct
`case la w?
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e. And this is, th is is a lso
`explained in the I n re Bond case , which is 910 F.2d 831,
`Federal Circuit, 1990. And that wa s the case that the MP EP
`section was cited.
`JUDGE C HANG: I just want to distinguish that
`because the M PEP is for exa minati on purposes for t he
`exa miner . Her e we, we appl y cas e la w directl y.
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e, I understand. So the F ederal
`Circuit precedent explains clearl y a s well that antici pation
`does not require i dentity of te r minology. So the fac t that the

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`Wang specificatio n does not use the sa me ter minol og y as , as
`the clai ms.
`JUDGE C HANG: I think that we understand that,
`but can you go through wh y one of ordinar y skill in the art,
`we, Wang, would disclose those limitations?
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e. Going back to slide 8 -- 15
`here, this is what the Petitione r's e xpert, Dr . Kortshagen,
`explained. Wh en an ele ctrical bre akdown condition happens
`within the cha mb er through arcing, the i mpedance would
`drasticall y chang e as the plas ma s hort -circuits.
`The plas ma would essentiall y for m, se rve as a
`conductor betwee n the two electric al -- betwe en the cathode
`and the anode, dr awing a high curr ent between those two
`So the i mpedance would instantaneously change to
`a ver y lo w level . The fa ct that the i mpedance changes
`relativel y little between Pb and Pp indi cates to a per son of
`ordinar y skill in t he art that there i s no electrical br eakdown
`JUDGE C HANG: Thank you.
`MR. ZHOU: So b efore I go to the next argu ment, I
`would be happ y t o address an y que stions the Board has
`regarding the " without deve loping an electrical brea kdown
`condition limitati on."
`JUDGE C HANG: I a m good. Than k you.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`MR. ZHOU: Nex t for clai ms , independent clai ms
`14 and 26, those t wo clai ms are bei ng reviewed base d on a
`co mbination of Wang and Kudr yavt sev. The Patent Owne r h as
`argued that Wang cannot be co mbi ned with Kudr yav tsev.
`There are sever al reasons, there ar e multiple reasons to
`co mbine these two refe rences.
`As we discussed, Wang discloses using electrical
`pulses to increase plas ma densit y, and Kudr yavtsev is a
`tech nical paper th at studies the eff e cts of appl ying a certain
`field, such as an electrical pulse in Wang, to a weakl y -ionized
`plas ma to increas e its plas ma densit y.
`In fact , Kudr yavtsev states, its stu dies are
`irrelevant whenever a field is suddenly applied to a
`weakl y-ionized gas.
`Turning to slide 10, Wang's goal is to generate a
`ver y high density plas ma as shown in the quote on t he top half
`of the slide.
`Kudr yavtsev prov ides a model for modeling
`fast -stage ionization, so increasing the nu mb er of at o ms in
`excited states. As shown here in t he Kudr yavtsev q uote,
`Kudr yavtsev explains the conditions under which ele ctron
`density increases exclusively in ti me due to accu mu lation of
`ato ms in the lowe st excited states. So Kudr yavtsev provides a
`model for Wang o n how you would achieve a ver y hi gh density
`plas ma .

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`One of the diff ere nces betwe en clai ms 14 and 26
`with the other two independent clai ms, clai ms 1 and 33, is that
`14 and 26 require the generation of a strongl y -ionize d plas ma
`achieved through exciting a to ms in the we akl y-ionize d plas ma .
`That's a li mitation missing fro m cl ai ms 1 and 33.
`Now, a person of skill in the art wo uld recognize
`that an y ti me you appl y a potential differenc e bet we en two
`electrodes, bet we en a cathode and an anode, the ato ms in
`between those t wo electrodes will be excited b y the potential
`energ y creat ed b y the potential voltage differ ence. This is a
`basic ph ysical e ff ect that a person of skill in the art would
`To the extent that a pe rson of skill in the art does
`not recogn ize this eff ect, Kudr yavt sev explains that when an
`electrical field is applied to a weak l y -ionized plas ma , the
`nu mber of excite d ato ms increases , which causes the plas ma
`density to increas e. Kudr yavtsev, t herefore , confir ms the
`physical mechani s m behind t he pla s ma densit y taugh t b y
`The Patent Owne r has presented se veral argu ments
`on wh y Wang can not be co mbined with Kudr yavtsev . I think
`mainl y the y recit e ph ysical differe nces like differ ences in
`cha mbe r geo metr y, the absence of a magnetic field i n
`Kudr yavtsev, and differenc es in ga s pressure bet wee n the two
`referenc es.

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`But Kudr yavtsev is not co mbined h ere for its
`cha mbe r geo metr y, magnetic field, or gas pressure.
`Kudr yavtsev is co mbined her e onl y to provide an ana l ytical
`model that explains the e ff ects beh ind the Wang dev ice.
`As I showed in a previous slide, Kudr yavtsev
`explains that its model is applicable wheneve r a fiel d is
`suddenly applied to a weakl y -ionized plas ma. In the Board's
`Institution decision, the Boa rd has alread y explained that a
`deter mination of obviousness based on the teachings fro m
`multiple re ferenc es does not requir e an actual ph ysic al
`substitution of ele ments. And the Board cited to the Feder al
`Circuit case , In r e Mouttet, 686 F. 3d 1322.
`The Board's de cision, Institution decision is
`entirel y consistent with the Supre me Court's KS R de cision
`which also found that direct ph ysic al substitution is not
`required for an o bviousness finding. A person of or dinar y
`skill in the art is also a person of o rdinar y creativit y, who can
`account for these differences like ph ysical diffe rence s in
`cha mbe r geo metr y and magnetic field and differ enc es in gas
`JUDGE C HANG: Counsel, ma y I a sk you a
`MR. ZHOU: Sur e.
`JUDGE C HANG: Sorr y for the interruption. C an
`you talk abou t th e level of ordinar y skill in the art in this
`case? Be cause we talk about one o f ordinar y skill in the art

`IPR2014-00818, -00819, -00821, -00827, and -01098 (Patent 6,853,142)
`IPR2014-00807, -00808, -01099, and -01100 (Patent 7,604,716)
`can co mbine this and understand the geo metr y and a djust the
`para meters , but c an you elaborate on what is the lev el of
`ordinar y skill in t he art?
`MR. ZHOU: So t he parties a re in general
`agree ment as to what the level of or dinar y skill in the art is.
`And I think this is defined as a per son who holds a Bachelor's
`of science degr ee in either ph ysics, material science , or
`electrical/co mputer enginee ring wi th at least t wo ye ars of
`work experienc e or equivalent in the field of plas ma -based
`processing equipment .
`And this is in the Patent Owner's e xpert's
`declaration, Dr . Hartsough's decla ration, which is Exhibit 2004
`to the '807 IP R pr oceeding at para g raph 20. And both sides
`have generall y ag reed to this level of ordinar y

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