`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.1
`Scott C Hanis
`Execution Date
`Hanis Technology, LLC
`PO Box 1389
`Rancho Santa Fe
`Postal Code:
`Property Type
`1 37831 88
`1 3783208
`Application Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Application Number:
`Application Number:
`Application Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Application Numben
`Application Number:
`Application Number:
`Patent Number:
`REEL: 030752 FRAME: 0348
`eBay, Inc. v. Advanced Auctions LLC.
`eBay Exhibit 1027, p. 1
`Fax Number:
`Conespqtdence will be sent via US Mail wtpn he bx atbmpt is unsuccesM.
`Conespondent Name: Scott C Hanis
`Address Line 1:
`PO Box 1389
`Address Line 4:
`Rancho Santa Fe. CALIFORNIA 92067
`Scott C Hanis
`/Scott C Hanis/
`Total Attachmenb: 3
`source=Second A"ssignmentsigned#page
`1 .tif
`source=Second Assignmentsigned#page2.tif
`source=Second Assignmentsigned#page3.tif
`REEL: 030752 FRAME: 0349
`eBay, Inc. v. Advanced Auctions LLC.
`eBay Exhibit 1027, p. 2
`Scott C. Hanis previously assigned the patents and patent applications listed below to Harris
`Technology, LLC. The validity of that assignment might be challenged by third parties during
`litigation. While both Scott C. Hanis and Harris Technology, LLC believe the original
`assignment was valid and transferred all interests, they wish to avoid any doubt going forward
`from today by this second Assignment. While this second Assignment in their view is
`unnecessary, executing it could nonetheless save time, expense, and streamline resolution of
`court disputes. Given the context and purpose of this second Assignment, it will begin below by
`stating that Scott C. Ha:ris owns the Patents and Patent Applications.
`In this Assignment, the phrase "Patents and Patent Applications" means the following listed
`patents and patent applications and all past, present, or future genealogically related patents and
`patent applications of any nature.
`6"?:2.458 docket "BTCS"
`6.-136.1 3{: dockef "ldiet"
`7 .263.49,1 docket "Travel"
`7.360.68S docket "CLedit"
`7,?83,672 docket "Shape"
`{5.552,5 l2 docket "Auclici"
`7.32 i.?85 docket "Broadband"
`7 .4 6(l.tt23 clocket P P2 -C :j
`1,467 .403 cL:r:ket lrnp-Passwr-rrd
`{tg / 5'7 i .1 49. I i. I eci 5 ! 24 I ?l}t.t{l doc ket " ll i i:ru etric s "
`0!-ri669,805 tiled 9!26/200t1 rloche t "RTa "
`09i690,00: fited I 0iI 6/?000, docket, "S;rarn"
`0q/682,853 fi letl I 0r'?4r'?00 I, tlockr:t " f)lY- Tnterrn et-"
`09/683.599 filed 1l?-3lt002. dock';t "Visual flaiabasc"
`O9i6lj.i,6iXi ttled I i 21 iZfi )2 dor:kel " (lon n ec{.- N et"
`I 01,r! 5 5, 85.1. hj.ed 6 i 6 | 2{i0ii dochel " Cr:runerci n}S h i p "
`i0i?i11,979, filed i 1/{i/2(n3. docket "Ernail Ke,vs"
`1{ll}54,12{! filed I/!ii 20(}4. tiocket "VideuSplit"
`IA ftAA -41 2 filed -1l I 512004 docke:t "Wirsless "
`1 0/1t :-t 5. I 1 I filed 4 l 3tll2004 docket " $parnPi c s "
`i OiS 90,?? I hlecl 7 !2 | i2004 rlockr:t " S pa.ot 3 "
`I 1 i 1 1 5,S41 tiLed 4 i26/2005 iJocket " hdP-3raclio "
`I 1,' l 1 5,SUu filed 4126/)()05 dockct " Virfnalllr!vcr"
`REEL: 030752 FRAME: 0350
`eBay, Inc. v. Advanced Auctions LLC.
`eBay Exhibit 1027, p. 3
`1li 1:6,49t1 ftled 5/L$/2005, ck-rc:kert "Fur:l Cannister2"
`1 1 I 1 26,4.q2 ti ted 5/ I {}/?(}05 tiocket " AspectRario2"
`1 1 /371 ^$62 f rlert 3ili?006 tlocket" Ctlrs$ "
`1 1 /27'7 .::\22 f iled'! I Zli I 20()fi docket " G llS W etr si teDl "
`I l/3lil,tt(X) {iieti 5i5/2006 docket "'llivt}[Jeer"
`1 1 i5 i 7,40? hled 9 /29 /2006 rlocket "TivoNetrvork "
`1 1 i 5(i5,47 5 li ted I t /:]0/?U0ti docket " PV l{Certificares "
`1 1 /6(!8"3f,? fi lcd I 2r'8i1006 rincket " IpodDigitalTrnnsii:r"
`1 1 /683.9?8 fi led -il8il007 cior:ket " 3cok:r,Sllv{ "
`i I /6 I 8. ttO I filei 3 ! 2{l ! 2{i{}7 cloc:itet " R andoirtCrypt "
`I 1 1696,557 hlexl,,tr !,4 / 2t}07 tloi:kc{ " (iPS i.xrge s "
`11i7.38.1 .\'l liled 4l)l\/)i)07 docket " Vsession"
`1 1 17 46,544 fi ted5/9/l{{}? docket "IixclusiveAccess"
`1 I/?75.705 filod 7/ I0l?007 docke:t "Slre:aminghdeclia"
`1 1 l7 7 5.7 13 f iled 7 I ltll20i)7 docket " hl edi aAd s "
`i I 1S :i 4, 3 ?4 {1k:tl 8 i 6 I 2tsfJ7 d oi:k r:1. " 0 w I J.ihr.r}rr: "
`I I i & 3 4,57 1 tlled S i 6 / 2407 d ockr:t " lvlirorlv{iror "
`I 1/86ti,.53? lllect !)i?412{X)? dncket "SoiarA{.1"
`I 1/873.81 7 filccl l0i?7/?0{}7 doi:ket "700Phonr:"
`11/956.:t34 filed l2lL3l2(X)? doi:ket "WWBD"
`| | 1956.33"7 filetl I2l T4/2(X)T d*chei "I.l Si} stacking"
`I lr0 I 3,;t34 ttled L / L?/200$ ilocket "hdediaKey'sRW"
`1 :i0 1 7,:i43, filed I 122t2{}i}8 docket "Ccll Entr1,"
`1 2 / Q25 "0Q7, tiletl 2 i 2/ 2ti0$ tl ocke l " h,l +tlri l ar I'l y bri ti "
`12 / $25 "A I7 liled 212i1008 dc,c:ket " 6Ga n toloc atirrn "
`I 2/050.95 I liietl :1 i 1 q lztl{.J8 rloc:iret " (.1e1 I CooI in gx "
`I ?/ i ? 1,68 :i hJ.ecl 5 ! 1 i i200S dockr:l. " S ptier*Cornputi:r"
`ll,' l J8,?) 1 lited 6/l ?/?0U8 docket " Huddle'l
`2,' 1 {14,03 8, fi ted f:/? 8i?i}l)B doc ket " lrl'\\,/ "
`t2/ I7,4 "7 82 f/ietl 1 | 17 l'2008 docke:t "WirelessPeripheral "
`. tzl 1'/ 4 "7 88 filed 7 I Ll I 2008 docket " Di gital Fax "
`12 / 1"1 tt,i I t hl*cl i ! 1 i i200$ tlocket " S nr nri" O v(:ri "
`1:,t 10, 196 fllled I / L4/200$ ilocket "IOGPS "
`I 2/13 3,.5 8ii fi led 9/ I !)/?{}(}8 t'lac ke{ " P}rcne.A ntiS talk "
`I 2/23 8..330 filsl 9115/1008 docket "FicToflr.r"
`12/245.1 68 fiied i iy5/2008 docket " V ideoB comb,)K "
`i 2i254.iX)g tiled l0/2{\/2(X)8 dtLckel "I)u tabaseliottf ba ll "
`1f,':68,97t1 tile:d i 1/i 1/?U08 docket "GamcAntiPirater"
`1'Ji)4{l,573lliled l:/l l;ri?008 docket "B'l'' click"
`"7 $8 l i led I 2i 30i?008 rkrcke:t " An ti Cirnh anri llliish "
`1 2/3 46
`Scott C. Hanis ("Assignor") desires to sell all interests and rights that he has in and to the
`Patents and Patent Applications.
`Harris Technology, LLC ("Assignee"), desires to purchase all rights in and to the Patents and
`Patent Applications.
`REEL: 030752 FRAME: 0351
`eBay, Inc. v. Advanced Auctions LLC.
`eBay Exhibit 1027, p. 4
`Therefore, for valuable payment and consideration given, the receipt of which is hereby
`acknowledged, Assignor hereby irrevocably and perpetually sells, assigns, and tnansfers
`(collectively "sells") to Harris Technology, LLC the full scope of whatever right, title and
`interest Assignor has remaining, if any, in and to the Patents and Prtent Applications,
`including all past, present, and funue genealogically related patents and patent applications, for
`the entire term of each and all of the Patents and Patent Applications. This sale includes the
`sale of the full scope of whatever rights Harris has remaining, if any, of all past, present, and
`future claims for damages caused by patent infringement, to the full end of the term of each and
`all of the Patents rnd Patent Applications. This is not intended to negate any effective prior
`sale to Harris Technologr, LLC but instead to make clear that if any prior sale was ineffective,
`this Assignment now transfers all remaining righr, if any, to the Patents and Prtent
`Acsignor further agrees to: (a) cooperate with Harris Technology, LLC in the protection ofthe
`patent rights and prosecution and protection of foreign counterparts; (b) execute, veriff,
`acknowledge and deliver all such further papers, including patent applications and insuuments of
`tansfer; and (c) perform such other acts as Harris Technolory, LLC laurfrrlly may request to
`obtain or maintain the Patent and any and all applications and registrations for the invention in
`any and all countries.
`The right, title and interest conveyed in this Assignment is to be held and enjoyed by Harris
`Technology, LLC and its successors as fully and exclusively as it would have been held and
`enjoyed by Assignor had this assignment not been made.
`Date and Time:
`RECORDED: 07/0812013
`REEL: 030752 FRAME: 0352
`eBay, Inc. v. Advanced Auctions LLC.
`eBay Exhibit 1027, p. 5