`Docket Number:
`~ -
`This is a request for filing a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT under 37 CFR 1.53 (c).
`\0 -\0= =
`Given Name (first and middle [if any])
`Family Name or Surname
`Residence (City and either State or Foreign Country)
`] Additional inventors are being named on page 2 attached hereto
`TITLE OF THE INVENTION (280 characters max)
`Direct a/l correspondence to:
`D Customer Number I
`Place Customer Number
`Bar Code Label here
`I~ Firm or
`Individual Name Anthony R. Barkume
`14 South Main Street, Suite 200
`i~ =
`Telephone 516·244·3503
`ENCLOSED APPLICATION PARTS (check aI/ that apply)
`Numbe,of Pages ffi
`Number of Sheets
`D Other (specify)
`~ Specification
`~ Drawing(s)
`A check or money order is enclosed to cover the filing fees
`D The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge filing fees or
`credit any overpayment to Deposit Account Number:
`The invention was made by an agency of,the United States Government or under a contract with an agency of the United States Government.
`~ No.
`D Yes, the name of the U.S. Government agency and the Government contract number are:
`Respectfully SUbm;n~
`'.1/1. ~ DATE ____ ~~~~~19~9~9 ____ _
`(if appropriate)
`SEND TO: Box Provisional Application, Assistaltt Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC 20231
`[Page 1 of 1
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 1
`Docket No. 700-155P
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 2
`Docket No. 700 155P
`The present invention relates to auction systems
`where a user specifies parameters of an item for sale in the
`auction system and where bidders submit offers for the items
`for auction.
`Prior art auction methods require a seller to
`contact an auction representative in order to place an item
`for sale through an auction process. The item is typically
`transferred to an auction location prior to the auction date.
`Bidders assemble on the auction date and bid on items of
`interest. Electronic enhancements have been made to the
`auction process to allow remote bidders and sellers to engage
`in auctions for items. These enhancements have typically
`involved facilitating the auction process while keeping the
`same general foundation where a user offers a product for
`auction through an intermediary (auctioneer) that executes the
`auction and receives bids for the item. At the end of a
`specified period of time or when no further bids are
`the intermediary closes the auction to further bidding and the
`highest bidder pays for and receives the item. While the
`seller and bidder may be represented by other parties, the
`ultimate control of the auction is performed in a centralized
`manner where the auctioneer runs the process.
`Prior art electronic auction systems on the World
`Wide Web have implemented a similar methodology to allow more
`widespread visibility of items to be auctioned to allow
`sellers to submit items for auction on-line where user's bids
`from around the world may be received and recorded as the
`auction progresses. The seller contacts an auction server to
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 3
`Docket No. 700-155P
`indicate that an item is available for sale. The seller
`identifies the item and specifies the parameters of the
`auction. The actual auction process is executed by the
`auction server in accordance with the seller specified rules
`for the auction of that item. The item does not have to be
`located where the auction is run but the auct
`server has
`the exclusive right to run the auction. When the auction is
`over, the highest bidder is contacted and the goods are
`shipped from the seller to the highest bidder. The terms for
`the sale are specified in the auction, but the coordination of
`the shipping is usually arranged between the buyer and seller.
`In order for a seller to use the auction
`, the
`seller must register and provide an item description. The
`auction sites may require that sellers provide some means of
`authentication that the items represented are of the quality
`described. Different auction sites may have different forms
`of verification or may require that the item be submitted or
`shipped to the auction site prior to auction. For those sites
`that do not require shipping the product prior to auction, the
`shipping of the product may be arranged between the seller and
`the buyer.
`sellers to offer goods for sale, the seller has to determine
`While these auction sites provide a means for
`the best auction site for the product to be sold. The seller
`may receive substantially more or less than expected depending
`on the number of bidders and what they are willing to pay.
`is therefore to the benefit of the seller to choose the best
`for that type of product. The best site may be
`the site that has the most user traffic, or it may be a
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 4
`Docket No. 700 155P
`specialized site that offers items for sale in limited classes
`of products. For example I a coin collector could offer a
`highly desirable coin for sale at a general auction site such
`as EbaYI or alternatively the coin collector may choose to
`place the coin at an auction site that caters to knowledgeable
`coin buyers. Other services may be provided to show the seller
`of similar products. This may require the
`ler to
`investigate different web sites to determine which auction
`site has the most traffic or has sold similar items at the
`highest price.
`The final sale price is ultimately dependent on the
`number of bidders for a product at that site. A seller hoping
`the highest price is therefore limited to the users
`accessing that web site that are bidding on that product.
`Auction servers have provided users with different means to
`increase the visibility of the item to be sold by establishing
`classification methods that allow the userls item to be more
`frequently retrieved by the search engine. The user typically
`pays an added amount for preferred placement of their item on
`the web pages generated. These aspects of placement I while
`providing better visibility on that web site do not offer the
`visibility beyond that auction server.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,835,896, METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR
`assigned to OnSale Inc., discloses an automated system used
`for auctions on the Internet where the user submits bids to
`the system which validates the bids and ultimately noti
`the successful bidder(s) when the auction is over. During the
`auction process, the server updates the page image stored on
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 5
`Docket No. 700-155P
`the server so new users requesting the page see the most
`recent bid information. Recently outbid users are notified
`via email of higher bids. Users may also be represented by
`automated processes (proxy bid, column 9 lines 18-35) that bid
`incrementally in an automated fashion up to a predefined user
`specified value. Different auction types are supported such
`as Standard Auction, Dutch Auction, and Progressive Auction.
`A bid closing process called "Floating Closing Time" is
`additionally disclosed whereby inactivity for a period of time
`will end the auction of the item prior to the fixed closing
`time specified in the auction.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,890,138 COMPUTER AUCTION SYSTEM,
`assigned to Bid.Com International Inc., discloses another
`Internet based auction system where users access a central
`database of products to purchase items from a quantity of
`similar items. The timeframe of the offer is strictly
`controlled and a number of items are offered where the price
`decreases unt
`of the items are sold or until the
`timeframe of the sale expires. The system updates the
`displayed availability information at periodic intervals where
`the period is shortened as the sale comes to an end.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,905,975, COMPUTER IMPLEMENTED
`system where users may define bidding rules that are
`subsequently enforced throughout the bidding process for an
`item, thus allowing users to control the amount of time that
`they are required to devote to the bidding process. The
`user's system and the auctioneers system communicate
`automatically to determine how the bidding is incremented
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 6
`Docket No. 700-155P
`according to the rules defined. Complex rules may be
`implemented where the user may specify quantities of an item
`to be purchased at various prices.
`What is desired therefore is a methodology for
`placing an item for auction that has access to and is visible
`through more than one auction service at the same time where
`the bids received by any of the auction representatives affect
`and are coordinated with each other t such that each service
`receives the reflects the highest price for that item received
`by any of the participating auction representatives.
`The objective of the system is to provide maximum
`visibility of an item to be auctioned by mirroring the
`several auction servers simultaneously (i.e. e-bay,
`OnSale.com). As the auction progresses t when a user bid is
`entered at one site, it is duplicated at the other sites where
`the item has been listed. The server process watches each
`site and creates a bid on the other sites
`corresponds to the bid made at the first site. When the sale
`is complete t
`the auction server must notify each of the other
`servers of the winner status according to the rules for that
`server. By increasing the number of bids for an item the price
`will rise, also by gaining visibility for the item, the
`has the most potential to receive the highest ultimate price.
`It is also desirable to use the functionality of the
`server of this invention to provide an optimized method for a
`bidder to have the server place bids at one or more of a
`plurality of connected auction servers for a bidder to
`identify those items with the lowest prices.
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 7
`Docket No. 700 155P
`A system and method are disclosed for coordinating
`an auction for an item between a multi-auction server t a
`plurality of remote auction servers t and a plurality of bidder
`computers t all of which are interconnected by a computer
`network. The multi-auction server performing the steps of
`receiving parameters for the item to be auctioned from a
`seller t
`transmitting the parameters for the item to a
`plurality of remote auction servers t
`throughout the auction
`detecting that a bid for the item has been received by at
`least one of the remote auction servers t determining which of
`the remote auction servers should receive a replicated bid t
`and transmitting a replicated bid to each of the remote
`auction servers so determined. A second embodiment of the
`invention describes the method wherein more than one remote
`auction server receives a bid for the item t and wherein the
`multi-auction server detects that a bid for the item has been
`received by more than one of the remote auction servers,
`establishes which of the received bids is an optimal bid for
`the item, and transmits the optimal bid as the replicated bid
`to each of the remote auction servers.
`A networked system is described for coordinating the
`sale of an item to an optimal bidder across a plurality
`remote auction servers t where the system comprises a networked
`multi-auction server system, a plurality of networked remote
`auction servers t and a plurality of bidder computers. The
`multi-auction server comprises means
`communicating with
`the plurality of remote auction server computers t means for
`replicating the item to be auctioned at the plurality of
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 8
`Docket No. 700-155P
`networked remote auction servers, means
`detecting a
`plurality of bids from a plurality of remote auction server
`computers, means for determining which of said plurality of
`detected bids is the optimal bid, and means for replicating
`the optimal bid across the plurality of remote auction server
`The remote auction servers each comprise means for
`receiving parameters for the item to be auctioned from the
`multi-auction server, means for receiving bids for the item to
`be auctioned from the plurality of bidder computers and said
`multi-auction server computer, and means for updating the bid
`for the item to be auctioned.
`The plurality of bidder computers each comprise
`means for bidding on the item to be auctioned at one of the
`remote auction servers.
`A method is additionally disclosed for allowing a
`bidder to communicate with a mUlti-auction server to request
`the multi-auction server to selectively place bids at remote
`auction servers for a plurality of items where one item is
`desired. This method comprises the bidder specifying to the
`multi-auction server the item type to be bid upon, the bidder
`specifying to the multi-auction server the
`for bidding,
`the multi-auction server determining which items at the remote
`auction servers match the bidder requested item, the multi(cid:173)
`auction server periodically checking each of the remote
`auction sites to determine which site and item to bid onr and
`the mUlti-auction server bidding on the item specified at the
`remote auction servers such that the optimal bid is active at
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 9
`one of the remote auction servers according to the bidder
`Docket No. 700-155P
`Figure 1 is a block diagram of the prior art systems
`involved in Internet-based auctions;
`Figure 2 is a diagram of the computing systems of the
`multi-auction server system of the present invention;
`Figure 3 is a diagram of the bid and replication process
`steps of the present invention;
`Figure 4 is a flow chart of the process steps for
`specifying and replicating bids across a plurality of remote
`auction servers.
`The system and method of the present invention
`provides a the ability for a seller or bidder to input
`parameters of an item to be acquired or sold to achieve the
`optimal price for the item. For a seller, the system allows
`sellers to maximize the visibility of the item to be auctioned
`by replicating the item across a plurality of auction
`locations. For a bidder, the system provides the ability for
`a bidder to specify bid rules to determine where and how to
`best achieve the purchasing objectives of the bidder across a
`plurality of auction locations.
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 10
`Docket No. 700-155P
`The prior art method of selling and buying items
`through networked computer-based auction systems will be
`described with respect to Figure 1 in order for the user to
`more fully appreciate the advances afforded by this system for
`the seller and bidder. For example, in Internet auctions of
`the prior art, the seller from a seller computer system 10
`determines which remote auction server to use to sell the item
`to be auctioned. The remote auction server for the purposes
`of this disclosure, may represent an auction service portal
`such as provided by eBay (remote auction server 12), while
`auction server 14 may be used to represent the auction
`services provided by Yahoo. The seller uses a computer 10 to
`connect over the Internet 16 to one of the servers (12 or 14) .
`Supposing the seller selects the eBay server 12, the seller
`then specifies the description, quantity, auction close date
`and optionally a reserve price of the object. A plurality of
`bidders from bidder computers 20,22 may connect to the eBay
`server 12 to view the seller's description and review prior
`bid activity or to place a bid on the item. Once the auction
`begins, bids for the item are processed strictly through the
`seller selected auction server (eBay) until the close of the
`auction. The bidders may not bid on this item from any other
`auction server. The seller 10 then contacts the winning
`bidder 20 and shipping and payment are arranged between the
`seller and the bidder. As part of the auction closing
`process, the auction server 12 charges the seller an insertion
`fee for running the auction, where the cost is either based on
`the final sale price of the item or a fixed fee depending on
`the type of item. The fee is either charged to an account
`held for the seller in the remote auction server or the
`seller's credit card is charged the fee.
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 11
`Docket No. 700-155P
`A networked system is described for implementing the
`aforementioned method of coordinating the sale of an item to
`an optimal bidder across a plurality of remote auction
`servers, where the system comprises a networked multi-auction
`server system, a plurality of networked remote auction
`servers, and a plurality of bidder computers. The multi(cid:173)
`auction server comprises communications means to transfer
`parameters of the item to be auctioned to the plurality of
`networked remote auction servers, means for detecting a
`plurality of bids from a plurality of remote auction server
`computers for the item, means for determining which of said
`plurality of detected bids is the optimal bid, and means for
`replicating the optimal bid across the plurality of remote
`auction server computers.
`The remote auction servers each comprise means for
`receiving parameters for the item to be auctioned from the
`multi-auction server, means for receiving bids for the item to
`be auctioned from the plurality of bidder computers and
`multi-auction server computer, and means for updating the bid
`for the item to be auctioned.
`means for bidding on the item to be auctioned at one of the
`The plurality of bidder computers each comprise
`remote auction servers.
`The multi-auction server comprises one or more
`computing devices with memory means for storing parameters of
`the items to be auctioned, and identification data for the
`sellers and bidders, and selling rules and bidding rules.
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 12
`Docket No. 700-155P
`Preferably a database is used to contain these items where
`individual items are stored as data records that have
`relationships to the bids received. The means for detecting
`will be described in detail in the description of the method
`of the present invention. The remote auction server
`composition is commonly known in the prior art and the means
`for receiving bids is based in Internet accessibility via the
`World Wide Web where a plurality of bidders operating from
`computing devices may submit bids for an item of interest.
`In contrast to the aforementioned
`art method
`of conducting an auction, the method and system of the present
`invention (see Figure 2) comprises a seller 10, multi auction
`agent 30, a plurality of remote auction
`ives 12, 14
`and a plurality of bidders 20, 22 where the multi-auction
`agent 30 places an item for auction through the plurality
`remote auction representatives 12, 14 where the bidders may
`bid via any of the representatives where the multi-auction
`agent 30 coordinates the bids by replicating the bids to the
`participating remote auction representatives 12, 14 that are
`determined by the multi-auction agent30 .
`In addition to a manual mode of operation, this
`system may be implemented in a computerized method of
`In this manner either phone-based communications
`or computer-based coordination may be employed to repl
`bids for an item to be sold. The multi-auction agent 30 (or
`server) performs the functions required to provide bid
`detection and replication for the system. The remote auction
`representative 12, 14 (or server) performs the tasks of
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 13
`Docket No. 700-155P
`executing the auction and managing bids received by that
`remote auction representative.
`In a simplistic version of the present invention,
`the method of replicating an item across a plurality of remote
`auction servers comprises the steps of transmitting the
`parameters for the item to be auctioned to the remote auct
`representatives; detecting that a bid for the item has been
`received by at least one of the remote auction
`representatives; determining which of the remote auction
`representatives should receive a replicated bid; and
`transmitting the replicated bid to each of the remote auction
`representatives so determined.
`1m ~;
`In a comprehensive version of the invention (see
`Figure 3 and 4) where computers or other communication means
`are used to coordinate activities, the seller 16 contacts the
`multi-auction agent 30 at step 100, the seller 16
`identification data to the multi-auction agent 30 and
`describes the item or items to be sold at auction at step 104.
`In the preferred embodiment, the multi auction agent performs
`an optional check to review historical records at step 110 to
`determine how similar items have sold. The multi auction
`agent determines from the historical information the optimum
`parameters to be applied to the items at step 112.
`If the seller has more than one item, at step 116
`the items may be sold together or separately.
`If the items
`are different but make up a set, they would probably be sold
`together. Alternatively the items could be auctioned
`separately, where each item would be described for sale
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 14
`Docket No. 700 155P
`individually at step 120.
`If the items were the same,
`different auction methods could be employed to maximize the
`final auction price of the items.
`In one method, one item at
`a time could be released to remote auction representatives to
`be auctioned.
`In another version, the items could be listed
`as one item to be sold, where multiple bidders may be allowed
`to bid for less than the quantity available. A reserve price
`established by the seller may be used to restrict or select
`the bids that may win the auction by finding the combination
`of bids for a particular quantity of an item that meet or
`exceed the total reserve specified by the seller. For example
`if a seller has three items that are to be sold, bidders may
`be able to bid on one I
`two or all three of the items l where
`the bidder specifies in the bid the number requested and the
`corresponding bid price. The multi-auction server may select
`a combination of bidders from several remote auction servers
`to be combined to meet the reserve price established by the
`seller. The seller may specify that anyone item exceeding
`the unit price as determined from the reserve price and the
`available quantity, may be sold individually or the seller may
`accept a combination of bids where higher than reserve and
`below reserve bids in combination exceed the minimum bid
`price. Multiple bidders may also be successful in the Dutch
`auction format where the bids decrease until the final bid
`price is determined. These bids are replicated in a similar
`The determining means of the multi-auction agent
`determines which remote auction representatives are to be
`contacted at step 124. This determination may be based on
`historical records or known auction locations
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 15
`Docket No. 700 155P
`If an item to be auctioned can be listed at step 130
`under more than one category or with different descriptive
`information, the item may be transmitted to the remote auction
`representative more than once where each occurrence is linked
`to each other by the multi-auction agent without causing the
`remote auction representative to perform any coordination
`remote auction representatives to "list ll the item for an
`The multi-auction agent at this point contacts the
`upcoming auction. The agent may use the information determined
`in the prior steps to generate the descriptive information
`that is included in the auction request.
`In the preferred
`embodiment, the communications means of the multi-auction
`agent contacts each of the remote representatives and relays
`(transmits) a record for a seller for the remote auction
`representative to process into its system at step 140. In more
`sophisticated systems, the remote auction server typically
`generates some type of confirmation number and indicia to
`identify the item which may then be recorded in memory of the
`system by the multi-auction agent and is used for subsequent
`communications. The agent may specify the parameters of the
`offer to include some or all of the following: starting date
`and time; closing date and time; reserve price; quantity of
`items; item description which may comprise in addition to
`text, graphic representation such as image file, photograph;
`audio file; video clip or other content that provides a
`representation of the item. These parameters may be defined
`by the sel
`or be generated by the multi-auction agent.
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 16
`Docket No. 700-155P
`An item to be auctioned is identified at the remote
`auction representative by the submitting entity where this may
`refer to the identity of the seller or the multi-auction agent
`may supply contact information indicative of the multi-auction
`agent to the remote auction representative. In the case where
`the item is listed on a remote auction server several times
`under different nomenclature where each of the references are
`traceable back to one item for auction, the multi-auction
`agent needs to track the bids to assure that while each
`appears to be a different item, they are in fact replications
`of the same item.
`The active auction for the item is started by
`remote auction representatives where the multi-auction server
`detects the bids received by the remote auction representative
`for the item or items at step 144. The multi auction
`representative determines which of the remote auction
`representatives are to receive replicated bids at step 150.
`The bids are replicated at step 154 at the remote auction
`servers that were determined at step 150. This detection,
`determining and replication steps are repeated until the end
`or close of the action at step 160. The detailed operation of
`the bidding through closing process steps will be described
`more fully below.
`A detailed flow of the bid process will now be
`described with respect to Figure 3.
`In the preferred
`embodiment of a computerized version of the system, following
`the initial definition of the parameters of the item by the
`seller to the multi-auction server (step 200), the multi
`auction server contacts each of the remote auction servers
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 17
`Docket No. 700-155P
`(210, and 212) that have been selected to auction the item as
`previously described. Each of the remote auction servers
`initiates the auction independently of each other as if they
`had total control of the auction process.
`If the bidder 20 makes a bid at remote auction
`server 12 (step 220), the multi-auction server 30 detects the
`bid (step 222) by watching each of the items being auctioned
`by each of the remote auction representatives to detect when a
`bid occurs on that item.
`In the preferred embodiment this
`detection may be based on the reception of a message generated
`by the remote auction representative whenever the item
`receives a bid. This message may be an email notification
`message, a phone call, a satellite pager message or any other
`type of communication generated from the remote auction
`representative. Alternatively the detection may be based upon
`data updates at the remote auction representative web site,
`where the update reflects a change in the bid amount that is
`detectable remotely by the multi-auction agent. The multi-
`auction agent may use the functionality provided by the remote
`auction server where a bid causes current bidders or the
`seller to be notified of bids for the item. A starting bid
`may be placed by the remote auction agent to begin the
`notification process if required or permitted.
`If the remote
`auction does not support this type of notification process the
`multi-auction agent may periodically request a refresh of the
`bid information for the item.
`In this manner a plurality of
`virtual connections may be established between the remote
`auction representatives' web site's for each item page and
`multi-auction agent, where in response to a request
`refresh of the page contents, the remote auction
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 18
`Docket No. 700-155P
`representative prepares and sends the response containing the
`remote current bid information/ upon receipt the multi-auction
`agent may parse the content received to determine a change in
`the bid as compared to the known bid by the multi auction
`If more than one bid is detected with the same bid
`value a priority scheme is used to determine which bid is the
`optimal bid.
`In the preferred embodiment, this priority
`scheme checks the time stamp of the bid as stored by the
`remote auction representative. This time stamp is compared
`between each of the bids having the same bid value to
`determine which bid is the first received. A local table may
`be used to synchronize times for each remote server where the
`time reported is compared to a local standard and the
`differences or offsets are used to normalize the times such
`that they are adjusted to one standard. This standard time is
`used to determine which bid is the first bid received. A
`correction request may be submitted to the remote auction
`server to modify the current high bidder to the bidder
`determined by the remote auction bidder.
`If this
`functionality is not supported, the multi-auction server
`records the true actual bidder that has the current high value
`based on this time analysis. This type of reconciliat
`would not be required in the middle of the auction, but is
`significant at the end of the auction and will be addressed
`during the description of the closing process.
`The system can operate where the multi-auction
`server responds immediately to the detection at the remote
`auction servers where the multi auction server contacts each
`of the remote auction servers to replicate the detected bid/
`or the multi auction server may communicate with
`of the
`eBay Ex. 1025, Page 19
`Docket No. 700 155P
`remote auction servers to retrieve the current bid for the
`item to identify the optimal bidder from those pending bids
`prior to replicating that optimal bid. This optimal bid is
`then replicated at each of the remote auction server
`In one embodiment, the multi-auction agent
`periodically communicates with each of the selected remote
`auction representatives where the period is a function of the
`activities occurring at the auction being executed by the
`remote auction representative. When the period is based on
`the time remaining to the close of the auction, the multi(cid:173)
`auction agent may con